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Simon Oct 2019
Probability isn’t the luck it deserves for wanting desperately to be noticed by any appeals. Generating new focuses never thought possible. If so… Who is the recipient? Who is the lawmaker? Who being the justice department? Goods to making essential markers on productive velocities. Justification is outweighed by department alone. Growing ever scarcer without benefiting attitudes in place. Conjecturing solvent pleasures across many fields. Fields of accessory dependents ensuring a collective term is agreeable. Except, what if probability is outweighed not by something further from its own attitude? What if it can’t benefit itself? In question, becoming misshaped, mispronounced, or misinterpreted. Depending on who’s right, or who’s wrong shouldn’t matter until claims are assured. Propagating across the many fields of accessory dependents. Dependents outweighing the logic one is misshaped by. Demonstrating probabilities mispronouncing sense of terms for oneself. Wrapping up in a crumbled conjecture. Propagating a newer field of already surveyed products. Truth is in the stream that propagates those fields. Accessory moments dependent on gaining tension through the rise of the recipient. That’s the only way probability will ever learn. Hence why it shuts down if it ever involved itself. Itself without its own recipient. Its own justice department. Lawmaker without any dependent ideas would ever appeal to its own logical making, if it’s never dependent on itself. Only flashing the accessory dependent on other influences. Influences going way down the line of certainties without pleasure. Urges relapse. Furthering its own clustered rut! One without mistakes diverging deeper into uncertainties. Taking risks isn’t noticeable. When probability taking risks enough to (blush) down the line of certainties without an aim involved. Scattering their rut from within. But how does it involve probability? It doesn’t. Probability is the representation of how one constant judge itself for pleasure. When pleasurable actions are dependent with a blank impression never sought out. To focused on probability. When probability isn’t fruitful by its own design either. Only way it works. Never looking back in itself. A reflection of tempted attitudes fluttering in a swift, but rigid wind. Wind never tempted by its own sway. If one is to admit what they aren’t even aware of changing. Another shutdown happens! Justifications for probabilities own reckoning depends on other solvents. Solvents who don’t even understand the probabilities of there own life makings. Able to learn what is dependent onto others. Never within themselves directing their starry performance. What happens when things are finally noticeable within probabilities that will exceed probable actions of the force that dictates fates majority complexes? Complexes without variety. Varieties misshaped by mishappenings of trust. Which includes a basic awareness of some factor never hesitating to judge within the core of being itself. A view fate designs in its weapon of probability very well. What is fate up to…? Never can guess when probability shuts down all appliances out of contact with no one but itself left in the dark. Probability is. Everything has just become disowned. Fate exchanging glances with itself for one last second, before rapping up this little diverse expression. Pinpointing its weapon of probability without knowing why that is? Hinting at fate not being the only recipient to follow in its weapons obstructed desires.
Probability without luck is forever undetermined. Having faith in itself, will redeem the actuality of actions placed without words. Luck? Faith? Lots of hints one hasn't fully realized.
Liliana Jaworska Nov 2014
In your eyes shines universe in the shape of your face.
The stars whisper verses of unconditional love.
Light of the moon emanates with your heart.
Sun burns oath of immortality on my skin.
Planets dance to the music of our souls.
Even the black hole discovered the essence of love.
Stardust wraps our bodies and souls.
Meteorites juggle in space of desire to hit ecstasy of fated land.
Interstellar space is filled with love of devotion.
Electromagnetism guards intimacy of our bodies.
Gravity is jealous about force of our feelings.
Strong impact rising between us.
Space-time continuum is richer in our kisses.
All forms of matter and energy count light years of love head over heels.
Our love was born in the Big Bang's peculiarity,
existes since the dawn of time.
Atoms formed union of our beings.
Star agglomerated in galaxies of fascination and fulfillment.
Supernova of our passion is new kind of cosmic explosion.
The shock wave propagates even in the toes and feet.
We transformed in pure energy.
Expansion of our love accelerates.
Existence has become a paradise on earth, cosmic catharsis.
Love is bliss of ******* with you.
Drink a love potion to the bottom of romanticism.
You will raise where I am.
In you I found the multiverse.
Jeffrey Pua Feb 2015
Sadness cannot withstand
A godly array
     Of poetry
          Called Love.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Draft. Making sense out of palindromes.
Denel Kessler Oct 2016
shallow creeper
blindly seeks
subterranean passage
push and ******
fingered shoots
in compliant ground

purple sword
arcs skyward
a deception
yet to unfurl
gold to conceal
the tangle

in unfavorable
David Barr Jun 2014
Phanerogams are plants which produce seeds.
The wanton harlot may be laid against the wall, with legs splayed, and may also have given birth to unbridled rage.
However, even though such stages of development can be entitled as “*******”, it is worth noting that all behaviour has meaning, my darkened companion of presumed sophistication.
The scholastic scribes will etch their wisdom upon the hardness of our vile vanity.
I hold in my hand a gothic stone, where those who stand before the courts accused of heresy and witchcraft can plead innocence before chanting crowds of bloodlust.
The reaper will gather the harvest at Lughnasadh, whilst the olfactory nerve propagates her funeral games amidst the cutting of ancient cornfields.
As we perch upon the gallows end, let us join hands and chant the mantras of old.
Photosynthesis is a forensic entrancement where there is no rest for the sinner.
In Autumn,
as in Spring,
the sap flows,
the sap wishes to race
against heartbeats
before the winter,
before the winter
buries us
in her usual shroud of ice.

