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17.7k · Sep 2018
Shine Through.
AMISHA Sep 2018
Success never came without critique & hate
No matter friend or foe, they'll close down their gate.
The smile will turn into a smirk
The eyes will change into a lurk
Some may even walk on to the other side
But that's when you'll know you're doing it right
Your light maybe blinding to some
and some may even turn to ash
but don't give heed to the glare,
whispers and oh all the gnash.

Dance on your victory, you've made them so proud,
the ones who love you; so bring down the shroud;
of darkness and dullness & shout out to call,
your strength and beauty that some may appal.
Cause' you are a diamond that shines oh so bright,
but some may not see it,
so why don't you guide.
Cause' you've got it right
So stand tall with pride
Cause' you are the light
and you shine so bright.

Feel free to express your thoughts.
1.3k · Jul 2018
AMISHA Jul 2018
I don't love reading because it gives me an eternal pleasure. I love reading because it is a moment of discussion of my mind with my soul.

1.3k · Jun 2018
My Fair Lady
AMISHA Jun 2018
" Who is in there? !  Answer eh! "
The shadow trembled .                 " Are you black or white?!"       
  " I am hungry, sir. '' The voice replied.

Why is it that souls are judged on the basis of their colour?  This disgraceful conjecture which has been dejecting people  for centuries, seems on an external tenure. When will it bear a full stop? Be it the western nations, where it determines a person's status or the southern, where it decides a person's magnitude of beauty. Although, this mind set is hobbling downwards, yet some vestiges are still sparky, which are needed to be hushed off. 
Feel free to share your thoughts.
643 · Jun 2018
AMISHA Jun 2018
I walked in, I looked at you.
Into those dark doe eyes.
You passed a grin, it wasn’t meant for me.
That’s when I realised.

I was painting my reality on a skinny sheet of glass.
And all it took was a grin from you to make it fall and crash.

555 · Jun 2018
AMISHA Jun 2018
The feels that rise within my mind
sometimes I keep them packed inside.
but now I sit and here I write
to vent them free, in this twilight.
Some call me rude and some say shy.
Yes, that's the truth, I hereby lie.
I am no hermit, don't be mistaken
for I am uncouth and slightly shaken.
The profused silence, it is divine
like dots to connect, in bedlam of mine.
Only in tranquility and peace of mind
is when I fathom world's great design.
The more I speak, the less I know
The less I speak, oh, there you go.
I am no different, just as different
as floating lava, amidst the snow.
These words, these thoughts.
They freeze, they burn.
It's like a grand storm
trapped inside an urn.
This quietude is my escape from life
this serene silence I have devised.
This solitude exposed me to the placid side,
that never had I known, until my demise.
But now I sit and here I write,
to vent these words under this moon.
I often lose myself in this
and seldom find myself here too.
Be free to share your thoughts if you have ever felt anything similar.
531 · Jul 2018
The Meeting
AMISHA Jul 2018
Meet me where the Daisies bloom
where it often showers too.
Meet me at the crack of dawn
It will be only me and you.

Meet me where the sun-rays fall
and paint my hair auburn-red.
We'll walk around the mossy knolls
and run upon the grassy bed.

Meet me where the trees and leaves
are still dripping with the morning dew.
Meet me at the quiet end, all alone, with a placid view.

All I need is a simple gesture
or even a solemn promise from you.
Promise me you will come for me
Then I will think about it too.

527 · Jan 2019
AMISHA Jan 2019
Is this why you want to know
So you can talk about it
When you have nothing better to do
Why do I even doubt it.

With gleaming eyes to explore
Is this why you're so keen
Hearing each word out of my mouth
But have no clue of what I mean.
Feel free to share your thoughts.
455 · Jun 2018
24 hours
AMISHA Jun 2018
Tonight, before going to bed, think about last night, when you were going to bed. Then, think it as something you did 24 hours ago. 24 hours is a long time. So much can be done in 24 hours.
It's something we already know, and a blow to the head at the same time.

Just a thought.
425 · Sep 2020
AMISHA Sep 2020
Dark eyes messed up hair
Swinging, back and forth chair
Heads turn, eyes meet
Doubtless insecurities
I didn't notice you
I lie, but it's true
The air between, turned blue
And that was the moment
I knew.

Cold air, on my face
Eyes closed, head dazed
You walk, past me
I turn, only to see
You turn, your head around
Catch me, without a sound
Your sins were due
And that was the moment
You knew.

