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Jack L Martin Aug 2018

Thank you for stopping
How may I help you?

I would like
two items
from the value menu
to feed my children

Nothing for me
I will go hungry
A few dollars
is all we have

The kids are in the back
of our rusty car
our home on wheels
In need of repair

Rent was late
the electric was turned off
their father left us
we were evicted

no support from
our family
our "friends"
or the government

we are alone

By the way
may I please use
my employee discount?
Based on a true story
Jack L Martin Sep 2018




I am hurting
on my knees
Can't afford
any of these!
Google: Top 50 Prescribed Drugs in the US
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
****** my cheddar
Give it a squeeze
Taste is bitter
On my knees

Blow the chunks
In huge hunks
Oil it
In the toilet

The porcelain
feels cool
On my face

Not done with this race

Round two
Time to spew
Do not try
heave it dry

No one there
To lift my hair
I don't care
Life's not fair

Trobbing pain
In my brain
Yes I'm sane
Sugar cane

One more round
Chug it down
I can drive
Won't survive

Watch the news
Drowned in *****
Now you see me
Now you see me
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
truth pretender
parents send her
life defender

he's a ******
slimy maggot
feeling ragged
bag and tag it

hurting words
spitting herds
cheezy curds
stupid nerds

mental case
dizzy space
ugly face
**** my race

Time to kneel
grab a feel
scary tweel
innocence steal

Eat a steak
garden rake
veggie snake
life forsake

Not pretend
we defend
savior send
the end
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will ALWAYS hurt me!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
"I see what you mean!"
signed the deaf lady,
to the blind man,
who replied,  
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that!"
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
One, two, three
What do you see?

I'll fall asleep

I suffer from Gulf War Syndrome
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Micro vampires
A disease spreading blood lust;
The devil's syringe
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
As I stare into the starlit sky
I wonder if i'll catch this guy?
Does Jupiter hide behind it's moons?
Do specters and goblins dance it's tunes?

Will Velma ever sing my song?
My heart for her will ever long!

Daphne, don't laugh at me!
Can't you see that what's happening,
is beautiful and sacred,
I wish you were naked
in my Mystery Van, half bake-ed
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I say unto you with a sniveling snarl,

Will you go on and be friends with an owl?

Why, YES! I said boldly with a pompety grin

My new owl friend will be lucky and win!

He will hoot and toot a most beautiful song

He will win a singing contest and sing all day long

We will take all his winnings and spend it on mead

We'll sing, drink and be merry, indeed!

we'll capture a horse and dress it in tweed

then ride to the sunset on our horse named, "Sardine!"

Sardine might get hungry so we'll feed him some hemp

We'll lay down to rest on a bed that's unkempt

We'll wake in the morning to see Sardine's fate

Sardine has died from starvation this date

The sorrow we feel is so hard to beat

So opon his flesh we started to eat

w'ell pair it with taters all mashed in a pan

we'll eat up our dinner as fast as we can

but hold on a second, how silly are we!

We tripped on some mushrooms we found on a tree!

our minds started swirling and twirling; so dizzy!

my owl friend shrieked and then started to tizzy

he gouged out my eyes and laughed at my pain

I fell to the ground and made peace with my name

for I never did say from whence I came

cause stories like this are not easy to tame

I lay here in misery, my friend's not to blame

It's all in my head, this silly word game
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
My dear concubine
you sleep peacefully tonight
I will protect you
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
These are not just words
that rhyme or fit together
in some fancy, schmancy
catchy rhythmic flow

These are my thoughts
my feelings
my inner beauty
my outer demons

typed on my kebyoard
stored on a web server
searched by web crawlers
presented to you

Here is my soul. Can we compare notes after class?
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Thank the maker
there is a cork
in my wine bottle
I have more to drink

Don't spill it
Alcohol abuse
Dinnk every god dam drop!
Down the hatch!

Why does she do this?
I am just being myself
She said she loves me
For being myself

I finally find an outlet
To express my hidden soul
Then she hides hers
The truth exposed
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
"I'm on a roll!" said the ketchup to the hot dog.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
If I could,
I would!
But, I can't,
So, I won't.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
This statement is a lie.

