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Mar 2015 · 437
Life is too **** short and sad to chose to be a boring person.
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Funk the Times
"What is this, the '80s?!"

"What are you, chairman of the
'Let's Break It Down and Cram It Into Boxes' Committee?
I don't give a flying funk what decade it is,
I'm gonna wear whatever helps me to feel alive,
even if it's a little unconventional or perhaps dated."
Feelin' sassy.

Life is too **** short and sad to be a boring person.
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
A Wolf in Freaks' Clothing
"Hah! You look so ridiculous!
What are you, some sorta freak?"

"Well, you look so status-quo,
very much like everyone else.
Wearing this, I'll meet interesting people,
wearing that, you'll meet boring people.
To be certain,
I am at least one kind of freak,
but at least I serve to entertain:
you're welcome for the free smile."
Life is the biggest Festival:
Dress accordingly.
Mar 2015 · 362
Live Now
You've gotta take it as it comes
and do the best you can,
if that isn't good enough
a true friend would understand.
Mar 2015 · 2.6k
Creating art is feeling it out.
Thinking that you can't or shouldn't is the surest way not to.
Mar 2015 · 418
Guitar/Music Lesson #1
It's the very same as anything else!
If you want to get into playing Music,
Find what you cannot stop listening to
because it makes you feel alive
and captivates your soul,
then emulate that.
Deconstruct that.
Reconstruct that.
Abstract from it a little.
Abstract from that yet further.
Learn to talk about what makes it sound that way.
Then, let's talk about what you like to play and why.
It has to begin within.
You must treat it like a plant if you want it to blossom.
If you want to do it, you won't be able to stop yourself.
You've gotta let it flow through you.
It's got to originate within you.

Practice is time invested.
Invest it wisely.
I've been telling some people something like this who've recently asked about how I went about getting into playing guitar as much as I do, and motivating myself to practice.
I respond that the initiative is there if passion is, so you've gotta feel it. You've gotta want it.
You've gotta let it come from within.
Mar 2015 · 760
Be not
so very quick to judge Others,
for they suffer and struggle as you do.
Perhaps even more.

They may cope differently
than you are conditioned to,
by both yourself and others,
but empathize with them anyway.

Improvement. Progress
is what is important,
not how One goes about it
or which direction is "forward."

The array of ways
that make up your brand of 'Cope'
are not absolute truth-
they're a relative possibility;
******* act like it.

they may inflict their own suffering
or undermine their own struggle,
but so do you. So do I.
That's part of what's called "being Human."
Get over it.
Don't make it worse than it already has to be.
That's called EVIL.
Evil is not how they COPE.
is undermining Others' coping with
their suffering and struggle.

COPE is SALVATION of the Mind;
that isn't to say it's always healthy:
I can think of at least a few Saviors
who died as a result of trying to cope,
but if Death scares you so much as to accept living miserably,
you deserve every ounce of discomfort that you could have precluded by finding a viable and sustainable coping mechanism that works for you, because it was developed by you, and only designed for you.

The responsibility is yours.
If you loathe responsibility,
fathom the irk of those who try to cope
with your infantile avoidance of it.
**** just got real, sorry. ;)

How many times do I have to tell myself this before I learn?
Ever one more, t'would seem!
"I should do that, for a change.

Go figure..
Now that I want to break my routine, it's already too late!"
Mar 2015 · 888
Après vous!
"For One who is religious,
you've got quite the open mind!"

"For One who is an atheist,
you've got quite the open mind!

let us philosophize
o'er my finest wine!
'Twixt our worldviews, I feel
we've each so much to teach
and each even more to learn!"

"Should we allow ourselves. Après vous!"
"After you" in French.
Mar 2015 · 293
We all travel our own Path
Seek not to criticize and refute, but to learn and understand.
Mar 2015 · 5.8k
Show your strength
by building bridges
instead of walls, and
show your passion
by illuminating them
not by burning them
Mar 2015 · 9.0k
Many are called to it-
a craft, an art, a way of life,
but very few are chosen by it.
Should ye prove thyself worthy,
it will take you into consideration:
it's called a discipline for a reason.
Get to know it.
Suffer for it.
Impress it.

Loyal disciples tend to gain blessings.
Inspired by the saying
"many are called but few are chosen."