Feel free to share your thoughts!
407 · Jul 2018
AMISHA Jul 2018
Did it ever happen to you? That you have been looking at something for a very long time. No, not continously. Repeatedly. Everyday. It can be any ordinary thing. Like a flimsy plant or a wan, crunchy, yellow - leaved tree, in front of your house, on the other side of the road. And it remains the same. The same it remains. Always. The whole time. Like an old, oil portrait. But then, suddenly, one fine day, it catches your eye, because it's not the same anymore. It has changed. Completely different. Nothing like before. Like a fully grown tree or a mossy rock. And you are forced to think out loud - " When did that happen?  I was here. The whole time. Then, how? " but then, it dawns upon you, that maybe you weren't, and  maybe, that's the fraction of the fraction of how profound and surprising the life can get. 

I hope it makes sense. If it does, feel free to share your thoughts.
352 · Jan 2019
Bird of Flight
AMISHA Jan 2019
Walking on my rooftop, I look towards the sky
Stay with me here, right now
Don't let this moment go by.

No not that red and blue pulled by a string,
I don't want to be that kite
All I wish and all I hope is to be a bird of flight.

Flying with my wings open,
swirling across, round and round.
Piercing through the clouds
I want to fly, fly so high.
No, not watch those striped and white,
paper airplanes go by.

But it's alright, it's alright
Maybe in another life
I will be that bright Bird
And all she knows is to Fly.

343 · Jun 2018
AMISHA Jun 2018
The crunch of autumn leaves was the sound of when you smiled.
The rising sun, caressing me like the colors wild.

I wish you had known this but you didn’t have a clue.
The only thing I hate more than waiting,
is waiting for you.

329 · Jun 2018
AMISHA Jun 2018
The little girl sitting on the floor

knew she wasn't that little anymore

and now was time to stand and think

how much has changed in a blink

of an eye; that how messed up

this sullen world is like a cup.

Cracked and burnt and full of things,

like dusty stones and shiny rings.

All twist and turn in a poky space

pushing each other, it's like a race.

It didn't make sense, it's almost wry

some laugh hysterically while others cry.

She wondered, pondered, trying to comprehend

was this the beginning or the end

of her life she just found out;

she's just a tiny speck in a crowd

of million others of her age,

blank, naive, on the same page;

but she knew how it was,

like a clayey knoll in a blanket of moss.

But when the wind hits at times,

the green is cleared and out it shines.

And she will too, betwixt, she knew;

and face the fire when it will roar.

Oh, she isn't that little anymore.

Feel free to share your thoughts.
315 · Feb 2020
Love Week
AMISHA Feb 2020
I opened my eyes at 9
It was February's 7th day
And so my phone reminded me
"The love week starts today"
And then I tried to recall
names who loved me in the past
Not a single I could think of
Who did with all their heart
Okay maybe one or two...
I let out a low sigh
Should this be the reason for me
To maniacally laugh or cry
And so quite dramatically
I lay back in my bed
And kept a big fat pillow
Buried under my head
But then I thought of something
That lit up my whole face
A loving family and a few true friends
I have no one to chase

And so my phone reminded me
Today starts the lovers week
With a huge grin, I pulled up my rug
And gently went back to sleep :)

Have a laugh and share your thoughts.
307 · Sep 2018
Do's and Don'ts.
AMISHA Sep 2018
Don't react but choose.
If you react, then they have the power over you but, if you choose, then you have the power over everything.
294 · Aug 2018
AMISHA Aug 2018
Always be the bigger person.
Not to rise
in their eyes
but to thrive
in your Own.

265 · Jan 2021
AMISHA Jan 2021
And so my grandmother
I bid you farewell
As you leave and climb up
Up the heavenly stairwell

I may not fit in your lap anymore
I'll always be your child
For whom you prayed & prayed & prayed
And (finally) brought BACK to life

I'll miss those big innocent eyes
Under the plastic frames
And how you'd want to talk
But couldn't remember my name

I hope wherever you are
You're at peace and Finally unrestrained (& finally not in pain)
For my dear, one day or another
I know, I'll see you again.
AMISHA Apr 2020
I am glad
For your stone cold words
They made me realise
You're not a part of my world.

Though I will remember you
Keep you in my heart
As how you were when we met
Not as when we grew apart

I will leave now as I thank you
For how you ripped my heart to shreds
Finally I am free
As I pull and snap the thread

I am glad
Of how different you've grown
But since I never did
You are no longer my home.

Feel free to share your thoughts.
218 · May 2019
Give up?
AMISHA May 2019
It's not about who can do it and who can not.
It's about how soon he gives up and he who does not.
216 · Feb 2020
A Day With The Devil
AMISHA Feb 2020
He said he'd take me to the
Next big city in sight
“Just cling on to my arm
It will all be alright.”