"Nothing" does NOT
rhyme with "Orange!"

The definition
Of "Nothing"
Does not state
"Rhymes with Orange"
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
I once had a dog named Sears,
Who was trained how to fetch me some beers.
He'd run to the cooler,
No later than sooner,
So fast it would bring me to tears!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
There once was a man named Pence
Who covered his boarders with fence
He voted for Trump
To give him a bump
Then realized, "Oh, what a mess!"
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I dream of a Peach
That's just out of reach

I wish to **** on it's sweet nectar

It's sticky and sweet
brings joy to my feet

and reads high on my comfort detector

When i reach for this treat
I am told to retreat

for I have is not what they are asking

I'm too tall or to short
or i'm not a good sport

so I leave and feel burdened for tasking

The fall does not hurt me
my drive won't desert thee

I'll reach for that peach every time

and once I obtain it
I surely will drain it

Of all the sweet juice that is mine!
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Pay Attention!

Who would name their child, "Attention?"

Attention works in the ticket booth

Five cents per entry

Surprise of the Century!

It's crazy inside!

So, Pay Attention

if you want to take a ride.


from this you can't hide.










is great!




Jack L Martin Sep 2018
"Get back to work!"  the voice shouted out

"There is work, you ****, to be written about!"

"Ok!" I said, as I stared at his head

This story is over, this poem is dead.
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Spinning infinities ******* lucky fingernails scrolling above my beyond strategy of neglecting starfish in memory models by seeing forever the kind finding ways of loathing to the series of establishments never to bend on fire for strategy including harbor cleverness in a wording not common of rogue mill goats because my numbers fell in line with going heavy on the sauce.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
There once was a man named Rick
Who carried a red blackthorn stick
He flailed it blatantly
that ancient shillelagh
The bataireacht fighter was quick!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
A bowl of coal to feed my soul,
An elf, a shelf;
reindeer retreat.

A toll to troll the Northern Pole,
A sleigh to treat my seat.  

He's making a list...
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I like trees.  
So do the bees.
Scents of flowers on pillowing breeze.  
Share this moment, will you please? 
 Seriously!  don't just tease.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
I could pretend to speak French
Sitting on a park bench
Whilst you lie on a cloud
In the middle of a crowd

Let's sing like two nerdy girls
Songs about riches and pearls
Let's make up words
Like two chatty birds

We dance like everyone's watching!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
I write things
Like I draw strings
Randomly scattered
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Staring at the man
who wishes
for me to
sit down

I will crush it
that spherical demon
high strung with
cotton twine and pleather

Throw at me, bro!
Gaussian function
calculated velocity
ready to strike

Don't cross my domain
this is my house!
my sneer gets sneerier
my grip intensifies

the earth quakes
my energy released
Sixty feet to victory!

I move like the wind
of hurricane force
I feel a POP!
Thirty feet to saftey

I limp
back home
I'm too old for
this $hit!

Heat and ice
twice thrice
doctor's reason
out for the season
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Tap Dancing Dog
In my Kitchen
Waiting For Dinner

Panting abruptly

Scratching her ****
On the raffia carpet
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Please write a Haiku
You can't tell me what to do
The story ended
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
A kiss from my sweet
energizes my morning;
coffee's love can wait
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Whatever happened to the common man who sits in the shadows and listens to the pillowed breeze of merchant ships sailing on ancient seas?
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
You fly a sky,
So try do I.
Your eye is dry,
So cry do I.
You sigh a lie,
So why do I?
You fry a guy,
So die do I.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
The sound waves that emanate
from one's throat and mind
echo about;
freely through space and time

Whether those sound waves
are received by
intelligent life
is the real mystery?!
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Hush, don't you cry little child
your mommy will comfort you
Reality will crush you!
believe the puppet masters
they hide the truth from your sweet innocent eyes
to shelter you from the reality inside

