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Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Her Eyes
Nagilia Melendez Jun 2015
Her eyes twinkle of a sadness.
Her tears began to fall into darkness,
As her soul died in a corner.
She was tired of holding it all together.
Jun 2015 · 3.2k
Don't Judge Me
Nagilia Melendez Jun 2015
Don't Judge Me
Because I care
Don't Judge M
Because I'm always there
Don't Judge Me'
Because I hide how I feel
With blowing things off
As *******
Don't judge me
Because I cry when I'm mad
Because I can't do **** about it
Don't judge me
Because I get hurt more than you
Don't judge me
Because I stick around
When your skies aren't blue
Don't judge me
Because I stood by you
While you were destroyed
*When no one else did
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
Just a story
Nagilia Melendez Jun 2015
I'm going to tell you a story,
About a girl,
Who wanted nothing but fame and glory.

She dreamt of days without a worry.
A world when people have no need to be sorry.
She sits back and enjoys the moment,
With music in her ears as her docent.

Tunes from varying artist,
From tove lo, to G eazy, to the weeknd.
Creating moods that she never knew exist.
Everything was just pefect.

It began to rain,
She turns down the volume.
She cries quietly,
Listening to the stories drops create in her brain.

She tries not to remember the pain,
But the memories continued to swirl and destroy her,
Like a bunch of internal hurricanes.
Then, she remembers the relief of cutring open her veins.

She clenches her fists,
She tries to resit.
The voices begin to scream,
Stripping away her self esteem.

She covers her ears,
She continues to Cry!
"No more fears no more fears!"
She pops some pills trying to get high.

But she took too much,
And she dies.
This is just a story,
Of a girl who was used for fame and glory.
#sad #inspiration #suicide #depressed #
May 2015 · 2.3k
Ex-Fuck Buddy
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
It was a momentary encounter
Just a momentary thought
A moment which was wasted
A moment that didn't matter

I pushed myself into the hands of another mistake
I pushed myself into another ditch full of fire and thorns
I said I didn't really care
But in that moment, I didnt know that secrete was there

Am I now on the sideline
Or am I just one big waste
Am I just someting you once wanted that you couldn't have?
Am I just too hard to get and you don't think I'm worth the fight?

Although I'd never kiss you
Although I'd never want to be with you
I just wanted that feeling...
Of being wanted.
May 2015 · 465
Nature's Beauty
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
I lay on natures bed,
Green, wet, moist,
Strong, but delicate.
I roll over gently,
Just to lay one hand
On its surface,
Sparkling with mother earths tears.
Glancing up every so often,
Seeing the light seeping through the curtains of leaves.
Listening the peace around me
Birds singing their somber songs,
The whistles of the wind through the cracks in the ground,
And the unexplainable melody of a stream cleansing the dirt from earths precious jewels beneath her soil.
I close my eyes and get lost in its gorgeous harmony,
As it washes away my internal turmoil.
May 2015 · 2.6k
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
I said I was tired
But they said I slept enough,
But not ask "of what?"
May 2015 · 662
They say...
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
Live like it's your last day,
They say
Give it your all,
They say

Take your time,
They say
Don't rush into things,
They say

They say
You're still young,
They say

Happy birthday,
They say
Go **** yourself,
They say

Be happy, no negative vibes here,
They say
You're worthless, I didnt need you anyway,
They say

Live love laugh,
They say
No trust,
They say

I hate hypocrites,
They say
You're the main one,
I say
May 2015 · 738
Two emotions still debating
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
Two hearts of one kind.
Two brains of the same mind.
Two people with the same feeling.
Two emotions still debating.

I'm not ready, but you're willing to stand around.
I don't want you to walk with your heart dragging on the ground
Because I kept you waiting.
Two emotions still debating.

You're sweet and gentle,
But my heart is still healing from a terrible crumble.
Time will still be going.
Two emotions still debating.

I do want our hands to lock,
One day, as we walk down the block,
But my heart is still hurting.
Two emotions still debating.

I do hope when that day does come,
It will be the same day your waiting is done.
I want you to be happy that we can start growing.
Two emotions still debating.
May 2015 · 386
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
I want to skip through life.
Just like a how a little kid skips through the park.
But I'm swimming in an ocean named life.
Just like how a fish swims into the mouth of a shark.
Sometimes i just want to give up.
May 2015 · 378
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
It was real nice.
But it will never be.
It was just a small illusion.

Take care.
You will be missed.
I enjoyed your beauty.
I did enjoy your company.
Leave me.

Safe paths.
I did like you.
But my feelings end now.
Why fool myself if you'll be gone?
Just go.

