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1d · 40
Shall I give you everything you long for in this life.
knowing you don't deserve it?

Shall I tear myself from limb to limb
Rip the nerves from my muscles.
Split my skin and my core apart.
count each and every bone;

For it is all yours.

To be loved by you,
is equal to being torn apart.
My love like flesh, ripped to shreds.
When you took the colors of my world with you
with every cut, every bite, every word-formed weapon against me

I laid there frigid, empty, and bare.

The last few beats of my heart
were dedicated to you.

My last breaths spoke your name.

Sorting through my limbs.
Analyzing my own skin.
Drowning in the blood from my own flesh.
Looking under every *****.
My demise is your doing.
How strange it isn't an ounce of your soul
left over in my own remains.
I resent you now, look what you turned me into ????
7d · 92
Sun Child
I can say I've touched the sun.
The radiation was nothing compared to my salvation.
The sensations welcomed me home.
A place beyond time, beyond one's mind.
I lived what past versions of me never dared
and lost it all in a instant.
So to now stand in the silence of what once burned bright.
I become a fleeting spark, what was once our light.
I chase the whispers of the sun.
Hoping to undo what's already done.
Yearning for the sky to cradle my heart once more
but I am grounded to dirt and grass.
Like a bird, I used to be one with the sky.
I've hit the window too many times.
You clipped my wings.
Why do you still expect me to fly?
Do I keep reaching for what can’t be found,
Or surrender to the weight of the earth beneath the ground?
Am I meant to rise again, to heal, to soar,
Or remain rooted, in the place I implore?
well that hurt lol
Mar 19 · 90
Silent Turning.
souletry Mar 19
It's a never ending war oscillating between affliction and bliss.
Traversing the museum of all the things ever loved.
Nursing the intensity of the wretchedness.
Holding on to the misery like a secret unable to
be freed from your lips.
Woven into the fiber of your being.
While stretching and shaping the brains neuroplasticity
by taking 2 steps forward, 5 steps back
Only to find yourself unable to
find the apricity during the coldest days.
Worn out
and as you give up, just before you close your eyes
a light gives you every reason to accept the bliss
while leaving behind the affliction.
souletry Mar 13
People say i'm insightful.
when I hear the word and find the interrelation between it and I,
I'm placed back in a room with emotions coating
the surface of the walls.
Each corner is covered in passion.
I'm surrounded by all the things I've swallowed down,
they have returned to choke out of me.
The outside world does not know who I am, they cannot reach me.
I can barely reach myself.
No one came to save me and that drove me mad.
I lost my mind in that room.
I forgot how to breathe, I forgot what I was made of.
More unintelligible than articulate.
I lost so many pieces of my mind, I ate at the passion coated walls.
I got lost in the spirals of my own finger tips
I had sat within myself instead of the emotion sealed room.
Would you understand if I said that the parts of me that die still stay with me?
You use the word insightful.
I know myself so well that I see myself in others
and if I see repetition I fix it.
In his addiction I see connection
In her depression I see expression.
I connect with all of you because part of you was once me.
So insightful maybe.
Maybe I drove myself mad for a reason.
To lose my mind, find my soul.
Connection is a privilege, your experience is a process, to grow from it is a gift.
Mar 12 · 143
Open Book.
souletry Mar 12
I wield a non-physical entity buried underneath
subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and bones.
I can animate the principles of a living being with ease.
Though the essence of my soul is at war
with its own morality.
All the different aspects of me leak from my pores,
they burn my skin as if they weren't just a part of me.
others clash together and form into something unrecognizable.
I am in a battle between words and sensations.
A plethora of conflicts placed within me.
I am just an Individual.
I am one person and I hold the guilt of my innocence.
Hopefully one day the scales may tip in my favor.
I've thought of waving the white flag
having the potential to survive physical death.
I am a delicate being.
know that there's more inside of me
than what I allow you to see.
I love this, I love her.
Mar 12 · 178
souletry Mar 12
Courtesy to the star that was forged to make me all I am.
Kisses to the protein and salts used to make up all the parts of my brain.
Though I still lack the capability to figure out how it holds everything
and nothing at the same time.
Even in a yonderly state the words still know how to line themselves
on the page, as they transfer from my head and onto the white screen.
something else I can't explain.
Like how substances can tell me how life should feel
but I lack the capability to grasp it for myself.
How I hold the potential to achieve the impossible in my back pockets
but even the possible seems too incredible for me.
More things I can't physically grasp onto.
I'm mentally climbing a man-made rope called strength.
I'm strong for all the wrong reasons, wrong people.
I just have to be strong enough to survive, but what if I just don't
want to do that either.
What if I just want to clock out, and call off for the next 5 years
to grow inside of myself and not this astronomical object that harbors
my life and anything else with one.
random but cute
Mar 5 · 223
souletry Mar 5
I find myself lacking the ability to find elation
in the parts of my brain that give me satisfaction.
In the parts of the world that are supposed to bring me
whatever the opposite of misery is.