I turn to you
knowing that
unrequited love
is good
for poetry,
knowing that pain
will nudge the muse
as well as anything,
knowing that you
are afraid, fettered
to a life
you do not love,
& so unfree
that freedom seems
more fearful even
than the familiar
of being
a grumbling slave.

I lived
that way
& I know
that freedom
is its own reward,
that it propagates
by means
of runners,

that nobody
gives it to you,
not even me
to you,

but that you
must seize it
with your own
two quaking hands
& pluck
the strawberry
it bears
in the green

Thou hast nor youth nor age
      But as it were an after dinner sleep
      Dreaming of both.

Here I am, an old man in a dry month,
Being read to by a boy, waiting for rain.
I was neither at the hot gates
Nor fought in the warm rain
Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass,
Bitten by flies, fought.
My house is a decayed house,
And the jew squats on the window sill, the owner,
Spawned in some estaminet of Antwerp,
Blistered in Brussels, patched and peeled in London.
The goat coughs at night in the field overhead;
Rocks, moss, stonecrop, iron, merds.
The woman keeps the kitchen, makes tea,
Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.
                                        I an old man,
A dull head among windy spaces.

Signs are taken for wonders. “We would see a sign!”
The word within a word, unable to speak a word,
Swaddled with darkness. In the juvescence of the year
Came Christ the tiger

In depraved May, dogwood and chestnut, flowering judas,
To be eaten, to be divided, to be drunk
Among whispers; by Mr. Silvero
With caressing hands, at Limoges
Who walked all night in the next room;

By Hakagawa, bowing among the Titians;
By Madame de Tornquist, in the dark room
Shifting the candles; Fräulein von Kulp
Who turned in the hall, one hand on the door.
    Vacant shuttles
Weave the wind. I have no ghosts,
An old man in a draughty house
Under a windy ****.

After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think now
History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors
And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,
Guides us by vanities. Think now
She gives when our attention is distracted
And what she gives, gives with such supple confusions
That the giving famishes the craving. Gives too late
What’s not believed in, or if still believed,
In memory only, reconsidered passion. Gives too soon
Into weak hands, what’s thought can be dispensed with
Till the refusal propagates a fear. Think
Neither fear nor courage saves us. Unnatural vices
Are fathered by our heroism. Virtues
Are forced upon us by our impudent crimes.
These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing tree.

The tiger springs in the new year. Us he devours. Think at last
We have not reached conclusion, when I
Stiffen in a rented house. Think at last
I have not made this show purposelessly
And it is not by any concitation
Of the backward devils
I would meet you upon this honestly.
I that was near your heart was removed therefrom
To lose beauty in terror, terror in inquisition.
I have lost my passion: why should I need to keep it
Since what is kept must be adulterated?
I have lost my sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch:
How should I use them for your closer contact?
These with a thousand small deliberations
Protract the profit of their chilled delirium,
Excite the membrane, when the sense has cooled,
With pungent sauces, multiply variety
In a wilderness of mirrors. What will the spider do,
Suspend its operations, will the weevil
Delay? De Bailhache, Fresca, Mrs. Cammel, whirled
Beyond the circuit of the shuddering Bear
In fractured atoms. Gull against the wind, in the windy straits
Of Belle Isle, or running on the Horn,
White feathers in the snow, the Gulf claims,
And an old man driven by the Trades
To a sleepy corner.

                    Tenants of the house,
Thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season.
Leigh Mar 2015
When the day squares off neatly:
No flex in the coating.
No chips or cracks,
Nothing to catch in my breath;
Why do I find myself here,
Where a smile grates?  

When I connect to the grid:
Fumble through smalltalk,
Have a pint or two,
And learn my place (in that order);
Why do I find myself here,
Where the panic waits?

When Spring cuts the chill:
A simmering sun inhales the frost.
Fog retreats to regroup
As stoats skitter across busy back-roads.
Why do I find myself here,
Where pressure propagates?

Maybe my perception is warped.

It's sometimes warmer here,
(where a smile grates).
It's sometimes safer here,
(where the panic waits).
It's sometimes easier here,
(where pressure propagates).

Maybe I'll stay a while.

Still getting the hang of dealing with my anxiety.

Alin Feb 2015
He is worried!

the Mr. Perfectionist.

It’s almost Carnival but
He hasn't yet got a mask

with specifics
his ballads
and jests
surly lists his bests
in two principle steps
of CAPS :

* Feeds the Bats and
* Tempts the Charms

* Cheap N Handy
* Quixotic but Scary
* Not too Trendy

and he cries


What's worse than
a self-adoring pathetic bat
in my whereabouts!

I can't get the stink and shrill so I help him fast

'Yo what's the worry!'

-I say friendly -

'you need not hurry
cause I think you already are ready!'

