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Nov 2014 · 554
break the mold
Em Nov 2014
It's always the same thing day in and day out. The same discussion, the same problems, the same longings. There's nothing I can do to get out of this rut I seem to be stuck in. I can't seem to break this mold. I have nothing to say that I haven't already said; no new emotions, feelings, or thoughts. I'm just so...empty. I should be happy. I have so many reasons to be. But the negativity of those around me has begin to engulf me. I'm downing in a sea of ungratefulness, forgetfulness, hatred, anger, and loneliness. I push everyone away because for some reason I'm still stuck on you. I can't be happy because my family is falling apart, my life is falling apart, my whole world is crumbling before me. I can't even cry about it. I am beyond ready to get out of this goodbye town and start fresh and new. I want to go somewhere and rebuild my outlook on life, love, and happiness. I know that they exist, just...not here. There's nothing this place could offer me. It destroys, distrusts, and degrades. That's not where I want to be.
Written 11.9.14
Oct 2014 · 244
give me a reason
Em Oct 2014
I know I can't commit to you. As much as I wish I could, and as many nights I stay up thinking about you... I can't. Your life is here and I'll be gone soon. I'm leaving and I'll hopefully never come back. I can't spend the little bit of love I have left on you when I know it won't last. I'm not optimistic, but you've given me no reason to be. I'm going and you're staying in this hell hole. This place ***** the light out of my soul. It gives me no reason to stay, I just wish that you would..
Written 10-12-14
Sep 2014 · 350
i need
Em Sep 2014
I need a distraction.
Something, anything to get my mind off of this.
To refocus me.
I need something new, fresh, a clean slate.
I need simple,
Anything but this.
Written 9/16/14
Sep 2014 · 290
Em Sep 2014
Do you remember how it felt the first date, the first kiss, the first time you stuck out your hand and I simply interlocked mine in yours? Do you remember wearing that old blue plaid shirt and cowboy boots that very first day when our friends introduced us? You looked like a southern dream. I naturally wasn't expecting to meet someone and was just in sweats with my hair up. I was a mess. I remember the way you looked at me. It was like you could see right through me and everything I was trying to hide. I never felt more alive than the night you grabbed my hand and made me dance with you in that parking lot. The way the rain fell on our faces as you spinned me around. I didn't want it to end. I remember the night you stole my first kiss. Everything was perfect, seemingly planned. You held my face and looked me in the eyes and for a moment nothing else mattered. No one else existed in that moment. I remember our frivolous adventures in Walmart, trips to the fair, the movies, the lake, nights when we'd stay in, when you'd take me to football games, baseball games, hockey. It soon became that we did everything together. I remember that Tuesday night as you were about to go home, you turned over and looked at me and smiled. It was quite for a minute then you just said it. We had been together for 3 months and 10 days and you said it. You told me that you loved me. You said you loved me, kissed me and went home. Yeah, I remember. It all just seems like last week that we met, got to know eachother, then fell more and more in love. I still remember the smell of the cologne that you wore the day that you told me you were leaving. You were almost emotionless as you watched the tears stream down my face. Five words you uttered: "This isn't working. It's over". You had no tears. No lump in your throat. No hesitation as you broke my heart. You spent 14 months making me fall for you and all I got was "This isn't working". You talked about our future. A life together. A family. Was it all just a facade? Yes, I remember quite well. And well, that seems to be my problem.
Written 8/31/14
Em Aug 2014