the same way you lack the ability to find brushing your teeth in the morning
anything but tedious.
Because my brain is too big.
Your world is too small, mine consumes all that lives.
As if I was born to vegetate my own existence
and pick the pieces of my brain that hold fascination.
I care less about what you think.
if only I could step out of myself to stop and jot on
my eccentric behavior
the way I express myself even when I eat.
my supernatural way of thinking
and how that coils its way into my connections
with people who are only self-aware when the situation is far from the person
who is mindful of.
Would my analyzation of my core and the outsiders of this world
make me neurodivergent?
Would I be accepted into society because I need therapy?
Would it make me less human if I declined help from another one?
Of course let the person who is qualified on reading others
like a book read me like I'm just page.
Grasp on to the things I can't just understand yet.
Help me understand myself even if you are not me.
It all sounds vague.
let the therapist teach me how to be self-aware and learn a new ability
to not panic as much
the same thing we all care about in the minds of the animals that we eat.
I am not a pig.
I doubt I'm even human at all except the parts of my existence.
I can't even tell you what the world is
but I can definitely tell you what comes from it
and how it rebirthed me.
this may be my best piece lol
Feb 28 · 116
souletry Feb 28
They say to learn discipline
you have to train your brain like a  dog.
So to heal, do I raise my heart like a child?
I put bandaids on cuts that are a little over minor.
I cannot risk help that is greater than me
afraid it might be diagnosed with something fatal.
I say you cannot indulge in memory of who is now
when your mind is supposed to sleep by 8.
I hold it's hand in big unfamiliar places.
I say it's okay to express yourself
but when expression turns into deflection
I thought it may be time for a nap.
I fed you portion sizes bites of courage
I don't remember why I always fed you chunks of lost hope.
I am sorry.
I let you roam outside to explore and play.
You come back with a small scrape.
I haven't let you back outside for a while.
I'm afraid you find no joy in playing anymore.
You have dreams of going to back to who was then.
Riding the roller coaster of emotions.
Cotton candied hope.
never ending building blocks of devotion.
doesn't it sound fun?
I've whipped my brain into a machine.
My heart has it's own mind.
I think it's okay to let my heart grow and touch what's
outside of me once in awhile.
quit stalling girl, don't call him girl.
souletry Feb 27
And that's okay but,
i'll never admit this to you so I'll say it here,
where I know you won't see it.
I miss you.
Why do I deny myself the chance to go after
the love I deserve?
Feb 27 · 139
Sleeping Beauty.
souletry Feb 27
I have 1,440 minutes.
How many memories can my cerebrum calculate?
There's this ache in my head.
I want it to go away.
Throwing my brain off a cliff
would not make things okay.
Perhaps I'll be like the rest
braindead and my pupils won't respond to your light.
If you would stop lingering here
wouldn't that mean I'll be alright?
The lights fade my eyes close.
A new 24 hour period is proposed
What was yesterday
no remembrance of what whoever was
There's something I'm supposed to be holding on too.
Time is slowing
My days are meshing into each other
I'm literally so full of myself.
There's a familiarity in this feeling.
Not only that someone who touched it with clarity.
The lights fade, my eyes close.
What was yesterday
I have completely forgotten about what was
and who is now.
Nothing to consume.
The entire day feels like 30 minutes and I'm just eating at
the second's left overs.
The lights fade
This time when my eyes close there's a face I pushed out
by force
and it reminds me of all I have abandoned.
I cannot open my eyes I'm forced to rest.
In hopes of not forgetting tomorrow.
I woke up.
Lost memory of my last name.
Who I am supposed to be,
But there's a feeling that is harboured in me.
A feeling that used to rip me to sheds
Is now warm and fragile.
What sparked this feeling?
I fall asleep earlier than I'm supposed too,
and forget all that ever supposed to be.
Have you forced yourself to forget who I am and what we were too?
I have no clue where this came from, I just typed a sentenced and went along with know what....hell yeah
souletry Feb 25
The world feels lifeless as I see life everywhere.
I know the people who cross the street breathe
the same air I do.
I know the trees I walk past are very much alive.
But the picture my eyes are allowing me to see
feels unauthentic.
Maybe it's not the world.
Maybe it's the way I'm looking at it.
Maybe I picked at my mind too hard
Dug into my subconscious too deep,
now it all looks fake.
My feelings about it all are illegible.
The change that will come is inevitable.
If not I'll force it.
I'll forge a way to see the beauty of the sky again
I hope misanthropy doesn't take me away.
I'd like to find joy in the people who always smile
when I did, again.
To trust others and the fullness of what makes up the world.
To not always figure out the reason for everything.
The universe is always reforming itself
I'll never be able to catch up with it or the why's
of why people are the way they are
or what actually makes me, who I am.
What gives me the ability to still grip onto life
as I'm opposed to it.
I hope I enjoy it all before I fade away.
Curiosity kills the cat huh
Feb 25 · 158
souletry Feb 25
There's a blockage in my creativity pipe.
There's some potential I haven't tapped into yet,
I read old pieces and wonder
where is that inspiration?
I'd hate to think it's because I'm over the fact you left.
Why am I only able to create when my heart
doesn't function how it should?
