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Poetic T Mar 2015
I cuddled upon it since birth,
It was the friend that kept me
Of my sleepy times, always there,
But I awoke and Blanky wasn't there
As both ran in,
"What is it our little one"
Tears streaming, words jumbled in emotions
Mummy stroked my hair
Daddy Sshhh....
And all was calm in the world,
B, B, "Blanky"
Has gone away,
Mummy soft spoken voice speaks
"Lets check your bed"
No not there?
"***** trained detective looks around"
Sniffs the air,
Sorry mummy that was me,
Mmm... to the playroom
High,  Low
Here,  there
Places searched but no where found,
His thoughts of blanky and sweet sleep,
As he searches each room, doggy sniffs
Come on Hairy,
He checks his bed nothing but hair,
His baby mind thinks back to the other day
Blanky and me,
Me and Blanky,
To the garden Woof, little fingers can not reach
Woofs hind legs stretch up,
"Good boy Woof"
As the door opens to
The great outside,
Near the sandpit
Near the grass
Then he spots it
Then its seen,
"Blanky I have missed you"
Hanging just out of reach,
"Detective work is never as easy as it seems"
A baby has skills, as he takes his *****
Sticky patches take hold and on top
Of a head, smelling fresh,
Not that just thumb ****** sleepy smell
But we can change that,
Blanky wrapped around
***** dragging  behind, a  new one needed I think,
"Its solved"
The missing blanky case is solved
It was washed, ***** it was once,
But so soft and cuddly once more,
It needs that just slept smell,
A detective is off to get snuggles sleep
Till the next case awaits, till I awaken
Its sheep time for me, goodnight or day everyone sweet dreams.
Another case solved, Special guest appearance Woof as Woof :)
A minute silence to the departed,
be it faithful or sinful, let's observe
The beautiful lieu of the ones who were before
The new home of those who've said goodbye
The eerie feeling of déjà vu hits again
The sun rises not in this marble arch
The loud silences that deafens all
Another is laid to rest on the east wing
A fresher to tell new tales
Many dressed to bid farewell
A fair lady screams to Israfael
Tell all to prepare the initiation rite
A newcomer to make all look good as dead
Someone looks here, staring deeply
Tell all to lay still till dark.
Julie Grenness Apr 2016
Why do men sit sulking alone?
Is it worse than Premenstrual Syndrome?
Is PFS far worse for men?
Indeed, by PFS, what is meant?
Why, it's Post Football Syndrome!
Don't say it's only a game, Oh no!
Round here, it's total blasphemy,
Or, let's say, utter heresy!
SSHHH...let's tiptoe away,
Dodging his tantrums today,
How does PFS affect you?
Find something else to do,
Preferably in another room,

Why do men sit sulking alone?
Easy, they have Post Football Syndrome...
Have a laugh, feedback welcome.
Keah Jones Dec 2015
slow down
everything is moving at a mind numbing pace
I can't tell where I am anymore

this body feels like a vice
growing tighter and tighter
the madness is coming back
my brain is swelling and my skull has no give

all I can feel is my body shaking willow branch in the wind
I can't type fast enough to get the smatter of chaos out of my head
this isn't a poem
this is a frantic plea of distraction

I just need the pill
it's sliding down my throat
ten minutes is a life time when you are counting the milliseconds

here it comes
the swelling is reducing
the wind is dying down
everything is coming into focus
st64 Jul 2013
quiet now
no noise
shhh now

out the blue
pretty blue-eyed waif
with bangs
screening her

today is the day
she learns of devotion
he will teach her

they have time
in the woods
         far from everyone
         nothing but sylvan moves for company
         a cabin in the mountains
         no easy access
but by trail

how they learn of each other...

until law enforcement
     decides to pay a visit

runaway man
has to hide
loses no love
from the hostage
who protects
in the end

his demands are almost none

the ransom
to be left alone

quiet now
they can't hear us
hush, baby
don't you cry now*

S T, 5 July 2013
woke from nap earlier.
reminded of 1975 film, 'Sweet Hostage' featuring M.Sheen and L.Blair.
what a film!

so, this piece is a duo-twist between that and film 'Misery'....

strange how strong can be the psychological link in the relationship between hostage and captor.

sub-entry: 'natural senses'

oh yessssssss
you can see me

surpassed all the conduits
natural senses

you got me

now, come closer
come on...

lemme tell you
what you long to hear
and whisper this secret
in your ear:


yes :)

the image
behind the image
become clearer now
for you

and now...your hands
time to get creative, baby

oh, yes!
Circa 1994 Jun 2014
It is not an excuse, but it is a reason.
It is not your fault that I am not strong enough to stop this thing I do.
This thing that hurts the both of us, but it really hurts you.
Part of me thought you already knew.
I convinced myself that you’d picked up on the subtle hints I’d dropped on your feet like soggy feathers.