I don't want to continue simply sleepwalking through life. When you left last year, it threw me for a loop. I was completely blindsided. Never in a million years did I think my life would change so dramatically, so quickly, so out of my control. One day I was simply sitting there getting high off of you, and next thing I knew, I was numb from the shock of you leaving. Just like that. It was unexpected, unprovoked, I had no way if knowing.. no warning. I miss you everyday. All the places we used to go feels like I'm walking through a nightmare. You were my backbone, my cornerstone. You were the one thing that kept me going. When I lost you, I lost myself. I lost my direction, my motivation, my drive to be better. I forgot what this life was all about. I tried to play it cool, pretend that I was alright. But even the sound of your name brought me to tears. It's been 10 months and 9 days. I still miss you. I don't remember when I cried last. They tell me it'll stop all together soon. I can't help but wonder if you miss me, us. If you sit in bed and cry at night because you can't see me, hold me, remind me that you love me.. I wonder if I even cross your mind at all. I wonder if you'll ever fade from my memory, and if I'm already gone from yours. If you realized what you meant to me or if I should have been more bold in telling you. You are my late night thoughts. My early morning thoughts. My mid-day thoughts. You are constantly on my mind. Until that changes, I don't see how I could simply stop sleepwalking through life.
Written 8/29/14
Aug 2014 · 191
Em Aug 2014
Why am I like this? How have I become what I once hated? There's no thrill, there isn't a rush, I'm not thriving. I don't know what to do, how to fix it. I simply feel empty, abandoned, alone. The more I pour my heart into you the more it hurts everytime you go. Maybe that's my problem: I always forget that everyone leaves. They move on to something better, happier, calmer. Something "less complicated". I don't care about it being complicated.. All I ever wanted was you. But you don't see me. To you I'm just invisible.
Written 8/28/14
Aug 2014 · 278
Em Aug 2014
So this is what it's like to wake up invisible to the world. Irrelevant to life. This is what it feels like to not have one single soul care to see whether you are dead or alive. This, is what it is like. Ya know, some things are just how we'd expect them to be. It feels empty. It feels like I'm numb to everything, nothing could take away this feeling. People don't see that you are sad, depressed, alone. You could say those exact words to their faces and they still wouldn't get the picture. Maybe they're oblivious to what's starring them in the face. Maybe they do see you, they do see what you're going through, what you're saying.. They just don't know what to do about it. They don't want to cause more harm than good. They want to help, but they don't now how. Maybe.. Right? There's hope, they say...a chance. But who really believes in chances..
Written 7.29.14
Aug 2014 · 333
Em Aug 2014
My head hurts. The only thing that reminds me that I'm alive, is a constant migraine. I do nothing. I feel nothing. I mean nothing. I am nothing. Not to you, not to anyone. I am constantly trying to fill this gaping hole that you've left me with. Constantly trying to cover up just how wrecked and damaged I am, so that people don't see it, but I'm tired. I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally - exhausted. I don't know how much longer I can put on this facade. I don't know how much longer I can continue to cover up your tracks. I try to fix the damage you've done, but I'm not damage control. There's too much, even for me. I don't know how much longer you're going to stay under raps. One day, everyone will see you for why you are. They'll see who you've become, and what you've done. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or the day after... But one day your secret will be out. They say there's always going to be monsters under the bed, as we get older the monsters change. I just never thought my monster would be the same person who used to tuck me in at night...
Written 8.7.14
Jul 2014 · 219
I don't know what to do.
Em Jul 2014
I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop wanting you. Nothing anyone can do or say can fill this hole you've left. It's like I'm walking around with only one leg, one arm, one eye, one lung, one half of my heart. I don't know how to fix it, to fill it. I want to be able to make it through the day without being reminded of what I should have said, could have done, might have had... You were all I wanted, all I want. Nothing really has changed except now you're there, I'm here. You still don't notice me, see me. You're still content with not letting anyone in. You still don't see that I see through the ******* you hand out, I see what's really going on. But, you don't know that, you can't realize that. For some reason.. I still want you. I still want you even though you ignore me. I still want you even though you talk to other women. I still want you even if you don't want me. And I hate myself for it. Why can't I just let it go, let you go? I'm tired of thinking about you, your sister, your family. I'm tired of having your face pop up in my head thinking I'll see you when I turn the corner. I'm tired of not ever being able to escape you. I'm just tired of it all. I want to know if it ever ends, if I ever stop feeling like I'm drowning. Like I'm buried deep in regrets. I wonder if I ever get a chance to live again...