-I continue enthusiastically-

'Here! Try this one
My top design
Custom fit chemistry
A truly  NO Risk Recipe
and of course
Specially designed for you! '

'for you for youuu
   to echolocate
such is an eye-gaze
for the half-blind
such is sound
a vibration that propagates
in ears and brains of pretty gulls
and of course
only  for youuu'

-  I sing loud a common bat ad just to stimulate
my client and continue- merrily explaining my serviceable recipe

for 2)

Wear your white shirt just always

the one I know
you know?
the webbed one
weaving grace
and don't forget to
iron it well this time.

for 1)

Put on your true face!
I reckon then
and can guarantee always
no one will ever recognize you .

In a flight he disappears glad and I hope he won't show up till next year
What can you do I say to myself and quote a encyclopedic fact about my client.
All things have a place, you don't really need to like them but these ones pollinate flowers and disperse fruit seeds and they are economically important as they consume insect pests reducing need for pesticides.  

I say while I ventilate my head with an OM mantra and an incense stick
Bah what a stink what a stink...
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2018
I wish to write
Something beautiful, Mom

She guided as follows,
If you want to define me
Get more time
Take a pen
A piece of paper
Think a while
Get touched
Write few words

On Love

Love, what
Propagates at your happiness
Absorbs when you are in pain

We are Mothers
We are beyond
Your words

You can have a try

All the best
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Silent words
MissNeona Sep 2014
Race fast, safe car.
A Toyota's a Toyota
stolen one lots

Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Was it a bar or a bat I saw?
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.
A dog, a plan, a canal: Pagoda
A car, a man, a maraca.
Oh, cameras are macho.
So many dynamos!

Desserts, I stressed
No lemons, no melon.
No sir! Away! A papaya war is on.

Dr. Awkward!
No Madam, I'm Adam
Sir, I’m Iris.
Sir, I demand, I am a maid named Iris.
Ned, I am a maiden.
Bob Bob Bob

"Not New York" Roy went on.
Not so, Boston
A **** nixes *** in Tulsa.
Avid Diva
Party boobytrap.
Solo gigolos.
As I ***, sir, I see Pisa!
Amore, Roma.
Yawn a more Roman way.

Amy, must I jujitsu my ma?

Some men interpret nine memos.
"Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod.
*** aware era waxes
a **** tuba
test tube **** set
He did, eh?
I did, did I?
doom mood
rise to vote, sir
Art, name no tub time. Emit but one mantra.
Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.
******, I’m mad!
Lager, sir, is regal.

Ma is a madam, as I am.
Pa's a sap.
Neil, an alien.
Oh no! Don **!
A lad named E. Mandala
Kay, a red ****, peeped under a yak.
La, Mr. O'Neill, lie normal.
Otto made Ned a motto.
Poor Dan is in a droop.


Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard
Live not on Evil
Cain: a maniac
Live on evasions? No, I save no evil.
Eve, mad Adam, Eve!
Dennis, Eve saw Eden if as a fine dew, as Eve sinned.
Devil never even lived.
Do, O God, no evil deed! Live on! Do good!
Live, O Devil, revel ever! Live! Do evil!
Evil, a sin, is alive.
Evil did I dwell, lewd I did live.
Ma is as selfless as I am.
Name not one man.
O, stone, be not so.
Rot a renegade, wed a generator.

stack cats
taco cat
Senile felines.
So, cat tacos!
step on no pets
ten animals I slam into a net

Egad! An adage!
A relic, Odin. I'm a mini, docile Ra.
A peg at lovely Tsar - a style voltage, pa.
Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?
Bombard a drab mob.
Borrow or Rob?
No, it never propagates if I set a gap or prevention
We few,
We panic in a pew,
We sew,
Ye boil! I obey!

In words, drown I.Revered now, I live on. O did I do no evil, I wonder, ever?
Is it I? It is I!
I'm am a fool; aloof am I.
Now I won.
“***… ***…” I murmur.
Victor Thorn Feb 2011
"who brainwashed you?"

asks the man
                           who feeds himself
to the nation's most beloved narcissist,
casts himself down its gullet,
and takes a seat in its stomach
three times a week
                         who mindlessly
propagates the propaganda
he declares to be doctrine
he testifies like truth
                         who would deny
God's holocaust,
would gas truthful love
in his basement,
burn the bodies
and burn the ashes,
the free minded ****
                         who hates the situation
but does nothing to change it.

