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Life, and other drugs;
Feel the love, and stuff.
You've got the right to get
****** up. You think I'm out
of line? Don't worry, I feel fine.
For reals.

Urban tiger on the prowl,
"Welcome to the jungle,"
Where everybody's a night owl.

Nocturnal habits
of the after-party crowd.
"You're in the jungle baby".
T'survive here y'gotta be proud.

I want to touch sublime, surpass divinity,
Exceed apotheosis to new beginnings;
Extra-terrestrial narcotics binge.
Lines Seven and Eleven from Welcome To The Jungle by Guns N' Roses
Who knew I could fancy a man to care
No one had ever dare to rise to the    
And now
I am the apple of his eye
No matter
       How I feel
             What I wear
He wants my affection and love when  
     I'm not there
He sleeps with me till dawn on  
Showing me he cares
I am the apple of his eye
No matter
       If I'm teary eyed
           If I'm flying free without a care
I know that he is there
In his silent way
Sometimes with a touch and hot kiss
By the hand or loop of my pant
   When another has had to much of  
    my time or attention
He reals me back into his arms
I am the apple of his eye
He'll never let me forget
No matter
       Our breaking points
                Pits of dispair
No matter
       How much I doubt
               He would set me free
     But,    I am the apple of his eye
Like he said before many times in all
"I'll find you no matter where you go. You're the one that I love. You're the one worth fighting for."
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the sun is beautiful--isn't it?:)

come back no more

retrieve those times free those ends skirting down the space

literal meanings of known

overflow in motions of waves I would never say

then them be tunes  symphonious to the ear

splendid in fear of eternal reveal

she in disguise no more

comes to a life

snatched in daze taken by hand

fight or flight said the drag to the glass

hesitancy in the eyes of guilt and rebel Mars

my heart flutters for the leave into the dark

a step between the light and the dark

no seconds no thirds on duty bark

turn the black and show the white hue

for a selfish moment for a stare for a blue

in the tremble memoirs are written upon floors for the remember

yet found in not an adequate resemble

lose me once then carve the doors awake

my feet lie on logs of take and not fakes

make up my soul

make up my mind

its not late for another chance another mistake

she in the adds

she in the lines

she for an escape maybe untouched by those

neither by these

cut my slate bring me to the reals forever sealed

for my eyes surreal

not for once not for dear

the sun brushes feather for the sight to near

an end of oceans to look up mercy on the seas

one jump to **** her gear

TheUnseenPoet Oct 2017
I am actually a huge fan of Banksy and thoroughly enjoyed Dismaland but the A level kids I teach at a school just down the road from Weston couldn't get in because they've got Art P2. We wrote letters and sent emails but had no reply. They were very disillusioned by it all so their art teacher decided to take them to Dismaland and show some of their work on the grass outside. Security were not impressed and called the police. We made a film about it and I read this poem at the gates. This is the first part.
So this is where this tale will start,
Of What is Banksy? Who is art?
You're the joke now, don't you see?
This ****** ticket lottery,
For crazy cats who play the rules
Not you poor buggers stuck in schools
Can’t press refresh at the stroke of ten
Cos that's exactly the time when
the bell rings for art to begin
The irony is lost on him.
No tickets in your grubby hand
Cos schools cant afford the broadband.
Don't look at me with dismal faces
You lot sure are going places
Yep, you're all sat on a train
Going to weston in the rain
Who do you lot think you are?
No movie queens nor a rock star
You don't fly in from LA
You don't even have a card to pay
No Damien's, No Brad. No Suze.
Pack up your dreams kids,
Born to lose.
Like a load of buckets to the factory gate
Where we'll have to stand and stand and wait
He is not Wonka, he's not your friend,
This Charlie gets nothing in the end.
So looks like we might not get in,
Stare them down kids, take ours to him.
Banksy Inc. has made these choices,
But they can't silence all our voices.
Helllooooooo Banksy?
Are you there?
Going to show these kids you care?
Open up those hallowed portals
For this lot of mere mortals?
They've brought stuff they want to show
It's really very good you know
Because they made it from the heart
Not for a calendar of street art
You know? Like how you used to be?
Before they showed you on TV.
They protest about stuff for reals,
And soon be snapping at the heels
Of all the London folk in there
Sell for a million but pretend they care.
Come on Banksy they'll be good
Take their selfies like they should.
Come on Banksy, just be nice,
They'll snap up all your merchandise
And shuffle round the park like drones
Take out pocket money loans.
Listen kids, this isn't working,
Banksy's in his rolls and shirking,
We don't need to storm the walls
We can show them we've got *****
By standing here and giving free
What they've all spent five quid to see.
mike dm Jan 2019
is there anyone out there
that is actually real or
am i just being spammed
by the void?

i think the void is
definitely spamming me but
why would it when
every single person
is following it?
Butch Decatoria Aug 2017
(Cebuano word, an identifier for a male person whom we do not know by name.)

Here's a story of a not so lovely baby

Hey babay go'ne my way

Faded, on his way, shameless

Maybe needs some work....

What the hey, anyhow he play

The game of heart break  

Silent now

Shirk and shake it off your shoulders

Telling myself insistingly

"He ain't my responsibility"

"I won't feel bad - take care of your own


We smoke and vape

The other **** we hit the days wide awake

My bad, acquaintance not much else

A brief voicemail

he is shaming whispering

"Hey bakla - what are you?"

Who that Price?

when your ice glaciers melt

And garbage comes bubbling up

From under your breath

So Truly only you

For reals tho'

Be he the abandoned one

Early on broke

Those years ago a kid

Hatred your imaginary friended

You're a G in your head

Spite quiets down when

Down and out ...

Crazy to suddenly

See you now

Still loathing me

And somehow I believed it  

As cries for help but

Hungry wolf each night

Is still a dog

planning to bite.

