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typicalteentale Nov 2014
the     way        he
tilted    his    head
was mesmerizing
the      fact      that
he  actually cared
was      surprising
the    manner    of
his        eloquence
was     tantalizing
Viji Vishwanath Dec 2019
What a beautiful thing it is !
A Canvas that speaks a lot
Wow ! an artist’s soul
That try to speak a lot
From the window of canvas
To the doors of sky
Till the depth of ocean
In the romancing moonlight
And spreading its vastness
As the fragrance
Of night blooms
Until the sunrise
Again from morning dews
To chirping birds
Snowy mountains
To windy breeze
A moving cloud
And even from rain to rainbow
All is possible
With the tip of a brush
Is a marvellous thing
That depicts an artist’s heart

An art is a creation
Of an artist
Which is made
In different colours
With different paints
And in different shades
But all in one canvas
Makes an effective painting
Which can never die
As an artist’s soul
That is lightning forever
As a magical lantern

Some paintings speaks a lot
Like stories to us
When it starts speaking
The whole image depicts
It’s originality
As an original photo
Of some place
And that really can lost us
Somewhere as in the canvas

Even eyes of a portrait
Speaks a lot
When we stare in that eyes
It seems as the person is gazing
As a living person is standing in front of us
Which feels like a real photo
And it really makes
An unbelievable painting
Which is like giving life
To the non living thing
Within the canvas
By an artist
Or like a flower bloomed
In the hands of an artist

Canvas that speaks a lot
Really shows true heart
Of an artist’s creation
A beautiful creation
By ones own hands
Mesmerise all of us
With no time
Like an original picture
Taken with a camera
Of high resolution
Is something to adore
With the hearts of love

Canvas that speaks a lot
Is a graceful creation
That makes us wonder
Which is a miracle
In hands of an artist
That remains its effect
For life time
And that make
An artist
Different from others

Canvas that speaks a lot
Is a creation of art
When an artist starts
To move his hand on canvas
It starts to speak a lot
From the sincerity of love
To the beauty of a nature
Sparkling eyes of a human
And the depth of a sea
All that beautiful creation
Of Godly things
Is once more painted
With the help of an artist’s brush
Is something that speaks
For a lifetime
With thousands of words
In one image
Is an exemplary
Creation of humane
In a canvas

Canvas that speaks a lot
With voice of heart
Beats in every hearts
And in all eras

An artist is like a lantern
That lightens other lights
And a canvas is a mirror
Of an artist’s soul
That reflects the lights  
For lifetime
Which was once lit
By an artist
With a great deal
Who was owned
By an eloquent soul.
Dedicated to my loving father who was an artist is no more with us. I personally  lived and experienced the life of a canvas with hands of my father is something to adore more than in words. Memories and the paintings on canvas can never die as an artist’s soul.
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Oh uncle Sunny,
I love the way you rise.
With the warm calm that you do,
And with the redness you do mesmerise.
See my cover picture to know the poem's inspiration.

See its coloured version on my Facebook profile page.

My HP Poem #1377
©Atul Kaushal
I wish I could spare you words like beautiful, babe, figure and thin.
I wish I could guarantee you a complete disregard for the size of your *******
Or the length of your legs.
I pray never to find you hunched over the toilet
Or hiding a sandwich under books in your bag.
What will the equivalent of cyberbullying be, in ten years time?
I will try, so very hard, to keep you safe.

Please, always talk to each other, and to me.
Share your heart’s bleedings
And I will help you staunch the flow.
I will find the courage to share my failings
And the confidence to pass on my successes,
Both were instrumental in my becoming the woman I am,
A woman I hope you will be proud of, and applaud.

It is hard to be a woman, in this world,
Urged, relentlessly to perfection,
Bombarded with it, drowned in it,
But perfection is a myth, and becomes imperfect with attainment,
It is the imperfections that will mesmerise,
Embrace them, love them, let them shine.

How long did it take me to learn these lessons?
Have I learned them, even now?
Sometimes I think I have, then I become overwhelmed
By anxiety and self-doubt.
This will happen to you too,
I cannot hope to save you from it
But I can provide some armour.

Think for yourselves,
Reject the babble and the screens, the illusion of celebrity
Twenty-first century addictions.
Do not become a slave to technology.
I can see how hard that will be,
But it must be done, if you are to remain people,
Retain your humanity.
I will help you; I will hold your hands.