"oh, this used to be the land of the free!"

drunk on self-righteousness,
inebriated waste.
Copyright February 9th, 2011 by Victor Thorn
Overwhelmed Mar 2011
I guess I should start by saying that I do have a lot of bias against the competition because of things that have absolutely nothing to do with the contest or the way it was judged. They got my poems wrong. This basically meant that I was going to be playing with a large handicap of some sort. As it turned out, they let me perform the two poems I had prepared, but for the one that they didn't count on me performing, I would not get an accuracy score. Each poem could earn up to 20 points: 12 are on your performance, and 8 on accuracy. I would not get those eight points, or otherwise, 20% of the possible score I could earn in the contest. To put it simply, I had been disqualified.
So with this heavy thought on my mind I performed my pieces. Despite an air of confidence (which was severely diminished for once) I performed badly, terribly in fact. I could very well say that both pieces were at the worst they had ever been. I went up on stage at the end and had to fake a smile as the awards were given out and it took every ounce of my being not to throw away the "congrats, you participated" diploma they gave to everyone. I did not have fun. The second I found out my poems were wrong, I turned to mother and asked to leave. My mom and the people running the contest convinced me not to go, but I'm still not sure if that was a good idea or not. In all seriousness, I could not have fun. All that work, all that effort, was for nothing. It wasn't anybody's fault and that's perhaps the most infuriating thing of it all. There was no way to prevent this. It just happened. I got ******* over. Good, long, and hard. So what was I to do? My mom commented that I was doing the right thing by staying, and I suppose that's true. My school has never participated in Poetry Out Loud before, and even if I don't compete again, just knowing what it's like will be incredibly useful for the person that goes on next year. This is where I stop apologizing for myself and start making actual criticisms because I want you to understand that most of these negative points came long after I was done feeling sorry for myself/pointed out by my mother. And the first and most crucial of them all is that I would've never won.
Even if they hadn't ******* up my poems, even if I performed them perfectly, even if I made every eye in the house swell with tears and every mouth grin with laughter, I would've never won. They weren't looking for any of that. They weren't looking for emotion, they weren't looking for original interpretation, they weren't looking to get a response from the audience. They just wanted us good little boys and girls to go up on stage in our nicest clothes and recite famous poems in as traditional, unoriginal, and boring way as possible. Two of the winners, the guy who won third and the girl who won first, were, by my and my mother standards, some of the worst acts of the entire show. The boy recited "Charge of the Light Brigade" with his hands folded at his stomach and his voice in a monotone to make deaf preacher snore, and yet, somehow this is of merit! There was a mexican guy who put so much feeling and emotion into poems, that, normally seem like dreary contentious ramblings of arrogant poets, but now jump off the page and offer meaning that you didn't even realize were there. He got nothing. In short, I felt like the winners, and the overall values the contest propagates, are not what this competition should be about.
Poetry in the modern age is viewed as a dusty, unimportant art form that once meant something but now is something you read in English class as a child and never take outside of the classroom into the real world. Poetry Out Loud furthers this belief. Instead of embracing the fledgling arts of Slam Poetry and Dramatic Reading, Poetry Out Loud squashes it in favor of continuing a more "traditional" interpretation of poetry recitation. They put emphasis on meter, plainness, and calm; traits that, in all honesty, puts audiences to sleep and reminds them of boring days spent in English listening to the dronings of their teacher. Poetry is not dead, and while the people running Poetry Out Loud may know this, the methods they use to try and make the world realize this are unproductive at best. I am ashamed to say that this is how such a great opportunity is squandered. The fact that such a large (and growing) organization, with as much fame and ample rewards as it possesses, turns on the very art form its trying to protect  is shameful, but I doubt it would want to change if it were to hear my cries.
Poetry Out Loud isn't about furthering the art of poetry, it's about forcing the works of so perceived "great poets" on kids. They offer a $20,000 scholarship as the grand prize, but really, if you wanted to bring truly great poets into the fold the joy of competing would be reward enough. This contest shouldn't be about other people's poems, it should be about our own. The original work of this generation, performed the way the we intend, will produce performances infinitely more meaningful and insightful than anything that is being done now. During this whole competition, I viewed it not as a measure of my poetic ability but instead of my acting talents. Theater kids dominate this competition, but as the title suggests, this is not "Thespians Out Loud", and emphasis needs to return to the creation of original poems and the entertaining performance there of.
Poetry is something completely unique to any other art form, it is nearest anyone has ever come to exactly writing down real language, with its many idioms, tricks, habits, faults, and mannerisms; and Poetry performed aloud is a near perfect as written art can get. I submit that Poetry Out Loud is not what it claims to be, and although I cannot fault it for poor ambition or malicious intent, I cannot say that I will be condoning it any more, especially the message it sends to young poets, their teachers, and society as a whole.
- Jan 2021
Everything is alive.
The spirit of life is endowed in every
Material and immaterial existence.
Life is an unstoppable force.
Life is contagious.
Life begets life and propagates
Ad infinitum.
Life is desire itself.
Every thing yearns to be alive
And every thing that is fading
Desperately reaches out for the suckle
Of that elusive, all-encompassing elixir.
Life is transient. It is delicate and strong.
It is a force itself which does not move Time
So much as imbue it with Meaning.
Life is tumultuous, unsteady, and capricious.
It wants to “go” in an atemporal sense.
It occupies the past, present, and future at once
But its movement is linear and certain.
It can splinter and halt.
Life is miraculous.
It implies the incomprehensible Divinity
Of Being. It is Absurd.
Life is defiant, stubborn, and strong-headed.
It can Be when no one is looking and in spite of
The skeptical spectator.
Every thing respires as one. Life is unity.
Life is paradox.
Life is
Broken down, discarded dreams,
Slipping through these splitting seams,
Seems to me these eyes can't see
A way to flee this one note scene.

