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Anderson M Jun 2017
I like to stare listlessly
At the night sky for long
Durations of time, as if my
Gaze will compel the stars
To align to breathtaking ends.
Alas, they stay put,budge they
Don’t, a sneer streaks my
Face as my pride’s hurt.
And a tear droplet materializes
On the corner of my eye.
Maybe the moon prefers her
Star friends to remain as they’re.
Dazed,amazed,but the night's sky's unfazed
Larry dillon May 2023
All the pain a man could muster in his lifetime:
Compressed to a minute.
Then, send it scattershot through the airwaves.
A morose melody. A lovely female voice inflects....
"May I override your rationality and reason?"
Imprints a depression on the mind;
a rope around the deckhand's neck.
Does her voice now command your neocortex?
Yes, but deeper still: it denigrates.
Instills an insistence toward apathy:
existential treason.
musical notes denote a debt to be paid.
They accept just the one currency.
Trade melancholic fervor for nihility...
A payment must be made.
Posit the ship is a sojourn in deep water.
Feeling A sorrow you can't adjourn.
How quickly you will learn:
Jumping overboard
CAN be an act of kindness.
A slave to that recalcitrant sorrow.
Jetsam yourself to lighten the load on your psyche:
It's ideal over facing another tommorow.

Seafaring folk
assume a siren's song is beautiful.

I felt The Earth shake when she sung.
There goes the air from my lungs.
What more to give? Here.
Borrow my body and tongue.
Sitting in the auditorium
of my own soliloquy.
This state of mind is anti-reverie.
Your falsetto sonnet showed memories.
My family.My mishaps.
An altercation out of ennui-with my father.
Before he left,that last thing he said to me...


Why WAS he levied into conflict
over Antioch?
On a whim prescribed, of course;
The pope demanded A crusade on sin.
Father died inside the walls of Jerusalem.
Bled out fighting alongside other mortal men:
Father, is your heaven more beautiful,
than your grand daughter's grin?

Captain has seven sailors hold me still.
I am suppressed inside the fo'c'sle.
He counts down from sixty:
"Let us see if time sets him straight."
A siren's enthrall doesn't agitate long.
Even after the weight of it lifting,
it leaves you forlong.
Sometimes-I still feel- that where I truly belong?

Seafaring folk
assume a siren's song is beautiful.
                          I know better.

A violent storm materializes from otherwise
sunny, fair weather.
I guess the myths of the Tempest here are true:
It attacks ships sailing near the fabled
isle Revenir.
Until then,for my own safety,
I had been enroute to the brig.
"All hands on deck
(including me and my captors)
Secure those loose rigs.
Batten down the hatch.
Cap'n is going to steer us-
Right through this Tempest's heart!!"
Steady now.
Or his hubris will tear the ship apart.

I felt indifferent as waves
pummel us relentlessly.
Contrite as our vessel
won its war with the sea.

                   I jump overboard.

Instant remorse.
Father, can your God please alter my course?
A mistake.
This can't be my legacy.
I'm sinking.
Because of what a siren sung.
I can't breathe. Feel water filling in my lungs.
Siren,take what you won
then leave me undone.
I'm sinking.
Is this how I meet my end?
Shimmer from the sunlight fades
as I descend.
And I'll never be found...
My fear, my flailing. My failure to float.
the ocean swallows it all,
ingurgitates my hope.
Is this how you felt?
Facing your ill-fated destiny?
You always tried-and failed -to quell my misery.
That last thing you said...
Preaching your god's salvation as remedy.

                        I'm sinking.

All along its been my sorrow
that's drowning me.

A story of a sailor's mind being taken by a siren's call and how it exacerbates his already present, internal, buried grief.

Part 1 in the Revenir series.
Helen Nov 2013
(best read in order)

He blankets her with a mist that is fine and as pure as his postpartum soul is able to manifest. He’s sorry that she is sobbing on the dirt floor. He can’t think past the hunger that is beating upon her, which beats upon him. He is angry that his ancient predatory instincts are gaping to the fore.

   For the ancient being now gently weeping on a cold dirt floor.

Why did he not recognize her? How did he get so lax in the thinking that cattle could disguise it self?  A Wolf in Sheep’s clothing? Well... it’s not like he has not donned the same costume!

   He had been a Protector for so long. Rising each Sunset with the challenges that bring on the most predatory beasts that hunger for pain. He, alone, has stood beside Humanity to bring the world a semblance of normality, morality, a passing moment when they thought they were King of the world… but their inflated egos were never touched by doubt.
Because of him.

But she brings him down to the basest level.

   He feels…
    For her
     For her hunger
      For her emptiness
       For her utter contemptuousness

   She is the creature that he has been birthed to fight. The utter savageness that she brings forth when it becomes night.

He alone, in eternity, wanders the earth to make Mortal life the one thing that is right.

   She lifts her head from the cold dirt floor to stare at him. He materializes as a persona that should scare her, one that heralds Death, but his emotions are fraught with peril. She is important to him. He may have been birthed to bring Death but he was never denied that one could become his Life.

His pulse quickens, her eyes widen, her pulse quickens, he is afraid of the sight that lays bare in front of him. His fangs are buried deep in his bottom lip, he can not say a word even if his immortal soul depends on it.

   She licks her lips in hesitation, maybe anticipation; she could be licking her lips because of the small droplet of blood that lingers in the corner of her mouth. He wants to touch his tongue to said lips and cheek and ear and throat and, well HELL, he’s happy to continue south… as long as his tongue is touching skin…

   She looks away, briefly, and cries again. She is unable to fight past her hunger even though she has recognized the Protector.

She needs protecting too!

She’s so hungry!

