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Why am I so dif-fer-ent?
They say I’m out of touch.
Why am I, ple-nar-ily sad?
This life it hurts so much.
And why do they come, come every day?
Shush, quiet now, they’re here.
Those awful tormentors of my soul all cackling and queer!
Whirling head of spinning revolutions,
…feel my stomach ache and pang.
Why will they not leave me alone?
This crew of darkness; Blackbird Gang.

I shouldn’t always feel like this, feel such solemn pain,
…troubling and trouble is these birds are driving me insane!
I’m screaming now! I’m mad with rage! Throwing ice cubes at my deck,
“Go away! Yes, go away!” -their numbers must be kept in check.
Blackhole-whirl, flying twirling darkness, their funnel it points to me-e-e-e-!
For too many is too painful and my mind’s a constant wreck!
One cannot think with those infernal be-e-e-asts,
...and the crazy song they sang.
Why do they so punish me?
The crew of darkness; Blackbird Gang.

I know they serve the Saturn’s wheel and now they’ve come for me.
What did I do? Oh what great sin, oh the blackbirds from within;

The Abyssimal Sea?

Their whirlpool funnel is all around, as my harried soul, it expiates.
I’m done-in; I’m over now, a sorely victim of the Fates!
They took me, took me away, when the tolling bell it rang.
Why could they not leave me alone?
The crew of darkness; Blackbird Gang.

If you find yourself all alone and mired in their thought,
…do not think, extirpate, all the human damage that you’ve wrought.
His flock of fledgling melancholy musical formation,
…will take you away and straight to Hell; the Seventh Circle congregation!
For they took me, took me away, when the tolling bell it rang.
And they will not leave you alone.
This crew of darkness; Blackbird Gang.
The primary reason I came to Hello Poetry is that every single publishing house I could find on the internet rejected every poem I sent them. Since my work is deemed to be worth nothing I gave it all to you for free. It seems that in a digital world where people can share this easily there will always be more content available for free than for a fee. One would think publishers would know this. I have seen some seriously good poetry here and some pieces that are extraordinary.
ryn Feb 2015
come at night•               
these footsteps are               
never light• always                    
heavy and running ar-                      
ound•...they are annoy-                        
ingly creepy..., these aw-                       
ful sounds•every night,                          
after eleven without                        
fail•into rooms,                        

us they would                        
tail• making a                        
din overhead                        
•when all                        
                        be quiet inste-
                         ad•like barefooted
                          children i would ***-
                          ume...•wandering and
                          exploring into every ro-
                           om•...could they come
                            wilfully•from the cou-
                                ple who live above
                            me•i very much

                             doubt so•bec-
                             ause this much
                             i know...•that
                             the neigh-

bour up-                    
stairs, they're                        
old•frail and meek;                            
never bold•they'd re-                            
tire early•after late, ne-                            
ver a party•now... there                            
the feet go again•drivi-                            
ng me almost insane•                            
on my ceiling now,                            
they're pacing•                        

they know i kn-                        
ow and they are                        
                        ver would we
                            meet•one thing for
                           sure•this is not a friv-
                            olous tour•determined
                            to tell•that they exist
                              as well•nothing i'm
                               certain but it is clear
                               •i think they really
                              like it here...•

                              •i don't think
                               they're leavi-
                 ­              bent on

I live in an apartment on the 2nd storey. My family and I would hear these footsteps every night.

Initially we would dismiss it to be the neighbour living upstairs but that became very improbable simply because the couple who lives above us are far too old to be jumping and skipping in the wee hours...

We have tried ignoring the sounds but they would intensify. We'd hear intentional heavy footsteps, running, jumping between rooms but most of the time they would follow us to whichever room we're in.

Lately these sounds had progressed to rapping on the concrete walls in my bedroom. I could hear them as I lay in bed knocking and tapping on the wall by me.

The thing is... I live in a corner apartment and beyond that wall is the exterior of the building... There is no way anyone could be on the opposite side of that wall...

