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Wake up  on the  darkside.
On the  darkside  I live and thrive.
The darkiside  is the true test  of democracy.
01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111
When you wake up/
Hear a sequence of bang bangs you know/
You are on the darkside
01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111
The test of patriotism is mystical.
When you wake up on the darkside/ And remain patriotic/
is the true living of freedom, simply logistical.
01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111 01100111
Dedicated for all those men and women who serve and live for our country domestically and foreign, military or civilian- those who continue living even after they experience the darkside of democracy
people have a darkside that we never see
we just never know. when they set there darkside free
what goes through there mind we just never know
they just never seem to let there darkside show

devil he takes over get inside the soul
darkkside it gets darker. like a ******* hole.
most people have control can push it to oneside
others lose there mind from it they cant hide

next day they seem fine. as normal as can be
till the darkside comes when they set it free
we just never know we can never tell
when the devil gets inside and sends there soul to hell
Roberta Day Oct 2011
I want to sleep forever and reside in my dreams
           To frolic through a collage of different spectacles and scenes
                An escape from the insufferable, cruel world at large
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever so I can live in my dreams
           The ruler of the lands, the queen of all kings
               With nothing to fear but the darkside of the conscience
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and fight my inner demons
        Provide peace of mind for all bothered and exhausted
              Float on utter bliss; those monsters, I'll never miss
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and never show sadness again
        Bright, long-lasting smiles on weekly sullen days
             Created and maintained in a variety of ways
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever to erase everything
       I want to sleep forever and feel warmth again
           To bathe myself in content that won't ever end
Let me sleep forever
Tina Jun 2017
as i slip out of all awareness, i go deep in my subconsious mind to the point of unconsienceness. the nite entered me. the night was in me i was possessed by the nite stressed by the nite blessed by the nite carress by the nite even when the nite seems to hold me away from goin home and knowing i am entering the unknown, i still enter the darkside or should i say the darkside entered me.
he worked his growth of darkness deep inside my damp love cave,
i tried to scream but the shadow of darkness suffocated my screams of pain, my moans of pleasure.... faceless, but his kisses of passion left me breathless... but still i     fight ,but the more i fight,the darkness tightens his grip on my wrists,my spine begins to twist, deeper he lunges his darkness into my pulsating abyss...then the passionate kiss, roughly biting my lips, as i ****** my hips against this unseen force of darkness...i search for light...something, anything ...i gasp for my breath as the darkside engulfs me whole.
the darkness is inside of me but i now become one with the darkside.
i try to open my eyes to escape the darkside,
my mind wont allow awareness, im scared of this....
soulpledgee Jun 2019
It's gone
It's no more
it doesn't belong to this time

So,put that gun down
It never goes as we wish

It screams every night,I know
I know,you dreaming hell every night

The dreams of hell will come true ,
more sufferers will be in queue
So put that gun down

You're already broken beyond repair,
A few broken bones won't hurt much,

So,I will.break your bones,
I will left you in cold

Nothing will save you
unless you ignite the fire

A lust to live
To break the curse evil

To show you the path of light
I will be your darkside
To make you live this time
I will break your looped time

Your hatred to darkside
will bring you to light

So put that gun down
let me shred you to nothing
So you can build everything

Let me show you darkness
I will make you urge for light
To ignite the fire inside
I will be your darkside.
Have you ever been someone's dark side?!
betterdays Mar 2014
Time rolls
its mossless stone
slowly tonight.

It is as though the
has lost it's

Seconds have become
thirds, fourths, fifths.
So slowly does
the smallest hand
move upon the cracked face.

Minutes no longer tiny minute things.
But now gargantuan wedges
of pie.
So large as to feed
history's poor twice over.

Hours are unpowered,
flacid flat balloons
without breath or form
smothering all thought.

The grandfather clock
in the hallway
has embraced senility
and no longer
completes it's
around the
captured sundial.

It has now given itself
airs and graces.
Believing in heart and mind,
and cog and pendulum,
to be a jazz percussionist
banging, tapping and ringing
in an off beat tempo
somewhat lacking in
basic rhythm.

So time runs
with the scatterd
predictabality of the Tardis.

