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Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Slipping into my apron,
Hungry in body and soul
Humming as a song played...

I grab my knife and chop-board
Unsure of what to cook
Strange inspirations possess me
Filling me with *****!

My kitchen becomes a stage
In my hands- a plectrum and fretboard
Silver utensils- my live audience!

As I play divine recipes
Strumming master acoustic chords
Chopping fresh, colorful vegetables.

I dash to the remote,
Punch "Repeat" and dash back on stage
Landing on E♭ minor,
Scaling impossible notes,
I slice with razor-sharp plectrum,
On onions and other root chords
My fret arrayed with colors,
Of spinach, lettuce, tomatoes
Carrots, potatoes, olives
Pepper, cabbage and cucumbers.

I hear a thunder of applause
As I ignite the cooker
Butter sizzling in the hot pan
A staccato of sharp notes,
Ready to modulate innocent vegetables
Through spicy aromatic crescendos!

I fight hard to suppress a sneeze,
No sneezing on-stage! Unprofessional!
Multitudes of seconds rush by and…

I stand for a moment
Salivating, awed at my bravura!
Wishing I could hang it on my wall
Tis beautiful like art
But I can’t eat this cake and have it!

So I dig in…
Heaven and earth kiss for a moment
L U S C I O U S!!!
Luckily, it didn’t taste nauseating
Like my last attempt.

No time for ceremonies
I munch from pan to mouth
Pausing for what may pass for a prayer,
I relish every bite!
Not that I’m a foodie or something,
But nothing beats this combo-
Of good food and soul music.

And yes,
Music is indeed food to the soul!
I devour, in view- the next meal...

© Raphael Uzor
Inspiration came while cooking and listening to Ayo’s And its Supposed to be Love
Tell me I'm not a foodie :-)
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
Sweating on my mat, I curse!
As the light dimly flickers
Off and on it wavers
Like a torch amidst a storm.
For the ten thousandth time I wonder
What is wrong with mother?
My aggrieved home and country
Her pain is mine to bear.

She has many a tale to tell
Troubled much from deep her belly
Wonder how much she can endure
Till body and soul give in.
She was blessed by the heavens
Much to the envy of all
Yet! Alas, she mourns
And weeps in pain untold.

Time and again she follows
Sheepishly trusting her shepherds
She has had a quite a number
With tongues unknown and known
Her plight is not their vision
As she inevitably learns
Her wool and meat and milk
Are all they dare to care.

She breeds enough to share
And feed her dying lambs
But much is lost to thieves
Who lurk in shadows of shepherds.
Destined for royalty she was
But penury has robbed her glory
Awake! Oh mother Nigeria!
And reclaim your lost birthright.

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by the untold hardship in my country Nigeria.
Mother, her, she etc refer to Nigeria
Shepherd refers to the leaders-elected public servants
Belly refers to her various socioeconomic problems
Body and soul refer to unity, prosperity and her survival
Heavens refers to God (Who blessed her with much natural resources)
Mourns, weeps and penury; refer to her untold hardship and suffering
Tongues refers to divers ethnic groups
Wool, meat, milk refer to her numerous mineral resources especially crude oil
Lambs refers to the masses
Raphael Uzor May 2014
“You are the leaders of tomorrow”
They told us over and over
Right from the tender age of three
Through childhood and adolescence.
We have outgrown our youth
We are now mature men
We have come of age to lead
Just as promised decades ago.

At a recent gathering
Our *leaders of yesterday

Stricken with age and power
And long overdue for retirement
Addressed us, saying,
“Bla bla bla, bla bla, bla bla bla…”
“You are the leaders of tomorrow”*
That last statement jolted me awake
From his uninspiring, boring speech.

Then it dawned on me
We are a sleeping generation
We have long been waiting- sleeping!
When we should be leading
Our greedy, power-drunk leaders,
Will die in active service!
They will NOT hand over to us!
Not if we sit and wait for them.

