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Hiko zeRo-oNe Aug 2014
"Calcium Phosphorus Oxygen Iodine Sodium Sulfur Tantalum Dysprosium. Oxygen Radium, Protactinium Radium Manganese Nickel Sodium Potassium Oxygen."
know what i mean???

Molly Apr 2015
I have been told that a love left untouched will never disappear; that because the corrosive oils from our fingertips have not dissolved its coloring, it will, theoretically, endure perpetually. This love, left in its shrink-wrap casing, looming over the heads of the meek and the caustic feels like a scarlet letter hidden behind the robe, a feeling so foul none are to know but, Oh, what if it begins to fester, there in the moist dark?

This worry had been sitting in my stomach, churning with the bile and swallowed blood, coming up acid in my throat; I could feel it radiating out. Thought: it must be nuclear, must be radioactive and glowing, eating through me one layer at a time, but love –this uranium longing– has a half-life.

When first the reaction began it boiled and popped like lye on skin, singed off my eyelids so I could not help but see it there. I found myself woozy from the fumes, a high I had never experienced before so I inhaled, let it torch my lungs and leave me gagging. My hair began to fall out. I was soggy from the chemotherapy, tried pumping this bitterness into my bloodstream to remove the evil that already existed there, unaware that they were the same entity. It could not survive on a diet of itself and obsession, and so it began waning.

An exponential decay, the intensity of this passion varying directly with the frequency of contact and inversely with time, yet it will never be gone, entirely. It will decrease incrementally every time I say good bye, every time I see scarred knuckles, every time I want and he does not. I have counted the days since the day I counted on him and he was accountable and the number is growing larger and getting more difficult to remember. I have scribbled it onto scraps of paper and it has only browned the edges, no longer burns all the way through, and this love –this radium affair– has been losing its toxicity.
We declared ourselves as unofficially official and left it at that. No need for labels, just chemistry. So if I’m Radium, you’re Francium. Rare. Radioactive. Heavy. Unstable. You once told me that being with you meant being in danger, but little do you know that I’ll do anything to feel more alive. Because, Radium, in its glowing magnificence, devours life. I destroy everything I touch. Not at first, not with a bang. But when you’ll least expect it, when you think everything’s okay. So don’t ever tell me you’re too dangerous when I’ve kissed the life away from strangers lips. You’re just a troubled soul looking for a way out. And I won’t stop you from sticking stones in your pockets before going for a swim, I’ll be waiting at the bottom.
Left Foot Poet Jan 2019
"Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!"
                                                          ­Polonius (Hamlet)
read these words in a past, as a punk teenager,
back in the mid-you-wouldn't-believe-it-flintztone-age
returned to them, nowadays
when I am seven by ten decades squared, older not wiser

three people told me
what a lucky man I am today,

Even before the noon hour dare arrive,
a shocking delivered by an electrocardio telegram,
thus instigating a product recall of Shakespeare’s blessing season,
drawn from a stale teenage memory storage fast depleting

"This above all: to thine ownself be true"
which denies the false escape
of being false to any human

ingesting this thrice lucky man observation
into the internal inward-facing telescoping observatory,
where I map the true course of the
well held in the constellations of my life,
never forgetting that this holistic ecosystem that is my
mind~body must evaluate the truth of this claim

its veracity will differ when assayed by
the big toe of my left foot from whence the poetry comes,
as well as those other interfering guys,
body, mind, heart and soul,
then re-evaluated by the internecine warring of those whiny parts,
the tongue, the hands, the eyes saying me, me,
that perforce means a dynamic constant changing
of every thing

in other words,
thine own truths are fluidity ever changing,
the mapping of your blessings,
best done in pencil with room
for expansion, reversal, and misdirection

have I lost you dear reader?

My Left Foot squeals,
fools, you just hammered
three more nails in the coffin of his depression,
where woes and toes know the inevitable repetition of the troubles he has already deemed, and now foreseen are yet,
ladies in waiting to take him to the tower

My Mind says
in obvious aspects people, you are 100% correct,
but the Inquistors are not fooled, patient in their queries;
My Body simply asks, err, does that make me look fat?
My Souls defers with a yada yada, not my problem, deal with it...

