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onlylovepoetry Jul 2018
tempest aroused weather throws a crink in the atmospheric pressure,
sun lazy long weekend planned rejuvenation, disrupted,
all day rain and wind gusts
that whitecap/kneecap
the river-fed bay forcing a
couch-curling up, a doozey dozy,
cozy writable assessment, a
answered with

close your eyes and all that can be felt
is memorized by your
forefinger cells,
a stroking upward gesture,
your stroking. your finger.
the children you have brought
into this difficult place

and a woman’s face as she rests uneasy and needs calming

but the memory of your own cheek as a living fired thing
being stroked is a gone,
because it was not frequent enough,
is longer than long past than what matters now  

my pointer finger remembers though

pointer finger points at my chest
stoking, pushing,

  what does your artistic heart remember?
Olivia Kent Aug 2013

The blush of pinkish,
As flamingo fandangos,
In rhythmic tangos,
Long legs centrally bent as she stands,
Flamingo masquerades as delicate swan!
Sort of strutting,
Thought not!
Woman masked as flaming flamingo.
Lady tall in height,
Wistfully wishes on starlight night, bright,
Clear eyes sparkle,
A tint of mystery's mystique,
No teardrops,
He fed her fire with touch of love,
As if were both sent from above,
Two strange birds can only tell,
If love will grow or tears well!
Passion kissed her on her cheek,
Left her blushing scarlet,
Jesus wept and cried out loud,
'This woman,
She's no harlot,'
Both dangling suspended in ether clouds ,
Dozy as hell,
These two dreamy birds are two of a kind,
No similar creatures will you ever find,
He struts peacock feathers glory.
She blushes,
Escaped from love story!
Rule the day,
Hurry up,
Bring him back my way!

By ladylivvi1
© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
My eyes smell sleepy, he, refusing to depart,
But there is coffee on the nightstand,
The odor, infiltrating the dozy brain's heart.

Annoyed with each other,
They shout and fight
Like teenage siblings Commissioners at the SEC,
Arguing over bathroom monopolization,
The tongue stays sidelined, feigning net neutrality.

The bed smells empty,
For the **** has crowed,
Yogi David commands your presence
At Saturday morning Eight O'clock yoga services.

To get to his Sinai on time,
Early departure, an FAA requirement,
Car, ferry and foot you will deploy,
In the winter, special skis and snowshoes,
That blessed by his mantra,
Enable you to walk on water.

In the kitchen there is sisterly conversation,
Yes, puttering and muttering and discussing,
Sister's grown child texting, he's making the pilgrimage
To see Mama, alone, unexpectedly,
Six hours driving.

Friends and countryman,
That is how you spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e

Sleepy master dwarf refuses to concede,
Says when kitchen noises retreat,
Back to him you will supplicate,
They (the other dwarfs and body parts),
Have a big convention to better communicate..

Departure comes without a kiss,
But not without complaint,
She always says I love you first,
Which is natural,
She being a girl.

Now the bladder starts to whiny~chatter,
What about me, what about me,
Don't you love me, and me rhymes with P!
While the stomach quietly snores
Have been well-fed
but a few hours before,
He dreams of some more....macadamia crusted s'mores...

I could verse you more,
No problem that's for sure,
But you got the point:
**The morning smells.
This recording of my life, sometimes fun, sometimes poetry, trouble-getting-me-into.  Which can be inspiring as well. Good Morning!

Someday I hope add a stanza about grandchildren, cartoons and monsoons, but the parents say they're too young, to endure us, the G parents, for a whole weekend. They are  referring to themselves of course, not the little ones.
You shuffle in
from the kitchen
half stooped over
under the cover
of your nightgown.
Dry lips smeared with Vaseline set in a lazy frown.
Stinking of Vicks vapourub
and oxtail soup steaming from your favorite mug.
Eyelids heavy and more than a little dozy.
Hand reaching for a *** of tissue to blow your dribbling nosy.
With the mug in position you slump on the sofa
propped up with pillows, I've no choice but to move over.
Despite the max level of the central heating
I can see you are still shivering.
A fit of coughing erupts, raw and bone rattling.
There's a wheeze to each breath of your laboured breathing.
Moments pass and then comes the first snore
like an animal staking claim to its **** with a roar.
I carefully remove the mug and fallen tissue
Softly I kiss your forehead and whisper, “Get well soon. I love you.”
even suffering with a cold she is still beautiful
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
He wasn't my Daddy, but he bathed me real good,
With shower gel my heart invaded,
Most of this chicken many others have not seen,
Gave me a body bath cos he just ain't mean,
Washed my hair,
Not sure where,
Not sure how,
Guess I'm just a dozy cow,
I made him soggy,
Drenched him from my red hot bath,
My lovely boyfriend,
JC, my God how I so made him laugh,
I made him sweat with mischief,
Made him oh so very wet!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
ClawedBeauty101 Sep 2018
Let's all be honest... for once... let us all admit this statement...
Each of us has impaled a dozy pill of mistakes... inhaled regrets fragrant

A prescription of the many countless regrets... failures... and stupid moments
They come back like a drug side effect, attacking you as their opponent

Losing your sense of reality as you drunkenly laugh at the blessings
Numb to kindnesses touch as you roll off the couch of security... nervously sweating

Openly abusing the precious, pure body of wisdom... deaf to her rejecting scream...
She stood by your side... Telling you not to take another drink... not to get lost in marijuana's dream...

