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Purcy Flaherty Aug 2018
Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.

I got a friend in you; you got a friend in me.
Just smile that way each and every day,
fill the world with love and say!

Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.

Kindness is the key to peace and harmony!
Open up your heart and let the sunshine in.

Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.
Let the sunshine in;
let the sunshine in,
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.
Positively comes from within
Step into the sunshine my friend,
let it kiss your face and refine your spirit into a golden bar.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
come out of the shadows of your past,
emerge as a saintly being clothed in angelic white.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
let the great sun inflame your soul
with magnificent grace and transformative power.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
wipe the darkness from your eyes
see what miracles the new day brings.
Believe in all the light you see.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
let radiant beams of love ignite your passions;
your heart will bust forth like an exploding star
washing the galaxy with positive energy.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
receive the fantastic glories the day brings to you
and revel in them all.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
bathe yourself in the warm river of humanity.
Recognize yourself for the first time in its watery mirror.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
witness the delicate flower break through the hard crust of earth,
marvel as its fragrant bud blooms.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
experience the wonder in a child’s face,
let them lead you to the next 10,000 sunrises.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
feel the soft rays touch your wounds;
know how the daylight can heal.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
smell the ocean heave against the climbing sun
listen to the wisps of the meadowland's verdant fragrance.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
see the sparrow take flight toward the light,
watch its tireless wings glide on a blanket of rising thermal air.

Step into the sunshine my friend.

Music Selection: Ramsey Lewis
Sun Goddess

Dylan JP Nov 2012
Hey there miss sunshine how are you doing today?
Hey there miss sunshine why don't you come out
Why don't you come out and brighten my day.
Show me your smile
Your smile it radiates
Brilliant and glowing
Miss Sunshine please know me.
I would do anything.
Hey there miss sunshine how are you doing today?
Hey there miss sunshine why don't you come out
Why don't you come out and brighten my day.
Open your eyes now
Open your eyes to the day.
Bright and all knowing.
Miss sunshine please show me
Come out and show me the way.
Hey there miss sunshine I hope you have a nice day.
Hey there miss sunshine don't let it rain on your parade.
Open your eyes now
Show me your smile
You have the most beautiful face.
Hey there miss sunshine I hope you have a nice day.
Hey there miss sunshine don't let it rain on your parade.
Give me a chance now
Baby I'll show you
You could be my everything.
Vampyre Kato May 2016
I Am The Sunshine
Upon This Land
I Am The Pure Love
Of Woman & Man
Creatures Of Sea
Creature Of Sand
Creatures Obove Trees
I Am Sunshine
Im Feeling The Heat
I Am Sunshine
Love Shining In Me
Through My Eyes
Timeless Sweets
I Am Purity
Healing All That Need
A Calling Of Leap
The Falling Of Leaves
That Tracends To Beauty When
Waters Affection Harvest The Neat
Harvest The Trees
Harvest The Fruits & Vegetables
For All Us To Eat
God Were Sunshine
I Am You & You Are Me
Realms Of Angels
Elves Mermaid Reefs
Illumniated With A Sphere In Me
Its Clear To See
I'm Near The Sea
Abundance Prosperity
Inside Manifested Through Charity
Expand Consious Clairty
Increase Awarness
Perception Cherry Trees
Beautiful Judgment Free
Free To Be We So Let's Just Breathe
I Love You , You Love Me
Meditation Vibratatin At The Peak Of My Frequency
Elvish Whispers In The Breeze
Angels Untangle The Tangled
I Angle Dreams
The Frequency Of Jesus
Is Needed
Let It Seep Through
You May Not See Him
But He Sees You
Bianry Ritual 3 Help Darknes Nailed
I'm From An Elvish Realm
Where Fairy's Bleed Blue
Its Easy To Relate
Escape The Hate With Aatral Gates
Be True
Be You Sunshine Light Bright
Right Through Ooh
I Feel It In My Soul
From Outer Space
Down My Face Waist & Shoes
Normal Is So Distant
Weird Is JDifferent
& Difrent  Is Just So Cool
Sune Shine Amazon Fine
Island Side
Frequency High
Twin Soul Flame Is Feeling My Vibe
Pure Dear Come Here
Feel The Kundalini Rise
Eye To Eye
Hands On Back Of Thighs
Hearts Hugging So Tight
Protected By The Eye
Private Meeting Souls Singing Ocean Side
Stars Cry Body's Weaving Greeting
Gentle Screaming Oh My
Dna Embedded With Electric Healing Rhymes
Were Amazing Gazeing Sunshine
Breathe Release The Beast
No Need To Find
All Is Within So Grin Ya Chin
Your In Ya Win
Sunshine Sunshine Fill My Fins
Swimming Through
Realms Of Elevish Kin
Affection Covers My Skin
I Am Sunshine
Sing It Again
Kawan Sep 2020
Is there sunshine?
Will there ever be any sunshine?
Or will I only see darkness?
Live in the darkness
Breathe in the darkness
Is there any sunshine for me?
Or am I to forever live in the darkness
My fingers and toes are always cold
No warmth in my path
My finger nails are purple
And they almost look black
I can never tell if its spring, summer, fall, or winter
Its always dark and cold where I am
Is my soul dark?
Or just the place I'm in
Sometimes I see people
Or maybe its just a memory of someone
From when I was a little girl
Sometimes I think I see sunshine
Or maybe its just a figment of my imagination
Sometimes I wonder how sunshine feels
How it would feel on my face and all over my skin
Will I have friends in the sunshine?
But most importantly
Are there others in the sunshine?
Or will it still, only be me?
I'm not afraid of the sunshine
But I don't know what to expect
Maybe, this dark cold place isn't so bad
I guess I won't know
Until I find my way out of the darkness
Maybe one day I will
Maybe I won't
I will like to one day, see the sunshine
Hopefully when I do
It's not too late
Mymai Yuan Sep 2010
Barely awake, it was only dawn
My sleepy feet stumbled out the front door
And onto the old swing on the grassy lawn

