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Aug 2020 · 488
Kuya Guard
Vaampyrae Aug 2020
I remember several months ago
I met a guard by a waiting shed
As I waited for my dad to pick me up from the pier
His name, I've already forgotten
He was around his 40s, or 50s
Childless, if I remember
Had a tough life
Graduated in International Relations
Came from a well to do Chinese family
Yet all came crashing down so soon
After a few decisions then and there
He spoke to me in English
We talked for awhile
He said, people usually looked down
On guards like him
Thinking they were uneducated
They couldn't possibly have interesting lives
And at that moment I realized
People pass by every single day
Without giving them second glances
Without realizing they're human too
With stories as exciting as those in screens.

My father arrives to pick me up.
I stand up, glance at the guard and my father, and I see -

Life is truly spectacular.

As I sit by the passenger seat and drive  away
The scenery changing before my eyes
I wonder if I was the first person to just sit down
And listen
I wonder how many sat down by that waiting shed before I did
Listening to his story
And I wonder how many have since then and will continue to
I wonder if I'll ever pass by him again
I wonder where he is right now
Is he still by that waiting shed?
Did he ever get a child?
Does he still remember me?
Was it perhaps all a dream I made up?
Who knows?

I wonder with glee and sadness
Knowing there are billions out there
With stories I will never know.

In my own waiting shed, I shall tell my story too,
Through my own fleeting life
Through the decisions I'll make
Through the people I'll love
Through the people I'll lose
Through these poems -

And I hope somebody listens.
A Forrest Gump story, don't you think?

People are interesting creatures. You just have to look deep enough. There is a story in every one of us, waiting to be told.

Sonder series #1.

Sonder (n.)
"The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own."

- Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Aug 2020 · 74
Vaampyrae Aug 2020
It'll be hard to find the right words to say
It'll be tough to live out another day
It'll be lost beneath all the deep dark grey
You can only wish you were okay


You shall live once again
You shall overcome this once again
You shall see hope and love once again
You shall find your way once again

You can get through this again. You have before, and you will now.

You will look at all of these dark moments, and realize how much you’ve changed. You will laugh at all the times you thought things would never get better. You will smile remembering all of these, because by then, you’ve already moved a long way ahead. All because you continued.

If you need a sign to continue, this is it.

You are the semicolon in your own story.

Jul 2020 · 63
Sisyphus (part one)
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
We worry precisely because it is love
We fight precisely because it is love
We cry precisely because it is love
We mend precisely because it is love
We try again precisely because it is love
We grow together precisely because it is love
We do the weirdest things out of love.
Jul 2020 · 981
A Diss Track to Myself
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
Who said love would be easy?
Who said life would be a smooth ride?
Who said you'd never have to worry?
Who said it would never be painful inside?
Look at that wretched state of you
The flaws you don't seem to accept
The pain you've kept hidden under the blankets
The mistakes you never seem to forget
You think it'll be better when the sun rises tomorrow?
You think you'll eventually laugh it all off someday?
You think you'll never have to get out of your self-made misery?
You think, "maybe not today"?
We're all just trying to get by
And there you go, torturing yourself with cruelty
You wouldn't even want to impose upon your worst enemy

And yet

You blind yourself with blatant stupidity
Of all "I don't deserve"s and "I'll never be happy"s
Of saying "life has no meaning" without realizing
You could've just made meaning all along
All of that have kept you from seeing
How loved you were
How absolutely treasured you are
By those who stayed
And those you could make meaning with,
If you just wanted to


You count the ones who left
The ones who caused you so much pain
The voices that haunt the deep recesses of your brain
Like they're the ones that matter the most

Aren't you a ******* laughable creature? You.

Someone who has so much love wasted inside her,
Thrown into a compost pit of potential joy she never realized
Because she was too caught up in writing the saddest story humanity has ever written.

Boo-hoo. The end. Sad ever after.

Welcome to life, honey
It's never going to be easy
It's never going to be a smooth ride
And it's one you only have a chance of taking once
So at the very least,
pick yourself once more,
and cherish the journey.
"It's never going to be easy."