Written 7.26.14
Jul 2014 · 221
Em Jul 2014
I'm good with words. I know how to build people up or completely break them. I've realized that people tend to take on one another's stress and worry about them or sympathize for them. That's why I don't like sharing my stress or making a big deal out of my problems. Even if it kills me, sharing is the last thing I want to do. I don't want to vent to you and unload my burden just so that now you.must carry it. It's my struggle. My burden. My life. I have no choice but to carry it. I don't want peoples sympathy. I don't want them to worry about me. I simply want them to understand what I'm going through and move on. Because, that's all I'm worth.
Written 7.16.14
Jul 2014 · 595
Em Jul 2014
I'm addicted. You've got me hooked. I'm addicted to your smile: the way you look into my eyes and see right through me, through all the lies and disguises. I'm addicted to your touch: how your body presses against me when we hug, or how your hands seem to wonder when we're alone, and the bittersweet taste of our goodbye kiss. I'm addicted to the high you set me off on. You make me feel like I'm on top of the world! Like you and I are the only people in the universe that matter. I smile on the darkest of days, why? Because of you. I have hope that I'll make it through these times, why? Because I have you. With anyone else our silence would be considered awkward and would be filled with meaningless small talk; but with you... It's simply perfect, because we understand each other. The silence, the noise, it's all the same. You know me better than anyone. You know what I'll say before it's said, you know my hopes, dreams, and fears. You make me high, and I can't get enough. You're more addictive than heroine, *******, or ****; and I don't want to stop.
Written 7.25.14
Jul 2014 · 234
What I want
Em Jul 2014
I want you to want me, like I want you. I want you to need me, like I need you. I want to be the person you think about when you can't sleep at night, and when you first wake up in the morning. I want little things like a song, a commercial, or a piece of clothing to remind you of me. I want you to imagine us together. Imagine all the things we could be, do, and see. Together. Us. You and me. I want us to be more than just friends. I want us to be more than what we are or were. I want us to be the couple everyone looks at and is jealous of. I know we could be. I know we could be a power couple, constantly pushing each other to be better. I want to explore new things with you. Let's go on adventures, let's go get lost together. I want to build something so big, so pure, so real with you that it never really ends. I want you to want this. I want you to want me.
Written 7.24.14
Jun 2014 · 322
If Only
Em Jun 2014
I'm starting to realize that maybe I never did love him.
Maybe people are right, maybe I was simply in love with the idea of him.
Maybe all I wanted was for some to love me,
Someone to care,
Someone like him.
His smile, his sense of humor, his attention, his whit;
all were things I couldn't get enough of.
He was never my best friend,
or closest confidant.
Lately it seemed as if I knew nothing about him.
I've watched him grow-up and mature, but still I don't know him.
That's my fault really.
I can't blame him for just not sharing his live story with me;
Because, he probably doesn't know much about me either..
How can I be in love with someone I never really knew?
Yes, I knew he loved baseball,
Blondes and blue eyes,
Any and ALL food,
He wished he was black or Mexican,
And he likes to think because he was born in the South that he's Southern.
But I don't know anything about his life.
How he personally is doing.
Who am I trying to kid, saying I'm in love with him?
It's ridiculous.
I love him, yes.
I care about him, yes.
But, I'm not IN love with him...

