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Cassie Stoddard May 2014
I once read that we spend all of our lives rewriting the first poem that we ever fall in love with.

I guess that when I was born the universe whispered your name in my ear.

Because that's what I am writing. Over and over again. Your name.

My love.

I will write about how I miss you until the universe brings us together again.

Till the wind whispers your name.

And then. I will spend the rest of my life rewriting you.

Over and over.

Every kiss. Every sound. Evey way you love.

Until our hearts are imprinted together.

Until the universe realizes that there is no you without me. That ours souls cannot be spereated.

And even then. On that day. I will write about it.
Zombee Sep 2014
here we Are:






Pow­der  Puff  Girls,
"Girls  Girls  Girls",
Girls  Gone  Wild.



Felix....­..the  Cat,
Captain  Jack  Sparrow:
"  Captain".

"Rowrow  Rowyer  Boat",


Denace......the  Menace,­



Beneath......the  ­Bleacher:
Reapers......of  Seeds.

Seeds......of  Chucky,

©  Copyrighted  Jesse  James  Adams
also Likes:


n  Nickelodeon.

so dumb xD
Madonna Suchak Oct 2016
A girl is regarded as a sign of PROSPERITY for every family.
why always when a child mistakens his mother is always cursed,
why a girl is given a name of father firstly and then her husband,
a girl always plays her roles like daughter,wife,daughter in law,a mother,
when she do something in accordance with society she is never praised
if she do in oppose is she is only on who is cursed,
when a girl is ***** everyone points our her mistake that she was careless
but no one points out mistake of the person who made her suffer.
Colm Sep 2018
Reach into the nothingness
Like a warm breath slipping into the cold night
Hands outward, eyes open, upwards towards the sky

Embrace the silent subtle voice
Which hides behind the daily routines
But is no less mindfully alive

Cast images onto the fog itself
Until you've seen the many dreams which you've procured for yourself
In this cloudy life

Breathe with the forgetfulness of evey waking step  
As you amble through these miles set
With jawline firm and eyeline slight

Smile at the passing sight of another universe in tow
Which ambles by and out of view
As your inward story comes alive

And live not in line with every Crow on any high wire
But fly as if there were no tomorrow in your quiet sigh
Upwards and towards the sky
Expression, Intuition, Dreams, Escape, Imagination, Individualism.

That's what these are all about. Coming together to make this.

Towards the sky
Paddy Martin Nov 2010
Dear Expectation,

What can I say to you,
that you don't expect to hear.
You seemed to have had me covered,
evey step of the way so far, my dear.

How many times have I been left,
languishing in total despair,
Thinking things were a certain way,
but never seeing you hiding there.

How about the girl who thought,
I was her knight on a white horse,
and I turned out to have clay feet,
you laughed you head off, of course.

I fell in love with "The girl next door",
How wonderful it was all going to be,
only to find out her other seven boyfriends,
all laughing and they were laughing at me.

All those millions in the lotteries,
All those none home run hits.
No, Expectations, I've had enough,
I think  it's time to call it quits.

(c) 5th November 2010.
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
the pope asked me what i really belived in, behind the lies and masks and the effect of saten.
you know what i told him?
wanna know what i said on that dry summer evenin?
i said that my holy book is read by the perfact way your hair looks messy when you just get out of bed,
when you call me late at night because our songs stuck inside your head.
i worship the way you always say that i know just what you think,
ill pray to the way your voice goes low as hell when you talk about true love.
the way your eyes make stars appear in all that dreary darkness of...all the rhods we take and lines we cross just to hold echother near. and at the end of this congregation i promise ill see you soon my dear.
you give new colors to every flower. evey lemon, every tree. and the colors sparkle only when i hold you close to me,
on the red platos of navajo, honey bees makeing a song so much better than the radio, your voice the lead singer and my spirit feels the flow.
so yeah i know its a little bit melo-dramadic, a bit manic, co dependent on the way you look at me, whatever you see thats just what i wanna be. babe.
and so my soul is saved with every touch from you.
preach in the pew about all the times we had at midnight solitary dances running from our taxes living life and death theres nothin left
but all that holy love we share.

