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Apr 2015 · 639
Elizabeth Marie
Emmy Anne Apr 2015
You are a fairy of beauty beyond measure. The flowers smile when you pass by and the birds join you in your contagious song. You're joy spreads quicker than ebola and your laughter seeds broken hearts where happiness will grow. Your hugs put broken pieces back together with your love and compassion being the super glue. Come home my  little flower.
Apr 2015 · 4.2k
I apologize
Emmy Anne Apr 2015
you ask me whats wrong
i explain how you hurt me
you yell at me
i apologize
Apr 2015 · 12.8k
Driving Blind
Emmy Anne Apr 2015
Only when you finally give Jesus the wheel do you realize that you have been driving blind folded
Apr 2015 · 16.3k
Emmy Anne Apr 2015

Mind racing
Heart pounding
Head spinning
Hands shaking
Knees trembling
Eyes watering
Stomach churning
Lungs panting
Chest aching

You are under attack
Apr 2015 · 976
Emmy Anne Apr 2015
Take me back to this beautiful place. Where no one knows my name and the mist settles on the graffitti ridden buildings so softly. Where anxiety is unknown and all i can do is dance to rejoice the new morning. Take me back to the place that only got lovelier as the sun set. Where the lights of the city twinkle from a distance and the street lights smile down at young souls illiminating fear of the night. Take me back to this place i love.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
You Are Scum
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
You have your hands around her neck yet she's not afraid. She's so love struck she doesn't feel your grip getting tighter. She gasps for air but you're giving her "love" so she doesn't care. You hold her tightly behind your back not letting anyone see that she's your back up, your plan B. Her delicate hands Trimble and you don't care because the power you posses over her is too addictive for you to let go of. Your evil deceiving words assuring love and protection melt her heart, but your promises never fulfilled. Twisting her words making HER the one at fault for all of your ***** ups and misconceptions. Her heart longs to be accepted, to be "good enough" for you. When she is a sweet daisy trying to grow through rocks and thistles, you are but **** on a gym shower room floor. You will NEVER deserve this flower, this gem, that you think you have control over. One day this princess will become a queen, fight for what she wants and what she deserves.
Mar 2015 · 797
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
Galaxies pause when you walk on the spot light lit stage. Your shining smile brighter than the stars, no wonder all they could do was stare. Frozen in time, the journey you take them on with just the simplicity of your majestic voice lullabies them to a peaceful place where your arms is where they sleep.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
the dark
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
I like the dark. My scars are hidden and the stars don't judge my flaws.
Mar 2015 · 16.8k
roses have thorns
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
You once called me a delicate flower. But you've forgotten that roses have thorns.
Mar 2015 · 4.0k
kansas city
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
The blemishes and scars so easily viewed on her broken city are beautiful in the dark.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
I Am A Rare Breed
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
I am a rare breed. I'm a soft breeze in the very beginning of fall. The little orange leaf that's fallen off the branch of a forty foot tall tree. I am cardigans and ginger hair braided back with a little daisy chain tucked behind my ears. I am the smell of a new book right if the shelf of Barns And Nobel. I am the leather bound journal used for writing down the secrets God shares with His children. I am twinkly lights hung around white walls. A sweet smelling candle and warm pumpkin pie.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
You Are A Drug
Emmy Anne Mar 2015
You are like a drug and I am addicted. My first taste was strange and uncertain yet so delightful. My second was lovely and I knew I wanted more. Before long I was craving you uncontrollably, unable to function until I got a little bit of you. I was told that this would happen but I didn't heed the warnings that were clearly on the label. My under aged immaturity begged for more until I didn't even enjoy it I just HAD to have it. You started tasting bitter and became hard to choke down, but more I wanted still. I blinked and it was killing me. I shoved more down as I gasped and struggled for air. As I breathed a breath I thought would be my last, I finally put you down and walked away. Five months I spent separated from the substance I knew would be the end of me. I am clean and sober now but I still crave your warmth. I pass by others addicted to the thing I once loved and sometimes wish I had never left. But because I did, I am free and can never go back. I am clean but why do I still crave you as I did? Because your drug is the heaviest I know and the most addictive thing I have ever tasted. The buzz that you give can light the lowest of the low, and that is a power so high, I will never let in between my fingers again.

— The End —