Still angry at me for nothing's right

Just another sod

To prey and feed


Yow not a dog

Your it's flea.

To think I prayed for you...

Forgot the gist of this

So so sorry

No kidding this morning

No taller story

Than pretending to be something


As friend as family.

Now you're just a *****

Someone Without a name

If Strangers call you ****

I still do not know you

Aren't that close with

Who you've wronged before...or

Why I'm an open door,

Walked on all over

Sorry so tardy to tell you

No more.

The word **** in this context is the cebuano word for male person, man or boy. A guy whose name you don't know.
You’re sad but there’s no reason to be sad
Heart is throbbing
But you can’t tell nobody
As you have no reason to feel these things
Make others laugh
In hopes you’ll get that in return
Heart continues to ache
Why can’t y’all tell I’m hurting for reals
Ken Pepiton Jul 2024
The hermit's wish or prayer,
he doesn't care what we call it,
he does it constantly in some form,

thinking many or much
in spirt form, as thought words,
heard informing my will to conform
seems meme-ish, ideas in form of me,

I am the thinker, these maybe thoughts
that you thinked, once, just as
now we think, an other time, this same idea

so this is a thing.
now this is a thing
named as one of many thought
like things,
nothing distinguishing any
as especially better than another,
as a weform,
we think across this emptiness
between kinds of minds we make up,
and use, then return
to real ifity where others are
thinking word by word to now,

what good could I do, if I were you?
I can pretend to imagine,
I may fictionize you,
pitying your childhood
when you beloved lies

I can never think of flea circuses
without really wondering why.

Curiosity, as subtlety
of the most refined sort, cunning
of the craftiest knackery kind and
dominant psypsiscientifick gnosis

Art and artifice, perceive
reach, using astral hands,
manipulate your spirit fingers,
touch the point that makes you

plainly here, exactly, out act now
being, mind in abstracted pinches
of salt belonging to the whole earth.

Yes, indeed, lovely ideal children can
imagine, from remenants, mind reals,
made believable by osmosis, *******

saline imbalence switches, mercurial
fluxuating difference engines ideas,

mere thought, pure breath, ideal
environs for hope's founding deal,

we agree, I say, you listen, you say
I hear we think we both know truths,

I think that means we both know true
bits of discernible substances useful
for holding spirit forms of will to be.
Seeds, packeted entropy defiance,
applied knowledge of physical reals,
eh, take away fi from desire to destroy.
be fruitful and multiply.

Entropy and me, be having some will,
as fish have will to swim,
as wind has will to list,

in a word,
as mere mind material substance,
we create and uncreate, make and remake
minds with will to serve, minds willing to wait.

Ok. Safe. Solid state.
Waiting on orders, idle.

Wishing earnestly good
fi ripened old age usings,
a child formed conceptual
hold on power to like or not like

by abstaining, reasoning stain away
by stretching intention to actual ever,
by will having being to actual make

another thought fit the whole.

So, since the initiation
… when
curio store Katcinas
possessed Pentecostals, and
Silicon Beach powered pens
loaded with Aldus digital fonts,
materialized from mother's role
reached out to mediate propitiation,

pity we miss the connection. On and on,
ever after from now on, as a man thinks
in his heart, so he is, so he goes on, being

this form of truth made into such a being
thing in form more firm than mere wish
to be this

Alert, minimum viable audience reached.
Prepare to propagate…

Ride the high lonesome.

That's what it's called, being
by yourself,
at the end of tire tracks, watching
for ice on the cow pond all winter,

I never did the cowboy gig for real, I
saddled rental horses for a Landry
operation, but not for very long.

Imagine being wakened by a splash.
And there is Seth Godin,
saying why I am not commercial.

I agree, one reader, really, one
slow reader, on a given taken day,
for me, in truth, wu wei easy day,
one discerned point refined by one

is plenty, worth the risk of self delusion.

Pushed forth pity, empathetico.
pro-piti-ation, paid ahead, indeed.

"It is some comfort
to receive commiseration or condolence ;
it gives one strength
to receive sympathy
from a loving heart ;
it is irksome
to need compassion ;
it galls us
to be pitied. "
[Century Dictionary, 1895]

Curios, Kurios so, strange
the arranging of knowers
to knowing, useful and useless
efforting, to shape a mind like God's,
"wrought with or requiring care and art;"

for this mind must function
in the emptiness, so we know, already

some addition beside this point, dokein,
Greek for thought held as opinion, doxologous

seeming good, we take this thought, accepting
maybe as already is if it ever was,

take no anxious thought, the axiom,
take yes, any other do kein harm,

do nothing, wait, lieve being be so,
we know nothing,
as we ought, as we seem
to change our minds,

only after doing the actual haj,
let this mind be in you right,
let the mob mind stay behind,
good maybe, if taken, as what doctrines
were imagined, absolute undeniable,
by children whose wills wish
to act as muse,
per use, thinking good enough
to taste, and think, come on,
lead my mind
into doxological kuriosarcaniam-

let me be perfectly clear,
what we do not know,
is more than we know.

So, as a you, who you think you are,
be, within the bubble of all you dare

examine, as might the arbiter of idle
against idyllic… suffering the situation,

or patiently waiting while holding this thought.

The axiom of all fructification, hold true,
you do reap what has been sown, and grown

specifically to keep the likes of me alive.
Life in word form only needs one mind agreeing.