so i told the prest the, minister the bishop and the father and the son and evry single holy ghost who was there, that im in love with this girl and i dont give a ****, what you think force me to drink that holy water to set me on that straigh and narrow bath, and i would laugh at all the **** that they belive will work on somone such as me.
and THATS how i got excommunicated
oh my god, ANOTHER poem that makes no sense? bro lit!!
Danielle Rose Mar 2013
Many will try to break you
shake your very foundations
degrade you
reshape you
displace you
The instinct to **** thrives in every mans will
A shrilling reality underlines every fatality
and evey empty shell
condemned to hell
When you're bitten do you bite?
Do you hunt your prey in the night?
Power playing the doe eyes lost in the headlights
Ending them with excellerating spite
For the sake of the fight or the game?
Isnt it all the same?
There's nothing here to gain
We're all dead in the eyes of fate
We either **** or self distruct
No matter what end of this spectrum your on
You have your enemies and allies
eating it up
It's disturbing as **** but we watch it live
we live it
we breathe it
A seducing feature in everyones eyes
We must admit most of us crave the dark side
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
The say that after very storm theres a rainbow
But at evey rainbow is a *** of gold
Gold turns into greed
Greed turns into guilt
Giult turns into pain
Pain turns into tears
And then once more
A rainbow
The never ending cycle
jeremy wyatt Mar 2011
At long Mynd every tenth year you will see
a Fox and a Falcon together and free
hunting and running and flying as one
every tenth year till this world is done

A young priest stands outside the door
full of doubt cold wet and poor
he takes a breath and ventures in
to Shropshire counties oldest inn

No money gold or goods to trade
to eat a bargain quickly made
preach to us youmg priest and see
if words stir hospitality

A deep drawn sigh and eyes that close
he thinks of his lost northern rose
what is it she'd say to do
to speak and get his spirit through

So he spoke of grace and beauty wild
of open space and gentle child
words that made them listen well
stories from his heart to tell

But as they smiled and gave him cheer
inside a crashing wave of fear
for no young priest or friar he
a Scot who from hard strokes does flee

Alexander run hard down to the South
you cost our life with your  angry mouth
why did you speak so out of turn
you know a witch they like to burn

Now ashes swirl where you and I
dreamed beneath the open sky
My hope for you I send this day
take what is left  and fly away

Loss and echoes of his wife
drive him south for a new life
the robes he wears a guise he found
a murdered priest upon the ground

Now drawn to this new place he finds
a thought to stay grows in his mind
sink or swim here he will stay
no more to run or hide away

Alexander the Friar soon became
a preacher of some note and fame
in his hovel in the woods
speaking healing doing good

Then one day he did espy
a quiet young boy creeping by
he followed on and sought to find
the troubles on this poor child's mind


Wee child I see you in the woods
hiding begging like none should
come to me I am no beast
come and eat beside this priest

I'll eat a while and take a rest
but by no priest will my heart rest
the lord and master of this town
would have me killed and hunted down

My story is of grief and woe
my father killed for what he knows
my mother a lady great and good
lay with him in this great wood

And now the Lord fears that my life
can come to haunt his tainted life
to slay my family and **** me
that is what his quest must be

Well boy think on this a while
stay and eat I have some guile
a servant of this friar be
I will protect you keep you free


Alexander thought inside
of how in flames his poor wife died
if he can save this lost wee lad
he knows he makes her spirit glad

So as a servant and a friend
a bargain set at winters end
but more than God our man will show
wisdom of ages he does know

The pair were soon to be well known
into times of trouble thrown
healing helping all they found
Men and beasts wherever found

The boy was one from who healing came
in his young hands was  simple fame
a brood of fox cubs with no mother
he fed them like they were his brothers

But renown for these curious pair
found its way to minds not fair
thoughts of darkness questing mind
what evil brooding lies behind

The Evil Lord set men about
to watch the woods and then find out
who and where the two were there
and bring them to his heartless lair

But whispers in the trees gave word
bark of fox and cry of bird
send the boy away to hide
the priest waits alone inside

They took him in the grey of dawn
dragged him through the forest morn
took him to the Castle cold
for the Lord there to behold


Alexander of Dunguile born to Mary on the White Cairn
would gladly give his life to keep safe the bairn
however much they beat hurt and tortured him
he kept his great silence beneath his face so grim


After two days enough was cried
it won't be said a priest has died
at my hands but this accursed child
I'll hunt with dogs all through the wild

So casting loose the wounded man
with ravening hounds away they ran
hear the fleeing peasants wail
the hell hounds start upon the trail


Hurt and injured Alexander crawled
to the broken hut his forest hall
looking on so desperately
for his friend he tries to see

But blood and footprints on the door
marks of violence stain the floor
he drags himself armed with a knife
can he save this poor wee life


They bound the child upside down to a cross
mocked his child's fear and his pain and his loss
left him to die in the mud at the side of the track
tears on his face and blood on his back

"Heark though lads, this boy of god
hanging wishing he had died..
Let us as Jesus treat him kind
we'll plunge a spear into his side

Then we all can go away
to the inn and end the day
leave this rat the Lord said ****
and drink ale on our Lordships bill!"