A foolish smirk sneaks on your face, your mind clouded by the vape and tobacco, blocking your judgment
Carelessly touching in all the wrong places... pleasurable? Your conscious shows no lament

Your lips are a bite... Your touch is a knife... your words are a poison... to not only wisdom... for it will backfire
You are finally evicted from Illusions hallucinations... you fell for such a devilish liar.

Your brain has rung the alarm to your entire body... memories of unwise choices bring head trama
A heavy alcoholic breath escapes your mouth of regretted words... full of gossips drama

You wobble on unstable feet.. and do not achieve your desired balance...
Falling to your knees... you see the blood... the tears... and the saliva of someone who is guilty... no use in using words of parlance

No lies can hide the guilt that clokes your face...
All evidence leads you down to your fate...

"Drugged and Drunk of Regrets" was the charge placed against you... then you were sent away
But be careful... Memories, thoughts, and feelings can lead your mind astray.

"Set them free... You have been given mercy..."
The Judge granted, without one drop of regret and worry

...Mercy... You have been given mercy for your crime...
So why continue to drug your self on regrets? It's not worth a dime!!



We all have been Drugged and Drunk of Regrets...
but the best thing to do... it to apologize... and forget...
Apologize... and Forget...
Olivia Kent Apr 2014
The bells of a million bicycles fill the air, townsfolk amble without even a care.
Atmosphere of dozy dreams.
Tulips on the bank side pout, kissing away at the pure ****** air.
No traffic, or trafficking.
They sit, enjoying their trip.
Toking on the hookah, or toking on a ******, that choice is yours.
They roll a spliff,  oh sweet Mary Joanna.

A dingy back room in a dismal dark corner.
Don't ever say that nobody warned yer.
Oppressive atmosphere of sullen death.
Addiction takes control of the lonely soul, who needs to escape.
Who may never get old.
Found slumped, laid out ,cold.
Torniquet locked up tight.
The buzz of the day, that ended the life.
Of the poor soul.
Had nothing better to do.
Attached to the end of the body that's fixed, shot up, sky high.
The world ended, not in that passion filled cafe.
(c) Livvi
There is no evidence to suggest that smoking dope leads to long term addiction issues...However, evidence suggests that dope has mental health issues of it's own.
This poem is designed to point out the differences between addiction to hard drugs opposed to enjoying a joint.
The different attitudes to drugs and takes a look at pleasure and pain.
I have dabbled in dope smoking, but explored may other substance..long before I ever had a I'm super straight!
Never ever did crack or smack....Acid and speed once controlled my life...and then guess what?
I grew up x
There for the grace of God go I x
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2020
Hazy Day

rose at 3:30am, anticipating an aria of glorious
thoughts needy of capture, encryption, preservation,
three hours later, an empty vessel rides high on the empty
white screen waters of the Bay of Zero, fed by Nada River,
emptying into the Atlantic Ocean, where microscopic is ordinary,
my, my, not~noteworthy contribution, noted for its worthlessness.

delivered the coffee at 7:00am, put on the music,
climbed onto a fresh sheeted mattress, yawning, yearning,
seeking to recover the lost hours and instantly tumbler-in,
inundating random notions, hazardous thoughts,
dispatched to keep me awake, as I trajectory into sleepyville,
each one an angel, coming down Jacob’s ladder for to wrestle
me home, even as the daylight reveled~reveals that a newborn
baby, will be new hot, dangerous, burning hazy day.


Hazardous Thoughts

“It is easier to give love than to accept it.” (Walter W Hoelbling)

Walter, Walter, what an accursed blessing you’ve given me!

This simple declarative is a racking, wrecking, symphonic
synopsis of this man’s life, crying out for une écriture monumental,
that somewhere in a hidden recess has commenced composition,
know not the where or when of it, but the why is a tightening noose,
squeezing my brain, choking my neck, impounding the heart beating,
because with succinct brevity betrayed out loud, my essential secret.


Every night I sleep with a woman and a man; the woman, you need
not know, nameless is what you shall call her, but the man, instantly
recognizable as just Leonard, descendant of the priests in the Temple. Me and the baffled King composing our hallelujahs.

                                                  ­    <!>

Art doesn’t not imitate life. It plagiarizes, embellishes, improves, with
tinkered recombinant DNA, shamelessly swiped, for which we forgive the audacity of its thievery, for with each attempt comes a Confession, remorse, nobody cares, whatever. Art supersedes, supplanting and superimposing, by grafting new branches upon old works, even occasionally improving what was once brilliantly original.

