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Nov 2015 · 590
I've heard it before
Em Nov 2015
You don't understand. Or maybe you do.
Everything you say, I've heard before. I've been told "I love you", and then he left me.
I've been told "I need you", and he survived without me.
I've been told "I want to spend my life with you", and he walked away.
I've been told "I'm always here for you" and he got annoyed.
I've been told "I'm proud of you", and she hit me.
So I'm sorry if you can't understand why am scared.
But if I fall one more time, I don't think I'll be able to pick myself up again.
I fall hard. I fall fast fast. My love is deep.
But after hearing the same **** over and over again, it loses its meaning.
I can't help what I feel.
I can't stop my fear.
Written 10.7.15
Nov 2015 · 371
Em Nov 2015
Every bone in my body is saying "leave now, while you're safe".
But I can't. I don't want to.
I'm tired of being afraid of getting hurt. Every fiber in my being is telling me "he's too good to be true".
He is. You are.
I can't comprehend my crippling fear. He could tell me day in and day out he loves me still perceive as lies.
I'd still be waiting for him to take it back.
What if he changes his mind?
What if I stop being enough?
I know that they will come.
I can't suppress his pain forever.
I wish I could, but I can't.
Life happens and people change.
That's what I fear.
I fear falling, diving head first for him, and no one being there to catch me.
I fear loving too hard-too deep- to ever really recover.
I fear having to pick up my broken pieces, like I have so many times before.
I fear the inevitable.
Once he realizes that, he'll fear it too.
Written 10.7.15
Sep 2015 · 455
it was more than a title
Em Sep 2015
Once upon a time, we gave each other the title "best friend".
To me, it meant so much more than it did to you.
It meant acceptance, openness, honesty, love.
To you, it was just a title.
You told me once that we would always be best friends,
That nothing would ever change that.
I was ignorant enough to believe you.
Even after you played games with my heart and mind,
I still believed you.
Perhaps, it was stupidity at it's finest.

They say your first love isn't necessarily
The person who shares your first kiss,
Or the person you marry.
It's the one you compare everyone too.

You are my first love, though, you never even loved me.

You put me though so much unnecessary ****,
And every time,
I continued to run back to you.
Because you were my best friend.

You will probably never understand the depths of my love for you.
But it's okay, because I don't either.

I just wish you knew that I choose you every time.

I've cut off all possible traces that could lead me back to you;
Because it's not worth it anymore.
I'm tired of being ignored.
I'm tired of being taken for granted.
I'm tired of you getting the final say.

Wanna know what I say?
Written 09.24.15
Sep 2015 · 986
Em Sep 2015
Would someone explain to me why all the people I have ever gotten close to in my life, have managed to **** me up so badly?

Is it because they don't know what they want, so they simply send mixed signals instead?

Not often do I let people get close to me. But when I do, it always ends badly.
People leave, love, change, break.
They're indecisive, ignorant, irresponsible, irrational.
I don't think people grasp what true potential they have to eternally ***** someone else.

I dont have the strength for any more temporary *******.

Be honest, be blunt, be reckless.
But don't leave me.
Written 09.24.15
Sep 2015 · 401
Good Job
Em Sep 2015
It's funny really.
Four weeks ago you laid it all out.
You told me how you "really" feel.
You told me that my poetry makes you angry because
I "should never have been treated like that".
You told me that you love me.
I just find it ironic that a month later,
We're barely talking,
You're dating someone else,
And all has gone back to as if you never said anything.
All except for me.
What am I supposed to do with those three words?
What do I do with this new information?

Did you even mean it?