Alexander was coming fast
but was so hurt this day his last
spending his final strength and power
like a failing falling flower

All his force spent crawling here
all he can do is lie so near
the boy he sees at the point of death
time to take his final breath

He lies and sees a silent fox
walk to the boy and sniff his locks
as if it recognised the dying soul
and undertook to make him whole

As the life fades and flees at last
a spirit light to the fox is passed
a glance for  boy and priest then fly
away to hillside free and high


As morning comes our Lord rides abroad
to see his deeds and can afford
to feel fulfilled and smug with sin
he always knew that he would win

But Alexander waits a wounded fist
sees the Lord hawk at his wrist
he rides with soldiers to mock the dead
priest's veangance rages in his head

He takes his knife and runs to ****
through swords and blows that will not still
his hate and anger in his head
his heart beats to make this man dead

But "Hold!" his Wife's voice in his mind
"Leave your hate and fear behind"
and as he stumbles to the ground
he hears a sad and wistful sound

He looks deep into the falcon's eye
sees the need for freedom and sky
He moves his blade away from the Lord
his final deed to cut free it's cord


The fox was waiting on the *****
patiently no need to hope
it knew the time almost there
to see his friend now in the air

So evey tenth year in the sky
if you hear a call a haunting cry
watch and maybe you will see
a fox and a falcon running free
KnowLove Feb 2016
I felt your stare... stripping my soul.
Body tensing.... Heart rate out of control.
Lungs burning.

You spoke a word... I heard a song.
Mind bending... I accept I was wrong.
Blood burning.

We brushed hands... and evey cell awoke.
Body buzzing... Must relax, before I choke.
Heart burning.

Conclusion: Your Love is Fire,
and its these Flames of Love,
that I am consumed by.
They purify me.
For the Sunflower.
If something dramatic should happen to me
And by ill chance my time is now through
How would anyone here at Hello Poetry
Be informed; They would not have a clue

No delusions of grandeur or somehow believe
It would matter to more than a few
But I know that for me there are many I read
And look forward to anything new

If I checked and I see nothing new on their feed
Would be curious what happened to
Know that they hopefully are okay; Possibly
Just got busy like most of us do

Understand, doesn't change in the slightest degree
Could not help in some way; I'm no fool
But don't like to be left in a dark mystery
Take a test but results kept from you

Throughout life there are things in and out we will weave
Separate paths, we walk in our own shoes
Some are mandated, others though we choose to seek
Course was set when the winds of change blew

So no judgments are passed if to write poetry
No more time or you feel you outgrew
Only ask if you could, a small note when you leave
People here maybe care about you

May seem weird in some way or just hard to believe
Someone you never met; Barely knew
You have touched them somehow deep emotionally
Planted seeds are developing roots

There are people who care because they're human beings
And love for each other just proves
They have souls full of goodness and deep empathy
Treat each other how we're supposed to

It together creates a strong society
That's a caring and closely knit group
In this place we express and are totally free
Without fear or the pained ridicule

So sincerest of 'thanks' I deliver to thee
Can't express my complete gratitude
Evey bit of your kindness and commentary
A bright light from your heart shining through

All of you are so special and fully unique
Every message is honest and true
Reaching into your souls; Tear it off as you speak
Is commendably full of virtue

Do not let your voice silence but if you do leave
And decide that you must say 'adieu'
I cherished our time; Whether was long or brief
It was special 'cause shared it with you
Written: February 6, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter/Trimeter format]
suicidal twitch Nov 2015
There's a logical explanation for evey problem of mine that arises,
The universe runs on a set of fated laws leaving no room for surprises,
This morning I put on a mask that was indeed fake,
And now it seems like that mask of mine shall soon break.
Eh... I dunno...
savanah tuttle Jun 2011
When u touch me i feel like
the world goes away
u look at me like i'm the only one for u
then it goes away why?

