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Àŧùl Mar 2015
If it ceases raining then all will be barren.

Lonelier ever will these farms be,
Oneness never occuring again,
Voracious dry winds will blow,
Even ******* up moisture in air.

Yesterday was so beautiful together,
Oh can't we grow old holding hands,
Understanding love is difficult from far.

Should we not persevere that bit,
Or should this Atul wander lonely?

May you surely meet solace in success,
Understanding your ambition better,
Certainly I'll be standing with you,
H**igher & farther should you aim.
My HP Poem #792
©Atul Kaushal
Chris Killeen Oct 2013
Understanding a
Notion, of
Devotion and
Emotion, is
Really a
Essential, but
Impossible to
Maintain, this
Alternate sane,
To never be repeated,
E**nding defeated
Nina McNally Apr 2017
Go out and change the world;
Only you can change you. Show
Others Kindness and end the hate.
Differences makes us unique.

Together is the way
Only way we can make this world

Everyone has their own beliefs, opinions, views

And we can agree to disagree--that's okay.
Life will be alright if we all got along.
I** know it ***** and hard sometimes-everyone struggles-it
Varies-person to person, but we'll be okay.
Each day is a new day-So live it like it's the last.

(Happiness happens to when you worry
About you not what others might be doing. Your
Life is yours not others--
Live it your way and forget the rest, but give respect-
Everybody has a right to
Live their own life the way they want.
Understanding all beliefs are out there is okay not
Just your's- No one is perfect, but together-maybe
All of us- can end this
Hate in this world.)
Written in a few minutes of picking the title from an Andy Grammer song. We are all in this together. Another 2 part poem.
©McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
Nina McNally Nov 2017
Back to the beginning;
A** time when we didn't know anything and
Cared for each other no matter what. Not
Knowing who

They are, but not caring about that.
Only knowing we're all in this

Beautiful world, living
Each day
As it is. Can we go back to that?
Understanding that the past has past, but
Time is forever and we should learn from it.
In this world, we got this one life and we should never take it
For granted!
Understand we're all living this
Life together! Let's make it a peaceful one!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017.
Wrote this acrostic at the beginning of a work day earlier this month.
Sometimes these don't make a lot of sense but the message is clear; PEACE!
We're all in this together!
Song title- Sofia Carson
Mark Nealy Nov 2010
What am i ?
the betrayer; embracing
there lies
his guilt
her shame
nderstanding nothing with loose lips, creating
the cultist; with
there dignity
his voice
her distress
          My high quality facade is
the shadow; causing
there insanity
his experiment
her instability
          Without care, its eyes fade and voice dims into
the nothing; blaming
there conformity
his understanding
her ambition
Red Fox Dec 2015
I am Muslim.
Full of mistakes,
And far from a good one.

I'm a ****.
Not too far from a hood one.

I know whoever reads this
Has been labeled before
And not always good ones.

But You and I are the same,
Honestly Understanding Mistake And Nproving.
We can't ever perfect.
So for those with labels,
Embrace them.
For your only Human
And labels are just small puddles in the rain
So roll up your pants
And dance through the pain.
Wanted to write something uplifting for Lunch.
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Just in the nick of time, I
Escape from the world and
The crazy people that live in it.

People in a hurry, going nowhere fast
And not stoping to enjoy the beauty. "Our
Culture are vultures" not
Knowing when enough is enough. Let's go

Back to the past when
Life was simply and people actually cared.
Understanding that we can change the future.
Each day we have a chance to make a
S**tance and change the outcome of our future for the children!
McNally, Inc.
Title and influenced from Fall Out Boy.
"We are in charge of our destiny!"
"We make our own luck!"
Nina McNally Feb 2013
L** ight them up! That's what Fall Out Boy said
In their new song,
Getting a fresh start,
Holding no regrets, but "My Songs Know What You Did In
The Dark, so light em up on fire!"

Everything on fire, as Fall Out Boy is anew.
Memories are just memories,

Understanding that they are starting fresh.
People loving the new song!
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their new song, new sound!
McNally, Inc.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This is a short poetic/politic statement. Those in power understand that the pen is mightier than the sword. Where is this pen located? Somewhere between my tongue and two lips. When the words I speak are met with much public approval; that is power. So if I want to maintain my power in the eyes of "My Public" I am going to give your ears what I know they want to hear. Having absorbed all this, you'll be able to better understand the context upon which this article was written.