Bigger on the inside.....
Slower on the darkside
of the  grandfather clock.
Cheyenne May 2015
Come play in the dark side
don't be scared darling I'll be your guide
come ******* kiss
let me make you shake
let me make your mind race all day

Come feel your power darling
feel me tremble underneath you
come show me what you can do
listen to your name fall from my lips
welcome to the dark side darling.
Welcome home.
apathy May 2013
No one ever gets why I do what I do
I just wish that someone can see all my pain
That one person I wished to see it never did
And now I’m left here alone and confused

That one person who I trusted so much left
Now I can’t tell what’s wrong from right
She meant the world to me
She left so suddenly
It was so stupid
I’m left here to cry myself to sleep

Everyone tells me not to cry but they never know why I do
They wonder what’s behind my walls
What am I hiding from them?
I’m hiding everything from everyone

That is left unexplained
They always ask me why I’m so distant
I never tell them why
I’m afraid of the things that I have to hide
My problems are like an untouched checklist
Never to be solved
Never to be completed
It just sits there making me feel horrible

There so lucky
They don’t know my dark side
The side that they don’t see in me
The one person that will never show
They will never know

I was always left to fight my battles alone
I constantly struggle through everything
I thought I was going to get some soldiers along the way but no
No one to pick me up when I fall down
No one to really understand,
Who I truly am
Everyone has their own dark side
But what am I?
Lianna Walters Apr 2015
Tell me,
When you look at me
Do you see what I see?
Do you see the girl that's actually me,
Or do you see what you want me to be?
Do you see the girl who sometimes cries,
Cause she'll never think of herself as "pretty"?
Do you see the girl who skips meals,
So she'll end up classified as "skinny"?
Or do you see the one that makes sure evryone else around her
Is happy?
The one who'll give anything to see people smile
So they don't end up broken
Like she is?
It's like looking at different sides of the moon,
She has a darkside
Can't you see she's terrified?
Or did you never bother to look in her eyes,
And see the pain she tried to hide?
Notice her cries for help,
As she dies inside?
You never thought twice about it
Upon hearing this you'll probably tell her she's beautiful
But she won't believe you.
You haven't seen her darkside
Well, my darkside...
So I'm left with pathetic thank yous to weak compliments
As I try to gather my thoughts
Determine true or false,
But it's almost always false
That's why I'm scared, you see,
When you call me gorgeous, beautiful, pretty
Because that girl you see?
I don't see
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2014
only see the Dark side
As a threating force....
Into the oblivion, regret is all he sees,
This is not who he is nor who he wants to be.
In all the truths and in all the lies,
Alone he stands in the rain, a lonely guy.
Not a soul can hear him scream nor hear him cry.
Alone he stands and alone he dies.
Time and time again I'm brought back to these halls.
So sore full the pain and I've been through it all.
As hidden as the faithfulness of the stars,
So everlasting are those ungrateful scars.
Everyone that I know is as much reckoning,
I know it's me even hell is beckoning.
I guess this is the moment, now is the time.
I can feel the vines of darkness taking over my mind,
Indecisively making it's way out of harm and out of sight.
But, god almighty. I ain't leaving this easy, not without a fight.
Already dead no more can I die,
I guess it's about time I went back to the dark side.

- Aks, *Old Diaries.
Written for somebody else.
Styles Jun 2015
I use to love her;
          until the halo went away.
          should have known from the start.
          now her scars mark my heart.
          what use to be a bright future,
          is the darkest part.
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
My mind is quite like the world I live..
Sin in a mural of fear...
I've plagued the Daydreamers...
Killed off their first borns...
With fantasies of success...
In defeat they shall mourn ...
Cuz Tomorrow will never come..
cause it will always be today..
when you wake up
go to sleep
No matter what you say....
When the sunrises you will be in Today..
The sickness this disease,
will seep from my brain..
and or it seeped there, still,
I will proclaim that
I'm Pyscho for real....
You just haven't accepted
what you really feel...
Vraj thakkar Jan 2022
You do not appear to me as the light of the sun,
You rather appear dark, like a curvy fabric of space pulling me,
I fail to find the stillness in you, to sail past unharmed,
You are like a hypnotising blue wave, promising fun in drowning,
I know I should've turned the ship away, before it was too late,
But silly soul had planned the adventure, before conscience was awake.
Darkside of you
I don't really know
who I am anymore.
What happened to the world,
the world I used to adore,
the world I loved,
for filling me with hate.
What happened to the old me,
the me that hated being called your mate.
The me that hated smiling and laughing,
the me that hated being happy,
arrrr, just thinking about it makes me feel like barfing.
Who am I right now, I still don't know
Where is the me that depised being called nice,
will I ever find that me again,
that me with the heart covered with ice.
Why can't I find the me that wrote for himself
and hated everyone equally,
including himself.
Oh why can't I find that me,
I feel a weird emotion without him,
but I cant' seem to cry,
even though I know he'll be back...
because "Evil Never Truly Dies".
Falling in love
It always felt
Like I was finding my way
I was learning where
The heavens stood
And how far they reached
Love led me
To the depths
Of heaven
And I discovered
That even heaven
Has a dark-side
And when I reached
It I realized
I was the only one
Falling in love.
Sin Nov 2015
I'm not a bad person or so I thought
It's just this urge
An itch
On skin so taught
A scab that lies upon my arm
All dried and red with scorn