The facts tranverse and reverse,
Ah, the truths of my blessings
As much confusing and last defusing

The little drummer boy marches me in reverse retreat,
while shouting out in time a marching refrain:

Luck can be stored, used then, never more,
Its algorithm, a lifetime calculation,
Woe is me, thrice, deemed lucky,
But the map of my blessing reveals my positioning,
At the map-edge I stand, the last border be just ahead,
Seasons, maps, blessings must stop to journey,
What others see upon me outward, outdated,
All maps, all blessings are black-line bounded,
So too, am I, bounded, confused and confounded

The algorithm computes my nine lives are now radium depleted,
The shell, the shell no longer can be fired,
Even the half life has evaporated, used,
Though it looks fit, the luck has eroded, the feet now touching
My map edged in black, its legend, of use, never more

November 2017
Yet here, Laertes! aboard, aboard, for shame!
The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail,
And you are stay’d for.
There; my blessing with thee!

And these few precepts in thy memory
See thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,
Nor any unproportioned thought his act.
Be thou familiar, but by no means ******.
Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledged comrade.
Beware Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,
Bear’t that the opposed may beware of thee.
Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy;
For the apparel oft proclaims the man,
And they in France of the best rank and station
Are of a most select and generous chief in that.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!
Lendon Partain Mar 2013
I'm just getting in the bath,
Someone else wrote the letter,
I don't want to make a. Mess.

Draw me the water
I point at the tap
Burden no family
Hold my head under icecaps.

Merkel Cells, diluted sensation,
The end of fingertips cant feel your
Shriveling in the cold,
Shivering to stop freezing,
But I cant. What am I doing?
Can I want this now, errectores pilorum erected.
Have I set motion to,
Cogs in a watch I cant adjust.

my lungs mark absolute zero
this is me sitting in chemistry class
10th grade
asking sam to suffocate with me
every alvioli is pinned by ****** as thick as knitting needles
my chest is permafrost
my sternum, antarctica
the ribs hollow out
capillary beds lose all the haem
out of their erythrocytes

I'm losing St. Elmo's Fire.

The baths still panting out,
Water roars, gushing spout.
Proud the current sweeps me through,
The porcelain lining this white hell bathroom.
It's bone cannot hide from my blood,
As if I'm isotope 226 of Radium.
Heat seeking marrow.
My serum is Hodgkins Lymphoma,
Tearing through sheeting tile,
Like a young cancer child,
No chance,
No good blood left,
To let.

Soon, it will all be gone, and the rivers that
freeze in my arms, and the ribs that are icicles
form, and the atrial canal is not like Venice,
it is the Rhine in winter, the Volga during
the solstice.

Spring will never come again.
Spring slipped its head into the bath water, like my own.
This is about a movie i watched about a guy who wrote suicide notes for people, he said 30 percent actually do it.
Where Shelter Jun 2020
majestic adjectives
of contrary harmonies,
adverbs in adversity
that modify our satisfactions,
gut punch our eyes,
scramble the taste buds,
now inoperable,
incapacitated to distinguish
what is disturbed -
what is sweet -
what is impossible.
my days ending is
nearer to my god than thee,
the crumblings of
what I’ve got left

stale panko crumbs,
here come they in
1000 radium-tipped
projectiles of
serious humorous
gifted to you!
my few
itinerant followers
peddlers brave enough
to offer shelter,
to follow me
into the deeps of
radioactive incomprehension,
of no particular disorders
a thousand times

bless you
richly, eachly,
name announced, pronounced,
we are all proper nouns.
aj Feb 2017
i have learned to breathe under holy water -
grew gills so strong they are
lined with celestial gold.

the ocean is a puddle to me now.

and i ***** pearls of pain,
lick them clean with my acetylene

my acids will heal what the world cannot.

pills and love potions  
can't take away
my virginity.

i am clean, so clean.

the devil watches me and
cringes at my radioactive light.

for i am dead and alive all at once.
poison, poison.

the radium drips from my lips like
babyspit and i am too pure
for god himself

so i offer my golden blood
to a higher power

that would take the pureness of it all
and make it an ounce
of what i could have been
There was a saviour
          Rarer than radium,
     Commoner than water, crueller than truth;
          Children kept from the sun
          Assembled at his tongue
     To hear the golden note turn in a groove,
Prisoners of wishes locked their eyes
In the jails and studies of his keyless smiles.