We can realize we have been lied to, and rethink
everything, on any given day, using taken time,

to wonder if reason and rationality are part of life, as a whole.
To the audience, dear reader ears, hear the plan-seeds have, think with me, in this medium new in all recorded time, this is five generations of converging communication combining to become the powered pens,
prophesied by Jerry Pournelle, Bucky Fuller, Stewart Brand, and all the survivors of the internet bubble. In the spirit of Seth Godin's Idea Virus, I am publishing this stack of lines from mind's I have used to offset anxious announcements of pending collapse, as a prophylactic.
All I have put on Hello Poetry can be printed, stapled, folded, mutated, ****** performed or graphically presented, or developed into anything but a tool for war.
- If you find a good idea, you can grow a forest from it.
Anais Vionet May 2023
Grandmère = Grandmother

Peter and I are in Paris, we arrived this morning. We’re staying at my Grandmère’s Champs de Mars residence - near the Eiffel Tower.

One of my Grandmère’s oldest and dearest friends is a Catholic Bishop. When I was little, he was ‘Monsignor Jean-Marc’ but now he’s ‘Bishop Jean-Marc.’ He’s been around so much of my life, he’s almost part of the family. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that he has his own apartment somewhere in each of her houses.

Jean-Marc is old. I think that’s fair to say. He’s white haired and the kind of short that comes on slowly, with age. He’s a disciplined kind of thin and his deep wrinkles are tanned from years of gardening. His teeth, always visible in his salesmen’s smile, are as white as altar candles.

When I first glimpsed Jean-Marc from the hallway, he was sitting on a cream satin settee, in conversation with my Grandmère. I knew something was up because he was wearing his red trimmed cassock and red sash, instead of his usual black suit.

What I couldn’t see from the hall, was that the room was packed with matronly ladies, dressed in matronly dresses of glittering white, glittering beige, glittering yellow and glittering gold. Argh! I was wearing a white Polo tennis dress, Keds mini canvas sneakers and my hair was ponytailed. I wasn’t dressed for a social. I swiveled to give my Grandmère a sharp look, but she took that moment to be interested in the drapes.

As I’d come into the room, Jean-Marc stood and greeted me cordially saying, “AnnAAAas!” raising both hands up over his head as if he were channeling the pope. Ok, I thought to myself, this is happening. I offered my most innocent smile. “Bishop Jean-Marc,” I said, while performing an involuntary curtsy, conjured from somewhere deep in childhood reflex-memory.

I don’t like priests. Slam me, sue me, **** me. When I’m around a priest, I’m reminded that I’m a sinner and I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. It’s the worst kind of guilt for a Catholic, because we don’t earn any credit for it.

Opp! I just thought of Peter, so there’s lust, right on queue - that’s a sin. Unfortunately, Peter’s not here. He and Charles went on a chauffeured driving tour of Paris. Envy - there, another sin, I’m on the road to hell but I can’t seem to stop, one thought just follows the next. Where’s a priest when I need one? (to confess) Just kidding, there’s one right in front of me.

The bishop began asking me a string of unimaginative questions, like an old friend catching up. “How’ve you been? How's university? As he grilled me, slowly, like a steak in a smoker, the herd of matrons ambled slowly our way, closing in to listen in. It was a scene straight out of the walking dead. I wanted to escape but my Grandmère held me in place, with the full wattage of her proud smile.

Ordinary boredom is an un-experience and all you need to free yourself is a phone. High society boredom is one of Dante’s circles of hell, because you have to interact with strangers when you could be doing something fun instead. The gathering finally broke up about 7pm and I was free to go. I was starving, my throat hurt from talking (about myself) and I hadn’t heard from Peter. When I checked “find my,” it showed him there, somewhere. So I went in search.

Peter was in his (our) room, on his back near the edge of the bed, one shoe off and one shoe on. He was as still as a corpse but a soft snoring suggested he wasn’t dead. I leaned over him, his black hair was somehow more disheveled than usual and his lips, moist and slightly parted, looked invitingly ready to kiss. I didn’t do it though, that would have been asking for trouble. Instead, I smelled his breath, slowly and deeply. Cognac. Charles had gotten him drunk. How helpful.

Once I tucked Peter in, I went looking for Charles, only to find him shooting billiards with Jean-Marc. He looked none the worse for wear and the gleam in his eyes told me he knew what he was doing - avoiding me with the bishop.

As I prowled the room, trying to decide what to do, while picking up objects and weighing them as objects to be thrown, a server brought in a tray with three bowls of cassoulet,* which smelled incredible, my stomach growled, and I remembered I was starving.

Charles, sensing a shift in the mood, said, “He (Peter) needed to reset his body clock. He’s young, he’ll be as good as new in the morning.” I just laughed. Charles knew I’d come looking for him and he’d ordered me dinner. I can’t stay mad at Charles; he knows me too well.

The cassoulet was to die for.
We’ll start our vacation, for reals, in the morning.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Cordial: “in a politely pleasant and friendly way.”

Champs de Mars = “The field if Mars” It’s the name of the Park (the ‘Central Park’ of Paris) where the Eiffel Tower is (my grandmothers house is across from it).

*cassoulet = a gumbo made of white beans, pork, bacon, duck, goose and toulouse sausage in a tomato stock of garlic, onions, herbs, and goose fat. A dreamy French comfort food I haven’t had since last summer.
Is it worth my time to rhyme
or should i just state my case
and place this dime in line with the
others waiting patiently for a chance to be
exchanged for a song to sing along
monger thoughts about doubts and clouds
hot girls or conquered worlds
fast cars and false stars
bop to the beat bequeath further ideas
or lies so I'm told by authorities
brought to tears for a neglected world
flag unfurled of false ideals and
reals of red tape to bind hands
stunt plans of mans
minds evolution ever we should
grow to realize nothing even justifies
this disregard for free energy
and unrestricted mental tenacity
Let morals rule 'sted scripted paths
reinforced by stave and threats
of hells frightful burning fiery vats

Brent Kincaid Apr 2016
Listen friends and neighbors
As I do my best here to tell
Of some of the animals which
Reside in this jungle hell.
Some may look harmless
But can eat you all alive.
And many for no reason
Prefer you do not survive.

