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1.7k · Feb 2021
No debts to pay
Jonas Feb 2021
You don't know me.
I read books, listen to music, watch movies, meet friends.
I cook, I bake, I drink,  sometimes to much.
I learn new things, sometimes not enough.
I work, eat, sleep , repeat.
I draw, I wirte, I exercise.
I try to date to the date.
I have good days and I have bad days.
I struggle everyday, more than you can see.
I do all these things, trying out new ways to be me,
  that you know nothing about.

Now you don't get to look down on,
Don't you dare try lecturing me.

For you left when I was a child
and didn't care to visit.
Now you're back in my life
but it's not for my good, is it?

I owe you nothing.
Keep your distance.
gotta love your family
1.3k · Feb 2021
Jonas Feb 2021
who are you
to stand in my way so steadily
said the woodpecker
to the tree
1.1k · Feb 2021
Freedom at last
Jonas Feb 2021
Break out of my world
let go of the shackles
free the chainend
no strings attached
wrapped around my neck
breath freely
at last
don't look back
what a beautiful mind
may you find the answers I'm missing
993 · Apr 2021
Jonas Apr 2021
Missing out or
being left beind
which is worse?

As if you had the choice ...
882 · Mar 2021
breakfast talks
Jonas Mar 2021
"Yeah I know, I know.

It's okay to show emotion,
to let it out sometimes.
I'll be careful yes.
I'll ask for help if I need any.
Onions and garlic to the oil for more fragnance, right?
I forgot the lasagne recipe tho.
I got skinnier? You think?
Swalloing food isn't easy at the moment, I'm trying.
Hm? Ah stain, where?
I just washed it tho.
How do you get ink stains out?
And red wine?
Yes I will go easy on the alcohol.
Work has been rough. I'm not good with...
I said work has been rough lately.
No you're not deaf. I just mumble you know that.
My teeth are in fact not stuck together. See? grrrr
At least the stuttering got better.
I actually managed to ask out a women the other day.
Yes she is cute.
That's why I never tell you anything.
I'm getting a bit cold here.
Hope you don't mind that I borrowed your coat.
It just fits me so much better than you.
No but the colour brings out my pretty eyes so much better.
Yeah I know I got your eyes, you kept telling me.
Better get going or I'll miss the train.
I'll see you then.
Bye Mom."

rests flowers on her grave
Just because I'm strong, selfsufficent and an adult and stuff doesn't mean I don't need you.
873 · May 2021
memory / edit
Jonas May 2021
We tend to forget our past struggles
The details
of pains gone by
and obstacles overcome.
Until life reminds us again
to be thankful.
I am thankful today.
I can walk,, run and bike freely for hours and that's normal. It wasn't always like that. It could have ended differently. It still might. But for now. Thank you so much.
668 · Apr 2021
what a life
Jonas Apr 2021
how much **** can you take
before you break
******* everything
in your way
659 · Dec 2023
Jonas Dec 2023
The world didn't want me
Up about
And walking in it

All I can do
Try to go back to sleep

And hope
For a better future
A kinder tomorrow
653 · Feb 2021
Jonas Feb 2021
So you're going then?
Yes I'm leaving
... me behind, again.
For some time, I'm coming back .... I think
Why are you doing this? What are you looking for?
Experience, Purpose, Answers, Determination
 Love, Life, Death,
Memories of the future
and whatever all of that summs up to

It hurts to see you go.
I know,but you know what?
It means it has been real
It means it has been worth it
Getting left hurts, please don't leave me behind
Stay clear of open windows
I'll be seeing you my old friend
649 · Feb 2021
Jonas Feb 2021
Aufstehen, von der Sonne geweckt

der erste Kaffe steht bereit
Katzen die sich in Gärten strecken
du liest ein Buch, das tu ich auch
die Hängematte, schwingt zwischen den Tannen
Tauben zirpen, Zickarden gurren
dein Eis schmilzt und tropft
sonnengebleichte Haare steht in die Richtung des Windes
braungebrannte Haut schwitzig, später salzverkrustet
Sonnencremduft, an uns
Pommes rotweiß an den Fingern, klebrig
die Sonne blendet, ist  schon okay
Wellenrauschen, tobende Kinder kreischen
Sand zwischen den Zehen
du neben mir auf dem Handtuch
gemeinsam dösen
gehen wir nochmal rein?
Gösser, der letzte Schluck
ein bisschien zu warm
Dämmerung Barfuß auf dem Fahrrad
Lagerfeuerrauch in Augen und Nase,
blaue Flamme Knack zisch
weinrotgefärbte Lippen, Zungen so schwer wie der Kopf