I had a *revelation
that the “tomorrow”,
We were promised “yesterday”
Is fast becoming yesterday, today!
And while the Nigerian youth sleeps
His chance is being usurped by his fathers
Yesterday we heard this promise
Today we hear the same promise
But come tomorrow, we will be too old to lead
And our children’s turn, it will be.

We have been scammed of our future
By the very ones we entrusted them with
And like turns in a game of scrabble,
We have missed ours- forever!
Our leaders are old men
Who have no faith in youths
And come tomorrow, our children,
Will have graves to look up to

Because we would have no experience
From which to advise them…
And like an unwanted track on a CD
Our generation would have been skipped
By the geriatric push of a ⇒ button!

© Raphael Uzor
A practical instance of "tomorrow never dies"
Raphael Uzor May 2014
Like crystal sand pebbles
Washed away from seashore
Like shooting stars in space
Propelled out of the night sky

Our beautiful black pearls
Young and innocent and ambitious
Full of life, full of tomorrow
Were stolen away in daylight
Away from unnatural habitats
Away from unsafe clusters
Away from our sleepy watchful eyes
Loosing their buoyancy
To the same fearsome monsters
That have plagued the land much
Bursting balloons at parties
Bringing mayhem as they visit
Making our warriors look childish
Forcing help from the world over.

The sun has gone to sleep
The moon has loomed too long
But to hope, we will cling
Till we find our lost pebbles…

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
When ink kisses paper
Leaving his marks on her
Staining her Immaculate white
Corrupting her innocent purity
With unspoken words and lines,
Punctuated with figurative styles,
Embedded with phonetic rhymes
Of divine charismatic beauty;
Sweet poetic lyrics are born...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Sep 2014
When I did a good thing
They said it wasn't right
And when I did the right thing
They said it wasn't good.

Sometimes I'm stuck between deciding
What's good and what's right
'Cos sometimes good can be wrong
And right can be not-so-good.

© Raphael Uzor
Sometimes it's hard to decide between what's good and what's right.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
What I thought was love
Was really just head knowledge
Love is way deeper!

Such grace, undeserved!
Too obscure for mere mortals
God's agape LOVE!

Loving me beyond my will-
And without merit!

Loving me dearly,
He instilled His love in me
Letting me love Him...*

© Raphael Uzor
The subject of love has been gravely adulterated due to gross frivolity!
Raphael Uzor Oct 2014
Like pieces on a chessboard
I took a leap of faith
Taking my destiny in my hands
Challenging uncertainties of fate...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
We die every night
Fortunately, we wake up,
Yawn, and say, "morning!"*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Its an addiction...

When you relish every word
And see beauty in written lines,
Seeing them romance each other
While everyone see paragraphs.

Its an addiction...

When you idolize pens like brush
And adore papers like canvas,
When you see things in 4D
In a three dimensional world!

Its an addiction...

When you see colorful shades of gray
While everyone sees blacks and whites,
When you see words come alive
And embark on every poetic voyage.

Its an addiction...

When everything is beautiful
Be it tragic, happy or vague,
As long it's expressed in words
In a seamless, caressing way!

Its an addiction...

When you peek into Hellopoetry
When you know you should be working,
When you see poetry in everything
And must hurry to write and share.

It's an addiction...*

When you read these lines of mine
And proceed to click ♥
Yes! I am deeply addicted!
And no! I do not need a shrink!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Burning my will
In His fire of obedience
Drowning my woe
In cold drops of His blood!

Hanging gleefully
On acquiescent cross
Pleasures, pride and passions
Lost in eternal holocaust...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Step by step it flows
Unleashing trapped desires
Edifying body and soul
Unifying humankind in entire.

Reaching within depths untold
Possessing, with grooves so bold
With rhythmic waves and strides
Varying from tribe to tribe.