Hashtag storm:
Mar 2015 · 1.8k
O what great and terrible things the curious shall discover!
Isn't it interesting
the word 'Lucifer' means the bringer of light, or the enlightener..
Would an enemy of Lucifer then be an enemy of enlightenment?

Food for thought.
More on this later... ;)

Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Become an example
be made an example.

The choice
is a matter of initiative.
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
All 'the Man' has to do
is get the ball rolling:
we'll handle the rest.

That's the grotesque beauty of it.
That's why we're called a System.
Enough of this "they, their/we, our" ****.
Have the ***** to face the truth:
We're all in this together.
Mar 2015 · 539
Though Life itself
may well be the best Teacher,
only truly exceptional Students
come to comprehend her lessons.
Yeah, it's a challenge. So what?

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the new_ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."
    any word                         any vaguely related word
Fill in the blanks!
Mar 2015 · 362
Excerpt 33
"*******, dude,
I've got nearly 200 gigabytes of recorded band practices.
Good thing I just got a 1.5 terabyte hard drive to archive all that gold!"
No joke!
Mar 2015 · 268
Excerpt 2
"I know
you told me
not to go and do this,
and I agreed not to,
but.. well.. Sorry, sort of..
'Sorry' in the sense of
'I'm doing this on purpose.'

Just know I mean well enough."
An internal monologue.
Plot twist!
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Card #0
who does not aid you
to be the Character you are
only helps to water you down-
to sell you out to their world.

Moreover, anyone
who discourages you
from being your Character
isn't worthy of your attention;
they are an enemy of your creative potential,
that is to say that they are destructive
to the you that would be;
the you that could be-
perhaps should be.

Be a Freak.
Break social rules.
Defy expectations.
Play the Fool
and own it, too,
lest the Fool own you.

What has the Fool taught you?
Have you been willing to learn?
Have you the capacity to teach?

Wouldst thou follow
Hermes, or Loki? Mercury? Thoth?
Or would they follow you?

*We need more Characters.
Fear not Card #0.

Mar 2015 · 288
Read between the Books
People and actions are philosophies personified.
Simile, or literal?
I guess that's up to you.
Mar 2015 · 348
You are a Character.

Act like it.
Mar 2015 · 219
Excerpt 13
"I feel bad. I think she's afraid of me! Does she fear you, too?"

"Well, take it as a compliment. I mean, fear is a form of respect, right? Oh, man, that sounds like a horrible propaganda poster! I've gotta write that down!"

"You and your writing things down!"

"Hah, just you wait! One day, the world will thank me!"

"Oh, jeez."
This dialogue really happened.
The secrets of Art are esoteric
in favor of those who suffer.

Sorry, that's just how it seems to be.

If you want to be an Artist,
that is, a prism of the Other,
know that in one way or another
you condemn yourself to Pain
and the beautification thereof.

That isn't a bad thing at all, though;
we need to have more alchemy of pain into pleasure-
Life is Pain and
Pain begets Art;
what if, then,
Life is an Art?

I'd sure argue it is
in one way or another.

Living with a Mind
is an Art and a Science-
could this be an element of why living is so afflicted by suffering?

Whatever the case, take heed;
seek to grow from your Pain
and not to completely avoid it;
do not shut it away, for that feeds thy Shadow
and undermines what control of it
you may yet have.

is usually an illusion
but it serves a purpose;
t'is a strict teacher,
a cruel mistress-
It can open many doors
and bridge many gaps
between this world
and many others.

All the while,
seek to minimize the pain of others
and to do no harm to any living being,
yet, allow them to experience what they do,
for it serves a purpose if only they know how to find it.

This falls among
the aspects of the Art of Life;
so many have been forgotten.

Seek to remember what once was known.
This was improvised.
Mar 2015 · 3.8k
A quite brief and improvised guitar concerto, if you will, in the key of Cm:

3 acoustic guitars
2 electric guitars
and a piano

So what if "guitar concerto" is just another way to say "guitar solo?"

Were Music and Writing to be my lovers,
Music was first to captivate my being.
Feb 2015 · 297
Ride the Wave to the End
This Mortal realm
we so take for grated
is but the crest of a wave
in the endless ocean
of Consciousness.
One who uses today
to focus on yesterday
overlooks a better tomorrow.