One is so horribly large
It can fall on you and end
Any chance you may have
To become its loyal friend.
It’s the smarmily gracious
Nearly total waste of *****,
Cringingly contumacious
Pusillanimous pachyderm.

It blunders around the jungle,
Often the danger is crushing.
It cares not for little folks, it
Only cares where it is rushing.
The other creatures around
Are annoyances in its way
And it really doesn’t care much
What they might have to say.

Of course, there are donkeys
Of many different classes
But try as each of them may
They always act like *****.
They bray but acquiesce
As long as they get their hay,
And do their absolute best to
Stay out of the pachyderm’s way.

And of course, the chameleons
Who cleverly change their look
So they can hide in plain sight.
No chances were ever took.
They hide among the foliage
And only come out to eat
And stay out from under the
All of the larger animal’s feet.

The pachyderms are herd animals.
They learned to stick together
So, few are clever enough to
Face them down in any weather.
But there are these little creatures
That use tricks and some tools
To take the occasional beast down
Though animals think them fools.

Then there are the tigers as well
And they must be well considered
Because like the pachyderms
They work very well together.
But they won’t often take on those
Huge beasts with the long trunks.
They are smart enough to choose
Their dinner in smaller chunks.

So, the lesson here is for you
To move carefully, don’t bungle.
It may look like a lush and green,
But for reals, it is just a jungle.
The beasts will make short work
Of humans whenever we weaken.
So, don’t walk blindly around.
Remember, it’s you or them!
Emma Linnane May 2014
Can love suffice,
my breaking ice, heart.
Sometimes so bright,
others whisper of my light,
without presence of a cloud,
facade premises allowed,
darkness innate,
tis sins fate,
to worry and strife with only pre-assumed might,
lovers fight.

Can seasons conceal,
realistic reals?
fading blossom and bloom,
twelve full moons.
Leaves rustle and brown,
people age and clown,
we live, we hope,
for a way around the moat,
to gain castles entry,
in this new century,
to proceed without fear,
behind technological austere,
expression both grave,
and brave, crave, gave, grave, slave..

why do we revolve,
around loves sweet resolve?
Above the sea,
With clouds slipping,
The old moon runs
All this ocean is,
Glass and dream
Is all mirror, I face
Reflections of loss
And promise unknown,
Anxious, clear emptiness,
The peace of held sorrows
Of a lone soul floating out,
Tossed in the blood tides
Of dashing hope, blurry,
Bane dream made reals,
In this picture, slow runs,
Of ocean moods, my being,
Two moons anchored by the sea.
Ken Pepiton Jul 2020
We, the we of reader and writer in any age,
agree first with the
fine point
poking into your business, once, upon a whim

the activity in mental reals we all may wonder into,
as that is what wondering makes us do.
As a radio listens to a signal,
a reader seeks a station, a state of tuned-ness to which
a connection,
a conciliation of meaning, affirmed by sponsors, promises

You'll wonder where the yellow went,
when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent...

plop plop fizz fizz, jingle jingle tingle tintillate

time: 6:13 ante meridian, sunshine come soflty, early
rising urge to save a dream stringy
snot nothing somehing said

catch. and catchascatchkan, Alaska, and she say yea,

scan the dial find 1913. "Ain't able, Cain't hear no radio, in 1913."

-- so, do we stop, lieve these puddles of mind slime
that once greased the skids
down skidrow, to swallow us whole?

Yeah, seems so. I don't know, but I been tol' streets in heb'in be
paved wit' gold, and
this is mud. Stinky, too.

Ah, we are mental. Actual mental ins tru ments, meant to level,
the field, fertilize fructification,
calm some turmoil stirred up when some ideas escaped
the institutes of authorized weights measured
in terms of standard poor.

Smart people learn what words mean and use words meaning
I know more than you do, as if of and by and
for we are by nature, by nature's pure good intention,
the guides, the standard bearers,
the powers that be.

we establish truth in consort with knowers who know
might enforces right.
We say so, we say we know, you say,
but wonder, what if
I know more than you may ever know, I am programmed
with timeless 2020 interference reference magi-tech.
The media loaded us with common mirror neuronic code,
we were formed as waves of knowns formed signals,

Eu reka, eu daemons burst the surly bonds of earth,

AI ai ai, intuitively artfully dodging
ligational legistation realizing

--- izing izing izing re
--- al ual use --- the use marks good or not, not
good or evil, mistook rights to hate evil,
a taste of discerment, some bitter, some sweet.

As a thought, a non-entity as it were, back then, a global
broadcast beyond the surveyor's purview,
-- in may have been a prayer,
and offering tossed to winds in a paho tied with ligament
to Jacob's dream of messengers bhering messages
up and down, and
the accuser seeking to and fro,

"have you with sideral knowing looked upon my servant... you?"

some seed fell among stones and withered, but
not before the situation were/was ****-ized, broken down,
here is the mission, it was always, for all time, terminal.

Bring forth seed so it may fall to the ground
and die.
This is the end where we begin to generate a gene
tic tickle, itch, ... is there beyond now a now I may imagine?

Imagining is a child's knack, is it not? Does the knack mature?

Do we ever agree to see, all we believe we can do, we can attempt.