i love u so much i see only u
every min.
every second
every hour
every day
every month
every yr

i need ur touch and u need mine to
ur on my mind cant stop thinking about u
we need each others touch to live and love

ur touch puts me in heaven
ur kiss puts in a puddle
i melt when ur around
ur voice is like a pretty song singing to me

i feel like sleeping beauty when
ur around me
our future is in ur eyes evey time
we r together and u see it and i do to

u feel the same way as i do

when u touch me u feel weak as i do to
when u kiss me u melt as i do
when its just me and u, u feel like we r the
only two around
u fall for me ever time
we r together

we r each others souls and hearts and each others
u feel it to i know u do cause i see it

why hide it just show it like i do

just show it
u r in love w me just as
much i am in love w u

**** the world
**** ur mom
**** on getting hurt again
just let it go and go w the flow
like i am and thats all that needs to be

we have lived for decades and never been
together and never been as happy we r
when we r together so just let it happen

and be happy and be marry and be in love
and be together and married thats all
be each others hearts thats all

                                                      dedicate­d to <3 ~* MY DANIEL
                                                                ­                       ROBERT
                                                                ­                             EARL
                                                            ­                              FOREVER                            ­                
                                                ­                                               TILL
                                                            ­                                 DEATH
                                                           ­                                      DO
                                                                ­                                  US
                            ­                                                                 ­  PART <3 *~
purple orchid May 2014
Within me you found
A home that welcomed
Every bit of pain,
Every bit of dry,
Dark stained rose,
And drank from the cup of
Melancholy with content
But I am not stoic

The honey laced lies which
Your bitter mouth found
Refuge in me,
And still I,
I foolishly gave you my all

Your hands are barb wired
That you can't touch without
Making me bleed,
What's love without pain?
Snow white sclera perfected
By a black dot runs after
My dreams evey **** day
You'd think you'd at least
Have the decency to leave
My dreams the hell alone

Your love doesn't gratify,
At least not like it used to
Apologies don't grate faults
No matter how much you
Adorn them with excuses
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
that one night where we both hung over. from that unforgetable night when it was only me and you.
i have the feeling like i just need to start running on the beach with the waves crashing behind me. i cant stop laughing when i read your text you sent me.
every night i get waked out  on the energy drinks i cant live with out.
i set a huge fire spelling your name out pouring gasoline all over it.
every othere day i wach the world go bye.  i lay on the beach looing up at the blue sky day wondering will i have to live alone in this world. no matter ill just walk the nigh sky following every shooting star that fly's by. that one night we both had so much fun that i wish i could have again. i never knew you moved where i lived in this quiet sleepy littel town.

i listen the the wases crashing down making littel pools drown the small ***** that scurry to not posible drown.
the wet sand feels soft and makes my mind run lose with not fear of what will come to me next.

i never slept with out seeing the night sky with all the pondering memories that drive me crazy.
day or night the beach makes my heart skip abeat seeing every one frolik with energy  that never last with out a couples date.

i run every night i adopted a fluffy husky names shelby. every night the sky plays a great light show.
i set the fire on the ****** with drinks and my  guitar. every not i played touched your heart when you were finally moved in.

the song i wrote played out for any one to run out my heart.
i take my lighter and light the lantern that shows the way back to our small cozy house.
my dog has a big heart with no lilits to swimm across the oceans with me if i was stranded getting swept out the see.

that one night i finally feel asleep with sweet dreams making my frown turn in to a smile not a plaster fake.
i sprung up in the morning my phone started ringing out.
the caller id i read out was your name.
the day grew long with the most pretties sun set with red pink skys.
every fire i make in the night i set the fires to show no hate.

i went out at night with my husky shelby taking off running threw the crashing waves the water is cold but its all worth it.
i thought i saw you checking me out.
i dont think im going crazy.
my dog and me wresting.
i started looking right in your big kristsl clear safire blue eyes light my heart on fire.
when we meet again after years moved in with me and we started our lives to gather.

i gathered my bag with my guitar my pen and note book. with my mind open with thoughts.

i looked up and saw the dark side of the moon.

ill never walk this deslet world along.

