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Alyssa Underwood Jan 2016
Lord, let them see me as a fool
If only You’ll undo me
Take pride and self and rights away
But beckon me come to Thee

If failing is what humbles me
If falling is what breaks me
Then let me fall and fail and faint
Just come, possess and take me

You are the One my soul desires
There is none other for me
So bring the storms, the trials, the woes
For in those best I know Thee

You see the pain my heart requires
To mold and make me like Thee
So send the fires which please You most
I will not fear what strikes me

I trust Your goodness and Your grace
They shall not ever fail me
You hide my life safe in Your grasp
Though hell’s worst fiends assail me

You’ve chosen me as Your own child
A treasure ‘cause You found me
You’ve named me Your beloved bride
With glory You’ll soon crown me!
Education Gives Luster to Motherland

Wise education, vital breath
Inspires an enchanting virtue;
She puts the Country in the lofty seat
Of endless glory, of dazzling glow,
And just as the gentle aura's puff
Do brighten the perfumed flower's hue:
So education with a wise, guiding hand,
A benefactress, exalts the human band.

Man's placid repose and earthly life
To education he dedicates
Because of her, art and science are born
Man; and as from the high mount above
The pure rivulet flows, undulates,
So education beyond measure
Gives the Country tranquility secure.

Where wise education raises a throne
Sprightly youth are invigorated,
Who with firm stand error they subdue
And with noble ideas are exalted;
It breaks immortality's neck,
Contemptible crime before it is halted:
It humbles barbarous nations
And it makes of savages champions.
And like the spring that nourishes
The plants, the bushes of the meads,
She goes on spilling her placid wealth,
And with kind eagerness she constantly feeds,
The river banks through which she slips,
And to beautiful nature all she concedes,
So whoever procures education wise
Until the height of honor may rise.

From her lips the waters crystalline
Gush forth without end, of divine virtue,
And prudent doctrines of her faith
The forces weak of evil subdue,
That break apart like the whitish waves
That lash upon the motionless shoreline:
And to climb the heavenly ways the people
Do learn with her noble example.

In the wretched human beings' breast
The living flame of good she lights
The hands of criminal fierce she ties,
And fill the faithful hearts with delights,
Which seeks her secrets beneficent
And in the love for the good her breast she incites,
And it's th' education noble and pure
Of human life the balsam sure.

And like a rock that rises with pride
In the middle of the turbulent waves
When hurricane and fierce Notus roar
She disregards their fury and raves,
That weary of the horror great
So frightened calmly off they stave;
Such is one by wise education steered
He holds the Country's reins unconquered.
His achievements on sapphires are engraved;
The Country pays him a thousand honors;
For in the noble ******* of her sons
Virtue transplanted luxuriant flow'rs;
And in the love of good e'er disposed
Will see the lords and governors
The noble people with loyal venture
Christian education always procure.

And like the golden sun of the morn
Whose rays resplendent shedding gold,
And like fair aurora of gold and red
She overspreads her colors bold;
Such true education proudly gives
The pleasure of virtue to young and old
And she enlightens out Motherland dear
As she offers endless glow and luster.
CommonStory Jan 2015
We need negativity

It's the only thing more potent than the potion of positivity

While we concern ourselves with the priority of support that positivity brings

Negativity is what makes up move

It's the faults we strive to perfect

In the aspect of perfect

Perfect itself is seen as positive to the point of negative outcomes

To pick on looks or physical attributes

To be stepped on

These are the negative effects of favoritism

That let humans know they are humans to other humans in the best of ways

It's the negative the humbles

And the positive that opens possibilities
Only to fall on the cushion

It's the negative that wraps the fear into a burrito and the positivity that plates it on hope

It fills us while the other gives flavor

And while you might disagree

I just talking about human equality
©  copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald 2015
PoserPersona Jul 2018
Your hair stills heart's rhythmic meter
  For this I wish forever
Strands spun with goddess gossamer;
  softer than touch of mother

Your eyes dazzle with no glitter
  For this I stare o're yonder
Locking jewels with coins of others;
  Leaves throbbing chests emptier

Your form flows as gentle rivers
  For this I grudge past swimmers
Glory bequeathed to the winner;
  drown will the losing suitors

Your voice humbles angel choirs
  For this I listen eager
Songs molding seraphs from satyrs;
  in harmony with nature

Your being stirs wildfire
  For this I bear the pleasure
Ethereal flames dance together;
  fueled by spiritual tethers

You are my love light of summer
  For this I waded winter
Glowing 'bove, spring was made greener;
  blooming nascent desire
Chuck Jan 2013
A haunting stare with a serious note
Originates in a lad just thirteen
Ready to command or to set to task
Obedient, mature, and quick to rule
More comfortable with adults than peers
An old soul has he, loves cars from the past
Collects Civil War relics and antiques
Spends most his time reading and researching
Reads historical fiction, lost in time
Analyzes plants, insects, and ol' coins
He could be described like Chaucer's Cleric
"And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach."
He desires, especially, silver
Yet, gold and ex-presidents faces too
Protects younger members of his small clan
Only his hand will be attacking foe
It might be his fine grades, his quirk or two
That humbles his parents. Proudly they stand
And admire their first born miracle
A babe no more, his age will meet his soul.
I chose a serious form, blank verse, to match my son's attitude. I hope you like it.
James Ellis Mar 2013
The way life humbles
us down is incredible.
Recall all the people you encountered
today if you are having trouble...
PoserPersona Jul 2018
You are my love light of summer.
  For this I wade through winter.
Glowing 'bove, the trees are greener;
  blooming nascent desire

of which I never knew I'd need
  let alone make a heart bleed
girl, you got me on both my knees
  praying you'll also need me,
too, to finally be complete
  or otherwise reach life's peak.

Your hair stills heart's rhythmic meter.
  For this I wish forever.
Strands spun with goddess gossamer;
  softer than touch of mother

of which I never knew I'd need
  let alone cause ex's envy
girl, you got her so **** ******
  she blames you as much as me,
too, as love for you made her weep
  and revealed her love is cheap

Your voice humbles angel choirs.
  For this I listen eager.
Songs that shift the course of rivers;
  in harmony with nature

of which I never knew I'd need
  let alone so romantically
girl, you got me frantically
  writing you some poetry,
too, and I hope you now can see
  that maybe I'm also sweet

