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Xyns Apr 2014
I'm just a writer
Someone who molds letters
I don't fight in battles
Words are my sword

I'm just a writer
"Not really anything special"
Most ignore the talent
They're too busy with the scoreboard

I'm just a writer
Blending in with the crowd
To try and soak in emotion
Just to scribble it all down

I'm just a writer
I don't lift heavy things
It's not like speaking out for lost hearts
Is considered heavy lifting

I'm just a writer
No one to be noticed easily
Invisible to the naked eye
Because the world has lost appreciation

I'm just a writer
I won't be picked first
I'm not on the winning team
You'll see me on the bench

I'm just a writer
One who knows how to awaken
A deadened sense inside of people
One with the most open mind

I'm just a writer
One who is in the back
Reveling in inner beauty
Though I appear quite dull

But when you read the words
The expressions of heartbreaking and healing things
You'll begin to wonder
What have you been missing

When you look at me
And see a lot of nothing
You'll notice the signs and ask yourself
Am I really just a writer?
Jazmine Moore Apr 2014
Before midnight,
I could die a thousand deaths
and still not know how I'm living to experience this.
Grasping for air;
For I am being suffocated within your existence-
and I love every second of it.
Slowly surpassing every standard I have,
You are breaking every wall;
and I could thank you with a million kisses;
and it still wouldn't be enough.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I am a writer
I am a poet
I am a creative mind
I am timeless
I am fearless
I am a movement
I am a revolution
I am conflict
I am resolution
I am truth
I am love
I am powerful
I am thoughts formed
I am pen and paper
I am a keyboard
I am your fingers
I am your left and right hands
I am the first stroke of your wrists

You give me life
I am your voice
I can't be silenced
I am your future
I am your history
I am the best stories ever told
I am inspiration written in words

My hands are powerful
I am a writer
I am a poet
I am a creative mind

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Rebecca Gismondi Apr 2014
this room
a room with a view
towering coasters littered with fireworks
a suburban landscape that grew
eighteen years
for a while I thought there was no view beyond these walls
these four barriers that hold
all of me
where I g r e w
eighteen years
from a stumbling child
with pink bows and sturdy white iron
so small in a space so large
I couldn’t fill it
I couldn’t find myself within it yet
this sea of pink frills
I curled up with a book every night from what I remember
and I wrote in my first every diary on this bed
and I listened to that prized stereo over and over and over
and as I blossomed this pink palace faded
so that pink was torn down
and replaced with blue
and green
and purple
and for a while it remained bare
I remained bare
but as I g r e w I was marked
a rejection here
a death there
I was no longer solid; plain
like these walls, images appeared stuck
who I should be
where I should go
what I should wear
and soon all I saw were these walls
and myself within them
they spoke to me
sometimes in pain
other times in anger; frustration
this cave and sanctuary was my only retreat
writing on the same desk from my childhood about love lost and dreams unfulfilled
I sat in a closet covered in fabric and lost myself in stories
I dance alone facing a mirror, scrutinizing every angle

who was I?