At least I wish I wasn't..
Written 6.18.14
Jun 2014 · 284
One Summer.
Em Jun 2014
You were the one constant thing in my life. The one thing I could count on. That summer, I knew that no matter how awful my day had been, talking to you would always make it better. I could look forward to waking up every morning, because I knew you would have already told me "Good Morning Sunshine!". I was the first person you talked to in the morning, and the last you spoke with at night. You could always tell when I was irritated, sad, or mater how hard I tried to mask it. For the first time in my life, someone cared. The thing about it was though... I cared too.

Maybe not in the beginning, but as things progressed there was an undeniable connection. Every day all I could think about was you, small little things reminded me of you. I was falling for you. I didn't know it then, but I was. You seemed perfect. All it took was one summer: Three, short, sweet months. All day, everyday, caring a conversation without getting bored or annoyed, all I felt was calm, happy, anxious for what you'd say. One summer, then it all just...stopped.

I can't pinpoint why, how, or when the exact moment was that I noticed you growing distant. It might have been because of your job, my school, a girl. Who knows? All I know is that you suddenly had no more time for me. For our late night conversations, mid-day chats, or to remind me that I was what you thought of the very first thing in the morning.

Maybe it happened slowly; perhaps it was all at once.

It's been months since we last spoke. I woke up Sunday and for some reason all I thought of was you. You, you, you, you... I did the stupidest thing too... I re-connected with you. Ugh. I shouldn't have done that. At least now, I know what to expect. It was surprising though, you sounded like.. you actually missed me. It's impossible though, I know you don't. I know you do...

It was one summer, one love, one ending.
Written 6.18.14
May 2014 · 294
Em May 2014
I don't think my heart knew what it was getting into when it decided to fall for you.
You didn't exactly come with a warning label.
My heart is bruised and burnt, but not broken.
You can't break me.
I'm stronger now.
I still love you, and miss you like hell, but I'm not going to put up with this crap.
I'm not spending my life waiting for you.
It's not worth it.

You're not worth it.

If someday we meet again and things have changed -- you've changed-- we'll see.
But for now, goodbye.
Written 5.4.14
May 2014 · 266
Constant Pain.
Em May 2014
It hurts. I've found that the exit wounds never fully heal. They stand as a reminder of all the people who have left, are leaving or are going to leave. The pain never dies. The memories live on. Memories of a child, ripped for her family never able to see them again. Forced into a place of  total isolation; knowing no one. memories of the one and only friend you ever had, dying before your eyes, to save your life. Never given the chance to say goodbye.. Of the only person you have ever loved, telling you they love someone else... not knowing why or how or when, but they go. Yeah, it hurts.
Written 5.4.17
May 2014 · 258
Em May 2014
I don't know if I'd call this.. this life, living. Yes, physically I am alive. My heart beats, my lungs take in oxygen. But I feel nothing. Walking amongst the crowds invisible to all; without purpose, without responsibility, without hope. No one sees the pain in my eye as a cry for help. It's just normal, regular, me. They tell me to "get over it", "move on", "find someone new", "it'll be okay"; but how? How can I? I have no idea where to begin. Day in and day out he is all I think about. It's almost repulsive really how obsessive I've become. It'd be different if I'd actually spoken to him, I suppose. I haven't said a word to him in over four months besides " Happy New Year", even then it was nothing special. This is pathetic. I am a pathetic. Why can't I just face reality? Accept the truth. In my heart, I know if I ever mattered, he would have reached out.
Written 5.4.14
May 2014 · 254
Why can't I?
Em May 2014
I'm stuck in a rut. Always the same routine. I'm going through the motions, and I just want it all to end. I want to feel something; something positive! I want to be able to wake up each morning looking forward to life, not when I'll be able to sleep next.. I don't want to just live life, I want to be alive. Feel alive!