Discordant dissonance of hate,
The fear and pain it propagates,
Weeping mothers, bleeding sons,
A war is waged that can't be won.

Another day, another shooting,
Another factory polluting
Drinking water, poisoned crops,
White collar crimes, when will they stop?

The future never looked so bleak,
Each suture we possess is meek.
But humankind will persevere,
And filter blackened waters clear.
Pearson Bolt Jan 2016
in the words of
a reverend and a King
human salvation
lies in the hands
of the creatively

defamiliarize the chaos

an absent-minded apparatus
addling brain cells
checks and balances
proliferate a status quo
of enmity and aggression that
propagates oppression and
dismantles genuine political
expression for those outside
the whitewashed coffin

recognize the enemy
in our own eyes as we
eradicate the apathy that
leeches liberty and
fabricates freedom

reformist rhetoric is
too little too late
revolutions are cyclical
and ultimately infantile

so fan the flames of rebellion
destruction precedes creation
raise hell and raze the system
of enmity that pits
7.4 billion
brothers and sisters
against each other

anarchy is order
MLK, Jr.
LDuler May 2013
The way I speak
In the car in the morning, or under trees
Is swathed in darkness
My words build walls and facades
And cunning passages, contrived corridors
Deceit, whispered ambitions
I'm dispensing my secrets
But dispensing too soon, or too late
Into weak hands
Or disbelief or indifference
Or until their refusal to look me in the eyes propagates a fear
That no amount of courage on my part could ever dissipate
I'm covered in locks
Inside and out
But no one has the keys
And I am not beautiful enough
For anyone to bother trying
Ahmad Cox Jan 2014
Life always finds a way
by Ahmad ***
The green permeates
Gives life
Mixture of life and spirit
Rolling into one
Life propagates even in the harshest conditions
Life just want to be free
No matter what you do
Life always find a way
Even when it feels like everything has been burnt away
The green glow of life still flows on
Even in situations where there seems like life shouldn't be
In some of the harshest environments
Life still finds a way
Even in the darkness
Far away from the light
Life persists
It's a lot harder to extinguish life
Then we might think
Just as soon as we think we have a handle
When we start to feel like we have control over life
Life has a way of putting us back in our place
Life was never meant to be controlled
Life is meant to just be
If we allow life to persist
To grow
To flourish
We will find that life will do just fine
If we just let it be
Dylan B Dec 2012
The Panther scales above the infirmity of the jungle
like a reverent vicar, in her mouth
she clutches an infant. To some this is
the most intoxicating world—so long as you don’t mind
a little ruse, how could there be a day in your whole life
that doesn’t consist of a flurry of happiness?
Below, game lopes abundantly as the ocean tributaries,
each frolicking along a distinctive course, not that
she ever really ruminates over them, or anything else.
The panther has never had to digest a fable,
though her existence propagates an analogous terror.
When predators raid her hearth, they remain
ephemeral, irrelevant – her insatiable hunger the only story
she has ever managed to revisit.
Your skin will never feel her eyes. I cannot say
she is wrong. Piously she prepares her supper,
with its meager, undeveloped vigor, erupting
a contented roar in the conversion of its properties.
She exists the product of her kind, the natural order her excuse
as she scales back above the inconsequence of the jungle
again, to do the same thing
(as I’d longed to do something, anything) perfectly.
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
A head tiny, sticks outward from hole.
Up high, scanning
for dangers distant.

From limb nearby a neighbour it sees,
leaping from branch to branch—

Home lined tight with fur and leaf,
warm and soft,
comfort, seclusion, and heat.

With one anxious paw placed on bark's edge,
out it inches, inspecting overhead
for raptor looming.

It scampers out, wandering not far.
The move a tempt to that which might lie
in wait.

As threat proved false, head first its descent,
to reach carpet of flame and leaf, fulfilling desire—

Paw on floor it dismount bark,
big eyes searching for its like,
its competition.

By hop and bound it manoeuvres the land,
beneath arbor owning winter home,
the tall oak.

The giant's arms, splayed to fingers.
By them it propagates, a provider,
a giver of life.

Acorns—a favoured meal, the crop this year so small,
many have come to feast of nut

Some too small, or marked, or holed.
Those unripe buried to percolate until

Ever wary, amassing winter store,
searching and scratching, until finding one
just right.

Teeth like sabres, peeling case to flesh beneath,
a bushy tail demands black eye. Oh,
envious brother.

Scramble ensues, a chase, feathery tails waving,
barking forth and back,
a harmless show.

After a moment they part,
ownership retained,
precious maintained in

Upon fallen log it sits, billowly spine curled over back.
In hands it roles, fingers gripping, shell piling, teeth gnawing—

A sudden snap,
an echo

A strike so swift,
so accurate,

There one moment,
the next,
simply gone.

One bounce, then two, the acorn falls.
The prize once won, return to earth,
eviscerated—unclaimed, destined for

Leaf beneath boot, the hunter's approach,
neither with joy nor smile, steps heavy with
weighted soul.

Unsheathing hand from leather,
stooping, reaching low to prey at peace in
Autumn's Ember.

Warm in grip, yet frame gone limp,
a regretful finger stroking
stilled body.