Awake in peaceful stillness, like death
No one else in the entire neighborhood
Not a sound, nor a breath

I yawned, my vision spinning side to side
The old fence creaked as I opened it
Trying to stand but swayed right outside

That’s when I saw a little girl who ran
In the distance; laughing happily and carefree
As only the innocent and young can

She had ruffled yellow hair
Shoved into two short bouncing sprouts
That bobbed merrily as she skipped, looking so fair

The sweet freckled face had the quality of a dream
The button nose wrinkled cutely
The white teeth flashed in an innocent beam

She had thick, warm honey eyes
That smiled as big as her red lips did
A smile that could warm the iciest heart full of lies

She wore the brightest of yellow overalls
And canary-yellow shoes
That bounced up and down like rubber *****

Out of her overall pockets floated out golden sparkles
Thick-looking and sweet-smelling, spraying heat
That left a glittering trail behind her dancing feet

A chubby brown hand clutched a swinging bucket
Filled to the brim with warm, sweet sunshine
The other scattering it behind her in an unordered line

She didn’t seem to be walking
She didn’t seem to run
Her feet pattered, like tap-dancing
She skipped to me with a happy beat
And as she did, she stopped and
Sprinkled some sunshine near my feet

The toddler looked up and saw my bewildered face
Her red dimpled cheeks blushing joyfully
Honey eyes sparkling with an unworldly grace

She did not say anything but came closer
Bringing a dizzy sweet fire
Erasing all cold cuts, leaving treasures to admire

She skipped around in a circle, tossing glitters on me
A sprinkle here… and… a little bit there…
And sat cross-legged right then
Wondering what my reaction would be

As I was about to ask her what she had done
Something with a slow melancholy beauty
Indescribable, yet true, and happening
Something vivacious and full of life’s fun

The golden sunshine diamonds sparkled on my skin
Wiping clean all scars on my heart
And with a golden, pulsing love beat
Seeped through, melting away all sins

I felt alive to the brim
My fingertips tingling
My mind filled with wild dreams
Pouring, gushing over the rim

A sudden, sweeping golden heat rushed from my heart
From the roots of my hair
A rush of great, great happiness
That reached my whole body, ever part