Sometimes, you gotta give yourself a good and hard slap to the face to realize what you've been missing all along.

Diss Track #1 XD
Jul 2020 · 120
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
she is a wandering wayfarer
running through life
falling every once in a while
along deep and shallow paths
a serene sight, a rigid ride
passing by other wayfarers too
searching for what's been lost
endlessly trudging towards that final
the wind keeps telling her to stop
with tears that have dried long ago
cracks on her skin
mud creeping on her soles
yet she keeps striving
for that certain tomorrow
finding herself in another corner
of the world
she picks herself up,
and runs once more.
"You are the way and the wayfarers."
- Kahlil Gibran

What a beautiful word. Wayfarer.

Also, I miss running. Someday, I wish to run outside again.
Jul 2020 · 115
20 years ago and now
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
You are in my heart
A love that yearns to grow more
Sprouting and smiling
"The best time to plant a tree..."

- Chinese Proverb
Jul 2020 · 234
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
We leave parts of us in the words we write
For our present selves to live and believe in
For our future selves to wonder
For our past selves to be remembered

-- Isn't that beautiful?

Writing lines like conversations
That live on as long as they're read
Never washed away from the imprints of history
The greatest things left unsaid

Reading minds from long ago
A place no one else will know
But see, in writing you get to be
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever

-- A legacy.
My hand aches to write.
Jul 2020 · 81
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
You've been searching for beauty around you
Without realizing it was right there inside you
All along.
You are beautiful, beyond the universe.
You are the universe itself, unravelling before my eyes.

You are.
Jul 2020 · 103
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
the silence is louder than we think
try our best to avoid it
it listens
just waiting to be heard
at the very last moment

embrace it
‘til it becomes a comforting tune 

to know that one day
  we’ll get there

there is no escape
from the
embrace the silence up ahead, but do not let it deafen you.
Jul 2020 · 181
Who am I?
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
I am who I make myself to be, and nothing else.
The strange voices tell me otherwise,
but I know that they're not real -
they never have.

No one is born liking themselves,
nor is anyone born hating themselves either.

I understand this better now.
I am.
Jul 2020 · 61
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
The person I have to marry before anyone else -
is myself
"To love and to hold"
"In sickness and in health"
'Til death do us part"
All of these are concepts that come short
If we do not learn to love ourselves completely

We cannot give what we do not have
We only yearn to have what we cannot give
We always fail to realize that the love
We've been looking for was right there all along
Inside us
Waiting for the oath it needed to hear long ago —

"Today, I forgive myself
Today, I trust myself
Today, I accept myself no matter what
And I'll never ever leave myself alone,
'Til my very last breath.

This, my solemn vow."

I'm learning to love myself better than ever
And though I fall, I shall try all over again
And remind myself as much as I have to
Until it becomes real.

Love is really a journey you take with yourself -
You just need to be brave enough to see it.
Inspired by a Ted-Ed talk by Tracy McMillan.

"We are beginners at truly loving ourselves."
- Reese Lansangan
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
A story none may mention years from now
But a story that has left its true mark —
The story we continue to take part
One we have made possible, you and I
Two weird specks unexpectedly collide
All possibilities, this one we choose
A beautiful chapter begins with you
As co-authors, this pen I shall entrust
To hold and keep safe, 'til we turn to dust
Whatever reality brings, I know
This love will overcome all the sorrow
No matter what kind of moments we'll spend
Every day’s a page I don’t want to end
With you, there’s something new to comprehend
Cheese on cheese - my first sonnet!
Jul 2020 · 55
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
Entails a lot of risk
When we love, we hand over our fragile hearts
For others to take care of
And I have to admit
That is a frightful thought
The possibility of losing someone
Of hurting someone
And of being hurt ourselves

Yet at the same time
Love entails a lot of hope
When we love, someone’s name begins
To sound familiar through the years
That they begin to become part of our routines
Yet every “I love you” sounds quite new
And no matter how unclear the path may be
And how broken we were and will be
We still manage to love again and move forward
So we can spend a lifetime
Uncovering the enigma
That is this person
Who may be composed of the same matter
As eight billion specimens
But contains a story
Far more known
Far more beautiful than anyone else’s

They can try, but either science nor philosophy nor literature (I admit) can ever truly explain it.

