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8.8k · May 2017
Of light and darkness
Shashi May 2017
Bright light's knife
swirl inside me
Cutting the edges
of the soul

Heart left withered
Hope betraying
Time fading

Memories, buried deep down
But not dead
Love's a trap
Darkness only friend

Coz it's time
Not of lights

Everything black
Is enlightening,
Everything shining

It's one decision away
Love, hope.. Pain, agony
Imprisonment and freedom

They dance above my head
Enjoying the show
Oh are they devils
Or angels, I do not know

They all appear same
Friends or foe
Misery or joy,
making me wonder
Am I a human
Or just a toy

When nothingness
Is all what left

Nothing to feel
Nothing to say,
No I do not fear of the dark
it's light that make me fade away.
6.3k · Feb 2017
The Invisible
Shashi Feb 2017
Day burns down to night,
Burns the edge of my soul.
In the night I break into sparks of suns
and become fires in a dust of bones.
Night knifes. My breath swallows whole my tongue.
Turn back Reverse return,
In the night I see the real,
Concealed in the day's bright lie.
Eyes stitched shut. White teeth smile.
Sleep walk...s and talks
And feet mark time of day

[From the movie,  'The Invisible']
Just going through some old stuff, read this and thought of sharing it... One of my favorite poems,  from the movie "The Invisible"  (2007),  from the scene where Nick Powell is reading the poem for his class.
4.8k · Jan 2017
The Things Left Unsaid
Shashi Jan 2017
There is some magic
In the words left unsaid

A parallel universe exists
within those unspoken things

where the limitless open sky
is tempting you
to open your wings,
And fly

the wind blowing through your face
produces music of its own...
Only if you can listen

between all the things real
there is imagination

across all the desires
there are dreams

amid this silence,
there is music
there is magic
there is love.
4.6k · Jan 2017
STOL-1 : First Encounter
Shashi Jan 2017
It was a moment of destruction,
that created something beautiful.

When your eyes met mine,
for the first time

Love was created,
and the heart....  destroyed !!
Short Tales of Love #1
2.1k · Dec 2017
Where will you be?
Shashi Dec 2017
I look back
And cringe at my failures
The dreams that broke
And the unfulfilled desires

All so indecisive
Here lies my mind,
To give up on my dreams
Leave all the wishes behind

The pendulum of the clock
However, tells me another story
Don't stop, no matter what
And you sure,  will have your glory

Like a long-lost teacher
Time tells me - keep up with the fight,
One day You'll be among the stars
Believe me, You'll be shining bright!!
Shashi Nov 2017
I can't describe
how it feels,
when I see you.

It's Like this world stops,
Time stops.
And I can't see anything,
but you.

Within this moment,
I'm in a different world altogether.
And I - I just go dumbstruck.
All I can do is just see you,
talk nothing - do nothing.

Within this moment,
I have no dreams, except one.
I have no wishes, except one.

And then the realization
Of you belonging to someone else.
Its like being hit by a thunderbolt
out of nowhere,
while enjoying the rainstorm.

There was no pain,
more beautiful.
No memory,
more intense.

It's all so weird,
but so normal.
It's so hurting,
yet so releiving.

And within this moment,
I try to find happiness.
It's Like only  a drop,
from the ocean.

Maybe that's all I can get.
But maybe that's enough.
As all I want now
Is to hold this moment forever.
And ever.
Fictional Write.
1.4k · Jan 2017
My Happiness
Shashi Jan 2017
My happiness is
Four-legged, wrapped in fur
When she's with me
All my sorrow gets blur

After a rough day
When I get home,  in complete despair
A wagging tail waits for me
to give me hope,  to wipe off any tears

She waits for me patiently
And never does she complain
When she jumps and kisses my face
She erases all the pain

Early In the morning
when coming out of bed seems so dreadful
She is there to wake me up
with a heart,  so joyous so playful

I encounter unconditional love
Every now and then,
Here I feel desolated
Here I go to her again !!!
My inspiration for this poem came from my dog when I noticed that whenever I feel down,  she is the one with whom I find most comfort.
Anybody who ever owned a dog,  would be able to relate to this one. They are not just animals,  but our family.  And yes,  a source of eternal happiness and unconditional love.
1.2k · Nov 2016
One Lone Night
Shashi Nov 2016
    drenched in my loneliness,

the empty sky,
the lost stars,
the invisible moon.

Who's mine, she asks?

the wind,
once very dear
is numb tonight

no Sir, they got no words.

Its sheer cold
But what's burning?

Is that your heart?
Oh, but how

how come this fire
from the ashes
in the freezing night.