It's just funny really how you said
The people in my past ruined your chances,
When really,
Right now,
You'e doing a pretty good job of ******* them up all by yourself
Written 09.24.15
Sep 2015 · 378
Em Sep 2015
No matter how sudden,
Nor how drawn out,
It releases the same emotion: pain.
Death is a funny thing really.
No one ever wakes up in the morning
And says to themselves
"Today is the day I take my last breath".
It just doesn't happen like that.
Death lurks behind the eyes,
and souls of hundreds.
Even at this very second.
It's waiting to attack.
To destruct.
To haunt.
Death has no preference to age,
or social status.
It takes whom it sees fit,
without a second thought.
Without consideration.
Death isn't fair,
But life isn't either.
Written 09.22.15
In memory of Roland, Mendy, Harley, and Sophie
Sep 2015 · 779
Missed Your Chance
Em Sep 2015
I may have been drinking tonight, but it has just brought a sort of clarity. I don't let people walk in and out of my life easily. You can't have it both ways. I don't take **** from anyone, and I don't ever plan on it. You chose to walk out of my life the day you chose her. One day you'll realize how big of a mistake you made. You'll look back on the years spent with me and realize how much you lost. You'll see that everything I did, in some way I did it for you. You'll come to the realization that I loved you with every ounce of my being. No one will ever love you more than I did. You'll wonder where you went wrong, when you lost a girl like me. You'll try to come crawling back, but I don't want you anymore. Me, the girl who would have gone anywhere, done anything to be with you, is simply over it. No, I don't want you back. I don't want you to change. You missed your chance with that.

So when you realize how vast my love for you was, don't tell me. Don't remind me.

Just sulk in the what ifs and maybes, just like you made me do.
Written 9.6.15
Sep 2015 · 316
but you don't
Em Sep 2015
You don't know what you're trying to get involved with.
I do my best to keep my demons suppressed,
but I fear you'll awaken them.
You don't know what you're trying to get involved with.
I'm not as perfect as I may seem.
You think you do
He'll probably see this.
Aug 2015 · 503
i don't know anything
Em Aug 2015
You caught me off guard.
You threw me for a loop.
I've been left confused, speachless, and breathless.
You think you love me.
You say you have these "feelings for me".
What does any of that even mean?
I have to believe that it was all stemmed from the intoxication.
A mere drunken moment.
You can't love me.
You don't even know me.
Maybe, you love the idea of me.

****. I wish you wouldn't have said that.
Now I'll just be waiting for you to leave just like everyone else.
I'll go on automatic self-destruct.
I'm like a time bomb.
It's likes personal bet to see how fast I can make you leave.

Why won't I just let myself be happy for once?
Written 8.30.15
Aug 2015 · 264
Shocked Thoughts
Em Aug 2015
He told me he loves me.
He said that he's in love with me.
What kind of person says that?
Less than 20 minutes before he confessed his "love" for me, he had a girlfriend. For two years.
I am so confused and lost.
You can't just say that.
You don't get to throw those words around.
But, he was brave. Courageous.
He's known me for three years and risked a rejection I wasn't even willing to face after sixteen.
To an extent, I understand...
I couldn't even express my love for you after sixteen years: drunk or sober.
What have I become?
I need to realize that he isn't you.
He loves me.
That's something you never did.
Written 8.29.15
Aug 2015 · 353
i wonder if it's true
Em Aug 2015
They say it will all fade: the sound of your voice, the warmth of your embrace, look in your eye when you are genuinely happy, these feelings I have for you. They say it will all become a distant memory. A thing of the past. I just, I just don't know if I'm ready to forget you.  I find myself holding on for dear life. But is it worth it? Is remembering you worth knowing that you forgotten me?
I've tried to forget you.
Believe me,
I've tried… I just can't yet.
I can't move on.
I can't be me without you.
I can't breathe without you.
I guess I'm just stuck.
Written 8.29.15
Aug 2015 · 540
I deleted your number.
Em Aug 2015
I deleted your number the other day. It occurred to me after you forgot my birthday that you really had forgotten about me. You've been a complete **** to me for the past six years, I'm just now coming to get the fact that you were no good for me. So, I deleted your number, as if that mere act would delete you from my memory. I don't know what we had, maybe contains no definition. But I felt something when I was with you and I just can't take it anymore.  You've moved on, and so should I. I began, by deleting your number.
Written 8.20.15