But from the swelling of his body, *so is he…
and this is where the story ended, all those years ago... is there a future? Who knows?
I sat across from a man made of millions.
From his shiny black patent shoes to his dolphin patterned socks,
and his slicked back gray blonde hair, a color so elusive
Midas himself would find fault with designating blame,
I saw treachery.
If character were based on dress I would assign worth every time.
But people don't work that way: you must listen to what they say.
When he mentioned God and fate in the same breath as commissions and unlimited potential financially,
I went back to the socks.
Imagining the dolphins desperately trying to find someone else's socks,
someone less driven by green pieces of paper easily set aflame by
a deranged individual, someone like me,
who would not be so ludicrous, but entertained the notion,
would have more idealistic pure thought framing.
While the world runs in bounding strides to freedom from debt, from loans, from taxes, and money....stuff,
so that every "thing" materializes as a personal possession
and retirement happens at the unseemly age of 35,
but who will provide a home for the dolphins?

I would not throw my socks away as soon as the threads began to bare.
I would find some cerulean blue thread and weave in the ocean.
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
The setting sun has a way
of creeping up on you
with cherry red coloured dreams
nights as naughty as little gnomes
flitting about in escapades
of soft silk lusts.

Once the night embraces you
with its cloak of stars
velvet summer laziness
and tomorrows never there

its time to take the fullness of today
into the emptiness of tomorrow
and slip into that twilight zone
where all the magic materializes
on why we love these special spring days.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
Alin Mar 2015
The Sun Is Shining Today
The Storm Has Finally Stopped

a statement says:
<we have done something yesterday
nothing like our best
just something
to stop that storm>
the statement returns true as fact

inconsequent gestures of nature
we weave
to serve an unknown wish
-made of numerous physical and non-physical senses-
so that fabric of a network  
evolves  itself
materializes sense
sense to fabric
fabric to sense
scientifically improbable it remains

an infinitesimal loop
unwinds when you are not there
runs within an ideally operating closed circuit
remains invisible to the factual eyes of daily lives

an etheric vitality
materialized by our definable senses of touch, of smell, of see, of taste
and some of yet undefined ones
- possibly  assigned to maybe a Poetic Variable-
executable within that program of simultaneous causalities only.

So then Only then
When You Combine the patchy Network
of Things
of Beings

You Can Dance Them
Sing Them
Play Them
Make Love To Them
Become One With Them
Compose Them


All these on condition that
it remains as an unpacked gift

Without telling to Yourself  
or to Others
or to That Storm
You Don’t Even Have An Intention To Stop The Storm
All you do is Wish for Sunshine so you can maybe bike tomorrow

But again

How important is it really that biking tomorrow ?
I mean when sighs and cries whirl around?

a statement says:
<you can’t stop wars by fights>
the statement returns true as fact


if I know that
you can stop storms by touches

touches to smells
smells to lights
lights to metals
metals to elements
elements to stars
stars to flights
flights to a breeze on my fingertips
breeze on my fingertips to an auric kiss


I think maybe it is **** important to keep a seemingly futile wish to bike to a beach of my dreams tomorrow
so that I can be blown away on a broken December day
and let my long hair collect dune corrals  made of cosmic ray

Huh So Yeah

I can Stop Storms if I want to or Create Some!
- not because I need to for my own sake or think about it. written on 11 Dec. 2014:  I think some poems have capricious spirits! This one did not allow me to post it until I would bike to the beach. I have done it now after my winter procrastination and the sun was shining this whole weekend :)
Keertana Mar 2014
Scintillating depth paints the luxurious fabric
In a vista that drowns in
Its own sophistication
Thick, spicy flavor drips from the petals of
Soft indigo ink
Wetting the paper (that sweats with
Hard work and furrowed concentration,
Eyes do not waver
External cacophony mutes
The only tunes being the hymn
In the skilled artisan’s mind)
Art materializes into
Real beauty- an irrational, existing,
Hypnotizing magnificence,
A piece of pure worth, ready made-
To be sold cheaply in the local market.
Sawyer Gowans Jul 2013
Young, strong, And eager. The stallion drinks of the blue green waters. Ripples of tranquility lapping over him. He drinks in this new place, so fond of feelings that coarse through him. So fond of the peace that encircles this land.

Young, beautiful, And pure. The rider slides from atop her stallion. She lands softly, her feet sticking, catching her as they have countless times before. She ties her stallion to the old post and kneels drinking of the mesmerizing waters herself. She stands and fades off, exploring the beauty of the place.

Old, tired, And lonesome. A dusty scene materializes. A dried up waterhole left battered by the prying hands of time. Buzzards sit picking apart the final remains of a frail skeleton, still shackled to the old post he once knew well. The last drop of murky grey water sits beside a pair of one way tracks, laid down years ago.

Beauty comes and beauty grows but in time the dust will always blow.
Tina Fish Nov 2012
In all directness I’ve lost my voice.
Enveloped by an irrational fear
of picking up the pen.
Thinking twice about every line.
As we shift and life materializes
before our eyes we find it harder
to say the things worth saying to ourselves.

Calm that beating heart, let it rest.

This life is tumulus.
Like a disappointed teenager
backdoor rebel, your biker
all bruised and blue
the guy who lies to you
out of habit or the girl
who’ll spread her legs
just to make sure beds
stay warm, or the grocer
who’ll stock rotten fruit
to meet the bills or people
who **** for oil, for drugs, for fun.

Disappointed, every last one of them.

So we fight back,
by puffing on our bongs
by disconnecting to our palms
by blasting the music on some large
stereo system, surround sound, or 3D vision
we spray paint on walls, or we fall prey to our whims
we bet on winning three hands straight
or decide we know our own fate,
or some of us just sit,
and wait,
for something, anything to happen
to shatter, to break apart, to give birth to some
black hole that’ll **** it all up and spit out something
back again. Anything we can reshape or begin.

But after chaos comes even more chaos.

And with loss comes anger,
mounted, building, and enraged,
like raised pitchforks chasing town monsters,
oh the horror, some of us might not bare to see it
won’t believe it, or try to bargain it away,
and not feel the earth shake from aftershock.
It’s too difficult to soak it up.
Let’s not tear down what is functioning fine
Just so we can live another lie?
I’m fine with mine, where it rests inside
a mask so well displayed,
that even I believe it some days.

Why change?

The question that lingers on the page,
Stumped by fear of jumping out of comfort zones,
Paralyzed by the thought that home
isn’t where you heart is, but rather,
the space your spirit needs to breathe.