                                                     ­ <!>

Note to self: Do not forget to wake ‘n take the garbage, the recycling, and the corrugated cardboard and all previous poems to the Town Dump, before they stink up the garage. Post Office, Pharmacy for local weekly newspaper, no candy.


Dozy, sleepy. Sarcastic “great.”  I’ll never remember this poem;
**** these hazardous thoughts on a hot, dangerous, burning,
innocent hazy day.
note to self: dreamt yesterday in the early morn;, composed in the afternoon, listening to Jonas Kaufmann, edited, posted at 3:30 AM Friday listening to Kris Kristofferson and Janis Joplin.
3:35AM Fri Jul 24.

the precedent predecessor:
Tess Calogaras Mar 2017
In your body I can breathe,
your fragrance,
my exhale,
your voice,
my internal sigh.
The bed is our familiar,
so hard for us to go.
To leave this oasis,
where we fit so mosaic
like cherry blossoms in spring
or rooftops filled with rain.
I hate how vapid I become
as I stargaze at the sun.
Leave me dozy,
laughable at best,
dumbstruck devotion.
You are my only.
Tu es mon amour.
Tessa Calogaras
Copyright 2017
Nigel Morgan Feb 2013
After the well-know,
extremely photogenic,
wonderfully articulate,
your mother dotes on,
this cat is named.
He is none of the above
I should say
but I like him.
He reminds me of my late cat
Poppy, a more gauche pusscat
you’d be hard to find.
Poppy was a farm cat
of uncertain progeny.
Monty is certainly better bred
but (as we say in West Yorkshire)
‘daft as a brush’.
And now for the T.S.Eliot bit . . .
(in the style of
​Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats)

Curled up upon the green chair
With his head against his paws
You can see his body breathing
Up and down
He’s been busy all day long
Doing absolutely nothing
Save a bit of this a bit of that
And washing clean his paws.
Life’s so hard
For such a busy cat,
When you’re asleep in bed
He’s about and out
Networking the side streets
Monty likes to know the scene.
These cats could teach us all
A thing or two.
In the morning he may be dozy
But you should see him after dark
Sharp and bright and really
On his toes.
Another poem from my collection Twelve - twelve poems for a twelve year old.
Joseph Flores Jan 2018
Memories sweet ~
Salty dreams ~
Aqua-quixotic mind.
The last frontier ~

Girls Gone Crazy.
'In Surf I Trust.'
Beach or bust.

Abalone divers.
Seaside gusts.
Creamy skies ~
Blood-orange dusk.

Ocean perch.
Cliffside diving.
Crab claw, snap!
Child crying.

Nets ascending.
Fish school scatter.
Skipjacks dance.
Whale spray splatters.

Back bay blues ~
Cool to settle...
Boats return to quall.
Couples trek ~
Beyond the dunes.
Where love ~
Is known to fall.

Lights to glow ~
Dim to shining.
Rides and music ~
Boardwalk rising.
Dipped and Battered.
Fresh fish fryin'.

Flashing neon ~
Midway prattle.
"Step right up!"
Ring a bottle.
Toss a dime.
"Winner, winner"
Every time!

At once and sudden.
Of my glimpse.
Soft-serve skin.
Perky sized.
Corduroy curls.
Topaz eyes.

Monokini ~
Thread bare brief.
Sheer to cover ~
Her coral reef.

Of my ask ~
To my surprise.
Gently scribed.

Forelock flipped ~
Savory smile ~
Lips goodbye.
A kiss implied.

Boardwalk bevy  ~
Slow to nape.
Forth to wander ~
Foggy mist.
Lunar tide.
Surf and sand ~
All collide

Off the beaten ~
Of my stride.
Drunks and loafers '
On each side.

Late night Croaker's.
Spent syringes.
Midnight tokers.

Spiny docks  ~
Cast slanted shadows.
Tiny shanty ~
On the shallows. 

Mild fire,
Tiny dancers ~
Cheap wine fest ~
Marijuana pow-wow ~
Wasted luau ~

I've gots to go.

Back to camp.
Surfside fox-hole.
Jacques Cousteau

Sandy hollow ~
Tide in tow.
Pop tent clears ~
It's ebb and flow.

Underneath ~
A starshine drape ~
Edge of sleep.
Wide awake.
Unseen struggle.
No escape..

Dark abyss ~
Midnight still.
Blue Whale calf ~
Bloodlet trill.

Orcas make the ****

Eerie silence ~
Beyond the reef.
Mist and mizzle.
Much to sleep.
Roaring waves ~
Crash the beach.

Stretched a long ~
Sand and daft.
Dawn slowly cracks ~  
At the aft.

Pastel egg ~
In the sky.
Sunny side up ~
The morning rise.