You are tiny now, but I can see the strength within you both,
And I will nurture it, protect it,
Then it will protect you, out there.
I promise I will always be your tigress,
But you will not always be my little cubs
I will have to find a way to sheath my claws,
And let you stalk your own prey,
And evade the predators, just as I have done.

I watch you, playing happily together in the sun,
And wish you peace, and love, and joy.
Such simple things, yet so elusive.
I will not show you this poem.
But I will read it, frequently,
And try to keep my promises.
My heart thuds in my chest, each a double-beat
A constant repetition of your names,
Tattooed onto my soul.
aviisevil Jan 2014
Your blue eyes mesmerise
Warmth of your skin sends me in twirls
Please me with your love tonight
And I'll please you with mine ,girl

I know you're afraid
Honestly , I'm a little too
First time nervousness
You don't know what to do

To break in a sweet embrace
And I'll caress your every inch
Let me touch you now
Girl , don't you flinch

Aroma of the scented candle
And the dimness of the lamp
An atmosphere you can't handle
Girl , its getting so Damp

Do you need it now
Or should I tease you a little
want me to get down
You'll like it in the middle

Now your nervousness is gone
Replaced by the lust in your eyes
I know where it's coming from
Girl ,no more can you hide

Maybe you'll find
All that you seek tonight
In my arms ,
Where I'll love you till sunrise

I little pain will give way to passion
And a feeling wilder than you can ever imagine
you'll feel alive for the first time
Tonight, I'll teach you to tame the dragon

Tonight , I'll give you something
you'll never forget
And make sure it's magical ,
something you'll never regret

So hold on to me , trust me
We're going on a ride out far
Hold on tightly , dig in my flesh
And give me some passionate scars
Your eyes can implode supernovas,
summon waves at the bottom of the sea;
swallow the abyss in me.
He was the only man who I knew could gaze on me naked forever
And never stop wanting me.
I bewitched him
And I believed him, believed this;
That I could mesmerise another.
This he gave me,
Belief in my beauty.
The chance to see through his eyes;
Someone amazing,
Someone who shines.

I wish I could tell him how he enriched me
With confidence, pleasure, such moments of joy.
He introduced me to my bodies longings,
For months I could think of nothing but him
A thunderstorm of lust from dawn 'til dusk.
I wouldn't change it,
I wouldn't go back,
Not even now,
He gave me
Something I had never had,
May never have again.

In time I may realise
That he has given me other things;
The strength to forgive myself,
The tendency to be less judgemental of others,
The ability to embrace contentment, and calm.
I don't have those things yet,
It is all too raw
And I'm still dazed, and disbelieving,
Self-forgiveness is a long way down the line, but...
Everything teaches us something,
I am willing to learn.
r Dec 2014
Throw me a line

I don't care if it rhymes

As long as it tickles
my posterior cingulated cortex

Spin me a vortex of spells

Yarn me a tale

Take me to heaven
or your own personal hell

Mesmerise me
with your poemetry.
r ~ 12/20/14
Pixievic Aug 2016
A Lover Should ......
Your soul
Your mind
While bewitching
Your body
Fitting together
Like the proverbial glove
Your dreams
Your sorrows
See eternity
Hidden in your eyes
Into the unknown
Be brave
And true
Their own heart
Themselves too
Take your breath away
Lie spellbound in your arms
Cherish your value
A Lover Should
Only ....
You .....

(C) Pixievic
I wrote this a couple of days ago after reading an article about what being a 'Lover' means .... not just physically but overall - so this is what being a Lover means to me ....
Ovi-Odiete Jul 2016
Bewildered and haunted through flashes of memories that relive themselves
I sit and ponder and look into the sky
there is no pain greater than been lost in SELF
battling with a STRONG shadow called SADNESS
she stalks and haunts and bring you moments of agony
she comes along with her sister ANGUISH
and they taunt you,
galvanising and pinpointing your mind to the PAST you left behind

have you not rendered men a roaming wretch for years?
are you not content with the tears you have drank from your millions of subscribers?
are you not pained because of happiness and her many gifts?
when will you leave the vulnerable ones and stop feeding on their weaknesses?
for how long will you continue to taunt MEN with their horrible past and perceived failure?