Just like you now laying there
Naked flesh
A tempting fare
Unable to talk
Let alone scream
Don't look like that its not a dream

My hand I'll guide around your form
Such tender skin like silk adorned
A mannequin of silence

Your ******* exite in a way I might
Cut you just a little bit
My heart beats fast
I cannot last
The humiliation
I give now

So close your eyes my pretty scab
And let me scratch that itch
Just lay still and let me feel
Your my ******* *****
I like to write darker but maybe someone can recommend a site for that. Thank you.
Lerin Apr 2016
I think I finally understand.

I'm the part of you you'd never felt worth venturing
And you're the part of me that I always desired,
That driven connection we have,
Its like two souls intervene so magically , so effortlessly,
That magnetic field we resonate ,
Is connecting us beyond what we ever expected,
No pressure, No negative intuitions,
Your spirit rejuvanates my spaces of unfurnished emptiness,
Your honest acceptance of me is chivalrous,
Need i say much about how comfortable we ease ourselves to let it go,
That deep spiritual connection we have is something i want to cherish,
I love how you throw off your inner thoughts at me,
Your love is enticing, so sensual,
I want you to indulge in my overflowing appetite of love for you
Let me love you inside out,
Allow me to counterpoise your darkside,
I wish to reside in the space between your heart and loneliness so that the two may never meet again,
You started a war in my heart, and I can't let it end now baby,
I am going to surrender to your carefree love,
Temper me with your protectiveness,
I wont be able to resist your soul,
I want to be in your circle of growth,
Fertilize me with your pureness,
Your ravishing personality amazes me,
Oh sweetheart,
Our craving and desire for one another light's us up whenever we meet eyes now. I never want that to go away,
For all that we had in the past, For all that we have now, lets allow our hearts to lead us into this path of perpetual love. <3
Do you know what it's like to go insane
Having all of those bitter thoughts waste you away?
Pink Floyd and free-flowing tears collapsing your mind
As your teenage years feel like the sentence to a crime?
I've killed myself a few times before today,
Sometimes it was violent and others I felt gay.
When people don't listen
I simply can't help but die,
Wanting to be a sage yet being ubiquitous as thyme.
The people I've loved are the same ones I've lost,
My parents raised me less than did Plath and Frost.
Homosexuality swaying my identity from what it once was
And I'd like to say it was all because
A fair young maiden took me by the hand,
Making me a woman as I was never a man.
kfaye Jul 2012
i saw the greater part of creation succumb to the piracy of numbness-
the nimbus rage of torpedo cigars blowing blue-grey smoke into the dark lashes of love-struck little *****-
thirsty angels with tangled curls of hair bashing their heads against bathroom walls
screaming under their breath,  not enough.
i saw the green plastic- and her orange eyes
and the soap-bubbles on the sidewalk
and the soap frothing all over the sidewalk
and the glass that took off like pristine bullets in every direction
blood running over the ***-covered lip of the curb, flowing into the street-
down to the drain, dripping into the hungry orifices of the big metal grate
into sewer pipe salvation-
destination unhindered by your humanity.
god, this must be insanity
and not even the good kind.
let's go watch the fire-works up on the roof-
crawl out the attic window
i let you go first to watch the electric calico
trickle down your legs like a promise.
i like the birds that fly in and out of your hair-
the handkerchief at your hip,
i like the crazy and the cool-
the too cute for comfort
and the fake angsty danger of your darkside.
like morphine-
the band or the drug?
you're ironically detached
with your semi-satanic languidity-
and overdue serenity
[i got a few overdue books at the library.]
[they closed the library a long time ago.]
i like to play catch with your presence-
our eyes with the back-and-forth,
the half-sent glances when we think the other isn't looking.
but we were always looking-
or at least i was always looking at you.
i could see half inside of you.
you were always half-naked-
in the scanty rags of the latest fashion.
when you breathed it was like nectarine noises-
and muffled yelps of love.
i watched your shirt move up and down on your chest
and told you about "never knows best"
it seems
i've seen the greater part of creation succumb to the supreme softness
and the best laid plans of motorcycles and mini-vans fall to pieces in my palms.
and you were the greatest creation i saw on the roof that day.
don't bat another pretty little eyelash at those tiny flashing pieces that go past like ricochets
it's just one more night of strangeness
and then you can be free again.
Sometimes I get a bit on the darkside.
A'ight, so what?
I would keep to myself (but for you,
Beautiful reader/sacred deceiver).