To understand the incomprehensible
To risk when we never expected to
To take a leap of faith and take the chance
To bring ourselves a warmth
We thought we had already lost long ago
Showing us the way to a
Home we thought we never had
Beautiful, I say
I could get used to this.

“Yo. How’d your day go?”
“So - ”

This, is home.

You are home.
"Home is where the heart is."

A poem for the one who holds my heart.
Jul 2020 · 50
Hold my heart
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
Warm it up while we're apart
With your hands, a sanctuary long overdue
As I hold yours, and protect it through and through
Tonight, we sing the most beautiful song
Written for two, for a world more known
Outside, the storm continues and though that may be
But at this moment, at this point of time, you have found me
And I've found you, and I no longer want to hide
Because when I look the other way, I see you by my side
And it's a place I want to be, to come back to, a place to be happy
To live, to grow, to change, to see
Colours once unbeknownst to my eyes
A love that lasts even outside the goodbyes
So hold my heart, hold it close
Small as it is, it hopes, it loves, it trusts, and it knows
The poet in me is back and cheesier.
Jul 2020 · 1.2k
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
“Aren’t we just like curtains?” I say
“How?” you ask

Well, curtains
We never really appreciate them
Until they’re gone
Not until we feel the bustling heat
Penetrate our skins during summer
Or when we can no longer hide ourselves
From the light and the world around us
When we’re already too tired to deal
With anyone, really
Because we took off
Those **** curtains

We speak of lines that spell diamonds
Majestic cars and palaces
But we fail to realize how this ordinary object
Can make a whole difference whenever
We wake up in morning
Sitting in bed, tiredly remembering what
We were going to do today
A small choice, packed with a lot of meaning
Whether we want to stay inside
Or go out and meet the world

Serving as a doorway
To the possibilities each day brings
These curtains show us the days worth living (and hiding from, if that's what you want)

And if you don’t find that ordinariness beautiful
If you don't find those moments where we stand up and try to survive the long day ahead of us
Often just waiting to see those familiar curtains again amazing
Nor can you see how curtain-like we all actually are
Then try having no curtains for a day
And see what I mean
3 AM thoughts I have while looking at my curtains.
Jul 2020 · 326
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
Familiar names
Familiar brains
Familiar faces
Familiar tastes
Familiar scenes
Familiar routines

It's  something that we take for granted -


Because oftentimes we’re too focused on exploration
That we forget to realize not everything has
To be new and sublime
To give us life
Sometimes familiar is good enough
Hello, familiarity.
Jul 2020 · 66
I choose
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
I choose to love
I choose to be happy
And well, ***** society if it tells us it’s beautiful to be sad
it’s  exciting to hate, to revel in misery
to wallow in unending pity
to numb yourself with a mask just to please others


We deserve to love
We deserve to know that we are loved
No amount of fakeness can take away this reality -
how we live our lives towards nothing, really
but that nothing can actually be made into something
if we just choose to see that while there are things worth dying for
there are also things worth living for


And if I cry along the way, if I have to cling onto desperation
just to keep myself from falling back to the old me
I will
because I can and will be happy
because now I know that I have always deserved to be happy
just like everyone else

Maybe if we only choose to stop for a second and actually try to live
for what makes us happy
to search and suffer for it knowingly
to hope despite all the uncertainty
to feel and to know that the choices we make do form our reality -
who knows?

I choose.
Another spoken word poem. Had a poetry block these past few days, but now I’m back.
Might be rusty, but I’m doing my best 😌.

You will have moments like these, moments of numbness and lacks of happiness, but as long as you find it in you the hope to live and feel again, it’s okay. You can come back, love. You are in power of your own happiness. Know that.

