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Feb 2018 · 422
Life's Ride
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
What is this ?
Another week gone by ?
Through every low
and every high ?

Can I have a week,
just normal ?
Not start off in heaven
and end in hell ?
Or is this eternal ?

The rollercoaster of life,
never stopping.
Through joy and strife,
always rolling.

I've seen heaven
and I've seen hell.
Sadly, I'm stuck in this seat,
so finely tucked in..

I'll see it again,
week after week.
Always moving,
but stuck in one place.
Feb 2018 · 469
Losing Control
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
No more order,
I've lost the reins,
losing control,
from all the pains.

External, internal,
it's all the same.
Doesn't matter on whom
you put the blame.

Giving in
to this madness,
'cause it feels
better than sadness.

Anger feels
better than pain.
Even if some
teeth have to rain...

Don't have a reason to live.
But don't have a reason to die.
Plus all these lows
Are making me high.
Feb 2018 · 14.7k
Overthinking, I love you so.
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Overthinking, I love you so.
Overthinking, I won't let you go.
Overthinking, you're breaking my heart.

Overthinking, you're making it hard.

Would you kindly
leave my embrace.
I could use some

******* space.

Not freeze in time
everywhere I go.
Overthinking , I love you so...
Feb 2018 · 533
The Cycle
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
The cycle forever renews.

Getting sick of being happy.
Getting ill of being sad.
Getting tired of being high.
Getting high off trying to die..

It's so weird.
I don't enjoy happiness anymore.
I enjoy it as much as sadness.
But sadness feels so horrible ?!
My mind descends into madness.

Just a short step,
it was never far.
Always on the edge.
how did my life get so far ?

I thought about death
and it thought about me.
Then I thought about life,
how I wish I was free..

Imagine a place that you've never seen.
Is it good ? Is it bad ?
Mine was terrible.
Is that where I'm going ?
Where my descend stops ?
Is this madness ? The death of mind ?
Or is it numbness, the death of heart ?
Could be both, could be neither.

Maybe I'm just tired.
Feb 2018 · 377
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Where there was pain, there is nothing.
All this struggle went into nothing.
In my future there is nothing.
What caused this nothing?
Heart? Just nothing.
I feel nothing.
I'm nothing.

Feb 2018 · 324
Skipping a Day
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Just another day,
wish ***** would
make it go away.

But ***** doesn't work this time,
guess I'll have to bear more time.

The time I've lost is a burden,
feel like a ghost, just passing through.

A ball and chain around my neck.
Ever closer to the edge of the deck.

Give me a sign,
not to **** time.
Just a little glint, 'cause
of hope I'm real skint.

A reason to live,
the smallest thing.
But please something !
Not much more to give..

There are reasons a plenty, all around you.
The birds, the songs, the sky so pretty,
be it blue or any hue.
The beautiful stars, there's so much to see,
feel and taste too, so go where you want to be,
but don't listen to me, you know it too,
not everyday is of the colour blue. :)
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Time we ****,
for a little love.
Sacrifice friendships,
for a little love.
Money dies,
for a little love.

Distances traveled,
otherwise untraveled.
Things we'd never do
now seem terribly inviting.
Love makes the world go round.
Makes people seem blind.
It makes the strong weak
and the weak strong.
Lives destroyed, lives saved.
Lives created by love untamed.
Just a little love is all it takes...

Imma travel the world,
search for feelings untamed.
Hoping that in the end,
I won't remain a man unchanged.

But love's a jungle, I'm telling you.
At every corner, hides something new.

Beautiful but deadly,
with treasures a plenty.
Skeletons just the same.

Don't trust your eyes,
for it makes you blind.
Don't trust your heart,
for it, love is divine.

Only trust that quiet voice,
lost inside your head.
Never underestimate
the advice that you get.
IF a treasure you find,
still pay it mind.
The voice will say,
if your heart touch it may.

There are treasures a plenty,
for everyone to find,
but there's just one for you,
so pay the others no mind.

And that's why so many get lost in the jungle...

Its beauty unmatched,
its dangers horrendous.
And still I'd go through it
for an adventure endless.
Feb 2018 · 282
Slippery Foe
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
Life is quite
the slippery foe,
hard to grasp
and quick to go...
Feb 2018 · 420
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
One day I'll forget
what love means to me.
Break some hearts too,
be, what you seem to be.