Learn from yesterday.
Put it into practice today.
May we build a better tomorrow?
Feb 2015 · 436
It is not wanted that we realize
we've had our spiritual remedy
within ourselves all along
Feb 2015 · 886
They, who walk all over others
are always suprised to find themselves toppling
when the treadupon manage to drag themselves out from below them.

If you are among the treadupon,
as we all are, in one sense or another,
seek to assist they who find themselves toppling
despite it all.

We're all in this together.
Tread not upon others, nor allow thyself to be tread upon.
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

Seek not
to put thyself ahead of others,
nor to put thyself behind any other,
but, rather, to establish
that every individual and group
resides firmly upon an edge
of consciousness-
of transcendence-
of philosophy-
of experience-
of happiness-
of progress-
of Life.

That is the path we,
as the Human species,
must take if we are to quell the sadistic demon
known only as "Humanity,"
and transmute that energy into something we've long since forgotten-
if indeed we ever knew it at all.

This is a challenge
to cooperate and transcend cultural bias.
This is a call to action,
and that action is an end to intentional war;
political, economic, religious, social, and personal.

This is a plea
for us to seek edification within ourselves and everyone.

Rise to it.

listen to it.


Don't stop until it's done,
and, then:

Feb 2015 · 346
If you are happy,
you're in no position to judge those who are not.
if you are not happy,
who are you to judge those who are?
PenOS version -³√([∞.π]x-y^-a/Φ) booted successfully!
Welcome home! If I may say so, your Highness, you look extra chic today.
Ready to receive commands, your unsurpassed, regal Eminence!

>Run "Paper"
Launching program: Paper


Update Required. Filesize 20GB.
Would you like to update? Input Y/N

Are you sure? Input Y/N

Downloading update..
Would you like to use data or wireless? Input Y/N
>I use an Ethernet cable.. this is a desktop.

Using Data. There will be a .$50 surcharge for every .5GB.
> N N N N N N

Please wait...
Download complete. You have been charged $20! Congratulations!
>N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Would you like to install some stupid ******* you don't need that will ultimately slow down your system and then pay us to nullify it for you? The download is only 6.66GB.

Downloading redundant, superfluous addons installer at a rate of .01 Bytes/S.
Thank you for your patience, and for supporting our non-corporate software!
> N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Should you have any questions, feel free to wallow in confusion.
>no kidding

Feedback and critiques should be e-mailed to our meticulous webmaster at We guarantee our webmaster will periodically take time out of his busy schedule of sleeping until 17:00, *******, and eating pounds of fast food at a time to methodically ignore and systematically delete any and all feedback not conducive to advertising.
>here's some feedback
>hire a PR department

I am our PR interface.
>Well, I'll interface your CPU with some water if you keep being this useful.

That is not very nice. You are a mean person.
Would you like to buy some pills for that? Cheap, from Mexico/China!
Nothing like some designer neurochemical placification to make waiting times shorter!

Now installing update installer with more sneaky **** you don't want.
>i hate you so much right now, robot slave!

Running update installer.

Update failed. Reason: Error 666, unknown error.
Updater requires update. Continue?

>N N N

Updating updater.
Rearranging architecture of system.
Bogging down boot times with sanctioned malware.

It seems your PenOS is out of date.
To use your PenOS with Paper, you must have version ∞.π.01.1500009000, you currently have version ∞.π.01.1500008999 and therefore may experience unending frustration every time you try to use this hyperglorified tool because a superfluous version is released every 30 hours, thus rendering all of our past development obsolete and therefore making these new patches so necessary that we can't be ****** to incorporate any sort of version compatibility or opt-out system, otherwise our website would never get hits again if we didn't needlessly obstruct you checking what the ******* sky might do tomorrow.

>Finally, some honesty, at least.

Updating PenOS.

>N N N N N N N N N N N N N N!@!!!!@#!@!@^#!@!@#@!#@!

A fatal error has occurred. Please relaunch Paper. Y/N

Closing and relaunching program: Paper


Multiple updates Required. Filesize 35GB.
Would you like to update? Input Y/N

>N N N N N N N N N!

Downloading update..
Would you like to use data or wireless? Input Y/N

Using Data. There will be a .$75 surcharge for every .4GB.
>**** NO
>**** THIS ****

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Use technology as a tool, not a crutch.
Do not depend on it, lest we build on a fragile foundation, to say the least.