A trace of love
Or a ray of hope

But they have all long gone?
Or Not?
1.2k · Apr 2017
Free Soul
Shashi Apr 2017
He was a free soul
but chained from inside
So many emotions
But emptiness reside

Storms passing through his heart
Yet so calm on the surface
standing amid the crowd
But only loneliness to embrace

Lost in his own world
A ****** to everyone
Slept, but awaken
So strong, yet so broken

flowing in his veins were
Sparks of love passion ambition
A dreamer, a free soul he was
Yet Longing for his freedom
1.1k · Dec 2016
Little Things
Shashi Dec 2016
Little Things
is all I want

No big moon, or stars
Just you by my side
And long drive in a car

Little Things
is all I want

Your peaceful sleeping face
before I close my eyes at night,
And your blissful laughter
awakening me to morning sunlight

Little Things
is all I want

Your voice would be music to my ears
and never-ending talk, a thing so dear
In your arms, I just wanna lie
gazing through the night sky

Little Things that you give me
would be the best things ever
And I promise
to hold them forever.
A poem on a very lighter note.... It's always the small moments that count in our lives.. that become memories. Same is true for love... you don't need big promises, or money to cherish love.. It's the 'little things' that turns into unforgettable memories.
1.0k · Oct 2017
Tears and Poetry
Shashi Oct 2017
Do not let this ink dry
Alone tonight, I cry

Holding this pen, I mix some tears
And then, scribble some words here

OH, and these broken dreams
Are like a forever companion
Drowned in my loneliness
Suffocating, my ambitions

What else, if not poetry
would understand my pain
Trying mending my dreams
Washing away the stains.
Don't we all go through such a point in our lives?  And what else, if not your pen  and poetry,  would be a better companion!!
965 · Apr 2017
Shashi Apr 2017
Not a sign of weakness
But a symbol Of bravery
It says you've accepted the truth
And ready to fight illusions' slavery

When the realization hits
No, everything's not fine
I do not embrace the lie
There's pain in truth, but it's all mine

Won't bring you pain
No, they do not hurt
Tears are your friend
Sacrificing, for your comfort

Cry, my dear friend, cry
let those tears flow
And listen what they say
Once you stop, make sure
To let all of the pain, go away!!
924 · Feb 2017
On Love
Shashi Feb 2017
My love is an ocean
Waves, the heartbeats

But don't come
If you'd only walk at the shore
Coz it's true essence lies
When you dive into the core

My love is the Rain
Raindrops, the happiness

But don't come
If you'd carry an umbrella
Coz dancing in the rain together
Is what makes 'la vita e bella'
A little write-up for Valentines..
869 · Nov 2016
Haunted By Love
Shashi Nov 2016
Haunted by love, amused by pain
Finding solace, only in disdain

Heart continues burning, while the mind suffers
No more scar now, left to discover

The lonely night howls and crumble
What road is this, oh why do I stumble?
763 · Jun 2017
STOL-3 : The Moment
Shashi Jun 2017
While browsing through her photos,
he was smiling like an idiot.

That was the moment he realized,
he was ******* !!
"Love is a silly thing"
727 · Mar 2017
Shashi Mar 2017
I can be free again.

The clock is teasing,
Life's like freezing

All the things you used to say
Now the price I need to pay

My feelings, tonight, are shivering
The coldness of your heart is blistering

You may not even realize
And I've already paid the price

But No, I cry not of confusion
For I know, Your love's a delusion

With my intuition now I agree
Drain out all the love, set my heart free !!
718 · Jan 2017
Won't talk to you
Shashi Jan 2017
No, I won't.

Even though, every single moment
You're in my mind,
In solitude I lie
trying to leave your memories behind

And no,  I won't talk to you

Strings of my guitar
seems to have no delight,
And I end up adding you
To anything I write

And no,  I won't ...

The pretty winter night
Doesn't help me much,
And my cold cold hands
Miss the warmth of your touch

But no,  I won't talk to you

To wrap you up in my arms
All your memories tease and lure,
And all my dried up lips desire
Is to taste the sweetness of yours

But no, I won't

A few droplets
From the spring of your voice
Could heal me up all
And make my heart rejoice

Still, I won't talk to you

Because somewhere I realize
And your actions do exclaim
Whatever I feel for you
You don't feel the same

And though I wish you did,
But I know,
You won't.
696 · Oct 2017
Fairy Tales
Shashi Oct 2017
As what seems to be magic
Is often, just an illusion
When stuck between heart and mind
You'd only get confusion

And it's another time
This heart flew away
Little did it know
It's fate gonna betray

This kid inside me
Still believe in their glories
Why can't it accept
Fairy tales, are just stories !!
569 · Nov 2017
Two Roads
Shashi Nov 2017
Two roads diverged
And though he wanted to chose the first
But He couldn't

He saw her standing there
And all the good things ahead
He wished to chose the first
But he just couldn't

And a tear rolled down his cheeks
As he stepped onto the second
And though he wanted to smile
He couldn't

He waved a goodbye
And moved on

Between love and his dreams
He wished he could have both
And he kept on walking
He knew,  he couldn't !!
Fictional Write inspired by 'The road not taken' by Sir Robert Frost. Although the context is a bit different, I suppose.
Very often, in our lives we have situations where we need to chose between what looks good and what is right. The decision is hard to make and you could only wish that why they both aren't the same!!
545 · Jul 2017
STOL-4 : Brightest Stars
Shashi Jul 2017
Spotting the brightest star
Was his favorite game since childhood...  

