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Nov 2019 · 179
- Nov 2019
rise, like oceans waves
and fall back down, crash.
if i am worthy, worthy once,
shall i let myself continue,
breath by breath?

i do not wish to rise,
and i picture you, nodding.
of course, doubt is destroyer of worlds,
yet still, my mind keeps capturing the phrase:
"keep being you,
don't stop chirping that tune".

so rise, rise with a smile!
the weights have not been casted yet.
sail forth on new adventures!
at least, if the mutiny inside of me,
was not so subdued.

i can see you now, your look down upon me.
of course, the words will never match your intent,
and i'm afraid once more,
i've had to rise again.

if life were only simple, simple enough
for me to stop rising,
for you to stop blaming,
for us to stop sharing.
was it true, i am
who i am?

if i could be another force,
id have the spirit of adventure,
id have an independent soul,
but am i attatched
to chains of emotional apprehension

rise and crash,
bold and brash,
what i wouldn't give,
for you to excuse my overstay,
and for me to fade away.
- Oct 2015
You were doomed to a life underneath a city
But that wasn't you fate, nor interest
Wanting a life that's free
So you left that district

Of course I went,
I'm that less of a servant
Only then did I evolve
And you held me high

You lead the moon lit war
And I lead the daylight hope
Butterflies, knights, and midnight
Meant nothing more to me than pink lips

So when you left
I realized I was worthless without you
We were losing a battle for stars

When she came back I was at night again
And though I meant of nothing
She let me see the light
And let me feel something

Numb and dumb
We fought again
But the darkness consumed her
And the purpose

I kept fighting through a bottle of mixed chemicals
And the grasp of being called
"Not real"

And she found another
She gave up on the Earth's hope
For him
The only one who understood
Oct 2015 · 910
A Captive Swan
- Oct 2015
My precious, captive swan

Don't do this.

And your wingspan is no more?

I was his first!

And you'll be mine last!

He stripped the skin, the kickstand was made of meat and bones. Kicked with words and meaning. But the fawn of the day would come for me.

Love, let the water guide you!

And let this rake violate you?

Let the her amber wings fly!

Not before you let her cry!

The forest queen, shall be no more!

And so? Your heart is now sore."
a story about a girl and her captor
Aug 2015 · 544
- Aug 2015
Blessed tree of the forest
It blooms with the wind
And in it's mind eye
It shall whither to love

So a fawn but a man
Asked the queen, but a mother
A freedom of a night
Without her rule

He had discovered the prettiest of thistles
A stinging sensation
Her dress looms through the Earth
And her heart looms through his soul

But the queen of the forest
Was his master
She pulled from a cradle of leaves
For he was left to leave

He owed her life
But wanted a night
Of waves in the ocean with his flower

The queen, the tyrant
Agree she may
But in her heart
She was dancing through thorns

But the lover was dead for when the fawn reached
She was stabbed at the heart
A baby left to die

The man returned
But his mother was dead
By a wilted tree
Jun 2015 · 909
Death of Aradia
- Jun 2015
Leaves of beautiful awakening
If only I could have experienced them longer  
But bones are bones, shaking
Now my life is a pondered situation

I don't blame him for her fears
It was just a game
Just a game,
Just a game, no more

If I could have stopped her, would the pupa be alive?
Would Her Judge not fall in melancholy?
But I am just a ghost of time,
A maid of his destruction.

Though, only a couple survived the moon explosion
And she was there with me, the one who took my life
I forgive her,
I forgive her,
I forgive her,
But if only the killer could forgive himself.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
- Jun 2015
The girl with a sense for justice
Along with two red eyes
She looks to you as the leader
But you cannot guide her

The girl with clear, teal eyes
Sisters, you are
Until revenge takes it's toll
Now you're the scourge

The girl with twisted feelings
You take her hate and corrupt it
So she can see again
But only see black

The girl with a wicked smile
You help build a legacy
And friendship, even more
Blows to dust

The girl who can control not her feelings
But the mind she sees
And then tears roll out
Onto her necklace of pyrope
Mar 2015 · 548
Theif of Light
- Mar 2015
Thief of a golden light
Blood of a night leading the forbidden sates
Something that confirmed victory
Confirmed hope