And with that word
the realization of responsibility,
this burden it makes,
this weight that we can’t wait
to throw off to
another day, maybe
another time, maybe
could you keep your voice
down lady? Just after this last drink
baby, and I swear I’ll get back to you,

hey, I want my rite of passage too.

But the world moves too fast,
asks too much, doesn’t know when
to stop, drunk on its own axis,
either get off your *****
or be swept by the tide,
because there’s no where
you can run and hide
no matter how hard you try
you’re gonna have to listen to what you already know.

But guess what happens to people like that?

They grow.
life nomadic Jan 2013
Rising before instinct completes my sleep, rousing common sense out of bed,
I pack the car.  It's so dark the moon is still drowsing.
Soon I am in the cool ocean, arms propelling me and a surfboard,
stomach submerged and chest free through white water splashes,
then crests breaking, then up and over their shoulders
to arrive at the very place where waves emerge from calm water.

At this hour there are only a handful of other dawn-patrol surfers, all Hawaiians.
Greeting with a smile of bright grace learned from the sun, and a cheerful How'z It?
brown glowing skin tattooed with small triangle patterns on strong arms, chests, backs,
emblems of kama'aina heritage and Aloha's honor.  
A little talk story, sharing a laugh, and I sit up to take sentinal,
beginning the quiet meditation
searching the horizon for the sea's ever-changing intention.

Morning wakes color, with sleepy palms rubs away the world's hushed gray veil
revealing sky blue on royal aquamarine and palm-tree green silhouetting tropical canyon jade.
The mountain's gold-rimmed halo of mist is announcing dawn's imminent arrival.
She bursts over the ridge, arms showering the water with tiny pebbles of light
gold jewels skipping across the sparkling surface and turning silver.

It must be so beautifully curious from below, the whale's eye view here in their sanctuary.
First we see a mysterious dark shape, a nose, that morphs into an ever-expanding building,
that materializes into the entire magnificent whale suspended in our thin world
then arching over, she bursts the water, scattering dawn's sparkling treasure.

We surfers call with uncharacteristic exclamations, pointing in excitement,
So close we can feel the whale's contagious joy.
One Hawaiian woman slides off her board, to place her ear on the water in reverie;
hearing the Kahunas ancient Aumakua call.
Copyright © 2013 Anna Honda. All Rights Reserved.
Hal Loyd Denton May 2012
The Girl from Coronado
Dark brown eyes the brownest hair the most captivating was the faraway look in her eyes the painter
Searches for her in lost dreams she materializes on the sharp trumpet blast then she lingers as it turns
Softly as the street in front of the Saint Louis cathedral in New Orleans she was as wistful she was the
Bleeding torment held in battle field shadows her way had the razor sharp that cut through pretense to
The real the meaningful what was that certain something that held you in awe was it the southern sea
Breeze that was absorbed the enfolding touches that were exuded from her depths there are still
Waters then there is Gloria is it fondly promised like flowers floating on the tide the sweet smile that
Cuts and divides the waves like a surfer coming out of the Banji pipeline her brown hair blows softly it
Has enlightened on the breeze as fragrance unspoiled unidentifiable it enthralls as she walks the sandy
Sea swept beach in the distance she passes as a spirit cast improperly in a human role to disturbing to
Fetching she makes appearances in Celtic dreams of misfortune she brings trouble as a winged wonders
Those that are not for evil but hidden in them are clandestine secrets that open new corridors of
Simplicity that brim with honor they are the culminations of promises long deferred now they are at
The door to restore she possesses powers that are seemingly strange but they are beholding the
Glimpses she allows trigger eager disruptions the common falls before her gaze you find establishments
That seemed impossible could she be Isis presumably not but just bearer of her traits one who gives gifts
Of the natural world to artisans from normal items joy is in them as fluid emotions they suppress but
Only for the pure cause of making greater results occur the tiresome is abolished the clay is gold even
Though it be hidden from many to the few it is cherished sought and redeemed by love in a sea side
Town on the southern coast of California her alluring beauty you too can possess this just open yourself
seek the opportunity to give to others your name will be favorably spoken like the graceful girl from
Tying a string to loan
Coercing a poor country,
Under the yoke of poverty
To squawk and groan,
Also making
The noose tighter, tighter
So that aid it fails to garner,
Allow a hypocrite donor
To flog the receiver
Into a restricted domain
To every donor’s whim
Saying “Amen.”

Tragically, this way receiver’s
Development wishes
And growths’ talk
Will go up in smoke.

In such manner,
With malfunctioned cog,
Receiver turns
The tail of the donor dog,
On the other hand,
For donor’s
Geopolitical advantage,
With preferential treatment
The ingratiating donor’s pet,
Pampered, will enjoy
Jealously -strewn
Dream’s fulfillment
To its heart’s content,
While the pushover
Smothered, maltreatments
Has to suffer.

It is such strings
The pushover-made
Ethiopia managed to cut
To generate much-needed
Over 5000 Megawatt.
Megawatt, which commands,
On the back, many a pat.

In so doing
Ethiopia has set an example
Emerging countries
Could realize
Developmental take off
By own dabble
Ramming home donors’
Double standard is
What they can
Do without, while in
Birth cry bout.

Chopping the string
With a self-esteem knife
Ethiopia born GERD to life
Tapping Abay (Blue Nile)—
A confluence of rivers,
Which are rife.

Ethiopia is
Tapping its gigantic river
That originates from its soil
To do away with women’s
Back-breaking toil.

Ethiopia is harnessing
Its prodigal river
To avoid fetching firewood,
Chocked with smoke,
To prepare food.

Ethiopia is subduing
Its God-bestowed river
To outreach with light
Students that study
Late into the night
For want of
A reading lamp
That use smoky lantern
In far-flung corners of
The country’s
Schools’ map.

Ethiopia is
Forcing the river
Yield a hand
So that
Nation’ demand
Mushrooming industries’
Soon, will flow
Like an irrigating flood.

Ethiopia is
Taming the wild river
In a bid
GERD starts
Generating hydropower soon
To let the region enjoy
The unprecedented boon.