You are hopeless and weak and so you feed on people's misery alongside with your heartrending sister called ANGUISH
Leave us alone,
for we do not want to commune with you
you are meant to die alone,
but you have garnered so many souls as your followers
reminding them of their most terrible past
conjuring pieces of AGONY
and feeding them with misery's venom
you are a witch SADNESS
and you dwell in the dark
you mesmerise us with beautiful tragedies and allure us into your cavernous seeking kingdom

eschew sadness
before she infects you with her incurable disease
SADNESS has no home
and so she roams*

Ovi Odiete© 2016  All Rights reserved.
Poet's Notes about The Poem

Sadness engulfs the heart and mind and all that is left is gloom.

I was inspired by an intelligent and advanced Poet from Writer's Cafe called Sheila Bowler Kline who wrote a heart moving poem titled MISERY and so I began writing. I must say she is gifted and write from the heart. Here is the poem below written by her and published on Writers Cafe



Not a poem, not a story..........just random thoughts about MISERY! Oh, how it seems to permeate the soul of this writer far too often! Shake it off, stomp on it, run it away yet it ever finds a way of coming back far too often!
Perhaps a bit macabre, but then again, I am passionate about that which I feel within the depths of my marrow!


O' Misery, why do you plague me with your incessant railing every conscious moment of the day and suffocating hour of the night?

Are you not galvanized enough by tending to the dead who beg to return to the land of the living—skipping and frolicking with fate that swings like a pendulum ‘cross tombstones glistening under a moon made fat by the ingestion of a cycle of the universe?

You torment the living with your unwelcome presence. You take residence with the weak who suffer, slurping their lifeblood to quench your perpetual thirst. You craft a vacuum in man's psyche where joy once flourished as you wound your victim with anguish, making certain to cauterize lacerations that ooze any inkling of happiness.

You count the seconds, keeping tally of moments of vitality ready to unleash a counter attack to hasten the time of their demise. Weakness empowers you like rotting carcasses strewn across the Battlefield of Life strengthens the very soil they now litter.

You are wretched, toting gloom in a haversack of tricks. You were destined to bring grief to man before you were conceived. Calamity is your self-designated birthright. You arrogantly swagger through unending tunnels of doom to cavort in a sarcophagus unsealed by your penchant for woe.

The only light is that of your pride reflecting from the bleached bones of those who have been snuffed out by your doggedness to award them residence in your bastion of suffering. A lantern may flicker yet your foul breath smothers it before it lights the tinder and thus a flame of hope.

Those you infect with your virus of despondency pass it on one to another in a never ending stream of tragedy and despair. Misery, you are a driven contagious force that cannot stop as you have an insatiable appetite to commune with your casualties - "Misery loves company".

Sheila Bowyer Kline©2016

"If misery loves company, misery has company enough." - Henry David Thoreau
Kate Little May 2011
As an island bursts with treasure
So does my heart with joy
When I recall the sights and sounds
Whilst sailing on ship ahoy

On southern seas I did set sail
Visiting many isles
Raven-haired girls and suntanned boys
With brilliant, friendly smiles

The rowdy beat of island drums
Accompany gorgeous girls
Who mesmerise with wriggling hips
And tresses of lustrous curls

Enchanted by the hula girl
Who wore a bright sarong;
Bright-eyed children happily played
And others sing a song

Rugged mountains; tropical vales
And dazzling, sapphire seas
Golden sunrise; blood-red sunset
A graceful, evening breeze

The place of war and history
The places of devotion
The rhythmic swish of ship on sea
The wonders of the ocean

I swam with creatures from the deep
I swam at Waikiki
The highest peaks shrouded in mist
What gorgeous scenery!

A photo captured these moments
My heart embraced the pleasures
My mind will hold the memories
I’ll not forget these treasures
May 2011
All Rights Reserved
Pagan Paul Sep 2017
Threading dainty upon eggshells
a free spirit dances lightly.
Passing through and in between
to mesmerise the casual ******.
Her smile, with soft collision,
scatters colour on dim memory.
Her presence, autumn made flesh,
stirs the stones of ancient thought.
Shining gems of mute understanding
sparkle for her tapestry mind.
Casual silver lines of wisdom
weave her playful astral patterns.
Reaching coyly beyond old walls,
lips silent, holding unspoken secrets.
Her eyes framed with amusement
taking shy pleasure from grace.

© Pagan Paul  (2017)
Terry O'Leary Mar 2017
That crude-spoken Sovereign commands a big stick,
runs the world into ruins, once our bailiwick.
Questioned why, He grins grimly, pale lips slightly pursed:
"Vindication? Straightforward: It's Me and Me First".