But until a heir closes the gate
Our light is stolen
Time and space consumed
Lost in void.
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
- Feb 2015
A new found heart filled with smoke
And we have you on the shoulders
By the Apocalypse
Brutal service of the wounded

Crying lions
Marching funerals
Will turn the lights
Upon the Seer

Till all dies
When good and bad separate
With screaming blindness
And dead souls
Feb 2015 · 675
- Feb 2015
These European dreams
And broken shells
Upon a golden fix
Accessorize the girl with one eye

And as we say goodbye
And let go of hopeless thoughts
So I say through black clouds
Adieu to the non believers

Stepping on cracks
To our insecurities
Jagged daggers
And a Theif
Feb 2015 · 818
- Feb 2015
Flowerless crowns
Without the influence of grace
Are just among the forgotten
Unless we actually mean something

Before they fall down
And break our hearts
We need to help

We can be of that strength
It's called love
Feb 2015 · 556
- Feb 2015
In the cop's car
By the last light
It gives the worst sight

Pull the plug
Would you like to name your faults?
When holding on
You just keep falling down

Because the ghost of you
And all the scars that
Will never

Well, just of that luck
Or unreal fate
Under our lives
Never, ever, but

Moreover to true tales
Even when lies have never spoken
last sad one for awhile, at least till valentines day
Feb 2015 · 580
Refelction (Not a Poem)
- Feb 2015
Sometimes I wonder why I keep writing poems? I was reading through some that I have pre-written but not released yet, and I realized something. They were all similar, talking about pain and what not. I'm trying to change my subject of writing so it doesn't feel repeated, but I don't know.  I feel like I'm best at writing about despair.
Any thoughts?
Yup uwu Just though of this so Im just wondering what other people think
Feb 2015 · 738
No Future
- Feb 2015
Saying goodbye like there is no tomorrow
Leaving like there was no yesterday
Stealing like there is nothing in the world
Caring like you have never fell apart

Writing like all I have felt was broken
what do i do if all i have ever felt was broken?
Feb 2015 · 614
- Feb 2015
Love at the rosary
Coming back from the dead
Just to leave leave and finally
Be free

Have that of a too pure lily
And the strength of the sun
Done and done

It's just you and I
But no starry skies
Feb 2015 · 288
- Feb 2015
Came from long ago
And wept our tears
From destructive love
To falling stars

Never again for our sake
I will never find
Go for our hearts
Hate our fall
Too bad we can’t let go
Feb 2015 · 388
So long
- Feb 2015
And goodnight
its time for me to let go
Feb 2015 · 323
Gone and Lost
- Feb 2015
She said
"Like earth and water I'll be always there"
But you were gone when i needed you most
Feb 2015 · 804
- Feb 2015
Just to find wrong ways
And our decomposing hearts
All in front our eyes

Our hurdled master
Thinking of our choice
But not of consequence

So we are let here to rot
Infused with darkened thoughts
And crested love
Feb 2015 · 760
- Feb 2015
Left on my feet
Only to fall
Victim and finally
Enter in my heart

I** wish I wasn't
So fake

For we both call
And finally realize;
Know our mistakes
Even if we can’t handle pain
Jan 2015 · 410
- Jan 2015
This beauty that I’m faking
Only takes away the hope I’m lacking

I can only find it hard to say
From the words they say
Please, let me in

But we chose the life we’re breaking
Plus the friends that have been making
How can we live like this?

And I will cry all I want to,
I don’t care
How much you invest yourself in this belief
It’s not working out for me
Jan 2015 · 662
- Jan 2015
Burning through our eyes
Why can’t the truth come out?

We bought last line
I’m just the worst kind
To help you with what you might blind
Because the last time I lie
Which I never could with you

Nor could I see
I have never been one to believe
I just think it’s the hardest part of living
Jan 2015 · 430
- Jan 2015
And through pale faces                    
Our dark ghosts                                
Can’t mix with beautiful graces        
And they poison the hosts              

And just to smile
Can show the pain
That all the vain
Decided it wasn't worth their while

And when black strings
Climb to your neck
Your despair spreads like wings
And you turn into this wreck
Jan 2015 · 416
- Jan 2015
They try to take this truth
And brainwash it from purpose
But the lights in the sky
Can’t blaze the eye

Hearts melting after broken tears
And love is gone
Promises still remain
But there won’t be any gain