Inspired sight ~
Dawn shine lends.
California coast ~
Never ends.

Sandy ribbons ~
Beach belt bends ~
Emerald coast ~
Santa Ana winds. ~

Wind swept sparkles ~
Main sails sway.
Catamarans ~
Balboa Bay.

Health nuts  ~
Spandex ~
Own the morn.
Cyclists. Runners.
Life reborn.

Bleach blond beatniks ~
Chap-Stick chicks.
Surfers paddle ~
Waves to pick.

Jack not nimble ~
Jack not quick.
Jack wipes-out!

Quilt-patch slum ~
Checkered lots do fill.
A teenage infested ~

Hawaiian Tropics
Silver Oxide
Pubescent hormones ~.
Flourish topside

Bohemian families ~
Converge on beach.
Along the Rocky jetty.
Mothers chase ~
Big straw hats ~
Rolling off the windy.

Lunchtime snack ~
Seagulls gather.
Gap-toothed kid.
Defends his platter.
Relentless gull wing ~
Pitter patter.

His dukes held up.
He stands to fight.
As the bird gawks aloud ~
He flees in startled flight.

Noontide high ~
Chaise lounge cozy ~
Calls my name.
On the dozy.

Sleeping. Headache.
Spittle drooling.
I wake to wonder ~
Was I dreaming?

My summer daze!

Saw a paper ~
Tossed of mine.
As unfolded read:

My summer days!
Third Eye Candy Sep 2012
The night had brought with it the hush of a thousand  homes, nestled in the raw

slumber of soft shadows -

moon cast,  in white mist and deep groves of impenetrable asymmetries...

a plume of thoughtful blobs in the shape of trees and dozy chimneys,

crowding the dark knolls

of some beautiful  assembly -

An unbearable Elysium, foam-joy and regal


the eye of our stillness ...

A luminous rush of glories and old plots of dead heavens

shimmering in the dialect

of mute jewels.

The Deep Night, plush and removed; swollen with the dizzy laws that govern such astonishing things -

An unmasked pavilion, stripped of horrors, laying naked in the ether

bejeweled in the common genius of the supreme will...

the extraordinary -

blasting the mundane from it's faint heart into ingots of exuberant ore ~

O'Sacred things that devour flame

to disgorge supernova           As tapestry.....

A garden of stars most hostile

to the ignorance of our darker thoughts -

The deep night gathered in the hollow of rainbows restrained by the clouds

Of a desperate mirror

One that reflects; to love better the Sun ~

but hasn't the Silver to shine.
Luke R E Webster Aug 2012
The lady,
She is wise,
But good god,
The lady is dozy.

She eats with her hands,
Her humour is bland,
Her laughter is canned,
Her emotion is ham.

Excuse me

The lady,
She is neat,
But my lord,
The woman's deadly.

She tends to ride side saddle,
Floats without a paddle,
She often will straddle
All that will addle.

But alas,

Though the lady has dangers,
Needs warning of strangers,
The lady has conquered,
The art of my heart.
A light hearted effort, with humour and love :)
Scip Nov 2010
I saw the silhouette of that entity,
I saw em walking with density,
I saw em brief but in long obscurity,
I saw a ghost amidst its none vivacity,
I saw em walking down the streets alone,
Unseen, discreet in perfect flows,
Like rivers touched won’t change to show,
No embrace just clouds and what he knows,
With dreary eyes in reverie features,
With mind distracted in dozy pictures,
In prison dimmed with wary strictures,
Resolving evils with vague infers,
And so I saw,
I saw the silhouette of that entity,
I saw him walking with density,
But in his shadow of his obscurity,
Amidst his non vivacity,

I saw more than I could’ve seen,
I saw where I am and where I’ve been
K Feb 11
The light hits my skin different
the sun would never
leave behind traces of love
I have yet to see the same artistic expression
during the day
This contrast
leaves blisters on my hands
Waking up under a spell
my feet hurt
Photographic memories of you
make love
to my soul  
Full of dreary absence
and dozy
my large tears brim
Let them fall
Zombee Sep 2014
"normally my Message,  
meant to be diCouraging:

urging you to reConsider
burning these Chemicals.

medical aWareness
is my
bearing of Courtesy.

burn it with the **** n Liquor...
...this is a Poison."

as a
potion  for a  Voiding  
all the
voices  in yer  Dozy  
Red  Dead  Rosie  
posie  of  a  Head.
"Red  Red  Rover."

..come to Join us.

"See that pack of  virginia killing sticks
on thee end of the piano?"


"All you need to know about life
is retained within those Four Walls."

"you will notice that
One of your personalities is
seduced by thee illusions of grandeur:
the Gold packet of Kings size
with a Regal insignia:  an
attractive implication toward
Glamour and Wealth:
a subtle suggestion that
cigarettes are indeed
your royal and loyal friends.

and That, pete,, is a Lie."