(To mesmerise people He’s conjured His spells
with the pride and the power that Lucifer sells –
using tricks of the trade, evil voodoos well-versed
well engendered His mojo: "It's Me and Me First").

His friends (not His foes) form the skeletal men
along trails of dead ends (for they're armed once again)
and they're counting the bones of the bodies dispersed
by His bombastic lyrics: "It's Me and Me First".

The crater walls crumble, the dust drapes and smothers,
as drummers drown screams in the dreams of the others –
while beating and throbbing, like red veins aburst,
bleating echoes redouble: "It's Me and Me First".

A warrior departed to fight for His flag
and returned as a body brought back in a bag;
alas, such are the stories of soldiers coerced
by the Devil's damnation: "It's Me and Me First".

Beneath His thick thumb, the deprived do and die,
when subjected to whims, promised pie in the sky –
yes, His heavy hand rules, and the weaklings be cursed
for accepting His sermon: "It's Me and Me First".

He's minding our business by forging fake fears
and He'll serve and protect as the bogeyman nears
by ensuring our fantasies' phantoms are nursed,
smirking: "why should you worry, It's Me and Me First".

The media moguls flash news so fantastic –
their hearsay on Honcho's forever elastic
with doctrine and hogwash and hype interspersed
'twixt the dictums of hell and of "Me and Me First".

The masses partake in His royal cavalcades
giving chase to the hearses in midnight parades
through the catacomb caves where we're falling headfirst
down the bottomless pit of "It's Me and Me First".

The children in ghettos, like slave mutineers,
vainly venture to flee before youth disappears
but their ship's on an ocean that can't be traversed
for their sails line the abyss of "Me and Me First".

While His Highness drives oxen, He's sipping champagne
thinking "each shares a trough so that none need complain",
but the water hole's drying, we're dying of thirst,
so says "sorry you guys but It's Me and Me First".

A drifter once hinted behind weary tears
"overall the world's dying or so it appears";
He replied with a flash and a sudden outburst:
"yes, but who really cares when It’s Me and Me First"?

In Great Again moments we get the DT's
from His paranoid penchants, quite like a disease,
one which spots us, then rots us, then worse comes to worst
when He utters "just Trust Me: It's Me and Me First".

When profits are plunging (approaching the pits)
He won't give up the ghost or start calling it quits,
instead purges our pockets; again reimbursed,
says (re-groping His kitty): "It's Me and Me First".

The King condescends to a sharing charade
by dispensing desserts at the penny arcade –    
yet while crawling for crumpets, the crowds are dispersed
being slogged by the slogan: "It's Me and Me First".

When faced with the facts, He's the Greatest denier
that global abuse means all life may expire –
He scoffs at the thought that it can't be reversed,
says "it's not about you, no: It's Me and Me First".

With profits performing, He smiles, misinforming  
- of weather that's warming (whilst whirlwinds twist, storming),
- of jungles conforming to nature deforming,
- of bees no more swarming, thawed glaciers transforming
bold mountains to molehills on sand bars submersed –
can the earth persevere when: "It's Me and Me First"?

If you're feeling unsettled, there's no need to fret
for it's all a delusion, and lest we forget
He repeats His old mojo (a line well-rehearsed):
"just like almighty Yahweh: It's Me and Me First".

The remains of the deserts and wasteland lie here
where the vacuum implodes and the silence is sere
when retelling the tales of the sagas immersed
in the mythos and legends of "Me and Me First".

The stone statuettes (swapping vain epithets)
consigned rational threats (those that wisdom begets)
to their nothingness nets spread in dank oubliettes,
losing aberrant bets with no real regrets
(scorning pale silhouettes that the conscience besets).

Nonetheless, when the cosmos and chaos conversed
they but hee-hawed the hubris of "Me and Me First”.
Chloe London Dec 2013
Stepping stones;*
That's what these different stages of my life are,
It's been almost 7 months and finally my feelings for *that other guy
have drifted away.
He was nothing special.
He never cared.

And now,
I guess it is my time...
I've met someone.

He's amazing...

He's... special,

He stands out to me like no one else
And he makes me feel whole.

He's not like everyone else,
He gives me a feeling of safety,
Of... protection.
His height towering over me like my guardian.
He is my protector.