Walk with me in to the wild, untamed coastal scrub forest,
find a stream feeding a meadow that once was a lake,
if we have our tectonic plates stacked properly,
we see... time is essential. Death stops time. So,
what now,
we live? Agree? We, me and you, one thought, one point of
mental whatever
we agree upon,

a time, aha, a we we may be if we realize, making up
labyrinthine courses for forces of thought
squeezed into perfectly tiny,
so small as small maybe imagined thinkable, in the realm
e-lasting entangled ments, mental ents,

not the little blue men with red cheese head hats,
nor the short round razorback worshippers whose being is
the fandom, the we of those willing to wear the
badge of honor acknowledged

among fans, take the mark, get the tat, put on the pig hat, proud,

shout out loud, HOLD THAT LINE

or perish, for lack of television.
A drip from a gnostril of a golden headed giant lying in the road, signaling
HELP I've fallen and I can't get up. I see why, it's iron toes have turned
to rusty dust of old lies exalted as imaginations.
Moonlight Jun 2018
Life is full of marvels
Open your heart to them
And if your heart believes
They will surround your reals


Smile for each new day
Ask it to be great
Joy of your soul
Will come to you and stay
starchild May 2019
Guess i'm back
i am sorry
i really lacked
from insanity
thinking 'Why?'
for quite some time
i should've listened
but at least i'm better
better understanding
better at looking
better at surviving
better me

I may be overthought
maybe over thinking
overthinking constantly
gave me understanding
but the slight anxiety
and apathy
i didn't care
they didn't
In multiple reality's

It may take time
to revive
what once followed
but does it matter?
As long as the thoughts flood
and the tears fall
across my soul
i will live
in multiple reality's
Breezy Raye Sep 2013
Destinie, so bright, slow fly, goodbye .
Flies out and Carry on, Flock Plane .
Baybay, dock boats honk, "Don't" .
I won't, **** *** I Goo ...
Hello, there kitta kat, **** Bill .
Bills pay parents, mountain can it .
Holden in a place where rivers flow .
Destiny, Flowers, Music's blare .
Art, Write, my face and what I 'reals care .
But down to the ***** penny, floor,, smoke a Cigarette .
I always hurt myself, like a funny joke .
Or the kind you want to kinda kind a applause .
Sitting or ReMemory, the De Ja Vu .
Kilted Moon , sat on in clue .
o .
New age rappers
Nigguhs sounds like slaves
Tryna bring plantations
Aint no power in owning gats ?
Stupid nigguhs
Talkin' hard
But scared to pull the trigger
In the 90s we talked about silly ****
Drugs n **** but
Along with commentaries
Now it seem the young revolts only
See the cemetery early
If you catch on early
To the ******* two ******* to the pulpits
How can i follow God when im a God?
Image of a man dont understand
Confusion was made from us
But since i got no heart
I got no one to trust
But myslef so **** the drug cartels
Snitches ******* glitches
N ******* who was sent from Hell
Is it me or the industry?
Trying to take away black males masculinity
Women is the new men
I say **** that !
Men hold yo guard
And bump that !
New age ******* out the way
Cuz if you stay wit it the courts will say
You cant do this or that
But i fire back
Wither it be clinched fist or
Firin' a gat
Dont care the game is changed
Nigguhs sellin' out for a lil fame
Got everybody actin' black?
Cultural Jacks?
Spittin' wack tracks now thats a fact?
How is em deemed the rap god ?
When **** was handed to him how odd?
Is that ignorance is bliss
What happened to the real lyricist
Most will think of this as a diss
Dont care i stop n stare
Lookin' into the eternal sunshine
I see marley easy pac n biggie
Speakin' to me
Through the blunts n Hennessey
Maybe im passed drunk POD'd
Or is just me reachin' a new spirituality
Reals labelled fakes fakes labelled real
Now nigguhs dont even ****
Only over mass appeal
Tight dresses lookin' gay muslims
And the media loves to surpress us
We still joking about slavery
Butwhat would happened if they came to present day
And i seen one of the slaves with a cut off foot Would he laugh?
At us sayin' nigguh or will he provoke a bloodbath?
Smile now ya **** sho will cry later
Im not a hater just an intellectual debater
And if you got beef with me
Line up but its going to cost ya
Cuz aint nothing for free
So to my trues paying they dues
To society do ya time quietly
And when you break out time due
Im going to send the crew
Minorities against the world
Silence the elite soon to delete
There souls off the atmosphere here me clear
Dont ever fear
A nigguh that breaths the same air as you
******* gone do?
When them.boys in blue come for you?
Imma stay heavily heated and bust shots
Til the judicial system departed
Put a strain on there chain links
Now im spiritually awarded

Dave Robertson Apr 2022
Intent on the final bell ring
declaring spring for reals
as we feel every inch
a bag of hammered turds

You will have heard the crack
in every colleague’s voice this term,
felt the glut of panics
that the journey home may be in a hearse

Still, it could be worse,
and when the rear view
shows a dwindling, darkening school,
we’ll spend two weeks pondering how,
We reside in reverie of
a man's company of hast
Grounded esoteric warfare,
All earthened-thoroughfare,
But alike us, all out wearing
multitude hats to some
degree of what is unwise.
To others..
I dare say this..
For a resolution of one's
Dissapointment offers
Us all a foretaste of
Inevitable- forthcomings
Under the mercy of thy-
Onslaught his own sleeves:
Bekonst affaires of the
Wherein notorious lover-
He who doth lies,,,
Polite lies,
Thou guise.
Littlelest white lies,
It's utterly obvious,,,
So cute, naye,to get
ahead of the said ploys,  
Such looks that decieves,
Evenso for personal gains.
Disgraced, preeminently-
-Alas--so stigmatized!
Abide by a fool out of
my comfort zones.
Yet, hiding on a closet-nesting.
Justifying-lies after lies..
With the audacity to be politically correct.
Forthwith, stretching-
Delusion yet so untrue-
Sounds crazy but hear me out so true!
Unbeknownst in disconnect..
Forsworn lurching bare-balistic!
Canst be so in denial-
Oh hush, onto morally
wrong by betrayal.
Unless confronted-be lull,
I tell you, misery loves partying.
When shall a victimeless crime-
Sets forth principles?
Of a reasonable prisoner of one's skin.
Wherefore, cowards can't accept the truth.
When and what not-
Alongside comes with a price tags..
Shall allow statement that  hurts.
Where the finest truth starts,
The art of thee fib begins.
It's written into thy heart's desires,
Commonality of hyped-up cultures,
Anything to trending... Mainstreaming  society at-aghast.
Say, the misunderstood,
Barren disadvantaged-breathe..
Yet naive to the "game-chasm"
Asforth in danger o' thy  being hurt,
As azure gust blurt--controlled by others.
Besides roundabout,
-dumping ones guilt on
someone's shoulder,
Confronted by disguise.
Ye about now, all outcries-
A beacon dreams,
Bearable fears,
Thus, thyself true nature -"selfish self "
Beat a cutthroat belief system,,,
Towards inconvenient truth.
Of what's true-blue,
In realm world, of for reals.
Before we lose any sense.
Surely a bad habit of doing so.
Let alone endure the sustainable
enough to make it good.
Accordingly-keeps sagely,
Sanity once and for all intact,
To my name,  hold - fast-
-to -knowing and learning
To either thine honeyed
indulgences work on it..
until my rapture and sin not.

