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A short direction
To avoid dejection,
By variations
In occupations,
And prolongation
Of relaxation,
And combinations
Of recreations,
And disputation
On the state of the nation
In adaptation
To your station,
By invitations
To friends and relations,
By evitation
Of amputation,
By permutation
In conversation,
And deep reflection
You'll avoid dejection.

Learn well your grammar,
And never stammer,
Write well and neatly,
And sing most sweetly,
Be enterprising,
Love early rising,
Go walk of six miles,
Have ready quick smiles,
With lightsome laughter,
Soft flowing after.
Drink tea, not coffee;
Never eat toffy.
Eat bread with butter.
Once more, don't stutter.

Don't waste your money,
Abstain from honey.
Shut doors behind you,
(Don't slam them, mind you.)
Drink beer, not porter.
Don't enter the water
Till to swim you are able.
Sit close to the table.
Take care of a candle.
Shut a door by the handle,
Don't push with your shoulder
Until you are older.
Lose not a button.
Refuse cold mutton.
Starve your canaries.
Believe in fairies.
If you are able,
Don't have a stable
With any mangers.
Be rude to strangers.

Moral: Behave.
It was long ago,
When the competition wasn't tough,
Whenever he went in the field to show the people who's buff.
Then came the down fall,
He shot on goal,
Yet he missed the target,
Seemed like what moved was the pole.

Heart broken he went on to find other recreations,
Hoping at least that would last,
Unlike his non glorious past,
It was like he became a knew caste,
Yet destruction came in the way as an exam he didn't pass,
So he had to attend another class that would cut down his mass,
And take him to the pitch a last.

He finally got in the team,
Life was great,
Or that was what it was like to  seem,
Guess sadness is written in his fate.
The competition was cancelled,
Heart broken getting over it would take a while,
That's when he shed his last tear and his last smile.

Then came a time when he could've cheered up,
His wounds would've healed,
As usual he ran out of luck,
It was a scar and not a wound that his heart yield.
He didn't get the captaincy he deserved,
It was the hardest blow he got,
There's was nothing more he could've suffered,
Then he began to not care a lot.

Living a careless live he opened social media to looks at some good ol' memes,
Not knowing that over here he would find the girl of his dreams.
He didn't try really hard to get her,
But there was nothing that could make him forget her.
Then a shadow came as usual to steal his dream,
She was the best girl he said without being biased,
She stole his heart like an unplanned heist.
But somewhere down the line,
When everything's gonna be fine,
He should know with the perfect girl he's gonna dine,
With the perfect goal he's gonna shine,
Because he should know one thing for sure,
God isn't gonna be quiet no more.
Every person in this world has a friend who means a lot to him but has terrible luck. You gotta support him what soever happens in his life. Never leave a good friend in misery!
Md HUDA Jan 2013
Heart’s eyes are more dominant than our eyes
It can gaze far-flung beyond the skies
Where the heaven lies…
Where the Angel stays
Where the Torrent  engages in recreations
Where the eternal bird chants
Where the heavenly rose shows its salsa
Where the leaves making love with each other crafts a fascinating musica
Where the sun can’t go moon can’t smile
Oh heart! Oh heart! Take me, Take me
Bear me aloft, Bear me aloft
Let me fly on your eternal wings that can fly an infinite mile…….

(Reply of the Pythian Oracle to Philip of Macedon.)

Oh! could LE SAGE’S demon’s gift
  Be realis’d at my desire,
This night my trembling form he’d lift
  To place it on St. Mary’s spire.

Then would, unroof’d, old Granta’s halls,
  Pedantic inmates full display;
Fellows who dream on lawn or stalls,
  The price of venal votes to pay.

Then would I view each rival wight,
  PETTY and PALMERSTON survey;
Who canvass there, with all their might,
  Against the next elective day.

Lo! candidates and voters lie
  All lull’d in sleep, a goodly number!
A race renown’d for piety,
  Whose conscience won’t disturb their slumber.

Lord H—indeed, may not demur;
  Fellows are sage, reflecting men:
They know preferment can occur,
  But very seldom,—now and then.

They know the Chancellor has got
  Some pretty livings in disposal:
Each hopes that one may be his lot,
  And, therefore, smiles on his proposal.

Now from the soporific scene
  I’ll turn mine eye, as night grows later,
To view, unheeded and unseen,
  The studious sons of Alma Mater.

There, in apartments small and damp,
  The candidate for college prizes,
Sits poring by the midnight lamp;
  Goes late to bed, yet early rises.
He surely well deserves to gain them,
  With all the honours of his college,
Who, striving hardly to obtain them,
  Thus seeks unprofitable knowledge:

Who sacrifices hours of rest,
  To scan precisely metres Attic;
Or agitates his anxious breast,
  In solving problems mathematic:

Who reads false quantities in Seale,
  Or puzzles o’er the deep triangle;
Depriv’d of many a wholesome meal;
  In barbarous Latin doom’d to wrangle:

Renouncing every pleasing page,
  From authors of historic use;
Preferring to the letter’d sage,
  The square of the hypothenuse.