How these burning lights
Underestimated our faults
Through this misery we are and always will be
Awake and unafraid
Jan 2015 · 845
- Jan 2015
It was never real
It was never there
Like teal skies
It flies right past our despair

And like a story far too grimm
This world is far too scared
In this horror film
And our lives flared

And now without that weight
I can finally dream
It awaits
And I could love

At least it seemed
Jan 2015 · 761
- Jan 2015
And I have seen the wrong
Of these dark thoughts
And the red remains of silver
And bloodied eyes

And chilled to the bone
Lays my smile
The one that always had to be forged
To survive the abyss

No wonder I feel so cold and dead inside
It’s hard and petrified
And impure
Jan 2015 · 836
Black Angel White Wings
- Jan 2015
And while these broken wings
Come up and drown me
All I hear are rings
That would've made me free
All I have been looking for
In my dreams
I don’t want the glory
And these rainbow studded beams

And I have still been looking for
The happy inside of me
Shore to shore
I could always believe
Jan 2015 · 822
- Jan 2015
And you have yet to see the light
Maybe you will know
It has not yet shown
And you will see my right

I have been broken
Put together and smashed
It has yet been spoken
But it feels like I have been bashed

These invisible tears
If only you could see my fear
But it doesn’t matter
Because you are happy
old poem i found ??
Jan 2015 · 565
Say The Truth Already
- Jan 2015
Now, I may not be the truest queen,
Or the fairest of them of all.
Falling down one by one.

Isn't this exactly where you would like me?
I'm exactly where you would like, you know.

Sweet as peach and lime,
Sweating as the pressure lets on.
They finally crowned me.
They finally loved me.

But oh...

I may be afraid,
That I might of faked it.
The cute and nice act.

And I am afraid this isn't the true me.

Too bad we are all caught dead in this place.
- Jan 2015
Now, for all you imposing and esteemed lives
For all those imperturbably anguished public
Let me disclose this parade

Never have I recognized
The substantial alternative
Of a true decompressed life

So long, and goodnight
My opulent guests
- Jan 2015
Death, come now on burdened wings
Life, flies away like the one of a light
Now, we can sleep the night
Just as ours could never bring

Love, shines to that of free
Pain, could never see that of being happy
So, to dance on our shoes
And our hearts are bruised
Jan 2015 · 688
So This Can Be Goodbye
- Jan 2015
Now, honey I'm not much a poet
But for one, you never had a chance

Love it, leave it
You'll never understand
But what a pretty face carrying on and on

Red is love
Like the rose on my coffin door
What's life without bleeding on the floor?

   You didn't make me leave
I wear this by the sleeve
Give me a reason to believe

So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
Give me all the broken hearts and make me ill
If this is what you want
Then fire at will

Say all you want but who's going to save me?
We point the gun, just the one you gave me
Hallelujah, lock and load
Jan 2015 · 524
To A Single Friend
- Jan 2015
Saints protect her now
Come angels of the Unkown

Black fallen water will mend the wounds
But the thought of myself will only agonize
For a memory of self hate and love
Is the true poisoning

Please protect her
to a friend, whom I can never forget
Jan 2015 · 394
Little Angels
- Jan 2015
White and icy wings
Black coal hearts
Coming down like an ash flake
Just like falling down

Fallen by angles grace
Found in by touch
I did this so I could have pain

Little angel up, up high
Time for a death lullaby
For the hour of sleep
Couldn't bare with secrets you could not keep

Little angel has fallen down
Jan 2015 · 807
Hope is Lost and Gone
- Jan 2015
Through this new found malaise
All troubles and worries found across your perplex eyes
From a twisted kaleidoscope sky

In these passing of fall leaves
This celestial dance of moon and sun
Can't harm us of a dark caprice

That of a greater light will shine through
And the story of the past will preface
To our lives of today

And the enchantment of such a concord
Only seals the masquerade of convulsion
For that is what transforms us
Jan 2015 · 693
A collection of memories
- Jan 2015
Like a deer running through the forest
Trampling little lives that meant of no importance
And not a single thought left behind

Humming through trees
Whispering through souls
Almost like a perfectly timed song
Except they missed the part
Where the birds sang free

Leaf hanging from a tree
Never to be put out of misery
Until someone finally notices
But they never wanted to see pain.