See you never.
Or in another time.
Good bye my sweet piece of heaven.
You're gone.
May 2015 · 432
Not Your Fault
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
I'm sorry.
You don't need it.
You did not ask for it,
But you know nothing will change it.

I know.
I know it hurts,
But this wont help things out.
Just because you're mad, it wont change.
It won't.

What else?
What can you do?
You just have to be strong.
It is easier said than done.
I know.

You are the best.
You know you dont need it.
But im sure he needs you there.
I guess.

I'm done.
I just don't know.
It's none of my business.
Just, don't blame yourself anymore.
Stay strong.
May 2015 · 6.0k
You'll Earn My Respect
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
Laying in bed watching the hours pass by.
Wondering how those good time just up and died.
I wish they were relive able.
The time I had were that unbelievable.

They say smile at the good memories. But knowing they could never repeat makes it impossible.
But there will be more time to spend making new ones.
We  have to stand strong when the bad time shoot us down with big guns.

People come and go, just can't let the tears show.
I tell the people I love that I love them, just so they know.
You never really know when your time ends.
So just be careful and watch how your time is spent.

Don't sit around having regrets because of your mistakes.
Just learn from your lesson.
We all have to confess to every bad choice we make.
It's okay, your human, no one's perfect.

As long as you know where you stand, you'll have my respect.
May 2015 · 355
It's Tough
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
Words are sweet, but they can also be bitter.
They say love keeps up together..
But i'm sure a life without it can be a lot better
Tired of trying to protect him or her.

Let one learn for themselves that they should stop and wait.
Let them learn that the should think about what they are doing before it's too late.
I wonder how it can be such a beautifully fake image love can create.
But the lust for attention is strong, and we all can relate.

Its hard to lay at night without a mate,
and think to yourself "is this my fate?"
Then you wonder "how much of this love ******* can i take?"
Was written to a friend who didnt want to take my warning about a guy who ended up using her.
May 2015 · 690
You're just another lesson
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
I write about you not because i miss you,
But because you are one of the best lessons I've ever learned.
I just want to clear the air,
I don't need you.

I dont want you.
You've done your job,
You left your mark,
Now leave me in peace.

Just because you cross my mind every so often,
Doesnt mean much.
We all have those days,
When things come back into play in our minds.

It's just to remind us where we once were.
To remind us where we started,
Where we started to let our minds be beautiful,
Beautiful as the heart of the ones who love in a cruel world.

I don't write about you because i miss you.
I write about you to tell the world that it's okay.
It's okay to love, trust, and get hurt,
and it's okay to keep loving, and to keep trusting.
Apr 2015 · 329
Dear you
Nagilia Melendez Apr 2015
This poem is called dear you. I sit and write about a time when happiness was once mine it's been a while that I haven't been able to smile. Change is certain.  these feelings I've hidden for a while in shame wondering why this sort of change came.  we all deal with things differently.  Unfortunately, misfortune comes unexpectedly. Wishing I could go back and change thins so we can live happily . It may seem nice to speak to someone, but when u really sit and think, you are honestly lonely. The presence of one in a tough situation is only momentarily. I know these written words are lame, but I I just wish u were the same.  You will never listen to me. I just can't believe you are now someone you told me never to be. I never knew the person I once loved would leave. I wish you would see yourself so I don't have to live like this anymore with myself.  I wish I have the strength to help you, but all I can do is watch and continue to be blue. I wish you would feel the same and want to help yourself too.
Apr 2015 · 487
Bitersweet Hopes
Nagilia Melendez Apr 2015
How are you?
It's been a while, do you miss me too?

How's the lonely nights?
How's lying on your bed side crying with all your might?
How's looking out the window, up at the sky?
How's whiping the tears off your eyes, asking why?

How's waking up at night to the nightmare of being alone?
How's being disappointed by not having that "good morning" written on your phone?
How's going home after work knowing no one will be there?
How's knowing now there's no one that'll care?

How's the sound of silence when you enter the door?
How's knowing that there will be no sweet words, welcomes, and kisses any more?
How's sitting on your couch feeling the sting from the remembrance that there is no longer a "we"?
How's the painful pins being poked in your chest knowing that it was your bitter words piercing my ears saying you don't want me?

Take care.
You're doing just fine.
Those are just bittersweet hopes of mine.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
The prettiest eyes
Nagilia Melendez Apr 2015
They say "the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears"
I believed for many years
That the eyes are the doors to one's soul.
You can look into them and see their highs and lows.

Eyes may be similar,
But no one's sweet, shimmery shine is the same.
Every twinkle is unique star.
No need to hide them behind shades in shame.

Like a waterfall,
Your tears can be beautiful after all.
Like a garden of evergreens covered in blood smears,
The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears.

— The End —