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You told me "I love you"
You said that you care
But now we are strangers
Because love isn't fair...

What happened to your commitment?
What happened to everything you said?
Why is our life now so different
Than the one we had once led?

Was it my mistake for leaving?
Was it your mistake for letting me go?
My life has lost all meaning
And I just wanted you to know...

I told you "I love you"
I told you I care
Our love now is broken
Because love isn't fair...
The friend zone is a painful place to stay
A place you will be trapped in for longer than a day
You will feel the hopelessness of being just a friend
The never ending feeling of having to pretend

You never know which day you'll finally be free
So I'll share a little secret between you and me
The friend zone is a jail cell, so stop wasting your time
It's almost like manslaughter, if wanting someone were a crime

You've got what it takes to finally leave
But you think they like you, is that what you believe?
The friend zone is higher than Mt.Everest and harder to climb
You're wasting so much effort, money and probably time

Turn your back on people who have so many to choose
Just take your pride and walk away, you've got nothing to lose
If they put you in the friend zone, it's almost never reversed
So don't be someone's second choice, if they are your first.
Please don't forget me, don't make me your past
I know time is fleeting, time is moving too fast...
Every second of everyday I'm a prisoner thinking about you
What could have been, what should have been, if only we knew...

Don't make me an old memory that you ignore everyday
Because time keeps on ticking and I might fade away...
I'm stuck in the past and you and me are turning to dust
I've lost all my freedom and we are beginning to rust...

So before we wither and before you lock me into your past
Please know that behind these bars, I have only one thing to ask...
Don't forget me, don't forget all the things in the past
Because I'm a prisoner of time and time is moving too fast...
You are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People adore you while I watch from the trees
You handle yourself with dignity and pride
While I'm easily swept by the wind's blowing tide

You are a rose the most confident of them all
And I am a leaf that can easily fall
You have this beauty that radiates love
That beauty you have I could sense from above

You are a rose that can only stay in the grass
And I am a leaf that wishes to be with you at last
But you are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People will adore you, while I can only watch from the trees
When did you become more than just a friend?
I don't remember ever giving you permission to drive me crazy...
I never asked you to make me fall madly and helplessly in love with you.
I blame you, it's your fault!
Because of you I can't look you in the face without hurting.
I can't speak to you without losing control of what I might say.
You make me nervous, you drive me nuts.
I want to love you...
I want you to love me!
I want you to share what I feel. The pain, the passion and the lust.
But this is too much.
I have to forget you, I have to keep you away.
I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry for what I said.
I'm sorry for the pain and the tears I made you cry.
I'm sorry for losing a friend, but in the end,
You will always be more than just a friend...
You told me three simple words.
The three words I've always wanted to hear...
I pictured us happy
I pictured us together...
Living our lives through thick and through thin
And then you'd say "I love you"
Those three simple words...
And then our life would begin...
It would begin together...

But instead we live a lie
Instead we live apart
Living our lives through regret and through sin
That's when you said those three simple words...
"I love you" those three simple words
It was when our life ended...
Because you said it to another...
Those three simple words...
You are a book with many pages
You are a fabric with an endless design
You are a quote that has a moral lesson
You are a flower that has yet to bloom

I wish to see what's written inside you
I wish to examine the quality of who you are
I wish to understand what you mean
I wish to nurture you into what you have yet to become

I want to finish reading every word
I want to create you into a masterpiece
I want to use you in my sentences
I want to care for you, before you bloom

I will share your whole story with the world
I will show them you are the most gorgeous gown
I will show them the importance of using you in sentences
I will show them your beauty before you wilt.
A memory...
A reminder of who you were
Who you are
What you were
What you will be

Think, think, think
Those moments in time
Those ideas
Those dreams
Those thoughts

Who you wanted to be
What you wanted to see

The love, the hate
The joy, the sadness
The simple, the complex

The failure, the success
The dreams
The goals

That's who you are
That's who you were
That's who you will become.
I write this letter to you
With my last drop of ink
I write to express myself
I write to help you understand

Each letter, each curve
Each line that I make
I write with my last drop of ink

I want to tell you these things
I want you to know me for me
I write to explain
I write for personal gain

With each stroke that I painlessly wrote
With each second it took to write this
I write for you
I write for me
I write for us...
I write with my last drop of ink
Who are you really? I don't understand...
What on earth made you into this kind of man?
I try to read all the pages that you let me see
But you're still a closed book when you talk to me

All the words you spill out and the things that you say
Are hard to interpret when you have your own way
Why choose a stranger? Why someone like me?
Am I worth all your thoughts? Is that what you see?

You're not like the others, you're special, one of a kind.
But why live a lie? Please leave that part of you behind.
You're better off being who you truly want to be.
You're disguise isn't worth it, it's complete trickery.

I won't let you down. I'll listen to everything you want me to hear.
Even though your personality is what I mostly fear.
I'm afraid of you because you're a complete mystery.
But one day I'll show you, you were right to trust me...

— The End —