"your Other personality is trying to
draw your attention to
the Flip side of the discussion:
written in Boring, Bold,
black and white
is the statement that these
Neat little soldiers of death,
Are, in fact, **** you.

and That, pete,, is the Truth."

"Oh,,  beauty is a
beguiling call to death
and im addicted to
the Sweeeet Pitch of it's siren."

"That that Starts Sweet, ends bitter,
That which starts Bitter....ends Sweet."

-  RocknRolla  (Piano Scene)

we All  Fall  Down.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
The night had brought with it the hush of a thousand  homes, nestled in the raw

slumber of soft shadows -

moon cast,  in white mist and deep groves of impenetrable asymmetries...

a plume of thoughtful blobs in the shape of trees and dozy chimneys,

crowding the dark knolls

of some beautiful  assembly -

An unbearable Elysium, foam-joy and regal


the eye of our stillness ...

A luminous rush of glories and old plots of dead heavens

shimmering in the dialect

of mute jewels.

The Deep Night, plush and removed; swollen with the dizzy laws that govern such astonishing things -

An unmasked pavilion, stripped of horrors, laying naked in the ether

bejeweled in the common genius of the supreme will...

the extraordinary -

blasting the mundane from it's faint heart into ingots of exuberant ore ~

O'Sacred things that devour flame

to disgorge supernova           As tapestry.....

A garden of stars most hostile

to the ignorance of our darker thoughts -

The deep night gathered in the hollow of rainbows restrained by the clouds

Of a desperate mirror

One that reflects; to love better the Sun ~

but hasn't the Silver to shine.
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
Crumbling into dust abhorrent,
In a misery of self esteem in full denial,
Continually reviled in a revolution of nightmares,
Veiled under skylight cloaked in sapphire,
Moonlight taps the tree tops, leaving only pallid illuminations on display,
Revealed the missing link to secret lives,
Fireflies smart provoke an image of light coming out of darkness'shell,
Banners dropped grounded as resilience is lost, in some sort of ridiculous futility!

In a blazing fear of being hurt again,
Chaos runs through muddled brain,,
Pain departed, won't be restarted,
Rain of acid washed away past pain,
'Fess up it's there ain't it grand that someone cares,
With a heart so genuine and warm who blesses you with TLC.....
Maybe you are dozy, maybe you are not,
For you won't accept the mischievious feelings you have got!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Auto, bus, walking and sweating dermis,
somehow on time I reach my office.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

breakfast time, toast, butter and tea glass,
hurriedly I eat, unaware it may appear boorish and crass.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

lunch time, dosa containing rice, dal and yeast,
the way I eat can put to shame any wild beast.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

till evening, I am tired, drowsy and dozy
but I skip the plan to go outside to have some tea.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

My head aches, my eye burns
but I continue work amidst yawns.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

Just before lo-gout, I work with great pace,
with time I contest, compete and race.

work needs to be finished on time so a computer sits in-front of computer.
Olivia Kent Oct 2013
My World!

Welcome to my world.
My heart.
My brain.
'Tis a house of fun.
Where sunshine reigns.
Wind bubbles.
Grown children play.

So what do I do with my gift of life.
Have one lovely lover.
My heart him adores.
He too writes poems.
Scores and scores
Won't be his wife.
Never at least till the twelfth of never.
My precious time.
Hours upon hours spent at work.
Gee ****, mind numbing.
Probably makes me a ****.

When In my land of sanctuary.
My pen comes out to play.
Have an imagination.
Somewhat sublime.
Sublimate perhaps.
Very surreal.
Subsumed as poet.

Sometimes drift down Dante's way.
Poeish at times.
'Fraid God doesn't feature in my life.
Am spiritual, bit of a hippie chick.
The queen of love's emotions.
Enters my world as dozy notions.
Nothing else would I choose.
I paint pictures in oils and words.
The words are a little better.

Insular is my real world.
At work I'm so exuberant.
Indoors tranquil.
Give me pen.
Feed an me idea.
I will present.

As varied as the weather.
I am indeed.
Like my writings.
Feel free to read.
Now I open my world to you.
Come and seek my strange point of view.

By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Thought I'd give you an insight of me! Hope you enjoy it!
Mairie Rosina May 2016
A pomegranate on the tree has split, weeping
tears of blood to
ancient gods and stolen girls.
I wonder what Persephone thought when she devoured those six seeds.
Maiden of flowers
snatched from her mother’s twilit meadow,
become courtesan of Death.
They call me Queen here, Mother, I roll power about on my tongue - it is rich, luscious like black honey.
My garden grows jewel-like flowers, bruised blue roses - the colour of the sky when I saw Him.
I didn't want to hurt you, Mother,
so I return, bring spring in my wake, but your burning sunlight blinds me, I long for blue, for blood.
Even when I’m Above, with you,
in that dizzy, dozy daisy-strewn field, my roots run deep to Him.
pin Apr 2016
Its ok to suffer
I cant believe, the rain..followed me
It used to follow us
Parallel passengers watched the dozy spit roll down a cheek
Trees and trees, as if their existence had been a myth
Legs folded behind a seat
Monotonous sycamore, there is mothering pine, a city in contrast
I cant believe, the rain..followed me
It used to follow us
Olivia Kent Sep 2014
A Sunday is a dozy day,
Where teenage beds are filled,
lie ins til lunchtime again,
they'll tell you it's a day of rest,
Then they'll hop out of bed screaming for tea,
or maybe coffee if they're more like me.