Creepy much?
ryn Jan 2015

some.pi eces.and
.an.item.   were.lost
•somet       hing.for.
which.m       y.heart.h      •somethi
cost•wo        nder.if.e
ver.I.may    .find•wo

A tad disproportionate and rough but you get the picture (pun intended).
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                            **  w
                       about I come
                     to your place to
                    night,so I can ******>                  w  you  the   growth
                     ofmy natural log
                     I'm  not being ob
                     tuse, you  are  be
                     ing a cute girl . Y
                     ou mustbe the sq
                     are root of -1 bec
                     ause you can't be
                     real. The  derivat
                     ive ofmy love for
                     you is 0,  because
                     my lovefor you is
                     constant.  Why d
                     on't we use some
                     Fourier  analysis
                     on  our   relation
                     ship  and  reduce
                     to a  series of Sim
                     ple     per io doc  
       Fun ctions.                I wish i was
 your calculus home  work, because then
I'd be hard and   you  'd be doing me on yo
ur desk.Hey, baby     want to squeeze my
  Theorem while            I     poly   your
       n   o    m                        i   a     l
When and where did I begin, do I begin, shall I begin?

With vague childhood memories of growing up, in not too wealthy circumstances during the years after World War II, in a small part of a big town house in a little district town surrounded by mountains?
With being afraid of the chicken and geese my grandmother kept in our backyard? Of the delirious fever fantasies I still remember during two attacks of scarlet fever exactly around Xmas-time in two consecu¬tive years when I was 4 and 5 years old? (Must have been a real treat for my parents, and my grandmother, who was living with us!) Or with the fears and nightmares I had about having to go and fetch a bucket of coal from the dimly lit basement, whose dark corners in my imagination were full of hidden dangers and hideous monsters?
Or with the routine of crossing main street to go into the smoky old little pub with an empty mug, worm my way through the forest of trousered legs, hold up my mug and a few coins to catch the innkeeper’s attention, watch the tap beer fill the mug until it made a nice foamy crown on top, and then carefully manage the high steps of the stairway back up to my father´s supper table without spilling any of the precious liquid?
Or with first memories of suffering injustice, of a child´s most ardent wishes coming true (rare) or remaining unfulfilled (the rule), of happily riding around on a bright red wooden fire engine, clutching my favorite cuddly animal (of off-brown cloth, stuffed with sawdust, lovingly made by my mother)? Or with spectacular (and usually ******) crashes with my first wooden scooter, then proudly and even more daring with a precious metal scooter with which one day I managed to crash through the glass door leading from the backyard to the hallway and, miraculously, only suffered some minor cuts?
With the fast years of grade school at whose end where not only my first pair of glasses (much hated) and the then obligatory entrance examination to high school? Or, on  a quite different scale, the end of the allied occupation of Austria and the birth of a new, neutral and independent state - registered by me mostly because of diverse ceremonies that interrupted the school routine and brought unusual treats like ice cream or chocolate bars from parents & uncles & aunts?
With the first two grades of highschool, when I got up at 5.15 a. m. every morning and sleepwalked/scurried to the railway station to catch the express train at 6.15 a. m. that took me to the next Gymnasium 50 km away? With the pleasures & dangers of these daily train rides, the first cigarette smoked there, on the lavatory (with much coughing and a sinking feeling in the stomach); the first strange sensations - sweet and hurting - when a certain girl walked by; the occasional fights with other boys about God-knows-what-seemed-so-serious at the time? Or the memories of the huge fist that grabbed my heart when I saw my best friend, who tried to show off while our train was entering the station, miss the iron steps and simply disappear under the carriage - and with incredible luck resurface seconds later, white as a sheet but unharmed?