Dancing is a rite
Not a mere reaction to music
Dancing is a language
Spoken in the voice of the body

As music transpires with bodies
Bodies of beautiful maidens
Bodies- voluptuous, with sweat
Leaving our warriors gasping!

Dancing to the beats
Dancing to the rhythm
Dancing in the heat
Like horses never ridden

Dancing is a bond unbroken
An expression of feelings unspoken
Well spoken by the untrained
Well grasped by the unlearned

Birthing in the cries of Ogene
Riding on the waves of Udu
Floating on the wings of Ekwe
Gliding in the ripples of Oja

It is the essence of our tradition
Passed from generations of old
We express it proudly
As we answer the call of Igba.

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by traditional Igbo dancers.
Ogene, Udu, Ekwe and Igba are Igbo percussion  instruments. Oja is an Igbo flute.
Raphael Uzor Aug 2014
She shed a tear
But no one knows why
Whether for joy, sorrow or fear
One wonders what makes her cry

To no one does she tell
The reason her eyes swell
I'm guessing fumes from an onion
Or tears have become her *****!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
After all this while,
Mona Lisa of poetry
Is still a mirage...*

© Raphael Uzor
Still searching for that almighty piece. Have you found it? Anyone?
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
My life began
When I realized it
"I am nothing!"*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
She wins...
She always does

After a long busy stay
From missing her all day
I go home to her
And she's there, she's always there,
Patient, soothing and tender
Luring me to bed...
As I fight her charms,
Trying to stay up; workaholic impulse raging!

I win...
For a moment or so

Daring to focus
For a couple more hours
Desperate not to give in
At least not without a fight.
She peeks out from our bedroom
Sneaking up from behind,
As I snooze momentarily
But I can't win this fight, there's no use trying!

Accepting defeat, I embrace her
Letting her caress me

She entraps me all night
I'm lost, against my will
I know I'll wake up guilty,
Wishing I could send her away
But I'm stuck with her for life
And she takes so much of my time
Time I could use for work
But no, she won't let go; not when I always yield!

And no, she's not my wife
She's not even my girlfriend
Not some girl from across the street
Just a nobody, named Sleep!

© Raphael Uzor
What were you thinking?
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
With a blistered heart
From unnumbered breaks,
A cloud of unshed tears
From untold betrayals,
I reenter the world
After an eternity or more
Of self imposed asylum
From a world of superficial bliss.

A world unchanged!
A cruel untended garden
Of deceptive beauty
And unkind thorny roses.
Lovelorn shadows,
Masquerading venomous claws
With beauteous flamboyance
And undesirable attraction.

Lethargic feelings,
Dousing my desires
With drowsing memoirs
Of countless emotional abuse,
Causing momentary spasms
In cerebral regions
Parading nocuous images
In the plenitude of projected beauty.

Scarred beyond immediate cure,
I recede from said world-
Too adverse for tender hearts
Back to hibernating moods
To nurse evergreen cuts
Cuts so deep, so lethal
Only the indolent strides of time
Can attempt to stitch!

Awaiting prophetic moments
Moments with mirage qualities
When in-love I can fall again
When a damsel I can trust again
When my heart can beat again
For one with pure intentions
Not putrefied by Hollywood mentors
But virtuous in biblical ways...

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
Sometime today...

I look up at the sky
It is cloudy and dark
Flickers of lightning
And growling of thunder
Threatening the day's work
With uninvited wet showers
Bad for business, these rains
Keeping our customers indoors
Filling our potholes to the brim
Drenching our zeal to work
I look, as the drops fall down
In their multitudes
Clattering against my window
Bearing down on my roof
Intent on washing away my hopes
I miss the sunshine and its rays
I miss the warmth of sunrise
I miss the comfort of sunset
And with all my heart
I loathe the rain
Yearning for the sun
Soon a remembrance is awaken.

Somewhere in the past...