Your soul ignites wildfire.
  For this I bear the pleasure.
Ethereal flames dance together;
  fueled by spiritual tethers
of which I never knew I'd need
  let alone spark fantasies
girl, you got me crying, "please, please!"
  that you never take the lead,
too, cause this would be a done deed
  if you wanted it to be.
As one who in his journey bates at noon,
Though bent on speed; so here the Arch-Angel paused
Betwixt the world destroyed and world restored,
If Adam aught perhaps might interpose;
Then, with transition sweet, new speech resumes.
Thus thou hast seen one world begin, and end;
And Man, as from a second stock, proceed.
Much thou hast yet to see; but I perceive
Thy mortal sight to fail; objects divine
Must needs impair and weary human sense:
Henceforth what is to come I will relate;
Thou therefore give due audience, and attend.
This second source of Men, while yet but few,
And while the dread of judgement past remains
Fresh in their minds, fearing the Deity,
With some regard to what is just and right
Shall lead their lives, and multiply apace;
Labouring the soil, and reaping plenteous crop,
Corn, wine, and oil; and, from the herd or flock,
Oft sacrificing bullock, lamb, or kid,
With large wine-offerings poured, and sacred feast,
Shall spend their days in joy unblamed; and dwell
Long time in peace, by families and tribes,
Under paternal rule: till one shall rise
Of proud ambitious heart; who, not content
With fair equality, fraternal state,
Will arrogate dominion undeserved
Over his brethren, and quite dispossess
Concord and law of nature from the earth;
Hunting (and men not beasts shall be his game)
With war, and hostile snare, such as refuse
Subjection to his empire tyrannous:
A mighty hunter thence he shall be styled
Before the Lord; as in despite of Heaven,
Or from Heaven, claiming second sovranty;
And from rebellion shall derive his name,
Though of rebellion others he accuse.
He with a crew, whom like ambition joins
With him or under him to tyrannize,
Marching from Eden towards the west, shall find
The plain, wherein a black bituminous gurge
Boils out from under ground, the mouth of Hell:
Of brick, and of that stuff, they cast to build
A city and tower, whose top may reach to Heaven;
And get themselves a name; lest, far dispersed
In foreign lands, their memory be lost;
Regardless whether good or evil fame.
But God, who oft descends to visit men
Unseen, and through their habitations walks
To mark their doings, them beholding soon,
Comes down to see their city, ere the tower
Obstruct Heaven-towers, and in derision sets
Upon their tongues a various spirit, to rase
Quite out their native language; and, instead,
To sow a jangling noise of words unknown:
Forthwith a hideous gabble rises loud,
Among the builders; each to other calls
Not understood; till hoarse, and all in rage,
As mocked they storm: great laughter was in Heaven,
And looking down, to see the hubbub strange,
And hear the din:  Thus was the building left
Ridiculous, and the work Confusion named.
Whereto thus Adam, fatherly displeased.
O execrable son! so to aspire
Above his brethren; to himself assuming
Authority usurped, from God not given:
He gave us only over beast, fish, fowl,
Dominion absolute; that right we hold
By his donation; but man over men
He made not lord; such title to himself
Reserving, human left from human free.
But this usurper his encroachment proud
Stays not on Man; to God his tower intends
Siege and defiance:  Wretched man!what food
Will he convey up thither, to sustain
Himself and his rash army; where thin air
Above the clouds will pine his entrails gross,
And famish him of breath, if not of bread?
To whom thus Michael.  Justly thou abhorrest
That son, who on the quiet state of men
Such trouble brought, affecting to subdue
Rational liberty; yet know withal,
Since thy original lapse, true liberty
Is lost, which always with right reason dwells
Twinned, and from her hath no dividual being:
Reason in man obscured, or not obeyed,
Immediately inordinate desires,
And upstart passions, catch the government
From reason; and to servitude reduce
Man, till then free.  Therefore, since he permits
Within himself unworthy powers to reign
Over free reason, God, in judgement just,
Subjects him from without to violent lords;
Who oft as undeservedly enthrall
His outward freedom:  Tyranny must be;
Though to the tyrant thereby no excuse.
Yet sometimes nations will decline so low
From virtue, which is reason, that no wrong,
But justice, and some fatal curse annexed,
Deprives them of their outward liberty;
Their inward lost:  Witness the irreverent son
Of him who built the ark; who, for the shame
Done to his father, heard this heavy curse,
Servant of servants, on his vicious race.
Thus will this latter, as the former world,
Still tend from bad to worse; till God at last,
Wearied with their iniquities, withdraw
His presence from among them, and avert
His holy eyes; resolving from thenceforth
To leave them to their own polluted ways;
And one peculiar nation to select
From all the rest, of whom to be invoked,
A nation from one faithful man to spring:
Him on this side Euphrates yet residing,
Bred up in idol-worship:  O, that men
(Canst thou believe?) should be so stupid grown,
While yet the patriarch lived, who ’scaped the flood,
As to forsake the living God, and fall
To worship their own work in wood and stone
For Gods!  Yet him God the Most High vouchsafes
To call by vision, from his father’s house,
His kindred, and false Gods, into a land
Which he will show him; and from him will raise
A mighty nation; and upon him shower
His benediction so, that in his seed
All nations shall be blest: he straight obeys;
Not knowing to what land, yet firm believes:
I see him, but thou canst not, with what faith
He leaves his Gods, his friends, and native soil,
Ur of Chaldaea, passing now the ford
To Haran; after him a cumbrous train
Of herds and flocks, and numerous servitude;
Not wandering poor, but trusting all his wealth
With God, who called him, in a land unknown.
Canaan he now attains; I see his tents
Pitched about Sechem, and the neighbouring plain
Of Moreh; there by promise he receives
Gift to his progeny of all that land,
From Hameth northward to the Desart south;
(Things by their names I call, though yet unnamed;)
From Hermon east to the great western Sea;
Mount Hermon, yonder sea; each place behold
In prospect, as I point them; on the shore
Mount Carmel; here, the double-founted stream,
Jordan, true limit eastward; but his sons
Shall dwell to Senir, that long ridge of hills.
This ponder, that all nations of the earth
Shall in his seed be blessed:  By that seed
Is meant thy great Deliverer, who shall bruise
The Serpent’s head; whereof to thee anon
Plainlier shall be revealed.  This patriarch blest,
Whom faithful Abraham due time shall call,
A son, and of his son a grand-child, leaves;
Like him in faith, in wisdom, and renown:
The grandchild, with twelve sons increased, departs
From Canaan to a land hereafter called
Egypt, divided by the river Nile
See where it flows, disgorging at seven mouths
Into the sea. To sojourn in that land
He comes, invited by a younger son
In time of dearth, a son whose worthy deeds
Raise him to be the second in that realm
Of Pharaoh. There he dies, and leaves his race
Growing into a nation, and now grown
Suspected to a sequent king, who seeks
To stop their overgrowth, as inmate guests
Too numerous; whence of guests he makes them slaves
Inhospitably, and kills their infant males:
Till by two brethren (these two brethren call
Moses and Aaron) sent from God to claim
His people from enthralment, they return,
With glory and spoil, back to their promised land.
But first, the lawless tyrant, who denies
To know their God, or message to regard,
Must be compelled by signs and judgements dire;
To blood unshed the rivers must be turned;
Frogs, lice, and flies, must all his palace fill
With loathed intrusion, and fill all the land;
His cattle must of rot and murren die;
Botches and blains must all his flesh emboss,
And all his people; thunder mixed with hail,
Hail mixed with fire, must rend the Egyptians sky,
And wheel on the earth, devouring where it rolls;
What it devours not, herb, or fruit, or grain,
A darksome cloud of locusts swarming down
Must eat, and on the ground leave nothing green;
Darkness must overshadow all his bounds,
Palpable darkness, and blot out three days;
Last, with one midnight stroke, all the first-born
Of Egypt must lie dead.  Thus with ten wounds
The river-dragon tamed at length submits
To let his sojourners depart, and oft
Humbles his stubborn heart; but still, as ice
More hardened after thaw; till, in his rage
Pursuing whom he late dismissed, the sea
Swallows him with his host; but them lets pass,
As on dry land, between two crystal walls;
Awed by the rod of Moses so to stand
Divided, till his rescued gain their shore:
Such wondrous power God to his saint will lend,
Though present in his Angel; who shall go
Before them in a cloud, and pillar of fire;
By day a cloud, by night a pillar of fire;
To guide them in their journey, and remove
Behind them, while the obdurate king pursues:
All night he will pursue; but his approach
Darkness defends between till morning watch;
Then through the fiery pillar, and the cloud,
God looking forth will trouble all his host,
And craze their chariot-wheels: when by command
Moses once more his potent rod extends
Over the sea; the sea his rod obeys;
On their embattled ranks the waves return,
And overwhelm their war:  The race elect
Safe toward Canaan from the shore advance
Through the wild Desart, not the readiest way;
Lest, entering on the Canaanite alarmed,
War terrify them inexpert, and fear
Return them back to Egypt, choosing rather
Inglorious life with servitude; for life
To noble and ignoble is more sweet
Untrained in arms, where rashness leads not on.
This also shall they gain by their delay
In the wide wilderness; there they shall found
Their government, and their great senate choose
Through the twelve tribes, to rule by laws ordained:
God from the mount of Sinai, whose gray top
Shall tremble, he descending, will himself
In thunder, lightning, and loud trumpets’ sound,
Ordain them laws; part, such as appertain
To civil justice; part, religious rites
Of sacrifice; informing them, by types
And shadows, of that destined Seed to bruise
The Serpent, by what means he shall achieve
Mankind’s deliverance.  But the voice of God
To mortal ear is dreadful:  They beseech
That Moses might report to them his will,
And terrour cease; he grants what they besought,
Instructed that to God is no access
Without Mediator, whose high office now
Moses in figure bears; to introduce
One greater, of whose day he shall foretel,
And all the Prophets in their age the times
Of great Messiah shall sing.  Thus, laws and rites
Established, such delight hath God in Men
Obedient to his will, that he vouchsafes
Among them to set up his tabernacle;
The Holy One with mortal Men to dwell:
By his prescript a sanctuary is framed
Of cedar, overlaid with gold; therein
An ark, and in the ark his testimony,
The records of his covenant; over these
A mercy-seat of gold, between the wings
Of two bright Cherubim; before him burn
Seven lamps as in a zodiack representing
The heavenly fires; over the tent a cloud
Shall rest by day, a fiery gleam by night;
Save when they journey, and at length they come,
Conducted by his Angel, to the land
Promised to Abraham and his seed:—The rest
Were long to tell; how many battles fought
How many kings destroyed; and kingdoms won;
Or how the sun shall in mid Heaven stand still
A day entire, and night’s due course adjourn,
Man’s voice commanding, ‘Sun, in Gibeon stand,
‘And thou moon in the vale of Aialon,
’Till Israel overcome! so call the third
From Abraham, son of Isaac; and from him
His whole descent, who thus shall Canaan win.
Here Adam interposed.  O sent from Heaven,
Enlightener of my darkness, gracious things
Thou hast revealed; those chiefly, which concern
Just Abraham and his seed: now first I find
Mine eyes true-opening, and my heart much eased;
Erewhile perplexed with thoughts, what would become
Of me and all mankind:  But now I see
His day, in whom all nations shall be blest;
Favour unmerited by me, who sought
Forbidden knowledge by forbidden means.
This yet I apprehend not, why to those
Among whom God will deign to dwell on earth
So many and so various laws are given;
So many laws argue so many sins
Among them; how can God with such reside?
To whom thus Michael.  Doubt not but that sin
Will reign among them, as of thee begot;
And therefore was law given them, to evince
Their natural pravity, by stirring up
Sin against law to fight: that when they see
Law can discover sin, but not remove,
Save by those shadowy expiations weak,
The blood of bulls and goats, they may conclude
Some blood more precious must be paid for Man;
Just for unjust; that, in such righteousness
To them by faith imputed, they may find
Justification towards God, and peace
Of conscience; which the law by ceremonies
Cannot appease; nor Man the mortal part
Perform; and, not performing, cannot live.
So law appears imperfect; and but given
With purpose to resign them, in full time,
Up to a better covenant; disciplined
From shadowy types to truth; from flesh to spirit;
From imposition of strict laws to free
Acceptance of large grace; from servile fear
To filial; works of law to works of faith.
And therefore shall not Moses, though of God
Highly beloved, being but the minister
Of law, his people into Canaan lead;
But Joshua, whom the Gentiles Jesus call,
His name and office bearing, who shall quell
The adversary-Serpent, and bring back
Through the world’s wilderness long-wandered Man
Safe to eternal Paradise of rest.
Mean while they, in their earthly Canaan placed,
Long time shall dwell and prosper, but when sins
National interrupt their publick peace,
Provoking God to raise them enemies;
From whom as oft he saves them penitent
By Judges first, then under Kings; of whom
The second, both for piety renowned
And puissant deeds, a promise shall receive
Irrevocable, that his regal throne
For ever shall endure; the like shall sing
All Prophecy, that of the royal stock
Of David (so I name this king) shall rise
A Son, the Woman’s seed to thee foretold,
Foretold to Abraham, as in whom shall trust
All nations; and to kings foretold, of kings
The last; for of his reign shall be no end.
But first, a long succession must ensue;
And his next son, for wealth and wisdom famed,
The clouded ark of God, till then in tents
Wandering, shall in a glorious temple enshrine.
Such follow him, as shall be registered
Part good, part bad; of bad the longer scroll;
Whose foul idolatries, and other faults
Heaped to the popular sum, will so incense
God, as to leave them, and expose their land,
Their city, his temple, and his holy ark,
With all his sacred things, a scorn and prey
To that proud city, whose high walls thou sawest
Left in confusion; Babylon thence called.
There in captivity he lets them dwell
The space of seventy years; then brings them back,
Remembering mercy, and his covenant sworn
To David, stablished as the days of Heaven.
Returned from Babylon by leave of kings
Their lords, whom God disposed, the house of God
They first re-edify; and for a while
In mean estate live moderate; till, grown
In wealth and multitude, factious they grow;
But first among the priests dissention springs,
Men who attend the altar, and should most
Endeavour peace: their strife pollution brings
Upon the temple itself: at last they seise
The scepter, and regard not David’s sons;
Then lose it to a stranger, that the true
Anointed King Messiah might be born
Barred of his right; yet at his birth a star,
Unseen before in Heaven, proclaims him come;
And guides the eastern sages, who inquire
His place, to offer incense, myrrh, and gold:
His place of birth a solemn Angel tells
To simple shepherds, keeping watch by night;
They gladly thither haste, and by a quire
Of squadroned Angels hear his carol sung.
A ****** is his mother, but his sire
The power of the Most High:  He shall ascend
The throne hereditary, and bound his reign
With Earth’s wide bounds, his glory with the Heavens.
He ceased, discerning Adam with such joy
Surcharged, as had like grief been dewed in tears,
Without the vent of words; which these he breathed.
O prophet of glad tidings, finisher
Of utmost hope! now clear I understand
What oft my steadiest thoughts have searched in vain;
Why o
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Could this bee the end of Bee Bee?

Humble came flying through the trees,
After the evil Blues-Bee
And Humble could see Bee Bee up ahead,
Being chased by their enemy.

Humble was trying to dodge the Blues-Bees fleas,
As they were leaping through the air at him.
He would kick the ones behind so hard,
Punch the ones in front of him with a grin
And dodge the stones the worms were hurling up,
With their tail’s being used like catapults.
All the while, Humble was speeding as fast as he could,
To save Bee Bee from the Blues-Bee, for he was no good.

Two fleas leaped at Humble and he dived down to avoid them
And they crashed into each other with an almighty bang;
But as Humble looked up, all he could see was the Blues-Bee,
Flying over the cliff edge, chasing Bee Bee, oh dang!

As Humble flew after them, he saw the Blues-Bee,
Suddenly change direction and fly off into the distance.
Bee Bee was not in front of him, so Humble stopped and turned around.
Bee Bee was lying on the ground; her face had a look of sadness.
The Blues-Bee had stung her heart and she was hurt,
But they had been through too much together,
For Humble to ever bee losing her!
So he flew to her as fast as he could.
She said it doesn’t look good,
A light bulb appeared in Humble’s mind.
Honey!  You’re right!  
Honey would bee good to fight,
The bitter sting of The Blues-Bee.
She needs a remedy.

She said I have used all of my supply; I have nothing left to give;
But Humble did.
He reached into his fur coat and in the pocket next to his heart,
He found the *** of Honey, Bee Bee had given to him,
When they first started dating.
He had kept it from the very start.

