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Jul 2019 · 345
Dhimss Jul 2019
And once again,
I forgot to breathe looking at you,
Once again forgot all that I had to say,
then remembered it all,
But, you had left by then.
Happens, alot
Jul 2019 · 1.4k
Dhimss Jul 2019
It was embarrassment sometimes,
And, blush in some others.
Both times she was pink,
the latter was because of him.
he just adored it.
Those who can relate, lemme know
Jul 2019 · 881
Dhimss Jul 2019
I knew I was looking, It took me time to realise I was searching.
My eyes now have a brain of its own, they look for nothing but you.
I missed you.
Jul 2019 · 559
Dhimss Jul 2019
I was meant to steal your heart,
Meant to make you smile real wide.
It was me all along.
Missed you
Jun 2019 · 404
Dhimss Jun 2019
I ll burn out in a minute or so,
I m just a part of a flickering star
Jun 2019 · 350
Dhimss Jun 2019
Each click marks the beginning and the end.
Every one I see are in past continuous.
And I miss everything that has happened so far,
Jun 2019 · 238
Fare thee well...
Dhimss Jun 2019
You fare thee well only to those you wanna see again.
I hope to come back soon enough.
This is, good bye.
Jun 2019 · 943
Dhimss Jun 2019
Scent of perfume stops me dead.
I stand there frozen unaware,
I turn around hoping
It's you who is here.
Jun 2019 · 427
Dhimss Jun 2019
It was never the night that scared me,
The trees hold the darkness,
that terrifies me.
Nothing is scary by itself. The by factors, aid the element of fear
Jun 2019 · 394
Dhimss Jun 2019
I m ten foot beneath,
Far away from light,
drowning deeper,
Struggling for breath.
If feeling lost,
is like falling,
I ve reached the beds,
To the ocean of nowhere
Jun 2019 · 541
Dhimss Jun 2019
I don't know how,
If the sound of my heart troubles me,
I believe,
yours will ease the fear
and soothe me.
For times where life made no sense but still continued invariably.
May 2019 · 269
In your arms.
Dhimss May 2019
In between your arms
Wrapped to your heart,
I heard it beat.
It went thud, thud, thud.
With each exhaling breath,
The rhythm played soft.
I smiled against your neck
Feeling your grip.
If I belonged,
It was here, close to you.
The rhythm was slow,
Our hearts synched.
I smiled some more hearing what I thought,
I heard you say,
"this is home"
May 2019 · 447
Dhimss May 2019
Stand or fall together,
I ll be yours forever.
And if there s beyond,
I ll be there too.
Apr 2019 · 258
Each night.
Dhimss Apr 2019
They moved along the expanse of my back,
Nipping my skin here and there.
No matter how hard I tried it happens each night.
Wait, I was talking about those
"Bed Bugs".
What'd you think?
Lol, I know. That just came out of nowhere
Apr 2019 · 472
Too good to last.
Dhimss Apr 2019
Into the dense canopy of a bamboo forest.
It smelt of spring on the summer leaves.
A silence accompanied our little stroll,
Each word we spoke came back as an echo.
A full moon looked down on us, the breeze blew bringing hints of muted snow.
I leaned Onto your shoulder and thought "this was too good to last"
Apr 2019 · 779
Dhimss Apr 2019
My mess,
somehow became ours.
I m glad you were along.
Apr 2019 · 630
Dhimss Apr 2019
No matter what you'd have to say
Your heart ll eventually leap to the choices,
you missed to make.
truth in the irony
Apr 2019 · 293
No matter,
Dhimss Apr 2019
No matter how far I go, I d come back to you,
No matter who says no, I ll still belong to you,
No matter what, I m never letting go of you.
Happy year one, for the more to come.
Apr 2019 · 270
Dhimss Apr 2019
I was good at being good.
Then somehow it all fell apart.
I either felt too tight
They thought I was'nt right.
Either way, I m no longer what I used to be.
Apr 2019 · 621
All the times.
Dhimss Apr 2019
For all the times I ran.
All the times I pushed you away,
All the times you were hurt
Here we are, just to begin all over again.
Apr 2019 · 723
Dhimss Apr 2019
I sit by the window of my train,
There's a sweet lullaby of screaming kids,
They keep me awake.
I look out, not stargazing, not seeing,
Unaware of what to look

There is one constant though, through the shifting scence.
The sway remains constant,
it keeps moving, all through the way.

Sweet enough to sway this dear train, she tried rocking me to sleep.
Failed to however lure me into sweet clutches of slumber.