My cheeks flushed from the joyful heat
My lips redden from the welcoming warmth
Feeling the energy of a restless dance
Tapping in my normally dull feet

The three-year-old laughed as she saw my expression change
She handed me her bucket of sunshine
Her little warm hand in mine
We started to skip along the road

I reached into the yellow bucket
And felt the smooth and fine
Warm and sweet sunshine
In the palm of my fire-hot hands

Strange the heat did not hurt me
But made me crazy
Something one may only feel, never see
With all its powerful magic

I laughed like the toddler holding my hand did
From the bottom of our beings
I danced like the baby did
Never ceasing; without rhythm or rhyme
For an immeasurable time

We danced, and threw sunshine dust behind us
Watching the trail of sunray dust
Glitter and spread

Together, we brought dawn
The sandy, spicy glowing sunshine
Spreading out to blanket the land
Sunrise was brought by this child’s hand

When dawn had completely broken
She kissed me on the cheek
And hugged with her plump arms
Then bid goodbye forever with a
Twinkling voice full of innocence’s charm

Every year on that day, I wake up to watch
The dawn of hers and mine
She had not only two pocketfuls but a bucketful of sunshine
And a heart and soul
Full of pure, simple love
Sunshine Baby
R B M Oct 2019
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
And I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
The brightest star of my life,
The light of my day,
The cause of the tingling warmth in my heart.
The only smile I search for in a crowded room,
The only voice I listen to when you’re up on the stage,
The only person I miss when I’m feeling lonely.

I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another
You'll regret it all some day

You make me happy when skies are grey.
When I’m down in the dumps,
When I’m feeling like no one loves me,
When I’m hating myself,
Your arms around me are what I want to feel,
Your smile is what I wish to see,
Your sweet words are what I want to hear.

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all my dreams

You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you.
How much I need you,
How much I want you to be here with me,
How much I miss you when you’re away.
I hope you can see what you mean to me,
I hope you know I’ll be here for you like you are for me,
I hope you don’t change your mind.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Please don’t take my sunshine away.
There are many things that would make you leave,
There are many things that could dim your light,
There are many things that could cause a supernova.
Please don’t take my sunshine away,
Please don’t take my sunshine away,
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Jimmie Davis' You Are My Sunshine lyric.
Paige Error Oct 2018
Sunshine helps. Sunshine helps on the days I lay around sinking deeper into my depression. The room always seems to be dark on those days. Sunshine helps. It may be a romantic point of view but I find nature soothing. The smell of rain never ceases to make me smile. Sunshine helps. It reminds me of me before depression. Back at camp. Making music. Making friends. I used to smile so much. Sunshine helps. I don’t smile anymore. Not like I used to. It’s more painful to do so now. Sunshine helps. I like to take the longest paths when I’m outside. I like the wind against my face. I like wandering aimlessly. It helps clear my head. Sunshine helps. Some where along the way I started associating you with sunshine. Maybe it was the light in your eyes. Maybe it was your warm smile. But since I’ve met you I’ve realized that things are going to be okay. Sunshine helps and you help me step into the sun.
Thank you to the people who keep me sane and alive.
OJ Apr 2020
Hi Sunshine
I love you.
Hi Sunshine
Are you okay?
Hi Sunshine
Do you want to play?
Hi Sunshine
Can I talk to you?
Hi Sunshine
Can you keep a secret?
Hi Sunshine
Why do you ask?
Hi Sunshine
We can’t be friends.
Hi Sunshine
Why not?
Bye Sunshine
You ain’t worth my time anymore.
Phoebe Mar 2014
He is sunshine
A guiding light
Someone to take me through the night