When GERD materializes,
The heinous, covetous
Donors’ pet ,
Which claims to date
The river is
Its exclusive right
Will be
Coerced to stop
Eclipsing the country’s
Affluence hope.

The less privileged
Round the globe
Which are
Under the same fate
Development ******
Could emulate.

Soon Ethiopia will
Join the club
Countries marked
Industrial hub.

You know something?
Arm twisting
Is the mystery of the string!
So go for bootstrapping
Use shoestring.
Current unfolding
True darkness materializes
On the precipice of the mourning tower
Wails of agony ring throughout chambers of antiquity
Where the souls linger in misery
A discordant choir rises up amidst the still air
And here death becomes an entity

Endless torrent of pain, death, and doom
Mindless shells of men march with hearts of gloom
Skies of grey rain tears of blood
Hope had its throat slit, face down in mud
Pointless existence
Subject to extreme animosity

Endless voids pool on the ground
******* everything down into the abyss
Fingernails splinter and break as I try to claw my way out
Nailed down in a casket, mouth sewn shut
Screaming internally
Misery smashes through me
Like a hammer through a child

I will lose everything here
At the hands of this curse
And I'm not sure I care to carry on
A broken man, once driven
Now devoid of any and all reason
To keep living
Jenn Gardner May 2011
“Sanity is not statistical.”- George Orwell

The tour guide elucidates black and white scenery.
Unamused clients grow weary of following blindly…

Beyond the barren trees lies a horizon of dirt.
The patrons’ eyes assume a bedraggled trail
Ostentatiously drawing them into its depths.
Unable to sense the malignity; compliance is inevitable.

The seemingly infinite nave reveals a peculiar door,
Hexagonal in shape, displaying no visible ****.
“This heavily armored door hath been open since
the dawn of pandemonium. Enter if you dare,

my humble insanitorium.”

Their dreams have intruders,
Infiltrated by an obscure entrance
Remote in the fact that even they
Are ignorant to its location.

The intruder takes hold of,
their brains, hearts and blood.
Drives them to brink of insanity
Then leads them back home.

Metamorphosis: their messiahs
Were once smiles and gold
Now they are maggots, cole
And decayed linen for skin.

They are the peaceful violence
That occurs among the leaves
Existing for a short time in beauty.
Than drying up and withering away.

Obscurity is a terrifyingly beautiful renaissance
A peculiarity that rock them to the core.
The ghosts that occupy their souls,
And the cavern that’s missing from them
Experience is theirs to have or to lack. For they
haven’t much time before the dirt takes them back.

An elegant yet dismantled courtyard comes into view.

Know not of the geometrics that seem
To have replaced the techni-colour trees.
Once overgrown in the tainted court-yard
Roots overharvested and interconnected,
A corn stock maze burnt to the ground.

Used the finest twine, sharp and strong.
To tie her soul to the cage that houses her heart.
“Two mad rabbits were dancing by a tree.
Before one vanished down the hole,
I swear he looked right into me.”

Watch in dismay as her chest is scalped.
The unsound artist tugs (she does not protest)
Bones shatter and he eats the remains.
Soft fingers caress the pulsating red ball.
All the women cry as he claws at her soul.

An aghast audience enters the house in
Hopes of a less unsettling spectacle.
A tiny jar sits on a wooden table, curiosity
Causes a member to remove the lid.

“To exist in the subconscious is more terrifying.
The flame’s lick the nimbus and I am calm.
An angry cockroach lodged in my trachea.
The soil is more sinister than it was yesterday.

An abstract design, the lines infinitely overlap.
The drawing continues and I try to unravel,
the circles and squares but I simply cannot.
They are now in my blood, a pentagonal paradise.

It would be lovely to hold my heart in my fist.
Squeeze it until the blood becomes a fourth
Of July spectacular. The circles and squares would
Be emancipated from the charred remains of the jar.”

Prying is never rewarded. The jar goes up in flames.
The great herd is lead to a theatre-like abode.

The tourists snap pictures as they assume their seats,
The Insanitorium’s owner makes a gut-wrenching speech.

“I’m wandering aimlessly through the in-between.
The face-painted crowd watches with open mouths.
As I search for and seek out self-fulfillment.
On the edge of their seats, waiting impatiently,
For my humble home to self destruct.

They gnaw on my self-worth, ripping and tearing
My well-though out decisions into tiny,
Unmanageable quadrants that I cannot repair.
The herd is well aware of what lies along the line.
But I strayed long ago and am of a different time.”

The applause drowns out the sound of the speaker’s screams.

The patrons are lead through a dimly lit hallway,
Another peculiar door materializes, triangular in shape.
The room is a vessel for conscious and unconscious ramblings
Of minds left to rot and decay like rabid corpses.

“Enter respected patrons and feast your eyes upon the truth.”

The first trembling hand finds its way to the door.
A striking man is seated, muttering cloud-cuckoos.
His hands and feet bound to the ancient wooden chair.
The blade hovers above his hard skull threatening to fall.

His brain is dissected; life-long deception is evident
The black cats in his mind are visible to probing eyes.
Sinister felines stretch their brittle bones; it is not
Long before they’re biting and scratching his insides.

Like all apparitions, the vision returns to the dust from which
It was created. It’s true home among the asteroids and
The planets that contain the same star dust that once
Composed flesh and bone. Not Reduced, but reused and recycled.

Before the disappearance is final, he chokes on his last words…

“A pearl that is flung,
From the stars overhung
Will dislocate like a plastic doll.


One pearl turns to millions
And a million turns to dust.
The doll’s expression ,
remains stagnant.”

The tourists are angry and appalled at what they have witnessed.

They have not come to the harsh realization,
That in order for a man to see, his eyes
Must be pried open. Stunned into epiphany.
Become aware of the demon residing behind them.

“You are not sane devil woman,
For your tour reveals horrors of many kinds.”

The woman’s mouth contorts and her eyes darken.

