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Stxlle Nov 2013
You dance better than me
You sing better than me
Prettier, taller, smarter

Well **** you are as perfect as a Barbie

I’m as interesting as nothing compared to you.
You can get whatever you want with a snap of a finger. Make guys fall for you at the speed of light.

I am nothing compared to you

You make me look at MYSELF and say “I’m nothing”

You do so many things I can do.

I write.
You write better
I draw
You draw better
Well I bet your poem is better than mine

I do something and ****** I know you can do it better.

All I want is to be better than you at something. No matter how small. I want to be better.

Confident. Pretty hair. Thin.
I am nothing compared to you
Please give me some comments of what you think of my poem and what I should do to improve my writing. It is the first one I wrote and published. :)
Hope you enjoy x.
2.8k · Mar 2019
Identity Crisis
Stxlle Mar 2019
Let me be someone
to her, to him, to me
Let me mean something
to someone, to anyone

Take me somewhere
where I can find myself
I've lost who I am
without really knowing who that was

Probably because I left

I walked away from everything
I walked away from the people who hurt me
I was afraid they'd see me
so I built a wall

A wall even I couldn't break
Now, I no longer know the person behind it

The wall made me forgetful and cold
I've been to places I don't remember
I've created memories I won't cherish
I've looked in the mirror and saw someone else
I've hid so much that I've forgotten who I was. I've changed myself so much just to please and fit in with people that now, I'm really lost. I'm still asking myself what I need to do to change that
1.7k · Aug 2019
All but you
Stxlle Aug 2019
you fall
your pieces shattered
because you are adored by all
but not to the one that mattered

you pick up your parts
scattered on the floor
a work of art
he never adored
This was inspired by Jenny Lind from The Greatest Showman
1.6k · Sep 2016
My Light of Hope
Stxlle Sep 2016
turned off the light
and let the darkness invade
then you came into my life
and the darkness went away
Just a little something I thought of
1.5k · Feb 2019
Stxlle Feb 2019
The air is filled with tension whenever we were together. We were opposites yet, we attracted each other. We go together. We compliment one another.

He was a painter and I was his masterpiece.

He made me his sky. I was covered in blue and purple. Every touch was like lightning. Every encounter brought a storm. There was no peace in me. There was no light in him.

He put me together and teared me apart. He built me up and pushed me down.  I told him to leave then begged him to stay. I left him but I came back.

I had to come back.
His coldness brought me warmth and my loneliness brought him company.

We go together in all the wrong ways.
Yet, we stayed with each other because that's all we know.
Wrote this while listening to Hostage - Billie Eilish
1.1k · Aug 2019
Stxlle Aug 2019
poems for poems
she exposes her heart
she's afraid you'll use them to tear her a part

naked and no mask
all emotions raw
shes shown you all her fatal flaws

you know now
nothing goes up her skirt
you know the pain she feels inside it hurts

tears and tissues
have you ever met a girl this sad
she cries about the things she's never had

lost in wonder
she has no direction
all she wants is the feeling of affection

dreams prolonged
all she does is sleep
she hopes that she doesn't sink too deep

her mind is chaos
hidden beneath her crown
she wants to find someone who won't let her down

could it be you?
she asks but doubts
you'll probably just give her something to cry about

she's inconsistent
she has issues and gems
if you stay, you must learn to deal with them

though she knows
they all will leave and go
so don't you bother putting on a good show

that's what she hopes you are
but she isn't expecting that you two will go far

the cycle
it repeats it always does
she knows you'll leave just because

shes already prepping
to say goodbye
and to once again give love another try
1.1k · Jan 2016
Tenerife Sea
Stxlle Jan 2016
You sung her a song
while watching the stars
You made her believe in forever
With just one strum of your guitar

She never forgot the song
you sang to her that night
You even danced with her
You filled her heart with delight

You held her close to you
Your hand on her waist
You are the memory
She wish to erase

Bitter sweet thoughts
fill her mind everyday
When she saw you with
another girl in the hallway

Sweet and cute
you both acted
You didn't see her
You were too distracted

Quietly, She sat
A few rows behind you two
She wishes you knew how she felt
She wishes she told you

You thought she didn't like you
but you didn't notice the signs
Shy smiles, touchy hands
You didn't read between the lines

She takes half the blame
You liked her and she liked you
She regrets not admitting it
She thinks about the chances she blew

When the song plays
She remembers the dance as if a must
She remembers the look in your eye
As if no one knows anything but us

But life goes on
She'll live her life with this regret
You'll live yours never knowing
Maybe soon she'll forget
"Tenerife Sea" by Ed Sheeran
Go and listen to it. I needed to get this out of my thoughts. Its about I guy I liked in HS and he liked me back. I knew he liked me but he didn't know I liked him back. I was in the car and Tenerife Sea played. This was the song playing he danced with me. Every time I hear that song, it fills me with regret and sadness. It hurts to listen to it. I still wish told him.
1.0k · Oct 2015
One sided
Stxlle Oct 2015
Its not you
Its me
That was cliche
Don't you agree?