Love, You
Jul 2020 · 89
A life without music
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
is a life without love
A life without love
is a life without happiness
A life without happiness
is a life without you
A life without you
is a life without music
Thank you for adding music to my life. 💕🎵
Jul 2020 · 106
We are small
Vaampyrae Jul 2020
fleeting, confused
specks of dusts, furthering the stories
of dusts long past
giving names to fickly forms of masses
reaching out to skies undoubtedly

We are stories from a
bygone era that will be forgotten one day
And we’ll reach mortality, try as we may
ever expanding, ever exploding
‘til the last word has been said
‘til the last thought has been made

We are all the pieces
and yet we are none
We unravel the mysteries
we’ve created for ourselves
Yet the greatest mystery of all
one we have yet to understand
transcends the dusts,
the stories,
and the pieces
because we have made it so

We truly are small.
Yet we try.
Yet we live.
Yet we love.

Interesting phenomenon, aren’t we?
Jun 2020 · 65
little steps
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
little trudges
little words
little actions

slowly build up to this colossal
little feeling called

whittling away hearts of thorns
we realize in the middle how far we’ve come
and how far we can be

while holding hope’s fingertips
we continue
once more with this journey

because it’s in these little steps
that we become better
it’s in these little steps

we find what truly matters.
You’re making a difference, little one. ☺️ Keep it up! And well, don’t forget I’m here for you. It may not always be this way, but you have done this once, and you will do this again. Kaya!
Jun 2020 · 1.2k
Custard Bun
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
My previous school’s canteen had a treat
called Custard Bun, just worth 20 pesos
One of the cheaper snacks, amidst a variety of 25s and 27s
There were times I skipped lunch due to a meeting
But during the five minutes left going up to the fourth floor,
I would dash towards the canteen, just to buy Custard Bun,
and pair it with the classic Calamansi Juice
What makes it special, you ask?
A cheek-like bun, whose only design
was a yellow custard swirl on top
Soft, and
Filled with a pale yellow cream
That isn’t too sweet, unlike its choco-bun rivals
What made it so different?
Perhaps it reminded me of the olden days
Which I sometimes reminisce about, between fits of silence
In this unfamiliar place
I remember, how like its sweetness takes me back to when I was a child
When I loved eating this bread called Graciosa, which was just a loaf of bread topped with
sugar and butter
How simple it always seemed then, how it never needed more
How in times when we get distracted by life’s complexities
Sometimes an ordinary treat is what we need to get by

I remember writing articles for a sports event —
it was night at school
And someone offered us a big box of abandoned swirl-topped buns
Still in their plastics
Untouched by the athletes they were meant to serve
I thought, how lonely they must be in the night
So I took one, and another, which turned to five,
Brought some home, ate some along the way
It felt like I finally found consolation, eating the bun,
Whose taste I could never put my finger to
And afterwards, whenever I passed the canteen
I always looked for it, for the bun that felt like home
And often see one hidden amongst others, just waiting to be
The bun which I discovered,
Was named Custard
And I realized, even if I never tasted Custard in my whole life
It was like a forgotten friend, who came back from a long journey
And I just remembered its name

So if you ask me,
Why I love Custard Bun so much,
If you ever had that feeling of remembering something
Seemingly long lost, from eons ago
And you find it in the most unexpected of places
Bringing with it the most precious of memories
You’d understand so

In a new place, I hope to find it once again.
Not so tiny poem about one of my most favourite foods. Wrote this for my sis. I miss school. I’m hungry.
Jun 2020 · 139
Romance is overrated
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Society tells us to pluck beautiful flowers
From their lush homes and give
Them to “special” someones
And we feel great about that
Yet, I don’t think that’s love.

We write poems with flowery words (and that’s okay)
Magically making a fleeting feeling seem as beautiful
As the galaxies
Yet, I don’t think that’s love.

We see ordinary humans as the alphas
And omegas in our lives
The air we breathe, the food we eat
And yet, I still don’t think that’s love.