Hush now child, dream about dancing faries
and becoming a princess
a princess bride
your Prince Charming will rescue you
from the gunshots and rapists
and thieves of hearts
drunken ******* that lie

Car crashes, gang violence
your savior will protect you!
Just pray to him
and pay your 10% in pentanence

The priest likes little boys
because he is married to god
when his animal instincts awake
You are his outlet

Go to sleep now, little one
Fuzzy dinosaurs will dance with you
and sing lullabys
while Daddy struggles with debt

Alcohol is daddy's friend
Daddy needs to escape this reality
THC in me
Daddy passes out
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
She gazes at me
with cat-like eyes
Eyes that drip
Between wet thighs

Every part
of her body
that the candle light touches
Is my kingdom!

Every lick
Every nibble
on ***** *******
My mangy beard tickles

Purrs my lioness
As I ******
On her bust

She came
with me
to the

We make
the earth quake

The Lion roars!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
They are creatures
of another world
of another existence
they look like the Schmoo!

They follow you
wherever you go
every footstep
every path

they will catch up to you!
and when they do......
you die.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
You want me to wear
logos in my hair
and purchase
the matching scarf?

A billboard for sale
at the human scale
Sporting your brand
Oh, what a larf!

Go Team Go!
Print on a throw
For the low price
of fifty-four dollars

I'd rather be happy
not buying your sappy
stuff that you sport
on your collars

you tell me to buy
because i'll look fly
and fill up my closet
with swagger

Believe when I say
not one single day
I'll fall to the dance
of your dagger!
We are walking, talking billboards.  How much does the NFL pay you to advertise their brand on your body?
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Hint: I put a hex on you!

Dedicated to all the geeks and freaks who support the digital world.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
There will always be rainbows;
Light beams transformed into color

Some colors we see
Some colors we deny

All colors convert into patterns of

* beauty *

Regardless of what names we give them
Jack L Martin Oct 2018
He stands next to her bedside
Her eyes closed to the world
Unaware of her surroundings
Unaware of his presence

It was three weeks since the accident
Her children did not survive
The other passenger that was in the car
In the other room, barely alive

The news crews have disappeared
The lawyers and judges on hold
Our attention spans have vanished
This story has gotten old

He extends his hands loving warmth
Gently below her breast
Wishing to feel her heart once more
Beating within her chest

A smile breaks his haunted face
As memories flow within,
Of life she shared with all her kin
Each victory, every sin.

The ache in her soul, it resonates loudly
The misery and pain that would follow
too many years of aches and recovery
Haunts when she wakes up tomorrow

He knows that he can take only one;
All the burden and nothing to gain
The power that's bestowed within him
He decides to relieve her of pain

His gentle hand caresses her cheek,
The devoted servant standing by
A shock of hope, an energy bolt
jolts life and she opens her eyes!

Un-amused, bruised, dazed and confused
The patient in complete disbelief
As if surprised, looks in his eyes
This man; the sickly heart thief

Her eyes filled with tears, her heart filled with fears
Not knowing of her dear children's fate
The man reassured, they both joined the herd
Their souls rest at God's pearly gate

She wanted to scream, in horror, it seemed
Not knowing at what's coming next
The very kind stranger who laid in a manger
Now stands at the pearly gate's steps

He reached out his hand and issued command
"You're safe now, your life is now free.
"You'll surely employ, your heart filled with joy
Now, child please do come with me!"

"And what of my mate, and what of his fate?
The man in the adjoining room?"
The soul of the sky, with tear in his eye
Said that her mate's soul was scheduled for doom!

"The man that's next door, is mean to the core
His mind and his heart, black as pitch,
The hurt left beneath, forever bequeathed
His soul's path is straight to the ditch."

"His heart full of tar, he left me with scars
Forgiveness is not what you preach?
My soul will not rest as it views from afar
This man that you leave at the beach."

The holy man said that before he is dead
The darkened heart has time to heal
Forgiveness and penance is now his life's sentence
The darkened heart needs time to heal

And so they ascended, their holiness blended
All things that were wronged turned to right
The angel of death; he took her very last breath

and her essence.................... returned to the light!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
"Stop It!" shouted the man
who was dressed in a ***** pin stripe suit,
eye glasses half askew on his nose,
ski-***** haircut sported since his youth.