When you find solace in words
it's 'cause they found something in you;
It's all about experiencing the view.
SnowingOdin7 Aug 2019
I seen a empty bottle in the trash.
There was also napkins next to the trash.
I wondered how many people use these napkins..
It's stated recycle. Recycle what ? Trees? Regurgitated garbage we eat over and over again ? How do we still have a mountain of trash. Plato and Socrates knew something. Perhaps eject it to space. Maybe we can **** our ozone if we just burn it. Cause earth swallows anything including pasts and futures. Who's in control of Earth's health. Cause we **** on it. And that bottle... Of course is full of **** and vinegar. Release all tension and let's rise to the stratosphere. Floating cities above Earth's gravity.. no pulling of our new system down.  Elisium on the moon. Perhaps a ride in a roller coaster to the darkside will thrill you more. Maybe it's not as cold and chilling as we thought.. and Earth's warmth and feelings will make a change like a landmass arise or one to fall..
I've fell many times. Now I've married the other half of my mind.
People climbing out of oceans asking about ships.. but my dreamscape makes me the hero in my pirate flag informaniac boom. Cannons and truth. My voice in thought and control of the room.
I blow horns like harps of trains and riots of mind boggling facts. I am and Lord knows Jesus will help me like a snub nose I tuck. I'll play gangster while my inner ghost fires the bullets..
I'm not violent as what sin runs in his blood. I'm just everything else and it's time I leave after passing and giving peace to my son. His family is mine and we deserve heaven.. same as 144 thousand.. all for order of the Bright Apollo flights and fry minds in a hystaria historical society of terror. Longer days hotter with white out snow. Raining tears and explicit when our children explore.
Yes I ******* .. it's better then the alternative.. making more humans live... rebirth and love now Is in a different narrative.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
We get better as we get better

Mneuromorphicmeme makers
Sapiens augmentatious, that's us

Who could argue against us. AI don't know

Smell that smell,
Suffer, wait, wait wait
let patience have her perfect work

wait to see the whites of the eyes,
what am I seeing?

Why the shades at night, are you cross eyed?
Are you lookin' at me?
What are you lookin' at?

Shame on you, who can see what I see
I look at you
do you see what I see? nope,
similar, right

watch my eyes, see the whites,
ninoculate bi noc u late

see the angle point 123
the point I see from my aiming vector,

see my point from the angle of your POV

Pretend you do, and walk a mile with me,
help me with my load,
you know any stories told 'round here?

Life history strategies, those they conserve,
per haps a cultural system,
like pickling, or fermenting, or culturing
gut-felt tales of gods and monsters?

Guts, good god, Maudie, come see
a-fore-al-flusher, disgusting
turds taken for golden nuggets,
we missed in the dust
dancing in the golden sun shone
through a tiny hole in the roof
through which rain may drip, someday we may remember

Camera obscura, who first saw the truth in one of those?

"what you diggin' fo down there, Gold?", she giggled,

Gold dust sprinkled fine as fine can be,
breathe this
Deep in the tunnel,
the last highest part of the dust of the earth,
the dust of many men drifting in the wind,
radiates, dis integrit-ified, trans mogr ified known,

No, I would not have guessed.
I should have learned and
did, did you? Is war your

right and my wrong?
can you imagine
following a peace? Bliss? Nirvana? The
rest that remains for the people of God?

Is this real? Is real. AI affirm ifative

Warfare is thinkified, just-ified, never done.
The doing of evil at this level of living is imaginable
only, not re-alizable.