It's time I move on.
Em Aug 2015
Same problem, different guy. I don't know why I'm so insecure, because I'm not. I love me, I'll own up to my faults but I'm pretty great. I just don't know  what anyone sees in me. Even if he likes me now that could all change in a matter of seconds. It has before, don't see a difference now. But say it didn't change. Say we got together and it lasted. I'm still going away to college, and then start my career soon after. Point is everything has an end. I don't want to waste my time.
Written 8.20.15
Aug 2015 · 428
She thought.
Em Aug 2015
She thought he completed her. She thought they were made for eachother.  She figured that he meant what he said when he told her she was the one for him. She believed him as the words "I love you" poured out of his mouth. She gave her heart to him with nothing in return. Little did she know that he was incapable of giving her anything back. For he gave his heart away before, and it was never returned. He now steals time, love, life, which no intention of reciprocation. His words were always empty. His soul, always blank. He broke her and wouldn't take the blame. Now she sits in silence watching life pass her by while the one who stole her heart was living an all time high.
Written 8.10.15
Aug 2015 · 400
I'm getting there.
Em Aug 2015
I'm  getting there. I'm getting to my happy place again. You're still always on my mind, but it's beginning to hurt less. It doesn't feel like there's a gaping hole in me, my chest, my life. It doesn't feel as bad as it used to you anymore when someone brings you up, when something reminds me of you or when I have to go to sleep without you by my side. Life is beginning to go back to the way it was before you ****** around with it .  It's finally as if you were always a distant memory. Soon you'll fade completely. I won't be constantly wagering the "what if's" and "whys" for they will no longer matter. I will simply be focused on the present, for it is a gift I have yet to open .
Written 8.10.15
Aug 2015 · 303
it's a downward spiral
Em Aug 2015
we're afraid to let people in because we've been hurt before and we've been hurt before because we let people in
maybe none of its real

Written 8.4.15
Jun 2015 · 412
open my eyes so I can see
Em Jun 2015
You must have seen something in me that I was blind too recognize.
I remember your exact words.
We were on a road trip, and we stopped for lunch.
I sat next to you because you were what made me feel alive.
I looked at my phone and put it away, then you said
"Who's heart are you breaking?"
Whose heart was I breaking?
I couldn't help but laugh, because everyday that you looked at her with passion in your eye instead of me, you were breaking my heart.
Every time that you went to be next to her and laugh with her instead of me, you were breaking my heart.
Every single time that she left and you kissed her goodbye instead of me, you were breaking my heart.
I laughed because I wasn't good enough for you, and you were the only one good enough for me.
I've had my heart broken, but I didn't think I could hold that kind of power in my hands:
the power to break a heart.
But you must've seen something in me.
Because today, as I reject relationships for whatever reason,
I see a glimpse of what you saw.
You told me one time that I was unpredictable, and it scared you.
Maybe what you saw scared you.
Maybe it pushed you away.
Maybe it was simply too much for you to handle.
For now I'll live with this broken heart.
But you saw something in me that I'm still waiting to see.
Maybe it was strength.
Perhaps it was beauty.
Whatever it was you were able to live without it, and I without you.
Written 6.4.15
Jun 2015 · 288
Tell Me Something
Em Jun 2015
I think it's ridiculous that after four weeks of no communication you're still the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the only thing I can think about when I try to go to sleep.
I can't help be rehash old wounds, morning and night.
I just have so many questions.
There were so many things you left unanswered.
So many lies, that you claimed to be true.

I knew it was over before it even began, but that doesn't help me sleep.

Maybe things always end badly for me, because that's all I expect.
I didn't expect a happy ending.
I did't expect that you would actually be honest with me.
I didn't expect to grow so attached.
I didn't expect to be so hurt.

None of this was part of the plan.

I don't want you back, and I couldn't let you back in even if I wanted to.

I just want answers.

Was it easy to walk away?
Was I easy to fool?
Did you get what you came for?
Did you mean any of what you said?
When did I stop making you smile?
What changed?
Was any of it real?
Do you think about me?
Did I mean anything at all?

I just want answers.
It's 1am and I can't sleep, because your all that's on my mind. Thsee questions stir continuously in my mind. Maybe I'll never know.
Jun 2015 · 437
Em Jun 2015
Why is it that we seem to make our beds in sadness?
We hate the feeling, yet find some sort of comfort in the pain.
It's strange how easy it is to become used to the discomfort.
It's odd that we would simply let it waltz into our lives and take over.

Pain, sadness, detachment.

At least they of all things are consistent.
I don't know why I let you in when I always knew you were destined to leave.
May 2015 · 516
Em May 2015
I think what keeps me up at night is knowing that
I could have made you so happy,
I could have loved you so deeply,
I could have been your constant...

