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Maddy 2d
Walking around Vak-Kil
Your advice and words remind us that the purpose of life is to experience it
Taste it
Enjoy it
Savor it all
When FDR was still living and after
The walls echo of the great and small you entertained there
Many photos and feeling as if your spirit is there even now and forever more
You were almost President for you filled the role at a time it was not accepted
Wonder what advice you would have for Vice President Harris today?
As we left your gravesite at Hyde Park, you left an impact

All of the books written about you and those you authored still amaze a person who lives in a different time and place


Maddy 2d
Take it in
Let it digest and marinate
Be a  Sponge

Maddy 3d
You should learn something daily
No matter your degrees and education
You don’t know it all and probably never will
As we evolve and move forward
We learn from history but we don’t live there and perhaps should not
Dwell on what was and what might have been
Let it go
No matter how you learn just don’t stop
Age brings wisdom but not all the answers
What is fake are those that are one-sided and set in their ways
You should believe as you wish but judging others based on that ia another story
An old one
Open your mind
Experience things you never gave a second thought to delving into
Give Social Media and AI a rest
You will hopefully be surprised and learning for the next step

Maddy Jul 9
The Gift
Is it Divine?
Are we Inclined?
To Polish,
To perfect
To search and to craft
To listen.
In places some ignore
Unwilling to understand
The imperfect and perfect
Way to say it
Sharing it with readers and writers
Looking for other ways to go
This is good for now
Stay tuned
Stay tuned
As I share my friends with you
They never let me down and neither will any of you

Maddy Jul 3
No matter what
No matter when
It would be you all over again
Stepping low and high
So many multitudes of reasons why

Hellos and Goodbyes
Surprises and the Unexpected
Climbing mountains
Falling into Valleys
Silence that echoes
Music that holds you and lets you go
Doing it all over again
It would only be you
There is nobody else in the Universe that wlll do

Maddy Jul 3
You dream and wish this was real
You have the power for yourself
Don't power others
There are moments and places for all
It is about timing meter,rhythm,and rhyme
It is for them to seek and find out
You can be there and maybe reach out
Maybe just listen carefully
It is now not yesterday
Long ago but not far away

Maddy Jul 2
After yesterday, not sure of anything any longer
The exception is my duty as a citizen
Like yours
It us up to you but I know what needs to happen and to whom
Let's be done with him and move on greatly
Dump the felon before he rids us of our freedoms

C @rainbowchaser2024
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