He took out some honey and covered the wound,
Then he said to Bee Bee, I’ll take care of you.
As he held his hand where Bee Bee had been stung,
He gave her a kiss and from behind the grey clouds above,
Out came the sun…

It shone directly on Humble and Bee Bee as they kissed.
When they had finished kissing, Bee Bee said,
Look out Humble!  He is behind you!
As Blues-Bee sped towards Humble determined to not miss.
Humble held Bee Bee tight and with all his might,
He used his wings to protect them both,
As Blues-Bee’s shadow removed the light.

Blues-Bee crashed into Humbles back, stinger first
And then bounced off Humble and began to cry.
My stinger…Not my last words…why!?
What have you done Humble?
Why did it not go through your wings?
Humble turned around to face Blues-Bee and said,
You never believed in any kind of love.
I always believed.

So now you can fly along,
It won’t take long
And I will take my wife home with me.
And you?
You will soon bee gone.
It’s time for us to leave him behind Bee Bee.

Blues-Bee flew into the sky and around in circles for a while;
He didn’t know where to go.
As Blues-Bee fell from the sky to never bee seen again,
Bee Bee pulled the stinger from Humbles wing
And said that must sting.
It’s left a little hole.

That doesn’t matter; I can still fly.
So let me fly you home before we lose the light.
You know you called me Wife when you were talking to him?
You do realise we’re not married, right?
Well I thought if you would like to bee my Queen,
Then that is something we could try to fix tonight.
We could go get married soon, if you like?
You haven’t even proposed!  
You never know.  I could say no.
With you I always know, that you are my only choice.
My inner bee speaks with your voice.
You are my way to happiness;
You are the best I will ever get
And if you say you will not marry me, then I will bee heartbroken
And love will never bee and my heart will never rejoice,
But at least I know, knowing you left me awoken.

Well I had better say yes then;
Can’t have you giving up on love.
It’s the best thing that you do.
I think it’s time I was more than your girlfriend.
You know you do have that huge heart of yours.
I guess the stories of love are true.

So Yes!  I will marry you Humble!
I want to fly with you…forever more.
Together we can Bumble.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
b for short Mar 2016
Hushed, like a morning before sunrise, 
grace floods in without threat.
A sudden flutter of piano keys cues
a story to unravel onto something
so much more interesting
than pages of paper.
To eerie tunes and haunting hums,
she brushes, feather-like, across my eyes—
a pinnacle of innocence
that humbles me to the warmest tears.
She does not speak but tells me everything.
So beautifully, with pointed toes
and arms as weightless as summer clouds,
my imagination falls to her tiny mercy.
The little girl in the light blue dress,
who became
my favorite storyteller.
© Bitsy Sanders, March 2016

For Madeline Jane
Ian Cairns Jul 2013
It's getting late tonight.
Big Ben's hands have been twisting viciously for hours
And somehow ended up around my neck.
They say timing is everything and lucky for me
The moment I laid eyes on you all the time
In your hourglass figure froze in my mind.
I want to start things off right because
When I saw you from across the room I wanted to get to know every
Millisecond of your history so that the mysteries in your smile became
My new reason to appreciate antiquity.
I can be your ancient artifact.
In fact, I'll be whatever you want me to be so long as it doesn't involve me
Trapped in revolving doors that prevent me from your proximity.
I need to know the inner workings of yourself shine as brightly as your physical presence
Because you might be pleasantly surprised to find out my genuine intentions.
I want to get close to you.
Break through the refurbished armor you fundamentally meshed to your being
In order to prohibit Cupid's bow from poking holes in your aorta.
Understand I have every intention of keeping your core in tact
But I need to get to know your heart to see if we're a match.
Your struggle humbles me- You're my Atlas.
With ten delicate fingers protecting all the world's wonders
Cuddling Mother Nature as your own new born.
I want to know your mind can dance as elegantly as your body can.
Because my brain's signing up for ball room dancing classes
And could use a well-versed partner for the Waltz.
And there's nothing more beautiful than two minds
Marching reciprocally to the tune of one drummer's heartbeat.
Let me meet the symphony responsible for your eloquence.
So my ears know where to discover your reckless intelligence when I'm losing mine.
I hope you have a sweet tooth and never resort to shortcuts.
Because when you've passed the point of no return but decide to venture back
All I can offer you is heartfelt motivation and handfuls of Hershey kisses.
I know I may sound foolish and I'm sure the odds are against me.
Due to countless attempts where men request
Bedroom conquests that leave little room for imagination.
And it's hard for me to disregard your reservations
Given the nature of your past encounters with individuals who'd rather
See none of you with the lights off than all of you in the spotlight.
So let me approach this conversation differently-
I want to be your heart's only conqueror.
Pick open your cardiac locker with my sincerest approach
And approach you in the kind of way that eliminates the word No from your vocabulary.
Let's become Grandfather clocks and tick tock together through the end of time
Approaching eternity splendidly through clockwork.
We can redesign what it means to be inherently inseparable
If you allow me to frequent your grudges and pitch a tent on your battle scars.
We'll indulge in witty dialogue about your inner thoughts to demonstrate
My ability to take you seriously while giving your lips upward mobility.
I want your soul on speed dial in case of emergency.
Because if I need a saving grace, your unparalleled energy is my only hope.
Please, let me see the alarms explode in your eyes as they have in mine.
We're running out of time.
Jay Bryant Mar 2013
With every utterance that leaves my lips
Exist a thousand more my tongue have missed
Frustration causes problems compiling my statements
I try to recapitulate my day, but failure hides in my shadow
My mind leads me and I follow
Complex formulas and conundrums are riddle across my brain
Monday through Sunday overthinking regulates my plane
I soar through the sky in thought,
Though in reality I haven’t left yet
Though I consciously monitor my next step
Because I’m on plan E and I think F’s next
Entrapped by the scent of,
The woman that lies beside me
My soul watches her as she sleep
I lay awake thinking of the rising sun
The things to come with the next day
I’ve learned a lot mainly that patience pays
That vexation puts me in my place, kicks sand in my face
Obscures my way, to humble my spirit
Arrogance ravages my actions
But frustration deflates my ego
With every utterance that leaves my lips
Exist a thousand more my tongue have missed
sheloveswords Aug 2013
How can I say "We're just friends"
When I taste you in my dreams
Your honeyed savoriness on my tongue
Formed itself
You dance like an angel
In the center of my pupils
Your song is exceptionally sweet
It humbles my spirit
Divulges me
That we are all just hummingbirds
Vigorously, hunting for a melody
Auctioning off welfares
For pleasures swimming in vain
We've never enjoyed the necter without the pain of
Piercing thorns
With handicapped feet,
We dream to fly
60 miles a beat
How I wish the breeze
Would carry me
Straight to your home of
Butterfly Weeds
Longing for the eightenth year, to sore away
Just as a sweet bundle in Mama's womb
In the nest we mature and anxiously wait
Planted firmly on the dirt
His amour
Gives me wings
And, I flutter
His humming is a pleasing sound
Searching for a fullfillment
Two times our body weight
In the ebony of my skin
I inertly wait
Wishing for reincarnation
Of a harmless, beautiful
Harmonizing its way
Across God's blue sky.

                             Copy Right 2013
                                    ©Patty Ann
Kyle Andree Ore Jul 2013
i wander around your territory,
keeping my imprints on your skin.
a sigh of relief and a moan of satisfaction
take you where nowhere you've been.
flicker of my tongue,
the tremble in your voice
move closer,
closer as skin.
the smell of your innocence lingers
in my senses,
the taste of your fear excites me.
the look in your eyes
turmoil in your stare,
the awe in your face humbles my existence.
i a mere mortal in your sight,
a sight of the past.
the past is just a few seconds away.
an eternity will unfold,
walk my path,
uncloak my victim
stand in all your glory.
your presence hungers my foul
reason for living.
my tongue on your skin,
i taste you
you feed me.
your eyes provokes my inner peace.
what do you see?
is it life?
or is it death?
a swift movement,
a tragic death awaits.
my doppelganger sees how you live your life,
while i cant wait how to end it.
the beauty in my voice captivates you.
leading you towards your befall.
you yourself prepared my feast with
your false judgment.
i was never your reason to live
but you were mine.
you cling to my robe the way
you cling to your life.
too late mademoiselle i had your
tombstone made an hour ago.
i undress you,
and taste your love juice one more time.
ecstasy flows down your veins,
you moan in gratitude
i brought you wrath in return.
you cried in a bite-forced.
i smelled life,
i tasted life
but not yours alone.
intriguing i say,
so i sink both fangs deeper.
another blood of total innocence indeed
and it tasted just like mine.
you saw the horror on my face.
you smiled.
you *****!
you let out a soft dying laugh.
delirium hits like a speeding car crashing.
i have killed my own
you deceived me.
you knew my planned deception all along
and countered on your own.
you ***** old hag!
you let yourself get killed
so i could **** him.
a creature of my own,
floating inside your womb.
Oh love! that stronger art than Wine,
Pleasing Delusion, Witchery divine,
Wont to be priz'd above all Wealth,
Disease that has more Joys than Health;
Though we blaspheme thee in our Pain,
And of Tyranny complain,
We are all better'd by thy Reign.

What Reason never can bestow,
We to this useful Passion owe:
Love wakes the dull from sluggish ease,
And learns a Clown the Art to please:
Humbles the Vain, kindles the Cold,
Makes Misers free, and Cowards bold;
And teaches airy Fops to think.

When full brute Appetite is fed,
And choakd the Glutton lies and dead;
Thou new Spirits dost dispense,
And fine'st the gross Delights of Sense.

Virtue's unconquerable Aid
That against Nature can persuade;
And makes a roving Mind retire
Within the Bounds of just Desire.
Chearer of Age, Youth's kind Unrest,
And half the Heaven of the blest!
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Bee in the distance

As Humble flew along,
He could see some bees flying away in the distance.
He was so excited to see new bees,
That he flapped his wings as fast as he could,
To fight his way through all the turbulence.
The wind was against him, the bees so far,
But he was determined to meet them, so he flew like a shooting star.

There were two bees that seemed to bee following,
A much smaller bee who was in front.
Humble thought it must bee the leader,
Because it dodged quicker than the others could.
It zipped in and out of the tall corn stalks;
It would disappear down…and then shoot back up!
He could see the broken pieces of the corn as he flew above.

He didn’t know why they didn’t all just fly over, there was no rain;
But once more they all suddenly vanished again.
So he dived in after them and quickly made his way through the corn.
He had a few close calls and nearly hit his head more than once
And then suddenly he flew past something lying on the floor;
It began to shake its head, it was only stunned…

Humble quickly realised he had been chasing a much bigger wasp.
I’m out of here he thought and was quickly up and gone;
But out of the corner of his eye he saw something as he rose,
He saw the difference in size between one wasp and the other;
There was no way he could just go.
He had followed the wasp but now there was a bee;
It was further in the distance, but he couldn’t just leave,
The wasp to catch the bee, so with all his speed,
He sped after the wasp, giving it all that he had got.

As the wasp in front of him forever gained on the bee,
It suddenly felt a hand on its stinger and Humble gave it a twist,
With all his might, he span around as fast as he could,
The wasps head was spinning quickly, navigation on vacation
And with a mighty crash, there was a huge cloud of dust and a thud!
Humble kept on flying, feeling dizzy himself,
But he saw the line of the horizon and once more all was well.