If only you gave me a chance.
Written 5.25.15
May 2015 · 357
it's a talent really
Em May 2015
I have this innate ability to see people for what they really are and continue to believe that they will or can change for the better. This only ***** me over. I know that no one is perfect and we all mess up, but I just want to believe that deep down, our intentions are pure
                                                            ­                                        and they're not
May 2015 · 260
That day is not today
Em May 2015
one day i'll look back and think " how stupid was I to begin to doubt the existence of love? How naive was I to waste so much time pondering life, instead of living it?"
Written 5.18.15
May 2015 · 324
What is Different?
Em May 2015
I don't know why I ever thought you were different than all those other boys. You turned out to be exactly what I feared you to be.

You talked about being with me. Staying with me for six years - at least - until I commissioned. You said you wanted to see me start my life.
But you couldn't even stick around for six weeks.

You told me how beautiful you thought I was. How you loved my eyes, smile, and charm.

After some time, I began to believe you, or at least believe that you believed it.

On days that I couldn't bare to face, you gave me strength for the day. You gave me reason to smile.

I thought you were different.

I shared my fears with you, but you became exactly what I was afraid of.

I feared being hurt,
being left,
not being sufficient.

And I am, you did, I wasn't.

I couldn't have made you stay, and I wouldn't have wanted to.
I just wanted to know what happened to that happiness that I used to bring you.

Where did it all go?

When did it run out?

It was only six weeks.

We weren't in love, but, oh God, we could have been.
Written 5.11.15
May 2015 · 242
To You:
Em May 2015
As I'm looking forward at the light at the end of this never ending tunnel, a few things come to mind in regards to you. Promise to listen carefully to what I say: my few, final requests.

       Promise me that you won't make these same empty promises to the next girl with whom you become involved with. After hearing the same empty, meaningless phrases - I'll always be here, I love you, I'm here for you, You're mine - time and time again, they begin to lose all meaning. They all start to sound like noise. Don't promise her things that you don't intend to do; don't tell her things that you know you don't mean. Once a girl has had the same things repeated to her by guys who constantly leave, they have a much more difficult time believing the ones who stay.

       Promise me that you'll be open and honest with her. If you mean what you say, and say what you  mean, this is the only way she'll be able to acknowledge it. I promise you that honesty and communication really are the two things that she'll want the most.
                                                                                  I know they were for me.

       Be patient with her. She has more than likely had to deal with more than her share of leaving. Reassure her of your intentions, but don't you EVER lie to make her feel better. Don't you dare tell her that you'll always be there for her if your intention is to hit it and quit it. Be honest, it's the least you could do.

Share with her your hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations, past and fears. Women are some of the most loyal, strong, yet ever so fragile creatures to walk this planet. She will stand by your side through think and thin if you give her honesty and consistency.
                                                                        At least, I know I would have.

       If you fall in love with this girl, show her. Show her the depths of your affection for her, but be prepared that it may take time for her to trust it and show it back.

       Finally, If I could tell you anything on your endeavors of going forward I'd say this: Open your eyes! Realize what a gift you've been given and thank God everyday for her. Don't take her kindness, forgiveness, or patience for granted. Realize that not everyone is so lucky to have that.

                                                                               Your Flight Commander
                                                                                Your Sunshine.
Written 4.23.15
May 2015 · 859
Weather Today:
Em May 2015
sunny with a high of losing my mind
May 2015 · 389
I lived.
Em May 2015
You really want to know what happened to me? What broke me?

I fell in love with my best friend.

I fell in love with him,
and despite the ample opportunities to tell him...
I was never brave enough.

His actions and words both showed me that he didn't see me that way
so I got scared.

He moved 1,490 miles away and I was too scared
to tell him how deeply that I loved him.

Him leaving left me with a void that I have been trying to fill since.
I eagerly tried replacing him and the emotion he gave me.

But no one has stuck around long enough to let me.

I had plenty of moments where I thought
"this could be it, I'm happy".

Happiness fades.

People stop putting in effort.
Nothing lasts forever.

So what happened to me?
I loved.
I trusted.
I lived.

So if I'm distant, pessimistic, cold-hearted, or lifeless..
there's a reason.

Stick around, you might see.
Written 5.12.15
May 2015 · 234
He was Her All
Em May 2015
She hung onto his every word.

Every empty promise he made to her, she internalized.

She became so distant, yet so attached to him... so quickly.
He became her smile,
her joy,
her source of life.

So when he left, that part of her left with him.
He gave her depth,

He left her blank,

She was completely lost.