It hurts me more
that I caused you pain
by rejecting everything you do
You've got nothing to gain

I don't like you
Not the way you do
So walk away
What I say is true

I don't want to upset you
You have to understand
This is better than false hope
I know this isn't what you have planned

I am not the one for you
We are not meant to be
Don't make this difficult
Just stop fighting for me

Stop trying to convince me
I don't feel the same way
Just let me go
We aren't close friends anyway

Please stop
You're hurting yourself more
Its all wishful thinking
I'm not the person you should adore

I'm sorry
That's all I can say
I'm sorry
That it has to end this way
I wrote this poem for a guy who likes me but ,obviously from the poem, I don't like him back. I have trouble figuring out how to tell him so I just wrote a poem... I needed this out of my system since it was eating me from the inside out
958 · Sep 2015
Windows of your soul
Stxlle Sep 2015
Look me in the eye
and tell me a story
Don't start to cry
You shouldn't worry

No words need to be spoken
No actions need to be done
We are all broken
Each and every one

Let me see your eyes
Let me look close
You cannot disguise
the plot that you compose

I look in yours
You look in mine
Inside I see the universe
Planets, galaxies and  stars that shine

I see secrets and memories
Knowledge and emotions
I see chaos and peace
Stillness and motion

I see creativity and imagination
Reality all twisted
I see boredom and fascination
My perception of things have shifted

I see talent and passion
interest and hobbies
I see love and compassion
family and priorities

I see beliefs and ethics
morals and history
I see facts and academics
books and their story

I see insecurities and broken hearts
wars and self doubt
I see a collection of your art
And things you never told me about

I break the connection
comprehending what I saw
All the beauty and complexion
Left me in awe
898 · Sep 2015
Stxlle Sep 2015
Words bleed
from your eyes
because you see all the lies

Words dripped
from your nose
because you weren't careful of the words you chose

Words fly
out of your ears
to prevent all the tears

Words form
on your skin
describing all your sins

Words corrupt
your mouth
concealing all your doubt

Words float
in your head
of all the words you never said
885 · Feb 2016
Stxlle Feb 2016
I have no where to hide
Nothing to blind me
The silent space between us
grows more and more
I don't know how I'll shield myself
from your eyes that never look my way
I don't know what to feel
Will I ever feel okay?

Everything I notice reminds me of you
Letters turn to words turn to sentences
all about you and you have no clue
I'm filled with what ifs and regrets
Is there anything I can do?

I have no other destination
No where else to go
There are no more distractions
to hide myself from reality
I no longer know how to avoid
my emotions
They are breaking down my walls
Will I overcome this one-sided devotion?

I wrote you poems you will never read
Sentences turn to stanzas turn to poems
all for you and I can't help it
I can't stop thinking about you anymore
*Will my thoughts of you ever quit?
Same guy... Nothing new...
874 · Mar 2019
Stxlle Mar 2019
Sitting in the far back.
Just waiting for the time to pass so you can go home.
You ask yourself, "What am I doing here?"
"Why did I even bother to come?"

Alone in a room full of people you know is a different kind of loneliness

They are the faces you've talked to, laugh with, and loved. The faces you've created memories with.  You called them your friends

but to them, you're just someone.

At least you're someone.
I no longer know what friends are. I don't know if I'm being to demanding when all I ask for is real love and support. I've been receiving wishes of happiness and love only because they have to and not because they want to. It feels empty to have friends like that.
809 · Nov 2013
I can't get enough of you
Stxlle Nov 2013
Each and everyday I try to get a glimpse of you
Just one glimpse would make me happy
I don't even know why I smile when I see you

You are like a drug to me
Making me addicted

My mind tells me "No, don't. You'll get hurt"
but my heart is pushing me, encouraging me to see you again
So I do

I rest my back against the wall
and I turn around, slipping one eye off the edge of the wall
I see you and I quickly look away

My heart pumping. Goosebumps appearing My mind is lost in thoughts

You don't even know I'm here
You don't even know who I am

I take a chance and I take another peek, a longer one
And  there you are
Talking, talking to your friends
You look handsome like you do everyday
I ju-