The words are falling out of my head
I wish they would fall onto the page.
I used to be all the 3 "I's" in imagination
Originality ran through my blood
I could mold my pain into something so delicate.
I touched people's soul with a simple sentence.
And now I can't even create something I'm mildly okay with.
There's no endearment to kiss on letters.
Nothing to set my eyes on.
I guess alterations had to be made.
There's a blockage somewhere inside of me.
A change is coming.
This is more than a simple poem.
When you feel this lost, you are bound to find
what your soul is searching for.
everything feels weird, derealization is a understatement.
souletry Feb 24
When you lose your mind to find your soul.
There's pieces of you that are left behind on purpose.
Pieces that are lost from your mind,
that you have to find again.
Chunks of me were knocked out by devotion.
Blessed with gifts of a reconstructor,
Given the title "autodidact".
When all the love 1 human can channel has gone dismissed
Do you know how much willpower it takes
for that human to learn not just to love again
To love themselves over the expected limit.
I begin to think I've done it all wrong.
There's this selfish dedication that I have towards myself.
I refuse to indulge in any type of intimacy.
Afraid of picking up pieces that are supposed to be apart of me.
I can only allow myself to love me.
Anything other than that is foreign to me.
I do not need your commitment
I have shown myself that word is an understatement.
I wipe my own tears.
I hug myself.
I wake up and force myself to eat when I do not want too.
That is the allegiance I have for myself.
I do not NEED you.
So I HAVE TO be everything I want in the next so I do not
fail myself by begging like a dog just for reciprocation.
I'm labeled independent by some.
Characterized myself as foolish,
for not realizing that it is adequate for any version of love
to love me as much as I do.
I'm really hard bodied fr lol
Feb 23 · 115
souletry Feb 23
I wave a flag of the color that represents farewell.
I send this soul off with love.
Though she was so full of it,
disheartened to know you turned your back on yours.
She was willing to work for you,
not in the ways that forced her to count down seconds
until her end break.
Not even in ways that would cause her feet to hurt.
In ways that would allow you to be the director
of the world that was once hers.
Two people, a million possibilities, only one path.
Couldn't you tell there wasn't anything that could delineate
how her outer body felt when your presence was around.
In return you shade her ability to love anyone else impossible.
In response the love that was once for you
Transformed into "philautia"
This you can never get back.
My farewells to this sweet soul.
He can never earn her back.
hey I'm over it :) life has always been worth living
Feb 19 · 212
souletry Feb 19
these days I analyze and modify my routine
each second I spend of the 24 hours,
with hope I can control the fluctuations of how I feel
in a day.
I brush my teeth, I critically think of everything,
I'm going insane.
I'm normal just like you.
I Feed myself scenarios and "what ifs" for breakfast
(I'm feeling all of it for a reason, it'll come back soon.)
Ponder much more, move much less.
I'm normal just like you.
I'm scanning over old art to feel the emotions I once felt,
(is it possible to feel comfortable within anger?
Shall I not propose a better path for myself?)
Then again, pondering more, moving very less.
I'm normal just like you
By the afternoon my conscious mind has ran it's way
through my past experiences
always giving me the urge to ask questions
I wish I didn't know the answer too.
I'm normal just like you
Now the world has shut down
and I sit in my room, empty mind
mouthful of smoke.
I'm able to see it all clearly,
I'm normal, the things I indulge in? Maybe not.
Do you remember who you were before the world
told you who you should be?
Wednesday has the audacity to be today.
Feb 14 · 115
Lethal Dejection.
souletry Feb 14
I want to rip the flesh off of my skin
there's a need to burn the love
that is left lingering in my heart.
I have gone mad.
The percentage of oxygen is going down.
I'm inhaling dejection and I can not let myself exhale.
I've flooded my sheets with tears.
The hallways mimic the sounds of my despair.
I want to dive my hands into my chest
and give my heart a fatal hug.
I wish I could pull the strands of nostalgia out of my brain
from my ear.
If only I could tell my 13 year old self
"love will ruin you, especially in the ways you were not taught"
I thought love was my parents tucking me in bed at when I was 4
or my sister taking me to school every morning
nobody told me it's the universe's biggest set up.
That I am locked in a cage and I'll be 24
still wondering if your eyes look the same
still wondering if your heart still sings the same song as mine.
I wish the love I have for you had conditions.
Rules, regulations.
All I can do is kiss my skin in ways you couldn't.
And put out the fire that burns inside of me.
I have to learn how to breathe all over again.
The rest of my tears seal up the end of this love letter.
I close my eyes and let my head dump everything out.
In the morning I hope it stays empty.
I had writers block, I sat with the feelings instead of painting them out. So held it in until I couldn't, this is the outcome.
souletry Feb 13
there's a night where I look up at the ceiling
the same way I do every night
and won't see pity in the
love that is left over.
I'll take it as what it is.
I'll stop trying to choke it out of me,
like it doesn't belong with me.
As if my love doesn't make me who I am.
I'll stop taking your lack of reciprocation
as a declaration of war
to prove to you I'm worth being seen.
I won't mistake convenience as connection