So why can't I...
Written 4.7.14
May 2014 · 205
Slowly but surely
Em May 2014
I'm scared. I don't want to get close to you again just to have you leave. I can't. I've gone through so much to be at this point. A point where I'm not constantly thinking about you, day in and day out wondering if it would ever get easier, better. Yet, still praying I'd never forget you. If it took me six months to get here, how long will it take me to get back? Maybe I don't want to go back. All I really want is to stay in your arms forever. For you to hold me and never let go. Make me feel save, and know it'll all be okay in the end. Too bad we don't always get what we want. Too bad it's not up to me. I know I could make you happy.
Written 4.7.14
May 2014 · 338
Em May 2014
Even I don't know what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling. I'm feeling everything in the world rest upon my shoulders, slowly pushing me into the ground. Every thought that could have crossed my mind, has. I wouldn't even know where to begin..
Written 4.7.14
May 2014 · 251
Em May 2014
When I was younger I always saw growing up as a fun, momentous, life changing experience. I was willing to give up anything to get here. But now, I'd give anything to go back. Growing up is overrated. People change their minds in a blink of an eye, constantly having to look over your shoulder to see who is coming at you with a knife, having to prove yourself to people who are impossible to please. It's not fun; and it's not easy. But it's life.
Written 3.21.14
May 2014 · 485
Em May 2014
I've spent endless days, countless hours, and numerous thought on you since you've been gone. I wouldn't even know where to start. I have been utterly speechless, breathless, emotionless. I don't know how to fix it. You are my remedy. You are the one thing that hurts, yet heals; scorns but encourages, hates although loves. You are a mystery to me. A jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. You make my darkness disappear.
Written 3.20.14
May 2014 · 850
I'm angry.
Em May 2014
I'm angry. I'm angry at my parents for lying to me about love; and not encouraging me to take a risk for you. I'm angry because I believed after sixteen years we would have developed some type of.. friendship. I'm angry because  I thought all those things you did and said meant something to you: more than words. Because, I thought I meant something to you.. I'm angry because I feel for you and you weren't there to catch me. Because I keep falling; everyday. I'm angry at you because you don't seem to see me. I don't make a difference. Most of all, I'm angry at God for taking you away from me. It feels like life has just stopped since you left. Everything has hit the breaks... and I crashed. I'm angry because despite the distance, the lies, the brokenness, I still love you..
Written 3.20.14
May 2014 · 255
Race of a lifetime
Em May 2014
Right now, in this moment, I feel like I'm just barely beginning to be able to catch my breath. Like I've been running, running for years trying to escape you and I'm finally slowing down. It's five months, on the dot; and I still have no idea what I'd say to you, if anything, giving the chance. I don't think I'll ever get bast this mile maker until I fully explain myself to you. It's the only way I'll be able to let you go. Part of me can't help but think I'm merely delusional. I have simply imagined everything we've said together, done together, been together. I made it all seem bigger that it was. I guess the only way is to tell you and see what you say.

But, we all know how soon that'll happen..
Written 3.20.14
Jan 2014 · 325
Alright, only dying.
Em Jan 2014
I'm numb. I can't feel anything, nothing at all. It's as if I'm trapped in a deep, dark abyss with no way out. And no one can know. I'm living in a state of utter carelessness. I don't care what's happened, what's happening, nor what is about to happen. I find it difficult to care about anyone or anything. Hell, I can't even care about myself. There are times when I just want it all to be over. I want this battle to end. There are times when I just want to be happy, truly happy, for once. I wanna know what it's like to feel again. But no one sees it. No one sees me breaking. No one can see that I'm dying from the inside out. No one sees the subtle hints I drop everywhere in desperation of being found out. No, no one can see through the constant, everyday "I'm fine", no one can see through the indefinite fake smiles flashed toward them. No, they can't.

Because I'm alright, only dying.
Written 1.23.14
Jan 2014 · 425
Best Friends
Em Jan 2014
Best friends aren't something you can make.
It's not something you can force.
Best friends are soul mates.
They were destined to find each other.
Together they are complete.
The amount of time you spend with someone doesn't determine the strength of your friendship.
True friends, can have not seen each other for months--years even--yet, still feel as if they had never been separated.
Friendship is not determined by the number of hours spent together, how often you see each other, or how many fancy gifts you give one another.
No, true friendship is about how much you love, care, and think about them.
I'm blessed with true friends.
Written 1.11.14
Jan 2014 · 654
Sometimes, I wonder
Em Jan 2014
I wonder what it'd be like if I could go back.
What would I actually change, given the chance.
Would I stay away from you or confront you and tell you how I feel?
Would I take no for an answer or would I stop at nothing until you were head-over-heels in love with me?
Would I even change anything?
Or would I just learn how to make the moments last in the time we had.
Would I just learn how to finally move on and let go.
Maybe we don't get second chances, maybe there aren't re-do's.
Every night I replay every moment I ever had with you.
But I already had my chance, I already took my shot.
Now, I have to learn from it, and let it go.
Before I miss another wonderful opportunity.
Written 1.23.14
Jan 2014 · 411
Em Jan 2014
It hurts. Everything lately does. Every time I sleep to try and escape your memory, I'm flooded with visions of you. Of you here, with me, laughing, smiling, holding me. Almost as if you never left. Just to be woken with a rude and painful reminder of how gone you really are. When I'm awake, everything reminds me of you. Of what we were. Of what we had. Whether it's that stupid commercial you always quoted, if I pass your favorite restaurant, if someone happens to have your name, or even if I here that song you always played on the radio.