He is sunshine
A brighter day
The joy that keeps the darkness away

He is sunshine
A ray of hope
Of love, of truth, and of home

He is sunshine
Nothing less
To call him the brightest would suit him best

He is sunshine
The brightest star
Earth is dull without his spark

He is sunshine
Warmth so sweet
As he holds me close, the world's underneath

He is sunshine
Nothing compares
To call him beautiful is less than fair

He is sunshine
A light I've lost
They've taken my sunshine away

He is sunshine
Now my skies are gray
The clouds are dark and they speak of rain

He is sunshine
And I hope, I wish, I pray
To see my sun rise again someday
this ***** i know im sorry
Yonah Jeong Jan 29
sunshine in the raindrops
sunshine of the raindrops
sunshine for the raindrops
sunshine with the raindrops
sunshine around the raindrops
sunshine into the raindrops
Sunshine from the raindrops

raindrops from the sunshine
raindrops into the sunshine
raindrops around the sunshine
raindrops with the sunshine
raindrops for the sunshine
raindrops of the sunshine
Raindrops in the sunshine

on swinging clothesline.......right now.
John Stevens Nov 2014
Sunshine comes in many forms.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
That which comes up in the morning
and goes down at night.
And little girls who
are Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She rises in the morning
sometimes cloudy,
sometimes bright,
but always Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she rains tears
torrential they may pour
but comforted by the voice
of the One who loves her so.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she shines bright
the warmth of hugs and smiles.
Love overflowing in the heart,
it's all Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Love is forever and always
whether its stormy or bright.
Love covers all situations
For all is Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sunshine's  Eyes and Smiles
Light up the world around her.
Creating more smiles in their eyes
when first they did find her
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Grandma's day is gloomy
Sunshine arrives with much to say
with happy stories, hugs and smiles
to brighten up the cloudiest day.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Sunshine goes to bed
it usually can be said
Sunshine's eyes cease to gleam
when energy's gone, time to dream.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Eyes close and all is well
in Sunshine Land I do tell.
Grandma's De-light in peaceful sleep
The day is over, it will keep.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She is after all
Grandma's Sunshine.

11-01-2014 (c)
John Stevens
Written by request of Grandma
Sunshine is five.
Going on fifteen.
John Mendoza Jan 2019
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone

There’s no love around my way cause my heart just don’t feel the same

As my eyes open wide, I see there’s no sunshine yet I still pretend like everything is alright

But ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
But ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone

Can’t water the flowers of his soul if the darkness already took its toll, there’s no sunshine so all he ever feels is cold

But ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
But ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
Benjamin Bauda Aug 2017
Ain't t no sunshine when she is gone
The day look dark though everywhere is bright
Very silent though noisy
Looking happy but am sad
Missing the sound of your voice
When I failed to call
There ain't t no sunshine when I don’t hear your voice

Ain't t no sunshine when she is gone
Online am dull Offline am bored
Am alive yet lifeless, Trailing back and forth
Waiting for her text or call
Pride hindering me from texting
Grudge holding my call
There ain't t no sunshine when you offline, online and offline

Ain't t no sunshine when you angry
Only pain and fear
Pain that I have failed you again
Fear that you will leave me this year
There ain't t no sunshine when you don’t pick my calls
For  am anxious to hear your voice
Ain't  no sunshine when you gone
Only hardship and pain
That won’t go away
So baby please stay
So I won’t fade away
Cause there ain't no sunshine when you away.
5am, I sit alone my mind feeling so bright
is it early morning or the middle of the night.
The wind still howls winters tune
and trees are dancing in the dale.
I yearn for sun and summers warmth
but all I get is cold and hail.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

The days start dark and keep me hidden
as if to say that it's forbidden,
to laugh and sing and have the fun
I get from walking in the sun.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

I long to see the flowers smile,
the shadows form on my sundial.
The smell of grass that's freshly mown,
the shoots from seeds so freshly sown.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

Smiling children everywhere
running around without a care.
Winter woollens stashed away
and let's forget those rainy days.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

Take away this winters cold
it only makes me feel old.
Bring the sun and bring the light
and take away this awful night.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

Early morning sun please shine,
and as I sit with glass of wine.
I'll try to not let my mind splinter
and forget all about the winter.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
to keep me warm and give me ease.
The winters blues do not please,
just make me shiver, cough and sneeze.