A life of worth, of value,
seen as pest by most though beauty by

This place, its home, the grounds on which it foraged,
forever quieted, absent presence, its

No longer would two roam and chase,
where pair competed for food sparse, now live one
with plenty.

High in timber, the hole not long ago dwelling,
warm and secure, awaiting occupant's return in vain.
Tonight cold, empty—

On the morrow, upon lifting sun,
the leaves at Titan's base would rustle fail, the
playfulness gone.

Fur flat, tail fallen between fingers bare,
his life's consequence far reaching, not without effect,
not without

Soon to leave, his presence gone,
the absence in his wake, his mark on the land,
the place
now quiet.

A broken heart,
for sake of
Emily Jones Dec 2013
Waking is like that final breath before the plunge
Down deeper into the thick of possibility
Where I find the Nietzchian mastery
That mentality that dominates and conquers
Leaving behind the pitiful
Weaker modes of being
That sharp edge of nihilism that propagates
The negation of substantial purpose
And living becomes a series of tasks that are manageable
Not the overbearing jumbled cluster **** of modern man

How I dream of Walden
That escape to find existential meaning
That reverts me back to an independent self that relies on not man but nature
To derive sustenance
Long for that shack
In the middle of no where where the worry of the day is to feed myself
And to stare at the stars
Instead of work long hours and still have no freedom to see

But it is not probable that I will have an escape
For the planet is dying one tree at a time
And the ignorance of our species is making
My exodus a place worse than the suburb
At least there I don't witness the choking of innocent creatures on pollution
Gasping for air through lungs riddled with fume
And foaming on plastic by product

While I contribute no animosity towards my mother I participate by association
And feed the monster it's favorite treat
That sickly green paper
And a snack of penny meat

While my exceedingly more mechanical mind cranks the cogs tighter
And starts to rhyme
Filling in the line space and paying my dues I become another body
Thus a weapon to the corporate  move
Tom McCone Mar 2014
Upon a web strung across vast fields of
pure and distant velvet nothing,
perfect back-traces of the flickering past
revolve in place, in silence,
signs puddled for an instant from abandoned
corners of clusters. Polaris sieves a movement,
severs Octantis in a slated blink of being as quiet
reaches from further clutches, as a light quivers against
the dark, enshrined in its own solace, drinking from
a garden of heaviness; a sigh slips, echoes and lingers.

A tidy emptiness wavers in the tide of
time-shifting constellations, pulses lost in the single
night that never stems. A fine dust propagates
under the breath-patterns of its own constituency.
No symbol spoken, the still moment reaches and
encompasses all, heaving in glass moments compressing
beneath layers, bathed ablaze and curling through its
own precessing maw. Gathering, spiralling pieces of
uncoalesced millenia hurtle against an again hurtling
arm of a freckle gathered on a point of dust drifting
between caverns diving through the weight of walls holding
all that support their standing. A drop of light quivers
from each mouth, hides in crevices where smaller droplets
stand firmer at each junction, stand shining quietly with
no motive, dials slipping. The dripping lays down sheets,
climbs no corridor, designs a movement of no consequence;
dries out, knowing full well all the while. A ghost remains,
or a breath, both ultimately of finite import:
an exhalation or mote of dust.

Rain won't fall, the creek remains and, in tumult etched of
rigid symmetries, forges splits in azure. A broken fullness,
a glimmering product to permute and dissipate repetitions,
the slow formation of a complete emptiness.
In fine tapestry woven through the murk bellowed, the pattern
twists, coiling fingers through itself, the coalescing rotations
play out silence in no coda. The creek was never there.
Rain makes its way.                                                                  
                                       Capsular soil gives, capitulates petrichor,
defies dust aridity to cling in soft bundles about the child,
clothed in broken wings, tail clambering, all fine splits decided
upon countless repetitions passed. Light hovers and lights stand,
spin, in turn, as intervals chew tails through no static
motif, each gesture a mockery of predecessing broken ground
as fingers sliver ever toward known constancy,
blankets of warmth, an unclosing eyelid. Thus shuffles
awake the clamberer, to stretch and arc against potentials,
to fluoresce and bathe in radiance. A greater scheme
mingles at the tips of outstretched arms carrying wings
to break and flesh to guide a canopied architecture into
clearings laid out below twinkling webs to fold through
and let breath be taken as pawprints slowly form the
fingertips of a new architect. The children of the
child watch silent as motion trickles from centuries'
fortune. An emblem hangs in soft light on a ripple over
all-but-still water, cohort as glittering fragments strewn
beside. A bird's cry is lost in the marsh.                        
moments of absolute movement lay out beds of stillness, of reprieve.