          The voice of children says
          From a lost wilderness
     There was calm to be done in his safe unrest,
          When hindering man hurt
          Man, animal, or bird
     We hid our fears in that murdering breath,
Silence, silence to do, when earth grew loud,
In lairs and asylums of the tremendous shout.

          There was glory to hear
          In the churches of his tears,
     Under his downy arm you sighed as he struck,
          O you who could not cry
          On to the ground when a man died
     Put a tear for joy in the unearthly flood
And laid your cheek against a cloud-formed shell:
Now in the dark there is only yourself and myself.

          Two proud, blacked brothers cry,
          Winter-locked side by side,
     To this inhospitable hollow year,
          O we who could not stir
          One lean sigh when we heard
     Greed on man beating near and fire neighbour
       But wailed and nested in the sky-blue wall
Now break a giant tear for the little known fall,

          For the drooping of homes
          That did not nurse our bones,
     Brave deaths of only ones but never found,
          Now see, alone in us,
          Our own true strangers' dust
     Ride through the doors of our unentered house.
Exiled in us we arouse the soft,
Unclenched, armless, silk and rough love that breaks all rocks.
Tes yeux sont si profonds qu'en me penchant pour boire
J'ai vu tous les soleils y venir se mirer
S'y jeter à mourir tous les désespérés
Tes yeux sont si profonds que j'y perds la mémoire

À l'ombre des oiseaux c'est l'océan troublé
Puis le beau temps soudain se lève et tes yeux changent
L'été taille la nue au tablier des anges
Le ciel n'est jamais bleu comme il l'est sur les blés

Les vents chassent en vain les chagrins de l'azur
Tes yeux plus clairs que lui lorsqu'une larme y luit
Tes yeux rendent jaloux le ciel d'après la pluie
Le verre n'est jamais si bleu qu'à sa brisure

Mère des Sept douleurs ô lumière mouillée
Sept glaives ont percé le prisme des couleurs
Le jour est plus poignant qui point entre les pleurs
L'iris troué de noir plus bleu d'être endeuillé

Tes yeux dans le malheur ouvrent la double brèche
Par où se reproduit le miracle des Rois
Lorsque le coeur battant ils virent tous les trois
Le manteau de Marie accroché dans la crèche

Une bouche suffit au mois de Mai des mots
Pour toutes les chansons et pour tous les hélas
Trop peu d'un firmament pour des millions d'astres
Il leur fallait tes yeux et leurs secrets gémeaux

L'enfant accaparé par les belles images
Écarquille les siens moins démesurément
Quand tu fais les grands yeux je ne sais si tu mens
On dirait que l'averse ouvre des fleurs sauvages

Cachent-ils des éclairs dans cette lavande où
Des insectes défont leurs amours violentes
Je suis pris au filet des étoiles filantes
Comme un marin qui meurt en mer en plein mois d'août

J'ai retiré ce radium de la pechblende
Et j'ai brûlé mes doigts à ce feu défendu
Ô paradis cent fois retrouvé reperdu
Tes yeux sont mon Pérou ma Golconde mes Indes

Il advint qu'un beau soir l'univers se brisa
Sur des récifs que les naufrageurs enflammèrent
Moi je voyais briller au-dessus de la mer
Les yeux d'Elsa les yeux d'Elsa les yeux d'Elsa.
Ryan Gonzalez Jan 2015
I stare at my computer screen
hearts beating rapidly back
the stamping of feet at a stadium

Some hearts are glowing
filled with radium
some show a mass of white fat
too many years eating fast food
some are near death
flies soaring over a gray mass
anticipating the final thump

Occasionally I see healthy hearts
scrolling down my screen boldly
on a journey of self-experimentation

I let them breeze by on their voyage
careful to only pick the unfortunates
grabbing them from the screen
as if they were an apple on a shelf

I empty the heart of radium
letting the poison fill me instead
causing an earthquake in my head

I eat the white fat off the heart
feeling it travel down my esophagus
like a delayed release cyanide pill

I swat the flies off the gray mass
holding it to give my energy
my hair whitens and skin loosens

Collapsing with a loud crash
my face staring at the screen
holding tears back like rowdy children
MissBeWrites May 2018
Marie, Marie, what have you done?