So comeback Mr Sunshine please
and take away this cold disease.
Once again to see you glow
and throw your warmth through my window.
8th January 2015
Donall Dempsey Jan 2020

my little ray of sunshine
waiting on my desk
for my hand to write words

my little ray of sunshine
points to pen & paper
"Ok...ok!" I say

today no ray
my desk empty
of sunshine & words

my little ray of sunshine
playing upon my desk
searching for words

my little ray of sunshine
scolds me
my lack of words

I turn
my little ray of sunshine
into words

my little ray of sunshine
looks at itself in words
How to deal with writer's block....get a ray of sunshine on yer page tell you how to go about it...write about me...write about me it shouts.
Joel Mathew Sep 2019
The sun rays hit my eyes waking me up from my good night's sleep
I yawn, stretch my arms and jump out of bed.
I look out the window, there're smiles and sunshine.
I spend the day mindlessly staring at the sunshine.

The sun rays hit my eyes waking me up from my good night's sleep
I yawn, stretch my arms and jump out of bed.
I look out the window, there're smiles and sunshine.
I spend another day mindlessly staring at the sunshine.

The sun rays hit my eyes waking me up from my sleep
I yawn and crawl out of bed.
I look out the window, there're smiles and sunshine.
I spend the day pointlessly staring at the sunshine.

The sun rays hit my eyes waking me up from my sleep
I look out the window, there're smiles and sunshine.
I close the curtains and go back to bed.

The sound of rain splashing against my window wakes me up from my sleep.
I open the curtains and look out the window.
There's rain and sunshine.
I look at the raindrops sliding down the window, drawn in by it's guilty pleasure.

I'm woken up by thunder crashing down from the heavens.
Startled, I look at my window: it's open.
I look out the open window, it's pitch black for all the eye can see
I mindlessly stare at the darkness as it creeps inside.

I wake up and turn towards the window: there is no window.
I go back to sleep.

I don't wake up.

I don't wake up.

I don't wake up.

I can't wake up.
DaSH the Hopeful Mar 2016
I know the stories that you tell
I have them memorized so well
I take you at face value
Every time
You're everything I want
You're nothing I could hate
Hope you don't hesitate
Will you be mine?

I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

It's nothing but a bruise
It doesn't mean abuse
It's just a disagreement
I'll be fine
He still loves me the same
He tells me it's okay
He knows just what to say
Every time

I see the electric sunshine
The mask you hide behind
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

I know the stories that you tell
I know they're just pathetic spells
You thought I'd fall for it
Every time
You're no longer what I want
You're everything I've come to hate
Now your gone for good and I know
I'll be fine

I saw the sunshine in your eyes
The light you flipped on with a switch
And when it turned out to be lies
I turned into a *****
And I cut the cord to the ties that bound
I'm happy without electric sunshine now
I've seen the light without you

*I let it shine
If you or anyone you know is in a domestic violence situation, you can contact the national domestic violence hotline, anonymously if you choose, at 1-800-799-7233 or at
Donall Dempsey Jan 2019

my little ray of sunshine
waiting on my desk
for my hand to write words

my little ray of sunshine
points to pen & paper
"Ok...ok!" I say

today no ray
my desk empty
of sunshine & words

my little ray of sunshine
playing upon my desk
searching for words

my little ray of sunshine
scolds me
my lack of words

I turn
my little ray of sunshine
into words

my little ray of sunshine
looks at itself in words
A Simillacrum Jun 2018
Sunshine = exposure. Sunshine costs: money. Artists who give money, get Sunshine. Thus creating a system where those who have given money, have control over the exposure rates of other artists.

You have a free website on which to host your art because of others, yes. And these same people control the flow of art. Regardless of whether or not you yourself give money, there are people giving money, and those people are given ways to alter the perception of people who may visit the site, by specifically boosting art they deem worthy of praise.

I understand wanting to defend people who donate -- and you're right, I have no beef with individuals. I have a beef with the way this system works. I feel like it's no better than the micro transactions that are becoming normative for mainstream social media platforms, and the micro transactions and loot boxes that are becoming normative in video games.