Still, harmless are these occupations,
That hurt none but the hapless student,
Compar’d with other recreations,
Which bring together the imprudent;

Whose daring revels shock the sight,
When vice and infamy combine,
When Drunkenness and dice invite,
As every sense is steep’d in wine.

Not so the methodistic crew,
Who plans of reformation lay:
In humble attitude they sue,
And for the sins of others pray:

Forgetting that their pride of spirit,
Their exultation in their trial,
Detracts most largely from the merit
Of all their boasted self-denial.

’Tis morn:—from these I turn my sight:
What scene is this which meets the eye?
A numerous crowd array’d in white,
Across the green in numbers fly.

Loud rings in air the chapel bell;
’Tis hush’d:—what sounds are these I hear?
The *****’s soft celestial swell
Rolls deeply on the listening ear.

To this is join’d the sacred song,
The royal minstrel’s hallow’d strain;
Though he who hears the music long,
Will never wish to hear again.

Our choir would scarcely be excus’d,
E’en as a band of raw beginners;
All mercy, now, must be refus’d
To such a set of croaking sinners.

If David, when his toils were ended,
Had heard these blockheads sing before him,
To us his psalms had ne’er descended,—
In furious mood he would have tore ’em.

The luckless Israelites, when taken
By some inhuman tyrant’s order,
Were ask’d to sing, by joy forsaken,
On Babylonian river’s border.

Oh! had they sung in notes like these
Inspir’d by stratagem or fear,
They might have set their hearts at ease,
The devil a soul had stay’d to hear.

But if I scribble longer now,
The deuce a soul will stay to read;
My pen is blunt, my ink is low;
’Tis almost time to stop, indeed.

Therefore, farewell, old Granta’s spires!
No more, like Cleofas, I fly;
No more thy theme my Muse inspires:
The reader’s tir’d, and so am I.
Liam Dierl Feb 2013
A tear is shed
For those who are blind to the beauty of this world
Who can only feast on sarcasm, writhing in irony
        *It soon evaporates.
Pictures of a future dressed in ribbons and lace, cast off and burned
Pictures of the future carrying disdainful dystopia, infamous for invalids
Hung to admire in sublime distaste by those that seek knowledge
And see the repetitious antiquities of time that come to pass
        But others care not for plans and the imminent
Those that keep to the light of the gas
And carry the past to the present
Hoping for trends to try again, reliving what they had never lived
Laconic and loquacious in emotions and words
Against the gossip, but paradoxically
Pushing for the creation of their “ritualistic social Golgotha”.
Those who abuse the glory of their munificent, malicious mentality
Pathetically unable to procure authentic happiness
       A tear is shed.
Inside the recesses of the soul where emotions dare not dwell.
       It too evaporates.
Trapped in fear and the “cliched harlequin speech of suicide”
Begging for the masses to cast them out and find each other
       A tear is shed.
Never seen but felt as it evaporates.
Felt by those who envelop themselves inside themselves
Those who plagiarize their sick self-conscious souls
Those who bring about the very misfortune they strive to devour
Those who are effortlessly envied as they exploit their habitual recreations
       By those who wouldn’t dream of falsified euphoria
Those who bastardise and deface the name of creative individualism
As waters of the soul are purged and discarded
       They are felt by those
And are quickly washed away in doubt and regret
Keeping to the light of the gas, dangerous and warm
Obvious nod to Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" through the words of a whinier teenager from 3 years ago who got it stuck in his head and retrospectively highly dislikes the above poem's diction/syntax but feels obligated to post it for his freshman self's sake.
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
I have the shape of the institution.
Each email address is a human.

They are known by their words and actions.
The whole wide world is just a fraction

of all I do not know. Expansion
and contraction, breathe in, out, meditation

on existence, non-existence, creation
and duration. I have no explanation

for fusion, fission, taxonomic relations
or artificial classification.

More I do not know: locomotion
by combustion, electron separation

and transportation via superconduction
which supports the idea of the unified nation.

What girls are like behind their eyes. *******
a useful restraint on overpopulation.