Once more he got closer to the bee and said wait for me!
The bees eyesight wasn’t the best
And it could only hear a wasp still chasing, so began to flee.
It darted to the left and quickly back to the right,
Humble kept a close eye on its movements
And lined the bee up in his sights.

He was getting closer, so the bee flew straight up into the air;
Humble was determined to follow, so flew up without a care.
As the two bees rose up, going higher and higher,
Humble began to lose his strength and his body began to tire.
Soon his wings stopped and he could only drop;
The clouds above grew smaller and soon he would bee gone.
He closed his eyes and tried to flap his wings,
But his energy was gone, it wasn’t happening.
The ground approached at speed, he thought he was toast,
When suddenly a hand grabbed the back of his fur coat.
He tried to look behind him but he could not see,
The bee who was carrying him to a place of safety.

He started to flap his wings and shouted let me go!
He wiggled to escape but still the hand had a hold.
He span his body around so the other bee was closer to the ground
And he said let me go or I will fly down.

He was so busy trying to look over his shoulder
And reach the hand that had a grip,
That he didn’t see the sun flower ahead,
But the other bee did.

With a huge use of energy the other bee span them both back around
And let go of Humbles fur and disappeared without a sound.
Humble was moving too fast, to change his flight path
And suddenly he crashed and landed softly into the sun flower...

And as for the other bee?
Humble heard a laugh…

By the time he had found his composure
And made his way out of the flower,
The other bee had disappeared
And Humble was left alone to wonder…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Oh love! that stronger art than Wine,
Pleasing Delusion, Witchery divine,
Wont to be priz'd above all Wealth,
Disease that has more Joys than Health;
Though we blaspheme thee in our Pain,
And of Tyranny complain,
We are all better'd by thy Reign.

What Reason never can bestow,
We to this useful Passion owe:
Love wakes the dull from sluggish ease,
And learns a Clown the Art to please:
Humbles the Vain, kindles the Cold,
Makes Misers free, and Cowards bold;
And teaches airy Fops to think.

When full brute Appetite is fed,
And choakd the Glutton lies and dead;
Thou new Spirits dost dispense,
And fine'st the gross Delights of Sense.

Virtue's unconquerable Aid
That against Nature can persuade;
And makes a roving Mind retire
Within the Bounds of just Desire.
Chearer of Age, Youth's kind Unrest,
And half the Heaven of the blest!
Phil Lindsey Apr 2015
If someone says, “And time stood still,”
Consider him an imbecile.
Time creeps, it flies, it disappears,
It changes seconds into years,
Consumes our life,
Each passing day,
And woe the soul
That’s in its way.

Time marches on, as if to war
Countless battles fought before
Why do we refuse to yield?
Lay down our helmet, sword, and shield
Is it so hard
For us to see
That time will claim
The victory?

Time overpowers the strongest men,
And laughs at those who try in vain,
To conquer time, for they will die
Not knowing when, or how, or why
Yes, we will die
While time endures
Time mourns no life
Not mine, not yours.

Time humbles strong, and kills the weak,
It laughs at those who dare to speak,
As if they understand its goal,
Time will extract its rightful toll.
No money spent
Can slow time down.
Time will have
The rich King’s crown.
Phil Lindsey 4/23/15

Mets-toi sur ton séant, lève tes yeux, dérange
Ce drap glacé qui fait des plis sur ton front d'ange,
Ouvre tes mains, et prends ce livre : il est à toi.

Ce livre où vit mon âme, espoir, deuil, rêve, effroi,
Ce livre qui contient le spectre de ma vie,
Mes angoisses, mon aube, hélas ! de pleurs suivie,
L'ombre et son ouragan, la rose et son pistil,
Ce livre azuré, triste, orageux, d'où sort-il ?
D'où sort le blême éclair qui déchire la brume ?
Depuis quatre ans, j'habite un tourbillon d'écume ;
Ce livre en a jailli. Dieu dictait, j'écrivais ;
Car je suis paille au vent. Va ! dit l'esprit. Je vais.
Et, quand j'eus terminé ces pages, quand ce livre
Se mit à palpiter, à respirer, à vivre,
Une église des champs, que le lierre verdit,
Dont la tour sonne l'heure à mon néant, m'a dit :
Ton cantique est fini ; donne-le-moi, poëte.
- Je le réclame, a dit la forêt inquiète ;
Et le doux pré fleuri m'a dit : - Donne-le-moi.
La mer, en le voyant frémir, m'a dit : - Pourquoi
Ne pas me le jeter, puisque c'est une voile !
- C'est à moi qu'appartient cet hymne, a dit l'étoile.
- Donne-le-nous, songeur, ont crié les grands vents.
Et les oiseaux m'ont dit : - Vas-tu pas aux vivants
Offrir ce livre, éclos si **** de leurs querelles ?
Laisse-nous l'emporter dans nos nids sur nos ailes ! -
Mais le vent n'aura point mon livre, ô cieux profonds !
Ni la sauvage mer, livrée aux noirs typhons,
Ouvrant et refermant ses flots, âpres embûches ;
Ni la verte forêt qu'emplit un bruit de ruches ;
Ni l'église où le temps fait tourner son compas ;
Le pré ne l'aura pas, l'astre ne l'aura pas,
L'oiseau ne l'aura pas, qu'il soit aigle ou colombe,
Les nids ne l'auront pas ; je le donne à la tombe.


Autrefois, quand septembre en larmes revenait,
Je partais, je quittais tout ce qui me connaît,
Je m'évadais ; Paris s'effaçait ; rien, personne !
J'allais, je n'étais plus qu'une ombre qui frissonne,
Je fuyais, seul, sans voir, sans penser, sans parler,
Sachant bien que j'irais où je devais aller ;
Hélas ! je n'aurais pu même dire : Je souffre !
Et, comme subissant l'attraction d'un gouffre,
Que le chemin fût beau, pluvieux, froid, mauvais,
J'ignorais, je marchais devant moi, j'arrivais.
Ô souvenirs ! ô forme horrible des collines !
Et, pendant que la mère et la soeur, orphelines,
Pleuraient dans la maison, je cherchais le lieu noir
Avec l'avidité morne du désespoir ;
Puis j'allais au champ triste à côté de l'église ;
Tête nue, à pas lents, les cheveux dans la bise,
L'oeil aux cieux, j'approchais ; l'accablement soutient ;
Les arbres murmuraient : C'est le père qui vient !
Les ronces écartaient leurs branches desséchées ;
Je marchais à travers les humbles croix penchées,
Disant je ne sais quels doux et funèbres mots ;
Et je m'agenouillais au milieu des rameaux
Sur la pierre qu'on voit blanche dans la verdure.
Pourquoi donc dormais-tu d'une façon si dure
Que tu n'entendais pas lorsque je t'appelais ?

Et les pêcheurs passaient en traînant leurs filets,
Et disaient : Qu'est-ce donc que cet homme qui songe ?
Et le jour, et le soir, et l'ombre qui s'allonge,
Et Vénus, qui pour moi jadis étincela,
Tout avait disparu que j'étais encor là.
J'étais là, suppliant celui qui nous exauce ;
J'adorais, je laissais tomber sur cette fosse,
Hélas ! où j'avais vu s'évanouir mes cieux,
Tout mon coeur goutte à goutte en pleurs silencieux ;
J'effeuillais de la sauge et de la clématite ;
Je me la rappelais quand elle était petite,
Quand elle m'apportait des lys et des jasmins,
Ou quand elle prenait ma plume dans ses mains,
Gaie, et riant d'avoir de l'encre à ses doigts roses ;
Je respirais les fleurs sur cette cendre écloses,
Je fixais mon regard sur ces froids gazons verts,
Et par moments, ô Dieu, je voyais, à travers
La pierre du tombeau, comme une lueur d'âme !

Oui, jadis, quand cette heure en deuil qui me réclame
Tintait dans le ciel triste et dans mon coeur saignant,
Rien ne me retenait, et j'allais ; maintenant,
Hélas !... - Ô fleuve ! ô bois ! vallons dont je fus l'hôte,
Elle sait, n'est-ce pas ? que ce n'est pas ma faute
Si, depuis ces quatre ans, pauvre coeur sans flambeau,
Je ne suis pas allé prier sur son tombeau !


Ainsi, ce noir chemin que je faisais, ce marbre
Que je contemplais, pâle, adossé contre un arbre,
Ce tombeau sur lequel mes pieds pouvaient marcher,
La nuit, que je voyais lentement approcher,
Ces ifs, ce crépuscule avec ce cimetière,
Ces sanglots, qui du moins tombaient sur cette pierre,
Ô mon Dieu, tout cela, c'était donc du bonheur !

Dis, qu'as-tu fait pendant tout ce temps-là ? - Seigneur,
Qu'a-t-elle fait ? - Vois-tu la vie en vos demeures ?
A quelle horloge d'ombre as-tu compté les heures ?
As-tu sans bruit parfois poussé l'autre endormi ?
Et t'es-tu, m'attendant, réveillée à demi ?
T'es-tu, pâle, accoudée à l'obscure fenêtre
De l'infini, cherchant dans l'ombre à reconnaître
Un passant, à travers le noir cercueil mal joint,
Attentive, écoutant si tu n'entendais point
Quelqu'un marcher vers toi dans l'éternité sombre ?
Et t'es-tu recouchée ainsi qu'un mât qui sombre,
En disant : Qu'est-ce donc ? mon père ne vient pas !
Avez-vous tous les deux parlé de moi tout bas ?

Que de fois j'ai choisi, tout mouillés de rosée,
Des lys dans mon jardin, des lys dans ma pensée !
Que de fois j'ai cueilli de l'aubépine en fleur !
Que de fois j'ai, là-bas, cherché la tour d'Harfleur,
Murmurant : C'est demain que je pars ! et, stupide,
Je calculais le vent et la voile rapide,
Puis ma main s'ouvrait triste, et je disais : Tout fuit !
Et le bouquet tombait, sinistre, dans la nuit !
Oh ! que de fois, sentant qu'elle devait m'attendre,
J'ai pris ce que j'avais dans le coeur de plus tendre
Pour en charger quelqu'un qui passerait par là !

Lazare ouvrit les yeux quand Jésus l'appela ;
Quand je lui parle, hélas ! pourquoi les ferme-t-elle ?
Où serait donc le mal quand de l'ombre mortelle
L'amour violerait deux fois le noir secret,
Et quand, ce qu'un dieu fit, un père le ferait ?


Que ce livre, du moins, obscur message, arrive,
Murmure, à ce silence, et, flot, à cette rive !
Qu'il y tombe, sanglot, soupir, larme d'amour !
Qu'il entre en ce sépulcre où sont entrés un jour
Le baiser, la jeunesse, et l'aube, et la rosée,
Et le rire adoré de la fraîche épousée,
Et la joie, et mon coeur, qui n'est pas ressorti !
Qu'il soit le cri d'espoir qui n'a jamais menti,
Le chant du deuil, la voix du pâle adieu qui pleure,
Le rêve dont on sent l'aile qui nous effleure !
Qu'elle dise : Quelqu'un est là ; j'entends du bruit !
Qu'il soit comme le pas de mon âme en sa nuit !

Ce livre, légion tournoyante et sans nombre
D'oiseaux blancs dans l'aurore et d'oiseaux noirs dans l'ombre,
Ce vol de souvenirs fuyant à l'horizon,
Cet essaim que je lâche au seuil de ma prison,
Je vous le confie, air, souffles, nuée, espace !
Que ce fauve océan qui me parle à voix basse,
Lui soit clément, l'épargne et le laisse passer !
Et que le vent ait soin de n'en rien disperser,
Et jusqu'au froid caveau fidèlement apporte
Ce don mystérieux de l'absent à la morte !