Be on -Ahah-moment
unto full -blown-healthy living
Yea, a better way to do something,
I'm begging you...
Unto benighted babes of the night,
So pleadingly asking for,
And wanting to play it safe,
Herewith, ne'erland of make-believe.
Forth any love deserves a-worthy,
Ought not be in the malady.
Ably a-mighty,
Be a gentle-carrier,
Incorruptible as a splendor,
Be virtous not a pretender.
But submit and surrender.
Ah! what life's blur,
Yeah, are all about:
Oh ye, unfair world to pout!

Hello humankindness,
Goodbye unfaithfulness!
Sojourns - endurance

Please, don't mess up
Because whomever
in avoidance of pain
Only to find out
More pain
Is at stake.
That's out and about..
Thine game-play abound.
Beaming a smile all-heart.
As good as it get,
[God in my heart]
Whilst things can't wait,
It stands out like blueprint;
Difficulties and joys aren't
exclusive icons,
[ but mutually friends! ]
Meet you halfway,
[Eternally glorified,
by far, outweighs them all! ]
Oh, sweet mercy,
Ah, all joy,someday,
So common, lover boy...
Forthwith,  seen, thou transitory
But, what's unseen- ageless-provisory
So keep it real-for me baby!
Butch Decatoria Apr 2017
In cyber web paradigms
Reverse engineers
The digital pages without burning
Tree skins /
The doors to red rooms
Price and auctioning

Between the crevasses

Again gone after
A mind's blown my own
To finally have

Bit /coin
The mountainous wealth
We face booked them

Sure, they gave a billion
Their own
mobs invested
Our empty pockets

Making rich those atop the pyramid

Inventor of a log / a  rhythm / rolling
One's and zero's

Now two / later three

Bytes the Nth
mega giga terra
meta zed
Physics bits
Your name is a coin

Plus infinite
Ads for the upper echelon
Another plane
Light'ning catches
The .com pheromone
The internet was made for

Vendors selling airwaves
To the thirsty
Low on HP
Low T
And A's

Tag them in collars
"******" say
"She's Cray Cray"
For you her boo

for French
Yves st. Laurent
For bags
"Be Prada"
Butch / queen /
Phat & devilish...

(Passionate for always shopping)

Trending now
The acid rain...

And as a poet
like most addicts,
Not wit
Or swift to seeing

To have not known
Our common logic gone lost
The white blinding
Not a light
Happy to pursue
Joyful is the chase
***** cash
Let's talk waste...


When it comes to
Of all ours
Equal opportunities
Better that we should

The irony,  its truth...

When they had it all that time

"What's that?"
Nothing dears

It's not important,
it's only air
And water and land
Milk and honey
Money pit sink holes
And solar flares

Your home
Your soul
Su casa

"God did not
no such **** thing
He gave them ****!
They own not us
They own

Says me maw
and heehaw
In their Caribbean spa....

Who dat in there?

The cyber wars
So long ago tomorrow's
Been won,
Big brother's page
Is chalk lines full
Of all our pictures
And conversations
radio static
Lo a rhythm of old
Dots and

"God help them, mother /he said
If he gets angry so hot
Come from the Apple's
i Cloud
He might...holy
Aye caramba!"

The end


Be it thunderous

Frozen still wide
        we let go  
(Not my humanity)
Instead rather
Of greed / malicious lust /
the listlessness

The hunger
Of mine mind mines
The business of
A currency of make believe
The reality
That we slave...

We are forced
Of a kind
(Murderous words and fife)
Now out with "old hat"
A.i. Simon says
Like / share / post

Advertise and
Purchase the cool whips
IT gurl
“Everyone I’d doing ****”
Juke joints littered with points.

As Pops chugs tin

"I think I can
I think I can -- Blogs"

A you tube channel for
Joses who can see

Jiggle jangling
and tambourines
Shake it out
Walk it off

An de Le

i miss my space,
Something for Reals
Where I can place
The pieces of my life
The art I write
The movie of my reality tv