The story of a life, my life, any life, cohesion
must be rationed, conjured, a fiction

about a vexed, tenacious town, its rail station
truck stop, high school, night spots, recreations

the temporary citizens enact visions
dream-like orations, ballets, conflagrations

to in the end receive in annals honorable mention
from family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, institutions.
A star has stowed away
In a part of my heart
The sky being this large, blunt chart
With the bright backbone: a strip of powder cloud
And the fussy dust beneath our boots
The chaparral under foot
Blooming purple, dry, splitting the cough drop earth
Red rock by rock
Our talking warms me
The taste of mint julep and tea
We, sweet past times: all they matter
Had a nail between us to hammer faster
There could have been curtains in our home
Were we grown;
Cantaloupe soaking in the sink
To string up at the brink
Think of how dry it got
The plants in their ***
Unwatered, untouched
Living as such--
Meanwhile, the clock combusted
Pounded out notes upon every hour
Its golden limb swinging up, lilting, wilting in its tower
Life deployed beyond this, grazing every flower
Their implicit movement stalls;
My nights wrapped in my shawls
Dark timber bark laments
In the fire so well spent
Rocking, I have remained here;
From the farthest port
You came with teeth and things
That fringe
Deliberate and outward bending, which scorches
Retires on porch swings
Shares time, stolen from what silent world may be out there
Bundled, told: "Handle with care."
But I do not care to pick at straws, or to stare
Between your eyes,
The lines beneath them
The calligraphic flourish
Touring deep, steeply descending
The tiled smile, pretending
Creaking, scarcely there and perishing;
I have not uttered your name
In the dark of this home
I have printed it, though, on occasion
In the pictures I hang
On the walls of this tomb
Painted path, fire we fashion
All the bits of compassion lodged like salt in my bones
Only thinking of your thoughts
Sipping slowly from your cup
Shuffling to the border in the corner of the world
Where the blooming sky is hastened
In its spatial recreations
That has fallen falls again,
Calling back, fiercely contend
Dynamics of a spark
A black hole tears itself apart
The where we are, the where we start;
Oh, Come the Day we might
Give less regard to light
Were I to move to where you are
Across the room, one room too far
It seems to me that I, in staying
Have distended what was fraying
Yet I stay- at least today
And may tomorrow bring the rolling, cetacean clouds back into orbit
May the sun fall with the rain
May my love call back again;
Once more, I think,
Once more.
JP Goss Mar 2015
Icy tangs are all the early morning, budding its flower
The young mother born into the sonata of her own being
That seems so foreign to thick sheltered blood,
My adult notch in this Exquisite Rotation.

Humid skies are as spy glasses to the truth
So says the colossus with our sun for an eye;
She steps out of the illusion beautifully blue
Robed in silks of celestial gold;
The skin hangs taught over the most beautiful
Pair of collarbones you’ve ever seen
The pass of your previous life comes in sublime waves
Of crashing aether and all the souls flee with irreclaimable mirth
Before popping in the atmosphere like spit and wishes
And everyday is the day of rest, a pondering
Of avant-gardens where a savior once walked.
He and his church left the path of the geese
For, he hears not, the pass of prayer on their lips.
But, I do not blame them: their mouths are full
With the sky’s drawstrings, reinvigorated from their disuse,
They’ve no time for the good word.
My family of geese fly for the astral bodies’ abode above
Where the casual speak of poets, philosophers can be hears
Talking about their *** lives, talking about themselves
No longer galvanized by their own recreations.

And as I go to place this thing in the place of pain
Warm rushes in the shifting life-force, the green of
Exuberant joy hits our hydrophobic throats
And we exhale, watching it roll back as the geese fly overhead
With no mind or reason why.
Part 1 of "This Exquisite Rotation"
Kathryn H Nov 2011
I still dream about you.
They are not the vivid recreations of my memories that they used to be.
But you are in them ever still.

You appear as a fog; a vague ghost of yourself.
You float through my dreams beside me as an unwanted guide,
and you fade away just before an awakened state creeps back over my concious mind.
There was a time my dreams were filled with visions of you holding me close to your heart.
A time when I dreamt of wedding bells,
and the song of small feet roaming throughout an old country home.
Now my dreams are filled with horror, and chaos.
They are an untamed wilderness that I must survive nightly, and you are always there.

I haven’t decided which is worse: having you drift along through my dreams,
bruising my soul ever deeper with every glimpse of your face.
Or, gazing upon the end of humanity every time I close my eyes at night.
I spent so many years of my life longing for your presence that now you are imprinted opon my mind,
and as much a part of me as I am a part of myself.
Such a bittersweet existence in which I now reside.

Unrequited love is not the romantic expression Hollywood has made it to seem.
It is a disease that creeps in, and destroys it’s host entirely.
It is cancer of the heart which causes the bearer to react irrationally.
I cannot escape this unreturned affection, nor do I suspect myself to wish to.