evey night me you and our dog shelby light a fire and undress in to our comfei clothes.
we drink the night away dancing away threw the night.
with the full night sky with every star shining.
the night light show we run and dance till we both feel sick and fall down.
i had a feeling deep down ill be with you again some day when i saw you name id on my cell phonee.

that night where i was just wresting around with my husky i  never thought i would live life with out your warm heart exitment.

that night your text i read out loud has brought both our worlds to gather

i never knew when you told me you were searching for me.
now we are happily to gather till time runs out

i never knew that we both cross echotere  that bright starty night with shooting stars.

i never knew i would ever see you agin to be crazy.

i knew my future would be this amazing with tears of love.

i never knew we would pass echoter on a beach with waves crashing all over the shore line

i never knew if i would ever see you again

i live life with exitement .

i will break the limits to have fun weather were all wacked out on somthing

i never knew my wish i made on the shooting stars would make that night crossing us by
run wild free make life intresting with carles ideas be willing to try insaine games food or what you never thought of doing
Damaged Feb 2014
I fell in love with the little things really.
I fell in love with the way you say my name, the way it rolls off your tongue like smooth velvet.
I fell in love with the way you laughed,
And also with the way you made me laugh once again.
I fell in love with your eyes, the deep blue reminding me of the ocean; my favorite place.
I fell in love with your honesty,
You're broken and not afraid to let it show.
I fell in love with the way I feel so safe in your arms,
When you let me cry and you kiss my forehead telling me it'll be alright.
I fell in love with our car rides,
Singing along to every song we knew; our voices blending in perfect harmony.
I fell in love with the way you complete me,
Finally filling the emptiness I've felt for so long.
I fell in love with your honesty,
Never keeping a single detail from me.
I fell in love with evey ounce of you.
I fell in love with the way you love me too.
betterdays Jun 2016
weary soul
worn down
like sneakers
that have walked the line
far too long
the line far to thin
to make a difference
no delineation,
no real sides
to be taken
just a staging area
between the black  and grey
of a half life lived in half shadow
with the promise of
an hours sunshine
each day...

weary soul
wandering  along
to the end of this line
that peters out
in a morse code message
of mental and physical decline
a repatriation of lost time
a moments deviation defined
by years spent waiting for
a chance to rewind, declined
by a judgemental man,
signing on the dotted line

weary, wearied soul
worn out and now
just a faded memory
blown, dust to the wind
as the coffin winds down.
lines now terminated
ultimately, forever, segregated
from the life within
and on the topside,
a mourners line
thin and tired
throw soil
upon the lid

weary souls
crying for justice
but reaping sorrow
fearing for the break of morrow

marrow jelly and breaking bones
wend their way, back to broken homes
to sit on couches filled with dust
to watch television that peddle lust
and throwaway goods for throwaway lives

no call for effort,
no need to strive,
just be a drone!
live for the hive!
groan and moan,
give graft on loan
have your muttered say,
about the state of play
whilst, living lives, the deepest shade of grey
growing weary and more wearied evey day
waiting for the great big sleep
wading through beaucoup de petites morts
drowning in une petite vie

jamais las, éternellement usé
porter des clowns espadrilles
et un froncement de sourcils
*forever weary, eternally worn down
wearing clowns  sneakers and a frown
A Duvall Jul 2013
i haven't ever felt this way
tired and lonely and scared and insane.
im confused and lost and ****** and nervous
im curious, insecure, obsessed and
in love
with a boy ive spoken to
less than id like
with a boy who is my companion
but only in my mind
i think of him everyday
i want to be near him
to share everything
does he want the same?
we speak every day.
about useless, stupid, unimportant things
i want so badly
to tell him evey nice, poetic thing i feel for him
to share my heart completely.
does he want the same?
i fear.
and i worry.
and i regret.
im made up of confusion!
how do we get from friendship-
to where i want to be?
 in his arms,
 for eternity.
purple orchid Mar 2014
After a few flings
I'm starting to wonder
If I'm feeling nostalgic
'Cause their kisses
Taste like yours,
I see your smug face
Plastered across each
One of their haunting faces
And their voices are
Starting to sound like yours

And I can't get high
Enough to rid myself of the
Flavor of your kisses
Or your memory
That burns my eyelids
Evey time I close my eyes
But I've learned to
Keep them open

My body has become
A landmine
Waiting to explode
With one flimsy touch
I'll turn every substance
In the vicinity black

I'd apologise
But he doesn't love me
He's just in love with
The idea of being with me
Lust so rich,
Tracing the curves of my body
He leaves no inch
Unexplored leaving his
Fingerprints all over my skin
Watching him turn to ash
Wouldn't be such a bad idea
Then he'd know
Where I'm coming from
A Mar 2014
Every word,
And evey smile,
Laughing and joy,
Let's stay for a while.
Sharing secrets.
And from the start.
You had a piece of me,
A piece of my heart.
I was there for you.
A shoulder to cry on.
"Through thick and thin,"
An unbreakable bond.