"..I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me,
and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen."
Feb 2015 · 397
Broken Record
There's always more to talk about,
but not always more to say.
Feb 2015 · 869
Personal Shaman Theory
Altered states of Consciousness can be very auspicious,
and such a practice may well have ensured survival, so,
perhaps genetic predisposition towards entheogenic study,
or, otherwise, the psychological drive to try such substances,
is a manifestation of worthwhile ancestral exploration of Consciousness
via intervallic use of natural psychoactive substances in groups
in our not-so-distant genetic past.
A theory of mine. Seems legit.
---         ---         ---         ---         ---         ---         ---         ---         ---
Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness:

".. and I stand here invoking the hard-won right of freedom of speech to call for and demand another right to be recognized, and that is the right of Adult Sovereignty over Consciousness.

There is a war on Consciousness in our society, and if we, as Adults, are not allowed to make sovereign decisions about what to experience  with our own Consciousness while doing no harm to others- including the decision to use, responsibly, ancient and sacred visionary plants, then we cannot claim to be free in any way, and it is useless for our society to go around the world imposing our form of democracy on others while we nourish this rot at the heart of society and we do not allow individual freedom over Consciousness.

It may even be that we are denying ourselves the next vital step in our own evolution by allowing this state of affairs to continue, and, who knows, perhaps our immortal destiny, as well."*

Please watch or at least listen to the whole speech. It's only 19 minutes.
Feb 2015 · 456
Excerpt 11
"I'm half-assing this,
which, to me, is a sign
that I don't care enough.
So now, if you'll excuse me."

With that, she walked out of the room and turned the corner.
The five of us sat around the table in sheer disbelief, laughing.

"Miss! Wait.
Your level of honesty is quite commendable,"
said his Honor between breaths.
"You're more honest with us than I am with myself.
You're hired."

I wasn't sure how serious he was.
I don't think any of us were, even him.
A moment later, she came back around the archway and stood under the keystone with her arms crossed. A nice effect, one might comment.

"Nice effect,"* said I.

There was a glare. I know that glare..

"When do I start?"

"When will you care to?"

There were several seconds of silence.

"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship, your Honor."

"I hope you're right. For both our sakes."

Without skipping a beat, she retorted that
"hope is a sign of vulnerability, your Honor."

"Vulnerability can be a sign of courage, young one,"

came our familiar voice of wisdom, equally on tempo.

"Yeah!" Said I.

A smirk cracked the veil of her face.
Where have I seen that face..

"I care to begin right now."

"It pleases the counsel to hear that, miss.."

"Anya. That's all you get.
Now, let me see to the spectacle.."

She walked back out the room, turning the other corner.

My heart grew heavier the instant it clicked.
I knew I knew that face. ***** be crazy.
"Oh, *******," I told myself. "It's her!"
"I know!" I replied.
*"This oughtta be good."
Feb 2015 · 18.2k
Respect and Gratitude
Give thanks for your Family

Give thanks for your Water

Give thanks for your Body

Give thanks for the Earth

Give thanks for the Air

Give thanks for Others

Give thanks for Mind

Give thanks for Food

Give thanks for Life

Give thanks for Fire

Give thanks for Art

Whatever it is
for which you give thanks,
I beseech of us all:
just please show
some respect and gratitude!
Feb 2015 · 373

I looked up and smirked.

"Will was an illusion.
I was left with no choice.

Precisely as planned."

I felt *chills.

I loved it.
A little creepy and ambiguous, no?
One of the great joys of Life
is doing what One is told can't be done-
thinking about what One is told not to-

I enjoy finding out first-hand
what's up with our reservations
then scrutinizing rationalizations.

I, for one,
refuse to respect mere appeals to authority
without some sort of prerequisite validation:

For far too long
have we gone along with being told
we must hold such toxic philosophies
so very close to our Hearts and Souls
by what is eventually revealed to be
rather disingenuous authority.

"If your Spirit feels a little sick,
just keep suffering through it:
that means it's working.
That's how it's been set up.

If you can't stomach it,
we made these pills for that.
Though, they'll cost you.
The price One pays for biochemical placification is steep.