I still dream about you.
They are not the vivid recreations of my memories that they used to be.
But you are in them ever still.
STLR Dec 2016
half dead, half alive
I've set the ******* aside

A lack of communication
made relationships complicated

no in between or compromise
just apartment evacuation

secrets and her temptations
for other girls in disguise

never seeing my family
broke my family ties

relationship was a tragedy
but education for wise

this determination is simply brought to you by

making my circles smaller and putting middle fingers sky

I don't fear the exterior
only my inner mind

I give 2 ***** about what it takes to be "That Guy"

positive energy, I pass vibes
like blunts in reversed rotation then high five

No need for enemies, I connect friends
like social media connects via WiFi

your presumed assumption is that I'm a basic guy
and that I only listen punk rock & low-fi
and watch shows on Syfy

Well ****, my minds a calibration
of verbal & herbal celebrations

a cascade of cadences
spitting cyhper's inside a basement

surprised reactions to faces who are adjacent
I flow with sophistication

I feel like I'm re-bourne an moving forward like jason

rebellious red chariot ready for devastation
hilarious recreations of politically posh faces

freedom of speech, now hear me say this
**** all, who think they can get away with
being rude or a racist
lets do away with limitations
that cause friction and separation

**** the order of the elderly
rules and the regulations

rules are meant for breaking
an tools are meant for the taking
watch me build a ******* nation
via verbal detonation, devotion and demonstrations

**** my ethnicity, my identity is nameless

Don't **** with the code
you'll get stuck in the ******* matrix

Pills an Anna Nicole
depression left in the cold

not a vomiting anorexic
but one who spits in the septic
verbal spitter & rhyme splitter via lethal needle injection

mud runner without a mold
I've left love in the cold
now I'm hoping that right is left in me

different directions I've traveled represents the best of me
I am my own friend, **** the fakes, I'm what I'm meant to be

don't judge with out a jury or without reading my life sentences
I've found peace in myself, I've finally found the rest of me

**** I ain't lost anymore!! this is what your witnessing
I am far from finishing, my vision is too riveting

no intermissions just missions to moons and galaxies
space shuttle launch from my brain, I create my own gravity
pull out your IPhone's or Screen Capture this With Your Galaxy
social media share button so all your friends can see

I've pieced the puzzle of my life, I need the glue its time to frame it
No more *******, just full clips of this flame ****

Fireball to faces, I'm in my own game *****!

pause if i wanna, smoke that **** that merry-hanukkah
shout out to my brother switchin lanes
likes its the autobahn
2017 I'm aiming to create a phenomenon

2017 I'm transforming to an auto-bot
******* to robo-cop
**** my solo-dolo ****
only spittin flames
like I'm chewing on a lava rock

that's melted lava for you fakes
wearing pajamas, dabbing to panda in a Honda wait...
my anaconda stretches condoms and eats a lot of cake..
my apatite is of dynamite all i need is safe..

I've cracked the code like De Vinci, come **** with me
Third Eye to the wise who think they know the secret
My code is of syntax created by cryptic code
just Netflix it, only a single X? lets fixxx it
comprehended what you just read them **** with it

I'm done with it, I use the letter the X to many times

I'm submissive..lets have a letter **** in a sub-riddit
Jeremy Lately May 2015
Alcatragedy, aesthetics, and a
Bubbly feeling beneath our feet. Let's
Cruise between channels; there's no need to meet. Re-
Doxx on Galaxy's
Extremeties typeset whatever is
Faked, overridden, and
Glistening in chic.
Hybristophilionic puressure
Infracts upon the fourth wall we seek,
Jicking, ticking, trickling in.
(Kickstarted convection)
Life is beyond a stream...
Minuet attraction
Null, neo, and novelty
Pulse or minus me.
Quantitative lacerations, fantasy and a fascination
Recreations masking
Taint my rose and wildest dreams!
Vermillion reasons to like it.
Wordless, grinding sonar screams; Isle,  
Xana, et tu. Rumble a shy oasis in
Yeses, twos, and please
I have several drafts of this. I intend to make changes in the future since the feel is inconsistent.
Cave Man Oct 2015
Your life was created
you deserve to be celebrated
Each soul is living heaven and hell
this makes many stories to tell

The wise man lives life simply
the ignorant can't even be fitting
they're so about possession
this world needs recreations

The legend gives life form
coming straight out of the dorms,
with a poetic soul to give emotion
and a rockers heart to devotion.
the man is like a shaman
yelling on stage yeah man!

with the smell of marijuana in the air
there is no time to spare,
Give in to the alternate reality
where its nothing but being happy
Him Feb 2021
Dear Diary, perhaps you might tell me: "What Do You See?"

Cause the mirrors offer a reflection, that just cannot be: An eighteen year old boy, who's both happy and healthy.

Dear Diary, Dear... Who? Perhaps you might credit the broken creature that penned you. The one that inflicted these tears and tears; these crude reflections... recreations of its own scars and pains.

Dear Diary, Dear... Who? This question is one, that you wonder too. Perhaps ironic, as the answer is known only by you; just call me, Dear Who.
Who am I?
John Hosack Mar 2010
The common cough potato
will sit, laugh, and enjoy,
these bizarre recreations
of life in Illinois.

Springfield sprung inspiration
for two who followed suit.
The Colorado duo
made a worthy substitute.

But from yellow men to paper dolls
most just sit and chuckle.
Yet many fail to notice
that its our world that they muckle.

In addition to your laughter
the writers hope for thought.
They are not just entertainers,
but artists quite distraught.