There is no other access to Sunshine except by way of money. I'm making a plea that this remain a platform by and for all of us, the artists. Abolish Sunshine. If the people coming to this website need a pat on the back for doing some objective good in the world, then why not send out some personalized thank you cards? Send out some schwag?
John Stevens Feb 2015
Sunshine comes in many forms.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
That which comes up in the morning
and goes down at night.
And little girls who
are Momma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She rises in the morning
sometimes cloudy,
sometimes bright,
but always Momma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she rains tears
torrential they may pour
but comforted by the voice
of the One who loves her so.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she shines bright
the warmth of hugs and smiles.
Love overflowing in the heart,
it's all Momma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Love is forever and always
whether its stormy or bright.
Love covers all situations
For all is Momma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sunshine's  Eyes and Smiles
Light up the world around her.
Creating more smiles in their eyes
when first they did find her
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Momma's day is gloomy
Sunshine arrives with much to say
with happy stories, hugs and smiles
to brighten up the cloudiest day.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Sunshine goes to bed
it usually can be said
Sunshine's eyes cease to gleam
when energy's gone, time to dream.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Eyes close and all is well
in Sunshine Land I do tell.
Momma's De-light in peaceful sleep
The day is over, it will keep.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She is after all
Momma's Sunshine.

02-11-15 (c)
John Stevens
Originally written for Grandma
Changed for my daughter
And granddaughter.
Maddy Mar 2021
Did his smile warm you?
Did his blue eyes light up your life?
Chase the gray away
Hope for tomorrow and helping today
When he tells you at two and a half that he is
Leo welcoming you into his world
The old soul in that little face
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
It’s how he tells you and the wonder around him
He takes you in and shares it with you
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Nobody could be so sublime
In this place and time
Like Leo Sunshine on my mind

Dedicated to our nephew
Dawn Aug 2021
Lights shining bright
Through the busy night
I met you
When I was feeling blue

Words bubble up
Like a soda pop
Whenever I'm with you
I feel so new

There's something about you
That draws such an alluring hue
It makes my heart thump fast
And make my whole world vast

Hey, you
I have something to tell you
It is a piece of my emotion
Sent to you with great passion

Hey, Sunshine
Why do you look so fine?
I keep wondering why
As I get lost staring at the blue, blue sky

Hey, Sunshine
I like how dazzling you are
Like those cute smile of yours
That erases all my problems and worries

Hey, Sunshine
I like the way you shine brightly
Like those sparkling eyes of yours
As you look at me with a radiant smile

Hey, Sunshine
Keep smiling brilliantly
Like an ethereal flower in full bloom
Captivating me again as always

Hey, Sunshine
I like those cute smile of yours
The same way you make me feel happy
It makes my heart flutter

Hey, Sunshine
Will you be mine?
I really like you
How about you?

Helloooo :>>>> Its been a while since I posted since I got busy but here it is :>>>
This poem is inspired by Cherry's Confession scene in the movie entitled Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
Nikole L Mar 2019
I woke up with ray of sunshine on my cheeks
It's warm, bright, and comfy but I didn't care
I closed my eyes and slept
I dreamt of  a voyage on the clouds
A quest finding that ray of sunshine

Someone warm enough to hug me tight
Someone willing to be a clown just to make me laugh
Someone who brightens up a dark day
Someone who finds it cool to hang out with my crazy clan
Someone comfortable to be with me even if I'm awkward
Someone who lifts my chin up on tough times
Someone who will never leave me like how the sun sets, when I'm at my lowest point
Someone who sees the challenge in my complicated mind
Above all, someone who brings out the sunshine in me

That ray of sunshine who will make me see,
that every sunrise is worth waiting for
He, who will make me realize as I wake up with ray of sunshine on my cheeks,
I love how it makes me feel
Warm, bright, and comfy.

My ray of sunshine, Where are you?
Stephanie May 2018
A beautiful sunshine
You said I am your sunshine
You keep calling me the sunshine
While I felt so loved being that sunshine,
You kept turning into a dark night of no shine
Why did you keep calling me sunshine
When you are a total nyctophilia.
Jude kyrie Dec 2015
You Are My Sunshine

Joe he was
the eldest of us all
He would pick me up after work
And sing to me I was his baby sister

You are my sunshine
my only sunshine

I loved Joe
so big and solid so good.
I used to hug his neck as he lifted me
Like a feather in his arms
I love you Joe
I love you too Sweetie

You make me happy when skies are grey

There was a war in far off  land
I do not understand wars
I just wanted my Joe

You never know dear how much I love you

He went away in a soldiers uniform
I waited at the gate for him every day
Come back Joe I miss you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