& carefully as ever he
Whispered in my ear
He'd chase away my
deepest, darkest fears.

Because he knew of my love for art
“So the great Louvre is where we'd start”
“We'll watch the sunset on Parisian streets.
And hike together on
The great canyon steeps.”

“And how about a skinny dip under
the sparkling moon?”
“It's all good with me. I'm
not leaving anytime soon.”

“Want to roll on the sandy dunes,
If I might ask?”
“Only as long as you'd show me
the snow too, as we pass.”

I mumbled, “I can't compete with
the Kashmiri girls.”
He raised a brow, “the Diamond has no fear of pearls.”

& by evening we layed
Below the Eiffel lights
Our hearts tangled together
Like two wild kites.

“So is this all ?” I asked
under my breath
“We'll start again tomorrow, I'm with you
till Death.”

I passed a smirk and rolled my eyes
and turned my head back up to the skies.
Our hands adjacent; an inch apart.
His eyes on my face as if it's Art.

Then drunk on my life
I stumbled and slipped in bed
He read me a poem;
landed a kiss on my head.

Passed out I stuttered
“Today was too good be true”
A wicked curve on the devil's lips
“But my dearest, so are you.”

Feel free to share your thoughts.
210 · Mar 2020
Walk of Life
AMISHA Mar 2020
Took a whiff of that
The good and the rest
Swinging the air
Sitting in a set

Patches and patches
And green it grew.
Colours of above,
Dirt shade and hue

Chameleons in my garden
only when the colours flipped
Is when that I realised
they even exist

Lost in the dust, straying away
yet sometimes, the choice to make.
Smiled to the wasp, stood on the flower
Cleared the smoke, in about an hour.

A secret moon, my eyes reach out
Breathing the fog, a silent shout.
A soft lilac hidden around
Buried in the pages
Without a sound

And so I walked, I loved and lived
Under the breath of a moonlit gift
I came, I saw and leave I must
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Don't forget to share your thoughts and interpretations.
208 · Mar 2020
AMISHA Mar 2020
I was waiting for my heart to ache again
So I could put it into words
So I simply recalled you face again
And needed no further efforts.

I was waiting for my heart to ache again
So I could bleed out on the paper
Some things I know I'll never say out loud
In these yellow pages, they will sleep safer.
172 · Feb 2020
AMISHA Feb 2020
So I passed by the long road
A commotion ahead.
It seemed the storm had passed
And took away the dead
2 souls gone, 3 almost
Is what they said ;
When I asked around
A college boy mushed into Red.

And so it rang me
Deep in my head
He must've had a plan
Before going to bed.
Maybe call his lady love at dawn
Or even pass a test
Little did he know
It's harder done than said.

The alarm rang, he packed his bag
Might've have had breakfast in bed.
His parents just sent him off to college
though, they never would've guessed,
he's leaving this time (forever)
never to return, instead.

3 others crippled on the side grass
All bloodied red
Probably grateful to have lived
( As yet )
But the driver and the college boy
Are long gone, dead.

And so it struck me again
a lonesome request.
Do not go to sleep
With your heart upset.
Tell them you care, even a pinch
'fore it turns into a regret.

Tomorrow is not assured
But it's also, not here yet.
Say exactly how you feel
Whether love or hatred.
Words burn from within
When left

Feel free to share your thoughts.
137 · Apr 2020
AMISHA Apr 2020
I guess we both knew what would become of us
During those horrid times
Horrid for them, not you and I
Those were the best of crimes.

Dark were the nights and so was the day
The fastest run I had
Star-crossed and doomed forever
But it ended somewhere sad.

I still remember that great sprint
Which lands me to hilarity
As clock is ticking, I know quite well,
I'm further gaining clarity.

The dark days and the dark nights
They're still my happy place
I do remember the hazy grass
On which you set the pace.

So I came back around
And so did the dark..
The clouds pass by too sometimes
But you rainchecked the eleventh hour.
134 · Apr 2020
AMISHA Apr 2020
Old and tattered clothes are often the most comfortable ones.

107 · Feb 2020
AMISHA Feb 2020
I've been struggling for over a year
To sit and pick up a pen
For life to inspire me, or love
It was mostly a dead end
Always started and left midway
Whom was I to pretend
The writer's block had taken a toll
On all the roads and bends
Buying new inks and journals
Never made amends
And then the day past
I witnessed an incident

I stopped and captured it inside
Nothing could've been said
It was dull and dark, really stark
But mostly it was red
I was waiting for life to inspire me.
Or love.
But the reverse
Came to my head
Shortly, really, freely but truly
I was inspired by
The dead.
Feel free to share your thoughts.

— The End —