So while we laugh at Jew jokes
and George Burns makes more dough,
examine what's important
and let the artist's message grow.
RyanMJenkins May 2019
I hereby invite every oz. Of pain I've been evading for years even before the recreations, to come forth, and hit me like a truck.  I understand you may need to switch between reverse and drive a few times, but I am ready.  I need my light again, for there's darkness in every direction I've been heading.  Forever unsteady.  At this point in my life i'd be happy to spend it sitting on the dock of the bay strumming the days away with the ghost of Otis Redding.  I feel like ive been riding a bike, the chain aint on but I'm still pedaling.  Show me a mystery and you will find another kid meddling.  But I dont wanna hang around while the dust settles in.  I want to watch the sun rise and set again.  I want to float beyond the skin I've been living in.  Soul been starving to go to a place I dont know exists.  I'm grateful for my life, but it's getting harder to shake this.  Been stuck in a cocoon phase unable to complete the change because the structure's too thick.  Mind still races while keeping body tethered with bricks.  But I will embrace it with the waves of sound and silence.  There is a way to make it through, and I'm hoping I will find it.  I will slowly stand up, again after hitting the ground.  Maybe enlist the aid of Chris Jericho to help me break these walls down.  I have lost many times but have not yet been fully defeated.  I want to disappear, but a holistic retreat may be what's needed.  Exorcise the traumas we mistakenly call demons.  I'll die before I settle being a cheap cog in the machine.  I just want to wake up again to see the reality of my dreams.  Instead we're haunted by alarm clocks often robbing us of sleep, and memories of truly beautiful scenes...that just happened.  Main character forgot his purpose along with the plot of the movie..why's the audience clappin'?
The sky split, cracked open through sheer force. A spectre’s mind is hailed away to a foreign shore, nestled amongst unsolidified generalities, binding it to the aftermath of time’s relevance. Hope came in a voided sun, imploding in the sky over Bethlehem, and through its transparency, a vision of the end was brought forth to this unjust land, where filth rules supremacy, and dominion is granted for a grandfather’s pittance. It displayed the market value of a soul through a diminished stance, collapsing on the shore as violent waves crash and beat the resonant senses held within.

Contemporaries held in fear, chucked and pushed down back alleys, ending up under the pier, vandalizing a vanquished peer, awkward glances insuring no one is near. Washed away with the evening tide, passed up to the coast after a lifeless ride. Broken down, drifting with the stream, token now, drifting with the dream.
Naturalized and neutered before a board of advisors, composed of highly unsanitary elders, pieces of flawn stuck to the chin, picked up while eating from another’s bin. Dictated and deemed to seem all right, recreations shown on daily late night, refracted and turned into a joke, remuneration held as big brother had spoke. Patience restored as order forms in line, hastened into place by fluorinated wine, individuals return to their lives, and negligently pass over recent lies.
Delicacy8100 Mar 2021
Staggered and twisted
Like vines of a vineyard.
Waterous veins flowing earth's surface.
Unchallenged evidence
mysterious edge's.
Archives dated,
Earths cremation?

Light creates beautiful skies,
all earth's beauty
Filling earth and its surface, stand back and watch
nature takes over.
Permanent impressions
Footprints of nature
Bonding life
Unsolved Mysteries
No space left behind.

Unearthed evidence revels
I love the earth and all its secrets.
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2020
The forgotten essential workers
Who is seldom mention.
Who is so often belittle,
Laundry workers
Elevator-repair men
Front Desk clerks
Certified Nurse’s Aide
Home health aide
God! Oh how hard we work!
Private’s aides

Now as we celebrate Juneteenth 19
Black lives matters, can we really be seen
After four hundred years of oppressions
Can we tossed back river of tears
we are in 2020 is this our commission?

We as Essential workers in your nursing homes
Being tested twice a week,
By your essential worker phlebotomist
Who puncture my vein with his cannula?
For the governor executives order
listen up you uncouth nurses who poke
The swab sticks deep into my nose.
Listen this quackery has to end!
Pandemic, politics, election strategy
We essential need more respect.
You with your white privileges, and your treats

(RE: PCR swabbing, week being on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday.
If you work 4 or more days you need to be swabbed 2x per week
In a 48hrs time frame, if not you will be taken off the schedule
You will be humiliated, said the Administrator  Mr. Sal
Because he is not a babysitter there to reminds you..
Said a non- professional white privileges)
as the city navigate the pandemic
moving on to injustices of systemic racism,
poverty, militarism and
a war economy:

Mr. Governor Cuomo: I cannot breathe..
Mr. Governor Cuomo: I cannot breathe
Mohd Arshad Jun 2016
Build a huge wall
Against these, so puissant:
Ripples of laziness
And flow of procrastination.

A greater achievement
Can't wade and to its taste
It does walk
On a lush dream.

On the way,
To maintain the momentum
It pines to sit
Under dense passion.