What the politicians do best--- Courting World Opinion

News is used to justify their views
Understanding political objectives
Controlling minds with disinformation
Letting us think everything is under control
Ending all major offenses on a positive note
Allowing for personal agendas to be camouflaged
Reinforcing a supremacy and will of might, that once (upon a time) really existed

Winning all of their objectives, in the marketplace of world opinion
Attempting to represent the people, having been promoted from rank of attorney
Reinventing the theory of a believing public, despite years of promoting misinformation campaigns to pursue hidden goals
When will the world go BANG!
Nina McNally May 2016
Beginning of the end is the start
Of something new;
You have the choice to be your true
Self. Don't be afraid to speak your mind!

Only you are in charge of your own destiny;
Faith---No one can tell you how to live your life.

Zoology- "Cryptozoology, you just might exist";
Understanding that everything has a
Meaning and we all have a purpose.
Moments that we should not miss,
Everyone is equal and everyone is worth it.
R**eminder: Just be you and be kind, the rest follows!
©McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Written after watching 3 episodes of Person Of Interest and quote from Patrick Stump's "Cryptozoology" song. Title- the best tour ever; Fall Out Boy, Hoodie Allen, MAX!
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Though I am not related to you,
Hardly ever I felt this in your warmth,
Actually your care is so fatherly,
Not once did I feel unhandy with you,
Kindness is imbued in your nature.

You never lost your cool, and,
Organized weekly lab meetings,
Understanding all the workers.

Docile I had been so much,
Ready me for thesis you did.

Most kind of all my teachers,
On advising and enlightening,
Homely atmosphere you provide,
Always there holding your cool,
Not failing to lift our spirits,
Thinking about you I am,
Y**our wisdom is full of light.
My HP Poem #1627
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2014
It grew from inside my heart,
New energy now seeps deeper.

Caring for her as much as I felt ignored,
Onto my daily life is left an imprint,
Nothing can ever cause this love to fade,
Towards a brighter future sails my gaze,
I** feel lucky and blessed at the same time,
None had given me smiles spanning miles,
Understanding my mindset she succeeds,
Upping my positivity she gives confidence,
Making my life more beautiful.
Lonely in childhood because I live as the only child of my parents in a sparsely populated corner of a small city.

My HP Poem #633
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Jan 2015
All around us, there's beauty. So
Many people in a hurry to go no where fast.
Everyone needs to stop and breathe, and
Relax! We got this one life
In this world, let's live it to the fullest!
Caring is a simple gesture with such
A** great reward! We're
Not alone! Together we can make it right.

Beauty, is everywhere; in this world, in the
Eyes of our friends, family, or yourself.
And beauty is the wild life, the flowers, and the sunsets.
Understanding that we're not alone and
That together we can change the world;
You'll live a much happier life! <3
title is the first part of Fall Out Boy`s American Beauty/American ******, I  am still working on part two and will post it as soon as I`m done.
©2014 McNally, Inc.
Chris Mar 2015
From a cold breeze blows
Unforgiving of the little flower
Catching hold strangling the life
Keeping abreeze
Evermore alone
Drifting seamlessly endlessly

Understanding the flower will never be again enrooted
P*ieces slowly fall and the cold breeze blows it all away
i ****** up
Nina McNally Oct 2015
Underneath this full
Moon I sit
And watch

These people come and go.
Hoping that one day we can have peace,
Understanding, and love again.
Right now this world needs help, a
Miracle---something to bring us back to
A** time when we cared about our
Neighbors and each other. Someday.
Inspired by and song title from Fall Out Boy. Thanks to Uma Thurman, she's awesome!
©McNally, Inc.
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Troubleshooter she is,
How convenient it was,
And now I end my M.Tech,
No one else could help,
Kindest person she is.

Yes you were strict,
Oh and so cool too,
Understanding me.