Don't see a reason
to keep on trying.
With every relationship
my heart keeps on dying.

Be it beauty, be it smarts.
I'll be so good
at breaking hearts...
Feb 2018 · 337
All Things Pass
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
All things pass,
the good,
the bad.
All things pass,
even the mood
you've had.

I think you should,
just keep on moving.
The good you did,
needs no proving.

Just keep on walking, loving, crying.
Keep on talking, struggling, vying.

'Cause above all, we're all dying..

It'd be a shame, to waste your life,
even if all you've known 'till now was strife...
Feb 2018 · 935
Dom Bobek Feb 2018
All by my lonesome, I lay down at night.
All by my lonesome, I lack the power to fight.

All by my lonesome, I stare at a rose,
I watch it wither, decompose.

I wish I could,
take this rose's place,
to finally enjoy,
death's soothing embrace.

All by my lonesome, I stare at the city.
All by my lonesome, I feel great pity.
I feel the cold wind caress my skin,
is this the end, do I finally win ?

All by my lonesome, I gaze into the night.
All by my lonesome, I finally take flight.

All by my lonesome, I fall down.
All by my lonesome, I hit the ground.

All by my lonesome, I give out my breath.
All by my lonesome, I embrace death.
And on my skin, I feel the cold rain.
Away the blood and the pain.

All by it's lonesome, my body lies.
Nobody cares, nobody cries ...
Jan 2018 · 590
Rock Bottom
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Every time I feel
like I hit rock bottom,
life brings me something
that makes my smile blossom.

And with a smile on my lips,
I carry on with the digs.

And after that smile
turns back into a frown,
I look around and realize
I'm even further down !
Jan 2018 · 294
The Death of Hope
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Hope has died,
of course I cried,
death is always sad,
puts you sobbing into bed...

But sometimes it can be good,
there are things that die should.
False hope is an evil,
while it's not the devil,
it still makes your mind rebel.

When false hope dies,
the heart gets a surprise:
A clarity of thought.

You've been fighting windmills for too long,
finally your heart can hear the gong.
Jan 2018 · 261
Escaping my Head
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Rising from my bed
tough monsters in my head.
There's no stopping them
and every day's the same..

I tried fighting, screaming, biting.
A lot of pain, a lot of crying..

But they're still there
and always will be
so maybe it's time
to try and move me ?

But every drug's the same,
just temporal.

I've even tried love,
but it was never loyal...
Jan 2018 · 318
Nothing New
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Wish I was
Wish you weren't
Wish we did
But we couldn't.

A better time
A better place
A better life
In your embrace

Just more pain
Nothing new
Another scar
But I knew

That stories change
but end the same
Always thinking:
"Am I to blame ?"
Jan 2018 · 320
Swimming in the Blues
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Ethanol to make me numb
end up crying, just feel dumb

Ecstasy to make me happy
the next day is never quite sappy

Love to finally fix my life
just adding to this eternal strife

Time to accept
That they're no use
Just postponing
Everlasting blues

Time to repair
everything that's broken
one thing at a time
still a struggle unspoken

So many scars
every week a new
guess I'll just have to
mend every week a two

But so much pain
it is appalling
maybe just one drink
a little dulling ?

And here we go
the cycle renews
so here I stay
swimming in the blues...
Jan 2018 · 259
Life's a Canvas
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Life's not bad
and life's not good.
Life's just real

Life's a mirror
of your actions.
An empty canvas
you're the paint.

Look how you live,
'cause it reactions.
But life's not alive
it really ain't.

It just shows you
how you lived.
Every decision
it records.

And in the end
you realize.
You ****** up life
on your accords.

So pick up the brush
paint what you want to see.
Don't beat around the bush
make it the painting you always wanted it to be.
Jan 2018 · 496
Give it a Shot
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
Give it a shot,
though maybe you'll miss,
for missing a tragedy is not,
never trying is.
Jan 2018 · 311
Let it all out
Dom Bobek Jan 2018
A smile on your face
A pain in your heart
Let that **** out
Or you will die

Listen to me
Be human again
There's nothing wrong with
Letting us in

Show us your feelings
We won't bite
We won't laugh
So stop your fright

It's time to be human
Or you will die
And without emotions
No one will cry

— The End —