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Sep 2024 · 235
Ruhani Sep 2024
You say you love me
and see me only
when I am in full bloom
under the sultry moon.

Have you ever seen me
naked skin with shredded leaves
in a dark stormy night
fighting for my life
struggling to stay just upright.
May 2024 · 84
Ruhani May 2024
The thousand words
which I never said
will ring your ears
for thousand years.
Aug 2023 · 432
The End
Ruhani Aug 2023
Everything is empty inside
as if I'm  just hollow bones
robbed of all emotions
hates and loves are long gone.
Just waiting for my time to come
put my belief to hope in the end
I lay my armor, dainty heart  
have no hard feelings,
There is nothing left to mend.
Aug 2023 · 773
Ruhani Aug 2023
I am so tired and out
of wanting things
never meant to be mine
of reaching out to some
who were drifting away
For always being there
when no one looking your way
for breaking and holding
umpteenth time my heart
mind and soul drifting apart
Am so done
for being the only one
leave me alone
cause nothing can be undone.
Aug 2023 · 668
Ruhani Aug 2023
You come and go like changing seasons
hot flush in summers, cold like winters.
you come and go without giving reasons
and I always wait for you at dinners.
And in this game of waiting and meeting
my heart goes fragile and soul withers
Memories are vague, just moving figures  
My eyes are little foggy nothing sees clear
you still come and go but I long disappeared.
May 2023 · 809
Ruhani May 2023
'You' and 'Me'
walking together,
side by side,
but not as 'WE'
Oct 2022 · 526
Untitled love
Ruhani Oct 2022
We love each other so much
To let go each other so often.
Does that make sense.
Oct 2022 · 1.2k
Ruhani Oct 2022
I am carrying my umbrella
to a promise of our meet
I am carrying my umbrella
close to pounding heart beat  
I am carrying my umbrella
hope to steal a steamy kiss
I am carrying my umbrella
to cry upon so much amiss
I am carrying my umbrella
for that longed warm embrace
I am carrying my umbrella
to hide my tears,
standing alone in that place.
Aug 2022 · 970
In conversation with a monk
Ruhani Aug 2022
"You seem a little lost
"where are you headed to miss"
I looked back at the bald monk
his face beaming supple and warm
"I don't know! that is why am here
you have all the wisdom-
so tell me where do I belong.
Monk held my hand,
hand soft like petals of rose
"your path is already mapped
just believe in self and go forth".
"But how do I know if am moving right
what if I fall and never find the light".
Isn't it life to shuffle between white and greys
if I tell you everything
there is no sense in living your days
so fall or fight
slouch or stand upright
it's your life after all
own your defeats and wins however small
you are here, merely to witness the whole.
Apr 2022 · 565
Ruhani Apr 2022
I painted my sky blue
For you
To paint it
with love
But you came
to cover it
in all Gray.
Apr 2022 · 171
Ruhani Apr 2022
I have stopped for a while
to understand where am going
So lost that I had to ask
strangers for directions
though I don't believe their every word
but do I have an option at this crossroad
Mind so filled with preconceived prejudice
that letting go seems like a huge risk
Am afloat holding a rope in the space
Whose end is tied so tight I can't escape.
I am here but not here at all
Am I even moving or standing alone
Is anyone listening reach out if you can
before I let loose into the oblivion.
Jan 2022 · 252
I Love you
Ruhani Jan 2022
I love you, yes I love you
No, I am not holding you
Never am I leaving you
Neither am compelling you
Nor I am ever letting you.