Or maybe with the hours I spent, after several years of not so enthusiastic practice (which nevertheless provided me with the basic abilities) alone with the piano in my grandmother´s salon, playing sonatas and dances and ètudes with growing ease and ple¬sure? Or with the bitter, bitter tears of pain and disillusionment when, at the age of 15, I had to bury my dreams of becoming a pianist because my hands started hurting terribly after only a few minutes of playing and the doctors told me, after one year of trying all kinds of treatments, that I had developed chronic tendonitis? Maybe with the many hours I spent reading numerous books of all kinds or sitting at the piano as an adolescent, improvising then popular songs (like the Beatles), or just playing some fantasy tunes, trying to give shape to my feelings and moods? With the memories of when I ´courted´ my then girlfriend not with words but with passionate songs played on ivory keys - and of my hurt pride and feelings when she, apparently unimpressed, preferred a more world-wise class-mate of mine and left me almost wrecking the poor piano with violent dissonances in e-flat minor hammered on the bass keys?
Or maybe with the first sobering experiences at summer jobs in steel mills, on construction sites, in the roofing business? And with the first 'wild´ parties during these summers at the garden house of a friend, where only a few years before we had been playing Cowboys and Indians, fighting the neighborhood boys, and where now we were sipping wine and/or gin tonics etc., smoking expertly, dancing to loud and slow music, hugging our partners close, feeling very wise, terribly attracted and at the same time a bit afraid of what might come of it?
Or with the final two year of high school that went by like in trance, filled to the brim with a hyped-up mixture of studying, playing billiards, dance class, dating, promising glances, secret meetings on warm summer evenings and at the skating rink in frosty winter nights, summer jobs, parties, the shocks about the death of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, organizing the graduation ball, ceremoniously opening the polonaise, living through the ups and downs of the final examinations, getting terribly but wonderfully drunk on the afternoon after the oral finals and recovering sufficiently within two hours to gracefully play the role of the class speaker and deliver the public address at the farewell dinner ...
And then the final trip of the graduating class - two weeks together on the beach in what used to be a budding Yugoslav seaside resort (and now is a recovering Croatian seaside resort), with the sun and the sea during the days, dancing and wine in the evening, my first experience at a strip-tease show (rather pathetic, never saw another one) and, a few days later, a heated but somewhat inconclusive evening with a member of a group of Swedish girls that had arrived at our bungalow village...

... then coming home, parties continuing, but noticing how gradually the closeness of all the years of small class community begins to loosen, the growing awareness that a formative period of your life has come to an end, you will not go back to school again in fall ... and by mid-summer everybody has discovered that ... my highschool girl friend tells me about her plans for the future ... I tell her about mine ... and we quietly acknowledge (looking back, it is almost unbelievable how quietly this is done) that we do not appear in each other´s plans ... years of relationships grow pale and finally evaporate under the hot summer sun ... I work another four weeks in the steel mill, read, meet with friends for drinks in the evening, start thinking about how student life will be, what The City will be like ... eager to get away and yet a little hesitant of the unknown ... playing the piano often, taking my leave from people, from places full of sweet and painful memories ... sorting schoolbooks, putting things away ... already growing out of the room I have shared with my ´little brother´ ... out of my parents´ house, my grandmother´s world, my brother´s boyish affection ... growing out ... growing up?

                                                           ­                   © Walter W. Hölbling
Pai n      voi ces b od ys c o r p s e s gu ilt hat re d ang er sad ness blo od gu ts  ste  nch  de a th    he ll peo ple      ene mys all ies fam ily lov ed o n e s  fri ends   se arin g pa i n b r ok en        b o nes      to rtu re N O mer cy        
men tal    sani ty L O S T                       m in d  br o k e n HIM I am HIM n o i c a nt b e ple as e  just  
ki ll  M E?
Had another nightmare I just woke up
fro m, Most likely won't be falling asleep again. In the end, It will all fit together.
ryn Nov 2015
ple band•   •••••   •convert-
in a sim-                   •                      ing the
mortality                                                   wishful
silver•im-               ­                                            to   the
on gold or                                                                suppo-
mounted                                                                     sed•we
nd•a rock                                                                      have co-
pilling sa-                                                                     me  full
reats of s-                                                                     circle  •
ing the th-                                                                stars we'-
ther•beat-                                                  ­         ve forged
forth toge-                                              and coun-
journey                                    ted•make
   shall we           reality out
of fable•

Read clockwise.