You suddenly look in my direction

I panic then I just turn around and walk away
A smile escapes my lips. I try not to giggle

I head home still thinking about you,
excited to come back tomorrow to see you again
Give me some constructive criticism that would help me improve my poetry writing.  Please give me enjoy my poem :) {Inspired by my best friend }
486 · Jan 2017
The poet
Stxlle Jan 2017
Glass after glass
She writes without her mask
Vomits words on paper
She'll regret later

Bottle half empty
Her hands are sweaty
Bottle half full
She drinks another mouthful

She writes and writes
sleeps day and night
She reads and reads
lets her heart bleed

what she has written
is what is forbidden
she writes what she wants
expecting no response

Lost in desperation
She finds inspiration
drifting in the ocean
mind full of commotion

She continues to write
until her chest feels light
then lets her readers figure out
what she's talking about
First Poem of 2017
Hope you like it
444 · Dec 2017
Stxlle Dec 2017
December Eight

And here I wait
because you come home late
My impatience radiates
It's hard to concentrate

I can't keep my head straight
I look down on my plate
As I await
for my what could be my soulmate

Let's leave the ending we'll create
in the hands of fate
I'll try not to hate
what it will fabricate

And so, on this date
I dictate,
"Hello, December Eight
I pray you'll be great."
So, I like this guy and I don't know where it's gonna take me. I hope it's a good place

Check out cannupener on twitter. Read his December poems (It's where I got the inspiration to write this).
436 · Apr 2020
Stxlle Apr 2020
I want to feel yellow
I've seen it with my own two eyes
How feeling yellow looks
Its warm but it won't burn you
Its bright but it won't blind you
Its the color of the twinkles in someone's eyes
The color someone makes when they smile
One day,
I hope to feel yellow
Sunflower Vol. 6 - Harry Styles
435 · Dec 2017
One Last Poem
Stxlle Dec 2017
Maybe one day
I won't write about you
Maybe someday
I'll write about someone new

I asked you how you were
You didn't reply
Because you found her
I didn't get say goodbye

I wrote this for you
So, if you're reading this, it's okay
There's nothing I can do
I can't ask you to stay

I expected this, I knew
I'm sending this message to you
And I'm hoping that it will get through
So, here's one last poem for you
So, if you read my previous poem, 12.08, you'll know that I met a guy. Well, this is about the same guy. This isn't the plot twist I asked for. Just gotta accept. I was listening to Sam Smith's One Last Song and I just had to write. Anyways, enjoy this poem.
405 · Jul 2018
words and their voices
Stxlle Jul 2018
The voices have stopped whispering
They're finally out of my head
Little did I know that they'll be back soon
Well, that's what they said

I look around me
The voices aren't inside me anymore
They're everywhere
Tangible and visible
I try not to care

They're the words I hear and see
They'd do anything to compromise me
I look away and keep their words locked out
They know they can't get in so they surround me with anger and doubt

Their voices were dull but their words were sharp
They've rewritten the words from my lips
They've slithered into my ears and covered my eyes
They've erased my fingertips

I am not me
I no longer own the body I live in
They've drowned me in my own sea
The made me the embodiment of sin
and I want to be free
Only, I know this is not me
357 · Oct 2019
Theater Play
Stxlle Oct 2019
She felt like the luckiest girl in the world
You made her feel special
You made her feel loved
You made her feel like every girl
you were ever with

You weren't gonna fool her
She knew

She knew
You play the same act over and over again
She knew what you were
She's seen your script
She knew your lines
Scene after scene
She knew you'd deliver a perfect

She already knew how your play will end
She could walk off the stage right now

Yet, she wondered
if it would end differently
for her
Boys like you - Dodie
333 · Feb 2018
A Muse
Stxlle Feb 2018
I want to write about someone's eyes
How they look at me or how they shine
The feelings and emotions they reveal
when they look into mine

I want to write about someone's hands
Their palms rough and filled with callus
How they make their way around my waist
with little thoughts of malice

I want to write about someone's hair
How it tangles when I brush through it with my fingers
as you lay on my chest with our legs intwinned together
Dreaming and hoping no eyes would linger

I want to write about someone's lips
The way they wait for mine to come closer
when they touch, I get a faint taste of wine
our bodies drunk but our thoughts are sober

I want to write about someone
I'll imprint their name on paper
I'll write for the whole world to know
You were lead to me by an Almighty Creator

Maybe soon I'll find out who that someone is
and maybe soon I can write about all this
Well... yeah
313 · Oct 2018
Plato's Cave
Stxlle Oct 2018
It's late at night and I want to sleep but my mind keeps me dreaming. It makes me sick but it keeps my heart beating. No matter where I run, I end up back to you. You've reconstructed everything and now, I can sense the changes in my body even other people noticed too.

