I feel most lonely when sitting at my computer.
There is the promise of knowledge, creativity, friends, love, companionship, shared ideals and inspiration.
But the reality of constant connectivity is quite different.
Bullying goes on outside of school.
Oppressive people find each other and a platform to taunt and torment their victims.
Idiots band together and spread stupidity like a modern black plague.
Intelligent ideas are challenged and the people who thought them up as stupid.
Creativity is put down and judged.
People are separated instead of united.
And love? Love seems to be non existent as the ignorant people who turn on their computers to put down good and promote evil don't even realise that there is a real person on the other side of that screen, and even then some do.
My news feed is full of bad news.
Full of sexism, ****, inequality, torment, animal abuse, war, ignorance, stupidity oppression, child abuse and ultimately hate.
I realise the collective imagination is dying when I can't even remember what it is I did before this accursed computer came into my life and took over.
My rewards are nothing but imagined friends and fake conversations over text, we're communicating but not connecting, something in me longs to be back when if I didn't meet my friends regularly we lost touch because that is how real relationships are supposed to work.
With care, effort, meet ups and real conversation.
Emotion instead of emoticons.
Care instead of clicks.
Laughter instead of likes.
When photographs were precious personal memories rather than a trophy of 'look where I am' 'look how pretty I am' 'look at how much fun we're having' and sharing them meant a coffee or a few beers and a trip down memory lane flipping through dusty photo albums and laughing at your awful clothes, make up, hair and the state you were in rather than scrolling back through your online albums alone and commenting on how horrendous your photoshop jobs on some of them are.
When people were living their life for themselves rather than living to try and impress others.
When it was face to face rather than facebook to facebook.
I feel most lonely when sitting at my computer.