Concrete Poem 14 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
Filomena Rocca Jan 2024
o tut de lun u zgiqbu
je dza sua *** kai zgilen tak te zon
i qdu qe xek nau tepzi tek o ***
je zuk bau *** nau zal po sli de ple
i sli bau *** xai daltep. i nefu lo sinpok
je plo qe txitup le za xak de zok.
i lan lo xilpok sondal xle de papkin gu
ke xel de lit pe sin je dzo le kai papkit
fi no vol fai dan pe xil. i nak lo lupko
pe qippli kai ben je sku le zgi fi zetfu
peu tu lot pe lia gelúp. i xek ne lutnik
sku de qak xik je xnukek le kai xta
i lutfu peu zanxo je pindal qe xne peu luttak
je sik le po zan do ple de notlen
vou nau zal do ple de pel. i lan lo vipnik
je xle le *** sai xel de txixo bon
i kul lia lot je bel lia xnu pe gul
i xel le sui kep ze skuxo bon qe sin
je slizuk le fi ti. i xen o liofu
e xalzen xle de nokfuk pap
i vit le so fo tul je xle le kin
je zni sai dal lia *** gexpá qe lal
za lia qla xal je lia takson dqi qe dal zoi
xen go zno e son pe sin je ***
go e pe zgitul kon. i nak to del
ke fin de skuxo xik qe xel de ske
i zno po sinpokfu je qdu do sua ke bon
i sak xto i sak lot i sak ska i sak zat
This is a Xextan translation of the "All the world's a stage" speech, from Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
Poetic T Jul 2015
"Where are they, I only need one,

The crystalized woods were a sight to be seen
During the moonlight
Refracted of the shaded leafs, and a
thousand night rainbows bounced,
Leapt from each. Like light sewn into each branch it was
A sight to behold.

"Where are they, I can't be late the moon still shines,

This was the only time to catch one, to bestow
My need, but they were as fragile as
Fall's pilgrimage
When the woods were a dangerous place.
But worth to others the time, as the leafs passed their
Moment and fell shattering into shards upon the floor
To capture the essence that spilled upon the bladed grass
That where the splinters of leaves now fallen.
Not rigid and sharp as before but now descended
They were like silk upon the floor.

"I see you,
"At last so many falls I have waited,
"Where is my net,*

I delicately wonder, footsteps gently hide my approach,
It flies with trials of evanescent light,
Hypnotic in its short trails,
But when so many flutter before my eyes
Pictures emerge as if knowing my minds thoughts.

"It cant be they show me her,
"She is cold, so cold,
"I only need one,
"I call out regrettably,

Drop what was meant for one,
They scatter into the chandler of leaves
But there one stays I approach.

I talk softly to it out of reach.

"She entered during the falling,
"She never knew of the dangers of what descended,
"But upon skin she did graze,
"Her skin now translucent,
"The forest calls for here,
"Now the crystal makes her blood cold,

I look in silence, as it trails upon fresh breezes,
Then a few approach a crystal glistens behind each,
One lands upon my soft palm.

I feel its light penetrate warmth upon my appendages,
As I was filled with a warmth.
It turns as if to usher me too grasp upon its light,
I gently turn, as if it were paper the crystal fly
Becomes like ash tears then with trials following
It's lost fading, waning into the wind,

"I never knew,
"An existence any life lost,
"Even for a noble cause,
"I will remember this moment in word,

I ran through the forest of crystalized light,
My heart pounding against my ribs
As if to tell me to go faster,
I reach the home of a love missed.
"Darling I am home,

I call out in urgency.

"Is she still with us,
"Were my troubles in vain,

"No she waits with treads of breath left,
"The forest calls here stronger now,

I glance off the walls, steps like water splash
Upon each footstep, I reach the door

"She is their,
"She is nearly lost,
"She is my love,

I put the essence of what lived, but now in the winds.
Lips caress its warmth and it falls like a stone
In a well, I wait hesitantly on my breath,
I speak,

"Please life given restore what is nearly lost,

As what was translucent, pigment
Became once more. Where breath was a trail of light
Like a cold mornings breath,
Now fading into night.
She had come back to me,
I told her the moments that had secured her life,
And a single tear fell,
But not a normal one birthed from regret,
As it danced on the floor.

"What is this that descended a single tears shell,
"It is a crystal tear egg,

We walked in the day time days had pasted,
Taking this tear egg pulsing since once fell.

"Here my love where life gave you a chance of breath,

In to the flowing crystal cloth grass it was set,
As it wrapped, entangled upon it,
Then a light shone for a moment.
A tiny light floated up, and new life was birthed,
New light now graced this forest of crystal.

"Life had given us life,
"Now essence was returned,

We walked away, glancing back once,
As a shimmer of trails took in that lonely light.

**This is a story of what unfolded, what was marked
In ink to be remembered as a moment where even
The smallest gesture, can mean so much.
Throw a rock
In river

and the rip-
ple will fade.

The river,
it moves on.

Yes, time stops
for no one

But it does
not forget

about the rock
that was thrown.