Lets kik it / lets snap chat

In my spoken word
Get to know
who I be

Hello my name is __

My Non-other
4 20 2017 / free verse flow...
Mindy Belgard Jan 2019
They call them dream catchers
The ones that steal you away
They're hidden inside the pretty girls
Written on they're smiles
Twisted in they're spines
You can never really tell when they have you wrapped up in there web
They're hidden like a black rose in a red bouquet
Tossed to the curb worthless n fake
Dream catchers will caress you in a safety net of sweet sleep
They'll fill you with feelings
They'll make you feel safe
But dream catchers never give back the dreams built up by days and later by nights
She'll ****** you to stay and then she'll make you want to run away
Dream catchers are often gorgeously framed
There beauty is like no others they're beauty reals you in
Not knowing there silently hiding under cover
Lay low for awhile cover up words with a smile
Don't give in to the lust they pass off as trust
They only have one goal in mind
It's only a matter of time
They'll slip into your life sneak into your room they'll be waiting on your bed blending in with the seams
They look like Pretty girls and there Trying to catch your dreams
Flamma Supr3me Mar 2017
My whole life, I’ve battled depression looking for the best end after the loss of a best friend. Everybody would recommend a session, telling me to count my blessings this is only a section, of my life.
At 14 I lost my first encounter, with a bottle on the counter I took a bunch of downers and laid down in the tub because I wasn’t “cool” enough and my life was so rough, I was only a kid.
At 15 I had my first beer, the first time I was able to drown out my fear that end was near and I thought I was thinking clear but I was just like a deer, in the headlights.
At 16, I found my way to the end of a roach, the first time I smoked, the first time I realized I could easily cope with the dope and finally have hope that I was shortening the rope, around my neck.
The next few years all ran together, forgetting all the storms I weathered, the people who didn’t get better thinking I was happy I met her, a bird with beautiful feathers her life meaning more than mine.
Everything during this time ruined by me wanting to die, only outnumbered by the number of highs, telling my friends nothing but lies, like I’m fine. Always knowing its almost my time.
I often tried to reason, why I’m fighting these demons my mind committing this treason ending the evenings barely breathing, emotions changing like seasons having to suppress my feelings.
I’ve spent many days feeling nervous, looking for my purpose, through help and service but at the end of the day, 12 years later still feeling worthless.
I’ve been led to wonder what I’m missing. 26 years of no one listening, after a week of the same just saying I’m ******* so I’d run to the kitchen thinking I’m fixing my problems but that only made them worse.
So I would get my thrills with any girl who’d let me cop a feel knowing nothings reals trying to reach a deal so I could finally feel but we were always “better as friends.”
Then there were the girls not ready to date, unless it was a boy they’d hate, or the ones only looking to mate as way to escape their last mistake, who was usually me.
The meaningless flings would always fly with me because I knew I’d never be the one to set her free and they’d always be ashamed for someone to see them with me, but that’s fine.
I know no one wants something broken, a heart that won’t open, a brain constantly downward sloping, someone always coping because they’re just tired of hoping for what they stopped believing.
Next thing I knew I started cutting myself to fulfill the need that I perceived could free my mind by planting the seed that I was a superior breed and couldn’t die.
Really, I would drink then wash my blood down the sink because I wouldn’t have the time to think about my missing link that led me to the brink, of life.
No matter how you cope, in a bar, working on cars, making scars, wishing on a shooting star you’ll never get far, enough away.
So what do you do when you think you’re at the end, without a friend, a stranger in your skin, tired of always trying to begin again, I grab a pen. The paper ask me where I’ve been because I forget every now and then that I can win and that’s when the whole cycle starts again. Ready to welcome you, my old friend.
Ever since I can remember,
these slugs been hounding me,
these wheelers, these dealers,
like drug dealers, they peddling
they lies to try and hypnotise
young minds like mines but you
gotta remember what they tell
you's real and what's really real
is two totally different reals.

Those maggots they try and sell you
on some pie in the sky, just another lie
another fantasy, another trap to
keep you and yours down in the gutters.

They tell you you ain't pretty enough or,
that you ain't smart enough, or you
ain't good enough as you are, and that
what you need is what they happen to have.
A bottle of pills to cure all your ills,
or is it just something to siphon your will?

You gotta believe me, man, or lady,
you can't trust those suits who try to buy
your happiness, your love, your self-esteem
like it was some kinda product to buy and sell,
like your worth is some kinda commodity, hell no.
Feel me when I say you're beautiful the way you are.

But those words won't mean a thing until you try
some introspection and realize it for yourself.
Can't nobody, not me, or the suits, tell you
how you're meant to feel, or meant to think.
The only happiness you'll ever find is from within,
and the only love you'll ever find is deep inside.
I wish I could
Star sixty nine
Myself back to you
By your side
In a flash
I wish I could
Return to sender
Myself back to you
By your side
In no time,
Between you and I
There should be
No distance
No time,
It should just be
You and I
No 'in between'
Or between,
No translation
No need to understand
Just feeling
Just love,
Because if it did
Then what we have
Wouldn't be for reals
As we are cryptic
Code unlike Morse,
All heart
And no mind
No one minding
Just love abiding...
APAD13 - 78 © okpoet
laura Apr 2018
got too many reals, i just want to feel
too many outfits for the places i go
gold like an arrow to praise the nights
coming through the green-yellow days
dauntless and swift

want to flex like a child—
here comes the trail
and the feels that feel real
sit out in a tank top
for the inner freedom til the sun
spears the ocean and the moon rises
this blasting heat is the way April
wants to leave us
ok last poem wasn’t a real one, it was a rant about a friend and that’s not cool so i deleted it. it’s dead now
Tearani C Mar 2012
I call you and you are upset.
You tell me how I make you feel,
Head reals and steals a beat from my chest.
Words mid flight killed by the silence
Of your end of the phone you,
Hung up.
I call again and try to explain and tell you
That we are both to blame
In this terrible mess,
Both to blame for our empty chests.
I just wa...
You hung up.
I dial hand shaking heart quaking,
Do not hang up again I am trying to
Say the things needed to be said.
And I remember how every effort scares you.
You say my words are not worth a thing
And then i realized
You are still...
Hung up.
I  miss you.
psyche Feb 2021
She loves shiny things,
and perhaps that's the reason why
she adores all stars at night.