Most often,  
Brambles of lust recreations
Scatter and raise
Their forky heads to its feet,

But, as curious,
Nonchalantly, it jumps over them.
Finally and as always
It comes out victorious and gets the prize.
Emily A Grande Apr 2014
Mentality of the younger me.
Emily A. Grande

And as I return to thoughts inducing removing of cellophane off packs of cancer sticks I look around and see memories of cluttered messes. I open up my arms to my insecurities but that always seems to **** me and I start to not be able to withstand me. I think back to when life wasn't made up of cliche clicks of the inevitable clock that makes time the most important thing in this life that inside your conscious continually clicks.

I miss mentality of a childhood and unfortunately to grow up you have to grow old and forget of those children's stories you were told. Of Heroes and knights in shining armor of sensitivity and realizing they have always just wanted to **** me. It's sad to see the princess you thought you we're wear a crown that feels more made of thorns because that one sacred and now questioned  person died for your dignity. But then you question religion and in turn question living. And **** I want so bad not to flip through the chapters of my life and believe that they can't have fairy tale
Endings but that's the thing...

This beautiful tale already insinuates it's make believe. And inside you start to turn bitter it seems because when you grow up it's all about the questioning and overthinking and decision making and times catching up on me. And just when you start to feel like you can breathe is ironically when you start to inhale different smoke. Or maybe something else and then you realize your becoming one of the kids your mom warned you about and this induces doubt that your okay and can mentally stay sane and Wonder where you'll end up someday.

I don't need much just a simple kiss or tight hug and I seem to be giving more of myself then my soul because opening legs opens minds but builds up walls and close doors and. Makes god open that window that seems more of an escape to jump out rather then just open it up and take in a deep breath.

Deep breathes now are more of exasperated signs accomplices of chips piling up on shoulders and never giving tension in your head and heart a rest. And your feeling like ribs dominate the whole cavity of your chest and start to realize the real things for which your blessed. I'm learning how not to want to "not want," to give into sweet temptations that are no longer recreations and becoming daily routines.

I wish my day still consisted of playing outside and running around with the entire world created in a mind that hasn't been molded into what fate has decided to deal in life's game. But that's the thing about games. We all seem to want to play but I am never winning or a sore loser but always losing. These decisions aren't mine for the choosing. But souls sore from losing creates scars on hearts and overthinking starts.

And it's always check mate for that person who made me think they would actually stay with lies of sincerity and devotion and those strategically placed pawns are played. I'm dealing a deck of cards that are all faces and I'm stuck with low numbers and days that seem to change from black to red. Two extremes hot and heavy and heaving sighs build up and I can't ever begin to rest.

I feel like I'm constantly the name Called in red rover because even as kids we were taught to call out the weakest link in the chain and it's those that break through this wall that survive. But those that don't are forced to hold hands with people who's defeated soul couldn't break through the wall and together they collectively become Strong on each others losing common bonds.

Children play hide and seek because people learn to accept the idea of finding what they can't have as a challenge right off the bat. And as you begin to decide you are not one to win you want to throw hands in the air and scream **** it. That the chase is the thrill and to win it's about the other person giving in.

And **** I feel like my closest friends could be the death of me but I also couldn't begin to live without them and we all condone what we're doing isn't collectively wrong. Partners in crime are future misfits staying strong.
Luna Craft Dec 2016
When will things change?
Don't get me wrong- I love a good tragedy, greedily eat words off pages that depict horrors beyond my own imagination.
I'd be the first one to laugh in a shooting, clap as the plane goes down.
Watch as another monster wearing a skin or religion becomes all that wardrobe is known for;
It's easy to see horror as comedy because of the gross recreations we see on TV, media paints a picture of a society where kids are shot in alleyways; where politics are like sport, one side needs to go home with an empty net
For what cause or reason?
Unknown and unspoken the general consensus is to agree with like minded individuals.
Because if that guy says that he's a terrorist right? If person A is afraid of person B than A is clearly the racist one, right?
Or am I missing the point, is this all misconducted, these stories make Shakespearean plays seem realistic.
If a kid can be shot because he speaks another tongue does the radical suicide of two star crossed lovers really seem that insane?
Coventore Jan 2018
An old tale tells of a world where creativity and beauty is but a forgotten word.

Trees and birds are only stories that were quickly forgotten.

The people live in the same houses, and wear the same clothes.

There are no colours but black and white.

It is a world where creativity and beauty is dead... Save for one young boy.

With his gifted hands, he created.

Sculptors of strange and wonderful creatures and architectures one could only see in their wildest dreams.

Stories and tales that could make even the saddest clowns laugh and the coldest soldiers cry.

Pictures and murals that displayed the colours of the rainbows that had long since stopped shining.

Beautiful as his creations were, he was shunned by his family and friends.

They saw him as mentally disturbed because he created things that he cannot see. Written stories that he cannot hear.