It's still there
sitting at

the bottom;
out of sight

out of mind.
As time moves

on, and more
ripples made.
A poem for you guys, had to write it for mypoetry wwriting class and the prompt was to write a 3-beat line poem inspired by a poem from Rasmussens book Black Aperture.
Sally A Bayan Aug 2015

The scent of pine came strong with the wind that morning
Blowing  above the countless small ripples that seemed to hurry
Traveling...uninterrupted...playing their game,
Unraveling floating tree branches,
Tangled in a mess, with cracked bamboo poles...

Red dragonflies, orange butterflies and green-breasted birds,
Over the clear blue water...
They knew they would be
So long as they kept a safe
Distance above the surface.

Water flowing was a soft, caressing music....
like a lullaby
playing, by the peaceful river,

The river...a vast dance floor, where serenity waltzed
Where leaves had fallen...carried further away
By the playful breeze...
and the nonstop current that ran deep,


Deep as the thoughts of a lone soul, treading the shore
Both hands in  pockets...taking time to walk
...lifting each foot from the crumbling sand
...while singing a song---

"Imagine there's no heaven's easy if you try... hell below us
...above us, only sky
Imagine all the people for today....hmm...."

...kicked a small twisted can
three---four steps, then kicked a used paper cup
seemed to be good at kicking
not concerned about hitting anybody
like it was common territory....

"Imagine there's no countries
it isn't ...hard to do
nothing to **** ....or... die for religion....too
imagine all the peo...ple"

Walking...and kicking...there appeared a rhythm
Humming...singing same lines over...and over
Seemed to enjoy the walking
The kicking, the singing
And the wading

"You may say i'm a dreamer
...but i'm not the only one
...hmmm...'ll join....
And the world...will one....

­The ripples rushed..........
..............down the waterfall
.....................and before long

....the river....
and the intruder

~~~~~the birds whistled
~~~the leaves rustled
~the wind whispered
They all sweetly sang
Like distant church bells
That softly rang.


Copyright July 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

Raj Arumugam Jul 2013
Tomcat has his breakfast
of Mice Krispies
and reads his mewspapers
when Molly comes out with a snarl
in her purr-ple pajamas

she claws him all over
there’s such a caterwauling
and Tomcat emerges bewildered:
What? Why?

She’s upset that all night
her hubby Tomcat
called out for Cat Woman in his sleep
And what do I do with Tomcat
after this Claw Enforcement?
thinks Molly
*Oh, just hiss and make up
Perig3e Jan 2011
Would that life could be this simple,
that a poet could dip his pen,
write a poem that paid his mortgage princ'ple.
All rights reserved by the author
Mjil Kfats May 2014
Calmly open the door (are there too many 'L's?)




­There, now there are too many 'A's. And Haitches.

So, welcome in, leave your hat in the corner, try some fine sparkling apple juice - no, your the beautiful one tonight, ma'am, uh, m'lady - oh, sit down, sit down, leave your suitcase on the floor, it's fine, would you care for the dessert- wait, no, we haven't even got the appetisers, silly me, and I-

oh, sorry, I  needed to breathe.

Did I ruin the night for you?

Terribly sorry.

Hey, wait a second, miss, no, ma'am, no, wait, no, m'lady. M'lady! Milady, please, no, ple-

So, do you think it's a coincidence that your hat that day was the same colour as my entrails?