I don’t need you to forgive me.
I need you to do what will make you okay.
I need you to be better in spite of me.
I need you to graduate and become successful.
I need you to marry someone with blue eyes and blond hair so I hate myself every day.

People make excuses for me and it makes me feel like hemorrhaging.
I don’t want to party.
I don’t want to dance.
I like to marinate in this pain I’ve earned.
To know that I may never know you because I got to know someone else. Might never open my eyes to the sight of your face two inches in front of mine.

Do not fall in love with these words because they are made of ink and ink bleeds, but I don’t.
I sent you all my love in an airplane that crossed over the sea.
And by the time it got there, you were half way to me.
Don’t let my tears coax you into settling.
My hurt is irrelevant when it is what caused yours.

So many things I want to say but have no right to.
Sign a permission slip to grant me access to the places closed off with yellow tape.
How could I ask for a second go at cutting you into confetti?
Come here, I said come here.

You need to be here, so I can stop being this way.
But is not fair to say.
It is not your responsibility to restore my innocence.
When did I become so selfish?
Why did I take directions from strangers that played their music too loud?

I should have done molly.
Should, shoul, shou, sho, shh. Sshhh.
I should have done more drugs and given less hugs.
I should not have dressed that way or done my make up just so.
I should have been looking through pictures of you on my phone.
Oh, that face. The one that thought I was perfect.
You know the one, with the eyes I wanted to one day see on the face of our child.

I'm naïve. I am an airborne virus. You caught me on the bus.

You were never not perfect.
jonni inferno Apr 2018
their readings ruptured
now run around
in panic-stricken circles

How can this be ?!!?
What shall we do ?!!?
Ceres is Gone !!
Now Pluto too !!
Who shall be next ??!!??
Jupiter ??
Neptune ??

We know their plans
and they've been confirmed

- No -
it's not Saturn...
- sshhh -
Be quiet now
- Please -
Do Not Squirm
They only want

from a planet
to a planetoid
and if they keep going
a lowly

just a comedic finish to "Pluto, Thou Hast Fallen"
included the link to the pic/poem at the end
Eric L Warner Oct 2017
Writers block isn't always writers block.
Sometimes you just have nothing to say.
Or no one worth saying things too.
Sometimes it's a plan that no one can see the forest for the trees and you just need to zip up your mouth and let it all come together at the end for them like some brilliant film they're seeing for the first time.
The kind that requires a second viewing.
Some of them have called me a psychopath.
Some have called me a genius.
I think it's too early to add up the score.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2015
I was a loner when i was born
I will be a loner when i'm gone
The good,the bad and the ugly....the highs and lows of life....
....i've seen it all
There were times when i wished i were dead
And then there were times when i had a ball
I've never had no expectations...coz whenever i've had one i've lost it all
Isolation's been my best friend
One misery in my life followed by another...that's been the trend
I once looked at the stars..
...How they seemed to shine so bright!!!...
....It's like they were making love to the universe
Out in the the open sky
Some in a cluster...
While some spread so very far
As far as my sight went..right up to the distant horizon
.....Beautiful assemblage of lights
Just looking at them made me high...
I guess we r all looking for that one particular face(the star of our life)..somewhere out among the stars.
Alas!!!... i don't have this luxury with me
SSHHH!!!!.........can you hear it??....
.....The serene silence of Death
..the bitter taste...the elixir that frees you from the chaos and confusion of life
I sometimes want it so bad....
Truth and falsity....hope and regret...they all find peace in death
As my body grows old with the advent of time
And my soul is but aching...
Life has reduced me to a caricature
...All i wish for is to go to that place of eternal sleep
...and for Death to engulf me in it's fury-filled grasp.
She always wanted to be
as famous as
Bawling dramatically in the cornfield.
My flip flops stuck
in the oozy mud
as I followed her for safety.

She sobbed on my shoulder during Titanic because she wasn't as beautiful
as Kate Winslet.
The rest of the cinema
gave me funny looks.
Soggy shoulder,
everyone necks craning to listen
to my therapy phrases.
"Sshhh. It's okay.
You're beautiful in a different way".