Thus passed one other long trip where the surroundings smudged and smeared like memories from a summer dream.
Long train trips :)
Apr 2019 · 950
Dhimss Apr 2019
Perhaps we re all diamonds.
Hurt to beauty,
breath-taking eventually.
Apr 2019 · 305
Dhimss Apr 2019
So much practice,
no use at all.
I hold on tight,
They still fall.
Apr 2019 · 352
Dhimss Apr 2019
She waxes, she wanes.
Grows and descends.
Such beauty such elegance.
The moon, really is the sun's descendant.
Apr 2019 · 25.7k
I love you.
Dhimss Apr 2019
You're the past I craved for.
The present I adore.
The future I want.
I love you.
It s better than anything I ve written so... Here goes.
Apr 2019 · 2.0k
Dhimss Apr 2019
She looked me in the eye and gave me a grin.
She held me by my arms and said listen.
I pressed my ear to her tummy and heard a weird rhythm.
I looked up with wide eyes as if to question.
She hugged me and said "say hello you're having a sister!"
I remember squealing in joy,
here we are six years later,
she s grown up so much,
to be an imp now,
May I add?
the most entertaining one.
Apr 2019 · 678
Dhimss Apr 2019
My Life assume is like a thread that makes a dream catcher.
Most of the time I spend wondering if there will be enough to make the web,
But, when I m done making it'd be a splendid article.
For those who don't know what a dreamcatcher is, it was used by native American tribes. Believed to fend of bad dreams.. it's an intricate design made inside mainly a circular object. And it looks beautiful.
Apr 2019 · 250
Dhimss Apr 2019
Like bright sunrises, scarlet roses and every star within our reach.
The world bustles with opportunities with each sip from my cup of coffee
coffee addict..
Apr 2019 · 157
Dhimss Apr 2019
Wild was her colour.
Freedom her attribute.
She was all chaos like a forest fire.
Somehow though,
he chose to stay
and decided burn himself down
Apr 2019 · 1.1k
Dhimss Apr 2019
She falls like caress on the ground.
Washing the bad,
spreading joy.
Each speck of her speaks of love.
She was gifted perhaps from the moon,
dearest monsoon.
Apr 2019 · 190
Dhimss Apr 2019
She was drowning she knew it.
But that was nt what hurt.
He pretended like he was nt the reason.
That was what did.
Apr 2019 · 271
Dhimss Apr 2019
It was ticking when I got my heart broken.
It ticked as I found my way back.
It shall tick even if we all were to perish and die,
that old clock, counted days of my life.
Ticking seconds like heartbeats
as if to remind nothing last forever.
Time matches with the brook in an aspect.
"For me may come men and men may go, I go on forever."
Apr 2019 · 162
Dhimss Apr 2019
She knew things were bad,
but insecurity just pulled her down.
She sure was scared,
In the end she did stand up.
Apr 2019 · 148
Dhimss Apr 2019
Words might become dark.
They might fade.
They might blend in and may not.
But they remain forever, just like scars.
Apr 2019 · 516
Dhimss Apr 2019
If being in pain is scary,
letting the world see what,'s on your head is worse.
A regular battle between the dearest brain and heart.
Apr 2019 · 470
Dhimss Apr 2019
Glass and ice are pretty much the same.
When hard, and sculpted they seem flawless.
Only, one cuts, the other melts.
To me they are the same. Your opinions are yours.
Apr 2019 · 733
Dhimss Apr 2019
Everything was bright but now I ain't  so sure.
I want you to know, no matter where I go, my heart is yours,
The moments we had were too beautiful to shatter,
Tell me you ve got my back,
Despite the facts.
Keep believing in me, no matter what, troubles come past.
This might not be an actual poem. The thing is, I owe an apology.. I m not sure what to do, And so I wrote like you all did.
Apr 2019 · 850
Dhimss Apr 2019
He was walking a little behind me.
"Hey" he called out for me to come back,
I look around, to find a serious, look in his eyes
I run back to him and asked " you okay?"
And he nodded then said,
" you got a little something there.."
I hid my face,
**** humiliation levels all time high!
He chuckled a little then held me tight  and said, "I meant me"
Apr 2019 · 366
Dhimss Apr 2019
I whispered not to him but to myself,
"Your the best of what I have close to truth"
He heard me raised his eyebrows and replied
"Well, I love you"
Apr 2019 · 662
Dhimss Apr 2019
Best friend- you wanna **** her/him and then die for them
Apr 2019 · 175
Dhimss Apr 2019
I know I m bound to fall.
And, when I fall I shall break.
But when I m up I m sure,
You ll be there.
Apr 2019 · 135
Dhimss Apr 2019
What would nt I give, to say "shut up"
To my brain.
And, somehow make it listen..
Your thought's are nt you.
But they are bad enough.
Apr 2019 · 172
Dhimss Apr 2019
The thing about being alone is,
That's exactly what you wanted.
And, When they leave you be,
You don't really like it.
Apr 2019 · 169
Dhimss Apr 2019
I was close, so close I smelled it on my hair.
It smelled like ash, not everyone likes it, but I did.
It's my element.
Part of who I am.
We re all fire.
Rather a match than the forest.
Apr 2019 · 251
Dhimss Apr 2019
I know forever is a longtime.
And that happy endings are for Disney,
But I really want you.
Just you, Forever
Apr 2019 · 195
Dhimss Apr 2019
The sketches I drew on me,
were perhaps the ending lines of what we had.
But no matter what I did,
your steam grew back.
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