At sea level, the curling faultlines feed open plain from
glass tears and monuments fleck the landscape of horizon.
To a pivoting sequence carves tiny bound structures in
self-image, a boiled-down replication to forge immemorial
traverse, a hairline fracture led blind through lakes of ice.
Still, to carry forward in a display of conviction, fine
splitting lineage diverges and cross-pollinates. First a
step, then a meadow, a panorama, three scores of
underbrush, seven mountains cradling a single pass,
two endless expanses of peat, one river for the life
of a child, three nights of no sleep, a resolve,
six iterations, one modification, seventeen snowfalls,
one feat built slow to grandeur, three months at sea,
three years at sea, three thousand years, seven oceans,
four hundred billion innovations, a blink of an eye. From
closed wings rise ordered patterns to clamber, always
asleep, to punctuate that immutable grove of light now
organized in transient gleams of projection and
nomenclative claim. Hollowed bellies of these
unstirring colossi, in turn, self-assemble and
writhe against an upturned gradient: disorder
bares teeth, crafts homogeneity and stumbles
on as Polaris dutifully continues in slow march
and reclaim of a ghost still cycling and hiding.

Finally, the moment takes grasp of all else
and itself, and parts tides of now-distant lights
through the ceiling and collapses where, between
word-laden walls, a tiny and terrified piece of
it attempts to reveal to all else that the moment
is already
written for a reading; never read anyway.
Jas Aug 2017
The melanin which coats my skin so effortlessly
Propagates poetry, completely faultless
I am empowered and feared
Like an electric fence surrounding the perimeter
Of a jail house or asylum
Both on either side recognize me
As something without entry or exit

"You're cute for a black girl"
Is what they say to me -
Though my knees fastened in position
Standing tall
I am supposed to bend and bow,
To accept this "compliment" and condemn
Others before and after me
To accept is to limit the scope of beauty
Because I am
The exception;
I'm "cute for a black girl." 

To all of the people
With an outlook on life
That only encompasses the width and length of a rabbit hole
I salute your stupidity and arrogance
Your firm belief in marching behind those
Truly one of a kind, 100% seen faux compliments
That I am not supposed to be offended by -

When we all know every offensive statement begin with "no offense,"

How about
You're cute for an *******
You're absolutely **** for an imbecile -
Who needs abs when you've got this?
For anyone who has received this golden compliment of the highest order, do not let the giver slide away so easily. "Compliments such as these need to be burned and burried.
Malcolm McGill Jul 2013
morality propagates.
if crumbs are on your hand, brush them off before someone sees.
tweet how you don't care.
wash your hands.
dry them with your shirt as you tweet how washing is overrated.
you barely touched anything.
crap luck--it's life.
how observant.
how in-attentionally blinding.
how to walk a mile in her shoes.
it's not good for the sole;
but it's good for the soul.
we are in his image.
be more like him.
draft an article with facts supporting his non-existence.
that was pretty heavy.
that pays rent.
prepare for ramifications.
don't have a smoke & a pancake.
the hand is only as deep as the ******* is long.
at which point am I paid?
love can be a box in an evidence room.
she murdered me and I'm still dying.
still love.
at the end does he die trying to get the girl?
he dies clearing his browsing history.
he dies deleting photos.
that doesn't mean we stop.
Q Carson Feb 2014
I feel a burden
But that's only a reminder of existence
More so, of purpose
But Meaning is overrated
Sometimes you can be so cynical
I'm here to let you know
That your lightness, although beautiful
Will only occur now
Right now
Legacy means pain
Life is suffering
So they say
So plunge deep
And let the salt water sting
Pull your head above the water
And in the struggle for breath
Feel your lungs fill salty
Inundate heavy
Self-infliction is the most righteous
Defense is polite
Submerged, nothing is heard
Composed, silence feels
Meditations distract
This lightness is nice
And your place not too weighty
You'll rise
Salt sits on the tongue
Reincarnation is beautiful
But propagates the lightest of all existences
No experimentation
Permanent, make a decision
With only one life to live,
We might as well have not lived at all
Forces of opposition
Feel a burden
Feel a burden to recur
What happens but once
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
I'm a unique creation,
The only precious one in the universe;
Stardust coalesced and quickened by mysterious Life;
A product of a billion generations on this celestial sphere;
A result of myriad mating rituals conducted by a thousand species,
Each contesting an evolutionary battle for survival;
Each coupling succeeding in its primal urge
To replicate the life-giving source and reproduce;
Knowing, instinctively, that eternal existence is a stepwise process;
Knowing, too, the diversity of individuals propagates the One.
And now, four and a half billion years after conception,
Gaia's offspring can contemplate her glorious existence,
While speculating - reflexively, lethally - about the Sire.
The Missing Link - Gaia's Boy Toy
Picture this Jun 2015
For love to grow
an inner glow
propagates the seeds you sow
in deeds it then reveals
what has been concealed
a soul can't hide from truth
it lingers in the air
laying bare
all the wrongs
for all to stand and stare
as ashes turn to dust
the ambience of trust
dies in a single stroke
body gone
soul remains
and may choke
it's deeds it now doth weep
no time for it to sleep
nothing can be saved
even if we prayed
there is no inner glow
for love to grow
Nikita Feb 2016
An inquest that demands  to be answered
a concealed suspicion that lingers on like a cancer.
Days  after days it keeps on augmenting
the craving propagates,
although the elucidation is still suspended.
it could be  alongside or could be distant
or still an object that craves to be existing,
the separation is crucial with the resolution being more brutal.
But then in the dark nights
its your demons that you gotta fight.
There is a time in man's life
When words will not come
When seas will not fill
When abstinence will not entertain
The sight of heart's desire

At a moment,
he will know ******
Was always in his heart
Should her be harmed
He will find all words
Have been taken from him

She, knowing, unknowing shall smile
And pass a brief hour or day
Not knowing, that time now
The tide has turned
Toward her, deep fault lines open
And the moon's course altered
By one degree
of love's meridian line

Woman hear this,
and beware........
As a man is in love with you,
and love in all
As a thing in itself,
Does not love you, or he,
For that matter,
But only propagates itself
For it's own designs
Cold and lofty
To frail human hearts
Oft to your advantage
But often not........

