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Life's a Beach Jun 2014
I've been taught to take a beating
It's been enbedded in my skin
A tendency to stare within
and find unknown inadequacies

I've been taught to see
With varied sight
Taught to see only dark
To shun the light.

If someone yells
I must deserve it
If someone hurts
I must have earnt it
When someone grieves
I must relieve it
because it must have been my fault

Take every scream
with a pinch of salt
and time will pass
your shivers
as you wither

This is why I take every day as it comes
and find it hard to stare a
checkout girl
in the eye.

And why I expect everyone to
almost definitely to
say they're through, and sigh

I've been taught to take a beating
I wondered why you wondered why.
Daylight 4U2C Jun 2014
To those who hate us,
and don't know why.
To those who love us,
and try not to cry~

Given a seal,
molded in fate.
Not infinite.
So cruel, but unchanging.

It is not simply a seal
which will bring sorrow,
but all same the letter.
The letter of whom.
The letter of when,
Assimilating to feel as if a scroll,
when set in rewind.
Molded in thus fate.
Fate is not the seal,
but the mold to which create.
Fate being start.
Fate is not the end,
but the beginning.
What you make of the beginning,
is solely yours to make,
while it will be the final impression,
upon the seal.
Upon the letter
but not unchangeable.
And done away,
or kept by side,
to live on as the end of ending.
I was influenced by The Fault In Our Stars to write a poem about dying of cancer.
If you understand it, it makes sense.
Rochelle R Jun 2014
It was early on when I knew
That my Jiminy Cricket
Was larger than yours,
Larger than you.
The guilt in me
has led every choice,
Or at least shadowed every decision,
I've ever made,
with-in memory.
A villain I've become,
For telling truths
that should have never
had to be done.
Admitting has become to me
Like breaking the rules of humanity.
Am I to be the only one,
Ignoring fears,
Owning all the words
Whispered through the tunnel of ears?
If that's the way it has to be,
I'll write again,
Expelling my inner voice
In the only way I can:

It seems to be
That honesty,
At least with me,
Is a flaw.
It shouldn't be...
Shelby Azilda Jun 2014
I was out of the game before it began,
Handed a controller that wasn't connected.
It was just like I was playing,
The fault wasn't detected.
Tia Jun 2014
Full moon to no moon. ..
it's a black night....
obama throw our country out the window....
it's not just his fault though.  
It's these greedy *** wholes...
our resources are going down...
but noone cares.....
we as a nation..
need to pay attention..  
the real worlds not just a tv show... everyone is brained washed in our nation...
It's hard to say proud to be an American..
When the world is laughing...
Our own president negotiated with terrorist...
One law we stood by..
Any why...
For a deserter..
Who should of had his head cut off...
Between politics...
And big corporations...
Kids my age are in a daze...
They can repeat every word to every song...
But not one of our founding fathers...
Who by the way..
Didn't just concentrate on one thing...
Somehow along the way..
We turned politics in to a career..
A game...
We as the people of our nation..
Need to stand up..
Start paying attention...
And make this country...
The best it can be....
So we can stand up..
With our heads held high..
And scream.
I'm proud to be an American
Meghan Marie May 2014
It was hard to see you across the room,
After years of pretending you never walked in.
Hard to remember, you're here alone.
It was harder to see you walking by without hesitation
As I had done countless times before

It was easy to call your name,
After years of keeping it submerged.
Easy to smile, and laugh with you again.
It was easy to see you hadn't changed,
And why I had to walk away.
Just a vent about the oddness in crossing paths with someone you've tried to forget and that gentle reminder of why you thought to. It is the most genuine trait to be genuine towards those who do not return it.
L Marie May 2014
Envy, like ivy, itches
But its rash is green, not red
And the victims affected
Are those who caused it instead.
Jealousy, like fire, burns
But its blaze is cold, not hot
And the flames spread
Inward in the heart it caught.
Resentment, spite
And bitter greed are bred
Within the veins of the
Jade blood that’s bled.
The ice cold heart plays
Tricks on its clueless host.
Jaded is the one who
Started off caring most.
No one likes a needy fool—
It’s envy’s tragic curse.
A loving angel shall be
Turned into their very worst.

Isn’t it funny how things change?
The monster I am today,
Was once the loving friend
You simply turned away.
I admit I am no saint, but I was
No sinner to you, ever.
I just couldn’t stand it when
You thought you found better.
How was I to know you
Couldn’t see that I was hurt?
I hope even now you’ll think
Back on how I at least came first.
I’m not sorry, and I don’t think
I ever could be
For you closed your eyes
And let envy take me.
The monster I am today,
Look into my eyes,
You created this person
You so fervently despise.
Michelle May 2014
'Twas no greater an omission
Than others glaring kept
And yet, more than they,
The fault was found in me.
Second poem after my hiatus.
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