Mollie still softly glows

with your beautiful radium

as if she were a star interred

slung over with human skin

except stars explode outward

not collapse from within.

Mollie, sweet Mollie, all but nineteen

sitting stiffly at her shift

quietly painting.

one by one, day by day

out came the teeth,

then her jaw removed

and the bleeding

that never ceased

yet the clocks all tick on

and numbers

must still illuminate.

This is war, girl, and

sacrifices are to be made.

Thirteen sisters dip their brushes

in the belly of the beast.

Their pursed lips

form the fine points

that detail work needs.

Undark atoms infiltrate

on each inhalation;

these unwitting scribes

are the ink in Our

industrial supplication.

This is the new world

with it’s new God –

Bright, shining Radiation.

Mollie, fair Mollie, five years now cold

yet in the dark you still flicker

like a trove of white gold.

We have come armed

with our shovels

and shame too terrible to be told

to clear your name justly

by burning your radiant bones
Based on the misfortune of the radium girls, hired by the US Radium Corporation and knowingly worked to death with radioactive paint for luminescent clock faces
Bria Prior Oct 2010
we're trying to    simplify    the   difficult
and     pacify     the   temperamental....

indulging in   forbidden   filth
the farther you go        the smaller you get
but staying put     makes it worse

radium skies    ****** eyes

make it til' tomorrow
Sharath Ram Jul 2014
i sit still at the Streaks of light that pass above my eyefull head through the atmosphere at the poles where the radium lit aurora meanders through the crystal clear sky(cloudless) sometimes as when the sun sinks in behind the skimmed cream ice bergs or when the moon puts on its armour of silver.
K Balachandran Feb 2012
wild cat with radium eyes,
electrified , what a presence!
at the rendezvous , her claws,
etched murals, on skin, letting blood.
They dare;
Enough to investigate,
Where the moon hides,
On the dark nights?
Who rules the tides?
And who sways,
The wind’s might?

They push;
Beyond the holding ledge,
Into the dark,
As dreams possess,
A glow evident;
Iridescent firefly,
Cutting stark,
Across the dark!

Often invincible,
An invisible might,
Ruling the strengths,
Of a doing mind!
They bloom,
A trophy of truth,
Shining over the mantle,
Radium of life!
K Balachandran Jun 2013
The cat with radium eyes, drilling into my sub-terrain secrets,
Hedgehopped silently in to my camouflaged enclosure, for a nightcap, it said.
A companion of mysteries, tip-toes in to the wilderness of night
With a gentle "meow' to hunt
                                                how fast you pulled me closer, with your claws drawn out,
Not any coy maiden, your lust, long nailed and wild,
Known you differently before, now it comes out on the open, I love you in your true colors, yes, but..

Your kisses are bloodsucking vampire feasts,
You need to feel the beast all over you, to quench the lust, from the beginning I knew(my secret)
With caterwaul crescendo we celebrated lust, I contributed in  plenty at your request,
When swelled desire, did burst and waves dissipated, we went to a dopomine induced sleep,
Completely transformed, you just look like a lackluster colleague,
Unexpectedly came to visit, for a cuppa and chat  (why do I feel bit let down, difficult to understand)
K Balachandran Nov 2011
feline princess,
with  lithe, agile limbs
mistress (with/of) dark instincts
tormentor of my libidinous dreams,

perpetually  under the spell of
your radium eyes,
experiencing , in every sense
your nocturnal effervescence,
I would doubtlessly testify anywhere:
your day light innocence,
is the act of a cheat.
(would I ever do that? you know, it is just a joke)
I am bit confused, still
why should you behave in that way?
you are indeed bold,  barbarous in an amorous sense
in that you are proud, as any one would understand.

your thorny nails
hidden under soft paws
plays with the ups and downs of my body
both ways, some times it only  tickles
and at other times, plunges deep, draws blood
                     I am a sinner with clean conscience
you can tell me all your desires
dark, white or purple
we would be together
in that  boat to the dark  dark shores
where you promised to
make me inhale the imagined flowers
of flesh with the  scent of fulfillment.
Asunder Dec 2014
My blood boils over
Your four leaf clover
Is running out of luck
Don't push it, I'm at the brink
I hear it, the way you think

That the words you say
Will stay between my ears
And not evaporate  
Like the promises they never were
Too late, too late

My reasoning compromised
My senses desensitized
My humanity digitized
Into steps of despair,
hate and fury, lay bare

I hear the words come out
But I don't listen
My tongue has no master
Sly as a *****,
They tumble out faster

Roll over our bonds
Like lava over rivers
Like alcohol through livers
This is our cirrhosis
Our relationship's psychosis

Hardened like stone
Over castles of glass
And as the words stop
I realise they're crass
Alas, an impasse!