I feel you in a cold swirl
Smell you in the soaked drizzle
Deepest seas and vast as sky
My love for you is a full moon tide

I know you don’t remember me
But you exist is all I mean
Without you or with me
You are one with my soul & body.
Is there anything called unconditional love in this world!
Sep 2021 · 772
Ruhani Sep 2021
I click I delete
I write I delete
I save I delete
seems good at deleting stuff
But trust my heart
when I say,
Erasing one and all
is always tough.
Deleting words, pictures and people is my thing but something is always left behind.
Aug 2021 · 504
Ruhani Aug 2021
I have a broken record
hidden in my closet
and I often play it
whenever unescorted.
The lyrics intimate
the last time we meet
speaks in the manner
you used to flatter.
The music lingers on
like the scent of your shirt
I hold on,
Your love song
keeps me warm
in the dark windy nights.
The nights we forgot
near those bonfire sights.
The sun rises everyday
and it sets all fine
but the fainting rays remind
of the love we had divine.
You cannot escape it.
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Ruhani Aug 2021
You wake up,
but don't wanna get up.
Sunshine upsets your sun
getting ready is tiresome.
Breakfast is just formality
you walk up to normalcy.
Meeting people sane
saves from being insane,
you dig your head in work
but everything is mundane.
You slog back to home
to find something lost,
on bed you lie down
like a log of soiled moss.
Perpetuating purpose of life
Am I only breathing
or even it means alive,
wandering conscience,
in the mind reframes.
And you sleep with an aim
Someday I will break this chain.
Downside of a routine life.
Aug 2021 · 317
Ruhani Aug 2021
Don't tell.
Don't discuss.
Don't share.
Don't make a fuss.
Let your pain in a sus,
deep inside like a pus.
Squeeze it, tweeze it,
pull it out.
Till there is
no left a doubt.
Now show your bandage
like a mettle badge
and write your story
from the scratch.
Jul 2020 · 121
I know you tried.
Ruhani Jul 2020
I know you would have tried
to reach that last person,
whom u thought will never judge you.

I know you would have thought
about your loved ones
to embrace one last time.

I know you would have
remembered your soulmate
you wished to say at least a goodbye.

I know you would have
your choices of life,
where it went all wrong.

I know you would have tried
everything you could do.

But I wish you could have tried
a little more to keep up the fight
and not just give up on life
gone suddenly, so undefined.
Sushant Singh Rajput, an actor committed suicide for unknown reasons. He was so connected to the world, we saw only after his demise. For whatever reasons he left this world, hope he is somewhere at peace now.
Jul 2020 · 153
Ruhani Jul 2020
Lovers are dead
friends are hard to get,
standing on a cross road
you are on your own
It is getting harder to decide
whether to stay behind
or walk alone...
Jul 2019 · 354
Ruhani Jul 2019
Every relationship has an age
Some remain for years, some for days.
That's why we celebrate anniversaries
to remind our togetherness in happiness and adversaries.
So don't feel sorrow when somehow it ends
Just feel lucky, you were there when it all happened.
Jul 2019 · 140
Ruhani Jul 2019
I need not say,
because I look in every way
perfectly imperfect.

I say things which I don't mean
and I don't say those I truly mean
I am still in the making
wobbling with words
learning to handle pain
trying to balance my heart
amidst breaking and surviving

I am not striving for perfection
because that is not my intention
I am messed up,
Insanely sane
a puzzled game
unbecoming who I am
again & again.
Jun 2019 · 346
Ruhani Jun 2019
For a moment
I took a leap into the real world
to make connections
feeling affection
but soon enough
felt afloat
on superficial sea of emotions
I ran back to find solace
in the erratic lines
of poetry.
Neither life is straight
nor my poems
but at least I can see
my true reflections
in the poetic aberrations.
I missed writing for a while.
Jun 2019 · 160
Ruhani Jun 2019
Enclosed mind is messing up
the emotional wires
entangled between love and not love
ambitions, expectations and happiness
victim of brain as well as heart.
Once you have loved
love will never leave you.
Between right and wrong
the true and false,
my heart is falling apart
ripping my brain off,
losing soul, blood and pain
making me all numb.
How hard I am trying
to remain in the box
but mixed emotions
making a curry like a medicine
intended to cure me
but instead making me sick.
I am somewhere in between
love and not so love
giving up and holding in
between life and not living.
May 2019 · 170
Self love
Ruhani May 2019
The more and more
I remembered you,
more and more
I remembered me.
How I used to feel
around you.
How it made me cry
When you were not nearby.
And I realized it was always me,
I have been in love with.
I wanted to feel that certain way
and you were just a tool
to make me feel that way....