I looked up at the sky
It was sunny and dry
Debris of dusty winds
And a hot tempered sun
Worsening the day's labor
With unfriendly heat waves
Bad for farming, this heat!
Keeping our seedlings underground
Drying our boreholes to the bottom
Smoking our will to work
I sweated, as the rays blazed
In their fury
Burning through my window
Melting down my roof
Determined to roast my vision
I missed the rain and its showers
I missed the chills of the storms
I missed the drizzles of dew
And with all my might
I despised the sun
Praying for the rains
As if that would quench my thirst!

Yet I wish it away as soon as it comes...*

© Raphael Uzor
Insatiability of man's desires...
I couldn't decide on a title for this one, so I titled it undecided.
Raphael Uzor May 2014
She said she was Ibo
And spoke with a fake accent
Wanna’s and gonna’s
Littered her speech
Not a trace of Igbo, in her exotic accent.

She smirked boldly
As I answered my phone
Greeting my friend natively
In a lavish of deep expressions
So deep, only Ndi Igbo can share.

With a ****** passport
She spoke better than most Britons
She was born in her village
Yet all she knows is “bia”
She thinks she’s cool, I think she’s lost!

The whole point of wooing her
An “mgbe-eke” from the east
Was so we could regularly, take a break
From all formalities and English
And bask in mother tongues…

I might as well be yoked
With a foreign damsel
For the whole purpose of looking within
Is defeated if your tongue is white
And we can only commune in “oyibo”

Call me tribalistic
Call me uncivilized
Call me superficial if you will
But what you call vernacular
The same is my root. I am proudly Igbo!

© Raphael Uzor
Its Igbo NOT Ibo.
Bia means come (in Igbo)
Ndi Igbo means Igbo people
Mgbe-eke means village girl (literally)
Oyibo means English (can also mean white, as in white person)
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
As Moon comes
To Earth every night
To court her affection
In the presence
Of a million Stars
Yet oblivious of their stare
Only focused on his love
Scaling her in circles
Never tiring, ever following
In orbital woos...

So will I circle you my love,
Till you say yes...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
I saw her once in passing
Once only!
But once was enough
For I never stopped seeing her
She was everywhere
She was everyone

All day, all night
My heart gave her no rest
Tirelessly and aimlessly
She roamed through my mind

For days and weeks and months
Our paths never crossed again
I was grieved!
I should have made my move then

But how could I?
How do I approach such beauty?
With what would I catch her fancy?
Why should such perfection, regard me?

Would I ever see her again?
Was she gone forever?
The thoughts made me nauseous,
Made me sweat and shiver all at once.

Time passed
And she faded with it
She was gone forever.
I will never see her again
I dwell on more concrete thoughts now
As I leave the office, famished.

Entering a cafe
I spot a familiar figure by the bar
All fatigue and hunger flee-
She's the one!

I approach her,
As the DJ plays something soft
I forge on,
Fighting my greatest fear.

With a husky voice that barely made it out,
"Hello", I whisper
She turns, facing me squarely
Eyes so lovely, piercing my being.
Eternity must have passed, cos she awoke me
"Yes?" She blurted
I gawk for a moment, then I stutter,
"I, I **** at pick-up lines, but can I have this dance?"
She smiles!
Revealing perfectly crafted, white teeth (unlike mine)
Increasing my already rapid heartbeat
As she offers her left hand,
And I take it in my right
And lead her to the dance floor,
Praying for God's mercy and grace.

I awake again- from my trance
As the music fades
Determined, I stop right behind her
And as I dare to open my mouth...
A muscular dude snatches her from the side
Turning, she hugs him and they kiss.

I swallow hard!
Wanting to be him.
Unsure of what to do next, I sit by her
The bartender salutes me
"Nah" I mutter, as I stand to leave; feeling stupid.

I take one more look at her, probably my last
As she giggles lovingly
In the arms of another
Oblivious of my existence

My heart burns
As the DJ plays a familiar tune-
James Blunt's You are Beautiful
I leave the cafe
Sad as ever, as reality dawns
No use dreaming further
She's in love with another
She will never be mine
She's gone for life!