I can't escape you.  

It used to be that you were my get away, my way out.

My escape.

Now, I'd do anything to be able to escape this nightmare.
Written 1.23.14
Jan 2014 · 169
Em Jan 2014
Tell me how I am supposed to feel again.
Show me what it's like to be wanted.
  Let me know it's not too late.
Written 1.23.14
Jan 2014 · 320
Life I guess
Em Jan 2014
My mind is racing. I can't stop thinking. Thinking about everything, nothing. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to think; I could just know. Life would be easier that way, simpler. I wouldn't have to worry about making the wrong decision or never knowing if your feelings were true. I could just know. I'd be sure of it. Yes, it would be easier, simpler. Too bad that'll never happen.
I'm bound to make mistakes, destined to never knowing, to regretting so much yet... yet, not enough.
I guess it's just part of life.
Written 1.4.14
Jan 2014 · 524
Never Fully Healed
Em Jan 2014
Thinking about you is exhausting. It’s overwhelming. Wondering how you are, how you've been. Having every little thing bring back a memory of you. A memory that stays in my mind for hours, days even. Thinking about all the things I wanted to tell you; all the times I needed you to be there for me, but you weren’t. Wondering if I had told you those-three simple, yet so very complicated- words, if it would have made a difference. Any at all.
                                                      If you would have stayed.
Sometimes I almost forget you left; then I remember. I make myself remember. Remember the most painful things. I don’t know why I do. It’s like every time the wound is almost healed, I cut it back open with a rusted, double edge sword; but this time
                                                                ­ slower,
                                                                ­                    deeper,
                                                                ­                                longer.
I guess the feeling of pain- of missing you- is better than feeling nothing at all.
Written on 1.12.14
Jan 2014 · 670
Late Night Thoughts
Em Jan 2014
It's late, or early rather. I can't sleep. My mind is racing. I can’t stop playing back memory after memory, wishing I could have, would have done something different. I miss him, like crazy. Not a day has gone by since he left that I haven’t thought about him. It’s been almost three months. Three months without seeing his face, hearing his voice, feeling his embrace… I know he had to go, I just wish… I wish I would have told him. It’s too late now. I lost my chance. I had so many opportunities. He gave me so many signs. I don’t know what to do with myself. I keep saying “it’ll get better”, and to some extent it has. But the pain is still there. There is still a dull void eating me alive.

                                     I miss him.