Oh, sorry, m'lady, didn't mean to gross you out.
Work on your speech, boy.
nichole r Jun 2014
i can feel the string threaded beneath
the thin skin on the inside of my wrist
it is my substitute veins
full of nothing but nothingness (so sim
ple) and I want to burst in to
a million trillion pieces of brightly colored
tissue paper that is not meant for noses
but the string becomes tighter
and tighter
and tighter still
until I feel the cotton ***** stuffed down my throat
and my lungs are constricted and set aflame
I can not find my sharpened scissors
let me check the other drawer
Thando Apr 2019
I have a graphic addiction.
It was first fun
But now it has become
an over controlling obsession.
I have this spiritual oppression.
I regret setting my foot on this station,
what to do,
I'm still in love this controlling
beast, without pure intentions.
Don't be fooled
by the rhymes
And re-read my confession.
I'm trapped in this prison.
No, it's not a physical prison
but my mind's delusions.
Like a flourishing bird,
against the cloud gang
I kiss the air
with my intoxicating breath.
These voices are in norm mode
and my true self is gone.
Please help me if you can!
Save my soul before it burns!
Before I cross over to the dead
I don't want to be swallowed
by this land
and meet my grandfather
like THIS
No! it can't happen.
I want to brake through
I want to be like you
and have no exs.
John Duval Feb 2014
Li-ttle peo-ple do-ing a-dult things.
Life is too slow, get out of the slow lane.
Friends are too dull, get out of your mind.
Hitch a ride on the veins of your arm.
This liquid is the fertilizer to your flowers.
The ink to your shocking autobiography.
You've broken those ropes that once constrained,
Left that home that made you gasp for air.
So drive off into the sunset and breathe.
I wrote this a long time ago. Consider this a nostalgia post.
There are a very few things that anger me, they assume noth­ing makes me angry. Just because I am cheer­ful, I am not allowed to feel low. Just because I am less often seen in a bad mood, they assume noth­ing can spoil it. I don’t react to every­thing that hap­pens around me, they assume I have no opin­ions whatsoever. I am not harsh on any­one, they assume I am meek. I don’t pun­ish, they assume I can’t. I for­give, they assume I forget. I don’t brood over the past, they assume I am ‘blessed’ with mem­ory loss.

When I come across peo­ple assum­ing things about me, I try not to lose heart and tell myself, they are doing the eas­i­est thing they can do, which is ‘assum­ing’. Assum­ing is equiv­a­lent to not under­stand­ing. Those who fail to under­stand, either because they are unable to or because they don’t want to, are the ones who assume.

**So, don't judge me.
Ris Howie Dec 2013
I can only make myself write about the people who don't hurt, those that don't matter.
I can't wait for the day that I can write about you.
skaldspiller Jul 2016
There used be this radio station
....Until I a w a k e
That played all the songs I really liked
. .....We just ......hope that you
                                                 ma  de it.

But it never came in quite right
We hope that
you're celeb

But I still used to listen everyday
With peo.   ple you mis...shhhhh/ s.
To the static.
And bur..... li
ke a beaco

Because somehow it was still satisfying
ng........... our s

And when it would rain,  
               d this helli
                                sh shoal.

I guess it cut out the interference.
I'm happy to admit that maybe I am a little depressed,
And maybe thats why...
I feel you when it rains
*Cause I'm missing you to death.
Untitled number 4.... brand new. And radio static
TreadingWater Mar 2016
you are just  _ that _ ache
that hurt. that. will. not.
LEss of an op^en^ wou^^^^nd than 108
,...days a _ go
}whenthe15thofNovember}} was my
fa ~vor~ite~
MorE than a purple bruise
₩hat was there//somethingaboutme; you thought. you. could. use.
[until _ you _ did _ n't]
my blind can't help me now
you seeped into^ these^ bones
mads Jun 2012
You shake like a ******* crack addict coming down,
Yet, you've never smoked it in your life,
I don't mean to be obnoxious,
But, jesus christ!
Are you alright?
"Get out of here."
Pardon? I'm here to help you.
"They want me, and with you here,
You're in their way,
Who is they, lady?
Who are they?!
"No! Please! GOD NO!
No. No. No.
cough splutter urrrrrk
Speechless, I watched you choke
Twist and break your bones,
I've never, seen something so violent,
I watched you give in and die
To the voices inside your head,
And it was all their doing,
Whoever the **** they are...
hushhush Jun 2015
everything i write  
is nothing like me  

id even say maybe
i have more conn-
ection to other pe  
  -oples work than  
my own                

how do other peo  
-ple find the words
they actually want  
to write or is it all  
just like some kind
of settling
thehiddenwriter Sep 2016
( One day i'll stop  )
JBH Oct 2018

The word blurts out

These voices wont stop...

As my body sleeps

My mind can't rest

Because its plagued by these voices these terrible pests...

Prehapse they're my past regrets ?

Things I never said ?

Things I never did ?

Prehaps they're emotions of a confused kid ?

Sadness ,anger ,fear,hate,joy,lust,passion,nothingness, pain.

All of those fighting for control







I shout again

Stop your driving me insane..