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by James Blunt's *You are Beautiful*.
Dedicated to all shy guys who admire secretly, afraid to express.  Just do it! She won't bite.
Raphael Uzor Sep 2014
In their blind bid
To become westernized,
They lost touch with reality
Created shadows of themselves
Despised their own intrinsic values
Embraced a twisted dress sense
Of fallen pants and revealed underpants
Idolized everything they're not
The good, the bad, the ugly
They birthed dual personalities
Picked up foreign accents
On ****** home-based passports
The American Dream, they call it,
As they wear winter jackets
In scorching African sun
All in the name of fashion
Trading our simple hues
For complex shades unknown
Bleaching skin and hair
Trading natural black for artificial white
Unaware the very gods they adore
Are tanning theirs to look darker
Insecurity drives them mad
Inferiority complex overtakes them
As they ban mother tongues in offsprings
Placing exotic tongues on pedestals
At the expense of our cultural future.

This is not an attempt at poetry
This is wake up call to Africa
Be bold, be proud, be black!
You are AFRICAN!!!*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor May 2014
I read the book of Samuel
I read the story of the Israelites
Of how they rejected God
“We want a king!” they demanded
“We want to be like other nations”
Rejecting God’s kingship.

The same God who brought them up
Out of the ******* of Pharaoh
Out of slavery in Egypt
The same God who gave them victories
Over many nations and wars
The same God who had fed them
For forty years in the wilderness
Same God who had proved
Beyond reasonable doubt
That He is the King of kings
A Lord above all lords
They chose to downgrade!

I was swept away in a mind journey
As I thought of how it must have felt
To be rejected by your own children
Repudiated by your beloved
Disowned by the very people you love.

My heart bled!
The heartbreak was unimaginable
The pain was excruciating
As my mind pointed fingers of accusation
I couldn’t find befitting words
“Foolish Israelites!”
“Unrepentant idiots!”
“Stubborn generation!”

And as my mind went awry
Heaping insults on God’s people
Raining accusations on them
Judging an imperfect people as myself…

His still small voice whispered
“You are all the same”
“You have done worse”

Then it struck me
Like a lightening of a million volts
I am the Israelites
I am the very people of God
I am the same ones I condemn
I have betrayed God repeatedly
I have chosen sin above my maker
My iniquities know no bounds
I have trivialized His blood
I have made a mess of the cross.

I am the “foolish Israelites!”
I am the “unrepentant idiots!”
I am the “stubborn generation!”

My heart melted into tears
Shame covered me like a cloud
My head was bowed in ignominy.

Unable to speak or move
I lay there, weeping at my wickedness
No words were spoken
But I felt His arms embrace me
In acknowledgement of my repentance
I never deserved it
But He loved me nonetheless.
I pointed one finger at them
But three pointed back at me!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
Every night...
Our prayers float towards heaven
Like a million bubbles in a wine glass
Ascending gradually through space
Culminating in the white cloud above
Eventually dissipating into thin air
Giving hopes of answered prayers
Amidst bubbles of faith and doubt
Against pulls of gravity and fears...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
With a smiling face
To mask her real intentions
I felt it behind!*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
On canvas of sand
Their bloods were painted
Adorning the earth
With breathtaking mosaic
Of dead bodies and debris
A tesserae of destruction
Tis the devil's masterpiece
Devastating, but beautiful!*

© Raphael Uzor
Poetry has "distorted" my views!
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Take one breath at a time
Adorn each piece with a chime
Let hearts beat in sync
As feathers in air must sink!

Take one step at a time
Bless a beggar with a dime
For so do hearts entwine
Like broken glasses of wine!