attention as affection.
I won't rebuild my heart with solid pieces.
I'll still love in colors and respect.
when that night comes I'll still love you.
I'll always love you, but not in ways that flood my eyes
or in ways that can physically make me feel my heart shatter.
I'm not afraid of loving you from a distance anymore.
I'm not afraid of the version of myself
that has moved forward from you.
reading my poems to see the progress of another healing process
Feb 12 · 98
I knew you/A new you.
souletry Feb 12
I seen a picture of me back to the time
when my hair was teal
my hair is raging red now.
I seen the smile on my face and wondered
what back then could have replaced my melanin
with shades of pink.
It was a picture taken by my sister
while I called you.
I seen a screen recording of one our FaceTime calls.
This time I wasn't so focused on you
but the lightness in my voice
I speak too harshly for some now.
and the look on my face.
I smile less more now.
I know her, but she doesn't know me.
I know things she'll never know.
She wouldn't believe me if I said we don't talk anymore
I seen a picture I took of you.
It's been a while since I've seen those eyes.
I push back my teal hair to reveal the rose on my cheeks.
I smile.
I smile and actually mean it.
I'm still that girl, I'll always be that girl.
I'll spend a lifetime trying to find something other than you
that will make her come out again.
I miss you, me.
I know the old versions of myself like the spirals in my fingertips, I do not know the woman I'll become.
souletry Feb 11
it's like my pen is filled with love instead of ink
and writes your name in the color of affection.
Missing you isn't
"I miss talking to him."
  "I miss his laugh."
  even more not "I miss his voice."
it's pining the placidity behind your eyes,
seeing a sliver of your soul in a stare.
The way my name spirals off of your tongue
alerting the butterflies in my stomach to scatter.
The way your body was sculptured so perfectly.
Each muscle, every vein.
I thank whoever is up above and the time they took.
How the smile lines sit upon your face
and I see a glimpse of the child within you.
It's mostly the way you look at all I am
and see everything in nothing.
It's like my pen is filled with with love
the only difference is there's hints on melancholy
and writes your name in the color of woe.
Loving you isn't
   "I love his vibe."
      "I love his style."
even more not "I love his personality."
It's me loving everything that makes you
who you are
Being present to watch
each birth
every era
into the person you become
it's wondering what can I do to assist you?
Giving you pieces of me without hindering myself.
it's knowing in this realm and outside of it
I will follow the traces of your essence
left on my path
Great, now my pen is empty.
At least I'm still able to write your name in my head.
From the pen to the page, from loving freely and locking it in a cage.
souletry Feb 11
I find excitement in the unknown.
There's some comfort in never knowing what's next.
This is your sign.
choose risk over regret.
At least you know you tried
or maybe you've been waiting
and realized if you did, it'll be fine.
But why wait on time.
Use it to your advantage and grab today in your hands,
claim it yours.
The gods will not punish you for making a choice.
(Take the risk.)
Do not listen to the voice that speaks outside of you.
Do not push away your desires.
These are your dreams that are so carefully painted out
so why not grab the pen and take the risk?
you know we spend almost half of our lives on contemplating a choice that takes 0.1 seconds.
Feb 10 · 98
soul eater.
souletry Feb 10
pain of the cycle, pain from growth.
I had to lose my mind to find my soul.
so if pieces of my soul
are way too far from home
there are pieces of my mind I have to abandon.
pain of the cycle
pain from growth?
which one will you choose ?
When you realize, you are not human.
But a simple soul bounded to flesh and blood.
Having that human experience
and another soul formed the same way
has found itself knotted in yours.
pain of the cycle or pain from growth?
Which one will you choose?
As you keep letting those corrupted memories
swirl around your brain,
when you realize the happiest moments are the saddest,
when you disconnect from the human experience,
and drown yourself in a feeling
that releases you from the chains of the physical.
Pain of the cycle.
Pain from growth.
1 comes after another.
Do not postpone your growth.
The problem is not the intensity of my love
but the quality of the soul I coated with it.
goodness gracious
souletry Feb 8
I lose all sense of corporeality,
the saturation that fills the world
with the simple things
lose all color
I start to not be in tune with the hues anymore
and I can only find myself
in the walls of my own encephalon
there’s a familiarity that loiters my brain
I do not have the ability
to tap back into the actuality
of my own physical existence
all the pigmentation is gone
it’s like I’m sitting inside of my body
yearning to go somewhere else
there’s somewhere I have to be
and the disillusionment of reality
grasps onto my heart
and reminds me of the soul
that took the color of the world with him
with every step took back from mine
and instead of my world returning back,
flooded with saturation,
I see through the eyes of a poor soul
though not in wealth,
in a helpless brain stuck way.
I am chained to something unconditional
when will you bring back
all the colors you took with you?
spirituality and love does not mix.
Feb 4 · 128
souletry Feb 4
"I use my telescope at night, won't be for stars, instead I hope that I can love you from afar" -mts
one of my favorite lines
Feb 4 · 134
souletry Feb 4
People fear you.
Run from you, try to overcome you,
Defeat you.
Others wish for you.
Desperately need you.