That’s merely falling in love with the idea
of love.

Before Anyone Else
The one I’ll choose everyday
Soul mate
Forever and always
Hyperbolic names
We give very unrealistic expectations
And expect a person to die for us
And love us all the same
Throughout eons
Without realizing it doesn’t have to be that way

One does not need to be the morning star
The light of your life
Romeo or Juliet
To love you

You don’t have to be Samson nor Delilah
Helen of Troy
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
To be loved

Because it’s in the little things
The most ordinary things we find love -

Love is only possible
when you make it possible.
What is love? It’s up for you to decide.
Jun 2020 · 171
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Apple orchards run through mellow forests
Yellow nightingales chirp new tunes
Leaves glisten warmly in the silence
Sweet unending rivers solemnly reflect the light of the moon

But at the heart of this alluring forest
An abandoned woodshed stands frayed
Uninhabited, still, lifeless
Lost and broken amidst countless days

Yet every now and then
The creaking of a door can be heard
The sound of a lost traveller looking for sanctuary
Deaf to the calls of the absurd

Wandering inside the once forgotten cage
Slowly warming its fading hearth
Painting the abandoned woodshed with unfamiliar colors
Piecing all its prickly pieces in the dark

Giving light to the once unsightly place
Footsteps now beginning to make their way
Towards the heart of the forest
Where nothing will ever be the same
You are full of colors, both bright and dark. All along you were waiting for someone to love you for your colors, waiting to be seen beyond your  thickest walls, waiting to be understood as really just vulnerable.

And now the wait is beginning to pay off. You are changing, and you are beginning to see how much you are absolutely loved.

It's time you learn to love that person within you too.

Jun 2020 · 58
Last night
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
“Why are your eyes so red today?“


Last night
I was screaming at myself
for the jarring bad thoughts
to end
Last night
I scoured myself and
the heavens to find hope
only to get shut in by the
sinister voices broiling
Last night
the lies that had kept me
going for so long had
stopped working
and vulnerability
took over and I could not
do a thing but listen
Last night
I failed to see
a possible tomorrow
and remember how happy
ever felt like
Last night
my heart was heavier than
the world and I was
suffocating and dying
and giving in
to the fears
Last night
a part of me died
along the

“I slept late.”
A poem that feels like it came from the past me. She’d cry at the middle of the night, and she’d act like everything was okay by morning. She is okay now, but every now and then, she comes back and reminds me of her presence.

Little one, everything will be okay. Trust me. ☺️

You are loved more than you know.
Jun 2020 · 162
People are poems.
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Some long, some tiny
Some literal, while some flowery
Some simplistic, whilst some dramatic
Some prefer to be unstructured
and some, pragmatic

And yet no matter how each poem is written
each is unique in their own poetic way
We live life listening to different poetry
And in poetry we live every day
People are poems. Not food. (XD)

I'm on a poem streak. Will rest for a while. I've read a lot of poems on this site and I find it absolutely wonderful how we live in different parts of the world, and don't even know each other's faces and names, and yet we connect to each other through poetry.

I believe each one of us has a story and poem to tell. What's yours?
Jun 2020 · 76
A Friend
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
is a peculiar thing
  Someone who listens
     and has the patience
        to bear with all your
          pains and frustrations
             in this funny thing called


                           In a place so unfamiliar
                   a familiar voice brings you
             back to reality just by saying
         “you mean so much to me”
  enough to make you believe
and try and live and hope

Appreciate the ones there for you. Life is full of moments, but the most unforgettable ones are those you share with friends.

You will find them. You will treasure them. You will love them. You just have to know where to look.