                                                     I love him.
                                                                 That’s all I really know.
Written 1.4.14
Oct 2013 · 782
Without You.
Em Oct 2013
Some days I can be strong, some days I can be weak.
Most days I forget how to feel altogether.
I'm just trying to find a way to get better.
I want to feel, something.
Anything would be better than this.. this
This feeling of being feelingless.
I want to be strong for you.
But it never ends up being true.
I'm not strong. I can't carry on,
Not without you.
Oct 2013 · 441
It's okay to love.
Em Oct 2013
So you're afraid to let me love you, because you don't want me to hurt you?
Hurt you?
I couldn't.
I couldn't even if I wanted to.
You mean to much to me for me to risk losing you.
And whether you like it or not, I already love you.
I think you're just afraid to love.
Whether or not I hold your heart is your choice.
You've been holding mine for quite some time.
Em Oct 2013
I don't know how to react.
I'm still at a loss for words.
None of this feels real.
I wish I could take it all back.
Meeting you,
Befriending you,
Fighting with you,
Making memories with you,
Loving you,
Remembering you.
I just want to get rid of it all.
Even the thought of you kills me inside.
I can't take it anymore.
To you, I'll forever be a childhood memory.
While to me, you've always been more like a dream.
If only,
This once, it could have become reality.
I want to take it all back.
I fell,
in love with you.
I must have known you could never love me too.
I suppose all I could hope for was the slight chance you might see things differently.
I mean,
Who was there for you when you had no one?
Who always had your back?
Who knows exactly what you're going to say, before you even speak?
Who knows you better than you know yourself?
I do.
I did.
But I guess none of that matters, because I'm no one to you.
Not now, not ever.
Sep 2013 · 563
No going back.
Em Sep 2013
I wish things would get better already.
I'm tired of waiting for what will never come.
I know there is a greater plan, a bigger picture.
Why can't I get a sneak peek of at the masterpiece?
I'm tired of hurting.
I'm tired of faking.
I'm sick of caring.
I'm done pretending.
I wanna be able to be real.
I don't want to hold anything back.
It's time you understand how I feel.
Hold on tight.
There's no going back now.
Written 9.14.13
Sep 2013 · 638
Do it for me.
Em Sep 2013
Don't give up yet.
The battle isn't nearly done.
You're worth the fight to stay alive.
Don't give into the lies people tell you.
You're worth more than they could ever say.
I'm proud of you for still being here.
Don't be a statistic.
Life is gonna be hard.
It's gonna ****.
But I promise you it's worth it.
You're more than your mistakes.
You're more than your failures.
You're more than temptations.
You are worth more than what this world can offer.
You've been made new.
Don't give up.
Don't give in.
If staying strong isn't enough,
Get stronger.
Written 8.28.13
Sep 2013 · 515
I still love you.
Em Sep 2013
You're not going to see me broken.
I'm not going to make that mistake again.
You take, and take, and take.
But you never give.
I won't be seen as weak.
You're not going to see me cry.
I let my guard down before,
You broke down my walls.
But you never planned on sticking around.
You never thought it would come this far.
I'm not what you expected.
I'm not what you wanted.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough.
I wish I was better, for your sake.
Because despite all the damage you've done,
I still love you.
Written on 8.28.13
Sep 2013 · 411
Too late.
Em Sep 2013
I'm not okay.
I'm not alright.
Every breath I breathe is suffocating me.
You said you'd always be there.
But now, you don't seem to care.
Were you ever there?
I need to get away from you.
I'm tired of being used.
I can't be around you and think straight.
You're too late.
I can't do it anymore.
You don't care, so why should I?
Written 8.28.13
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
I'm so, so sorry.
Em Sep 2013
I'm sorry I'm not alright.
I'm sorry I can't fix me.
I'm sorry you don't care.
Please stop pretending everything is fine, when it's not.
Its not your fault you're never around.
It's my fault for thinking you would be.
I'm sorry I'm not your perfect girl.
I'm sorry I can't do anything right.
I'm sorry I love you.
I'm never gonna have all the answers.
I'm never going to forget about these years.
I'm always going to be broken.
I'm sorry you don't know what you're missing.
I'm sorry I care.
I'm not perfect.
Good luck finding someone who is.
Written on 8.14.13
Sep 2013 · 387
Back to the start.
Em Sep 2013
I'm trying so hard not to fall apart.
Trying to find the pieces of this broken heart scattered across the floor.
As tears run down my face.
I search for a state of grace.
Foolishly I let you in,
Gave you all I have to give.
You left with a piece of my heart.
I'm just trying to go back to the start.
Written on 8.13.13
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
I'm tired of everything.
Em Sep 2013
I guess I'm too ******* up for you.
I'm not 'normal' enough.
I'd be the first to admit I have a shitload of problems.
I don't feel like I can trust anyone.
I'm not good enough for crap.
I'm way to nice to people who don't deserve it.
I'm tired of being walked on.
I'm tired of apologizing.
Sometimes I wonder why I'm here.
I'd hate to bother you.
I'm always here for you, but where are you when I need you?
I should stop expecting you to show up.
You don't care.
But did you ever?
I'm' tired of pretending everything is fine.
Cause it's not.
Written on 8.12.13
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
I'm tired
Em Sep 2013
I guess I'm too ******* up for you.
I'm not 'normal' enough.