But you forgot,
What we had.
For someone else,
it makes me sad.
He means more to you.
A change of perception.
I dont want to hurt you.
Im now competition.
i dont want to compete.
You don't need to me to feel complete.
I thought you did,
But now I realize,
Your true intensions.
So was it all lies?
Was that "bond"
Really there?
All my pain and suffering,
You didn't care?
You tell me your selfish.
But I say your more.
And you still tear me down,
Until i hit the floor.

You cant breathe,
If he loves anybody.
And you cant bare,
If that person is me.
I just want,
My friend back.
When did,
Your heart turn black?
Mine never did,
And it never will.
I just want everyone happy,
But you can't swollow that pill.
I won't allow,
You to ruin.
All we have.
We don't have to end.
You don't benefit,
From seeing me smile.
But i want whats best for you,
Please stay a while.

A friendship and a relationship.
Are completely separate.
How could just drop everything,
Like you don't give a ****?
I listened you.
I respected you,
I supported you,
I loved you as my own.
I held you at your weakest point,
When you trashed my throne.
And what do I receive?
What do I get in return?
A guilt trip,
And a lesson learned.
I don't want to accept,
Your insensitivity.

So just know,
No matter what.

I will purely love you,
From forever to infinity.
I'm doing this to appease myself and for my own well being aswell, I'm more than happy to tell both sides of the story and leave no stones un turned, a relationship turned toxic
By a adversary of our own creation
Clinging onto positives and emotions that where getting out weighed
We spoke an spoke and even prayed for change
Took a look from evey angle
The love remained
But the pace originally set had changed
Two perspectives running in different directions
Once emotions are involved it's not easy to escape
Bound down to the bottom of the lake
Where we both drown,
But eventually Break the emotional chains and float  to the surface unscaved
A sonnet that only you and I know.
A sonnet that could heal my broken soul.
A sonnet that its rhyme and melody flow,
Missing thee with evey inch of my soul.

Its beat must go with the one of my heart.
A sonnet that when I listen to makes me cry,
And paint the feelings of your heart.
A sonnet that will save my soul not to die.

A sonnet that will make us stay true.
A sonnet that will be umbiquitous
And make me smile when I feel blue.
Sing me a sonnet with a message for us.

A sonnet that will be gentle with my feelings.
A sonnet that will bring my life deeper meanings.
Notes (optional)
Pretty girl Apr 2016
I feel so out of place I do not fit in
In this hole I could never win maybe everyone else gets the joke always out never in
evey time I step outside I feel the need to hide
We are all uglies wandering this world apart but together
don't you feel this weather in your head?
Storms of emotion
Control them and you have passed
Conquer them and you have found the key to being human
living with feeling is strictly forbidden but I was always a rebel
vxnus Feb 2015
the sun shines upon
the glass of my soul
and all I can feel
is your presence
glowing through all I perceive,
continuously projecting
into me,
into every
experience of mine,
every thought in my mind

with your essence, I feel
like I'm flying
to new planes
of beingness,
where all
is blossoming
and blooming
to the rhythm
of our streams
eternal flow..

and all I can taste
is your lips,
with every breath
we take,
and all I can sense
is our bliss
soaking into
evey moment we make

see our love,
will forever
brighten up the sky
& with you
I am immortal
baby, tell me how could this die
and if u had an answer
I'd gently tell you
"There's no need to tell a lie"
Cause when it's all said and done,
we'll always be together ,
like stars, endlessly floating on by..
Michael Ryan Feb 2013
the last
and forget the past
my fiendish ally <---back space
will reel back time
not here
not this time
freely written never taken back to the past
never back space
only to the future they go
aren't they lucky that none of them got deformed in a typo
freely written and never edited let creativity flow and never adjust
accept the mistakes
and evey mistake is just a glimmer of what had to happen
luckyily only 2 were made
not poetic, but meaningfl
make that 3
Keep the flow and continue on(a typo was made in here it got fixed)
Steele Nov 2015
Take me back to sugar days,
give me back my sugar smile.
Cover up my broken eyes,
take back 1000 broken miles.
Bring back the love I lost
somewhere along the way.
Give me back my
grandmother's hugs
and evey family day
that I never really appreciated,
until today.
Cut me into fine pieces and
share me with the world.
I just need some affection
right now,
even if it isn't real.