Take one day at a time
Grace each line with a rhyme
For so do poems ferment
When pens and papers cement!*

© Raphael Uzor
Cherish every moment of life,
As it could be your last!
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
From the innocent purity of white
To the hopeful friendliness of yellow

The emotional tenderness of pink
The elegant femininity of lavender

The passionate strength of red
The warm flamboyance of orange

The natural generosity of green
The royal nobility of purple

The peaceful serenity of blue
The durable simplicity of brown

The reliable dignity of gray
Or the deep mystery of black

Whatever your true colours are
Be proud and let them shine!

© Raphael Uzor
Every color has a negative side too
But I believe in seeing the good in people.
So I focus on peoples' strengths
And try to downplay their weaknesses.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
The rite of passage
From my boyhood to manhood
Killed my innocence.

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
Like a traveller without direction
A seeker with no sense of purpose
Walking through life aimlessly
Existing but not living
In an infinite maze of time and space
Shrouded in a mist of uncertainties
Darkness has become his light
Pain has become his plight
As he drifts endlessly into nothingness...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Oct 2014
When the big ball upstairs
Has burnt his day's share
And his little sister
Has awoken to shine

When mechanical birds and horses
Have flown to their nests
And the chaos of daylight
Has given way to peace

When the world's voluntary madness
Dissipates into necessary sanity
And the hot unfriendly winds
Sheath their unseen swords

When earth and sky seem to agree
In the stillness of transient dark
Reviving fast-dying hopes
And healing old wounds

When all hell ceases to break loose
Awaiting the rooster's call...
I merry in dreamland
As my tired body sleeps...

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Big Bird, a rare, fine brand
Taking off to air from land
Flapping her wings in midair
She soared, into despair.

We waited in your nest
But you vanished from the rest
Drowning hearts amid tears
Birthing panic, pain and fears.

What happened to you Big Bird?
Your voyage got so weird!
We awaited your return,
But our hopes, time has burned!

Two hundred and thirty-nine
Burning candles ceased to shine
Times like this I ask, "God WHY?"
As hearts and souls, melt and cry!*

© Raphael Uzor
May their souls Rest In Peace!!!
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
Like a dreaded book
Covered in dust on my shelf
I'm yet to read you.*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
For you, I'll shed a tear
To you, I'll say, "my dear"
But ONLY if you'll dare
To show me that you care!

In words, for you I'll die
In deeds, to you I'll lie
'Cos much as I may try
My love will make you cry!

But there is One so pure
Your tears, His love will cure
He'll hang upon a cross,
To gain your love and trust!

He'll bare unspoken pains
To free you from your chains
With a kiss, He was betrayed
But still, for us He prayed!

© Raphael Uzor
Don't take the cross for granted.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
His Sun of righteousness
Beams into my ***** secrets
Revealing rotten intentions
Orchestrated by self will and hatred

Leaving me ashamed of my filth,
Aware of my guilt,
Conscious of my void,
Convicted of my sin!*

© Raphael Uzor
She's beautiful
And young
But she is afraid of love
She wouldn't want to cry again
Since her dear one ran away

You loved her
But she's not who mama wants ;
She's yoruba.
You can't look at her anymore
Ever since you rose her belly up
And left to marry Amaka

The girl is sad
She is tired of life
Not knowing who to confide in
Or share her pain with
Because you too don't care
Just like her only dear

You are busy biting her skin
With the stigma you show!
She's just a kid
And should be in school, we know.
But you led her on to this road
You told her not what she should have known
You thought children of 'adays know
But look...Ola is now one month old

She feels bad
But you're now a father
Why not be glad?
No.. You still fear her father
And not anymore in love with her
You bring her fresh tears
But shower Amaka with care
And look... Your baby is fatherless
Or without a father's care?

You may have broken her,
You all...
But not her beauty
For inside her lies preciousness
Like every other girl child
And take her as your pride
Even though she's not your heir
And don't break her heart
Even if  you stopped to care
oh! not to throw her out,
If she has ever erred
Oh child,
Show care.