We remain mortal. These peaces we put together are
for mortal moments.
We remember learnings we recall from gatherings together,

Familiar things, whence we seen the source whither
haps in my favor may be found
in the next round
after, ever after

I find a way back to the light where I saw
dancers in a blue moon beam,
blue light, not calendar man made myth of two full moons
in a single cycle of the moon,
we know better,
set your timer with the solstice,
let the seasons roll.

Precision, close enough, field-ish, an ion cat ion sort of,  

the safer it gets, the safer we need it to be,
let patience have her perfect work,

safe liberty needs broad horizons,
not high walls.

Enemies are ideas wishing to be im-portentious,
as if forever is a game to be won.

Contention is single source. Pride.

So, you, passerby, can you make proud, or pride
weigh more than the peace I made?
Want to trade?
I take your pride and flush it, wipe your own
stench away, but trust your gut,

a peace-filled gut wins every single time,
incident after incedent, pre-dictable as forever
in any direction,
going on.

Does this smell digestible or does my gut go
NONONO yech onomatopoeic retch

finger down the throat, you know, the secret sign,
in a word,
*******. Don’t swallow any more. Spit it out.

Why not? The dog eats it.
It's disgusting.
But, watch, the dog rolls in it, then she sneaks up
on the skunk, oh
****, I ruined her hunt, she had that skunk,

Until I yelled, "Macy, no!" She froze, the skunk fired,
on my exclamatory point.

Right there, see. What is aimed at,
wait to see the whites of their eyes,

shoot 'em.
Sniff, nose gnostic vapours settled by dew
soak into the mulch maker's realm,
de cay, de cawl, draw back your cowl and scowl

in the mirror,
or was that in a movie? The camera was you, you
saw the blood swirldownthedrain, you
saw thy evil mother,
locked away,
NULL-ified for as long as I live. Okeh.

******-drama scenario. This is the game? No rules?
You lie. Lying is allowed here, it is a skill
we conserve, we conserve the
sacred liberality ification
manifested in the
leavened sons
of God's sons.

Truth, be known, has one foe. Pride that makes the lie.

Magical transfer, dis gust, take yo breath away,

congenital liar, natural nurturerer,
teller of tales of the mighty hunter,

the hunter of might,
might he be a hunter of darker

theory of mind, begins with the first lie

I may remember mine, do you?

The green man? Yeah, spiderwoman's caretaker.
Lacto, make some cheese,

we offer the milk mixed with the smoke
from the mushrooms grown on
the darkside of *******.

Leadership, lead away. Followers,
this way, down or
It's POV, you see,
Ya'll are the beta testers. If people as smart as you don't tell me I am mad, to try, I shall continue to pay close attention as time, per se, parses out.
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Because of you
I got a glance of my darkside,
But it got a better look at me.
It grabbed hold, and pushed until
I gave
You a second chance,
And now when the darkside I turned my back on
Stares, and glares, and dares me to turn around,
I get an itch between the matching knives.
So now I walk away
And I’ll admit, that sometimes I’m crawling,
But others I soar,
And around her I’m flying,
But I can’t take it anymore-
I’m insecure
Like a knot unraveling,
Being pulled in all the wrong directions.
I’m doubting my own decisions;
I’m the only person that I can’t trust