Take me back to the days
where I could laugh and play
and say, "I love you,"
without being questioned.
Give me the sun again,
because the moon makes
me too reminiscent.
Bring back the clear water
seeping into my skin.
Give me the innocence I had
when I was just a kid.
Let me make that wish
and build a dream
and feel like I can do anything.
Put my insomnia to sleep
and lie with me,
holding me through
all my bitter dreams.

Give me drugs and
give me ***
and promise me you'll stay
here till the end.
Laugh with me and
cry with me,
even if you have to lie to me.
Trick me into believing that Jesus isn't the only one who would die with me.
Just don't ever say
goodbye to me.

Who knows where we'll go.
Take me back to sugar days,
make me a kid again.
Give me back the love
that I used to know.
© 2015 Sebastian Glyn
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
Eventually people stop talking I understand.
Iit feels just a week ago you were holding my hand.
I thought it wasn't just going to be me anymore.
Until the last time I talked to you,you walked out the door.
Evey night before i go to sleep I wonder why things change.
It seems as times fly past nothing stays the same.
I wish I can go back in life and fix my mistakes.
I would save alot of love lost and heartbreaks.
Whitney Metz Feb 2010
I am a canvas,that's all that I am.I've painted myself the best that I can,but the truth is it's lifethat has changed me the most.Every person I've knownstill haunts me like a ghost.Everything that I've done and everywhere I have beenyou can hear in my voice,you can see on my skin. Evey choice that I've made,each opportunity missed,has left it's own marking,it's own little kiss.I've been colored by placesand shaded by time. So which part of myself can I truly call mine?Now who am I really?Which part is me?Without all this paintwho would I be?
Felicity Aug 2013
I want to be beautiful
just on the outside..
And cleanse my soul of

I want to hate all
And be kind to none
And never think twice of any "honest" remark
I whole heartedly mean

I want to feel numb
To believe in the magical powers
Of *** and nicotine

I want to wake up in the morning
still high
Still drunk
Still believeing evey word
I wrote
and said
leinstinct May 2016
We were inseparable
We were something else
We were the beginning  of an ending
We were painful tears full of joy
We were desire that could not unfold

The only i trusted
The only i truly loved
Spend my life with you i could

Something i never wanted to let go of
Someone I'd like to have my whole life

Not based on intoxication
Not based on the venom we are fed
Not based on pleasure
Had nothing to do with ***
More than anything it was a life long friendship

Maybe you did not feel that way
Maybe you did not care
Maybe you are happier now
Maybe i was one more of the same
Maybe i was just a passtime
Maybe i gave one too many *****
Whilst you actualy did not care

Anyhow i hope the best for you
Wish you nothing but the best
I would still drink all your pains away
And do anything to make you stay

But truly i was just food for your ego
I always made you feel so great
I was always there for you
You for me? You were more involved in your own ****

I would still confort you evey day
Make a big deal of every detail
I would still be there and truly care
You'd still be my first choice
I know i was always rebound
I dont really care

Still i hope i mattered
Still i hope you cared
Still i hope you feel the same way
Still i hope we end the war
Still i hope I'll see you again
Still i hope we make amends
Heriava Nov 2024
I've been watching patterns in nature lately, savoring their beauty.
We are born,
into the world's natural grid,
painting the infinite canvas.

I finally see that we are one and the same in this cycle,
So different,
yet so familiar.

The trees structured like our lungs,
our veins like the vast rivers.
Our hearts pulse,
and so do the shore waves.
I look into the stars swimming in the antimatter,
and they look back at me.
Among them I see your eyes,
like two suns,
radiating warmth onto my soul,
reaching evey corner of my being.

