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keonah Feb 2020
Our souls have called for a truce
Your love rushes over me like water
My heart has revived  
My mind has renovated

The sun reminds me of you
Warm and comforting
Our beings intertwining and basking in it’s glory makes me forget all the bad memories that lingered before

Our love has rectified
The moon notices it too
So tonight it shines it’s luminous rays at us for the universe to know that our spirits are interconnected

We are at pure tranquility
Willow Branche Feb 2020
Shall I compare thee to the butterfly,
Thou hast more beauty, more strength, and more grace.
Rough winds do blow paper wings toward the sky,
And an icy chill doest berate h’r face.

The weight of h’r first original form:
But a caterpillar, she did abhor,
Brings onto h’r face a look so forlorn
Alas! One day she proclaimed she would soar!

With wings so frail, she emerged from her sleep,
With a new body, h’r soul couldst keepeth
To findeth a love so quaint and so deep,
Upon my gaze, thee did take hence mine breath.

I hath’t such adoration for thy soul,
For t’ is mine weak heart, yond hath’t quickly stole.
My rendition of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. Written for my love for Valentine’s Day.
دema flutter Feb 2020
honey drips out
of your words
onto my lips,

you melt
all my walls down
and sugar coat
this heart of mine
as you dip me
in your love ♥️
mjad Feb 2020
I thought I deleted you
Actually that's not true
It's been 6 years now
That I've been messing with you
When will one of us get another
To take the place as a lover
Because we aren't in love
We just kiss each other
Gray Roxanne Feb 2020
I just want to love you
Until the end of time
I’d prefer to hold you close
Rather than this distance putting us into a bind

I just want to love you
There are still so many years
To fall in love with you more

In the past, the concept of love made me dubious
I had my trust broken, misconstrued and deconstructed
But now I can see having kids and a husband
With you?
Not sure,
But you erupt like Vesuvius

My feelings for you are volcanic and I wish I could hold you
Cradle your head in my arms, flesh resting on floob
I love you most in these moments of utter simplicity
It’s during these times where you speak more transparently

I want to protect you,
Don’t get caught in my life
It burns bright and red hot and
Lava flows,
putrid sulfuric sin

I just want to love you
Even (more) when I’m with him
Because I’m reminded of you
When our song comes on
On a whim

I just want to love you
Even (more) when you’re with her
Things may work out better there,
But my deeds have more flow

I just want to love you,
Hold you close and tell you it’s alright
And lay with you- no pressure-
Until dew glistens in the morning light

I see you everywhere in the corners of my vision
It feels as if it’s all a  dream, or perhaps a
Nightmare, and in it, time rewinds, the scenario switched,
But you would completely change your decision

You wouldn't want me, and I wouldn't want you
We’d lose sight of what drew us together
We’d get competitive, restless
And it would no longer be a question of whether

But I still just want to love you
In a world without end
After we’ve seen it all
And we’re both on the mend

I still
Just want to love you
Somewhere we both don’t know
In a place far away, fog settles,
And under a quilt we burrow

I want to find you again in a place so anomalous
Filled with neon signs, bright lights, and visual overdoses
I will see you seated at a bar, thinking of why you’re here
I’ll approach you
So much having changed that we seem anonymous
(to be continued)
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
For my sons and their wives.
For my friends and their wives
For my friends and their husbands.
May no challenge in life be more important
Than the bond of your true love.
May you live in kindness.
May you live in love.
May your hearts dance in eternal joy.
Forever and ever in Love.
No one needs to stand in the way of a train. If abuse is happening and your loved one will not seek help. It is time for a tough decision. Sometimes tough decisions help to bring change before a possible divorce or even afterwards. The offending partner may decide to seek help,because they have lost someone they love. Others, may not choose to change. We all have agency. This post is for couples who wish to keep their love alive and do all that they can to grow in respect, love, and honor for each other. There are times when marriage gets tough and it is by determination to work it out that a marriage survives. It is by wanting the best for each other as individuals and as a couple, together, that matters. If this determination is not there, it is not eternal.
Danina Feb 2020
You make me wanna go,
Why wouldn’t I go?
Should I go?
Why can’t I let go?
Leave you behind,
Be happy with me, myself and I.

What a paradoxal world..
I still don’t understand love fully..
Dumb enough to think that everything is in its best colors,
But it s mostly grey, cloudy and black.
Feels like my heart it’s getting cold,
But i still hold on..
There are moments when we’re talking face to face where I stare at you for a little bit longer and think to myself, how could I have been so lucky to find you?

At this moment,
And at this time in my life.
Karyna Holleman Feb 2020
I need you to understand. I will always love you, even in your broken.
Not in spite of it or because of it, but as a result of it.
I buy dead roses so they can see their beauty in my reflection when they wilt away.
I can’t leave broken glass figurines where they may never find a home.
So when you’re trying to piece yourself together, or start to fall apart, know that I love you.
And I can only hope that you still love me too.
Aiswarya Jan 2020
There was a time in life when I thought there was no one
No one- to love me
I gave so much
Just so much that it was overwhelming enough not to receive any in return

Then there was you
You who were so unexpected
so different so …
So wanted

Your smile
Your glances
Your stares... were just tasty
Tasty in a way that I could feel them
Feel them in my mouth before I even tasted you- fully

With you I didn't hold myself back
In fact I threw myself to you
I wanted you
I wanted your hands on me
But most importantly I wanted your hands on my soul
I wanted you to hold my soul between your rough masculine palms
Because I knew
With you it would be the safest

And now that you have it in your very... bare...hands
I hope you would hold on to it
Because I feel our souls have connected
Connected in a way that science cannot possibly explain

Because science cannot… in any way...explain the way you look into my eyes while you touch me
Or could science explain the way your face flushes pink while you kiss me hard enough that I...
I just... can’t breath
Could science...could science ever explain why I...fell for you?

You have so much of power over me
By choice
By my...choice
But at this point I can't take it back even if I wanted to
I love you...
I love you
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