It is when you believe in something
You may believe 100% in it or less
That something you believe affects your life in some shape or form
That affect is seen by others
The stronger the faith, the more visible the affect is
If no one sees the affect, then the faith is very weak or is no longer there
One is a hypocrite if they believe in a faith yet they don't apply any of it's wisdom
Or their faith has evolved into some other
For example, If your faith says to help your neighbor and your neighbor doesn't need help, then it's ok. But if you know that your neighbor needs help and you are capable then you are not faithful
It is possible to be unfaithful temporarly and be faithful again
That is what is called a sin of your faith. The faith was on hold while you are doing something against it
We all have a faith. We all sin.
The best among us, are the ones who regret their sins
It feels much better once we regret what we have done
The best faith is the one that is most adaptable to all of us and addresses our needs and wants