Two soldiers came today and talked to mom
She wept and held her head in her hands
At night in my sleep I see you Joe
You lift me up in your strong arms
So safe so loving so sweet
In the distance from a long way away
I hear your voice again Joe

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are grey

I feel safe again Joe
I know your alright.
I love you joe
Joe was my brother
Irene is the little girl in the poem
she is my sister.
the story is factual.
And told through the eyes of my sister.
when she was a child
perhaps that's why I hate war so much.
Marian Dec 2012
Part I

I feel the sunshine,
The warmth and the beauty
Of it on my face.

Sunshine in my heart
Making me sing a sweet song,
A sweet melody.

Sunshine in my face,
Leaving me it's pretty grace,
Of it's love so warm.

Sunshine in my head,
Making me think of my friends,
And my parents dear.

Sunshines on you, friend,
Makes your heart light and happy,
Makes you feel carefree!

Makes you want to dance,
Through fields of everlasting
Sweet and soft flowers.

Sunshines through dark,
Making everything light,
It is day again.

Sunshine forever,
Even through dark times in your,
Beautiful-bright life!

For my parents and all my friends: Abyjyt Jn, Nick James Antony, Jisha, Jami Lee Arias, Jimmy Ellis, Stefan Davai, Medern Depe, Dieing Embers, Frank James Davis, Vijayalakshimi Hairsh, Bala, Dennis Meeker, Logan M Glover, Tatiana, Skip Henderson, Florence Queens, Lana Queens, Anon C, Betsy Smith, Linda W, Mary Rose, Sana Rose, Jcjuatco, Kamran Javed, Yelena, Suri Ben Noah, Clarrise, Jazmin Denton, Madison Grace, Ahmad ***, Neva Flores, Rebecca Askew, Sammi Sweetie, Mae, Hanna Maria, Cassie Sky, Lily Mae, Victoria, Aditya Bhaskara, Atul Kaushal, Jonathan Fernandez, Deirdre, Nithin Purple, Nicole Stevenson, Crystal Jenkin, Julia Mae, Caitlin Grace Hansen, Sa Sa Ra, Duck,  Darian, Haley Dalton, Catie, Shawn White Eagle & Frances. May your lives be filled with: joy peace, happiness & sunshine forever! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all!
Tally Knighte Jan 2015
You're sunshine.
Pure, untainted sunshine.
And you don't see it.

You look around,
You laugh,
The best laugh I've ever heard.
I can't help but smile
When I see your head fall back
And your mouth drop open
And your whole body shake
While your laughter fills the air.
You still don't know
You're sunshine.

You give the warmest,
Most reassuring hugs.
You always have a little
Smile on your face.
I like seeing that little smile
Turn into one so wide
It transforms into that laugh.
I do the same just by watching you.
Seeing you happy makes it hard
To understand why you don't know
That you're sunshine.

You walk into the room
And everyone turns to you
Because they feel your warmth
Even if you can't.
They see the light
Even if they don't realize it.
I realize it.
The others that have fallen for you
Realize it as well.
We see the life
Even when you don't.
Because you're sunshine.
Maddy May 2023
Did his smile warm you?
Did his blue eyes light up your life?
Chase the gray away
Hope for tomorrow and helping today
When he tells you at two and a half that he is special
Leo welcoming you into his world
The old soul in that little face
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
It’s how he tells you and the wonder around him
He takes you in and shares it with you
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Nobody could be so sublime.
In this place and time
Like Leo Sunshine on my mind

C@rainbowchaser 2023

Dedicated to our nephew
Esther Esuga Apr 2015
An innovative, creative, calm serenity
A spirit of togetherness and humanism
A patient, peaceful, joyful emotion
Different shades of Turquoise

A new, fresh, hopeful place of rest
Growth and development

A joyful, happy warming effect
Arousal of cheerful feelings and freshness
Great mental stimulant

A classy, luxury glitz of glamour
A confident, generous, self-work
A victorious , royal, happy-to-go-look
An abundant, shiny, excess extrovert

