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Gabriel 1d
For we unintentionally heal ourselves
  with short laughter and conversations
and eventually
     we use fragments of joy and motivation
as a step further to a small beginning
that leads to a big change
  and through this
we hope for brighter days
Let it pass and good comes along with it
Gabriel 1d
What's good about this loneliness
is the trials you clenched your teeth to
   don't burden anyone you know
No matter how many  failed attempts,
errors or even taking wrong roads
you devour what results come

But the loneliness kicks in, right?
Quiet nights and only your footsteps
and heartbeat can be heard
Only you can do
is howl to the moon
praying for all roads
will lead
to a better path
or a better pack
Gabriel Jul 2
Gently, I handled my words
embraced the pillow
and whispered
the pain that I longed endured
the loneliness which is inevitable
and for as long as the pillow can hear it
  no man can know my weakness
and only tear stains will  remain
Gabriel Jul 2
When every angle or direction
either turns into an expectation you'll pop up
takes me back to moments I cannot recreate with anyone
This is the endless loop of misery of how i miss you.
Gabriel Oct 2022
She comes home late,
the fragrance on her clothes seems different,
like a warm heat that had been rubbed
to a surface I dared not to believe
  and when she kissed me on the cheek
I prayed her lips was wet for
drinking the beverage I had offered her.

Regret has swallowed me whole,
   begged the mirror to break the silence,
what more do I lack?
Was the promise for eternity not enough
  or I wasn't as great as the lover I used to be in the past?

Each doubt made me weak, knowing on another's arms she was given plenty
and everytime she comes home late
  I hope she'll see
through my eyes a man
broken over a truth
I neglected to see
Gabriel Oct 2022
The view to being sober,
   blurred in a way I can't find the start,
I called you to lead the way
she was sick of it all
and decided to hang up

With the constant loop I tried to end
it directed me to a greater cycle
that I couldn't climb my way out of,
   I begged for help
but all I see is people moving on to a life where I'm only fit for the past
and change is impossible to swallow
  when regret starts to claw it's way out
for you to feel the pain of the things you choose to exist.
Gabriel Oct 2022
As we finally concluded what our end is,

you grabbed me by the hand once more,

reminiscing the days where this used to be
a piece of me that symbolizes home

   and it begged for you to not let go of it.

Lips that will never taste each other's love,

eyes locked but this gaze will now be last,

words full of emotions but will never say

the three words that molded us to speak of our forgotten tomorrows

Fingers touch but never held on

to a promise of forever and always

and paths will never cross again
as we both said "good bye"
One carried love and will pass it on to whoever is capable of embracing the pain she felt that day

while the other carried regret and will forever find the answer to the questions he will carry onto his shoulders
On why his greatest love, wasn't the
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