Ô Dieu ! puisqu'en effet, dans ces sombres feuillets,
Dans ces strophes qu'au fond de vos cieux je cueillais,
Dans ces chants murmurés comme un épithalame
Pendant que vous tourniez les pages de mon âme,
Puisque j'ai, dans ce livre, enregistré mes jours,
Mes maux, mes deuils, mes cris dans les problèmes sourds,
Mes amours, mes travaux, ma vie heure par heure ;
Puisque vous ne voulez pas encor que je meure,
Et qu'il faut bien pourtant que j'aille lui parler ;
Puisque je sens le vent de l'infini souffler
Sur ce livre qu'emplit l'orage et le mystère ;
Puisque j'ai versé là toutes vos ombres, terre,
Humanité, douleur, dont je suis le passant ;
Puisque de mon esprit, de mon coeur, de mon sang,
J'ai fait l'âcre parfum de ces versets funèbres,
Va-t'en, livre, à l'azur, à travers les ténèbres !
Fuis vers la brume où tout à pas lents est conduit !
Oui, qu'il vole à la fosse, à la tombe, à la nuit,
Comme une feuille d'arbre ou comme une âme d'homme !
Qu'il roule au gouffre où va tout ce que la voix nomme !
Qu'il tombe au plus profond du sépulcre hagard,
A côté d'elle, ô mort ! et que là, le regard,
Près de l'ange qui dort, lumineux et sublime,
Le voie épanoui, sombre fleur de l'abîme !


Ô doux commencements d'azur qui me trompiez,
Ô bonheurs ! je vous ai durement expiés !
J'ai le droit aujourd'hui d'être, quand la nuit tombe,
Un de ceux qui se font écouter de la tombe,
Et qui font, en parlant aux morts blêmes et seuls,
Remuer lentement les plis noirs des linceuls,
Et dont la parole, âpre ou tendre, émeut les pierres,
Les grains dans les sillons, les ombres dans les bières,
La vague et la nuée, et devient une voix
De la nature, ainsi que la rumeur des bois.
Car voilà, n'est-ce pas, tombeaux ? bien des années,
Que je marche au milieu des croix infortunées,
Échevelé parmi les ifs et les cyprès,
L'âme au bord de la nuit, et m'approchant tout près,
Et que je vais, courbé sur le cercueil austère,
Questionnant le plomb, les clous, le ver de terre
Qui pour moi sort des yeux de la tête de mort,
Le squelette qui rit, le squelette qui mord,
Les mains aux doigts noueux, les crânes, les poussières,
Et les os des genoux qui savent des prières !

Hélas ! j'ai fouillé tout. J'ai voulu voir le fond.
Pourquoi le mal en nous avec le bien se fond,
J'ai voulu le savoir. J'ai dit : Que faut-il croire ?
J'ai creusé la lumière, et l'aurore, et la gloire,
L'enfant joyeux, la vierge et sa chaste frayeur,
Et l'amour, et la vie, et l'âme, - fossoyeur.

Qu'ai-je appris ? J'ai, pensif , tout saisi sans rien prendre ;
J'ai vu beaucoup de nuit et fait beaucoup de cendre.
Qui sommes-nous ? que veut dire ce mot : Toujours ?
J'ai tout enseveli, songes, espoirs, amours,
Dans la fosse que j'ai creusée en ma poitrine.
Qui donc a la science ? où donc est la doctrine ?
Oh ! que ne suis-je encor le rêveur d'autrefois,
Qui s'égarait dans l'herbe, et les prés, et les bois,
Qui marchait souriant, le soir, quand le ciel brille,
Tenant la main petite et blanche de sa fille,
Et qui, joyeux, laissant luire le firmament,
Laissant l'enfant parler, se sentait lentement
Emplir de cet azur et de cette innocence !

Entre Dieu qui flamboie et l'ange qui l'encense,
J'ai vécu, j'ai lutté, sans crainte, sans remord.
Puis ma porte soudain s'ouvrit devant la mort,
Cette visite brusque et terrible de l'ombre.
Tu passes en laissant le vide et le décombre,
Ô spectre ! tu saisis mon ange et tu frappas.
Un tombeau fut dès lors le but de tous mes pas.


Je ne puis plus reprendre aujourd'hui dans la plaine
Mon sentier d'autrefois qui descend vers la Seine ;
Je ne puis plus aller où j'allais ; je ne puis,
Pareil à la laveuse assise au bord du puits,
Que m'accouder au mur de l'éternel abîme ;
Paris m'est éclipsé par l'énorme Solime ;
La hauteNotre-Dame à présent, qui me luit,
C'est l'ombre ayant deux tours, le silence et la nuit,
Et laissant des clartés trouer ses fatals voiles ;
Et je vois sur mon front un panthéon d'étoiles ;
Si j'appelle Rouen, Villequier, Caudebec,
Toute l'ombre me crie : Horeb, Cédron, Balbeck !
Et, si je pars, m'arrête à la première lieue,
Et me dit: Tourne-toi vers l'immensité bleue !
Et me dit : Les chemins où tu marchais sont clos.
Penche-toi sur les nuits, sur les vents, sur les flots !
A quoi penses-tu donc ? que fais-tu, solitaire ?
Crois-tu donc sous tes pieds avoir encor la terre ?
Où vas-tu de la sorte et machinalement ?
Ô songeur ! penche-toi sur l'être et l'élément !
Écoute la rumeur des âmes dans les ondes !
Contemple, s'il te faut de la cendre, les mondes ;
Cherche au moins la poussière immense, si tu veux
Mêler de la poussière à tes sombres cheveux,
Et regarde, en dehors de ton propre martyre,
Le grand néant, si c'est le néant qui t'attire !
Sois tout à ces soleils où tu remonteras !
Laisse là ton vil coin de terre. Tends les bras,
Ô proscrit de l'azur, vers les astres patries !
Revois-y refleurir tes aurores flétries ;
Deviens le grand oeil fixe ouvert sur le grand tout.
Penche-toi sur l'énigme où l'être se dissout,
Sur tout ce qui naît, vit, marche, s'éteint, succombe,
Sur tout le genre humain et sur toute la tombe !

Mais mon coeur toujours saigne et du même côté.
C'est en vain que les cieux, les nuits, l'éternité,
Veulent distraire une âme et calmer un atome.
Tout l'éblouissement des lumières du dôme
M'ôte-t-il une larme ? Ah ! l'étendue a beau
Me parler, me montrer l'universel tombeau,
Les soirs sereins, les bois rêveurs, la lune amie ;
J'écoute, et je reviens à la douce endormie.


Des fleurs ! oh ! si j'avais des fleurs ! si je pouvais
Aller semer des lys sur ces deux froids chevets !
Si je pouvais couvrir de fleurs mon ange pâle !
Les fleurs sont l'or, l'azur, l'émeraude, l'opale !
Le cercueil au milieu des fleurs veut se coucher ;
Les fleurs aiment la mort, et Dieu les fait toucher
Par leur racine aux os, par leur parfum aux âmes !
Puisque je ne le puis, aux lieux que nous aimâmes,
Puisque Dieu ne veut pas nous laisser revenir,
Puisqu'il nous fait lâcher ce qu'on croyait tenir,
Puisque le froid destin, dans ma geôle profonde,
Sur la première porte en scelle une seconde,
Et, sur le père triste et sur l'enfant qui dort,
Ferme l'exil après avoir fermé la mort,
Puisqu'il est impossible à présent que je jette
Même un brin de bruyère à sa fosse muette,
C'est bien le moins qu'elle ait mon âme, n'est-ce pas ?
Ô vent noir dont j'entends sur mon plafond le pas !
Tempête, hiver, qui bats ma vitre de ta grêle !
Mers, nuits ! et je l'ai mise en ce livre pour elle !

Prends ce livre ; et dis-toi : Ceci vient du vivant
Que nous avons laissé derrière nous, rêvant.
Prends. Et, quoique de ****, reconnais ma voix, âme !
Oh ! ta cendre est le lit de mon reste de flamme ;
Ta tombe est mon espoir, ma charité, ma foi ;
Ton linceul toujours flotte entre la vie et moi.
Prends ce livre, et fais-en sortir un divin psaume !
Qu'entre tes vagues mains il devienne fantôme !
Qu'il blanchisse, pareil à l'aube qui pâlit,
A mesure que l'oeil de mon ange le lit,
Et qu'il s'évanouisse, et flotte, et disparaisse,
Ainsi qu'un âtre obscur qu'un souffle errant caresse,
Ainsi qu'une lueur qu'on voit passer le soir,
Ainsi qu'un tourbillon de feu de l'encensoir,
Et que, sous ton regard éblouissant et sombre,
Chaque page s'en aille en étoiles dans l'ombre !


Oh ! quoi que nous fassions et quoi que nous disions,
Soit que notre âme plane au vent des visions,
Soit qu'elle se cramponne à l'argile natale,
Toujours nous arrivons à ta grotte fatale,
Gethsémani ! qu'éclaire une vague lueur !
Ô rocher de l'étrange et funèbre sueur !
Cave où l'esprit combat le destin ! ouverture
Sur les profonds effrois de la sombre nature !
Antre d'où le lion sort rêveur, en voyant
Quelqu'un de plus sinistre et de plus effrayant,
La douleur, entrer, pâle, amère, échevelée !
Ô chute ! asile ! ô seuil de la trouble vallée
D'où nous apercevons nos ans fuyants et courts,
Nos propres pas marqués dans la fange des jours,
L'échelle où le mal pèse et monte, spectre louche,
L'âpre frémissement de la palme farouche,
Les degrés noirs tirant en bas les blancs degrés,
Et les frissons aux fronts des anges effarés !

Toujours nous arrivons à cette solitude,
Et, là, nous nous taisons, sentant la plénitude !

Paix à l'ombre ! Dormez ! dormez ! dormez ! dormez !
Êtres, groupes confus lentement transformés !
Dormez, les champs ! dormez, les fleurs ! dormez, les tombes !
Toits, murs, seuils des maisons, pierres des catacombes,
Feuilles au fond des bois, plumes au fond des nids,
Dormez ! dormez, brins d'herbe, et dormez, infinis !
Calmez-vous, forêt, chêne, érable, frêne, yeuse !
Silence sur la grande horreur religieuse,
Sur l'océan qui lutte et qui ronge son mors,
Et sur l'apaisement insondable des morts !
Paix à l'obscurité muette et redoutée,
Paix au doute effrayant, à l'immense ombre athée,
A toi, nature, cercle et centre, âme et milieu,
Fourmillement de tout, solitude de Dieu !
Ô générations aux brumeuses haleines,
Reposez-vous ! pas noirs qui marchez dans les plaines !
Dormez, vous qui saignez ; dormez, vous qui pleurez !
Douleurs, douleurs, douleurs, fermez vos yeux sacrés !
Tout est religio
David Zito Oct 2011
Some say He is soft,
Others say He is evil.
Some say He is not visible,
Others say He has forsaken us.
Some say He no longer cares,
And some even dare to say that He doesn’t exist.
Many people say things about my God;
The creator of everything and anything since the beginning of time,
The Almighty who was, and is, and is to come.
The truth is though,
That not many people know my God.
I do not even understand fully who He is,
And I can only hope that the words written below do not insult him,
But rather, are pleasing to His ear,
Because this is my understanding of my God;
The maker of the heavens and the earth…

My God is omniscient,
And omniparent.
My God should not be underestimated,
And cannot be overestimated,
Because for any man to comprehend the power of my God,
Is impossible.
My God humbles the prideful,
And my God deserves all praise.
My God is the same God that created;
The great white shark that reigns in the water,
The grizzly bear whose one swipe can **** a man,
The tiger that haunts the jungles,
And the lion whose roar sends fear through mans bones…
And then said, “It is good.”
My God owns the thunder that shakes your house,
And my God shows the lightning where to strike.
My God can move mountains,
Divide a sea,
And wipe out the earth with a flood.
My God builds up ferocious volcanoes,
And my God carved out the mystifying caverns in the earth.
My God points out the path of raging rivers,
And my God delights in the crashing waves of the Bering Sea,
And finds joy in the force of Niagara Falls.
My God is the light so bright that,
You cannot look at Him without being blinded,
And the darkness trembles in fear at the mention of His name.
My God lodged the stone into Goliaths head.
My God sent Jael’s stake through Sisera’s skull.
My God transformed Moses’ staff into the snake,
Sent the locusts,
And promises fire.