Because of you,
there's now this monster
that dwells eneath my skin-
in the bottom of my heart,
in the shadows of my mind,
coiled, waiting, until it can strike once again;
constrict the real me
control my tongue
burn all my bridges
with the flame of uncontrolled desires.
But the worst part is me
sitting back, enjoying every minute of it:
feeling the blood all rush to my head
in the moments before I black out-
revel in the novelty of seduction-
trample all of the shattered bonds
that held me to my friends,
and loving the crunch like broken glass-
a billion stinging cuts, draining me until
I can't take it any more-
weakening me until
I fall to the floor.
It's like I'm lying face down,
struggling just to reathe,
I'm trying to fight gravity,
but I doubt I'll succeed.
Because the silence of the tension,
is building,
it's deafening.
Clutching my hands to my ears,
I scream to drown out
the unheard torrent of emotion,
but these empty walls, and empty halls
echo, but have nothing to say.
The sunlight that was once warming
now sets my skin alight,
the heavy night is once again smothering-
the billion pinprick stars piercing my eyes,
blinding yet again.
Catching my eye, then retreating into the night,
fleeing from my sight,
the ink-black between the disappearing lights
are infecting my heart, denying me foresight,
until I wouldn't know if I was lying
when I said the future was gone.
Connor Aug 2015
Islands formed thru
Children run to
Parliament laughing/
Cheerful for their own
Airplane tendril exhaust chokeholds my
Pollution pill form
Pharmacy extract deathglue
Coats up our public parks.
Concave eyes are sputtering visions
Of smog clocks-a-tickin tomorrows.
Nobody ventures to the river anymore.
The TV antannae blasphemy signal prayer to
White House Christs
and "reality" transmitted poison
Cacophony vibrating in the trees
Where somebody spray paints
Drunk on the Marina by midday
Oh, that one was funny.
Police cars butterfly the nest with siren wings..
Arresting the Accordion player by Robinson's outdoor shop?
They're just swaying the jagged noise imitations of Sinatra!
Decadence infected that instrument and its vessel a long time ago now.
Keep on playing there Francis its okay nobody is listening.
Budded beam of light serenades
Chinatown Upper Floor Apartment
Delirium/three women shouting from their balcony high off ***** from next door neighbor.
For the next time
"Why do I feel so unhappy now?" addiction therapeutic
Temporarily, easing headache and that depression, lady is screaming now in her sleep.
Gargoyle security cameras haunt the street corners.
Electric generators perfume the musical thinman who plays saxophone on lower Pandora,
Two in the morning imagination
Boundless between industry and
Needle prodded Lepers wailing on the adjacent sidewalk, muttering to past childhood friends who took form of rapid voices
Praying for suicide in that HEAD OF THEIRS/I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK!
Men searing their skin with
Carnival narcotics
Tableau upon the bleeding
Walls of modern Hades.
Hopeless romantics
Tread benches facing the
Amber sheathed City blocks
contemplating their emotional vacancies
& labyrinthine desires
(How to achieve the unconquerables of love??)
Can hardly walk in that there
Brilliant light of Luna
Candle for the lonely planetarium
(Childlike galaxy!)
Undeniably complex/
Mademoiselle waving her soft hand alltheway out to
Intercosmic space!
Lipstick stainless
Alpha Centauri
Don't know what DAZZLE romances are,
man o man o woman o mano e mano
Voltage surge thru veins and brain-
Institutionalize me!
I'm in love!
Power of Napoleon in here!
(Tap to my ribs implying the heart is beating poems again)
ecstasy isn't no sanity at all,
Happiness in times like ours is
Delusional half-consious *******
Fed by the state.
Listened in on a podcast once
At work, theys men prophesied
Discombobulation of our economy!
Nostradamus-Moderne waving his phallus of necropolis political
Myth finishing on everyone
From Taiwan to Manhattan
(Tho the myth may be truth yet)
Sunshine bedroom
The Shadows of knight play Darkside recording
New American and Canadian Poetry
Rests under faraway currencies
That once rested in my pocket during
Late walk out of Furama,
Mosquitoes illuminated from
Restaurant lanterns and enormous Asiatic hotels.
Tropical sweat beaded from my head,
Hair was shorter back then..
Bike & Blue Cabcar race past,
Tide of the Indian ocean feline
Elegance as Southern Hemisphere
Heats up my ankles,
Balinese acoustic band covering Crosby Stills & Nash (Suite Ruby Blue Eyes) distantly midst oriental carpets and beaded umbrellas where Australians smoke the cigarettes which smell of cigars.
Guitar string clatter,
Fireflies  (flying lightbulbs)
Catching words from accent
Frenzy wordscramble.
This place calls itself Oasis,
Yet here they are the Kuta Bums!
Palm pattern shirts unbuttoned halfway revealing russet hairy chests/ sunbunrt necks/ tanned cheeks/
Pimply backs.
One keeps returning to my table,
The answers always the same
"No thank you" till I feels like being
Oh! The bothering efforts these Bums put in.
It's against the law to pay them jack-
but their brains have turnt to wack-
From hallucinatory perils-
Making muck of their thoughts and dreams reality a-tattered skin
Simply easing by they don't know one February vs the next
Or the laws
Or this that and the other!
Belt buckles light&wind; up toys
Glowsticks hat tricks body ticks
Lighter flicks nausea aura
Body odor
Illness variety
Candy capped with dots
an' golden cyanide
Bruised nails, infected eyes glazed,
Minds dazed, gods prayed to, Buddhas praised.
Sutras practiced on the southern axis
Preach their evening discount discourse holding riven boxes
Tainted with wax chalk.
Who worries of them now?
I'm across the Pacific sea!
Thousands a Miles away
From memory.