I am baffled by you. Perplexed by how you could pass through my walls without tearing them down. You've created a shadow of probability and I know I have no chance.  I could leave with the truth but I want you to keep me in this trance.

I want you to keep me in this small world I fabricated for us. Where no one can change anything not even the arrangement of dust. Keep this in the dark, keep it away from everyone else. I beg for you to keep me here but...

These emotions are overwhelming and I'm being devoured. I don't want them anymore. I'm confuse. I don't know what I want. I've tasted the sweetness of my temptation and I'm eager for more but I get a plate of actuality, something I didn't ask for.

Or did I?

I don't remember. I hear the sounds of rain outside our bubble.
The rain makes me think about the hows of us.
How it could feel holding your hand.
How we could be...
How we stay...
This is another commission.
304 · Oct 2018
Stxlle Oct 2018
You are a question, a puzzle, a riddle.

I have subsumed you in every thought but I don't know how this happened. I let you consumed me but I have no regrets. You gave me a different blend of emotions and its a feeling I simply can't forget.

There is part of you that is incomplete and I can see the missing piece.

You are still unsolved. Locked up in your own world. I want you to give me your key. I want show you what I can see. A world of just you and me.

I don't know why I'm thinking about all this. These are the ideas I can't dismiss. I don't know if its wrong to have feeling for someone this strong.  I want you to see the real me but I've started to be more cautious of the things I do. I constantly think about what I am to you.

I can't grasp your essence. You are complex. You make me lose all commonsense. I've already asked those around but none of them have been as curious as me. I fear to answer you directly because people might see what  I want us to be.

Well, not really. I don't fear us. I shouldn't care what people think. I just want to be the fragment that fills her absence but I fear the chance that I won't be a piece that matters.

But, I still hope I might be your answer.
This is a commission
292 · Oct 2017
Stxlle Oct 2017
There's no magic here
It's all gone
The room is empty
It's dark and stuffy
There's no one to lean on

So, I take deep breathes
I count to ten
My heart beats fast
I hope I'll last
I swore you won't hurt me again

I won't let you devour me
I won't let you thrive
I will fight
I know I'll be alright
I'll overcome this fear alive

I know you won't hesitate
So, I must be clever
I fought you before
I can do this once more
I will not surrender
I feel like my depression is back
290 · Apr 2020
Weathering with you
Stxlle Apr 2020
I fell into a whirlwind of emotions
You flooded my mind
Drowned me in thoughts
You made the storms seem like sunshine
and now,
I can't tell the difference
277 · Dec 2018
Stxlle Dec 2018
My voice will never reach you
You're too far to even hear a sound
I wished you'd hear me but you're never around

I want to find you but you prefer to be lost
I've opened up and hoped you'd still commit
Yet, you'd rather wonder around my little bubble with no plans to decipher it

I've welcomed you inside my comfort zone
Why can't you just try to understand?
You're only interested in finding out how much my little bubble can withstand

Now, I'm pushing you out so you'll never find out
You'll only watch me float away and think "What was that about?"
Idk guys but I've been thing this gap can't explain so I wrote about it
274 · Mar 2018
Running Shoes
Stxlle Mar 2018
Mind screaming
Mouth close
Tears streaming
Larger dose

Run and run
Don't let them see the tears
Run towards the sun
Let go of all the fears

I want to get out
of my head and this place
I'm full of doubt
I can't solve my case

Runaway as far as I can
from your disappointed eyes
Runaway from those hands
that hold so many lies

Done with all
but its not done with me
Its going to chase me til I fall
but I'll still try to flee

Runaway from all the words
Away from all the stares
Runaway to our Lord
To someone who cares

Nothing will stop me
from trying to get away
All I want to be is free
and just get through this day
I just need some time for myself
268 · Feb 2019
Stxlle Feb 2019
I've created the perfect picture in my head
Excitement builds up knowing that I will see it in the flesh
I have it all figured out. I have nothing to worry about.

Whispers of my insecurities roll up into my ear
They tell all the things that I should fear
My cries for help morphed into silent tears
They start to talk about the mistakes I made last year

I have it all figured out. I have nothing to worry about.

My head points at all the flaws in my flawless plan
They constantly tell they aren't a fan
"Its not good enough." "Its not ready."
Their criticism makes me feel slightly unsteady

I have it all figured out. I have nothing to worry about.