“All entities, dear guests, hath been drawn
from your own mad minds.”
Elizabeth Milnes Jan 2012
What I’ve learned is this:
when you’ve loved someone—
I mean really loved—
like ******* crazy loved,
I’m talking seeneveryinchofhisrottensoulandstilllongedformore loved,
known every glimmer of his shifty eyes and what each one means,
shared every bare ugly bruise of your past and let him heal them all,
peacefully slept with complete comfort and security in his arms,
danced at the thought of his name and grown
every second you spent with him or near him or thinking about him,
and yearned for more time to show him
your love and could never believe
for an instant
that maybe he loved you as much or
as deeply as you loved him,
like your insides could just burst
and your blessed little heart is liable
to explode at any instant with the
sappy mushy love
that looks ridiculous on anyone else
kind of loved—
when you’ve loved to the point
where you don’t watch your back
and never think he’s watching his,
where you don’t look to the past because there isn’t one,
only a wide, shiny future,
where you fall in love with every word that
drips from his mouth to yours
and every thought that materializes in that
beloved skull,
where you lose yourself and everything
you thought you knew only to realize that
you are
and more you
by his side than you are alone
(and that stupid little paradox doesn’t sound ridiculous to you),
where you can sit in complete profound silence
and still manage
to know each other better for it,
where imagining life without him is a hilarious extravagant absurdity,
where you are certain that other people just will
never know a tenth of the love you have,
where waking up and driving and lunching and chatting
and the most mundane
aspects of your mundane
days make the most tender moments of your life,
where you’ve never been so content to be so vulnerable—

when you’ve loved someone like that—
the tears taste a little sweeter.
Staging the abyss of an impending cessation
The dark expanse lays stretched across
And beneath, in its surreptitious labyrinths
Lay white dreams to unravel, in time, lost

Under this glittering montage of departed souls
Lies a troubled night, in hand, a palette it bears
Whether a plaintive hue should grace the occasion
Or an ebullient serenade, the birds shall hear

The very earth, where countless crimson streams hath flowed
Withholds a pungent smell, which the rains shall release
And it gazes impassive, into the void
Awaiting the faltering steps that shall forever cease

And vestiges of times, the trees, they sway
Casting queer shadows in the placid waters below
And the ghostly gushes, the leaves, they tug
Reverring the end, bow in a vaudevillian show

And silence reverberates across the woods
Strings of the harp, wildly they swing
And the invisible hand twitches them to its insatiable thirst
Into the endless night, silent melodies it sings

Dancing to the minstrelsy exhibition
Struck by the virulent, a red leaf alone it spins
The dampened wind materializes, glides along
With a picturesque elegance, to its deathbed, it brings

And with this servitude of wind, nature has toyed around
Of countless summers with it, had dreamt
And though it lies in its cold, wintry grave
For a vivifying spring, the duel begins

And as it lies trampled, a votive
Cherishing the last marks of the wind it shall entail
A man, none brighter than the mist around
Dawdles forward, facing the vestibule of his mundane fate

With a perpetual stoop, the timeless wonder
A paradigm of an immaculate creation perfected by age
And this derelict entity, with dipping eyebrows
Limps along into the ubiquitous haze

And this crude parody of child
Moulded and crafted by the sands of time
Marks the finale of His greatest creation
As the crying infant rings the opening chime

The few strands of hair, they humble the infanceness
The folds of skin hang loose
And the staff handles his feathery weight
Boundless patience, with prudent steps he moves

Sans tooth and blind, deprived of sounds he is
He craves for the innocent chuckle of a newborn
And its ethereal touch that shall span generations
Shall light the moribund, for the new morn

The weight of his past closes his eyes, tears glisten
He remembers the touch of his mother's *****
And the lullabies she sang, sleepless nights
Pages of his memoirs lay blotten

And the feel of the grass, on the verdant landscape
The sun gliding upon the waters, sweet summer afternoon
And the open seas mocking it with a ripple
And the shrubs wave beside some kingdom's ruins

The birds romancing their way through the canopies
The butterflies find their way through flowery drowsiness
And the eyes of his love that he used to behold
And her hand on top of his that used to rest

His decrepit limbs, he trudges along
The stars shimmer above, light up the way
Fulfilling the tryst, with open arms, he embraces Death
The sweet memory of her love fades

And far away, into the distance
A dawn blossoms, rises up the shores
And a young one laughs, greets the despondent night
Shaking his clenched fists, catches the dreams that soar
There's nothing quite like
saying hello to someone
who doesn't remember
who you are.

They tilt their head, maybe
squint their eyes,
but nothing materializes.
Your face means nothing.

Even when you saved
the world together when
you were both ten

or wrestled on old
Mrs. Snyder's yard
for an autographed
Ken Griffey Jr. card

or fell in and out
of love with the same girl
throughout the tenth and
eleventh grade.  

Now your face means nothing
and a world of memory is
shattered against the soft
edges of your heart.  

Maybe its troubling that
moments spent so earnestly
could be

or the idea that you could be, too.  

The truly valuable people
come like drops
of water from
a sandy canteen

so forgive me while I
pick up the pieces of
myself that broke
off with you.
They say all you need
to make a place holy is a
sacrifice and a prayer,
so here we are in the field.

I've brought you grass.
I've brought you sun and earth.
I've laid my very soul here.

I may have stumbled through
the rosary, but I think we have
a chance.

We're in the middle of it.
We're right in the middle of it,
the field, on our backs while
the sun sends our skin tingling.

The dragonflies, the faraway birds,
the little specks of dusty dirt floating
in the light.

I don't know if any of it is real, but
just let me have this. Let me have just
one moment of reverence, of peace.

This is how a soft spot materializes.
This is how we find our way at the
end. I looked over at you and saw
the eyelashes tickling your cheek.

I saw hands smoothing over the grass
and angels pouring across the milk-
blue sky. I said,

I want to be buried here. You said,
Let's be alive first.

*I still call you *darling in my head. It took me a long time to learn that covenants and siren songs aren't much different at all.
Chris T Jul 2013
I have a friend
that has a permanent
in the crummiest
hotel you've never
He's a loner,
a thinker,
a genius,
a philosopher at times,
an idiot,
a killer,
a smoker,
a lady's man,
a wordsmith, the best of all time.
He's everything that
I'm not
yet everything that
I am.
Sometimes late at night
he calls
"Let's go out, Chris.
Let's go out into the night."