He was her guide. He gave her strength and purpose. She never knew how much he meant to her before it was too late.

She loved him despite his incapability to love her back.

She survives without him. But surviving is no way tho thrive.

She'll make it, but she will forever love him.
Written 4.23.15
May 2015 · 259
Always always ends
Em May 2015
I constantly tell myself that it's okay if you leave because that proves to me that it wasn't worth it.

But really, it's not okay if you leave.

You promised me that you would stay. You promised me always.

Always doesn't end....
                                        at least, it isn't supposed to.
Written 4.23.15
May 2015 · 245
I never really knew then.
Em May 2015
I never really imagined what an impact you would have on my life. Of course, I knew that you had to have some sort of impact seeing as we spent so much time together, but.. for some reason i always thought it would be positive and not negative.

You ****** me up completely.

You distorted my views on love without ever loving me. I loved you with all that I had, and you couldn't make up your mind about what you wanted: me or someone else. You couldn't decide if I was worth it. If I was worth your time, your feelings, your affection. You constantly flip-flopped in what I meant to you.

You made me feel worthless and worth it all, all at the some time.

Maybe you simply didn't know what you wanted. Maybe you were just too young, too naive to know.

But I knew. I knew then and  I sure as hell know now.

Perhaps it wasn't all bad, because now I know what I deserve. Despite walking through hell for you, you showed me that I deserve the world.

No one is ever for sure when it comes to love, but I know without a doubt that I would have gone anywhere to be with you. Maybe - hopefully - one day those feelings will fade.

I pray that one day I forget all about you.
Written 4.23.15
Apr 2015 · 340
And that's the honest truth
Em Apr 2015
I'm scared to death because all relationships end in one of two ways:
a break up or a marriage. And to be honest, I'm not prepared for either of these two options. I know I'll pour my heart and soul into any relationship I'm in, the thought of that alone terrifies me.
I'm not prepared for you to go,
but I know I can't have you stay.
Written 4.27.15
Apr 2015 · 265
Em Apr 2015
I don't want to be afraid of ever letting anyone in. But I can tell you it's certainly heading that way.
Apr 2015 · 288
love is odd
Em Apr 2015
It took me 16 years to realize I was in love with him.

These past 18 months, and he's just now beginning to not be the only thing on my mind.

And over these past 18 months, I've begun to realize that survival is possible even without him.

You could say I don't fall easy, but rather I fall repeatedly for those who I know won't catch me.
Written 4.20.15
Apr 2015 · 431
all you had to do was stay.
Em Apr 2015
I have this... This problem. It's something that no one can fix, it won't go away on its own, and I simply don't know what to do about it.

You see, I live behind a wall. Occasionally, I'll peek over and see people on the other side, but never could I ever take down that wall. Often people begin to take turns trying to tear down my wall: my protection. Sometimes, it even begins to work. I let them. My boarder, my protection, my guard comes down for them. And I have to admit, it's amazing... For a while that is.

At the beginning, it's scary and new and adventurous. It seems so exciting because the person appears to care so much that they want to see me. Not see me behind the wall, but simply see me. My quirks and faults all in all. It's enticing. It's encouraging. It's exciting. The mixed surge of emotions that is felt as the wall comes down and I make myself comfortable with them is remarkable. It simply makes me feel.. Wanted. They become my protection, my guard, my life.

But as it's happened so many times before: my new found way of protection.. Leaves. People have shown me that they never truly stick around. No one is in it for the long hall. The people who helped tear down that wall in first place are the very same people who leave scars in a matter of seconds. I don't even know if they realize what they do. Simply put, they disappear.

No questions
No comments
No goodbyes

It's not fair. It's never fair. The sole person whom you put your trust in will stab you in the back. They'll leave without a reason. They'll ignore you as is they never knew you. What has always bothered me, is that they never tell you why they have chosen to leave.

Now, I want the real deal. I desire the companionship, the comfort, the fun, joy, laughter, arguments and intimacy. I long for all of it. It's all I want. But that person whom you placed your trust in,  in order to take down the walls, is the same one who keeps you from this.  

The person who helped you bring the walls down the first time, second, third. They all stop you from believing whole heartedly that people stay. They have me believing that no one is permanent. Everything and everyone in my life is temporary.  And it scares the crap out of me because I don't know what I'd do if I had to deal with one more person walking out on me. But I know that it's inevitable. It will happen.