So be kind, listen, and be that friend.
Jun 2020 · 166
A Love Letter to You
Vaampyrae Jun 2020

things won’t always go your way
skies will sometimes come in gray
and maybe you can’t even change anything about these days

It’ll take awhile for the drizzling to stop
and the colors to come again
A little bit of time for the smile to come
for these doubts to end

but I promise you, love

I’ll be here like the sun that hides beneath the clouds
I’ll be here like a punchline waiting at the end of a joke
I’ll be here like the comma you write whenever you need to take a break,
I’ll be here like the bookmarks you randomly used to make
I’ll be here like a song waiting to be sung
I’ll be here like a rhyme waiting to be rung
and you won’t be seeing me every now and then
but I’ll be there with you in the dark places you’ve made for yourself
in between the lies, in between the sighs, in between the “I don’t want to try”s , in between the

“I don’t need any help”

cause you do

you know that

and it’s okay

So please remember, love, from where you are now, someone right here is telling you she loves you, and she will continue to

So hang on



p.s. take a break too
A letter to you.
Jun 2020 · 186
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Is not written by the victors
History is being written by
The ones who rule
The ones who follow
The ones who shout
The ones who choose to become hollow
The ones who live each day with dying breaths
The ones who bear themselves in gold
The ones who fight, the ones who fought
The ones who try, the ones who don’t
The ones who share
One flag of blue, white, and red
Three stars around a sun
rise from the shadows of the dead
Happy Independence Day to the Philippines!

Let’s not forget why we’re here.
Jun 2020 · 510
I cut my hair short
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
not to please you

I cut my hair short not to hear you say
“Why’d you cut it? It was way better before.”

I cut my hair short not because
I wanted to be a man, nor be deemed ‘manly’

I cut my hair short because I love it and I own it
and I don’t give a **** about what you say because

I am absolutely proud of it
I swear, if I get enother comment about my hair I’m gonna explode. Why do people care so much about how we look? I’m not harming anybody looking this way, and others too. We can look whatever the **** we want to, without fearing anyone’s judgment.

We’re always too short, too tall, too fat, too thin, too girly, too manly, too try hard, too ugly, too dark, too fair, too brash-looking, or too boring for this society. We can never please this society, so might as well be proud of how carry ourselves everyday.

This is the only body we have. Love it.
Jun 2020 · 370
Ang Bayan Ko
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Who do you call when the police murders?
Who do you call when the murderers rule?
Who do you call for justice and protection
in a den of power-hungry fools?

Remember the woman who sold
her body at a checkpoint just to make the bend?
Remember the war veteran who was shot twice unarmed,
even with a mind unable to comprehend?

Remember the young boy who went outside,
only to get killed by four officers, for a crime no one really knew
Remember the countless “casualties”, unfortunate "accidents"
which never really made it through?

Some as young as six
Some as young as two
Some elderly, some misguided delinquents
while some, well, they never do

Dictators and human rights violators
“too old”or “too frail” to be punished
While Jeepney drivers aged 70 and more
take the whole brunt of the "fair" mallet

As thousands pushed into already cramped prison cells
are unable to eat more than once a day
While those rich enough to buy the law
can still throw mañanitas and “meetings” every single day

Yet these blue shirted and barong-laden fools
sometimes come together in TV

to bumble about civil service with mouths still smelling of
beer and of yesterday’s lechon kawali

Because remember, compassion is only
for those who can sit in a palace-worthy chair
Justice is only for the dead or for those
whose pockets are already filled with blood of the bare

And now who's suffering for the lies?
Who’s already taking the blame?
Who will listen to the cries of the forgotten
When our voices are no longer ours to claim?

As their guns point to our heads
with the smiles of “para sa'yo itong serbisyo”
Take off your blindfolds, your change is never coming
Only hell is here, in disguise of a fiasco
A poem about the blatant corruption in the Philippines, Aking Inang Bayan.

Open your eyes. Hell is already here.
Jun 2020 · 75
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
can hurt you
can break you
can take you


can also heal you
can also make you and
can also save you
Shall I allow my own words to break me or make me?