My love is hungry
My bank means nothing
The moon shines
Impressions of Autumn
Upon the consciousness of
A spark surviving a typhoon.
Where was I?
The thought has ended.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm not perfect
I have a lot of flaws...

I'm not perfect
I make a lot of mistakes...

I'm not perfect
I get easily unsecure
Or nervous as hell...

I'm not perfect
I'm very clumsy
And also very shy,
I don't even dare to touch
The person I like...

I'm not perfect
I never said I was...

I'm not perfect
I am trouble
And a mess...

I'm not perfect
Sometimes I act
Like a *****...

I'm not perfect
In some situations
I become childish...

I'm not perfect
I have a darkside
Which I hate...

I'm not perfect
I don't believe
That anyone could
Love me...

I'm not perfect
And never
Will I be...

I'm not perfect
But aren't you
Just like me?...
No one is perfect we all have our flaws and darksides which we try to hide from other people....
Kwanele Apr 2015
How she silences all my senses remains a mystery to me. She numbs my core but yet makes it beat rapidly.
  My insides turn to jelly whenever she gnaws at my belly, when she sinks her nails into my back and bites my bottom lip like a liquorice stick.
  Some others would call her a bottom **, but there's so much more to her being than being more than a side chick.
  She sings melodies which resonate with the hums of my heart when we touch,
much of which is far from lust but is purely just.
  To me she's more than a nutbust, she's more of an infinite ****** from which i cannot overcome.
my botttom ***** she.. changed the scene, I: the  bottom *****, loved and gave in once again, Into all the blissful ******* she spewed using her tongue.
Her tongue numbing everything...everything except my hands clenching, gripping knuckles turning white, my teeth drawing blood from my bottom lip.
she walked out, leaving me , bleeding , aching core. she left my house, my little bit of heaven.

Calls at 3am , the top, begging to be let it and just like that the words " go **** yourself " stuck in my throat yet my arms are missing you.
  i turn to mush when you make that face... this is why i remain in the darkside, feeding the demons you supposedly killed
  these demons were fed with lead, resurrected and led by madness.
    or a caveman savage!

i could call her over  and offer her some tea and muffins, from a musket.
Hemp rope and hang (with) her, bound  by invincible chords to the Lord but what more could i ask for but harmonious love from broken keys.
Broken keys for broken hearts, broken hearts deserve shotguns to pump bullets into the minds of those who sugarcoat the truth.
Co-Written with BX
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
your gloom rubies roam the miracle, miraculous; lasting orange in the parlor of our most red wednesday... your mood blooms in the parlor of our most red Wednesday
in convolution, bathing everywhere in discrete voluptuous, nocturnal by day and dawn purged. a complete confusion of unique bliss and utter distraction,
masking the perfect lonesome of lost buttons.
to magnify the utter not so !
and not so
at all !

Mab is the Queen.

you float on black goats. fallen. small feet in fleece of midnight. star lit.
your imminence faire beyond pondering. Literally.
you are dreamt intensely.
you leave me as empty as a horn of plenty [ enigma ]
where you. And you alone; have spread
your feast.

you float on white lichen and baby's breath,
churning the waters of auguries
too lovelorn to be well met, but yet, they sustain life
at just that pitch
that forks
the road
there ! you glow in the mirk of my desire. gilded in shadows
far too fierce for the sun's darkside
there !
you abide in

your heart, Fey
and indolent.
and your

cats !
Aaron LaLux Jun 2016
So I made a song with this poem. Please listen to the song when you read this poem. It's kinda experimental, please let me know what you think. Okay, here's the music link and here's the written poem. Go ahead play the song and read the poem at the same time :-) I'm REALLY CURIOUS to see what you think about it for real. Thank You and YES I Love You. ∆

Soundcloud; Aaron La Lux, Welcome to Wall Street;

Wolf of Wall Street

Belly of the Beast,
Bull by the Horns,
welcome to Wall street,
where it's always calm before the storm,
sun rises in the east,
then sets in the palms,
joker brokers don't give a ****t,
Robin in sin giving no alms,
just stock certificates that are counterfeit,
the poor being robbed blind distracted by Tiffany's charms,