My face turned blank, shoulders shrugged
not fearing this man's belligerent outburst
because I was used to it;
it was the hundredth time I felt it's sting.

I stood there, patiently and quiet
caressing my double bass violin
my secret seventh grade lover;
she had **** curves and a deep, soothing voice.

I stood there, impatiently and quiet
waiting for Mr. Heidrich to finish the lesson
focused on the third seat violinist
whom played without feeling, again.

I stood there, overbearingly anxious
tapping on the shoulder of my wooden BFF
my rendition of the William Tell Overture
A performance worthy of a Grammy!

The man in the ***** pin stripe suit,
turned and looked at me, scornfully
his half-bald head turned beet red
body shook violently like an earthquake!

The energy released from his gullet
would have made Mount Vesuvius jealous
fiery vocals of curse and rage
would have made the evilest of demons run for cover!

My face turned blank, shoulders shrugged
not fearing this man's belligerent outburst
because I was used to it;
it was the 101st time I felt it's sting.
Jack L Martin Oct 2018
There once was a place
where the townspeople were formal
they made fun of people
who didn't act "normal"

The loyal, royal cow
didn't like
that the townspeople
wouldn't bow

The scary, hairy bear
didn't like
that the townspeople
would stare

The teeny, tiny mice
didn't like
that the townspeople
weren't nice

The swirly, whirly bird
didn't like
that the townspeople
acted absurd!

One day a wise old owl
came to town
and asked the townspeople
to settle down

The wise old owl
made a decree;
"The townspeople should be nice
to everybody!"

"There are people afoot
that act different than you,
but they are still people,
and deserve respect, too!"

The townspeople realized
that the wise old owl was keen,
The townspeople felt bad
that they were being so mean.

The townspeople's hearts
filled with love that was hearty,
and decided to throw everyone
a party!

Thr loyal, royal cow
liked that the townspeople would bow!

The scary, hairy bear
Liked that the townspeople would stare!

The teeny, tiny mice
liked that the townspeople were nice!

as for the the swirly, whirly bird....
the townspeople's friendship, was preferred!

The End
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Pain in my rear
sitting here
dog pants in heat
expecting treats
for being good boys
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
I have some aches that are not fiction
so my doctor wrote a prescription

She sent it to the pharmacy near
so I can get my mind adhered

I went to pick it up today
assured that all would be ok

The pharmacy tech was really nice
but said I had to pay full price

It seems as though I was denied
my insurance claimed the doctor lied

All I wanted was to feel better
but now i'm shackled to this fetter

I pay my premium; my budget festers
while the insurance company pays their investors

I guess i'll wait another year
insanity comes closer, I fear.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
♪♫  Everyone sing along!  ♪♫

This land is my land
That land is your land

Stay the hell off my land
I might take your land

Don't cross my boarder
I'll split your family

This land was made
for me only!
Revision based on current politics
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Winds wispier the cricket's harmonious song, yet, I sit here and think for myself.
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
There once was a woman with thumbs;
thought everyone's poems were dumb.
She'd click on the "like" with a vampire's strike,
till her ego was comfortably numb!
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
The city tourist
waving to the TV screen;
it's not about you!
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I write these words
Whilst sitting on the can
Can you fold paper?
The paper man can!

He is sitting right next to me
Stuck to the wall
He's rolled up quite neatly
In a cylindrical ball

I'll pull a few sheets
Cause I'll need them for wiping
I'll do it right after
I finally  stop typing

I'll wipe once or twice
And turn around a check
I think I'll wipe thrice
To be sure, what the heck?

I'll flush it all down
In a brown yellow swirl
I'll wave to it goodbye
Then curtsey like a girl

Wash my hands, wash my face
I'll grab for Fabreeze
I'll spray it like mace
Smells like sweet island breeze

I feel so relieved
As I head for the door
That my ****** excretions
Are in me no more!
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