Bis morgen!
625 · Dec 2023
Russian roulette
Jonas Dec 2023
It feels like

They pushed

Too often
620 · Feb 2021
The sound of
Jonas Feb 2021
rats fleeing through sewers
screeching in vain
blood dripping from cut after cut
paper thin pain

the swelling sobbing thunder
louder than ever
ringing the bells
from the highest tower torn asunder

tears crashing
lighting strikes again and again
a mother's inaudible cry
for her baby boy
time gone by
dead in pointless struggle

for that too is part of life
never forget my friend
happiness is a privilege
I'll leave you with that
- the end -
594 · Jun 2023
Jonas Jun 2023
Working in gastromony taught me some things
in life
everything gets more intense

when you add a little salt

580 · May 2021
keep'em coming
Jonas May 2021
Gods great plan.
He's testing us.
Stones laid in our way.
What doesn't **** you
makes you live
a little longer.

This is not a test.
It's a personal vendetta.
Said stones aren't laying around
they're aiming for my head.
And I can't keep avoiding them,
dodging 'em forever.
531 · Feb 2021
get out
Jonas Feb 2021
I'm looking for Meaning
for answers to the questions blurry in my mind
visable through my screaming heart
my aching chest
the hole in the middle
where my soul ought to be
fighting for room, fighting for breath
I'm looking for Love
whatever that is supposed to be
a gift, a curse, a savior
freedom of me
try not to run away
at first sight
I'm looking for Death
for it is a choice
but binding by nature
face it
accept or despair
one can not wander in a painting
without minding the frame
I'm looking for Purpose
for me to face myself
in no mirror
you weak, fragile, useless being
find your use
don't be to ******* yourself
they say
I'm looking for many things in Life
yet do not open the door
I am scared
live to die another day
in my bedroom
get out
one step at a time
It's natural to be scared
that's how you become brave.
503 · Mar 2021
Jonas Mar 2021
I'm living life
I'm doing fine
I'm in control

Something happens
something I do perhaps
a decision, a mood, an impulse
maybe someone

I stutter, stumble
fall right out of it
head first to the concrete

Everything is wrong
the movments of my body
the placement of my feet
what is reality?

Top down view
front row
what a **** show

Everything is to much
peoples chatter humming, building up
sun light blinding to my eyes
stop looking at me

Here we go again
take it from the top
more like bottom, crawling up

Does it get better or worse
easier or harder
strong or weak
whith each run?

What's the grand prize?
Everything feels wrong again
It's groundhog day all over again
495 · Feb 2021
Jonas Feb 2021
I'm good
most of the time
I'm in control
I'm satisfied, I can feel happines

But sometimes a feeling comes crashing over me
out of nowhere
like when you finish a good book
the end credits roll
of a movie all so beautiful
emptiness sitting on your chest so heavily
I can't cry
no release granted
"pain demands to be felt"
my heart breaks, my mind trying to keep up
my heart can't keep up, my mind breaks loose
the despair of ficitional characters
familiar but strangers all the same
not real but reality to me
I care for them, being dead inside
"face death, deal with it or lose yourself"
the last page is turned
the story stopped
all are dead and yet alive
in me
not enough room, make way

I try to numb it out to get back in control
whisky burns my lips
smoke scratches my throat
whishing for release
lose it, keep it tucked in forever
though I feel, finally
I want to punish myself
I lose control for good
emotions bundle up to the surface
make up for time lost before
drunk texting
regret in the morning after
I need to express myself
to you, to anyone, get it out
there is no one here

pain of the world
all in one
tiny little heart so fragile
I'm made up of stories

My friend can I come over
I'm in that mood again
485 · Feb 2021
The answer is -strength-
Jonas Feb 2021
How can you get success , love and happiness?
Strength!          [Why do you ask me that?]