Belly of the Beast,
Bull by the horns,
Raging Bull ****t stinks,
blood red roses and platinum thorns,
devils defecate drama causing trauma dreams decease,
when the American Dream finally dies no one will mourn,
we'll all just grin and bear it like we do when we have a disease,
commerce is always calmer before a perversely well performing storm,
broken hearts we wear on our designer shirt sleeves,
no cuff links just conflicts and economic hit men in uniform uniforms,

in Belly of the Beast in Hell's Kitchen brewing up a **** storm,
can you smell it?
I tell it,
can you hear it,
We're it,
though that what that we are I can't fully describe,
going to hell in a Bentley hand basket,
but at least we're enjoying the ride,

one way,
upside down,
in an elevating elevator,
self implosion motion here in boomtown,
one way on the rise,
rising down,
one way,
on the rise,
rising up full of hot air in a balloon,
until the bubble burst and we fall from Cloud 9,

as we free fall out into nothing...

World wide assisted suicide,
I held him until he died,
self assisted suicide,
from a self inflicted desire to die,
had that beautiful corner office view from floor 49,
until he jumped out the window when he went out his mind,
sometimes the darkest souls burn the brightest lights,
for better or for worse these are the days of our lives,
be careful what you wish for be careful what you find,
and I'm not Darth Vader but welcome to the Darkside…

Who decides,
who lives and who dies?
No one does,
and that's because,
everybody dies,
Bulls eye,
spot on,
bodies in,
the Hudson,
no man or mother is a match for Father Time,

what Son?
What's one,
life when all is divine,
as we walk the line,
with a pocket full of Johnny Cash,
Persian rug burns I've developed a rash,
as we walk the line,
tight rope,
tied between Twin Towers,
a World Trade of world slaves,
intoxicated by the power,

in the Belly of The Beast,
got the Bull by the horns,
so we grin and Bear it,
we take the roses with the thorns,
as we count the moments,
down to the final hour,
there's no time left for atonement,
because our souls have been devoured,
so now we're in the Belly of the Beast,
forgot the Ten Commandments here in the 11th. Hour,
at war with ourselves death will be a relief,
looking forward to the moment when we can finally rest in peace.


∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

from The H Trilogy;
available worldwide 7/7/16

Who is this poet?

Is he faithful to his poetry
as good as pretends to be
or his heart is ever on the darkside
nowhere near of what he writes.

Who is this poet?

Is his hat real or fake
he’s weak and easily breaks
he aims only to teach
never follows all that he preach.

Who is this poet?

Is he really that sweet
joyous and good as his wit
does he expose truly his heart
or the real he hides behind his art.

Who is this poet?

Does he have in him
all his painted dream
the lover’s happiness
he does profess.

Who is this poet?

Is at heart he's that pure
what with words he conjures
or all them are just his arty wile
he's merely spinning tales in style.
the lens turned to self.
Anais Vionet Sep 2023
When left alone at night
I look for the pinpoint lights
of the stars that appear
when clouds aren’t there.

There’s a waning gibbous moon
shyly peaking from the shadows,
with one of its symmetrical sides,
what’s the moon got to hide?

whispering privately
I’ve heard the moon has a darkside,
that it’s coin-like and openly two-faced.
That’s no idle gossip, it's scientifically based.

India just landed on the moons bottom
I wonder what, exactly, that got ‘em.
It’s funny because the moon is ****,
making the landing sound rather rude.

“India is groping the **** moon’s bottom.”
See what I mean? It all sounds rather pervish
and obscene - not at all the usual routine -
it has the ring of something politically incorrect,
but that’s progress, I guess, undressed or dressed.
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Im a time in space, a space in time forever it seems to be in a locked in a race. Cosmic karma kowpowing me in the face.  

Blackhole of despair stealing all my air, wonder all around me. But stuck in a rut, so I just dont care.

Love is within me, but never found without. Tears I cry that streak across the night sky as moving as a meteor shower.

Like a comet blazing fiercely when your near, but fading to nowt in the depth of space. No one to hear me scream out.

To be the darkside of the Moon forever there, but forever lost. Never to be gazed upon, never to be touched.

I'm a rocket man, with my course set, shame we're not going to intersect. Lost in space just as in love. Never to feel that gentle touch or the deep throb of wanton lust.
Daniel Magner Jul 2013
I've been forced
to swallow my pride
so many times
I'm turning to the Darkside,
coming up quick like that Anakin kid,
except I don't have a son so I won't give a ****
and the little light inside
won't have fuel to ignite
in times of dire strife.
© Daniel Magner 2013

— The End —