Are you getting the idea yet?
But that’s only half of it,
Because my God has a whole other side.

My God wrote the premier poetry that is in the best selling book of all time,
That oh, by the way,
He wrote.
My God made the snow you sled on,
And the flowers you pick to put in a vase.
My God made the stars you lay out under,
And the planets and galaxies you can only dream about.
My God made the sunrise that is reason enough to wake up two hours early,
And the romantic sunsets you watch with your beloved.
My God painted the skies with the Northern Lights,
And breathed life into the wildflowers for extra decoration on the mountainsides.
My God carved out the Grand Canyon,
And my God sharpened the peak of Mount Everest.
My God put the tropical island paradises in the oceans,
And my God produced the crystal blue waters of Greece.
My God rendered the landscapes of Tuscany,
And my God created the vibrant birds of the jungles.
My God made the athletes you aspire to be like,
And the voices you listen to over the radio.
My God gave Shakespeare his imagination,
And Da Vinci the vision to paint the Mona Lisa.
My God made man and all his features,
And my God made a woman;
Who in all her luster and beauty is the pinnacle of my God’s creations.
My God brings a man and a woman together,
And puts in them a love like no other,
But still that extraordinary love doesn’t compare to His own love for us.
My God gives life to every pristine baby,
And then witnesses every moment of their lives.
My God made the water that quenches our thirst,
And my God fills the void in our heart.

There you have it:
My God is both ferocious and gentle,
Dangerous and loving,
Strong and merciful,
Powerful and overwhelming,
Mysterious and mystical,
Everlasting and present,
A guardian and a giver,
A warrior and a romantic,
A designer and an author.
My God is the lover of the rejected,
The judge of the high court,
The strength for the weak,
The defender of the defenseless,
The shepherd of the flock,
The general of the most opulent armies,
The savior of the broken,
And the redeemer of the lost.
My God will not leave,
But instead will always be by your side.
My God is devoted,
And unchanging.
My God is not threatened by your god,
And my God is supreme.
My God created the heavens and the earth,
And my God created you.
This is my God,
The God; Father, Son and Spirit.
I hope that everybody can see my God and find a relationship with Him through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Paul d'Aubin Dec 2016
L'Espoir, quand même et malgré tout !

( Une poésie, bien pour notre temps )

L'Espoir, c'est le sourire entrevu
Qui interrompt les plombs de l'injustice.
C'est Malraux s'efforçant de lever des avions
Dans une Espagne en feu, abandonnée, trahie
L’espoir, ce sont ces humbles que l'on ne voit jamais,
À qui l'on sourit et propose un projet commun,
L’Espoir ce sont l'abbé Pierre et Coluche, délaissant leur confort,
Pour dire que la faim et l'absence de toit sont indignes de sociétés qui se prétendent démocratiques,
L'Espoir c'est la patience de reprendre l'explication si une première leçon n'a pas portée ses fruits,
L'Espoir c'est rejeter toute forme d'exclusion fondée sur la race, le sexe, l'âge ou la manière de croire ou de ne pas croire,
L'Espoir c'est l'évêque d'Hugo, laissant repartir le forçat Jean Valjean,
L'espoir c'est abandonner toute forme de vengeance et penser que l’être peut toujours s'améliorer, m^me s'il n'y mets pas toujours du sien,
L'espoir c'est refuser de hurler avec la meute sur l'homme seul que les médias exhibent au carcan avant de le conduire au gibet sous les clameurs de haine des foules.
L'espoir c'est penser que l'obscur employé et le simple ouvrier peuvent trouver et proposer ses solutions plus simples et plus efficaces que celles abstraitement élaborées par le chef ou par le patron.
L'Espoir c'est refuser de voir piétiner la planète et de laisser sans rien dire prendre des risques insensés au motif que certains puissants savent mieux que nous tous et ont le savoir.
L'espoir c'est se sentir rouge de honte en voyant des SDF allongés sur des cartons et entourés de l'affection de leurs seuls chiens.
L'espoir c'est découvrir des nouvelles et des sons nouveaux et ressentir que ce jaillissement de sons est une plénitude de l’Esprit et des sens,
L'Espoir, c'est parier sur la création des êtres et l'action personnelle et collective pour faire reculer la part de contraintes de la rareté et la résignation à ce persistant malheur.
L'espoir c'est refuser la facilité de désigner un bouc émissaire pour masquer son propre égoïsme ou fuir ses responsabilités et l'impératif de justice.
L'espoir, c'est regarder le ciel qui luit et la feuille d'automne qui tournoie comme l'aurore d'un premier jour,
C'est penser aux souffrances visibles et invisibles des malades et savoir relativiser ses propres succès comme ses prétendus échecs,
L'espoir, c'est s'abstenir de croire que l’on se dire citoyen en se contentant de paresseusement voter en déléguant toute sa vigilance et son action propre tous les cinq ans,
L'espoir c'est se demander si l'on a toujours bien exploré toutes les solutions et toutes les voies pour sortir d'un conflit et ne pas faire perdre sa dignité à son adversaire,
L'espoir c'est refuser de s'endormir dans l'indifférence des autres et de se sentir acteur et transformateur dans l'aventure de la vie,
L'espoir c'est savoir rendre l'espoir et la Dignité à celles et ceux qui sont tombés et désespèrent.

Paul Arrighi
Poppy Perry Jun 2015
He is a man in fact , a factual man in fact
But in fact more than man, and more natural
He is a predator, sometimes ****** endeavourer
Jumping as a feather stead upon my weathered bed
Lead at the head but it's heavier
A best of a beast, in his chest at least
A lion's heart beats, and with mine at his feet
He is deadlier

Mane across his back, mainly manly, manly knack
And a pride to admire any crazy track
Mired by those paws or clawed back
Lion's share of the hair and a siren's glare
Its enough to ensnare any to come back
To lie in the den and unpack

A purr that can stir  dwelling spell in gazelles
A roar that could ensure his reign is obtained on every plain
If called for
His face is made heeding, and bleeding the sun
His legs win a race never needed to be run
Already won
Prowl and it's done

If he who rides the tiger finds it difficult to dismount
Than he who rides the lion will feel him sure surmount
No doubt, for nobility is paramount
Alpha is better beyond count, couched in whim
And he reigns as King of the jungle I grew for him
King of all that's funnelled through to him
King of all that humbles me and truly sings

And so
Clearly success best rests in
Being a lioness, not left guessing lionless
A carnivorous, blitherous, tyrant's guest
In fact I am a woman, a natural woman in fact
And factually I am a woman intact
Yet in fact a woman distracted on a lion obsessed tract
Where a leonine mess is lacked
And a lion-like chests interact
Nabiila Azzahra Jul 2021
On rare occasions, I still pray
When it’s dark, I slip in one more prayer or two
I stand facing the qibla, saying God is great
I bow before the one and only, glory be to God, the Most Great
I stand back up, to God belongs all praise
The ablution cleanses me, the prostration humbles me
Glory be to God, the Most High
I wish for peace and mercy upon the angels on my shoulders
When I am done, I understand why people are believers
Because there are no angels on our shoulders in real life
The rest of the world is there in their stead, weighing us down
As if we are Atlas, cursed to carry for eternity
But the Lord is our shining beacon of hope who can absolve us
Of course people are believers, why wouldn’t they be?
Are faith and devotion not a small price to pay for reassurance?
For peace of mind?
On rare occasions, I still try to convince myself
When it’s dark, I slip away to find that light again
Paul d'Aubin Mar 2016
Littérature et Politique

(Prose poétique en  souvenir de la lecture de Carlo Levi docteur, peintre, militant antifasciste  et écrivain)

Je ne pourrais assez remercier mon père, André (Candria en Corse),  qui pour me permettre un jour de comprendre la langue Corse qu'il n'avait pas eu le temps de m'apprendre car il enseignait déjà l'anglais,  me fit choisir l'Italien, en seconde langue au Lycée Raymond Naves.
Cette classe d'Italien cristallise les meilleurs souvenirs que j'ai eus de ce Lycée qui n'était pas d'élite,  au sens  social de ce terme menteur mais bien plus important, jouait alors,  ce  rôle de creuset social dont nous semblons avoir quelque peu  perdu le secret. J’eus la grande chance d’y connaître  mon meilleur ami, Roland P.., qui aujourd’hui, hélas, n’est hélas plus  mais dont l’Esprit demeure et qui  fut  l'ami si compatissant et fraternel  de mon adolescence tourmentée,  quelque peu Rimbaldienne.  Mes Professeures d'Italien étaient toutes des passionnées et si nous ne nous mîmes pas suffisamment, par paresse, à la grammaire; elles réussirent, tout de même,  à nous  ouvrir grand la porte de cette langue somptueuse,  l’Italien,  si variée et l’amour  de la civilisation Italienne qui a tant irrigué l'art et le bonheur de vivre. Parmi les romans que ces professeures de ce Lycée Laïque  et quelque peu «contestataire» (encore un terme qui s’est évaporé sous la gangue de l’aigreur et de la passion funeste d’une nouvelle intolérance pseudo-jacobine et pseudo « nationaliste »  )  nous firent connaître, il y a  dans ma mémoire et au plus haut de mon panthéon personnel, «Le Christ s’est arrêté à Eboli» écrit par le docteur de Médecine,   devenu rapidement, peintre et militant antifasciste de «Giustizia e Libertà», l’ écrivain Carlo Levi. Son  chef d'œuvre incontesté : «Christo si é fermato a Eboli» («Le Christ s’est pas arrêté à Eboli.») a fait le tour du Monde.

Envoyé  en relégation par  le «Tribunal pour la sûreté de l’Etat» créé par les fascisme (dans ce que l’on nommait le  «confino», dans le petit village d’Aliano en Basilicate,  pour le punir de ses mauvaises pensées et  de ses quelques minuscules actions politiques menée sous la chape de plomb totalitaire en ce  lieu, si perdu que même le Christ, lui-même,  semble-t-il, avait oublié, tout au moins métaphoriquement de s’y arrêter, Carlo Levi, au travers d’un roman presque naturaliste fait un véritable reportage ethnologique sur la condition des paysans et journaliers pauvres que l’on nommait alors : «I cafoni», (les culs terreux, les humbles, les oubliés d'hier et  toujours).

