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 Feb 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I fell in love with your ignorance,
It didn't show cause you were heaven sent,
I started aiming for the craziness,
Then took a trip back to my consciousness,
I fell in love with a your innocence,
Theres nothing crazy about deliverance,
I push your buttons cause I care with bliss,
I was use to whatever heaven sent,

Staring at the cold ground with sore eyes and leaky
Laying at corners of my head that's dripping from
My pockets,
I don't have a lot of money to buy some fancy
But to impress you just to caress you is not an option,
So I walk through these blue lights,
The subject I can no longer bite,
Hanging out on the cold winter night with a box
Of menthols and the devil cries,
the evening is certainly quite,
A sight to see up in the night sky,
But tonight this love can not die,
And this is the reason why I said...
I fell in love with your ignorance,
It didn't show cause you we're heaven sent,
I started aiming for the craziness,
Then took a trip back to my consciousness,
I fell in love with a your innocence,
Theres nothing crazy about deliverance,
I push your buttons cause I care with bliss,
I was use to whatever heaven sent,
Whatever heaven sent.
 Feb 2017
The monster under my bed,
is he just there or inside my head?
Am I really safe and sound?
That’s just another thought in the foregrounds
of my head.

The dark, what’s in in it?
Whats life, and what’s worth living?
What’s love and is it worth giving
or receiving.

I can’t sleep cause these thoughts
just keep coming in my head.
I don’t want to be awake but here I am lying in bed.
I don’t want to be in the dark
it’s just hard to let down my guard
to the world,
that hurt me too many times.
Don’t make me get up.
 Feb 2017
Rebel Heart
You make my heart ache
clench, quiver, and sway
Break it into pieces
and watch it fade away.

Yet one look into your eyes
and I'd let you do it once more.
Hurt me over and over
and I'd still demand an encore.

But do you really love me?
Or are you just using me too?
Did "us" ever exist?
Or was I just hung up on you?

Because you swore to me
that one starry night
under the stars,
under the moonlight

That you'd never hurt me
and we were meant forever
But what if really
forever lasted for never?

Yet all these doubts
and questions in my mind
went away at your touch
and the stars realigned.

And I was stuck again
drowning deep in your eyes
weakening at your touch
as I let down my disguise

Because you were the only one
who ever saw the real me
and my heart still belongs to you
though everyone says it shouldn't be.

And you can call me stupid
for not being able to see
I meant nothing to you
But you meant everything to me...
Definitely needs to be edited and whatnot, but just wanted to get my thoughts down. (I'm working on a new book and the protagonist is a poet so this is something she 'wrote'). If anyone wants to recommend a better title, please comment.
 Feb 2017

In the prosecution of celebrities,
And in their sentencing,
We Indians **often
compromise as we get influenced by their hype,
And for them we harbor many soft-corners.

In the prosecution of high-society crooks,
And in their sentencing,
We Indians frequently compromise as we get influenced by their heights,
And allocate 5-star treatment to murderers..

In the prosecution of petty thieves,
And in their sentencing,
We Indians rarely compromise as we get influenced by their low status,
And quickly pronounce sentences...

In the prosecution of celebrated criminals,
And in their punishments,
We Indians often compromise as we get fascinated by their misdeeds,
And by their outrages....

In the execution of our daily works,
And in their performance,
We Indians seldom compromise as we often get boosted by their difficulty levels,
And put in that extra effort.....

In the protection of our loved ones,
And in their safety,
We Indians never compromise & protect them with all what we have,
And keep them safe......

In our own heartfelt ambitions,
And in their fulfilment,
We Indians nevermore compromise & strive heartily to succeed,
And rise above the world.......

Then why we Indians can't do,
What's regarded right,
In the society & in all the countries in this world,
And progress like never before........

Why we Indians can't stop,
What's regarded wrong,
In the society & immoral in humanity,
And let our land become a paradise again.........

Probably we Indians require a change,
May be you & I could help by bringing it,
In the social, local & national politics,
And see our country become the India of dreams..........
Written on a day when I finally read in the newspaper that one of the most celebrated terrorists had finally been hanged till death.
My HP Poem #2
©Atul Kaushal
 Jan 2017
Rebel Heart
These sands of time
slowly slip through my mind,
Grains that slow and fade,
unable to be defined

Are we really living life,
or are we just living to breathe?
To count the days as they fade away,
softly in the summer breeze?

I want to believe there's more
To life then the eye can see
but my time is ticking away
and soon I won't be me

I'm fading away
I'm losing time.

I'm fading away
as I lose myself in rhyme.

These grains of time
have slipped away
up into the breeze.

You won't see me again
I've slipped away
out into the sea.

So tell me now,
now that my time is done
do you miss me at all?

Or are you still lost
within the worlds of time
running towards your own downfall?
Time never stops running, so stop running away and face life before its too late...
 Jan 2017
Rebel Heart
If you're a pencil,
then I'm the paper,
We're perfect together,
but not forever.

Lean on me,
tell me your deepest lies.
Show me your true self,
what's under that disguise.

Spill your secrets,
Color me grey
Tear off my edges,
Mean what you want to say.

Fill me up
With your darkest thoughts.
Leave me stranded,
Alone in your room.
Let me down
With your fancy words,
And leave me to my doom.

I'll shrivel up over the ages.
With your secrets locked inside.
But you'll forget me and move on,
For the world I have died.