I used to think I was strong
Maybe I wasn't strong enough
Or I let my guard down
To fall into this blackness
What's the point of being invincible
If I have to suffer this?

Brave like a soul
Courage rains through your heart
And throw this life breaking storm
We will emerge
And find out
We were our own heroes

Feathered saviour
Coming from an all high
May just save our burnt and froze skin
And take us of light wings
But I don't think this one is called hope.

Sweet comes first
Then there is regret
But we can push that all aside
We can ignore the aftermath
Till we realized we lost
To our own decisions

I think they mean to be this way
I think they mean this pain
I think they want me in this void
They love getting what they want

Flying on ice
Running on wings
Doing the impossible in our own way
And smiling to the non believers
Racing to see who gets to our hearts first

Joy is like love
Happiness seems to last forever
Sadness left alone
And forgotten

Watching rockets kiss the sky
But the flames burnt out
And rain washed again
Sadness has a friend now

Everything seemed black
Everything seemed sad
Till I saw a silver dress

I dance around gold shores now
Silver dress and red shoes
I felt like a princess
What kind of princess?
Just imagine.

Hearts only desire to beat
Brains like to think
Lungs are there to breathe
And lips are here to destroy with meaningless words

Endless void
Useless space
Black forever

These fears can never help through time
And hope can't carry on strong
I wonder what space is like
I think it's empty like me

Fragile like a glass cup
But colorful like the evening's rainbow
One drop
And a nature's masterpiece is gone
In a way it's like me
One drop
Then it's gone.

Red sandy beaches
Water soaking the edge
It's like the sea is crying
From being destroyed

But the sand is still soft enough
To dance mercilessly on  
And maybe that's why
I love the endless sea

Drifting along a riverside
And water is the tingle of sweetness
Relaxing on life
Drifting far away
Drifting where?
I cannot say.

Stars can only show some beauty
Forging these smiles
And thunder roars our darkest desires
If this is only a joke
Then why aren't we laughing?

They say to shoot for the moon
And if you missed
You would land among the stars
But they didn't think the stars are made from despair
Because one can only shine
If others is surrounded in darkness

Lies and lies
I don't think of them as lies
Just another truth
So what if you are what you aren't?
It just shows them
That they can't say who you are.

Loving the sound of danger
And our ultimate energy
Of the breaking
And the building
Then it just flies away.

Shading the scars
Caressing the faint whispers
Trembling limbs
It's like you almost made one mistake

Frosting windows
And icy breath
Trembling down to our knees
Falling to soft flakes

All I need is the warmth
And just security
The knowledge
That you actually care.

Starfall could bring one to tears
And it was the very hurt you sold
Of this brilliant and black
And the leaf has yet fallen
From this unholy tree

Rain can go anywhere
And share it's life
Some get more than others
The others fail to live

These tears from the clouds
Are the blessings of ghosts
Ghosts of our ferocity

Flame in this blue
Where everything could of been good
And this hologram could of been real

But this fire is still here
And these fears still linger
What can I do without you?

Playing in lost droplets
Screaming in sacred secrets
And the pains where we are buried
Down we go
And we all fall down
Never to meet purity
eep im sorry this is super long, and kinda ****** but whatever <3
Jan 2015 · 436
Pure Flowers
- Jan 2015
Lily of the light
One that could survive
Of that of a harsh cold
We could love again
And die again
And laugh again
But only one of the same pure

Light of the dark
A guiding step towards purity
And the flame must keep burning before the dark desires take over
Before we fall to our own fears

Eyes can't see the ultimate truth
But we all tried
And put faith in the stars
I tried
But we will laugh again
Maybe it's better off this way?
Jan 2015 · 467
Gold Dawns
- Jan 2015
Strings crumbling one by one
And love falling down
Falling down
But we need to stay strong

But we tried
But I lied
And this new dawn
Can't live up to our legacy

But we'll love again
And dance again
It's so much better off this way
When we all fall down

And we are all dead now
the song "I Never Told You What I Did For A Living " by My Chemical Romance inspired this poem <3
Jan 2015 · 643
Shadow and Shadow
- Jan 2015
Shadow, shadow
Shadow of these monsters
Is this the true feeling of them?
Or can it just be an overflow of lies

Shadow, shadow
Shadow of these demons
I don't think I can see these anymore
I don't think I can believe