The day that tool broke away
I felt liberated and grey.
As if I learnt, to be alone and play
with anyone around night or day.
May 2019 · 189
I will finish
Ruhani May 2019
All it takes is to start.
To open a notebook
To pick up a pen
To read the first line
Trying hard as you can
To let go that mobile
To look at the page's pile
To stop staring the clock
Shaking brain to unlock
The anxiety, to clear
Pacing up and down in fear.
Always feeling left behind
Fear of failure creeping the mind.
Then you stop and shout aloud
I'll not quit and make myself proud
Because all it takes is to start
And I'll finish, I cross my heart.
I wrote this poem to motivate students during their exam times.
May 2019 · 200
Ruhani May 2019
If I could've a wish right now
I would wish for a big lush tree
have a big strawberry candy
underneath its shade think all day
"that cloud looks so like a sundae".
Mar 2019 · 445
A walk through pain
Ruhani Mar 2019
I still remember the day
sitting idle in the lab mundane
Smell of acid although causing pain
But i was still taking in,
like a toxic gain.
And then she came in
like a soft gush of wind
sat beside me
saw me all strained.
I asked
why people leave
without giving reason
and I poured my heart out
like a kid with a toy broken.
I was inconsolable
as if I saw death of a closed one.
and that closed one was my heart
deep inside it was fallen apart.
And then she told
me a hard truth
how she loved her mom
who left part way
without witnessing her triumphs
her chosen love and all fame .
How she all wanted was to gift her a saree
and take her to a restaurant to feast fancily.
I looked into her eyes
and she into mine
we both lost a part
of our hearts
and we together washed away
the pains filled deep inside
I was crying over a lost love
and she over a lost soul
and I wondered
whether my pain was even worth despair
we walked through our pain
while finding life all regained.
Mar 2019 · 207
Ruhani Mar 2019
I am in a zen place now,
where I don't look for you anymore.
I might see you someday somewhere,
walking through some strange door.
I even don't know
if I'll stay and say hello
Or glance you once
and choose to ignore.
Mar 2019 · 429
Ruhani Mar 2019
I still dream about the dreams
I used to dream.
Feb 2019 · 293
As if I don't know
Ruhani Feb 2019
As if I don't know what it means to be alone
As if I don't know the feeling when I had it all
As if I don't know the warmth of hug in chilly mornings
As if I don't know the talks we had with no meanings.
As if I don't know waking up besides a smiling face
As if I don't know the tiring of breathing race

I know every bit of being two bodies but one soul
But what if he moved on and left me behind all sore.
As if I don't know how it feels to be alone
How does it feel to wait for long gone
But I don't want a life boat to survive
I want my cruise ship to sail through life
Love has left me without giving reasons
But I will look on till I find the one in a perfect season.
Feb 2019 · 714
Ruhani Feb 2019
is a never ending poem
written in erratic lines
which mostly doesn't
but sometimes rhymes.
Feb 2019 · 239
Ruhani Feb 2019
Don't know if I am too weak
or too **** stark,
to not feel hatred against
the one who broke my heart.
Feb 2019 · 168
Broken Dreams
Ruhani Feb 2019
My broken dreams
are kept between,
yellowed pages of the book
like a dried flower.
I still want to smell
fragrance of the zeal
I used to put
to achieve those dreams.
But holding in my hand
I realized how brittle they are,
even to think about it
shatters my heart.
Jan 2019 · 303
Me vs My Expectations
Ruhani Jan 2019
There is Me
and there is Another Me.
Another Me is superior to Me
But it is Me,
Who wants Another me
to be superior to Me.
To feel highly
To achieve overtly
Look gracefully
Speak commanding
Be loved deeply
Head held high
In the runs of society
But Another Me
is pushing Me
To feel lowly of myself
Because Me is simply
Happy in even less than
Me cannot be Me
If trying to be Another Me
and Another Me won't leave Me
until she becomes supremely
Torn between these two
is only ME.
Jan 2019 · 164
My Pencil
Ruhani Jan 2019
I love the sharpness of my pencil
how it moves to the rhythm of the words
how it groves deep inside the paper
how it explores the emotions of the writer
I love the sharpness of my pencil