When he laughs,
The echo of happiness surrounds me,
It embraces me.
It covers me like a duvet,
It makes me feel warm and at peace.

His voice is purely music to my ears.
The delicate sound of it lingers around my ear drums like a scent.
It clings to my heart and creates a remarkably unsteady heart beat.

When I'm with him I feel nothing but nerves and excitement.
When I get time to think I long for just one night with him.
Just one night to be with him and relax.

I long for the calm and lifeless nights, where the window is open and the air is still,
The only noise that we can hear would be the sound of my heart racing against yours. I can feel you breathe gently into my hair as you kiss my head and hold me tighter.

No one will ever know the way I truly feel about you,
You amaze me everyday with the things that you do.
You mesmerise me and I crave the same love from you that I'm desperate to give out.

Just give me one chance,
One chance.
You'll never find anyone that cares as much as I do.
*This love is unconditional.
Mukesh kataria Dec 2015
Yes, me too often indulge in romance
But not a tale of this body & brains
It is all a godly play of my heart & soul
When sadness prevails, myself is lost in dreams.

When the body is sleeping
and lust is mild
My soul awakes and fly
Searching for another of matching kind.

Dream of deep romance with flirting moon
Growing on a puff of cloud
Hugging to my chest a glistening star,
Songs of mid- night are hyptonising & loud.

Busy myself in mundane affairs
No other heart yells, I did take care
GLOOM- my childhood buddy stayed with me
Till I found one noble soul- my heavenly stair.

I don't wish touch of her fingers
Creeping to mine,
No beating ******* & cheek to cheek
All this I feel is a SIN & crime.

Teasing mouth with kisses till one speak,
May be a frantic fad for the mortals and weak,
Her soft- silken voice gives immense delight
'Sweet & kindly smile' only is
what I seek.

No staring gaze, no trembling lips
No drowsy & close- pressed head,
No sensual music,
to make me mad.
No claustrophobia of red- light lanes,
No shattered hopes, no broken window- panes.

Diamonds & gems are worthless, I loathe
Her smiling glance mesmerise and allure,
Blossomed to perfection, she is near to God,
Simple, sober, wise and pure.

Don't mind, what her sharp brain
think of me,
But, I do take care that
her noble soul finds nothing obnoxious & unvirtuous in
mortal me.

Aeonic feelings I cannot draw on canvas,
My sorrowful eyes remain unseen- Oh Dear,
What she needs is a pair of stronger glasses
than the normal ones she usually wear.

Swim around in whirlpool of human emotions,
shunned & lonely I did FEEL,
But, when found her dilemmas & loneliness deeper than mine,
Felt 'DIVINE CONNECTION' with her noble soul
And now I smile and sing with heavenly zeal.

Mukesh Kataria
Viji Vishwanath Dec 2019
Feather is a tiny hope
That can fly
With no more rope

And lot of feather
In its wings
Soothes our inner soul
To never give up
In life

A tiny hope of feather
Filled in full of wings
Is ready to fly
At any time
To reach its destination

Whether weather is bad or good
Whether there is dark cloud

Feather give positive vibes
During all around the seasons

Feather in every weather
Makes a cooling effect
In our lives

Let’s be kind
To the owners of tiny hope
And give some water
In every summers
To keep fresh those feathers
Which mesmerise us with
It’s feathery wings
To keep going
Without a quit
Feather is a tiny hope which helps to believe in keep going in life than to quit.
when I saw you,
my mind flew like a bird,
I couldn't think,
nor reason,
neither could I utter a word,
I grew goose pimples
all over me,
and mesmerise your glamour,
watching you pass-by
Ashmita Agrahari Oct 2017
Here comes the end
Or the start ?
The beautiful journey
That's still barred!
Across the faces
That i walk
Mesmerise me
"What for"?
Insane it is
Or a start?
That time has brought
Still not passI
I wondered for so long
Wandering on the road of thought
To figure out the right direction
When actually I understand my intention
mythie Dec 2017
Chocolate coloured eyes.
Mesmerise me every time.
Your cherry red lips.
Your moonlight glow.

Everything about you makes my heart swell.
It's twice as big.
I can feel it pound.
Every beat resonating.

Is this a teenage dream?
You make me so warm inside.
My face goes red.
And that's only when we talk.

Even though we're worlds apart.
I can feel you near me.
The sky we see is not the same.
But that's okay.

I can take a white rocket.
Go wherever you are.
The clouds and stars in the sky.
Are nothing compared to the beauty you are.