Finally he could stop playing,

Her eyes were declared the winner by his heart !!
Again, Love is a stupid thing :P
533 · Jul 2017
STOL-5 : Her Smile
Shashi Jul 2017
And amid
All the darkness

Her smile,
Was a constant reminder

Of the existence of joy and beauty
In his life.
Wrote for my little niece aditi, whose smile is one big blessing of my life.
531 · Jul 2017
Shashi Jul 2017
Even the waves so vibrant
Could not wake the little soul
Lying on the shore, Lifeless
He has a hidden story to unroll

Who killed him, men asked the waves
Was it hunger or poverty
Some disease or the war
Tell us, who ate his alacrity

Being quiet for a moment
The ocean began speaking

You blame hunger
For the death of poor
You don't value food
Never do you care

When hunger struck
Three loaves of bread, you drew
But ate only one
And threw away two

You question poverty
You blame the wars,
never looked on yourself
So you wonder
Who brought these scars

Only if, in place of questions
You could raise hands to the needy
Hold a gentle heart
Instead of being greedy

"I'm gonna tell God everything"
the little soul said before dying
And if he does
All you humans would be suffering

Because No hunger or disease it was
But, One of the men's own quality
the thing That killed the boy
Was the absence of Humanity.
In the memory of Alan Kurdi.
523 · Apr 2017
The Cloudy Morning
Shashi Apr 2017
It was a cloudy morning..
After a night
reliving old times,
A drizzle of memories
was no surprise.

As the rain splashed
onto their cars' windows
As if promising
more good times together

Another dull chapter of life
appeared to be saved
by the bond of friendship.
#rain #morning #roadtrips #friends #friendship #life #gettogethers
514 · Nov 2017
STOL #14
Shashi Nov 2017
And if you ask me,
if I still believe in magic?

All I'll have to do is
Show you her smile!!

Short Tales of Love.
491 · Oct 2017
Without You
Shashi Oct 2017
All nothingness
Without you

The universe
Pretends to be alive
But it's all dead
from inside

Clock tick tocks
But time stands still
It's a pause- A long one
And just emptiness to fill
478 · Jul 2017
STOL-6 : The Lost Star
Shashi Jul 2017
He was a lost star.

When he met her,
he finally found his galaxy.
Short Tales of Love #6
'Love is a silly thing' :P
411 · Oct 2017
Beautiful Mirage
Shashi Oct 2017
And, is it just right
If my eyes can't find you
My dreams, all vanish
Left, only a few

It's Like an addiction
Heart carries a burden

OH, but dear
Your thoughts are the wings
And sight, like blessings

But then I think
All the memories
Induce just a broken collage
For, what else love is
Except a beautiful mirage
342 · Feb 2017
STOL-2 : Watch Me..
Shashi Feb 2017
She said - "I wonder if love like that exist anymore"

"Watch Me !!",
I exclaimed as I took her hand into mine.
Random Thoughts sprouting in my mind... :P
258 · Dec 2019
Shashi Dec 2019
The flames would rise
And burn you
Like the shadows of the sun

Through the sleepless Nights
Like some never ending tale

And the Days so heavy
That every single dream
crushed underneath

A little ashes
If you look around
Still left
half burnt, half demolished

Do not hesitate
To pick them up
And continue walking.
To Moving on and to not giving up.
229 · Jan 2020
You and Me
Shashi Jan 2020
You And Me

We are Moments
Uncaptured, Unattended
We are the Flight
Unrestricted, Unbounded

You and Me

We are the Souls
Free and Formless
We are the Fire
Fierce and Intense

You and Me

We are Love
All Sober and all Mad
We are the Dreams
All Petite and all Grand

You and Me

We are Anything
that we can imagine
We are the Gods
Building our own Heaven.
We are, whatever we can imagine us to be.
219 · Aug 2019
Shashi Aug 2019
In the dark cold night
I see the flames

Emitting from the memories I burnt

And for the moment
It soothes my soul

But then the leftover ashes
Hit me to the core, again

And I wonder
If they could ever be dead?
214 · Oct 2020
They Come For Me
Shashi Oct 2020
I lie under this tree
A little moonlight shining through
And I wait
As they come for me

My nerves all settle down
A little conscious
A little senseless

It's not being long
My hands were full
And my soul satiated

Before the storm of the dark
Hit me through

And this journey of mine
is very similar to many others
I conquered in the past

But this time
I wish not to survive

And I just wait for them
As they come for me..

— The End —