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Skyy Blu Apr 2017
Inside my head there are places that, I often hide not because I'm afraid; but when I'm there I can deal with--- what's outside. Inside my head there are cities beautifully designed, with rainbow colored people and there's  harmony with mankind.Inside my head there's more than enough food to eat, there are no-more hungry people; and no-one lives on the street. Inside my head truth is the language that, all men speak; no-one's judged for being different, and being true to ones-self is chic. Inside my head music is the theme for love, dance is the joy of the heart; and kindness is the melody inside the dance---- flowing in the theme for love. Inside my head there's only one race..... It's called human---- and there's laughter in each face.... Inside my head is a beautiful place; but it's only..... Inside My Head.
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
I want a love that transcends time..... A Lover that, makes love to my mind .....and kisses my soul.... that holds me tight day and night even when, they're not next to me---- they carry me within them-self and I feel them in my skin..... being one---- from the outside-in..... Submerged in love from the inside-out..... Flowing together no-matter the cost. I want a love that's real to me.... that sees me through the storm and runs to me--- we be dancing in the rain, and making love with laughter.... Rolling- Like- Thunder: Making nature wonder..... at the depth of our sounds.I want a love that, sets me free.... and holds me captive at the same time..... that speaks life into my spirit and motivates my soul.... that heals my emotions and loves me whole. I want a love.... that loves me back ----in-and-out-of-seasons-....with-or-without-reasons.....One that transcends time. I Want A Love!
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
Why! Didn't, You just tell the truth.....It would've been so much easier than telling a lie. I would have respected you more, truth warrants respect but  a lie just makes you a joke; and not worthy to be respected. I also, would feel as though you cared a little about me..... had you been honest that-is; You lying to me hurt much deeper, because by lying to me it let me know that ;you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth! I would prefer you to tear my heart-Out-with  the truth, rather-than, calming your mind by telling me a lie. You're not a man..... You're a paper tiger...... Little-Boy-Pin-Up, Selfish- Sad- Lier!  You-Know, The thing that, hurts the most is the fact, that you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth.
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
I'm not into shapes,height,color, or size.... With me, it's all about how we vibe. I'm not into what kind of car you drive, where you live, or how hard you strive...... With me, it''s about how we vibe. I don't care about the clothes you wear, how you comb your hair, or if--- you be truth on a dare...... if, We vibin' I simply don't care. I'm not about minding-your-business, playing on your stage, bring you drama, or causing you rage...... if, We vibe I'm down for you...... and it doesn't matter what you have, where we are, or what we do! If, We vibe.... I'm down for you!
Skyy Blu Mar 2017
Be a People Builder..... Learn to Encourage Souls. It's so easy to be positive..... Being negative is to much work. Lets, Flow with-ease..... All, I need is positivity!
Skyy Blu Mar 2017
I've seen body..... It's easy and common to give-up this....and undress have *** on the first date nevertheless. I want to be able to see you naked.... Bare-Before me! I want to be naked before you as well...... Dance in the essence of your truth....Slow-Grind in the depth of your mind; Touch, The beauty of your soul, and listen to the stories never before told: about you.... From you--- and it has nothing to do with the, taking-off of your clothes!
Skyy Blu Mar 2017
Never change your flavor to fit-in with someone else. Either, They except you for all of who you are, or they don't. Be true to you...... Unapologetically-You!
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