But I live for you.
it does not matter we're all gonna die anyways.
But that is the reason why you should live.
To not die a empty life.
Or to live a boring one.
Do not succumb to death.
Do not let fear swallow you whole.
I will live to die.
To be reborn and do it again.

The cycle.
I will greet you with open arms, because once you come for me I will know that I have lived.
That I have created the world around me to serve me.
That even my happiness will live after I die along with my love.
2 things that will live forever on.
Each day a step closer to you and another day to live.
Hello death and goodbye yesterday for I do not fear you.
for all the ones who loved ''suicide"
Feb 4 · 130
Our love
souletry Feb 4
I don't think I'll ever get tired of love.

But is it true love always taste the same?

I've always tried love and its sour hints.

But you introduced me to so many new flavors and recipes.

I find myself reluctant when it comes to you, unable to be vulnerable.

Just because something feels good doesn't mean it is.

So, I tear myself down in my head for tasting something so sweet.

Disappointed for eating something so forbidden.

You have the ball in your court to ruin me, but you never took the shot.

But that doesn't mean you won't so I will never put it past me.

That was a risk I would take; it could go both ways.

Good and bad.

I admire how patient you are with me.

even though I can be stiff, when all you want for me is to soften.

for knowing who I am.

for knowing me.

For times I lose myself.

I'll that risk with you.

The experience.

Because that is truly what I'll never get bored of.

Our love.
Something I wrote when my home was actually a person.
Feb 4 · 105
Screw you, love.
souletry Feb 4
A month ago I told myself
not to mold my love
into words you cannot hear anymore
I haven't wrote a new piece
in 33.2 days.
About anything.
I think of myself as a very poor artist
with little much to lose.
do you know what it's like
to be part of a whole?
To have the other part of you
tear and rip away from you
each and every day.
it is not like you fade into thin air.
it's like something was made for me
but then taken away.
do you know I stopped believing
in what one called love for 730.5 days
before my eyes seen yours
How dare you teach me what it means
to love.
Then leave me with it.
This is the worse thing you have ever done.
You have left me with love
other than for myself
and I have no way of expressing it
because it is for you and you aren't here.
***** you, love.
Feb 3 · 1.9k
souletry Feb 3
I don't want to die
I just need something to make me feel alive.
what I think of with every attempting thought.
souletry Feb 3
I pick at my skin
to the sounds of our memories
I pluck the hairs that stand up
when I hear your name
I tear myself down in the love
I have for you
There's a leash around my brain
I'm tired of yanking it away
from the thoughts of your eyes
that wont ever look at mine
there's a cage around my heart
wired with hope
(where is the key?)
and while I'm filled with so much affection
I look at myself as a joke
once a queen, now a blue fool
I apologize to myself for being so cruel
It is not your fault you are tangled
in another soul
but I still blame myself
for always watering a plant
I should have sold.
my words are all over the place, just like my head. I'll make up for this one
Dec 2024 · 114
souletry Dec 2024
When someone asks what my biggest fear is
but I cannot tell them it’s me being 32 and still writing
about you
so I just tell them the “dark.”
should I call?
Dec 2024 · 212
souletry Dec 2024
I'll continue to use my words to light up the rest of the world.

As it does people's eyes when I speak.



Because emotions I find stronger than words,

Hold comfort behind the stiffness of the letters.

My words have no movement, my feelings linger on the pages.

But they do not waltz or cheer.

Yet yearn to escape me and the blank lined cage.
Dec 2024 · 152
souletry Dec 2024
A minimal analysis
a set of conditions, withholding truth
that need to be satisfied in order to believe what you think is true.
belief that is knowledge.
the state of being aware of something within yourself.
psychology presents intuition as a form of knowledge
which we know as having a hunch about something
which is generated by the unconscious mind rapidly shifting through
past experiences.
cumulative knowledge.
my intuition never tells me what to do.
sometimes it's more like embarrassment
knowing that it's there and pretending like it's not.
because when you're always right
there's always that one time you hope that you're wrong.
so now my ego is linked to my emotions
and I can't help but find myself, not finding myself at all.
the disconnection between, myself and my thoughts
and my perception of the characteristics that shape me.
call it derealization if you want to get technical
but I see it as an imbalance.
if I do not see eye to eye with myself then I am not equal to the other side of the scale.
I will continue to fall until I satisfy those conditions
I lie further more to myself into this poem and reach what is self-awareness.
so I admit
I will continue to fall until I satisfy myself with the truth for these conditions.
or at least until I know what I feel is wrong.
I know, I wish didn’t.
Dec 2024 · 163
2 late
souletry Dec 2024
There's no such thing as "love isn't real"
love is inevitable.
So as I ride the wave of resentment
and dip myself in the ocean of fluctuations
I still nurture my love for you

respecting your decision
the affection in my heart
the affection that has already made its way through my bloodstream
giving me that sense of high

the love that has already infiltrated my lungs and stole my breath away
i do not wish to press charges.