My eyes start to see all of my self-doubt
I tell myself to block them out
It caresses my face and wipes my tears away
I've got no other option but to pray

I have it all figured out. I have nothing to worry about.

I can't find support in me but I'll still take my dreams to reality
Wars of the angel and the devil continue in my mind so I tell myself I'm gonna be fine.
Part of me tells me I won't
The other part tells me not to listen and I don't

I have it all figured out. I have nothing to worry about.

Its hard to be a being in conflict with theirself
You win and lose no matter which side you choose
You are your hero and your enemy
You are two in one identity
it be like this sometimes
268 · Jan 2019
Stxlle Jan 2019
I've painted a face far from my own
I've painted it thick enough so no one will know

It rained and it poured.
The paint dripped to the floor

I panicked and ran as far as I can.
I covered my face with both of my hands.

I didn't want anyone to see me
Even I didn't want to see who that might be

I haven't seen her in so long
Me and her, we don't get along

She's my little secret that holds all my secrets
To hide her is the only way to keep it

I make sure no one is around then I lock the bathroom door
Its time for another battle in this never ending war

I take my brush and paint over my cracks
I paint layers and layers and hope it'll stay intact.

I take a long look in the mirror
My reflection says to come nearer

I saw the person I wanted to be
I close my eyes and count to three

I was ready to put on a show
I was ready to be someone I didn't know

I walk out with the smile I drew
I am now the person everyone is used to

They don't notice I am not who I portray myself to be
Deep down, I kind of hope they'll see right through me
I've been trying to be that happy person again by pretending to be that person. Suppressing my depression isn't exactly the best option but it feels like the only option. I don't know what to do. People like me for the person I'm pretending to be.
245 · Oct 2018
A game played too often
Stxlle Oct 2018
(Trigger warning)

The absence of light fills the room. She doesn’t want to see herself not even her shadow. She’s ashamed of what she’s become.  She is sitting on the bathroom floor with her head in her hands. She’s constantly trying to rid herself from her feelings but nothing she does will ever make her feel better.

Her mind lets her play her game. It gives her memories of regrets and memories she wishes to forget. Her eyes play along as well. They let her see things and change her perspective. They create tears and let it stream down the side of her cheeks.  Her hands start to shake and sweat. Her ears play along as well. They let the voices in her head be heard. They make sure she hears every word.

She doesn’t like this game but it’s the only game she’s good at. Her breathing becomes shallow and she knows her lungs have joined in as well. Her lips are dry and her head feels light. Soon all parts of her have joined the game and all parts are ready to end it.
I wrote this poem when I was having a hard time and I needed to write out my feelings.
232 · Nov 2018
Stxlle Nov 2018
I sip my wine as fast as I can
I need the feeling of numbness
I've been craving it for so long
There's too many emotions

They're flooding every part of me
They've corrupted my head
They've in infiltrated my heart

I take a gulp

The wine washes them out
I know they'll be back
but that doesn't matter right now
I want to enjoy the quick peace

I hear them crawling back
They don't usually come back that fast

I wasn't ready

I can't see them but I can feel them
Slithering around my memories
Creeping into my eyes
Covering my ears
Silencing my lips

I let the wine drown me

sip after sip
glass after glass
bottle after bottle

I keep drinking even though I know my body can't take anymore

I let the wine keep me busy. I let myself immerse into the lies I've prepared; All the false positivity I constantly tell myself.

Not false

I will be okay
I've done this before
I've won before
I can do it again

I just need time to pick myself up so, I fabricate sweet dreams to hide myself in. They won't find me there.

but a little whisper in my head said they would
204 · Dec 2018
Stxlle Dec 2018
In a world of black and white, they told me to put down my pride so I stood in an alley waiting for my mind to decide.

My thoughts were a mess. It wasn't just black and white. Colors were mixing together and it was a beautiful sight.

I open my eyes and let them paint the Earth. It was bewitching. They showed me how much mother nature is worth.

The world is missing out but I wonder if they can see what I can see.
Who would want to ignore this? or did they chose not to pick reality?

God created this work of art but it's been scratched by mankind.  No one seems to notice but its not that hard to find.

In this colorless world, men can wave hello with blood on their hands.
It makes me shiver that people don't know that the color red will always be a part their plans.

I will not swallow my pride and pretend that I didn't see the palette they are waiting to use. I'll show the people the shades they tried to hide and power they've abused.

He who holds the palette is no artist. Too many strokes of red have been brushed yet the puddles are still left unreported. The man who likes to play God is not to be supported.

Spots of red are scattered everywhere. Yet, he chooses to look the other way. He chooses to live in a fool's paradise and it's a price he's willing to pay.

— The End —