I just wish I could find someone who would stay.
Written 4.14.15 while i was half asleep.
Apr 2015 · 243
all I can say is this
Em Apr 2015
I can not risk getting close to you, or to anyone again. Because I can honestly say that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if one more person I cared about simply walked out of my life. I can't risk losing someone that important. I won't. So why don't we stop this before it's too late for either of us.
Written 4.9.15
Apr 2015 · 299
all I want right now
Em Apr 2015
is to forget you and every moment we shared together. I just want to forget it all.
Written 4.3.15
Mar 2015 · 497
His Eyes
Em Mar 2015
His eyes pierce my soul,
And yet, he sees right through me.
He could look right into my eyes, and see directly past me.
His eyes could **** me.
His gaze leaves me speechless,
His laugh leaves me joyous,
His kiss leaves me breathless.
How does he do it.
I often wonder how he
has made me fall for him,
without even trying.
Before him, I never would have believed in love at first sight.
But the minute I laid eyes on him,
I knew I was in trouble.
I was in trouble because, he isn't the type to let you down easy.
He isn't the kind who would
catch you when you fall.
He's still a mystery to me.
But, does he even realize
what he does to me?
Can he see it on my face?
In my posture?
Do my eyes light up when I see him walking around the corner?
Does my voice change pitch when I speak to him,
about him,
with him?
Can he see that every time
we share space in a room,
my eyes wander to find his?
Can he even tell?

They say that the eyes are the
window to the soul,
what does that say about his eyes.
Written 3.9.15
Em Mar 2015
His eyes pierce my soul,
yet he still doesn't see me.
He looks directly into my eyes
and still sees right past me.
Written 3.9.15
Mar 2015 · 266
this nightmare
Em Mar 2015
This is beginning to feel like I'm in a recurring nightmare.
They all start and end the same way, varying only slightly in between.
It's almost a problem for me: how easily I am to rely on people; how quickly I forget that they were meant to leave.
I place my trust, my identity, my joy, my heart in these people.
And every time I do and things are going better than to be expected, they leave.
It's not that we simply drift apart or become distant for a short time.
It's that every single person that I have entrusted to see the real me, every person that I trust with my life had packed their life up and left me.
Left me all alone.
Now, I am not a victim. I refuse to play the victim role.
I just can not wrap my head around a reason why this continues to happen.
Was it something I said?
Something I did?
Perhaps it was something I didn't say?
Either way, what's done is done.
I simply wish that I could find a way to escape this nightmare.
But it's so hard to wake up from a nightmare
when you're not even asleep.
Written 3.8.15
Feb 2015 · 342
But that will change too
Em Feb 2015
I don't put up fights. I don't argue about what I feel or why I feel it. I don't know, maybe it's because I'd rather see you happy without me than arguing with me. Maybe it's because I know that you're right, and I can't admit it to myself. Who knows? All I know is that I'm not with fighting over. This.. Whatever it is, is not worth fighting over. What I want will change, and one day I'll have exactly what I need. I don't need you to be happy. There is absolutely no purpose in arguing about what I want when it so obviously meaningless to you.

I just want you to be happy.

I put others happiness above my own.
Maybe that's my problem..
Written 1.24.15
Jan 2015 · 727
so I hate myself instead
Em Jan 2015
I hate myself.
I hate myself so much for allowing people to have such control over me and my emotions.
I hate that I let my hopes up, that I actually let myself believe that maybe this time things will be different.
I hate myself for never being satisfied.
I hate that I can't ever be content with being alone; but maybe it's not alone that I'm not content with, maybe I'm just not content with the loneliness. Oh, how I hate my undying need to be loyal to people I barely even know, to ensure their happiness.
Maybe something is wrong with me.
I hate myself because no matter what happens I can't bring myself to hate you.
I can't hate you because you ignore me.
I can't hate you because you only acknowledge me when it's convenient for you.
I can't hate you because you make me happy, giddy, sad, mad, depressed, lonely, all at once.
I simply cannot hate you..
because you make me feel.
Written 1.12.15
Jan 2015 · 453
Em Jan 2015
Soon we'll become distant..
We'll stop talking everyday
Eventually even altogether.