within these walls I found a path
an acceptance
a moment well received and earned
I finally cried tears of joy
new steps, new space
new paint, remove old
images stripped away
from these barriers
red, white, brown
these “barriers” slowly became
they held me
during times of struggle and self-doubt and stress and fear
and I still looked in that mirror and scrutinized
and I still yearned for more of a view
and I still lay broken and heaving in this bed
but I also
g r e w
I left and came back changed one irreplaceable July summer
I spoke freely and bravely through the mouth of my pen
and I
smiled brightly at his face on that screen
I g r e w
eighteen years
these arms, once barriers, once only walls
hold everything
all of me
and to leave is bittersweet
for I want to stay
and curl up in this bed
and see my past selves
sitting there with me
to remind me of where I’ve come
I want to sit at that desk and hear
the incessant drumming underneath my floors
I want to hear my mother call me down for dinner
and my father’s hearty laugh
but although these arms hold me
I know they are letting me go
eighteen years
letting me go
to keep on
g r o w i n g
to return changed
but to still see
Noah A Baker Mar 2014
A lot of time spent
having miscellaneous conversations with the air.
Even stupid questions like "how's your day" acting as if it'd give an answer, or, even more,
a whisper of inspiration
It's an obligation, or, maybe a delegation, or, a confirmation?
that we will create a masterpiece before insane peace
With a piece of our minds becoming a little less peaceful by the day.
Soon our minds will turn into violent catapults hurling out sentence after sentence making our paper bleed
                                                     Black, Blue, Red, Gray
Joining a cult created by the letters we created ourselves
falling into the abyss these stanzas and paragraphs invite us into
And don't get me wrong, it sounds terrible, but it's home.
There's no place like it.
Where these words are so much more than words,
they're family.
But frequently, we get into arguments that erupt into something sinister
and our desks become littered with papers that wilt and wither into nothing more than liters upon liters
of a type of alcoholic beverage that'll tempt us into becoming outspoken drunkards
But that's the goal:
*to be outspoken.
hm. I need criticism on this, please.
Amanda Stoddard Mar 2014
I wanted to write a poem
but the tips of my fingers
froze on impact and touched nothing
but the memories you left on my skin.
My mind was tainted by the scars
left behind from the prison that is my mind.
I am kind hearted and gentle
but the tragedy that is life
feeds off my mentality
like the waves feed off the wind
And I can't help but feel like
i'm drowning in the chaos
that has invaded my mind
So I turn cold and emotionless.

The soft kisses from your resin stained lips
are the only bliss I have ever known.
Your kind words and gentle nature
the only love i've ever been shown.
Writers remorse is rekindled with tragedy
so what am I supposed to write
when the remorse turns to rebellion
and my heart's fire ignites with a passion
I never knew I possessed.
Nevertheless, I am content
so how are my fingers
going to consent to writing solemnly
when I don't think I have it in me.
I am happy,
and as a writer
that will be the death of me.
Rachel Brisco Mar 2014
Every thought I have is fuelled by you.
You're my sun during the day.
My moon at night.
And neither could exist without the other.
Just like us.
And I love you.
I hate to admit it and so I don't.
But I need you.
And you are the night sky and I am the stars.
And I can't shine without you.
You complete me.
You are me.
And I am you.
We are one.
If I could steal a star from the sky for you I would.
And you make me feel so high I can almost reach.
But I'd rather be back down on earth with you.
The beat of my heart intensified by my feelings of love for you.
So much love for you.
I'm in awe every time I see you.
And this love will never fade.
Because when a writer falls in love, that story never dies.
I skipped so many parts of your story and I missed you.
I missed us.
I can read you like a book that I want to rewrite with me on every page.
And I know I make you feel like the villain sometimes.
I expect the worst.
I'm afraid to lose you again.
I hope for the best.
But life has a habit of getting worse before it gets better.
Getting harder.
Hold on for me.
We can write our happy ending together.
And you can fall asleep in my arms each night to the sound of the poetry that my love for you has created.
I was made for you.
And you fit me better than anything that was made to measure.
Your hand fits in mine like the piece of my heart that I gave to you used to fit inside my body.
The part I watched you walk away with.
But you came right back.
And you can keep it.
Take it all.
For as long as I can keep you and beyond. My heart is yours.
Casey Dandy Mar 2014
They tell me to write.
I put pen to paper,
fingers to keys.
But what I write
nobody reads--
it's unfinished, private.
I publish anonymously
so only strangers can see
the thoughts inside of me.

I am wrapped in my head.
Sara B Mar 2014
My heart is perpetually broken
And the wounds cannot he sutured
The pieces are strings of gossamer, and I a flimsy sheet
I smile at the world but I wonder, why this task befell unto me
To write till I die I will follow, the path that was set for me
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