I love the softness of my pencil
it flows like air when writing a love letter
it twists and turns to pause on the right matter
how it can start all over
when you don't like the endings
I love the softness of my pencil
writing with pencil takes out a whole new plethora of emotions.
Jan 2019 · 308
you win everyday
Ruhani Jan 2019
Always find the best in you
Life has not ended
yet, it has just started.
There is a constant struggle everyday,
to stand up from the sleep
Each day a battle is fought
by the night you see defeat.
But do not believe,
that it will end some day.
It will go on and on and on
until you learn to fight back
and win, finally .
Because we are slated to win
That's why it repeats everyday
struggle is real,
like a slotted game plan.
a motivational note to self.
Jan 2019 · 293
Ruhani Jan 2019
What do you like? morning or evening
I said, sometimes morning sometimes evening
What do you like? summer or winter
I said, sometimes summer sometimes winter  

and when he asked, happiness or sadness
I couldn't choose
If life makes me happy
I have to feel agony.
words of wisdom from a saint
Jan 2019 · 459
Fury of God
Ruhani Jan 2019
Fountain of red heads,
floating in the dark river.
Heading up, watching sky,
waiting for the elixir,

But God had other plans,
He wanted them to pant a little,
because he knew, they waste
So he counted and dropped belittle.

Red heads forgot to save
and greedily drank it all,
And waited the whole day,
Till some havoc befall
Red heads didn’t make it,
they swarmed the door of heaven
But God had other plans
He drowned their sins and abandoned.
Save Water
Jan 2019 · 341
Ruhani Jan 2019
Pressure can make,
a diamond out of coal
but often, takes out the fun
from the journey of the goal
It is always said that best comes out of the hardest situations, which is true. But no one wants to remember those tough times one goes through.
Jan 2019 · 400
Ruhani Jan 2019
Do you think
It is fate
that I didn't
It is ME
who decided
not to be committed
when it was most needed.
So I don't blame
my innocuous fate
for the fall on the face.
Jan 2019 · 921
Morning nugget
Ruhani Jan 2019
If you think
that world needs us
to show our grit and guts
then my friend,
You are wrong.
It is always a journey
self within.
To decide,
if you wanna stay
or be gone.
Jan 2019 · 345
Ruhani Jan 2019
Have you ever prepared
for something so hard
that has not happened
but your mind
spread a web
like a google map,
the questionnaire is set
possible answers are met,
with your infinite
shining white,
paper sheet.
You are ready
to confront that
unknown fate
in your head.
And when that minute
and you are confident
and brave
to utter
your absolute
you meet
a silence.
No questions asked
No answers followed
and you stand dumbstruck
to feel wasted.
All this while
you were prepping
to meet the "One"
Often we prepare ourselves too much to meet things which are out of our comfort zone. And when we finally meet it, we are not questioned for anything  but just needed to be present.
Jan 2019 · 359
I see now
Ruhani Jan 2019
If in one line
I have to define
my break up feeling
I would opine
It was enlightening
Since I wouldn't have seen
in your blinding aura
the things,
I see now.
Break ups are like a new birth, if you survived the deadly pain.
Jan 2019 · 315
Without you
Ruhani Jan 2019
I am alive
even without you.
When you are not around
air seems the same fresh,
flowers are vibrant than before,
firmament is clear, cottony soft clouds.
Same chuckling with friends in the bar,
food tastes yum when I am starved.
Long evening walks are little alone
dark nights seem a little long
sleep troubles to come nearby
trail of thoughts from the day long
refuses to go away,
I don't think of you much now,
but whenever,
your thought flashes my mind
it feels like something is left behind,
not everything is same
life is going in vain.
Our fights, kisses and hugs are gone
and I am standing just alone.

— The End —