Written By; Esther Esuga

An innovative, creative, calm serenity
A spirit of togetherness and humanism
A patient, peaceful, joyful emotion
Different shades of Turquoise

A new, fresh, hopeful place of rest
Growth and development

A joyful, happy warming effect
Arousal of cheerful feelings and freshness
Great mental stimulant

A classy, luxury glitz of glamour
A confident, generous, self-work
A victorious , royal, happy-to-go-look
An abundant, shiny, excess extrovert

Written By; Esther Esuga

An innovative, creative, calm serenity
A spirit of togetherness and humanism
A patient, peaceful, joyful emotion
Different shades of Turquoise

A new, fresh, hopeful place of rest
Growth and development

A joyful, happy warming effect
Arousal of cheerful feelings and freshness
Great mental stimulant

A classy, luxury glitz of glamour
A confident, generous, self-work
A victorious , royal, happy-to-go-look
An abundant, shiny, excess extrovert

Written By; Esther Esuga

A sweet , young , pretty , subtle-charm
   A girly, warm, bright sense of appeal
  A cute, Fun, attractive, soft touch of feminity
  A spark of warmth and tenderness with friends and family
  An unconditional love, friendship and care.
An elegant pink

A royal, noble, selfless form of leadership
An enlightened, balanced state of maturity
A mixture of the feminine and masculine energies
An alluring, luxury of mystic fantasy
A beautiful, calm , calculated sense of wisdom

A color of heat, love, power and hot-passion
A vibrant, provoking, brave sense of will power
A seductive, romantic list of appetite
An attention grabbing, sharp rhythm of excitement
A color of signs

A calm, loyal, productive and conservative effect on humanity
A strong connection with masculinity
A rich, hopeful, desiring-lucky-go charm
A color of intuition and the sixth sense
Mostly heavenly and soothing to the mind and body
A friendly, stable , sincere, expertise of understanding

A cheerful, creative,bright-sunshine
A warm, happy, joyful, energetic summer
A spirit of optimism and success
Shades of orange

A meek, peaceful note of simplicity
Pure, heavenly and gentle
An innocent, good act of precision

A powerful, bold, confident elegance
A formal, classy sense of sophistication
Proudly black and beautiful

A color that absorbs
A strong, honest form of endurance
A stable, warm, comfortable, sense of maturity
A friendly note of earthly attitude
A bond with earth and its nature

A mediator between black and white
A neutral, reserved and modest aura
A solid, elegant form of maturity
A reliable, formal dignified class

A shiny, wealthy glitz of glamour
A modern sense of creativity
A gentle , graceful, kind touch of femininity

An innovative, creative, calm serenity
A spirit of togetherness and humanism
A patient, peaceful, joyful emotion
Different shades of Turquoise

A new, fresh, hopeful place of rest
Growth and development

A joyful, happy warming effect
Arousal of cheerful feelings and freshness
Great mental stimulant

A classy, luxury glitz of glamour
A confident, generous, self-work
A victorious , royal, happy-to-go-look
An abundant, shiny, excess extrovert

Written By; Esther Esuga
Anne-L Apr 2015
You are my sunshine
my only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are grey
You never know,
how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
By Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Radiant sunshine.
The days are long,
And I feel blue.
Please shine on me too,
This world longs for darkness.
With spots of light,
As days become unending night.
So sunshine,
Oh radiant sunshine.
How long till peace comes through?
If I should ever wilt away,
Please oh sunshine.
Shine on me too.
mk Jan 2018
oh sunshine
  how do i tell you?
  i am flying so high
  above these clouds
  weightlessly mine

            **oh sunshine

                 how do i show you
                 the butterflies that live in me
                 my veins full of ecstasy
                 the warmth of that summer breeze

oh sunshine
  the monsoon comes closer
  and that rain is here to purify
  everything will find its place
  there is so much to see
  so little to say

             oh sunshine
                  how do i show you
                  there is so much more warmth than cold
                  these golden rays never get old
                  the grass blades sway with hope
                  there is so much more to live for

oh sunshine
  the morning is yet to come
  the dawn is where you're from
  hold my hand and let me show you
  together we'll run
  straight into the sun
good music, good vibes

— The End —