Every time you smile, a love song plays.
You do something crazy to me.
I try to hide what I feel.
But I can't whenever I'm with you.

I don't usually write poems.
Not for other people, at least.
But for you, I'll write these words.
My soul imprinted on your screen.

You mean so much to me.
Calling me something tame like "Cutie" kills me.
Do you not realise how much power you have?
You're the reason I wake up in the morning.

The seasons will change.
But my love will stay the same.
My feelings haven't lingered this long before.
So just read these words before I forget how to say them.
i love you, meri.
Geraldine Taylor Sep 2017
Verse 1
If there’s a time, if there’s a place, for you I’d truly wait
Our love endures from page to page
To mesmerise, to synchronise and so epitomise
Steps of harmony throughout the age

A bright horizon, such a blissful scene
An awesome treasure, held in high esteem
Joining forces, solid as a team
You are, you are
Love’s unfolding dream

Verse 2
To visualize, to recognise, true love that defies
Soaring high beyond the skies
A seasoned fall, to give my all, delightfully enthrall
A beloved dream now realised


Love’s unfolding, love’s unfolding dream
Love’s unfolding, love’s unfolding dream
Love’s unfolding, love’s unfolding dream
You are, you are, love’s unfolding dream

Written by Geraldine Taylor ©️
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2016
but of course, the three families of a continent,
and many aunts and uncles and distant relations,
as if to say: but in the flood of swarm
whether by twirling zephyrs or foaming seas,
whether certain inaudible sounds of the seen things,
hinging with a creak or a squeak as a condensed
copper, whether it was man who's history
was bound by a envious hunger for the alchemical
crown, from rotting in oxidation iron,
to mandible copper, then through to the metalloid
age of silicon - to the stiff-winged birds of aluminium
and elsewhere still the blood metal desires:
the blood metal of ******, piracy, ransom,
or necessary imitation and all kinds of fraud -
if to mesmerise the human eye and turn the human
heart into a magpie's, if not kept in check by the
voluntary beggars of appearance, as those great buddhas
of the renaissance, under borgias or a sixtus or a julius;
'he who desires to possess the earth,
       let claim by only sitting in silence.'

                                                      ­(adam mickiewicz)
Ili Norizan May 2016
She's got brown eyes,
But it took her years,
Before she finally realised,
That his love was lies;

She's got brown eyes,
It lights up when she smiles,
But it takes her many tries,
For happiness she denies;

She's got brown eyes,
That tell stories of surprise,
An ending one would not reprise,
For it progresses till it dies;

She's got brown eyes,
Oh how they mesmerise,
Even the cowardly of mice,
And heartbreakers in disguise.

smallhands Mar 2016
wrap yourself closely to me
pull your past identity
reminiscence we're anxious to quit
we'll coast effortlessly
I swear I'll keep my eyes on what's ahead
it's an hourglass spent
both terminals are beginning to lapse
we've exchanged so much
it's resistance that's supplied us courage
we're not figurative
we're not carbon copies
no coin to mesmerise or evoke memory
sweating, acting
it seems peculiar
wrap ourselves closely again

Rai Oct 2014
You hold me so close
Sometimes it takes my breath away
Hold me now and never let go
Some times I fear the future
Because its something we never discuss
Its like a wall that we need to climb
So close and yet
Give me a foot up and Ill look over
I promise you will be the first to know
If I have the guts to tell my truths
Entwined in your arms
You are like the missing piece to my puzzle
I don't think I ever want to stop loving you
There is no escape from this place
Motivation is zero
Movement only takes us closer
Only a promise of tomorrow can break this spell
And so be it
I love hard
And fall harder still
You mesmerise me
Like a feeling of enlightened after a spiritual journey
Sometimes I feel vulnerable  
Not sure where this is leading
But unable to let go
Unwilling to ask questions
of what lies beyond the thoughts that you hold
Warmth lingers
Until tomorrow my lover
I would wait a million tomorrows
If I knew for sure you would be here
One last piece of my puzzle
And I am complete
Haych Jan 2015
And she became one with the dust specks swirling in the Janaury mornings chilly breeze
Drifting along as if she had no other care in the world, smiling to and fro
Always in the front row trying to help others find warmth in her soft kind words of glow
When in fact she carried the weight of the complicated on her two shoulders alone
But she'd always be too shy to ask others for help
for fear of them thinking she was unthinkablely selfish indeed, although,

Although she was, far more complex to be understood at first glimpse truth be told
and when she fell
it sometimes took most time to see
It was most probably because they all believed
She had become nothing more than just a swirling dust speck
Swirling in the early mornings of January chilly breeze

Falling invisibly only visibly seen
when was she back on her feet
because what good was she if she couldn't be of use to those in need?
And who could ever be sure she was anything more?
Than just pretty tricks of the light
A play on your eyes only alive to mesmerise and not really existing for a purpose
Other than to please the people
But she was the realest thing you ever knew
And one day....