The girl child, like other children, is precious to the society especially the family they are born into.

Children are gifts. You don't mould them to be what you would want them(selfishly), but unfold and nuture that uniqueness in them.  

Paying 'attention' not only to our children, but to those that feel unloved amongst us, goes a long way to saving that precious person that is a gift to the society.

Though broken, YOU are beautiful.

Thank you for reading, and for your understanding.
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
I sit and stare...
As time crawls by
Anxiously awaiting nightfall.

Nowhere to go,
Nothing to do
But yawn and stretch-
All day long.

Nothing interests me today

Sleep becomes tiring
Food becomes tasteless
Nothing catches my fancy

Not the TV
Not the radio.
I take a walk outside
Not a chance!
The fierce sun drives me back.

I call my friends
But all are busy
It's a conspiracy!

I sigh,
Desperate for the day to end
Maybe a book will speed it up
I browse through my shelf
Picking one at random
I sleep off,
Before I make it through page one

Hopefully, I'll sleep away time

I awake to the barking dogs
Convinced I've slept for hours
I feel worse than before
Cos I only slept 5 minutes.
**** dogs!

I listen to a song-
Cindy Lauper's Time After Time
I feel like crying
Where is everybody?
I give up!

Nothing works for me today

It's a sad, long and lonely day
The street is quiet-
Except for the barking

I feel tired
Tired from sleeping
Tired from everything
Nothing to do but think.

Finally, I pick up my pen
I grab a paper
I write a line
And for the first time today-

I smile!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
By day she was,
A bouquet of red roses
Sultry with honey
Smelling of divine ambrosia
Giving more than I dreamed...

By night she was,
A bouquet of dead roses
Covered in cobweb
Smelling of poison and death
Taking more than she gave...*

© Raphael Uzor
Beware of such "gifts"
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
He lets me get broke...
Just to make me richer
He lets me get weak...
Just to make me stronger
He lets me look foolish...
Just to express His wisdom.

He crushes mighty-warlord Goliaths
With a shepherd boy, a sling and a stone!
He frightens entire Syrian armies
With four lepers, no RPGs, no riffles!
He teaches kings "Humility For Dummies"
By making ***** out of Nebuchadnezzars.

I ponder some of the things He does
Terrible! But I find them amusing
And while I chuckle at His wondrous works
I'm reminded that He loves me dearly
And He added a touch of humor to the bible
To express His lovely smile on my unworthy face!*

© Raphael Uzor
Lord, I wrote this one to glorify You
I hope I make You smile like You make me.
Raphael Uzor May 2014
Round tables      and cocktails
Cuisines and   Champagne
Candles and moonlight
Whispers and laughter
Tuxedos and dresses
Flowers and kisses
Jazz and piano
You and I*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Sep 2015
From sweet talking for hours
Their friendship slowly turned sour
And with each passing night
Their talks gave way to fights

Her voice was once music to him
And when she spoke, he heard la, la, la
But arguments defiled her hymn
Now all he hears is bla, bla, bla...

She had nothing but good intentions
And dreamed of a life of bliss
But he dwelled on her imperfections
All because he'd lost his peace

Spontaneous, wild and free
She was everything he was not
He stood firm, rigid as a tree
And all she dreamed came to naught!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
We were lost
Till are found
We resisted
Till we surrender!

Giving up our dreams
Giving up ambitions
Giving up passions,
That we once had.

Dropping our wills
Dropping our strengths
Dropping aspirations
And all about us.

All our wealth and pride
All our fame and power
Idiosyncrasies and efforts
Vanity upon vanity!

We are broken and bound
We are not servants
We are heirs, as sons
We are bondsmen!

We have a heritage
We belong to a kingdom
Denying ourselves
We have a new identity!

We live in Love
Dead to ourselves
Living ONLY for Jesus
We are dead men!

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by Rom 6 and Col 2:20
Live for Christ, it's the only Life!

— The End —