Slowly but surely,
Under this ceiling,
Mam you helped me,
And like a real sister,
Not a doubt here.

Did your job require you to?
I do not think so, madam.
Did you help me as you could?
I** think you helped a kid brother.
Thank you Suman Didi.

The Hindi word Didi simply means "Elder Sister".

My HP Poem #1626
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2018
You need me to be around round the clock,
Obviously, you are lovelorn far from me,
Unsatisfied, although, you're definitely not.

Again, I want to look at your beautiful fingers,
Rosy nails of your hands, I will never forget,
Especially the skin on your beautiful hands.

Soft and tender are your thoughts,
Often you bring me to comfy slots.

How you own me is unknown to you,
Ears yours are so gorgeous & beautiful,
Awe-filled are my moments with you,
Violets and peaceful greens I love yours,
Even your tiniest responses are heart-rending,
Not just in the moment but for a lifetime,
Long lost lover from a past birth you are,
You are my eternal lover and my baby.

Caring for you I am now and forever,
Understanding my love you are,
Thanks for accepting my love,
Ethereal you are in my life.
My HP Poem #1701
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Jul 2015
For all the broken hearted,
Open your heart again, and to all who think no one
Understands, to all  the outcasts, lost ones, and anyone:
Reach out, there's someone who gets it,
There's someone for everyone and no one is truely alone.
Here in this very messed up world, I still see
HOPE all around me. It's
Out there, and anyone can take it. It's
Free and keeps you Positive.

Just thinking of Hope gives you power and
Understanding. We  need more peace and
Love in this world and it starts with
You. You can help change the future!
Stay Positive! Stay Strong!
McNally, Inc.
title and inspiration from Fall Out Boy.
I feel like this one speaks for itself.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
B ecoming

E sthetic's

A dequate

U nderstanding

T hrough

Y ourself
Justin Case Nov 2015
All day, every day
Living like I'm free.
Everybody's wondering who I be. Cause
X** marks the spot where my heart belongs
And that's the reason why I write my stupid poems.
Now don't get me wrong, some
Days are easy, but some days are hard;
Returning to the thoughts of us
And when my heart was shattered into shards.

Feeling down, I wonder,
And then I fiure out,
I'm better off without you, cause our
Time was running out. So
Here I lay un my bed, satisfied with life.

Claiming that I've moved on,
Understanding that's what's best, but
Nobody can ever fill your place,
Nobody could make such a mess.
I trusted you, I needed you, but
No longer were you mine. Other
Guys had caught your eye and
Have them you must.
And I'll tell you your biggest
Mistake, trading my love for their lust.
I have moved on, although you still find your way into my dreams occasionally. Too bad for you that I ain't ever taking you back.
(S)ending his thoughts to a place of complete nothingness.
(T)hinking of ridiculous things that no one could ever guess.
(U)nderstanding only the most senseless things that nobody would mind.
(P)aying attention to a game that can only be won by his kind.
(I)mprisoned in a world that no one would dare to visit.
(D)efending a title that he only has and would never make him get out to the nearest exit.
Gabriel Jun 2019
F-or the father who left us empty
U-gly is a man that breaks his vows
C-ared less for the best yet cared more for the mistress
K-issed my mother on the cheek you let her hang on the cross          ............just for you to satisfy your lust

Y-our lies echoed on the family table , denying every sin
O-pened roads that will lead to burnt bridges
U-nderstanding the lie to never noticed the truth

My father, this is my message to you
Key Apr 2017
Along the lines of,
Universal time.
Suppress the hands of the minute and hour
Entrap my thoughts in a cage
Make sure to double lock them
And throw them away.
Don't forget to burn the key,
I really need a second to breathe
Perhaps, *a couple seconds more
Understanding me, the forever misunderstood
Stamped on my forehead,
Engraved on my skin.
Can you read me now?
Now that I'm,
drowning in seconds,
engulfed in minutes,
gone for hours.
Yet, time never
KI Aug 2019
H e's tired
A nother day passes by
D ictating the cannot be's
E nding each day in tears
N o one ever noticed
O ver and over again
U nderstanding nothing
G etting nowhere
H elping himself a final time
j a connor Apr 2022
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident

— The End —