She'll be the one you'll wish you spent more time noticing too.
Scattered thoughts
Isaace Nov 2023
Our cell has expanded.
Walls which were once eight-by-nine now extend infinitely.
The grey cracks in the walls run like rivers into the oval seams.
The window is now a barred prism of light from which we peer into the nigredo, rising from the mud with mercurial orb.
The mould is now the jungle on which I rest my *****—
This is the light of God which cascades across our concrete walls.
My cellmate is my lover; we both sit naked on the east wing,
Within the darkened hall.
Scars now etch across my body, from my ******* down to my rancid *****.
Sunlight no longer shines through our window;
We hide from the beams and from the insects which mesmerise with their shimmering forms;
And we hear the cries of our brothers whose cells do not expand, but contract;
And we hear the raptures of those whose cells have transcended physical forms
And can be reached into as one would reach into the membranous, astral walls.
mike Sep 2015
it has three eyes
to mesmerise

you never know when it is winking


you never know what it is thinking


it is always
just tricking
and tricking.

its a neighbor
i want to light
a fire of
to their house
but its connected to mine
so i sit
and i consider,

smoking cigarettes
with a can of gas
as an ash tray
to pass the night
and that racket
they make.

with my foot tapping
on the foot
of a chair
in the yard.
Marshall Gass Jun 2014
Spacious splendour trapped in an airless cage
my mind bends in the undercurrents of rage
What was it I last heard spoken in the fragments of peace
Jason escapes the Argonauts-The Fleece?

Draped across his shoulders still dripping warmish blood
Noah and his cranky yacht-floating in the flood
Did Jesus really turn the loaves and fishes into food
Or did he mesmerise the masses to make it sound so good?

The 'whispers' that I speak of are outside human thought
Like pearls so locked in shells that divers bravely fought
Once it breaks the surface, the bargaining then begins
Vanity a thirst, unable to conquer sins

These whispers that I speak of, are quiet in a storm
They won't support the Thunder or any peaceful calm
They are just words so placed in har-mony
They may mean so little-but more than you can see!
Author Notes

Yeah. That's it. All symbolism encased in oyster shells. You have to dig deep to find out what I mean? If you do find out, write me a comment. Its okay if its a nasty one. I'm used to brickbats. Evolutionary processes have made me develop a thick skin! Thanks

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
Weishan Esther May 2018
Wind through my hair
Cotton patches paint the sky
Dancing little lights
A view so common
Yet has its own charms
Mesmerise and bedazzle
A night like this
Though simple
Precious and remembered
Jay 1988 Oct 2017
When i first saw your eyes
I didn't believe you truly exist
You gifted me a smile
Was there something evoloution missed ?
Came over and kissed my cheek
And the pain i had was gone
There's no words for your beauty
So instead i'll write your song
You mesmerise me !

With every breath you take
I find myself questioning my faith
Your a different kind, no man could create

Do you belive in magic ?
I really wish i did
You must be conjured from
My own wildest dreams

A billion people all over search for the answer
They'll never find it though, The answers within her

And i fell victim of
A different kind of love
I'm a victim of
Your unblemished looks
Come and sit with me please
My sweet Louise
You don't make it easy
For my mind to find peace

I could stare but never see
The darkness around of me
All your magic and sorcery
Has landed at my feet
Get over, get over yourself
You came and made me cry
I never thought perfection exists
Perfection became my bride

Lock us up inside a bubble
I couldn't love you more tomorrow

Each time i look away
You become more perfect
Then when i look back at you
You never fail to floor me

Broken little soldier ... that's your name for me
Let me hold you tight
For all your earthly faults
no flaws in you i see

I'm just a victim of your soft tender touch
Like a bad addiction, i can never get enough
I'm a victim of a different kind of love
Your my one addiction
And i can't give it up

— The End —