Unless of course, the reader here is getting prepped to praise the Lord.
a day for all the good folk,
to relax in their own Gethsemane,
pulling up weeds, or planting seeds,
Repairing seasonal life,
just spent or sowing more,
true and anew,
Hoeing and furrowing,
All out for growing

There are no olive groves,
running through the gardens,
of the English lords and ladies,
It's much too cold at this time of year.
Nobody's spreading gospels,
nor penning epistles in the average British gardens.
The only words spoken are spread only by birds,
In a language, not understood by many.
While the mother of nature,
she strips the trees bare.
Oh well, another Sunday en route,
half a week to go and I just couldn't care.
(C) Livvi
Sorry guys, I'm bored witless, off work for 4 weeks, so far !
Julianna Eisner Apr 2014
Millennial stones trickling through continuums of space and time,
burying regressed evolutions and recycled tin can trauma
In lapse, I forgot about the sun and the moon
and chills on a pillow-y cloud,
the nested bunnies, cozy and dormant,
and discarded rotten tomatoes,
a bushel in a heap, as feed for desperate flies,
eating fruits of some other labour
On a chariot of rusted steel,
(that click clack chain)
I found a place and fell asleep under a shady willow
Awoke from ultra-violet sun sparkles
dancing through whispering leaves,
placing this right-hand in that right-hand that
smooths over tired brows and cups dozy dreamy eyes
Resting heavy heads on soft hearts,
gently rising and falling,
inhaling and exhaling breath that

      F                                                     a
                                 ­                                                 t               ­            S

like seeds of a cattail, dispersing and grounding
in perfect circle...
perpetual motion...
the only truth that is
Out from under the shaded canopy,
we race down to the beach and under the pier,
with splashy waves and guarding gulls
where we can laugh and dream in the
millennial stones trickling through continuums of space and time
Kody dibble Jul 2015
Like a wild-bush,
Frenzied on growing,
My empirical designation,
Of self-implosion
Falls like Berlin walls,
And Stalin statues,

I wonder if the night can see like me,
Or if the daunting blue figurines of my watch,
Dance like the dozy white flakes of a cold winter storm,

In the midsts of battle we learn decisiveness and impending insanity,

Summer heat brings showers of agony and glimpses of pleasure,

Like fleeing from some unearthed Hell we forged ourselves in,

The Earth she moans to the dark strands of nowhere,

"Please take me home." She cries
Hello welcome are you satisfied
Heavy lidded dozy diver I can feel how
much you tire
Your hands are shaking needlessly as you live life on a wire
Drugs sustain your anxious brain from
filling up with doubt
While your head caves in and your skin
wears thin all you crave is
brandon nagley Jul 2015
We shalt Noel ourn favorite aria
A chorale of valiant rendezvous,

Overcome by ourn setting sun
Enchanted by ourn moon,

Fixated and elevated, by flying bolide's in the empyrean
Statue's of us to be built, with ourn amour' as its coliseum,

Dozy by ourn ardor spree, worn out from long heartfelt night
Covering eachother with balm, mollified by ourn spice...

The birds to maketh their fly-by, the bugs to creep on foot
The sand beneathe ourn locked feet, touched by the soot....

Her head on mine chest, as this she Whisper's ( I loveth thee mine rey)

I whisper back (I loveth thee more, reina of mine heart's display)

As tis
The passer-byers witnessed two angels lost in the moment
Forgetting the world ever existed...

Looking into eachother's extraterrestrial pupil's!!!!!
Rey is king in Spanish and reina is queen in Spanish... So you know ():
Olivia Kent Nov 2013
The Nightmare.

On the slab in total innocence.
From on high it fell.
Rescued by care.

Tenderly in safety.
Protected and cosseted.
Dear sweet thing I think.

From on high she blared.
Mother screeched how much she cared.
As if the Red Baron attacked.
Wanted to ****** my eyes.

Flying in bombs.
Causing such fear.
Ran indoors.
Safe haven near!

Impact must have hit my head.
For in the night.
I got a poison visit.
Dispatched from my mind's eye.

Woke up in a dozy state.
Get inside super quick.
Fear set in.
Made me almost sick.

That bird.
That scary bird entered my head.
In my dreams in wants me dead.
Tried to get back in my home.
How the could I break free.
Don't let her ire get me.

Should have pushed the handle down.
Shoved the door to set me free.
The racket I made released my fear.
Safe and sound was really here.
Woke up in blind panic.
Fear was manic.