So know, you cannot.......
Stop, what has been written
By love's desire
Once these moments come
And small white stones
And Atlantic hillsides
Will remember
in an Irish muteness
That the greatest of waves
oft occur.................
When no human stands
To see them crash, like cradle milk
Into the dark, black rock.

And Love is more powerful
as this
And more,
than the star is
to a penny candle
So let your words go
Let only time, as old
and deep, decide

For you are powerless,
as the gull
And grass in tufts
Pulled and pushed
By force no man or woman
Could ever control
That all is
as it should be
Whatever is to be.
A poem written in remembrance of a day, spent in Love in late 2013, on Achill Island, Co. Mayo.
"Buy me a drink?"
She asked him
All dolled up
In layer upon layer
Of cover-up
Accentuated by
The strong stench
Of the wrong perfume
To him, she was fake
A person that exists
Only for four words
Or 4 syllables
Temp or ar y

To most men
This invitation
Equates to one night
Of senseless pleasure
In the shallows
Of human experience
That propagates
Short term like
Over long term love
Never realizing
The three most important
I love you
Rational Daisies Jun 2014
an unfamiliar place
filled with darkened
people with minds that
seem to understand so
differently than I or you

preoccupied with  
how short her dress was or
if she danced too much or
if she had a sip of alcohol or
if she'll ever find a husband

what about him? I wonder

but anyways it can't be much better
in a society that propagates
male privilege in the form of
a different set of accepted
social standards

No matter how familiar
or unfamiliar the place
I am followed by this
****** UP
petty judgment which
shackles me with guilt

But when I look up
and see the natural beauty
which sees no standards
I scream out in gratitude
and the guilt evaporates

*I am free
A W Bullen Jul 2019
am conscious
of the ticking clock

the bleached reef
of a window frame
of a heed untaken,
propagates the
cloud-seed doubt
with lightly spoken

on a layman

aware of where
the sentence stops.

where syllables
of rhinestone rain,
call sibylline ,


in thick
galactic suburbs.

doppler-shifts of
moving conversation
played me, staring
down the outpost
of my unbecoming
Lost Aug 2014
it's funny how a person's scent continues to linger
even though they haven't been around for ages
or maybe worn that shirt you still keep
at the bottom of your wardrobe

it's sad that after all this time,
i still remember the way you smiled
every time you laugh,
your eyes crinkle up and your laughter propagates
filling the emptiness inside of me

maybe it's my fault
that i've invited you in
and allowed you to build a home for yourself
i can't let you go
but at the same time i can't wait
to kick you out
one day i'll forget u and all of this will be a memory but once a upon a time we were genuinely happy together and now i'm sitting here at 12:36AM wondering what went wrong
butterfly Jun 2017
dhamma inundating mind volition strengthen
maras unshackled  from the root existence free’n
sakharas activated in the surface soften
sleeping volcanoes waken into the space weaken

dhamma inhabiting constant atmospheric flow moving
cyclical habit mind pattern from past centuries eradicating
defilements within uprising  in the mind deactivating
miseries dissolving metta within cultivating

dhamma uprising heart saturated lightness consummates
boundless chemical reactions uprising sensations dissipates
free flow vibration charges limitless metta  propagates
static body  still mind equanimity effectuates
From Darkness to Lightness
Andrew Guzaldo c Jul 2018
“There is a place for us in the enclaves afore,
Where the blackbirds sing and flowers bloom,
As our love propagates and creates our passions,
And our allot filled longing of embracing,

We have always reaffirmed to be with each other,  
When I am alone that is my only breach,
A breach of passion love and scent of your body,
Futurity without you would be altruism of sorrows,

Cognizance of her near acquittal of my flaming ardor,  
Nothing to regret as we long to hold each other,
Surely in the eyes of others there more alluring,
Or in the eyes of others more captivating than thee,

In my eyes and throughout my life you are my aristocracy,
A symbolic meaning of true love within ones heart,
This I share within humanity my heart and soul,
Entire gratification is the crapulence of my love,

Being isolated with her and her alone,
I was lost into the tenderness of her eyes,
I believe a fiery passion will exist in our tombs,
My sonnet is added with laments of laconism,

In end we will be on two estuaries of different paths,
As I feel the sound of the stream pulsate in my torso
I chose the lonely one which will make for asceticism,”

By A. Guzaldo 06/29/2018 ©

By A. Guzaldo 06/29/2018 ©
By A. Guzaldo 06/29/2018 ©

— The End —