It'll be hard at first.
Hard to resist the urge to ask how you are,
To wish you good luck with your day.
But eventually, I won't miss it at all.

Eventually I won't miss the way you make me smile at the end of the day,
comfort me,
or talk with me about our problems.
No, eventually I won't miss it at all.

One day soon I won't even remember what you look like,
what you sound like,
smelt like,
felt like.

One day soon all I will have left is a name attached to memories.
Memories of comfort, butterflies, heartache, pain, and everything in between.
Eventually that will be the outcome.

But eventually, I'll find someone to replace you,
to replace those feelings,
to replace this void.

Eventually, someone will surprise me and stay.
Written 1.4.15
Jan 2015 · 253
Em Jan 2015
Why am I doing this to myself?
This is exactly what I let myself go through two years ago.
I literally spend all day being angry at you but as soon as I see a message from you I seem to forget it.
What is it about you that makes me feel so invincible?
What makes me think that any part of what you say is true and that you won't just leave when you're through with me just like every other person before you.
How can I even begin to think that this is different?
I can't stop myself from falling.
I've ignored all of the red flags, passed all of the danger signs.
It's as if I'm coming up to a cliff and can't help but peek over.
I know that you're coming from behind just to push me over.
You won't fall with me.
We won't land together.
I'll eventually realize I'm falling by myself, and when I reach the bottom I'll be the only one there to pick up the pieces.
written 1.3.15
Em Jan 2015
Reflecting back on this past year irritates me, almost to anger. Why did I spend so much time waiting for you? How could I be so stupid. Often my mind ventures to ask the bold question of "how are you now". So much has evolved, changed, started over, been made fresh. Yet, there remains that one thing, constant as the sun rising in the east. I've watched, I've waited. I've loved, I've hated. None of which change how I feel for you. Some days, I love you so much that it physically hurts. Perhaps I always will. But I laugh at myself when I realize how long I spent waiting for you to make up your mind. It ends now. I'm done waiting.
Written 12.31.14
Jan 2015 · 200
is that too much to ask?
Em Jan 2015
What is like to be wanted? To be craved in every aspect? To have some one who simply longs to be in your company? This is a feeling that I am unaccustomed too. I would not know it if I was feeling it; however, I am certain that I want it. I want it for you, for me, for us. I want you to crave me like that. To simply desire me to be with you. My touch, sent, laughter, warmth, voice, my everything. Want me like I want you. Surely, that is all I want.
Written 1.1.15
Dec 2014 · 251
Or Maybe I Don't Want To
Em Dec 2014
Even from a thousand miles away, I'm fascinated by you.
I'm jealous of the ones who get to see you daily,
who get to hear your laugh,
comfort you when you're down,
and those who get to hold you close.
Life likes to play tricks on us.
Every time things start to look up for me, I always **** it up because I can't let go of you.
Life likes to make us feel like we're worth something to those we care about.
But your actions have always spoken louder than words.
And your actions, well they tell me I'm worthless.
But for some reason I just can't seem to listen...
Written 12.18.14
Dec 2014 · 240
Em Dec 2014
I sit in silence.
I hear everything, yet nothing.
I wish I could hear your voice,
A still small voice beyond the noise.

Nothing seems to make sense...
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
its not the end yet
Em Dec 2014
I was sure that my life would end if ever you left.
I never had to function without you. The thought of it even blew me away.
Yet here I am.
I'm alive and you're gone.
The truth of the matter is that the gut wrenching, tear jerking, sobbing yourself to sleep, life threatening moments only show you where you've been, and the possibilities of where you can go.
Life didn't end for me there, because in reality, life doesn't end until you're dead.
Written 11.30.14
Dec 2014 · 363
We Think We Know
Em Dec 2014
Sometimes we think we know what we want,
what we need,
even what's best for ourselves...
But really in the long run,
we don't have a clue.
We're simply aiming in the dark, hoping we don't miss.
Written 11.30.14
Nov 2014 · 362
Em Nov 2014
I saw you staring,
But I wasn't caring.
We were walking,
I was talking.
You said you loved me,
I knew it was true.
You kissed me slowly,
I was falling for you.
Hand in hand,
We would stand.
Heart to heart,
Never to part.
written 1.4.12
Em Nov 2014
All I want
All I crave..
Is the one thing I'll never have.
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