Beautiful as his creations were, they were hastily discarded by the townspeople;

Thrown into a river that flows through town, into a chasm without a bottom.

Shunned by his kin and his creations discarded,

One day, the boy could take no more.

He fled from his house, indistinguishable from the other buildings around,

And he cast himself into the river, intending to join the tales and images his hand wove into existence.

Down with the raging water, and into the great darkness in the center of the earth. A darkness that even the grey sun could not illuminate.

Darkness holds mysteries, and this one is one that none knows.

None but the boy.

When he woke up, he found himself cradled in a woman's arms.

But this woman had a face of a goat. On her head is a strange piece of clothing called a hat, and her eyes were a beautiful crimson red.

She only had three fingers on her fluffy, snow white hands.

She was dressed in a soft robe that shines a wonderful violet from the glowing crystals around.

"The Great Creator," She spoke. "Why have you fallen down here, far below the grey world above?"

"The grey world is blind," said the boy. "Blind to how different, how grand, the world would be if there's colour and form just like ages past. I wished to join my creations in Oblivion."

"You are not in Oblivion, child," said the woman. "But you are where your creations reside. Look around."

The boy looks around the Underground. The land below the earth was not dead and desolate, but rather filled with life.

Lives like the goat woman.

A man with the lower body of a horse,

A faery who carries his head in his hand,

And a bird clad in a sightless mask, for its gaze could turn anyone to stone.

And they all sported such vibrant colours, wore such magnificent clothing and lived in strange-looking abodes.

All too beautiful for the boy to believe.

He looked around some more to see more familiar things. One of his sculptures, placed in the middle of a bed of mushrooms, turned into a shrine.

He listened to two bug children tell a story he wrote; a story that once brought a soldier to tears.

He saw scribbles on the buildings that looked like recreations of his own drawings, but they never came close to the grandness of the original.

All of them were credited to a being called 'The Great Creator from Above.'

"Those close to you may shun you, child," said the goat woman. "But someone, somewhere, loves you for who you are."

She smiles to him, a sight so warm the boy had to shed a tear.

"Don't change for them...

Stay as you are for us."
I'm not sure if this counts as poetry, but it is a story written in few words. A story to inspire to nurture your uniqueness. This one was written for a friend.
Look around
Look how many folks entering the grounds
We got wars famine disease
Natural disasters starvation
Poison facility and mold recreations
Children are bribed to be adults and vice versa
Abnormal is considered normal
And what was normal is now adnormal
They tell us what to feel what to wear what to buy
What baked and what to fry
Blinded are they by the third eye
Their faith goes to mankind
Instead of using their own minds
Words are soft and too kind
Newspapers dumbing down linguistic
To that of a level a primate could innerstand
But too many stuck on chasing money bands
Building there conscious around fiascos and chaos
And not one thinks to toss
Out the sheer idea that
They could be controlled
By an immutable force that's inevitable
At all cost spiritual dead in a mental coffin too often
People drift day to day repeating what some reporters say
There so dim-witted that they honestly believe that they are
Using their own minds
When indeed there just interpreting what message they just conveyed your obeyed
A savage to the powers that
Willfully destroy homes and family
See they want us to rant and rave with each other over color
Sister mother or brother
And smother
Ourselves with guilt shame and suffering
And thanks to a country where we always want
Instead of need its been corrupted since the planted seed
Of fascism that is
A small lucrative family of about 12 to 300 people
Run this fashion show
A live rodeo
So go ahead and book for the the light show
Of the red white and blue
Dancing colors
Wake up folks it's all a game
Pushing for success for what?
You come into this world with nothing
And you leave with nothing
So what the point of having something
When you literally have nothing
Wanting a dream house? Car ? Yaht? Island? Acres?
What is it all for lives are at stake
Poor fight the poor
And the rich lubricate the rich
And they give us their people
So they give us an illusion
That we're included which we aren't
Red And blue
Aye evil and good
Which side do you choose ?
Or do you ignore and follow your own destiny will and conscious?
ArC Nov 2017
I am afraid,
But who isn't?
I am strong,
When they say I shouldn't.
I am pain,
In joyful situations.
I am tired,
During normal recreations.
I am lost,
Without my navigation.

I am fearless,
But no-one believes it
I am meek,
When strength is needed.
I am happy,
During ones bereavement.
I am alert,
With shadows creep'n.
I am found,
But who really believes me.

Who am I?
Alexandra Phelps Aug 2016
Fake smiles,false laughter,empty hellos,full emotions.
False judgments,pyramid scheme,government controlled,parent approved.

Ignorance,betrayal,obligations,applied frustrations,no more recreations,get a job,get it now,why haven't you made up your mind yet,you only have three more years to decide,you guys are fine, GO SPORTS;Music,is a waste of time.So much control,everlasting brainwashing, never ending goal,objectives,plans,so much planning,perfection if key,but never mind anything under or above it.