I know I  am broken that I can not change

The world turned me into this

And like this I will stay

I can not change so the voices to will stay

Emotions regret

So to I pray tonight

Lord above give me peace

So that I may rest


Lord above take my soul so that I may forver rest

Freed from these voices

these terrible pests.
First one in a while please leave you're thoughs
jeffrey robin Oct 2014


•   •

If we examine all the love poems

All the love stories

here on Hello Poetry

We easily come to the conclusion that all the effort

All the attempts to find and experience         Love

have actually led to a LESSENED amount of     Love

An actual INCREASE in hatred

In animosity

In violence

In confusion

than was there to begin with !



WE GO ON !!!

absurdly brain / washed !

In the          Matrix !

Sheep /ettes

Becoming full grown

Sheep / ple !!!



The only sane conclusion

Is that we ENJOY

hurting / destroying !

Each other

&  ( even )

ENJOY  being hurt

For reasons that may be different

For each person



In the name of

Poetic integrity


Simple honesty

Our resident

Mutilated mutilators

Will tell us

And say something other

Than the loveless gibberish

We are all accustomed to hearing



Hunter Taylor Feb 2019
hea                                    rts
lo            ve      ­                pa            in
   yearn                          to                           learn  
    thro                                                        ­     ugh    
gri                                                      ­          ef.
  ple                                              ­              ase
   for                                                       get
     m                                                    y  
  shal                                     low
    lo                             ve
   de                   ar
     for          I
"Hearts Love Pain and Yearn to Learn Through Grief. Please Forget My Shallow Love Dear For I Cannot."
Ahmad Elhajj Apr 2014
who will be their to fix me?
Who will have the tools to fix me?
I'm alone; i have nobody
I'm sad not knowing what to do
my hearts getting weaker and weaker
Hopes shattered
dreams splattered
love battered
tears scattered
Depression rages in me
Lvice Jun 2017
                                                                ­                stopped being
                                                                ­             scared long
                                                                ­           enough to
                                                                ­               realize you..
                                                           ­               One day won't
                                                                ­              matter. If the Earth
                                                                ­                stops turning and the
                                                                ­           tides reclaim the equator
                                    I'll let the sea swallow your thoughts
I won't worry if you made it to your house safe at midnight

If one day
The pyramids are the
only things that make it in this
world then I won't cry thinking that
I keep losing what I already lost when I said goodbye

If the Sun stops
                     burning then                              I won't mind                  
           when the cold                                          becomes my hands
then  I                                                    ­    
  will no longer                                                   care to hear you
            complain about their  lack of warmth        

If we
  were       the last
         peo-           ple            
alive           then
     I         would
still love you

B u t   t h i s   t i m e

I    wouldn't   dare   waste   the   time   we   had   left
Fel Mar 2014
Juliet Candray Mar 2020
your absence is much more distracting
than your presence
and god, do i hate time difference.

i sleep around when you're awake
and i can't stop wondering
if you do the same.

thoughts, thoughts, thoughts irrational
anxi, anxious, anxiously waiting
ple, pleas, please don't leave.

desperation is the color that flushes my cheeks
oh how you must think of me...
my poor, poor mr. darcy.

then, i find myself ***** for ghosts
who will never appear.
o! how silly of me.
to ever even fathom being in your hades

so don't you ever fu-
you text me.
everything fizzles away
ever so
patiently. my


i love it
when you tighten
that leash on me

anxi, anxious, anxiously waiting
for another stimulus
what abitch move.
for you to deny me


and god, do i hate time difference.
Mark Wanless Apr 2021
Oni master os
Ple dor cam an a cresis
La dol fa rim neh
nanda Dec 2017
"excuse me bu—"

it is always like this

"yeah, bu—"

the sharks sing
that we are free

"wait, di—"

yet you...

"no... no, i—"

yet you won't let me be

"is somet—"

you shut my mouth
there's wires on my lips

"what are yo—"

you sing the words you want to hear
and you pass them on to me

"didn't h—"

i was not a mute

"okay, bu—"

yet you made me one

"why don't—"

all there is to say
all there is to ask

all is gone into the night

"why won't—"

i cannot question
i cannot speak

i shall not bother
your unflawless speech




"please listen to me!"

so you cut my tounge
piece by piece
shut my mouth, darling


there are oh, so many ways to speak!
how i sometimes feel

— The End —