And I mumble back
"Not tonight,
not ever,
you're no friend of mine."

A big grin
materializes into his face,
I can't see it
but I feel it,
and the witty *******
goes silent.
He's always there,
smoking his cigars,
in that cheap hotel room,
waiting for my
trips out.
When I'm out
he's always there
ready to join the fun,
and when I'm out,
really out,
out of here,
out of mind,
the ******* will leave me
on the streets
naked and frail,
and he'll borrow my wallet,
my I.D.
and I swear to you,
my face, my body.

(original title: My Friend)                       .
Newest serious poem of mine. (About fukin' time!) How 's it? [also i need to edit it a bit...]Alright in my opinion. I liked it and that's all that matters anyways but I still wanna know what y'all think. S0? [also i need a title. help?] (2013)
lmnsinner Jul 2017
he arrives around 10:30am,
after the morning rushers
and multiple malingerers
have surrendered to the orange clocker's
rocket red glare stare,
that little dictator of time that
rules lands far and wide,
well before the hoped for lunch crush,
every restauranteur's faraway *******

most days, to the last counter stool,
he beelines,
the least desirable seat in all of diner-land,
adjacent to the noise of kitchen,
and its higher risk perilous,
two way swinging door "entera-ance,"
a residence to be avoided most studiously
though hardly a corner to go unnoticed,
by virtue of its iffy existence,
unless one likes the increased chance of
being a victim of a crashing accident

Mr. Condiment Man
goes in and out,
silently unremarked
in our land of spacious skies
and amber waves of plastic

customarily any "regular" is
happily accorded a
rousing Sousa welcome,
but that mistake now twice made,
a historical hurry up-to-be-please-be-forgotten incident,
the Condiment Man's invisibility
second only to the
Famous Cinema Actors
seeking breakfast
amidst the common people

no words are passed,
no pleasantries are planted,
the rule of incommunicado silence,
for both sides now,
most happily observed,
like a UN peacekeeping boundary

quick appears Cream of Tomato soup
accompanied by  ever multiplying handfuls
of packages of Nabisco crackered packets,
with a ketchup Heinz handy

a soupçon of five iodized salt shakes
into the soup interred,
released from the prototypical
stainless topped, glass shaker
whose universality of usage seems to be
a Federal law o' the land

the meal in silence arrived,
silently but oh-so-slowly-consumed,
it's extenuating circumstances
lengthily enhanced by intermittent deliveries
of additional cracking crackers,
and an unrequited, unacknowledged,
"topping off" soup refillament

this one act play presented daily,
with a free tall glass of water in red plastic
also refillable,
as needed
a play with no official ending,
no white topped, green lined,
ripped from the ubiquitous diner pad,
scribbled, billing ever presented

but the loose change precisely,
scrupulously counted then
upon the counter left,
materializes by the hands
of the Condiment Man,
which is sourced from pockets various,
in places where no pocket belongs

you can set you watch by his timed departure
at five minutes of Twelve,
he is no longer,
the play thus ended,
the audience to feet leaps
relieved and appreciative
of the quiet man's drama
and his most excellent
silent soliloquy

some strange human need satisfied,
sated, and pleased
for all parties concerned,
when the New York Times
revealed that this condo man
left a 50 million dollar estate
to Meals-on-Wheels,
here was no shocked groaning,
only some perfunctory observing
that frugality had a place,
and that this fantastick show,
now closed, would be
sorely missed,
for it had become a condiment itself
in the lives of so many
March 2017
JAC May 2017
There's a soft blue spark
That materializes in the smallest of moments
That illuminates those that love
Whoever they may be
And we can see it, that blue glow.
Just like a fire never chooses where to burn
A spark never chooses where to find itself:
Between animal and friend;
Between fingertips during a movie neither cares for;
Between the flick of your smile
And the words on a page
Or the flash on a screen;
Between mother in mind
And child that may only be there too;
Between laughs that bubble up
When nowhere and nothing clash;
Between one here and one far,
Or one here and one gone.
We fall in love with those sparks of love
And they show us just how to do so -
Teaching you how to teach,
Showing you how to show,
And they care not for who
For what
For when
For why
For how;
They simply show.
Flying above the clouds,
The elements beneath me are churning,
The Earth is metamorphosing into something greater than it once was.
I’m surrounded by a heady and heavenly bliss.

I descend from the azure blue skies in search of something greater, in search of fulfillment for my heart.
Time has bestowed me with the greatest gift of all; love.
Now I must search.
I reach out my hand; I push past the sea, the barren soil of the wasteland and the unknown thresholds of the terrene.

Pink ribbons envelop me.
Glimmering hearts surround my soul and spirit as the sky begins to turn crimson red.
Everything is changing so fast.
My eyes begin to gleam.

An ethereal beauty materializes in my midst.
Iridescent puffs of smoke form a silhouette of an animated vessel, a human of the most magnificent splendor.
Rose petals lie upon my barren and vulnerable skin.
As you are created right before my eyes, as I witness your conception, I come to know what forbearance really has in store.

I reach out my hands in the hopes of grasping your delicate skin if even for a moment.
You glow.
Your eyelids are formed.

You open them!
I’m gazing into cerulean spheres of rapture.
I’m magnetized by the gravitational pull of your body.
We’re both levitating above the ground, and like two celestial bodies we collide.

An eruption of passion creates a daffodil made of light.
It looms high above the clouds, in place of the sun.
We have effloresced.
Our bodies have bloomed at the moment of contact.

Our inflammation shall illuminate the night sky for the heavens have bestowed upon us the greatest benediction of all…
It’s love.
Just when our passion seems to be everlasting, the sky turns to darkness, ebony clouds linger and the ground beneath us begins to crumble.
We fall into an infinite abyss until the bottom swallows us whole.

Lying upon my bed, I awaken to find that you are nowhere in sight.
It is only I.
Me, myself and I.
It was just a dream.

I am forever alone…?