I have lost your trust
To an unjust jury
Like the Radium that murdered
the Lady Curie  
All love fissioned  
Because of my fury
Jodie LindaMae Dec 2014
Freshmen year
I was involved in a play
About women in the 1920's
Who were paid to paint watch dial numbers
And hands
With green-glowing,
Radioactive paint.
The point of doing this
Being so soldiers could see their watches at night
Without giving away their position.
After years of exposure to the radium,
The women themselves began glowing
And forming cancers in the deepest recesses
Of their young and tender bodies.

Before the horrors began,
The women had taken a trip to the beach
Where they ate sandwiches
And talked about the things that shined
In their lives.
And between the Rudolph Valentino's
And pearl necklaces
In the windows of department stores,
I believe they could also list you
Among the beautiful things they had
In spite of all the danger.
This was a long shot, I agree.
r0b0t Jul 2014
in little shattered
bits of future
with cards and ash and radium
all spread around my brain
I wrap my fingers around your bone
to tug it away
from my heart
which you have been clinging to
for far too long
and I cast off
the phosphorous light
that have ignited my lungs
and filled my fists
with a rage
rivaled only
by the dragons
in stories my mother would read to me
until I fell asleep
clinging to a razorblade.
Mishka Mar 2014
My state of mind is abysmal
A void in my skull
Throbbing and robbing,gravity *******, people *******
A blackness darker than pitch, you stupid ***** get out of my head, scorpions crawling along my cranium, **** them with radium, poison the skeletons tapping on skin.
Hit me with hammers, don't sit there and stammer, get me out of this hole
Help me feel whole
Help me save my soul
Tablets and pills don't stop the ****, slicing and dicing, man-made gills
Cover my eyes, I am so shy,
Just lay me to sleep, don't weep
don't weep
Arvind Krish Apr 2016
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
The brook flows bound to wastes

Cut, Cut, Cut
The fallen trees they shed

****, ****, ****
The animals roasted in fire.

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke
The grey turned air sneeze

Blast, Blast, Blast
The wrecks of once mighty peaks

Dry, Dry, Dry
The last drop water vapourise

War, War, War
Men pierce hearts and blood

Throw, Throw, Throw
food ever to be scarce

Explode, Explode, Explode
The radium bursting the cells

Invent, Invent ,Invent
all that earth never wanted

Destroy, Demolish ,Doom
until the last life turns solid

Bleed, Bleed, Bleed
Earth you are never more alive.

For mankind was never
to be a savior
Never to be an angel
But to be the mark of doom.
ogdiddynash Jul 2019
majestic adjectives of contrary harmonies,
adverbs in adversity that modify our satisfactions,
gut punch our eyes, scramble the taste buds,
now inoperable, incapacitated to distinguish
what is disturbed - what is sweet - what is impossible.
my days ending is nearer to my god than thee,
the crumblings of what I’ve got left,
stale panko crumbs,
here come they in 1000 radium-tipped projectiles of
serious humorous self-destruction,
gifted to you few itinerant followers
brave enough to follow me into the deeps of
radioactive incomprehension,
in no particular disorders
a thousand times
Nabs Jan 2016
By nabs

I think maybe
you're over reacting
a lil bit

Too much electron,
not enough protons
You need to stabilize

Playing overlord
is so fun when
Everyone pretend
not to see
that power
can be mercury to
someone's mind

There's no nuclear
in your veins
I assure you
I'm already a radioactive zone

no matter
how many radium
goodbye's you spew,
you can't convince me
to give you my francium