Woke up in my room.
Wrapped in sweat.
Really no more need to fret.Left that dream deep in the gloom.
Realised I hadn't left my room!

By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
This is a true story stemming from childhood.
I lived in Devon and a baby seagull had fallen out of it's nest.
My school friend and I decided to rescue it.
It's mother soon realised.
When ever she saw us she attacked us.
This obviously disturbed me so much that I had a dream.
I was desperate to escape from.
I woke up to find I had disturbed the entire family trying to escape from my bedroom.
Instead of pushing the door and putting the handle down I was pulling the door towards me and screaming.
A mega noise...LOL
scar Jun 2015
Beware the fuzzy rolligog
That smithers in the myre
(Confuse it not with golliwogs
In fuzzy blue attire)

Beware the rolligogan wrath
(They can breathe fire, you know)
Just feed them up on tigermoth
And bathe them in the snow

Beware the rolli appetite
Which consumes dozy trees
Where zigazots and clambermites
Weave pathways through the leaves

Beware the rolligogan song
There’s poison in its tune
As rolligogan night grows long
Prepare: they’re coming soon.
Olivia Kent Dec 2013
The morning entered gently.
Opened my eyes to breaking dawn.
Hopped in the shower.
Let another day for me be born.
A day at work.
Such fun.
Out to dance in morning sun!

I read some words some pleasantries.
Always do before I leave.
In my poem 'Obsession'
Stuck with pen.

I can be free.
Free to read his,He's free to read mine.
Because the gift of time allows me to read and write before work.
For me I am the crazy ****.
Have to read at least before descending into work.

Yes, I know I used the same word to end my line twice.
Lucky really, could be thrice!
Still too dozy.
Pretty unable to think enough.
As yet to change my words.
Still a little tired, but that's tough!
So let me leave with morning birds!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Morning has la la!
Gaye Sep 2015
Images ran wild, they boiled the water,
Like a train running off the track
They trickled down, metaphors poured out
The world, million voices, reverberated
Buzz-buzz-buzz, inside my head.
I was alone in that room
With panic attacks, lust and voices-
That slipped in through my half-window.
I broke the mirror, the brutal paparazzo
Who printed pictures of my many facades
I looked at him and grinned,
Clink-clink-clink they smiled once-
Dancing with wine glasses and alcoholics.
I walked, walked fast and twirled-
Like a tornado inside my cube
People spoke outside-life tales, notebooks,
Their late night phone calls and fine men.
The world didn’t bother to open the door,
Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock the clock yawned.
I sat on the floor and opened my pen,
It vomited blue letters on the yellow paper-
The customary dilemmas, past and blunders
But something was new, a story.
I looked for The English Patient, the nurse
And his burnt skin I misplaced
They did not appear, I lost hope.
Gur-Gur-Gur, I snorted like a mad cat
Misdirected to an old jute sack.
I climbed up to my bed, hid under the rotten-
Blanket and closed my eyes, the images ran,
Ran away from me, climbed the hardwood staircase
And fell down, I broke my knee.
I opened the books- USSR, Pasha, Buddhism,
Laughed loud like an unbalanced bloke,
Tore them apart into pieces and pieces,
Hush-Hush-Hush, my yellow monkey warned
And I played with him “hush-hush-hush”.
I sat next to my half-window
The pseudo city, dozy walls and the distressed-
Street light. Out of track.
Images flashed again- chewing gums, pink house,
The anonymous Christmas gift, malnutrition
And the hibiscus my mother planted,
“Incey Wincey Spider- Incey Wincey Spider”
I sang all day looping around a pole.
I sneaked down to the floor and dreamt
Eyes wide open, a black and white old film.
There was no exile, no god and his sins
No wafers and secret lessons upstairs.
Only the sea, popomatic, DD evenings
Cassettes and a rocking bamboo chair
Aw uck- aw uck- aw- uck , the seagulls squawked,
I slept.
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2015
( Sonnet )*

In the night we are twined shades,
Shadows on the wall, for dances,
The moon in deep groves of sky,
Sweeps us to the childhood land.

With eyes, lodged in beat of sand,
Sometimes we listen as shadows
Travel on green stems into flower
And all the petals and bulbs ring.

There is music in a night garden,
Lambs, dozy lost, counting notes
To fingers, rapt in skinned bodies.

In sleep never the stars outshine
What sparks we drive under lids,
Even shadows are leaved doors.
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2015
( Sonnet )*

In the night we are twined shades,
Shadows on the wall, for dances,
The moon in deep groves of sky,
Sweeps us to the childhood land.

With eyes, lodged in beat of sand,
Sometimes we listen as shadows
Travel on green stems into flower
And all the petals and bulbs ring.

There is music in a night garden,
Lambs, dozy lost, counting notes
To fingers, rapt in skinned bodies.