Love is inevitable but heartbreak is a privilege and to grow from it is the gift.
woke up on a random morning and decided to let you go, it was today.
Dec 2024 · 76
something blue
souletry Dec 2024
in my pockets are grains of hope, i keep my hands in my pockets when it gets cold. I think it's good to keep my hands warm, maybe I think it's bad to even let my pockets hold my cold hands. Disengage from the colorful writing, my hope sits upon my intellect and my actions are based upon it. In my flower accessorized tote bag holds my potential. Zipped up tightly and only taking the items out around it. I see how much volume it takes up in my bag, defiant when someone tells me to take it out and use it. Maybe naive to not understand how much of it is held in my bag. My bag is never far and always clutched to my side. Maybe i should empty my pockets and clean out my bag to witness the things i've kept inside for so long.
i have no clue
Dec 2024 · 72
souletry Dec 2024
If I were to **** a butterfly imagine all the looks of discourage
the world might as well paint me the shade of evil
but to **** a 6 legged beetle many would receive applause and praise
the world might as well paint them a hero.
That’s humanity for you, some ******* world we live in.
i’d have better luck expressing myself to a moth.
Dec 2024 · 81
souletry Dec 2024
And I further more can not hear my own thoughts without hearing you.
I’ve accepted we won’t get far.
there's no point to ask the question i know the answer too.
I do not have the ability to experience love without wanting to consume or the need to be consumed.
Dec 2024 · 79
souletry Dec 2024
I write a lot of **** **** love poems.
So, when you observe this piece.
Do not mistake me for being averse to intimacy.
I tried to keep my distance.
I really tried to not remember and now I regret forgetting.
I don't think I want to bury you just yet.
even when we died out, you lived on in every part of me.
If we fall once more, I'm sure my heart will catch you.
If your head is filled with reluctancy.

Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore,
tell me that I'm young and that you're not the only guy on the planet.
And I'll reply with simply agreeing with you because you're my world.
Whisper in my ears that I don't interest you anymore.
That my brain doesn't fascinate you as it did once before.
Write me a note saying you don't want me to write poems about you anymore.
I'll respect your request and write you letters instead.
Tell me you'll be fine without me.
For the first and last time hug me like you mean it.
Change for the better and find me again with the same smile.
I'll come to you softer and with the same eyes.
I know we've ruined each other and maybe trying to make up for it.
won't fix anything.
but what if our problem is trying to fix something that's not broken?
Dec 2024 · 197
Thank you.
souletry Dec 2024
I got my first comment and repost on one of my poems
I do not know why I cried
thank you for showing appreciation
it is the first time my tears actually hugged me instead of stinging.
*** yall like my poems fr fr lol i really just be venting
souletry Dec 2024
between the painful ****** of nostalgia from the past
and the hugs and dreams of fantasies from the future
there’s no room for you to live here
maybe if I evict my equivocal feelings
and start thinking less and saying more
at least you would have something you would want to respond too
without just replying to me out of pity
maybe then you would move back into my present
silly of me to think i could even pause time for a second
but I swear when i’m with you it’s like the world moves slower
but now I sit on top of the ordinary
and the world still spins without you here
the sun sets a little earlier
the birds still flock in sync, how they did yesterday
everything is still the same, but i look at the so normal world
with wistful eyes.
and i’ve drowned myself in sentimentality
not because I don’t know how to swim, but I just choose not too.
and as I navigate through this world without my muse
with potential as an artist, with dreams of a time traveler
I pray to stars and ask for a split second just to be with you again.
there’s lots of screaming going on in my head and your voice is the only thing that can make whatever it is shut the **** up.
Dec 2024 · 108
souletry Dec 2024
it begins as a song in my head
and i flow with the rhythm of love
until the lyrics become harder to hear
and the beat starts to fade away
i cant catch the rhythm anymore
and then there’s a ringing in my ear
and suddenly you pop into my head
and there’s not enough love songs in the world
that could express how i feel about you
that i dont feel myself 10x more.
Dec 2024 · 75
souletry Dec 2024
there’s no doubt that my brain reminds me
of your existence by the second
i won’t deny the fact that i take you everywhere with me
without you being there
i wake up and i open my eyes
just to feed into the memory of your face
you know i could tell you so many things
you know how i am with words, how articulate i become when the topic is you
but imagine the things i cannot tell you
the things i wish i could express so bad
im not afraid in following my heart
my heart is what i always speak from.
but my soul..
....she doesn’t have a way of communicating
the grief just sits there and swallows her whole
my soul sits in my body, cold.
it’s easy to guide my heart away from you.
but how do i tell my soul to stop searching
if she could talk to you i’d doubt it would change anything
but it will prove that you will always be loved.
this ones all over the place ill make up for it lmfaoo
Dec 2024 · 88
souletry Dec 2024
if you were to put your best memories on a scale alongside your worse
both holding the same intensity
neither more impactful than the other.
your worse memories will still outweigh the most positive ones.
we as humans are sadly inclined to internalize the negative
we are persistent to recall the bad over good
you can have a basket full of good apples
and still throw it away because of one that is rotten.
how many good birthdays can you remember?
how many times can you recall yourself crying as a child rather than laughing?
how much do you remember?
and how many times will you keep trying to forget?
avoidance is temporary and accepting it means that hurt from remembering is permanent.
being numb is growing tolerant.
how much do you want to forget?
dwelling on things that can't change, won't change anything.
this defense mechanism gives importance to negative experiences
and I begin to find myself always remembering
then here comes the self questioning
becoming cautious
always looking over my shoulder.
I remember never liking myself because of what others put me through
I remember never having the strength to tell myself different.
Instead of asking how much I remember
I think of what I know.
I know that these experiences do not define me but shape me.
I know that if you never remember who you are
you will always see yourself with the eyes of others
and everything you've been put through.
if you were to put what you know on a scale alongside with what you remember
both holding the same intensity and impact
depending on what you truly know instead of what you think
depends on if it outweighs what you remember.
poetry is my heart’s way of communicating when i cannot translate it anymore.
Dec 2024 · 109
Sorry, this seat is taken.
souletry Dec 2024
you've been sitting in my head for a month now
the least you could do is scrub our memories off the
sides of my brain.
i pick the hairs that stand up whenever someone says your name.
Its like a cold breeze on the back of my neck
not refreshing
the kind that puts fear in your heart
as i walk down the street your shadow follows me
up until i make it back home, you’ll rest in my head
and i’ll never get any sleep
when i wake up in the morning your already there
still engraving your name into my brain
where the physical parts of you are still in your room
doing whatever it is your doing without me
and i can’t help but wonder
do i have my own room in your house of thoughts
do you go down our halls of memories
and fix the pictures frames that are slightly crooked with a faint smile.
hopefully everything isn’t packed up in boxes
labeled with the word fragile in red ink.
you’ve always been sitting in my head
you don’t have to trim the nostalgia off the branches
of our tree in the back yard.
i’ll sit under it and look up to see the sun-rays peak through
and with a blink of an eye
i pull myself out of my head and yearn for the day you come back home.
home isn't 3000 bricks put together with clay my home is a soul connected to flesh and bone, and he has no idea who he is to me.
souletry Dec 2024
what if we actually committed to our
and engage in potent intrusive thoughts
what if i opened my head and let you hear
the whispers of my desires
would you listen?
i caress the right side of your face
pull myself into your pierced ears
and i tell you that im corrupted
through my veins isn't blood
i do not bleed red
i've bled out completely
ive bled out on others who didn't pierce me
with a blade
on other's who didn't cut me
and i tell you that
i've traveled hours from home
and attempted to grab my last breath
in a new city
I can never get away from myself

What if we became what we are so afraid to feel
let's lose any sense of ground
we thought we stood upon
what if we became the people who hurt us
and let hurt do what it does best
i caress the left side of your face
and pull myself into your bare ear

and i tell you that im angry
ive been angry at so many things that
i was never upset about to begin with
and that there's this vexation
i begin to whisper so quietly with loud words
i tell you i want to disappear
i tell you i want to get away from the things
that wreck my mind
but i stand hand in hand
in comfort with my pain because she is the only
one who knows me inside in.

But what if we let go of the hand that hurts us
learn to forgive ourselves for experiencing
the good type of pain that feels goods
and ruins you
what if become what we deeply wanted
a vessel of happiness
a symbol of healing
what if we accepted what society could not
and pour into ourselves and sew up our own wounds
I caress myself
i push back my hair
feel my lips and stare at my reflection
i lean forward
and I tell myself that im sorry.
you have to forgive yourself to forgive another.
Dec 2024 · 178
souletry Dec 2024
close your eyes
press your forehead against mine
let your physical body drown into the earth
allow your soul to tighten with mine
and as we float up to the empyrean that appears a little brighter tonight.
we sit on the star that’s closest to the moon
and paint our story for everyone below to see.
for they are the ones who could only imagine
the impossible,
and we are the only 2 that could make it so.
and while im writing your name between the sky and the horizon
the moon starts to look different
and before i can turn to you
im back in my vessel
staring at the moon through my window
wishing you knew how much i love you
so i wouldn’t have to keep expressing myself to the stars.
cant believe we’re under the same sky, but we’ll never be on the same page.
Dec 2024 · 84
5 minutes until 1
souletry Dec 2024
It is 5 minutes until 1:00 am, and I know my head will keep me up to 3.
my mind overwhelms itself.
and hates me for doing nothing about it.