By, Iridescently Efflorescent
This came directly from my heart with no input with regards to logic of the mind. The only thought in my mind when I write is love and at this particular junction in my life, I long for a special, intimate kind of love. My perseveration over finding someone to share my feelings with and to reside with for the rest of eternity inspired to write something intertwined with my dream but yet somehow disconnected in the sense that it has elements that you would not find in reality. This was pure creative outlet and is not based on any experience in my life thus far. I hope you enjoy and IF YOU HAVE ANY THOUGHTS PLEASE LET ME KNOW! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU ENJOYED OR SOMETHING THAT SPARKED AN INSPIRATIONAL BEACON IN YOUR HEART. <3
He materializes in white, as though from cloud
out of petals and vines--bright ferns whose arms
flower and wrap as though silken angel's yarn
breathing a sheer and layered freckle-shroud

about the capacious canvas of his back
in an uncharacteristic ceremony of purity or bliss.
So capricious a beloved yet elicits a dual image
in the mind of her who's also seen him black.
© K.E. Parks, 2012
Mahum Siddiqui Jul 2015
It's hard
when my fingers yearn for the rough of your skin
I imagine my arms extending like branches on a willow
twisting and turning on street corners
to make it to you
for one last touch

It's hard
when the cold encompasses my back
facing the empty dark
and holds me still
I imagine your head buried into the nook of my neck
your heart's slow beats pounding against me as you sleep
as I wiggle under your heavy arms

It's hard
when the blinding light pierces through my eyes
as i try to regain consciousness
only to turn to my side
and see the pillow untouched
the crinkles exactly how they'd been left the night before
I imagine waking up to you pulling me closer
as if the waves carried me away in the night
waking up to your scrunched up nose and tired eyes
leaning in for a kiss
that never materializes.
Stephanie Oct 2018
There is a line
Dividing myself from myself
I am two tormented bodies
Merged intricately into one skin

Trouble is looming

They want out and I am trying to mediate The conflict
They are tired and insecure
They want themself to themselves

And I want it all

I can see the marks on my skin
The stretching and the pulling
And the tearing apart
It cracks and flakes
And I watch me lose my faith
Fragment by fragment

There is a line
It can be felt but not seen
It is hard and bold
And obscured by fantasy

There is a line
That awaits
The tug of acceptance
Once the collision
At long last
Something real
Karijinbba Jul 2022
rddpc your word of honor lives on
our very heart beat drum is us,
God let his heart beat forever
reign peaceful my lover divine .
He left me as I guarded silence
in shock in my prime later again.
I remained decades sunstruck
in love with this King my twin
no matter what I just do.
His shamanic drum and ink is my heart beat raising and pausing as
I burn bittersweet at the sound
of his drum beating getting closer
thus my beloved materializes
in my arms again and again
whispering "baby baby"  in my ear
for hours in the same hot Atlas.
worshipping him.
{ JC felt like Rhett B in GWTHW
with Scarlet O running
to women mad for his all
instead of being true to himself and stay with me whom he truly loved
to fall in love after asking a few key questions to see me eye to eye.😂}
His foot steps ink and all I hear
as his familiar rose scent
tickles his chin and I see them there;
then slowly my candle is blown off.
my heart stops ✓}✓___
I am never alone our union warps
etched in time and space as a painting safe inside a fortress of loves sacred parameters and divine brain art.
His whispering drum drumming
remained embedded deep in my soul.
The love of my life my heart beating
he guards
His word of honor he gave to be so
and so it is
thanks Heaven for his loving ways .
√/✓\✓\/√√ √\√\√\√\√√ \√\√\√.
david mungoshi Sep 2015
A sweet rainbow in dreamy colours
Materializes from the whispering pool like magic
And in that storybook moment
Our fingers are entwined by hearts in torment
As they seek that elusive fusion of wish-mania
We seek each other in the  blue haze
Of a morning that'd have us melt into this phase
With the shy sun in our eyes
I see yellow gardenias in a field of fragrant glory
And in the setting sun
I see a tropical angel poised for her transition
Cecil Miller Jan 2018
In the darkness of the night,
From where comes the dove,
Your envoy of love.

Here for your privelidge,
He fits like a glove.
Wear him like midnight,
Your envoy of love.

You can count on him.
You won't be let down.
The spectre in the night that comes to you
Is the diamond in your crown.

He's nothing but a dream,
Your imagination
Moving in the shadows of your room.
He is the part of you
That will not let go of hope.

He is everything you see,
All and much above
The highest dream you have,
Your envoy of love.

Keep him to you self.
In verse, cantillate of,
But always hide in code
Your envoy of love.
Everybody fantasizes. Don't they?
Art Jun 2018
When matter reflects on itself,
consciousness materializes
into something more tangible
and realizes all of existence
is floating above its head.

Matter turned and governed
by gravity’s hands.
Spun and pulled by
creative fingers,
shaped into round colorful bodies and
tossed into blackness
to dance alone.

Some are given partners,
little moons to set their mood,
to spin their silvery light around them
and sing their songs at night
to put their children to sleep.

Some stay awake for the song,
some watch their slow dance,
and some look up at the milky sky and
wonder if matter thinks about them back.
All it took was a night out in the deep woods
[February 13, 2017]

The emerald forest radiates lustfully, humming a constant melancholy tune
Reverberating off trees of sadness, beneath the sorrow of a cold graphite moon
A storm echoes imminently, sinister clouds stretching from a frigid ruby mountain
In the center of the madness, amongst the sapphire rain, footsteps silently pounding

Her shimmering tears glisten iridescent underneath the evanescent dim moonlight
The vicious snarling follows close behind, the howling smothering her with fright
The thick, chaotic mist swirls beside her, blanketing the ground with mysterious fear
Snagged on a gnarled root, she collapses into the mud when the beasts appear

The veil dissipates around the enormous, savage shapes of starving silver wolves
Leaping towards her with jaws parted, with immeasurable furiosity uncontrolled
Her scream pierces the atmosphere as a sword suddenly materializes out of thin air
A lean man stands over the pack in triumph, the breeze blowing his long raven hair

