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Skyy Blu May 2017
I want to experience, what it truly feels like to love someones humanity; regardless of ethnicity, ***, sexuality, class, or social station. Just, Want to uplift their worthiness, love the God in them; walk in their truth, embrace their peace, speak to their hurts and usher them into healing; laugh with them in good times, cry with them in sad times, and truly get to know them....The-Real-Them, behind the mask. I want to learn and understand their journey and for them to know and understand mine..... and truly understanding, what it means to be a friend that; stays closer then a brother. I, want to experience what it truly feels love someones humanity.
Skyy Blu May 2017
Someone said that, " Love is Blind" but I don't agree. Love is all-seeing..... It's us who chooses not to see: what's usually right in front of us.
Skyy Blu May 2017
He: I said that," I wasn't gonna fall but I'm slipping. She: I said," If, You want me to fall for you.... Give me something to trip-on!" He: Listen..... Do, You hear that? She: It's, Your heart. He: No! You're the beating in my chest.... You are the air that, I breath.... You are the sun and moon to me---- You're my life..... my everything! You, Got-Me-Free-Falling! She: I'll, be your safety net.....Fall and I will open my wings and catch you; With my dying breath..... I will catch you: You are the world to me. He: I said, " I wasn't gonna fall"! She: Boi! You were worth tripping over! He: I'm glad that you tripped...... I'm glad that you tripped.
Skyy Blu May 2017
She, Told him that he completed her. He, Smiled and replied.....No! I complete us, because we are both whole. Beloved, It takes two whole people in order to make one; One relationship, One love, One life that's full in every way. You don't complete me...... You complete us.....together us two are We! All....She could do was look----- Loving into his eyes.
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
Why! Didn't, You just tell the truth.... it would've been so much easier than telling a lie. I would have respected you more, truth warrants respect but a lie just makes you a joke; and not worthy to be respected. I also, would have felt that, you cared a little about me... had you been honest-- that-is, You lying to me hurt much deeper; because by lying to me it let me know-that; you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth. I would prefer for you to tear my heart-out with the truth, rather-than calming your mind by telling me a lie. You're not a man..... You're a Paper Tiger.... Little Boy Pin-Up, Selfish, Sad, Lier! You-Know, The thing that, hurts the most is the fact, that you didn't care enough about me-- to tell me the truth. You just..... Didn't Care Enough!
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
You-Know, I'm going to have to let you go; I mean, Completely! I'm getting off this line and, I can't afford to pick it up again. It's not about you, it's about me.... Finding myself again. You-Know, that I love you but I realized that, loving you was costing me way too much. I put you before myself and for you, I seem to be after everyone else. I was so-over-for-you but I was just something you would do ----- in your own-time. I would, Hang-on-To every word that, you would say; now your every  word is a ....simple-song that, I refuse to let play. I'm going to have to let you go, and it really has nothing to do with you; it's about being true to myself, loving me more then anyone else. Loving-Me, and walking in my true......Choosing myself over you; and it's simple...... I Could'n Afford You.
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