This isn't a place to learn; this is a government controlled,military dad run,hover mom sponsored, prison to try and set standards and expectations so the big man knows what we know; it doesn't matter what we want to know. Once "you" put the right bubble in the right place at the end of the year, the person that,"Cared so deeply about your education",has nothing to show for it  other than the bounce on their check for abiding by their,"ever-so-giving-government."
Alicia May 2019
today to reduce the friction ,
i imagined his hands were yours
his rapid gasps as your
slow sweet melody in my ear
a song familiar yet distant

it’s like the time we spent listening to loud muffled music through closed doors
we knew all the words but all we could hear was a thudding beat
and softened lyrics
or when the living room tv played an instrumental that i twirled to
in the kitchen over coffee
distant and soft
most things with you were like that
my version of you was like that

who you are to the world is an armor
a protected identity
all present and sharp
formed from your roots
spoken through a body canvas
and select dialogue
displayed in your recreations of
what you want so desperately to be
but underneath the armor is a warm bed
a dimly lit lamp covered by a bandana
a deep belly laugh with reservations
tears and fears and everything lovely

so when they ask me “do you miss him”
i will gently answer “no”
for one simple reason that
the “him” i loved died when he gave me a last distant and soft goodbye
Life at sixty is of celebrations.
It's like making one's own creation.
For well being physically
To be good emotionally
Think of inspiring recreations.

Walking exercises are the best action.
Practice being strong mentally.
Doing lovely things gracefully
Life at sixty

Writing poetry helps build notions.
Reading poetry clears intentions.
Canvas painting will give joy presntly  
Good art work gives happiness endlessly.
Painting my life so vividly
Life at sixty
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Caustic sunrise cries
Vanilla tears sliding
Through recreations blessing.
Cleavers fountain spilling jovial venom
Sprinkles of **** onto children’s tongues
Lap and lick and suckle
Smile as you die and be thankful
Because jesus love you very much.
TC Mar 2020
Although we are distanced,
By voided space and standing of still time;

Only recreations of our conversations,
As mortality was left behind.

Most impacted are the occasions, we celebrate though you are not here.

Christmas's, Birthdays
And anniversaries unfold.

While the children of your children,
Through their mourning still grow;
Just as the human history, has most often foretold.

Although we are distanced,
Beyond touch and beyond sound;

Beyond the rays of light and the darkness that vales.
As to this world,
I am still bound...

Know, that I still grieve and my regrets remain real
Know also, there is nothing, of which I wouldn't give,
The remainder of my existence, had it meant that you would still live.
Jamie Richardson Apr 2023
Sleep then, sleep among the stars
Dream of those days when your words replaced myth
Where all that you breathed, became the just so.

You created the coiled mornings,
And infused dust-filled days, that led
To evenings replete with quiet contentment.

What now is the purpose of a life without beauty?
What now is the purpose of a life without duty?
What now is the purpose of oblivion?

If you understand it, it’s not 'it' you have understood
The gap between melody and each second tone -
Resides in an absence beyond language.

We know this place through faded recreations of creation
The tides wash away faces drawn in sand
Only light need not hold any understanding, of time.

I meet ghosts who do not know they’re dead,
Who recite the poetry from the shade on the dial,
And know not from where, of a yet to come...

Of a wind that will blow dust from your throne,
And allow that cold magisterial, emptiness
To be filled again by your sublime sense of things.
Travis Green Aug 2018
There I was standing on magical greatness
staring into the serene eyes
of a glittering galaxy
a liquid melody melting
onto the core of my melanin skin
sparking flaming recreations  
orbiting around the depth
of my millennium
a science of mass dictionaries
developing into reverberating rhythms
of harmonic tunes
in sync with reality and outer space
endless blue seas brilliant in itself
sinking within greatness
in its amazing symmetry
a glowing tower rising
in infinite power
intensifying into unreachable infinities
igniting the additions to my soul
subtracting the pain that used to hide
in sunken shadows around my majesty
dividing its shimmering stars and skies
inside my inner being
each various reaction a two-step equation
exploding into phenomenal thoughts and pauses
a massive ****** stepping
into a glorious resolution
equaling the transcendence
of towering magnificence
Travis Green Aug 2018
There is a smooth beat of lucid highs rising in the sky
a breath of smoky vowels sifting in the cool breeze
magnifying in a frame of fluid languages
it’s soft rolling pronunciations a vivid thought
bursting into brilliance across the scintillating landscape
the way it’s magnetic force slowly eases into a threaded mix
of funky melodies
a lasting drum vibrating within inner and outer worlds
swirling in repeating rings and recreations on the surface
of luminescent leaves from transparent trees
the way it’s fragrant and compounded creation stands on a mountain of sacred grace
a humming sensation speaking volumes inside a riverbed
a reflection of golden hues coming alive in magical sparks
serenely bliss and leaping in delight
a profound text stunning in symmetry
gleaming in geometry
an astonishing acrylic masterpiece demanding praise

— The End —