'Ts a question I ask myself everyday.
Jun 2020 · 104
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
You can take away this body
You can take away this voice
You can take away this mind
But you cannot, and you will not
Take away what's mine

It will continue burning until wit's end
Until there's nothing left to burn
Only after its white ashes remain
Will you get to hold the smallest bits of its
Charred urn

But even then
Its flames have already left an
Eternal mark in the coldness of this world
Never to be destroyed
Never to be created
Only ever transformed

At hidden meadows, it may be left alone
Forgotten, never to make a sound
And there it will remain unnamed, untrodden
But one day, it will silently make its bounds

And take upon its roots
Onto another yearning soul
Starting the cycle all over again
Oh, how another story unfolds
a poem about this feeling inside me. hope or heart, you may call it. passion, perhaps. the desire to change the world, possible.

you may describe it in any way you can, but to me, it won't stop at one definition.

it is all-encompassing.

let's fight for change. let's burn.
Jun 2020 · 156
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
I once wrote a poem
About how the world ripped off my wings at birth
And made it theirs
How it always felt like I had to be
Someone for somebody
Anyone but me, and not to care

But that's not right

Cause I was never a bird
Flying is a mere illusion
And I'm gladly standing on the ground
With everything and everybody
And though it may not be as pretty
Reality is still reality

They may have taken my wings
But I can still run
They may have taken my wings
But I can still climb the highest peak
They may have taken my wings
But I can still feel the gush of wind flowing through all the windows
As I fall, and I cry, and I stand up once again
And I wouldn't trade this for anything else
Not even the skies

I can hear the birds calling me outside
But I've finally found one more reason to stay
I may not be a bird, but I'm me, and that's good enough.
Jun 2020 · 134
an introvert's song
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
tired talk
tired mind
tired heart
tired smile
tired eyes
tired loved
tired happy

to all the people i love, i may get tired sometimes, but that doesn't mean i don't love you

one can be tired, but happy
one can be happy, but tired

so i shall rest for awhile
and i'll be back soon

just wait for me!

everyone, rest well too <3
Vaampyrae Jun 2020
Despite deep crashes and falls
Bouts of realizing insignificance
That bore through you every day and every nightfall
I think I love you better now
As incomprehensible as it seems
That the you before today
Once wrote in her journal how much
She would like to disappear
I think I love you better now
I’m not sure if I could ever explain it
But I’ve been here beside you all along
Listening to every tear
Listening to every fear
And I understood and I’m still trying to understand
Every single bit of you, my dear
That’s why I think I love you better now
And it’s a long way to go
To accept the you with all the creases all and the pieces
But I think we’ll get there one way or another
And we’ll love ourselves more and more than just better
And it’s no longer just a think but a complete
I know I love you better now

So scream at the world
Pull off all your hair
Cry until there’s nothing left

And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find there’s still
Love for you to spare

We truly are beginners at loving ourselves.
May 2020 · 370
These Days
Vaampyrae May 2020
I wake up everyday to the sight of the New Normal
Open my ears to the sounds of the news
A black man killed before he could breathe
A child bombed before he could eat
And I think
What is normal?
What is rest?
What is hope?

Normalcy doesn’t sound normal these days
Rest doesn’t sound restful these days
Hope doesn’t sound hopeful these days
And I wish they did anyway

I wish writing, making art, cooking,
playing games, short naps, or social media
Were enough to make us forget about
Restless civilizations
These days
Heartless politicians
These days
Senseless discrimination
These days
The failures of the system
These days

I sit with my heart on my hand
Comprehending nothing at all
These days
While chaos all around us ensues
These days
And months seem to go by as quickly as they can
Yet nothing seems to change
Racism is still racism
War is still war
Hate is still hate
These days

And yet we’ve just realized
These days
How much we valued other days
And there’s no longer any returning to
Those days
Cause if it took us a pandemic to realize
How much we’ve failed those who needed us the most
On days
We’ve looked past reality
Just to see what we wanted to see
And believe what we wanted to believe in
That we chose right
That we’d never be able to fear going out
Since we’ve kept ourselves inside our social bubbles
That kept us from seeing
That everyone else had always been suffering
Before these days
I’d rather have
These days

So what is normalcy?
What is rest?
What is hope
To those who couldn’t afford to have those in the first place?