I never told her that lipstick didn't suit her.
And she still wears it now
on Facebook.
If you think this is you, it probably is.
Gemma Sep 2020
Sshhh it's a secret, I said.
"Of Course I'll never break your trust".
So why did you feel with no good end result,  break it you must?!
Did it feel good?
What did you gain?
I'm struggling to understand, your need to cause pain?
Don't tell me you didn't realise!
You didn't think it through, I specifically said DON'T MENTION THIS, I specifically said that to YOU .
So what was your end game? What result did you want, surely it wasn't just my secret to flaunt?!
Things said in confidence that are relayed back several times over. Chinese whispers but with malicious intent.
Way Rest Jun 2018
Hear, there be whispers
Pitter patter
A hush
Of a chatter
Once or twice
A loud groan

Light is littered
Here and there
Darkness has the bigger share
flasSH !!
SLaashh !!
Sudden light– a spark
A mutable mark

The world shrouded
Under deep fog
The heavens–cotton crowded
It tears

Tears tears
It nears
The scent of life

Tears tears
Someone hears
The sibilant symphony

Tears tears
It clears
The sky
Darkly Aug 2016
The feeling is so hidden away.
Protected shrunk down reduced in size to within straight lines traced with fingers into a tiny box.
Ninety degrees.
V = a2h
Thrown through a dimension door into another place far away tucked underneath earth and grass and kept quiet by flowing water.
You are connected to it so well it is simply a part of you.
A very small part that is very large.
Don't tell them that.
Your secret is safe with me.
(By The Moon, They Are)
And things will never be the same.
me Feb 2013
She writes like the wind
To nobody there
Or so she thinks
There is no one to care
Sshhh don’t tell her
We all feel the same
The invisible people
Who all play this game

So many parts, so many pieces
Brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces
It flows from your heart and out of your hand
Sometimes depressing, but somehow so grand

She’s not alone, nodding our heads
A knowing grin reflecting her back
Look in the mirror, there’s a whole Pack

Some talk in riddles, some talk in prose
Smiling and thinking ….. how little she knows
Lynx Ng Jan 2015
We bring around little worlds
hoping that someone
will share the same skies
in our little worlds
It doesn't hurt that much.

We carry our little worlds
against the great big one outside
and when we find
this big world is both more and less beautiful
than ours
reality hits us
You'll see it if you know where to look.

We cover our little worlds
our faces smiling
a facade
a breakwater
against the waves
of which
some call fate
some call living
It's okay. Even when it's not.

We hide within our little worlds
a part of us
to others unknown
our little paradise
of sands from eternal shores
in it we find peace in chaos
without we find chaos, even in peace
What we don't know can't hurt us.

We live in our little worlds
against the cruelties
of reality
of responsibility
of expectations
and of disappointments
we closed it too slowly
it has seeped in somehow

And then I find

we are our little worlds
whether darkness
or in light.
Virlyn Jul 2018
Drunk on the lies
    we dreamed
yet sleeping still
theblndskr Jul 2015
He hears it pound. So fast, so ahhhh...
"sshhh,it needs to stop..."
A game tonight? hmmm..
Silence peaks.
fingers point, clicks
- - - lights out. - - -
Pitch dark he kills.
**Hiding the shadow, he fears.
Could be your usual movie ****** scene. But NO.
"Why did you **** me, what was my fault?" asked innocence
"Sshhh! stay calm, i didn't **** you, the world wants to **** you; you're safe in me my child, you're still alive.
Don't come out or they'll find you but trust me i won't let them do that." i replied
What if the town of Mayberry wasn’t
Exactly “white”?
Some of it would be of course
But what if most was “not quite?”
And whom?
They all look the same.
The same arms.
The same hands.
Creamy, milky blanched and not exactly pink even in soapy dishwater.

It does explain why there aren’t really any children.
That would give one away
That tawny skin
That curious hair and inky eyes

Aunt Bea, her nose is a little wide perhaps and yet...
Well Sheriff Andy sure can sing and his hair has just the slightest suggestion of a wave.
Otis’s lips are full and plump.
His face is round not square.
He is the most unassuming and
gentlemanly of criminals.
He locks himself up at night when it’s called for.
Is this why everyone is so frozen?
Not one foot put wrong even
in a solemn country way?

The secret getting out?
People wouldn’t understand.
And they’re out there far off by a stream
There could be trouble
And who’s who?
And who’s what?

We sit and watch the glow of quiet spectacle.
The pantomime of the solicitude.
The church raffle.
The apple pie.
The charade where no one knows the answer
If you were uninitiated maybe you would never know.
Imagine the stillness.

Now Opie you stay out of the sun!
But Pa!
I mean it. Now go do as you’re told and get ready for supper.
Oh alright.

They sit quietly around the table
Drinking iced tea and smiling
Nothing’s moving.
You sure know how make a fine piece of
Pie Aunt Bea!
Oh Andy!
No elbows on the table.
Why yes Sir.
Why no Ma’am.