Oh, really
don't try to
blow it up
you really don't
got the talents for that

Just stop trying to be
what you're not
meant to be
Only carbons can
be diamonds
When chemistry just stump your mind,
and i wanted to do everything and fails this is what i said to my self.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
The shadows in my brain
That dance with all the pain
Only adding to the strain

The memories that they hold
That they crease and mold
Only leave me cold

The agony holds on strong
That it refuses to move along
Only leaving tears of all that's gone wrong

The shadows in my mind
That are so unkind
Only showing me what they find

Thoughts rambling in an insane manner
Voices mix and clamber
Between it all the static stammer

Leaving me to believe I'm not well
I wear a mask so you can't tell
That I really live in Hell

There is something going on inside my cranium
Maybe it holds to much radium
That must be why I need a ******

My thoughts bumb and scatter
Oohhh something shiny.....does it matter
Uhm I think my head has grown flatter

Pain and agony brought on insanity
Trying hard to grasp the gravity
This situation leaves me in, oh the calamity

Well my gray matter has had enough
I'm calling my life's bluff
Put the gun to my head, it was tough

Blowing that gray matter away
Still won't be enough to sway
The demons will make me stay
In a vegetative way
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
He laid on a rusted bed
old worn out blankets
his face pale and questioned
He yelled at me.
He laughed at me

"Feel the pain ****** me
the cancer banging my cells
the tumor trembling my lungs
the new paradise
of toxins and pain killers.
The radium exploding my skin.

I feel raging
powerful, the king yet fragile
I'm the warrior of all the valleys
Yet I lie in the corridors of this unknown place
Everything white...
Who are those people dressed in white
Is that a small sword in his hand
NO, he is piercing my skin

I will **** all
I'm dying..
PLEASE don't **** me

And there he lies
crumbled to the sedatives
And I walk out with cancer in my thoughts..
fight until you die
Desire Dec 2019
It doesn't feel like pain anymore, it just feels so tense
Words, ideas, they're all aching my head
And I try to hide it with radium and noise
But nothing is to loud for the voices that destroy
So many thoughts have me crying till I scream
Enabling my mind to be nothing like me
I try to run away from the voices within
But even when I dream the demons still break in
Elaenor Aisling Oct 2021
Half-love burns like a half-life spent
Radium lover
is your jaw rotting
From the stress of keeping everything behind your teeth
In your dreams they fall into your palms
Soft and sacrosanct, grotesque, sharp pearls to string around hope’s neck
And crush it.
what were you not telling me
And why?
Title from Kate Beaton’s Marie Curie comic
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Now It Seems...
To... Currently Be...

A...... HOT Topic...... !!!
That MANY In The World...
Are Now Wrestling With...

When It Comes To Work...
Protecting Children...
And Again... Travelling... !!!

Is It Wise To Submit...
To What These Vaccines Give... ?!?

Freedom To Live...
And Not Face Limits...
On Basic Things...
Like Having A Drink...
And... Partying... !?!

It’s A TOUCHY Subject...
For A LOT of Heads...

When Discussions Arise...
About What’s WISE...

Do You... VACCINATE...
Or... Choose To ABSTAIN... ?!?
And Face Losing Your Wage...
Due To Vaccine Mandates... ?!?

Are You HURTING Lives...
If You DON’T Comply...
Or Yes Choose To SUBMIT...
To Be One Who Takes It... ?!?

That’s Right This New JAB...
That Many Have Now Had... !!!

Because It AVAILS...
FREEDOM To Set Sail...
And NOT Wear A Mask...
Just To Do Daily Tasks... !!!

Like Going To Work...
To Once Again Serve...
The … Good Old Purpose...

of That’s Right Slaving For...
The... Political Herds...

Who’ve Made **** Sure...
That Peoples Nerves...
Have Been DISTURBED...
By... New Death Curves...
That Have Now Been Observed...

Since Corona’s Worked...
A Viral Curse...
That Has … Perturbed... !!!
And Caused Much Hurt... !!!

But What About Things...
Like The Nuremberg Code... ???

Is Something UNKNOWN... ?!?
To People Now Taking...
An Injected Dose...

of A Vaccine That’s Given...
WITHOUT Their Permission... ?!?

Unwilling Submission...
Is NOT A Position...
That Should Be Permitted... !!!