What if you can't be succesful alone?
More Strength                                    [ pls...]

What if you need to accept weakness to love?
Grow stronger!                                 [stop it]

What if that doesn‘t make you …
STRENGTH!                                 [I can‘t ...]

You are none of these things are you?
Stop it!                               [ STRENGTHH!]
You‘re lost aren‘t you?
Help me ... I am broken       [I hate myself ]
Oh the irony ,when being weak and vulnurable takes the biggest strength.
Being brave does not mean acting without fear, it means acting despite of the crushing feeling of it.
465 · Feb 2021
poetry, the
Jonas Feb 2021
emotions put into thoughts
thoughts into words
(play around)
words into you
(emotion again)
now you can feel them too
your turn
P. is emotion turnend into thoughts, expressed through words conveying emotions yet again for someone to relate and resonance to.
It's also a game.
Press Play
460 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
Ready your tea cups and bring out the biscuits,
it's time for gossip.
459 · Aug 2021
goodbye sailor
Jonas Aug 2021
You are to me like the most beautiful ocean,
How many times does one die when drowning?
421 · Jul 2021
Jonas Jul 2021
I fall out of time
and have to force my way back
crawl to the surface
of this demanding reality
418 · Apr 2022
Don't wanna know
Jonas Apr 2022
What's it like,
being happy witout a care?
A puppy in the sun
407 · May 2022
Jonas May 2022
I wanted to be healthy
to be happy, to be loved,

to stay kind whatever the struggle

None of it worked out
404 · Mar 2021
monster, the(me)
Jonas Mar 2021
They know

something is teribly wrong
with me
something is off
I'm not right
not normal
They can see
sense it
can't pin it down
find excuses
but They know
350 · Sep 2023
weak point
Jonas Sep 2023
People who hug you back tightly,
and won't let go
just because you do.
334 · Sep 2021
A perfect storm
Jonas Sep 2021
Heavy sinks the sailors heart
He pulled through sun, sea and storm on the daily
But this change of course
he could not have forseen

When the sails are singing tales
of loved ones left behind
waves come crashing down on him
His soul is swept away

Being lost at sea, now
sun rays touch his face
Beneath the surface
he rests

happily ever after
311 · Jan 2024
sunrise in a desert
Jonas Jan 2024
You could smell the sun rising
Before the first rays touched you
Before the light reached you
To chase away the stifness in your joints
The coldness in your bones

An open promise
Of warmth spreading back into the world
Chasing away the dark,
Bringing back it's colour
Once more

I open up my mind
Let in a little light
Breathe deep
To feel alive again
293 · Aug 2023
Hey you, wake up
Jonas Aug 2023
I'm gonna need you to listen to me
I know it's hard
Believe me I know it's hard
and very selfish of me to ask
But I need you to try

Try with all your little might and heart
with all the breath your lungs can muster

I need you to be brave
to feel the fear but not go numb from it
in and out
Keep trying and keep failing

You might feel sick,
that's okay
You might feel weak
and yes you are,
that's okay too

But you're never worthless
don't ever believe it, don't give in to the voices
Shove them back, let them roar
Believe me you can roar much louder
if you have to, need to
take breaks but never stop

Go on
don't ever give up on life,
whatever be the pace, always go on
Never hide yourself from the world
You hear me?