The volatile storm rages above, further dragging reality into the depths of an abyss
The blanket of fog thickens, a bell chimes in the distance, sounding the apocalypse
No discussion, dashing through thickets in a labyrinth weaved from a song of despair
Hand in hand they are tormented by the infinite horrors of a hopeless nightmare

Lightning crackles across the ominous sky sending waves of fire through the clouds
An explosion rips apart the melody like shattered glass, siphoning the world of sound
Flaming wings emerge from shadowed obscurity, shrieking, rumbling, rolling thunder
Smoldering towards the barren battlefield transformed by ancient dwelling hunger

A malevolent silhouette reveals its unnatural presence from quiet concealed rage
Iron rattling within its grasp, a phantom riding stallions contained by leather reins
Born from corrupted suffering, their charcoal fur hidden by silky midnight manes
Crystal hooves thumping against firm, packed soil as they charge into level plains

A pillar of electricity discharges from the collision of two forces at supersonic speed
A phoenix billowing molten embers at an evil apparition and its demonic steed
Haunted chains tracing through the air, creating swirling vortexes of wind and debris
The pressure deteriorates the land, awakening a statue as mortals escape the trees

Frozen in time at the edge of blood-nourished roots, lone figures witness in awe
Hellhounds racing towards the scene with curved canines and sharp granite claws
A fierce roar splits the fabric of existence as a mighty golden serpent soars overhead
It plunges to the earth with an eruption of dirt, stimulating a potent aura of dread

Infernal demons of unknown origin clash with relentless power, using no restraint
An obsidian knight wields a wicked blade, opening wounds and splattering paint
The canvas becomes tainted, filled with unfathomable memories of forgotten peace
Oils of countless colors blend together, sentiment reflections within a crimson sea

The maelstrom intensifies, a whirlpool complete with mayhem, emotion and will
The battle is consumed by its own hatred, a grim picture stained by a poisoned quill
Water evaporates, the exhibit solidifies and the vision fades as the instruments play
Her agony gleams on amethyst cheeks as she walks into the center of endless decay

Malice snaps and tension shakes, a chasm filled with hostility breaks, infusing hate
An inferno incinerates diamond, emptying a bottomless pool of lingering fate
A distorted sculpture is formed within the horrendous tempest of mutilating torture
When sickening smoke clears, she lies within a tragic crater of a scorched orchard

Turmoil subsides, the weather calms and light beams on the war-torn earth
Deities gather near her burnt mangled corpse, finally able to feel remorse
The ashes of reincarnation flow through their fingertips, reviving innocence
She awakes to harmonious music, embraced by its blazing magnificence
Author Note: A collaboration of my previous poems within my gemstone series.

Obsidian Knight [February 13, 2017]
Category: Fantasy/Gemstone Series VI.
LDuler Feb 2013
Love often materializes
Into whispered interludes
Of hazy inertia
And tender warmth
Whispered Interludes by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Vivian Feb 2014
I get near crying
quite a lot
I guess
even when I'm feeling great
I think things would be
better if I were to be
hit by a car
right then

I always thought these things
were always in people's minds-
always seconds from a suicide,
leaving everyone behind
but I'm seeing now that
it's just me and my mind
that are are constantly searching
for an escape against time

I'm kind of avoiding facing that,
because impermanence is
such a big part of my life
and I've learned through the years
we don't change, we just become refined
so I'm fighting with myself and my
******* hungry soul
to stay or to go
but I just don't know

whatever though,
my internal dialogue
is simply
until it materializes
Tyler Nicholas Jul 2014
stare at nothing in particular,
but they imagine hands that once
embraced their own.

And that nothing in particular
materializes into
everything those eyes want to see -

another moment to hold those hands
and look into eyes that do not grieve at all.
rest easy, keaton.
mike dm Sep 2014
I've been had
I did not see it coming

The wound waits
Red-tapes the heal
It ruins it ruins

Stilled knife neatly in my side
But look!
there's a killer twist too

As she looks in my little eye
-Stare like granite smirking-
The broad side of the blade

Materializes from a silver-lining
Now a mirror
Her lithe eyes widen, alive alive

The reflection
A scene
Of her seems undoing [hero shot]

And scene
I surf through a crowd,
click, click, click,
am I slick?
Am I sick?

The faces cascade, each one like a molecule
in a waterfall of desire and liars and fire.
Do we sit here to burn or to yearn.
Do we ever learn or feel concern.
It seems I will never tire to conspire
against my own soul on this wire.

I'm wired.
The screen crackles a strange glow.
The bits and bytes tell me there's hope.
Ones and zeroes like so much knotted rope.
I hang on her every word,
oh, my shame is ethereal.
I want to stop seeing her,
but my hunger is serial.

She whisper's, "But wait...
... there's more..."
and I die to be born her prisoner.

In lust we trust,
the internet anthem,
the trumpet of the millennia
our senses abandoned.
The cascading fire, behind the screen,
the ache inside: my mind? my spleen?
I must be rotten,
how could I not be,
their alluring words and forms,
imprison me.

Can I break free? Qui-qui? Hehe!
It's a total lie, there is no greener grass.
So I hunger for more of the poison that made me;
I seek to drown myself, like a manly baby,
"Gimme more! A little more!"
They stand in shock,
then retreat to their bottles,
ignoring the ticking clock.
Back to her and her and her,
the ones who will never love me,
who've ensnared me to drain me,
me and me and me.

There are different kinds of blindness,
many we will never be ****** enough to see
but when the blinds are open,
can we really change what we see?
Do we come awake to a ruin,
a festering, aching, screaming lump of chaos
that we are but fingers to... this abomination.

I surf the crowd
and when she comes again,
I'll just change the channel,
and a new face materializes,
her beauty renders me thirsty
I smile my sleekest smile,
I recite the uncanny words,
"Mirror mirror on the wall."
So, despite my words in this poem, this is not just a sort of commentary on online relationships. This applies to many of the unhealthy relationships we engage in on a day to day basis, stretching back into our earliest memories and forward unto our deaths.

I can only hope that this poem will help people who might be fighting their conscience to consider some powerful self-reflection.

Have a great day :)



— The End —