It is now 1 and the same thoughts I had 5 minutes ago.
are now shown falling from my eyes, down my cheeks.
I am truly my worst enemy.
everyone talks about the healing process but not the dread.
that clanks around your ankles after.

I was a broken vase, not filled with roses or tulips.
Not loaded with water.
The pieces of glass, pieces of me I placed together.
(you can still see my cracks)
I am now an empty vase, and no one will grant me the presence of flowers.

It is now 11 minutes into 1 and happiness only pervaded-
when I went out with friends.
Is happiness just laughter and creating memories?
I guess I'll never know.

It is now 1:15
and I'm still not ok with anything I write.
I am still not ok with myself, at least I don't hate who she is anymore.
I am still not ok with how I love, how I express affection.
I am still not okay with how my mother treated me.
I'm not fine with anything at all.
No matter how many times I splatter my mind on these pages.
I won't feel okay.

I waited 16 years to finally feel something new, and at least I got what I wanted.
but this state of feeling and containing nothing is still familiar.

It is 1:30 
My mind is now vacant but only because I have occupied myself with creating.
Still disappointed with each piece I make.
It is the only outlet I have to escape from my experiences unless there’s a blunt
in my hand.
I do not wish for peace anymore, just a hand to hold and maybe a new lighter.
It has been 50 minutes, and I am still writing.

Still wishing to ring myself out like a drenched rag.
and to watch my thoughts, attempts, things I did, said, could have, wouldn't-
circle into a big puddle that dries away.
I know it is not that easy.
but to believe my placing here was not a mistake is hard.

7 minutes until 2
I feel slightly better, but the kind of better that will allow me to rest.
It is now 2:00, and I'm 358 words in, this poem will never be let out, and I am still here-

disconnected from myself and ambivalence fills the space in-between.
i hope someone out there feels each word within this poem and forgive yourself now if you do relate <3
Dec 2024 · 233
The artist and her muse.
souletry Dec 2024
I created a finger-painted world that revolves around you.

and after every 5th orbit the world, I built stopped.

I drew out possibilities of us that would never touch the present.

and after my mind could not be sharpened anymore, I could not draw out any more futures.

but instead, I wrote out what could have been.

I wrote poems, letters, books, journals...but while we ended my pieces did not.

My art still lives, and the patterns are dulling.

What is an artist to do with no muse, I drown in all of my pieces, each canvas, each blank space, each untouched page.

I tossed away paint brushes, pencils, unused ink, my creativity held nothing but dejection with each reminder.

I cannot write anymore.

I am not able to create, and writer's block is the least I can say.

and I snap my feet and I click my hands, and you're still not back again.

I put one in the air and paint myself every shade of blue and outline myself despondent.

and I remember the oceans of fluctuations I used to dip myself in and the compliments you left on my head by your lips, but we never kissed.

And the ocean is empty now, there's nothing to dip myself in, I am an artist who is blue with no muse.

and I'm left in a room of with every piece I ever created spiraling around me.

I sit and feel every color of emotion I ever painted out, I let the hues consume me.

I let the tones take me as I am.

As I put so much life into my creations and I watch my own emotions dance on the page

I think of the muse who inspired me to do so, my muse who is not here to drop inspiration.

My muse who changes the color of my soul.

My muse who I grieve, who's not dead, but isn't here anymore.

What is an artist to do without her muse.
i bought a new paintbrush.
Dec 2024 · 174
killing me softly
souletry Dec 2024
would you like for me to soften?
I'm sorry my words aren't warm to the touch anymore.
I'm sorry my tone doesn't wrap around your ears to help you doze off.
I have tied myself with an invulnerable rope.
and once more I'm sorry I cannot be undone.
because having a soft soul does not mean anything to a lost one.
my words we're not enough to make one change how I was treated.
and communication only overcomes all if one listens.
loving loudly fills the empty room with embarrassment.
I've learned that it does not mean to find a different room.
(I love so quietly now)
Would you like for me to soften?
tell you all the things I admire about you.
write poems about your persona (you will never read them.)
tell you good morning, goodnight.
call you every day, wish you safe travels with each step you take out the door.
I will not soften.
it will cure me fragile and leave me blind.
I was left in the cold with nothing but realization and a frozen heart.
so, every warm room I step into, I'll stay cold.
because being warm-hearted left me burned.
it gave people the benefit of the doubt.
and me, nothing.
Would you like for me to learn how to soften again?
to love in the shades of pink.
to be vulnerable and melt in your attention.
every once in a while, indulge in the thought of your smile.
picture you before I sleep so if it is my last breath, I'll die happy.
I'm sorry I love so much bolder now.
to the point where you do not know if I care or not.
I do, but now my words are too cold for you to know.
I'm sorry I am not as soft as you would like me to be.
But you love me as I am, but I won't ever-
be gentle with how I love so you can see what I can become.
first upload from the vault lol

— The End —