I will never forget the time we had,
how it colored my world's canvas.
Fun fact: the first, simple version of this poem came from a conversation I had in my dream about a year ago. You'll never know when documenting your dreams can become useful; and here I am, writing a poem out of it.
Have an interesting day.
Juliana Oct 2014
Every night in my sleep I remember his last touch on my cold body. The words he told me when he was laying next to me, hearing his breathing closer and closer like if we were the only human beings in this messed up world, and the only background music was his heart beating faster and faster.

Every night in my sleep I remember our last kiss, the last conversation, even the last song we heard.

Evey night in my sleep when the memories come,  I don't feel like wanting to go back, the only thing I don't remember is me loving him the way he loved me.

When I woke up I didn't missed him.
Then I realized I was in love with the idea of someone being that close to me, to the idea of someone making me feel something again.

I guess the only thing I remembered was that I forgot to love.

Flashbacks of the love I used to feel.
Kristin Kepner Sep 2015
Don't think that you never crossed my mind
I may not have you now but you where always mine
They didn't tear you from my grasping  arms
But the sorrow I feel in my chest is still vary real
I dream of you dancing in elgant circles around me
Sometimes I pretend I brush your long cascading hair

Other times I think of how you must hate me
There's not a moment I don't repentance my choice
Evey time I close my eyes I hope to see you when they open
How could have a cared for a child if I was myself one?
Every adaption comes from someone's sorrow.
gothicc Apr 2016
I have a dry heart
that no longer runs with liquid love
it brakes at evey sign to move forward
and dust envelopes my mind
but somehow makes everything clear
no one has anything for me to drink
all I could have has been poisoned
pretty colors like pink champagne and purple syrup
shades of the sky that is my only friend
mist turned to smoke
all there's room for is me
or the edges will crack
it is only a matter of time
betterdays Apr 2017
weary soul
worn down
like sneakers
that have walked the line
far too long
that line far to thin
to make a difference
no delineation,
no real sides
to be taken
just a staging area
between the black  and grey
of a half life lived in half shadow
with the promise of
an hours sunshine
each day...

weary soul
wandering  along
to the end of this line
that peters out
in a morse code message
of mental and physical decline
a repatriation of lost time
a moments deviation defined
by years spent waiting for
a chance to rewind, declined
by a judgemental man,
signing on the dotted line

weary, wearied soul
worn out and now
just a faded memory
blown, dust to the wind
as the coffin winds down.
lines now terminated
ultimately, forever, segregated
from the life within
and on the topside,
a mourners line
thin and tired
throw soil
upon the lid

weary souls
crying for justice
but reaping sorrow
fearing for the break of morrow

marrow jelly and breaking bones
wend their way, back to broken homes
to sit on couches filled with dust
to watch television that peddles lust
and throwaway goods for throwaway lives

no call for effort,
no need to strive,
just be a drone!
live for the hive!
groan and moan,
give graft on loan
have your muttered say,
about the state of play
whilst, living lives, the deepest shade of grey
growing weary and more wearied evey day
waiting for the great big sleep
wading through
beaucoup de petites morts
drowning in
une petite vie

jamais las, éternellement usé
porter des clowns espadrilles
et un froncement de sourcils

forever weary, eternally worn down
wearing clowns  sneakers and a frown
This I have reposted to complete the prompt for Day 8 of Napowrimo......
for prompt details see
When I die
Search for me
Among the million silver stars
In the sky,
There in each star you'll find me

When the sun shines
Bright in the blue sky
With birds flying above
Remember am starring at you
From the clouds smiling above

As your skin feels the blowing winds
Of spring
Blowing day and night
Known in them, is evey touch from me

Whenever you miss my face
Just close your eyes slowly
An' there I will be, beside you
Holding your hand
Like all days

©Taetso Jojo.
manicsurvival Aug 2014
When will they realize that it doesn't matter
that their pessimisticality will only drive them
down dead ends
into enclaves of nothing but missery and dissarray

When will they realize that bestowing discomfort upon a fellow human
is equivalent to cruelty
and that exclusion is as frowned upon as forgetting your mother's birthday

When will they realize that insincerity is our biggest enemy
and that lies are merely self inflicted vitriol
when will they realize that they were wrong
evey time they called me weak

When will they realize that I have risen above being hurt
by their malice
but that I haven't risen above forgiveness and respect
and honor

Perhaps commencement from all but them
will bring me to a state of eternal satisfaction
but I can never forget the mayhem that they brought me
every day, when all I ever did was live

— The End —