I'd be the first to admit I have a shitload of problems.
I don't feel like I can trust anyone.
I'm not good enough for crap.
I'm way to nice to people who don't deserve it.
I'm tired of being walked on.
I'm tired of apologizing.
Sometimes I wonder why I'm here.
I'd hate to bother you.
I'm always here for you, but where are you when I need you?
I should stop expecting you to show up.
You don't care.
But did you ever?
I'm' tired of pretending everything is fine.
Cause it's not.
Written on 8.12.13
Jul 2013 · 509
Em Jul 2013
Who gave you the right to be so perfect?
I'd love to be mad at you since you're an ***; but, whenever I'm with you..
I forget.
I forget how to feel pain.
I forget how to smile in vain.
I forget about the scars.
How I feel like I'm behind bars.
I forget about all the things you've done.
I only think about how you've won.
Won my heart.
It's crazy, I know.
But whenever you look into my eyes,
They no longer feel the need to cry.
If I could relive those moments over and over, I would.
Then I think about it... and
You're not mine to love.
You're not mine to have.
You're not mine to hold.
But please..
Be the one to help me forget.
Written on 6.30.13
Jul 2013 · 633
I'm so Blind.
Em Jul 2013
Why do I have to fall so hard,
and crash so easily?
Can't I see that there is no one there to catch me?
Why am I so blind when it comes to love?
Why do I have to be so naive?
Cant I see people for what they actually are,
for what they actually do.
Constantly seeing the good in people tends to always leave me broken,
Because in all honestly, no one cares.
No one is there.
I have to find a way to make it on my own.
Survive all alone.
It's a big world out there.
It's about time someone showed they cared.
Written on 6.28.13
Jul 2013 · 520
Em Jul 2013
Nothing matters when I'm with you.
You're the only one I see in a crowded room.
Laying in bed,
With your arms wrapped around me.
Dancing with you,
Alone in the living room,
With no music playing.
Falling asleep in your arms on the couch;
Because I didn't want you to leave.
I thought I'd tell you you're pretty much perfect.
We've been together for so long;
But, you're still all I want.
The light in my world,
The apple to my pie,
The criss to my cross.
Everything is so free with you.
Just tell me you'll never leave me.
I wouldn't know what to do without you.
It shouldn't even be a thought in my mind.
You and me,
We're together forever.
Written on 5.17.13
Jul 2013 · 425
Em Jul 2013
You made your point.
I see the picture.
You obviously want nothing to do with me.
Why can't I just leave it be?
I thought it would be a lot easier to accept.
I guess there is just so much I regret.
I regret never telling you how I feel.
I regret always reading into things.
But mostly, I regret falling.
Falling for your words; I should've recognized the sweet sound of lies.
Your hugs, you'd hold me and never let go.
Your kiss, the sweet taste of your lips on mine.
Falling in love with someone who could never truly love me back.
If I can learn to let go of these things, maybe I can let go of you.
The worst part is, I knew it'd end like this from the start.
I thought this would make it easier,
But it's not.
Written on 5.17.13
Jul 2013 · 588
Save me
Em Jul 2013
I feel like I'm jumping off a cliff
   And no one's there to catch me.
      Everywhere I look you're all I see.
         I can't feel anything; nothing at all.
                    You say you love me;
                        But, you don't show it.
                          You say you care;
                             But, I don't know it.
                                I could leave and no one would notice.
                                   Why do I have to feel this way?
                                       Can't I just be okay?
                                             I'm f
     ­                                                     l
          ­                                                  i
                                                              ­        f
                                                       ­             a
                                                  ­                     l
                                                              ­            l
                                                   ­                         i
                                                                ­             n
                                                                ­                g,
                                              ­                                          falling fast,
                                                                ­                          falling hard.


                                                               ­                                                       Someone notice before it's too late.
Written on 5.9.13
Jul 2013 · 383
Em Jul 2013
Sometimes there won't be anyone there,
to catch you when you fall.
Sometimes you just have to get up off the ground,
and put a smile on your face.
Sometimes the people closest to you,
hurt you the most.
You just have to let it all out..
Written on 4.30.13
Jul 2013 · 305
Last Kiss
Em Jul 2013
I should've seen it.
I'm just so naive.
How could I have thought you were ever into me?
I guess I wanted to believe...
Believe that fairy tales are real,
That magic does exist,
That you meant it when you said you loved me.
But I'm so sick of trying.
I'm so tired of being broken.
So done with leaving my heart on my sleeve.
Don't come crawling back to me when you realize what you're missing.
I deserve better than this.

                                               Here's one last kiss...
Written on.. 3.15.13
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