Contrairement à trop d'écrivains contemporains qui fuient les questions qui fâchent et surtout la question sociale  ( il est vrai que j’entends dire même par nombre de mes chers amis d’aujourd’hui  qu’il n’y aurait plus d’ouvriers, ce qui est inexact ;  il est  hélas bien exact qu’il n’y a plus guère d’écrivains provenant des milieux ouvriers, paysans et plus largement populaires. ) A l'inverse de notre littérature européenne contemporaine, laquelle s'est très largement abimée dans le nombrilisme ou,  pire,  la rancœur racornie et nihiliste, Carlo Levi,  lui, a réussi à atteindre la profondeur la condition humaine  et la véracité des plus grands peintres de l'Esprit ,  tels les écrivains Russes comme Gogol , Gorki , Tolstoï et Soljenitsyne, dans «le pavillon des cancéreux» ainsi que les écrivains Méditerranéens à la « générosité solaire » comme le crétois Nikos Kazantzakis  (dans la liberté ou la mort), Albert Camus, dans «la Peste» et  Mouloud Feraoun  (dans son  «Journal»).  Bref dans son roman, Carlo Levi va au plus profond de la tragédie intime et collective des êtres et ne masque pas les ébranlements sociaux,  et les Révolutions à venir qui font tant peur à notre époque de «nouveaux rentiers» de la finance et de la pensée  sans jamais verser dans le prêchi-prêcha. Ce sont de tels écrivains, sortis du terreau de leurs Peuples,  le connaissant  et l’aimant profondément,  qui nous manquent tant aujourd’hui. Ces écrivains furent d’irremplaçables témoins de leur époque comme Victor Hugo, avec «Les Misérables» avec ses personnages  littérairement immortels comme  le forçat en rédemption,  Jean Valjean, la touchante Cosette et bien sûr le jeune et éclatant  Gavroche. Ils restent au-delà de toute mode et atteignent l'Universel en s’appropriant la vérité profonde de ce qu’en Occitan,  l’on nomme nos  «Pais» ou la diversité de nos terroirs. Encore un immense merci à mon père et à mes professeures; il faut lire ou relire : «Le Christ s'est arrêté à Eboli». Car si nous regardions un  peu au-delà de notre Europe  tétanisée de peur et barricadée,  il  y a encore bien d'autres Eboli et encore tant de «Cafoni » méprisés, brutalisés et tyrannisés dans le Monde d'aujourd'hui !
Paul Arrighi
Chained in the market-place he stood,
  A man of giant frame,
Amid the gathering multitude
  That shrunk to hear his name--
All stern of look and strong of limb,
  His dark eye on the ground:--
And silently they gazed on him,
  As on a lion bound.

Vainly, but well, that chief had fought,
  He was a captive now,
Yet pride, that fortune humbles not,
  Was written on his brow.
The scars his dark broad ***** wore,
  Showed warrior true and brave;
A prince among his tribe before,
  He could not be a slave.

Then to his conqueror he spake--
  "My brother is a king;
Undo this necklace from my neck,
  And take this bracelet ring,
And send me where my brother reigns,
  And I will fill thy hands
With store of ivory from the plains,
  And gold-dust from the sands."

"Not for thy ivory nor thy gold
  Will I unbind thy chain;
That ****** hand shall never hold
  The battle-spear again.
A price thy nation never gave
  Shall yet be paid for thee;
For thou shalt be the Christian's slave,
  In lands beyond the sea."

Then wept the warrior chief, and bade
  To shred his locks away;
And one by one, each heavy braid
  Before the victor lay.
Thick were the platted locks, and long,
  And closely hidden there
Shone many a wedge of gold among
  The dark and crisped hair.

"Look, feast thy greedy eye with gold
  Long kept for sorest need:
Take it--thou askest sums untold,
  And say that I am freed.
Take it--my wife, the long, long day,
  Weeps by the cocoa-tree,
And my young children leave their play,
  And ask in vain for me."

"I take thy gold--but I have made
  Thy fetters fast and strong,
And ween that by the cocoa shade
  Thy wife will wait thee long."
Strong was the agony that shook
  The captive's frame to hear,
And the proud meaning of his look
  Was changed to mortal fear.

His heart was broken--crazed his brain:
  At once his eye grew wild;
He struggled fiercely with his chain,
  Whispered, and wept, and smiled;
Yet wore not long those fatal bands,
  And once, at shut of day,
They drew him forth upon the sands,
  The foul hyena's prey.
Atlas Rover Jan 2014
I find innocuous corners in the unfathomable depths of humanity.
Then I weave a silken web of lies against the tapestries of fate.
The longer the web takes, the more fabulous its construction, peppered both with illusions and realities.
For the greatest illusion is the one most rooted in truth.
I have no need to chase; my patience is as consummate a force as any;
I wait for my prey to come to me on their own,
And then I ensnare them, injecting them with venom,
Rendering them unable to escape.
The web is an extension to my soul. To my spirit.
It is me, and my weapon.
Its substance is known to me.
My webs are lies mixed with truths, despair colored with hope.
They are a crawling infinity of colors,
An eternal tribute to orderly and savage chaos.
Each strand, which links me to my prey and my predators,
Each one resonates under the steps of the dancing mad god,
Vibrating and sending little echoes of bravery or cowardice,
Satiation or hunger,
Destruction or architecture,
Blabber or argument,
Each strand carries my reaction to everyone who is connected to me.
Every intention, interaction, motivation that I have been plagued with,
Every color, everybody, every action and reaction that I have endured,
Every piece of physical reality and the thoughts that it engendered,
Every connection made, every nuanced moment of history and potentiality,
Every possible thing that ever was, ever is and ever will be with regard to me,
Woven into that limitless, sprawling web.
It is without beginning or end.
It is complex to a degree that humbles the mind.
It is not a weapon.
It is a trap.
A trap, one to which I fall every single time.
Infinitely bitten, never shy.
I can renounce the world again.
I can turn away once more.
But it never lasts.
The web is too spread out.
There are other spiders on it,
Spiders, which have tethered me to this plane of reality,
With their own silken threads.
It is too late.
Too late to draw the strings close.
It is too late.
Too late to destroy my prison, too late to destroy my weapon.
Too late for everything.
A rider's quest, ****** reverie
The colour of your soul invites me
The essence of you humbles me
The smoothness of your skin makes me melt
Your eyes glow and kindle my darkness
We sparkle, we shine as we undress
Dripping oils, Burning incense; ****** chemistry
Your body succumbs as I stroke your waist with my keen thumb
I wrestle you and you take whiffs at my neck
I collect your scent and
pinch on your ******, biting on your ilium sect
There are colourful and organic effects
This passion inspiring unprotected ***
STDs, *** a child to pure serendipity
Raw and coarse, hissing and grunting
Panting and rhythmic crying
Warmth all around
Bone to bone, close and bound
Music playing in the background
The day is bright and shining
The ocean of love deep and wide, let us dive in.
I wrote this on Valentine's Day to signify that ribbons, ponies, cups and hearts are mere metaphors under the shadow of *******.
Tuesday Pixie Aug 2014
Thing is. I wouldn’t usually even try to figure this one out.
She’s so different.
So special.
And I get nervous.
The butterflies take away my eloquence.
They make me stumble.
And with her I would stumble anyway
Because she comes from a different mind
I want to understand
I want to understand
I want to understand
She humbles me.
I’ve hardly ever felt so humbled
It’s like she knows.
Her perspective
- I wish to taste it
But the butterflies
- And there’s this wall there
I’m learning
Please be patient
I stumble
- We all stumble
And you humble me and I stumble again
Your achievements fill me with pride.
And they’re not even mine.
Pride and happiness for you.
Because you deserve it.
You deserve greatness.
I want to understand
I want to understand
I want to understand.
Native Intuition Sep 2014
Intentional directional frequency,
dancing in multidimensional secrecy.
I follow this ancient Red Road
because it calls to me ceaselessly.
It humbles me,
more than can conceivably be.
It empowers me,
primitively and peacefully.
Graciously, like the moon pulls the sea
Interconnected irrevocably
in this spiral galaxy of spirituality.
Sridevi Oct 2010
Mounting her white steed,
sword held aloft
donning the
dazzled armor
she rides
to the labyrinth
of ****** destruction
leaving a
wounded trail behind

poisoned arrows
... brandishing
her blazing sword
she humbles
all her foes...

...but one...

...the single drop...
in her eye...

..before whom she...
...bows in defeat.
talaina sorensen Sep 2018
Hes Not even in love with you
That's why your so uncomfortable
You can't shake the feeling of what he has done to you.

So instead finding someone good for you
You say things and do things that you shouldn't do.

You mad at me.
But you should be mad at him
God don't like ugly
So baby you'll never win.

So hurt so deep down
Your stalking and haking
"the next *******" account.

I may or may not be a lot of things
& Even without my teeth I will still eat .
But you got eyes
That will never see
The problem is you
It was never Tee.

I just came threw and fell in line..
Passed go and collected mine
I went to jail
Then got out free.
But we won't be able to say the same for you
If you keep harassing me..

Since your so down
That's where you will sit...
If you really think I am a weak *****..

I don't even think or worry about you
But I'm always on your mind
Go find something to do.

Maybe if you worried about "your man"
The way you do me,
He wouldnt be pullin the TLC
n creep.

I don't even want dude..
Your so sadly mistaken
I don't want him like a Muslim
Don't want bacon

But yet
You wanna get all "physco pathetic" with me..
Ain't a drop of fear pumped in me.

I know your miserable
And you need some company
But I decline your inventation
Gracefuly and humbly.

I'm not worried about you,
Your man or your life,
And stay out of mine.

In the end
I'm happy I inspired you to write
This message is for you..
No need to reply

You are the devil
we all know the devil is a lie

I only stooped to your level
Cause you'll never reach mine.

I hope you can find happiness
Instead of the pain you find in
YOUR "mans" phone.

I hope you can find a hobby
And leave me the **** alone.

Even though your the craziest *****
On planet earth
-I hope you find healing
In the places it hurts

-I hope you find happiness
Where misery lurks

-I hope you find accountability and stop blaming everyone else.
For the holes you dug up yourself.

-I hope you find a strength you never felt that humbles you to the fact
That no matter what you say, do, what you have or where you go.
Don't make you better than anyone else.

I hope you can find the ability to change your nasty behavior

Here's a tip;
Start by taking
Jesus Christ
as your

-Tee is Triumphant!!
#ask for forgiveness #physco #miserable woman #stalkers #hackers #nolife #toomuchtimronyourhands #idlehandsaredevilsplayground #itssad #better yourself #find happiness #misery #company #harassment #crazy #triumphantly
Rachel Diane Jun 2012
Its mystical fog rolls in and out like the tide;
calm and restful or merciless and destructive,
this sea can be a blessing to man,
but it has also hardened many hearts.

In this serene state I can comprehend how long the universe is,
the time involved in eternity,
and the grains of sand in a googolplex,
serenity unmatched.

The windswept countenance is breath taking,
a stepping stone to the heavens,
the exhilarating panorama exalts me,
then humbles me because of its magnificent beauty.
It demands reverence for it is glorious.
Why, Pigot, complain
  Of this damsel’s disdain,
Why thus in despair do you fret?
  For months you may try,
  Yet, believe me, a sigh
Will never obtain a coquette.

   Would you teach her to love?
   For a time seem to rove;
At first she may frown in a pet;
   But leave her awhile,
   She shortly will smile,
And then you may kiss your coquette.