But I’d like to think that we haven’t completely forgotten
Those days
I’d like to think there will be better days
Where we’ll finally be able to settle down all our differences
That we won’t differentiate black from white
That we’ll finally know wrong from right
And we’ll see that days
Are not just days
But everyday struggles for many to live
In a world that hates living so much

So don't just wish these days
Instead help these days
So that others may be able to live their days too
And not just you
(Another spoken word poem I rushed to submit)

Let's be there for each other, and let's get through this together.


Revision 1
May 2020 · 223
Vaampyrae May 2020
clear, the cloudy
the rainy, the sunny
the rising, the setting
the remembered, the forgotten
the lonely, the happy
the loved, the loveless
the skies
I love the skies
Vaampyrae May 2020
when that somebody seems


when that somebody seems to understand
when that somebody does not seem to be struggling
when that somebody is loved by everyone
and that somebody says yes
to everyone’s demands
It doesn’t take much to love somebody, especially when you don’t hear the haunting voices
echoing throughout one’s brain
beneath a smile that says “I’m okay”
make believe ‘I’m sane’
make believe living
make believe love
make believe hope
make believe true
It doesn’t take much to love somebody, when perfection is all that you want to see
when they say it’s not you, it's only me
yet one look at your scars is all that it takes
to make you believe you’re worthless, worth less, worth


It doesn’t take much to love somebody, and yet we throw around the words
hate, bigot, stupid, fat, ugly, like we owned them, to ourselves
and stab our hearts
thinking maybe it’s worth the pain
and maybe, just maybe, the only thing we're truly worth of is the


It doesn’t take much to love somebody, and yet it does
because we’re so broken, and the last thing we’d ever want to love is ourselves
and so we lash out at everything we see
shining, smiling, so different from the you
you’ve trapped underneath that mask
just waiting to be seen, waiting to be hugged
waiting to be known
waiting to be


It doesn’t take much to love somebody
so why can’t you to do it to yourself?
my first spoken word poem
May 2020 · 274
Pocket Full of Lines
Vaampyrae May 2020
Like any other Saturday, she picks up a book
Lies on the couch, starts reading her favourite lines
With her adventure-ready position
Gazillion particles await her discovery

In between familiar blocks of text
She traces white spaces with her fingers
To capture a long-lost story in the universe
Her heart always feared to return to

Its sturdy spine stands still between her fingers
Yesterday’s traces of coffee and tears remain
The folded edges hastily placed to remember
As a stray bookmark falls down like a sparrow

Treading its story chapter by chapter
There's a line she keeps coming back to
“Hope,” it said, “can bring you places”
She tucks it in her pocket full of favourite lines

She thinks of outside
Where the withering whispers no longer matter
Inked and paper-bound, she begins to make sense of
A romantic story between a girl and her book

The pages calmly gaze at her
As she finds herself at the last fold — a blank canvass
With a smile, she takes a quill and braces herself
To finish the —
Made recent revisions to a poem I made months ago for lit class. This is supposed to describe me. Proceed with caution bwahaha.

(Note: I was never able to write a happy poem for a long time, this is the first ever happy poem I wrote in two years.)
May 2020 · 40
Thread of Hope
Vaampyrae May 2020
Today is a story
Of doubt
Of self-pity
Of wondering when I'll ever learn
To love the person staring at me
Through the mirror

Today is like any other day

But today
I will pick the pen up
And I will try to end this somber story

I'll yank the smallest thread
Of hope
tugging her heart
And remind her
That she is real
She is loved
She is beautiful
She is the blistering heat
in summer that makes the world
Or of those whom she considers the world

And she will get through today

For those who need hope. :)
May 2020 · 105
A Blue Friend
Vaampyrae May 2020
Wrinkled blue leather
Laying on my fingers
A solemn sight
Such words it bears
Waiting to be unravelled
Waiting to be understood

Amidst the trickle of questions
I press it to my heart

Far, yet so near
Blurry, but so clear

I want to see it all.
A short poem about my faith.

— The End —