When It Comes To Physicians...
And What They Are Giving...
To People Submitting...
Themselves To Conditions...
That Could Be Inflicting...
ILLNESS To Their Systems... !?!

The Nuremberg Code...
Says Such Things Are FORBIDDEN... !!!

“But Of Course,
No-One’s Forced !”

Is The Mainstreams Retort...
In What Newsrooms Report...

But Is Their Talk PURE... ?!?
Or Contorting The Law...
To Make People Unsure...

of What Was Profiled...
In The Nuremberg Trials...

A Form of Restriction...
of... **** Type Visions...
Creating Dominions...
And New World Prescriptions...

To POISONOUS Serums... !!!

Or VACCINES You See... !!!

Submitting May Be...
What You THINK Sets You Free...

But It Could Also Be...
A Thing That Impedes...
Any Chance To Advance...
A Question That Asks...

If These Vaccinations...
To World *******...
To Keep People Stationed...
Or That’s Right CONTROLLED...

Could This Be Their Goal... ???

Now I Really DON’T KNOW... ?!?
But Historical Notes...
Are Those That Have Shown...

That Experimentation...
Has Caused VIOLATIONS...
Of... MASS Populations... !!!

From The Radium Girls...
To This … Corona World...

… BIG Corporations...
Have Made Some BIG Payments … !!!

To Keep People QUIET...
Who’ve Wanted To RIOT...
And Act Like Street Tyrants... !!!

When They Found That LIARS...
Chose To Be Compliant...
For Corporate Giants... !!!

So Could It Be Science...
Behind Which They’re Hiding... ???

Is This All A TRICK...
To Get Folks INJECTED...
With Something That STINKS...
That Has Made People SICK... ?!?

All I’m Saying Is... THIS...
You Should Take Time To THINK...

Before Being TOO QUICK...
To GIVE IN... And...

......... “ Submit “........
It's a matter of choice, however, blind submittal to anything and everything, is probably not the wisest thing to embrace ....
Lavanya Jain Jun 2020
It was a late midnight
and the radium stars on the ceiling wall were shining bright.
The wheather was pleasant,
the aura was warm.
I was sleeping with Noddy, in my arms.
Then A sudden heaviness in my head
broke my sleep
The pain was growing so steep
That I couldn't get up.
I tried to drub
but Some thing was pulling me in my bed.
I could feel something leak
out of my nose.
It was blood , spurting out
flinging the coze.
Severe nosebleeds,
was a common symptom
of my disease.
But this one was differing,
My nose was blistering.
I knew it cause I've had many before
But this time my throat became sore
And soon i lost all control over my nose,
All I could do was doze.
My mind, I tried to divert,
So I looked for Noddy,
his cap was as red as his shirt.
Then I tried to call for aid
But by now not just my head
also my arms and legs
heftly weighed.
The pain was only growing more,
worse, than ever before.
It was as if the red water was flooding,
Unstoppably my nose was bleeding
Then with a sudden strangeness,
something leashed my lungs
Now I was breathless.
I don't wanna a die, I wanna play with my dolls,
I spoke to the dream catcher ,
That hung on the wall.
I was ailing and weak
my vission was turning bleak.
Soon i was left with none.
All I feared, was oblivion.
Ellie Belanger Aug 2017
cinder block museum trapped skirt monlogue, caught underneath layer after layer of sediment and time, beholding nothing else save itself, the abyss, Nanu, free range closer, unargumentative and sweet.
Golden dapple sunlight
red apples scattered like fat rubies
on the front lawn.
Summer dawn sleeping. A campfire waiting to be lit. Sudden fractured lights and cool breezes. Ripples across a pond, as birds rise up and across. Worship. Song. Music to heavens, for the heavens, from the heavens, circlet complete.
Radium halos.
A brown sphere rotating in space. Celestial stairway wooden door.
Sam Steele Apr 2021
Take a word and mix the letters and the result can be absurd
But an anagram is a word mixed-up that makes another word

Or if you blend a couple words it can be quite satisfying
If the spin-off words are helpful and the result is clarifying

A ‘Sycophant’ ‘acts phony’, which is something ‘The eyes’ ‘They see’
While the ‘Snooze alarms’ too early says wake up ‘Alas no more Z’s’