It matters, it really does
you matter
if not to you than at the very least to me,
to lots of people actually wether or not you believe it
whether or not you can see

So stick around for the nexts
the next round, the next day
Please don't leave me
I'm begging you
Do it for yourself, or do it for me

Just do it,
please just stay
just hold out out
a little longer.
276 · Jul 2021
It's okay
Jonas Jul 2021
You're allowed to fall
through all safety nets
for a while
but breaking
is not an option
dear friend
272 · Mar 2021
victors history
Jonas Mar 2021
the victim
the accuser
or the perpetrator

a scheme
a cause
or a result

one great plan
the cycle of life
or  a random mess

a matter of perspective

266 · Mar 2022
english breakfast
Jonas Mar 2022
I'm your cup of tea

left alone for to long,
grown cold and bitter
261 · May 2021
Jonas May 2021
yes or no
positive or negative
affirmation or negation
the differnce matters

except when it doesn't
for we are
"past the point of returning"
"past the point of no return"
256 · Jun 2022
Jonas Jun 2022
Burn out
Burn on
Bring it on
249 · Jun 2023
Pen and Paper
Jonas Jun 2023
Words just seem to come to me
on the fly
materialize out of nothingness

If they feel like it
that is,
They're a bit picky.

Till I find an order that sits just right
in my head
Although it might no seem that way to you.

I guess it's called style.
240 · Jun 2022
Jonas Jun 2022
When I work I burn out
when I stop working my mental issues surfcace again.
When I go to therapy my life is nothing but work and mental issues.
238 · Mar 2022
Jonas Mar 2022
our days are numbered
time is running thin
change is coming
say goodbye to your kin

it breaks out
like a volcano in the night
you wake up in another world
unable to turn back, you take up the fight
231 · May 2024
Dream a little
Jonas May 2024
I want a dog and a cat
A wall with shelf after shelf
Filled with all the books that I’ve read
I want a house in the forest, near a lake
And a place to grow old and slowly forget
A peacful way to live

I’d like you to join me there
If you can
To stay by my side
Watching the time go by
Everyday that I wake up
With a smile

Eternally grateful for the day that we met
And the nights that came after
229 · May 2023
Jonas May 2023
"Be the good you want to see in other people"
oder so

- was Ghandi sagt
221 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
Feels cold now doesn't it?
The flame almost went out.

Question is, are you here to rekindle
or to put a boot to the embers?
209 · Jun 2023
flyers chant
Jonas Jun 2023
I shall be remembered not by success and accomplishment
but by the kidness I gave to others.
I shall be recalled by my brightest laugh,
  the dimples of my cheeks
As a steady shoulder to my friends,
  an open ear to their stories.

But first things first
If you can do it, I too
can live.
204 · Apr 2022
it's cold inside
Jonas Apr 2022
A warm tea in hand
the world looks brighter,

make me  a chai
my soul is freezing over.
202 · Sep 2022
the old watchtower
Jonas Sep 2022
I don't care about anything
don't bother me
leave me alone

there will always be a little of that
left in me
my last resort
199 · Jun 2023
Jonas Jun 2023
I smoke cause the hole in my chest can never be filled,
I work out tirelessly cause I can never be enough

So when I go to bed at night
I can beat myself up over smoking to much and lifting to little.
199 · Aug 2024
Hitting walls heads first
Jonas Aug 2024
Am I a boy or am I the man?

I've been so fixiated on getting it right
When life is really about getting it wrong sometimes
Over and over
Don't overthink it, let's just try that again
Hitting walls head first for an epiphany
Until you figure it out

It's not about avoiding the mess
Ir's abot going through
Come up for air once in a while
When you need to
Take a break

We can make sense of things in hindsight
When we're old and have the time
To be a little more than none the wiser
199 · Jun 2023
ADHS + depression
Jonas Jun 2023
I keep running, moving, pushing,
gaslighting myself.
Chased by the fear
that the moment I stop moving
I'll be falling back into that hole.