   For such are the airs
   Of these fanciful fairs,
They think all our homage a debt:
   Yet a partial neglect
   Soon takes an effect,
And humbles the proudest coquette.

   Dissemble your pain,
   And lengthen your chain,
And seem her hauteur to regret;
   If again you shall sigh,
   She no more will deny,
That yours is the rosy coquette.

   If still, from false pride,
   Your pangs she deride,
This whimsical ****** forget;
   Some other admire,
   Who will melt with your fire,
And laugh at the little coquette.

   For me, I adore
   Some twenty or more,
And love them most dearly; but yet,
   Though my heart they enthral,
   I’d abandon them all,
Did they act like your blooming coquette.

   No longer repine,
   Adopt this design,
And break through her slight-woven net!
   Away with despair,
   No longer forbear
To fly from the captious coquette.

  Then quit her, my friend!
  Your ***** defend,
Ere quite with her snares you’re beset:
  Lest your deep-wounded heart,
  When incens’d by the smart,
Should lead you to curse the coquette.
adriana Dec 2020
my name
is case sensitive
adriana tamara
is how it’s spelled
sometimes as one word
and sometimes as two
but always as only lowercases

my name
is humbling
as it reminds me
that i am merely
one girl
against the elements
i am merely
one voice
muted by wind

my name
is empowering
she shows me
that my mouth
can never run dry
that my thoughts
can never go dormant

my name
looks small
compared to all of the rest
because i
am small
compared to the world
even in my own perception
i am too little
to know everything
to understand everything

my name
is my teacher
is my guardian
is my keepsake
& when i think i know everything
about poetry, about loving, about people
she humbles me
and i continue to learn

case sensitive
why i write my name as adriana tamara
Ô Cloître Saint-Merry funèbre ! sombres rues !

Je ne foule jamais votre morne pavé

Sans frissonner devant les affres apparues.

Toujours ton mur en vain recrépit et lavé,

Ô maison Transnonain, coin maudit, angle infâme,

Saignera, monstrueux, dans mon coeur soulevé.

Quelques-uns d'entre ceux de Juillet, que le blâme

De leurs frères repus ne décourage point,

Trouvent bon de montrer la candeur de leur âme.

Alors dupes ? - Eh bien ! ils l'étaient à ce point

De mourir pour leur oeuvre incomplète et trahie.

Ils moururent contents, le drapeau rouge au poing.

Mort grotesque d'ailleurs, car la tourbe ébahie

Et pâle des bourgeois, leurs vainqueurs étonnés,

Ne comprit rien du tout à leur cause haïe.

C'était des jeunes gens francs qui riaient au nez

De tout intrigant comme au nez de tout despote,

Et de tout compromis désillusionnés.

Ils ne redoutaient pas pour la France la botte

Et l'éperon d'un Czar absolu, beaucoup plus

Que la molette d'un monarque en redingote.

Ils voulaient le devoir et le droit absolus,

Ils voulaient « la cavale indomptée et rebelle »,

Le soleil sans couchant, l'Océan sans reflux.

La République, ils la voulaient terrible et belle,

Rouge et non tricolore, et devenaient très froids

Quant à la liberté constitutionnelle...

Aussi, d'entre ceux de juillet, que le blâme

Ils étaient peu nombreux, tout au plus deux ou trois

Centaines d'écoliers, ayant maîtresse et mère,

Ils savaient qu'ils allaient mourir pour leur chimère,

Et n'avaient pas l'espoir de vaincre, c'est pourquoi

Un orgueil douloureux crispait leur lèvre amère ;

Et c'est pourquoi leurs yeux réverbéraient la foi

Calme ironiquement des martyres stériles,

Quand ils tombèrent sous les balles et la loi.

Et tous, comme à Pharsale et comme aux Thermopyles,

Vendirent cher leur vie et tinrent en échec

Par deux fois les courroux des généraux habiles.

Aussi, quand sous le nombre ils fléchirent, avec

Quelle rage les bons bourgeois de la milice

Tuèrent les blessés indomptés à l'oeil sec !

Et dans le sang sacré des morts où le pied glisse,

Barbotèrent, sauveurs tardifs et nasillards

Du nouveau Capitole et du Roi, leur complice.

- Jeunes morts, qui seriez aujourd'hui des vieillards,

Nous envions, hélas ! nous vos fils, nous la France,

Jusqu'au deuil qui suivit vos humbles corbillards.

Votre mort, en dépit des serments d'allégeance,

Fut-elle pas pleurée, admirée et plus ****

Vengée, et vos vengeurs sont-ils pas sans vengeance ?

Ils gisent, vos vengeurs, à Montmartre, à Clamart,

Ou sont devenus fous au soleil de Cayenne,

Ou vivent affamés et pauvres, à l'écart.

Oh ! oui, nous envions la fin stoïcienne

De ces calmes héros, et surtout jalousons

Leurs yeux clos, à propos, en une époque ancienne.

Car leurs yeux contemplant de lointains horizons

Se fermèrent parmi des visions sublimes,

Vierges de lâcheté comme de trahison,

Et ne virent jamais, jamais, ce que nous vîmes.
Kendal Anne Mar 2013
Sometimes, but moreso often then not,
I may lay and gaze listlessly at the river.
I can decide to even ask it a question or two.
It has a metamorphosis into a loving companion,
Which has grown upon and is only within my mind,
But then it whispers back to me, whispering secrets it only knows,
This voice, murmuring it speaks lustfully of its' known truth,
T'is the sound of rain, it humbles the wind, and fire's tongue it stays,
But henceforth from here and out, t'is the bringer of pain.
It bends and contorts, riding the rocks, like painted ponies wild,
Blending colors and creating it binds the flora, in a mindless dance,
It storms over many a lands, not unlike the humans craving advances.

Although I may gaze often, silently and curious into the river,
Fleeting in the wind, holding in the breath, to turn naught a single tide.
Shall I dare take a breath, and let blood always turn through these sunken veins?
Am I absolute, and real? Perhaps I am still within my flesh, perhaps still made of bone?
Or has this body decomposed, turning into water and turning into stone?
But after a time, pondering and searching within these calmly churning waters,
I began once, wondering of who I am, and what I was supposed to be.
But what many may perhaps never ever realised, or even begun to know,
Is that the river has begun, it's own turn with the tables, turning its gaze,
And begins to watch me in return.
samantha Sep 2014
Spare me my pride hip hop
Let me get lost in you
Swallow the conflicted emotions I carry
Your artistic touch humbles me
I think……. "Dear you....with love ...from Poetry
***** over the mere sounds of a pounding heart
To the drums and cellos that caress your eardrum

Brothers and sisters confide in you
Fell in love from the roots to souls of mischief
Nomadic as he busta a rhyme
Evidence of a bigger common dream
What he did to get there

****** bleed, notorious hit boy
That’s how some find death in the hands of art
Medusa, the beauty that shattered the lustful greed
Waverly Mar 2013
it's no good,
no good,
no good.

No good for tomorrows,
where coffee's been cold,
tastes like battery acid,
kicks nervous systems up into highest gear--range = infinite.

then kills.

It's no good.

No good for saturday afternoons,
lonely as clear blue sky
on open highway
hurtling through ferocious air.

No good.

Definitely not a monday morning thought:

A day for hangovers,
tightly-capped lips,
****-smelling ****,
and linoleum stained as an old man's scalp.

It's no good for that time.

It's good for moments:
the window open, the tune of hurled air humbling your eardrums. Music loud, but not unbearable.
someone laughing in the back, kicking up their feet on the headrest
and taking the last sip of Wild Turkey.

Asleep in a securely blue bar;
laying your head on the wood paneling;
feeling the hum-drum earthworm of puke
on your tongue: Tasting guacamole and seared steak.

When the cop hurls around, cuts the lights, and hops out the squad
like a monster with a conscience.

You know you're drunk,
but fear doesn't hit you
until everyone involved
has peeled off.

Fear lingers, like shaking a dead man's hand,
but there are other things that wash well.

you and her.

It's good for moments perplexing,
it calms.

It's good for moments of fear,
it throttles you into sanity.

It's good for moments of confidence,
it humbles.

It's good for clarity,
it maintains.
Waverly Jan 2014
We revel in the sky,
and dusk,
and eventuality.


Moment to moment,
we are the ever-changing aurora.

Our lights and our heat,
in the fading dark
we watch the horizon
where the mountains meet.

The tracers go,
round by round,
beginning at the muzzle in heroic glory
ending in the stomach with epic sorrow.

The sky is large,
the moon is bulging,
the clouds are pastel and burning,
smeared by the wash of darkness.

I am famished, but painless
because pain
is the dim smolder of love and freedom
suffocating deep inside.

That fire has not been stoked,
untouched for a while.

The oven has gone black,
the charcoal tastes mild.

And I have been loved with no freedom.

And lived for freedom with nothing to love.

I have gained wisdom,
and talked to myself.

The sky aches for its reunion with the horizon;
humbles itself, all out of color now,
and hungers for the embrace
of the mountains.

Into the murk,
the tracers go,
round by round,
lighting up that dividing line,
between hungry sky
and famished mountain
creating separation
in a world lost in time.

The tracers go,
round by round,
beginning in heroic glory,
ending in epic sorrow.
Mr X Jan 2015
Many consider terrorism and religion to be synonymous, consciously or subconsciously...and I don't know exactly why.

But religion and terror were never the same and never will be. Religion is a way of life and an assumed path towards the great soul. Terrorism means cutting people off from that very path and the way of life.

I don't know much about any region coz' Mr. X never had any religion even though 'I' have one. But whatever I've come to know of religions, I've understood that religion is a beautiful experience in itself and every religion is intensely complex and extremely simple. Its a way of life which has its own faults and own benefits. And when you see from a different perspective altogether, like I do now, you'll see that all religions are one, just like every human on this planet. We're all the same and even our religions have so much in common that we often realise, we have just one common goal. To reach the Supreme. To reach what is unknown through this path of life. Thus according to logic, as we have the same goal, we must unite to reach it. But that's not how it works in this world.  Does it?
Maybe its because we have forgotten what Religion is or what we are looking for. We have forgotten God.
And yes, I do use the term 'God' even though I'm an 'all logic' person because even I believe that there's so much unknown out there, that only what is 'unknown' decides every aspect of this Universe. Only 'God' decides and only 'God' humbles us by this extreme expanse of the 'creations'.

The Muslims were never in fault neither were the Christians nor the Hindus. Not even any other religion which ever will be a part of human history can have any fault. It was just a group of people who infused terror in the minds of people from the very beginning and this will keep happening till the very end. Its a way of life you know.

I make this comparison here not because I believe subconsciously that these terms can be compared,  but because I see people mindlessly and heartlessly polluting noble routes which were once mapped by the noblest minds years ago. Yes, with time the routes must change but they'll never falter to lead us to where we want to go.

And amidst all this terror and chaos we just have to keep one thing in mind. Religion and terror were never the same and never will be. Don't revolt against religion or even make harsh comments against it, but revolt against terrorism. Revolt against the terrible brutality caused by a human against another human. Revolt against what YOU feel is wrong from the deepest corners of your heart. It's all up to you now. Do what is right. Revolt in your own way but do it right. Don't think of changing the world. Just change someone's mind.
Not a poem, just a thought. With regard and respect to all regions. Written keeping in mind the Charlie Hedbo disaster and all the brutality that's happened and will hopefully never occur again.

— The End —