Look, my hair is blond
And my eyes are a funny golden brown
I have a lot of freckles and when it rains
my hair does not know what to do
I wear it in a long braid down my back, tight
Someday I’ll meet a nice blond man and he’ll take me away from here.
I’ll stay out of the sun most days and our children
will be perfect.
Sneha shenoy Sep 2017
Standing by the bridge that was old
young couple once cherished memories of gold.

Was she lovelorn?
But dosent matter,she's all torn,
As her fairy kingdom was forlorn.

Sshhh!!!! Can't you hear her whimpe?
Helpless she unable to go with nature's sync.

Gazing at the nature fille sat Disquieted ,
The melancholic morbid was reflected.

The doleful rivers all in flood,
She sobbed tears of blood .
The sun shunned its light,
Birds disregarded their flight.

The grey sky shook the earth,
Dejected she rejected this birth,
EMBRACING the river and questioning her worth.

The doleful rivers all in flood,
She sobbed tears of blood .
The sun shunned its light,
Birds disregarded their flight.

The grey sky shook the earth,
Dejected she rejected this birth,
EMBRACING the river and questioning her worth.

The silhouette of our play ground,
I can still breathe our game;
The sun burns my eyelids;
As I rest from being sane;
Hush boy
Our worlds gone quite;
Your mind
Will try to fight it;
Chest to chest;
Grip me longer;
You push against my lips;
Bite alittle harder;
Winning for now;
But not for long;
You may be evil;
But I'm trained in "wrong"
My heart is ragged;
My lips grazed closer;
This play of ours
Is far from over...
Poetic T Apr 2016
I sleep on their graves, my eyes slumber like
death that echoes through moisture and earth.
They talk to me in mumbles, I touch the ground
and I hear their pains in each weeping word.

I sleep on separate ones for to slumber on one
invites their pain into my mind, I once did slumber
on one to many incidences did envelop my
thoughts, wanting them in silences embrace.

They held on to my being but I learned that one
to many voices can ****** an essence of life.
Draining the need to breath, to settle within
their cold embrace and lie dormant in oblivion.

Some tell me stories of times long past, while others
I sing a lullaby to, so young not knowing why
they slumber in darkness but my words sooth their
worried cries Sshhh... little one slumber so quiet.

They shout sometimes, I ask them to hibernate in
waiting for their time would come when their voices
would rest and afterlife would peacefully greet.
I want to sleep but the voice always want to speak.

I always wonder, could I rest one day in the deep.
Or will I just linger in this place listening to their
thoughts and voices. Will I ever know what they will
eventually feel the earth below or only listen to the deep.
Seema Nov 2019
Like the torn pages of some book, my heart leaps in to look, dabs of watermark, screams with ache, shattering in the corner with a broken quil, scarttering ink
The spurts of red ooz, down the thin lining, skating through the white sheets
I think of, what my fears tend to paint, a terrible sin, taled by a dark saint
Robed in pale, clear as a glass trans, bears the spurts with that of an ink mark
Glows with the hit of ray, ignites the jealous spark of the impossibilities
It's breath, hovers my shoulder with a sticky wetness odor
Clenching and sniffing as if ripping my veins out of order
A slight touch of my hand spooked ****** ambience in a blink
Of that of some air brush smearing spurts of ***** ink...

Spilling imagination.
Butch Decatoria Sep 2017

By and by a passersby

Another grace for grains of sand

Loiter lingering longer

Down low below beneath your toes

The sublimity of heaven

Farther furthest spaces

Within and beyond the fleshy faces

Far from firmament and sacrament

The stages we pretend perform

A jig getting down jiggy without

The doubt that cuts not rugs

But peace of mindful tiers

Enlighten me to wake yet feign

To not feel endangerous the hollow

Spaces that wide open

A nothingness of soul

A sky of soot and funeral silt or soil

We darken our glow to not toil

Thou wilts

Give praise,

This miracle of days to witness

Nothing else we make less

But ourselves

With fear and doomsday loudly


Each scintilla of a sigh profoundly

Forever feels like

A spark

Big banged life's boomerang

Why worry to go hurry in lines

Manga tales

Minds bright implosions

Think tank

We drank and wankers


Feeling glad bags

Full of glory.

You are one in this box

Sphere made of fear

Shape your story.

Don't drown in the Gobi

Or such empty tears

Eyes panorama grand o holy!


be we wide awake...?

Everlasting Mar 2021
I was once silence
loud in your mind

Now I’m just


Good night

— The End —