Because I existed
only for you
for your smiles
and the pictures you drew.
But I guess I was stupid
you never even knew
how much
I truly...
Loved You...
And now I'm just a forgotten broken sheet of endless memories with no purpose...
 Jan 2017
Rebel Heart
My pencil scribbles
on this empty sheet
defining the story of my life.
Incoherent lines for
incoherent thoughts,
unable to describe this strife.

These useless words dance
on the empty edges of lined pain.
These ruthless monsters rejoice
on  the empty corners of my brain.

My mind is a battlefield
of meaningless words
and demons of the past.
The only hero left
is a sole broken soul
that'll never even last.

But one look at you
and the lost soul is no more.
Something new flickers,
there's some hope for the war.

But the flicker of hope vanishes
as the last straying colors fade grey.
The hero knows it is a zero,
and doesn't want you to stay.

Because I'd let hope in to help,
but it's too late to try.
I have to fight this battle myself
Can't let you in to drown and die.

I'm bad news and a lost cause
all rolled into one
I may smile but I'm shattered,
incurable when the day is done.

Like these words I pour out.

Chained up by demons, too broken to shout
 Jan 2017
Sarah Mulqueen
My body is a temple, one I must uphold.
My body is a temple,
A temple with a few bricks askew?
The foundations no longer stable?
Moss and ivy growing up the sides, finding all the crevasses.

To look at, all but a natural beauty.
I'm weathered at such a ripe young age.
My body is a temple.
But this temple needs a grave.

I can't call the architect,
To tell them they ****** up.
All the sympathetic looks, or sideways glares.
No one truly understand the amount I learn,
from the way they look at me.

My body is a safety hazard.
No warning sign required.
Hips and arms clicking and cracking. Legs, back and neck no better

Ease me up gently and handle with care.
I'll bruise with the slightest pressure.
My temple may as well be completely collapsed right on top of me.

My temple has a leak causing the structure to rot.
I don't have the energy,
To fix myself again.
I don't have the energy.
I'm barely even still me.
In April last year I found out my bone cyst had returned in my right humorous. I later found out I had been misdiagnosed and actually had something called Fibrous Dysplasia (
Which is something a lot more serious than an Anuerysmal Bone Cyst which is what I previously thought I had.

Without sounding mellow dramatic I hope I was able to portray how my body feels on a day to day basis with chronic pain.
 Jan 2017
Rebel Heart
Show me fake love,
Lie to me in the face...
Kiss me with broken words
and hold me in an empty embrace.

Love me,
Love me not
I don't even care.
Just remember to
buy me some flowers
and play with my hair.

Compliment me
once in a while
tell me jokes and
make me smile

Make me fake promises
promise me a place
with just the two of us
and nothing but empty space.

Because love is just an illusion
that does nothing but shatter my heart
and what we have is a hopeless dream
and you'll understand that if you're smart.

Just show me fake love,
and lie to me in the face...
Kiss me with tainted words
and break me with grace
Just harsh, unedited mess of words splattered into stanzas. Don't even read, just keep scrolling along.
 Jan 2017
Rebel Heart
Another year
has Come and passed
Who knew
this long I would last.

My body is working
But I can't move
My heart is paralyzed
At the sight of you.

And my lips are moving
but words can't escape
Your name stuck in time,
as I stand here agape...

In the back of my mind,
thoughts swirling inside
memories crashing and burning ,
drowning in the deep tide.

The reality you convinced me was true
turned out to be nothing more
than a figment of my mind.

The truth you convinced me was reality
turned out to be nothing more
than a lost paradise I designed.

And a single tear
from my face

And my heartbeat
empty in space

As my realities crash
and tear into pieces
My life crashes
and cries into shreds...
Because you were all left of me
And now that too is dead.
I was already dead on the inside, my love... You didn't have to **** me too.
 Jan 2017
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

Like an angel forsaken and dipped in hellfire,
she was a girl of many things and many talents when the school ******
don't really expire,
she was a good liar,
she was something more electric like a live wire,
Did so many things that she wasn't proud of that a real teen wouldn't do,
girls all over school disgracing her name , like just be glad it wasn't you,
been at it since 8th grade and still ain't change in the actual,
But a nice home , good man ,two kids and a dog would be virtual,
Almost like a simulation because she thinks it won't ever happen,
remembering her last boyfriend , her was eyes were blackened,
was never a role model , she'd tell them to join the wagon,
i'll meet you at the bus stop,

As beautiful as heaven and destructive like her dad,
lived at nana's house to go to school , she was the only one she had,
and she was always sad,
because her grand daughter that she loved dearly was simply
going mad,
Had her first child with a guy that'll never leave her side,
that'll never black her eyes , that'll never make her cry,
but instead in the midst of situations he would dry her eyes,
took her to rehab and showed how to be a strong person,
He Saved her life before her life could even worsen,
I see your happy at the bus stop.
 Jan 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

How you been,
How's the weather treating you all on this end,
I repent,
For the day I get to see your face again,
It was sin,
That combined us , intertwined us through our touch,
It was lust,
Sealed and sending us in a ****** rush,
Blaming fate,
For the arguments and lying that took place,
I regret,
All that I said to you trying to maintain,
Its At rest,
All we worked for thinking you'd forget my name,
You were cruel,
Knowing our friendship will never be the same,

Bad intentions don't bring happy endings pacing back and forth
In a dark room where I reside to be alone,
No matter what I do , I've told you about my situations and my family,
And how they don't care about me,
And now you don't care about me,
Its apparent that this was all for nothing,
Just to give me something to deal with,
And you know I don't need the *******,
Don't really have remorse for you,
I'm so glad that we're through,
But I'm wishing I could hold you in my arms for a day or two,
The warm embrace of you.
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