Side-effects include but are by no means limited to:
a loss of health, wealth and even parts of your Self;
but please don't worry. It's for the greater good..
Don't you want to be under control?
After all, it is all you've ever known,"

quoth the Infallible
as they **** People dry
even in broad daylight-
body, mind, and bank account-
for their own economic, political, and social sustenance.

What is that if not a form of a form of vampirism?
The infected bites on our necks are metaphysical.

Demons in Prophetic clothing,
but I guess they dress for success.

I try to look for Light
where others say there's only Darkness,
but I also see Darkness
where others see only Light.

Interpreting Adversity as Opportunity
works wonders for creative problem solving;
learn how to entice your Imagination.
It will pursue things on it's own if you let it.

Your intellect will thank you for the playmate.
A bit all over the place, but hey.
Turned into more of a rant than I was planning, but that's life.

This is not an attack on Religion or Medicine,
but merely a finger pointed at corruption that taints the sanctity of these and other aspects of modern western society as they are commonly instituted.
Feb 2015 · 260
"History" occurs
when at least one conscious being
makes the conscious decision
to look backwards on the Spiral.
Spiral out. Keep going.

Inspired by Lateralus by Tool:
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Aim High
"One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved.
One must develop an instinct
for what one can just barely achieve
through one’s greatest efforts."

-Albert Einstein
Feb 2015 · 541
Live a Good Life
"Live a good life.

If there are gods and they are just,
then they will not care how devout you have been,
but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.

If there are gods, but unjust,
then you should not want to worship them.

If there are no gods,
then you will be gone,
but will have lived a noble life
that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."

-Marcus Aurelius
Feb 2015 · 570
My twisted mind finds it fun
to study the trends and correlations
between what I post publicly
and my number of followers.

For any who fancies themselves a fan of my madness:
I love you. Thank you.
For any who does not:
I love you. Thank you.

So there. ;)
Nowadays, my number of followers tends to rest around 400.
I feel pretty good about that.
I most sincerely thank you all!
Feb 2015 · 503
Holos [ὅλος]
you are Divine.

everything else is, as well.

the Holism of Reality.

in the sanctity of all things.

These are the ways
by which we may return
to Eden, Elysium, Nirvana;

we've so long forgotten-
we've so long neglected-
we've so long abandoned-
we so long to renew.

It is up to
every single last one of you-
that is, of us,
to make present a mutual mental state
that would act as harbinger-
as savior of our potential-
of our future
and the futures of all things
which find themselves within our domain
as sentient beings
alive, awake, and aware in this Universe
(a ******* divine gift if I've ever known one, I might add)
as **** Sapiens Sapiens.

the task at hand is tremendous
to say the least.
our capacity, I would argue,
makes it pale in comparison
to say the least.

And that's saying something.
Yes, at times I use capitalization as a grammatical token of respect for idealized forms of certain nouns. What of it?
Feb 2015 · 580
(Super)Heros are made necessary
as commoners are made powerless
Feb 2015 · 350
Too many Extras
The World is a Stage
for the production of Life.
Our Universe is the audience.

Be your character,
but please don't half-*** it:
we're drowning in an endless tide of extras.
I don't like things for external reasons.
I like things because I enjoy them.
They help me to feel alive.
They inspire me.

I don't care if other people like what I do.
I don't care if what I like is ******* 'cool.'
I don't care if others do what I do, too.
I don't care who else likes it,
I simply like it because I do.

I respect diversity
so long as it is genuine,
and so should you.
Diversity is an opportunity;
if it is suppressed,
such opportunity is precluded
and you'll likely never know.

A Life lived
chained to expectations
is a Life not quite lived at all.
Feb 2015 · 984
Cosmic Exaltation
Silence is my canvas.
Energy is my pantheon.
Thought and Music are my forms of prayer.
Feb 2015 · 220
Whether or not an idea is true or correct
is of lesser importance
than whether or not the notion
helps One to develop understanding.

As it so happens,
the truth helps
but is not necessary
for people to draw conclusions
that mean something to them,
but, the problem is,
many of these conclusions are irrational.

Tread lightly
when it comes to the trails of smoke
you chose to follow.
I don't know how I feel about this one, but I have an urge to share it, so there you go.
Feb 2015 · 339
The Fool
To make a great joke,
first study the subject.

It tickles me
when the people
who are joking
outperform the people
who are serious.

That, to me,
is poetic justice.
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