‘A decimal point’? - ‘I’m a dot in place’ and there are other spots
Would you believe ‘The morse code’ reorders to ‘Here comes dots’

Be cautious when you marry, not of your wife who has no flaw
Don’t forget the ‘Woman ******’ who will be your ‘Mother-in-law’

That one was rather damming the next one’s better I’ll admit
When I become a ‘Father-in-law’ I will be a ‘Near halfwit’

Who would have thought ‘Astronomer’ readjusts to say ‘Moon Starer’
But Knox the ‘Presbyterian’ would have thought he’s ‘Best in Prayer’

The huddled masses may revere New York’s ‘Statue of Liberty’
And shuffled letters also state she was ‘Built to stay free’

Oh ‘I bet the wound's lethal’ the junior policeman will have said
Of course, replied the coroner it was ‘Two bullets in the head’

December comes I ‘Search, Set, Trim’ for the perfect ‘Christmas Tree’,
Kids hiding in a ‘***** room’ which is like a ‘Dormitory’

In ‘The countryside’ ‘No city dust here’ if I’m ‘Silent’ I can ‘Listen’
And ponder my ‘Indomitableness’ or is it my ‘Endless ambition’?

‘I am not active’ in ‘Vacation time’ I will rest and heave a sigh
With joy I watch a ‘Butterfly’, and see it gently ‘Flutter by’

A minor risk? A ‘Slot Machine’, the result is ‘Cash lost in me’
A lethal risk? Revealed too late, ‘Radium came’ for ‘Madam Curie’

The last “surprising anagram” in this poem that I hope was fun
If ever asked what’s ‘Eleven plus two’ reply it’s ‘Twelve plus one’
Hammra Sistur Aug 2020
this NIGHT
⠀⠀⠀ is d%issolvin.g⠀(in
⠀ 1}
⠀⠀⠀ 2} a harsh han⠀⠀d of          v
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ r,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3}
]: radium⠀⠀b i r⠀ d⠀⠀⠀s
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀­⠀⠀⠀⠀ fresh coat of painted
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ night
a c/ross
⠀ the skin oF a ) kissless converSation
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ car failing
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ use a
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀turn signal
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ while changing⠀l a⠀n⠀ e⠀⠀s
Allopathic statistics are nonsense. Early diagnosis is meaningless. No chronic metabolic disease is curable through mechanical manipulation of the body.
The cancer industry triumphantly impoverishes the terminally-ill patient physically, morally & financially. Cancer doesn't exist in the wilderness amongst animals. They consume  pits, seeds, grass-es and the rumens of their prey that are rich in Amygdalin. Amygdalin is the control, preventive & cure for cancer. Dr. John Beard discovered 100 yrs. ago that trophoblast cells & cancer cells are one-and-the-same. It's of no relevance whether good people organize cancer-awareness events, join support groups, pat one another on the back or urge frequent screenings. Cancer, just like scurvy, is a deficiency disease. The public plays into the myths of big Cancer, thereby sacrificing themselves & family to this easily-avoided disease. I don't see why any cancer sufferer should be consoled in the knowledge that they did "the right thing" by dying an A.M.A./ F.D.A.-prescribed death. I'll go on about my cancer-free life consuming Japanese plum seeds daily while the majority of folks religiously takes their radium. Applying institutionally-sanctified treatments for the symptoms of a metabolic disease provides no hope. Trips to the periodontist to address the shrinking, bleeding gums of a person suffering from scurvy makes the same sense.
ogdiddynash Oct 2024
majestic adjectives of contrary harmonies
adverbs in adversity
that modify our satisfying actions,
gut punch in our eyes,
scrambling the taste buds,
now inoperable,
incapacitated to differentiate
what is disturbed - what is sweet -
what is impossible.

my days ending is nearer to
my god than thee,
the crumblings of what I’ve got left,
stale panko crumbs,
come they in 1000
radium-tipped can-nisters  of
seriously humorous self-destruction,
gifted to you by a few itinerant followers,
brave enough to follow me into the
depths majestic,
disordered by radioactive incomprehension,
contrary harmonies,
of no particular disorder,
a thousand times,
a thousand lines,
but none
as perfect poetic as a landmark of
jan 2020

— The End —