That grey bottomless pit
Where nothing goes in or out
Where nothing matters anymore
x times gravity to the ground

I'm a ticking time bomb,
implosion is inevitable
A strong urge to lay down,

Just give up
197 · Feb 2021
[My] reality
Jonas Feb 2021
Drowning in myself,
getting lost in my reality

  [ there's no such thing ]   
But how can that be?
   For you are sitting here, right next to me
    breathing, loving  ... verbally

[ why me? ]

you are a person                                             [ not my solution ]
and I am still
just uterlly alone                                                  [ just so lonely ]

 ...   how much longer?
You are in a room with a friend or lover: "reality" nmbr.1
You are in your head at the same time: "reality" nmbr.2
Both overlap, what's what, what's true?
192 · Jan 2022
Jonas Jan 2022
how all I need to forget myself,
forget my troubles

Is to hear you chuckle
hear you moan

with me.
185 · Feb 2022
Good morning
Jonas Feb 2022
What to do,

read a book in the sun
pair a cigarette with coffe
visit your old hometown
work till you tire from exhaustion
work out and hate yourself
stare at the sky and listen to the wind,

when you can't be hugged,
can't be loved.
184 · Jun 2023
Jonas Jun 2023
you taught me
taught me by example.

To be your honest and most authentic self.
Which made it hard for me to be myself.
I didn't know who I was anyway.
But now I see you are holding yourself back for me,
holding back the questions that must be killing you,
to ask,
"Are you okay, is my child happy?"
The fears of getting left (again), of being unworthy of love.
The fear you inherited, as did I.
Did you fail everyone?
Are you here with me listening, or is your head back in your mothers kitchen?
You have to fight for every word from me.

You taught me to hone my perception, to watch, to listen, to learn
To appreciate living life which always seemed the most beautiful to you,
no matter your circumstances.
You saw things in the sun, the flowers and the birds,
the way clouds shape forms and the wind dances in the trees.
Life was always worth living to you, without question.

So now I notice the tears in your eyes everytime we meet.
I notice how you dress up prettier than to any date you ever went to in the past, just for me.
That you wear the little black bracelet I gifted you to your birthday on a wimp, picked up fom a market stand, passing by ages ago.
It doesn't really go with much,

I notice that you have to swallow your pride and
practically beg for my time, a glipse of my life
chase me, drive me into a corner so I can't evade you
Just so I can keep mine.
It hurts me too to see.

I can't give you what you want,
You hurt me growing up, helped mess me up,
triyng to help
I've always been lonely, always alone, isolation became comfort.
I needed a mother. Someone to take care of me, guide me, force me.
Yes, fight me cause I was the enemey. And I was fierce.
But you couldn't. You were still looking for answers yourself.

I couldn't wait for you to finally find them.
I had to go on, go through without you, build my own stability.
So I build many walls brick on brick, and I stacked high.
Even more between us, thicker than blood.
Because a mothers word is like a sledge hammer.
It breaks through wether you like it or not.
Always hits home, my neglected, angry, lost, little heart.
The world always seemed to much for me.

Yesterday a friend held me and didn't let go, let me escape,
Another let me rest in her lap and went through my hair.
The last time I had that and accepted it...
I can't remember
It's already hard to allow myself peace, worse even love,
but almost impossible to ask for it.

I'm slowly healing now, dancing through streets,
singing along to music so the neighbours can hear
Being my most authentic self without any forcing or faking.
Bringing out my innocent, cheeky childlike side to the light.
A honest smile without hiding the sadness in my eyes.
Trying to be brave to try and evantually fail again.
To walk the world and not look down, nor avert my gaze,
run and hide away.

I'm meeting people who support me, encourage me, push me.
Ther are so few of them, who care.
Maybe to few.
I'm still not very good at it. But it's getting better.

Opening up would still mean breaking my heart and yours too
it would mean hurting you, bringing you to tears again.
I don't want that.
You've been hurt enough, I've hurt you enough.

I can't take care of you. I can hardly do so for myself.
I'm still unable to cry for myself. Even when I try to push it.
I don't think things will ever be okay. I don't think we will ever have a family. That's not brokem.
But that's okay.

Honestly I don't think I really want to be fine.
I don't want to be fixed.
It's a part of me. This is me.
It has been for such a long time, I wouldn't know what to do without it.
It is my strenght and my weakness, my anchor and the strom.
My cage that I'm trapped in. Locked from the inside.
It feels safer here. I get to be in control for the most part.

I'm sorry mom,
I'm trying.
But some things can't be undone. Some things stay broken.
It's in the cracks where I  can find the most beauty in life.
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