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6.5k · Aug 2014
the siren and the sailor
He sails along the open seas
She lingers beneath the waters
Her sultry voice calls to him
Luring him into her waters
He's a sweet man
That's what she finds most enticing
She sings her song of heaven
Until he travels within her reach
Then her song changes from heaven to death
He doesn't realize it
He's captivated
He thinks she's perfect and harmless
Her intentions, however, aren't so pure
She doesn't mean to
She's lonely
But she can't resist the hunger for his soul
2.5k · Aug 2014
Ice Cold Heart
I think i would rather a heart of ice than a heart of glass
Glass is translucent and fragile
When it breaks, it can so easily hurt anyone who comes upon it
Ice, though similar, is exceptionally different
It can be either clear or cloudy
Or it can hurt or sooth
I like it most because unlike glass, it can melt when given enough warmth
While yes, ice is cold, it's still only water hardened by its surroundings
1.4k · Jul 2014
sweet relief
You're there when the wind blows
You're there when i bathe in the light of the moon
I can feel you
You're the one who keeps my sanity intact
You calm me down when I'm about to explode
So i just want to say thank you
Thanks for giving me a chance at a normal life
1.2k · Jul 2014
future unknown
The sea is nature's most mysterious creation
Though some are captivated, many are frightened
To think that being submerged in something so beautiful can take your life
It's easy to see where those people come from
It can make you lose any hope to see the sun
Its depth is so unknown how do we know what to guard ourselves from
No amount of preparation can help
Nothing can protect us
Not our parents, our friends, or our security blanket we had as children
We are on our own
1.2k · Nov 2014
is this real
What is real?
What isn't?
Is anything anymore?
I can't tell
I don't know if I'm real
I'm lost
Who am i?
What do i like?
What don't i like?
Who is real?
Are you?
Can you prove it?
No one can.
We're guessing.
I need to know you're real
One day I'll fall and trust you to catch me
Will you really be there to save me?
Or will i fall through the air and into a bottomless pit of nothing?
1.0k · Jul 2014
why me
When everything's okay
Why must you pull me back down
Why must you torture me with ugly thoughts
Why must you make me think about my past
About myself
About my future
Why won't you let me be normal
Everyone else looks so happy
Why won't you let me have that
Why must i suffer
817 · Jul 2014
fate of friends
Feel like I'm losing touch
No longer knowing what's going on
Not even sure if it's important
Missing my memories
Times of laughter and comfort
So unsure of how things became this way
It's really always the cause
Distance can tear anything apart without a second thought
Let's reunite and return to our old selves
Together we can conquer the world
650 · May 2018
Dancing Colors
We lay naked
in a blank room
unable to move
or speak
and yet

Vivid, brilliant colors
to sounds
only we can hear

The only source
is our inner most thoughts
and our deepest emotions

We are poets
627 · Nov 2014
The Invisble
Sink into the masses
never to be heard from
or spoken to
Never judging
For you know what it's like to be judged
It's what made you decide to become invisible

Hide away once the day is done
Cry inside
but never shed a tear
Wish for a life
One where you're seen and loved
Above all loved

Hope that one day you'll live
without fear of pain
of heartbreak
of cruelty
of lingering eyes and twisted faces

Dream that one day
you'll have enough courage
that eventually none of those things will bother you
that you won't have to remain invisible forever
601 · Jul 2014
dear love
You lied to me
Gave me the illusion of happiness
Then you thought it would be funny to torture me
You laughed as i spiraled into a drowning pool
You found pleasure as our memories haunted me
I want you back
You've changed
You used to be so sweet
Come back to me
Make me feel alive again
Or were you always just a lie
Were you ever real
Was there ever a moment when you were truly mine
If that's so, do i even care
Would i rather you lie again just so i could have some moments of ignorant bliss
I think i would
518 · Jul 2014
monster inside
I can feel you inside me
Twisting me into something I'm not
Or at least something i don't want to be
You feed off my fear and my anger, but never my sadness
You want me to become you
Turn me into a strong yet evil thing
So you torture me
Make me see things i can't stand
Whisper to me my worst fears
Trying to make me break
Trying to make me give into my rage
But i won't
I mustn't
I can't be you
I have people who need me as i am and who would leave me if i became the thing you want
You've at least succeeded in making me paranoid
I see you everywhere
And when i don't see you i can hear you
Laughing at me
Telling me I'm alone
I hate you
Go away
Go away
506 · Aug 2014
Moonlit Beauty
She wanders the desert alone
Knowing and feeling that she's looking for something
She's not sure what it is or why she needs it, but that doesn't stop her from searching
She lost track of time and days
Growing weak and confused
What is it all for?
A yew tree stands in the distance providing temporary shade
She stayed at that tree to wait
Something inside told her she would find what she was looking for there
The sun set and the moon arose bringing relief to the land dried from the sun's harsheties
What is it all for?
She stepped from the tree to bathe in the moonlight
An owl by the name of White Thunder awoke and saw her from the tree
Captivated, the owl took flight making circles over her as she danced
What is it all for?
She grew tired and fell to the ground to watch the sky
She instantly spotted White Thunder, saw the owl staring at her, and she knew that had been what she was looking for
Yew tree- despair, death, and rebirth
Moon- the one who loves her and wants to take her pain away
White Thunder- a reference to an old legend representing wisdom and new beginnings

I wrote this about a girl i know. She amazes me in every way. I want nothing more than to be her moon
494 · Jul 2014
life vs reality
What is life if not one big lie
You're told stories of Santa as a child only to find he doesn't exist
He can't get you the pony you wanted, nor the spy kit
You're told you can be anything you want to be then later discover you can't
You can't snap your fingers and have enough money for the proper education to be what you want
You most likely weren't born into a role suitable for your liking
You're told that if you stay true to yourself you'll be happy
Yet, if you eat how you want, dress how you want, listen to the music you want, even love who you want, you will be judged and ridiculed which brings nothing but a downward spiral of depression
You're told i love you by a lot of people, but when you really need them where are they
You're told that you're lucky to live in the land of the free, however, we're trillions of dollars in dept and there are people in shelters because they haven't a home
So tell me
Where is the truth in life
405 · Jul 2014
beyond hope
my life is devoid of all purpose
everything I thought I knew is gone
my memories haunt me
but yet I'm forced to push forward
to live a life not my own
I feel hollow and unsure
what is my goal
what is my life trying to strive for
I see these is horrifying creatures
but I know they're a part of me
it's almost comforting until I realize how sick and twisted that must make me
I fear my past and of what I will become
I know the beast inside will only grow stronger
I try to contain it but I can't do it alone
I used to be a strong girl but it's taking over
I'm losing myself
I can remember a sweet and innocent little child happy and smiling
she's still there but she cries inside
she's dying and it scares her
is there anything I can do
is there any hope

— The End —