In sleep never the stars outshine
What sparks we drive under lids,
Even shadows are leaved doors.
Hakikur Rahman Oct 2021
Some people call me crazy,
Because I am a little bit lazy.
They cannot see me through, due to their eyes are hazy,
They only see what they feel, as they are somehow unpredictably dozy.
Ottar Apr 2013
I have a dream, oh sleep
A dream I have dreamed,
times many, and woken from.
There is a a song,  a softly orchestrated
piece, playing so I hear, neither near or far,
as I walk in a concrete world.

The grass is dry and the sun is high,
the wind gusts and blows sand in my eyes,
but I hear the music and walk that way,
hoping the direction is right, I pray.

Above me is the sun and a light blue sky,
the sun is hidden by elevated highways,
the traffic is high above, I know but I
cannot see a single car or truck or large transport,
The music that haunting music fills the air enough to
be heard to be carried, but not found.

I walk, and stop to listen,
but it does not help, yet I
walk, drawn in the direction,
which will give me relief,
one, from the sun and
two, find the music soon!

There are no homes in sight,
just when I think that one
comes into view, at the end
of a desolate cul-de-sac, the
only house anywhere I have seen.

I have wandered for hours or days
it seems.  The waves of mirage and
the salty sweat in my eyes, prove the
heat and meet me in my discomfort.

As I close in on the house, the faded white
is still bright in the reflected light of the
Sun.  The music grows in strength as I weaken
in resolve and become like the tumbling and
bending grass I see all around me.
Dehydrated enough to break.

The door is closed and windows, are cracked
but intact and the sound draws me to the house,
which I will not call a home, it seems to get louder
when I turn around to face, but still I doubt.
I walk around the place touching the pickets
on the fence as I go.

I get to the place in the fence with a broken gate and as I
open the gate cries out or I try climb over the
white picket fence, I AWAKE! Lifted from that dozy state.

I am no bard, as hard as that is to accept;
I to this date cannot hum or plunk the tune
on any instrument, I do not know from where
it came or to where it went.
It just haunts me, waking or drifting on a sleepy raft,
okay I'll stop
before I creep you out!
Olivia Kent Nov 2014
I am a lover unlike any other.
I am delighted to play with words every day.
Rarely does my pen make magic and it rarely speaks the real me.
I live, I love, in all ways imaginatively.
Put delicately with my funny pen.
My pen sometimes pokes eyes out, or I expire strapped to an old oak chair.
Sometimes my topics may rile and you think that I  don't care.
I write of love, I write of lust..sometimes mischievous erotica.
The real me's a little girl.
She's  hiding in my deep dark heart.
I'm giggly and very silly, daily turning tricks, not ****** tricks, but silly tricks while I'm playing with my dippy words.
I like nothing more than playing silly games, silly games with dozy syllables.
I live to write.
I write to live.
And so the games go on .
(c) Livvi
Mary Correia Jan 2016
Swirl of bitter smoke as smooth as a scent.
Richness, indulgence.
Why deny the body corporal pleasures?
What more is there to living
than cake, creamy coffee, scents, softness-
excessiveness in excess.
Finding meaning in knowing that
it's all Absurd.
When the pang of wanting arises,
do not deny. There are no rules.
Willpower will not follow you beyond the grave.

Brass bed posts, tainted and smoothed
by touch, casual grazes,
as the feet touch the cold floor,
the breath creaks out.
A wooden table, round and stained
that softly accepts the heavy mug.
That gives the fingers something
roughly smooth to touch
when there's nothing-
or when there's everything, it's all too much-
the sensory.
A window with an eroded sill.
Or better yet- a balcony.
A purple sky, the air humid and warm.
A chance to breathe.

Is it selfish? Is it how true life should be?
Lazy, gluttonous, pointless, boring.
Tell me I don't know what's good for me.

Sleep, wake,
bed, sheets soft and hugging
tugging on a duvet to cover from the
breeze- an open window with curtains dancing.
Is it time clocks or is it days and feelings?
11:30 is not too early for lunch because
lunch is when you're hungry.
My body calls for
blueberries, tobacco, dozy sleeps on and off for 3 hours,
dark chocolate squares to excite my tongue,
outdoors, fresh air, being naked in the day time.
A shirt with a joke on it that only you understand.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2
7:17am Sunday Feb 2, 2025

a phrase freely borrowed from
Thomas Jefferson, strikes the
face while being delivered by
first glinting, both  eye opening
thought and event, a duality
intersection of notions & sensations,

for the early start to a newborn
week, making one think; truly
think. accompanied by a softly
serenading concerto played piano,

young children
laughing wirh shrieking delight,
as they climb aboard their hazy
dozy parents’ wedding bed,
launching themselves with
rocket like force on stomachs
and groins, all groans & moans,
and in the solitude of his mind’s
quiet, he laughs as he ponders,
a concluding a single concept:

This, this, is the business of life
“making yourself what you are…”
a recovered memory stumble

— The End —