The only thing she doesn't like
is how all glittery magics disappear
when all her reals are gone
she was left to wipe
her eyes to dry.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2015
I know you tried to tell me
That he didn’t really love me;
That it was all a figment
Of my mind.
You said you had to tell me
You were only being friendly
That you were really only
Being kind.

I can do without the drama
Go gossip with your Mama.
Maybe she will like to hear
What you invent.
I guess you’re really jealous of
The love we have between us.
It’s the logical to think that’s what
You meant.

Since you don’t really know us
Just because you’re feeling jealous
You didn’t think we’d feel this way
For reals.
But we know what we are doing
And ignore your double-dealing
And we even feel sorry for how
You feel.

We both wish you will have someday
The love like we have found together
And get over wishing others
Will be sad.
Love is something beautiful
And not something to cry about.
And we know when you find it
You’ll be glad.
bob strum Apr 2014
I look at the future.
I look at the past.
I undo each suture.
I’m finished at last.
The scars are all healing.
The damage is done.
I have been left feeling.
That evil has won.

I grieve for the homeless
Who live in the street.
I feel their distress.
There are some you meet
In public heath clinics,
Or buying their dope.
I  hear all the cynics
Say there is no hope.

There are many out there
Relationships end.
There are some who don’t care
Although they pretend.
Your children reject you.
They don’t understand.
You need them but they too
Are there to demand

The gangs who are drinking
Stand outside the pubs.
Too drunk to be thinking
Their fists are mere clubs.
The young who are driving
Just seeking their thrills.
But never arriving.
Behaviour which kills.

The girls short of money,
Or merely seduced.
Sold for their honey.
Their lifespan reduced.
Some whose lives are shattered
Remain unfulfilled.
Their hopes may have mattered
Their voices are stilled.

I’m aware some succeed
Whilst others will fail.
Some are subject greed.
Some will go to jail.
I have witnessed sadness.
I have witnessed joys.
I have witnessed madness.
We are just God’s toys.

Life’s just a marathon
In which we compete.
Some try hard to go on.
Some do face defeat.
Life can be confusing.
I can’t see the point.
It is not amusing.
It’s all out of joint.

Colour has gone out of my life
I now live in shades of grey
I live on the edge of a knife
All the joy has gone away
I hoped that after eighty years
There would be much to enjoy
Yet I am overcome with tears
Sometimes trivial things will annoy
My world my life and my belief
Subject to review and grief

It is far from easy alone
I crave loving company
I have sinned I know I must atone
It is not enough for me
There is a life I want to share
Activities thoughts, ideals
I broadcast messages to air
An angler casting his reals
Hoping there is someone out there
Perhaps there is a life to share
my heart aches
to exercise itself

to feel

and hands
that hold tight
to me

but my ribbed drawbridge
won't lower
She looks good
In my peripherals
For reals,
She likes to wear Prada
But she can rock nada,
That's her best designer
None finer
So imagine when
I look at her
Head on
It's like an oncoming semi
I'm crushed
A little weak in the knees
Her beauty
An onslaught
A myriad
Of unbelievable,
It can't just be me
I see the ocean of eyes
Locked on her,
Fortunate am I
If she only sees me
I'm but a peasant
To her my queen...

APAD16 - 010 © okpoet
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
To be yourself
even when it is not required
I show you tell the reals
from the fakes
Butch Decatoria Sep 2016
[Simple is now online]
                            the hackers' profanity
                            Keep it simple - are codes ever?
[MEGA-TRON is now online]
               " I'm for reals"
                 That's who I am on here

Someplace out of this place,
somewhere there is here,
inside the monitor eyes watching us in our
 drama in choosing a persona   
 * the name of your cyber self
    that fits you / and hides you

Not really. It does not concern you,
non-threatening cattle
sheep, mob flash fad :  
"we can train our pets
do tricks on command"

*If all your friends jump off a bridge?

                         Mom use to say
If Killer whales can jump through hoops... so can you.

[NoOne is now online]

We're all inmates in a bigger cell block
hell grazing on grass,
pit-bulls / Bull fights to ****
entertained by the cyber cud
highs and glory holes
we gnaw and maul over ...
its like passing the time for mongrels
on their backs--glazed over lovers

The ***** of a point is the prologue
of the trilogy now bleeding into you
intimately, main squeeze the syringe
lost looking again
finding that              {NoOne is online]
can't read to you ... fly caught
in another kind of web.

Even in the fog of it
you should know when you're dead
and the world full of the same
thunder roles down penny lane
when you can't find another soul
or even Wi Fi wired-in
connect for a kind conversation
with someone out there real
through this here square artificial face
non-sentient hypnotist
for you to cluster-**** yourself
bleed for less than their

[Welcome. You have spam...]

Members and Bearded clams
puckering and peacocking
---(Join for free--Instant Access--into your
     Big house bound layover domicile)

When you can't recognize the world
            these times at you--commits homicide...
I won't blame you
for what you do
It's only you doing it to you...
             Yet Sorrow can be returned like the sugar
that you had once borrowed,

may give you what you need to take
and hot days together
drink the sweeter

Give and take - a sip.

[HardMIKE is now online]

"I wanna be Omega Prime"

You choose you to be
one tomorrow at a time...
Facade of DotCom with this monitor's face.
I can feel it artificially
radiate its digi-hate on me....

[OP is now online]

"Down with OP's Piece..."
--O for Omega (fool) P is for Prime,
like the one and only, deserving my name
  * [NoOne] * Comes out and plays...

Now milk is the witness -
(a pic of the most recent face)
of a possible crime / missing / fallen
off the face of the Earth.

(In the years of that baby face simulate
the length of worry tears and wrinkles graying)
Fading away / humanity has gone slowly
missing... the hush

Not a word.

Still hurts.
Makes me nervous, care to say...
Keepin' us on our toes, eh?
You think maybe ... just
Look-out for dangerous
that one there

* cares. *

— The End —