Shadow, shadow
Shadow of me
Is it true?
Am I the one who destroyed them?
- Jan 2015
Dancing on silver shoes
Bathed in scarlet stars
And we smile through clenched teeth
For we could never speak

The ones who dare come to shore
Ones struggling to see
Those of a blessed soul and a cursed past
Ones who almost saw the stars

But the brain has yet bleed
And the skull has not cracked
Hearts continued for playful rhythm
Souls not solid black  

Crackling for dear
Bloodshot fear
Damaging an ever beauty
Of this **graceful dance
Jan 2015 · 486
- Jan 2015
You're not the one to blame for
You don't have to leave
You don't deserve it

I'll take you're place
Dont die because of me
Not a poem
Jan 2015 · 708
I Will Never Care
- Jan 2015
Changing every detail
Like covering up tracks on pure snow
Ruining the scenery more
Except I deserve it

You're not the only one I let go of
You're not the only posion I let in my life
You're not the only one I didn't care for
Because you barged into my own life

You were really nice
Until you met me
You tried so hard and so far
But why?

So I've been trying to clean my life
But it's hard when trash keeps barging in
But at least this time
The trash got out by it's self

You going away isn't hurting my feelings
Jan 2015 · 487
Isn't it nice?
- Jan 2015
I love feeling this way
I love feeling this pain
I love feeling like trash
I love dying

I'm so glad you're out of my life now
I'm so glad that I don't have to deal with you
I'm so glad I don't have to feel this weight
I'm so glad I can die

We can dance with scarlet ankles
And dress in silver lining
We leave our mark in our hearts
But I don't want to do it with you

But I'm still sorry
I just don't know who I'm sorry for
Dec 2014 · 400
Maybe it's who I am
- Dec 2014
So they told me of the deepest scars
And let me shush
They let me try to help
And that I did

So I smile for them
And scar for them
Let these secrets sink in
To never return

I still think about them though
I wonder why they told me
I wonder why they came to me
I feel like a different person
Dec 2014 · 500
Snowy Day
- Dec 2014
And the snow drifts down
From fallen clouds
Just like from the sun above
Your surface reflects yellow

And scarlet droppings line my ankles
Melting away the white snow behind me
So beauty falls
And death calls

Blooded grins come from a shadowed face
So we skip on a beach of silver blades
Dancing together till our only might is despair
And despair leaves too
- Dec 2014
So I lay here
Close to the wall
And I hear the birds call
For death has been coming near

There is secret
I haven't told them
I can't let them worry
And I can't let them see

I smile at the laughs
Pretending they won't be the last
And getting ready
To hang my wrists

Yet all truths have an end
And it's done to play pretend
I need to tell you all something
I'm dying
Dec 2014 · 825
Protecting the Flames
- Dec 2014
Burning on
Just like a match you strike our hearts
But still not the most important part
And it's the new dawn

Came a time
Where every night
Brought you to tears
We are the very reason

And the light will keep shining
Through blacked sky
And the reason I'm here
Is for the flamed hearts

So we cling to close to our lives
And dig our own graves
Your heart begins to break
And crumble like this world

So you put on your armor
And you begin to leave
You leave because your free
And your soul shatters

While red may line the rubble
And only your silhouette is left
The match will keep burning
Because I love you
Dec 2014 · 562
How should I feel?
- Dec 2014
They look at you while you sleep
Right through burning souls
And blackened hearts
Right through the window

A child once believed
That they can change
And they can be good
But she was a monster too

They grab you by the wrists
And take your breath
And you raise your hands
To burning stakes

They take a hold of you
Ready to finish off
But it doesn't matter
Because you finish off your own self.
Dec 2014 · 452
Spread our Wings
- Dec 2014
It’s like sunshine on warm skin
And this city we love
Won’t stand the darkness
And we smile at our own fools

And through this rubble
We will emerge
With angel white wings
With light on our faces

We fly through the black
And spread the happiness
We can survive this task
So we can love ourselves
Dec 2014 · 767
And We Found Happiness
- Dec 2014
It is like through clear glasses
And it was right in front of me
Yet I couldn't see
The way it passes

Like a sickening breath
It all hurts
And it comes in bursts
And then comes death

Why couldn't it appear
Loud and clear
In front of me
Like the black tear

And now we are free
From our dark desires
Hanging from white wires
And we didn't flee
For a friend <3
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