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S Bharat Feb 2020
The Conquerer

Plunged the sword
Into my heart,
"Conquered the world" he said,
"I left no part."

S. Bharat
Jo Fo Apr 2013
Yes I conquered these woods in the fall

Me wounded

Comrades falling by my side-Dying in my arms

Again and again we ****** ourselves against them like a wave against sand

Weaving through the trees

We ran out of bullets and had to use knives

Out numbered by a margin legends are made of

Being stabbed or shot always somewhere non-vital

Gasping but never crying at the pain

The dead leaves under us with their own sharp gasp

Then I was called to dinner

Throwing Pellet gun and Beer can grenades aside

I ran home


As a child I conquered these woods in the fall
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
On chain they did put me,
******* to the burglary protector,
handcuffed and battered.
Tortured and meant to be broken.
Poisoned but survived.
Marked for assassination,
and shot twice,
bullets flying around,
resilient and unflinching,
was ready to confront them.
Dead or alive I must choose one.
Must find a way out of this mess,
to escape was on my mind,
but how do I get out of here without
jeopardizing the lives of my family.
Courage summoned I revert to plan B,
the art of fighting without fighting.
Intelligence and wisdom must come into play.
Must outwit them to survive.
Cunning and craftiness must be used,
the uncanny ways of the spirit is amazing.
Become like water,
be flexible,
Yielding but still immovable.
Stealth in action but remain like the firefly.
Understanding their intent
and misdirected anger,
their aggression towards me was contained.
Tranquilized and overpowered,
their capture became imminent for
i am more than a conquerer,
for the greater one lives in me.
Today I stand here to testify of that victory against
the intruders and assassins with a grateful heart.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
How I escaped from the Kidnappers and assassins. Wounded but I survived.
I was always unafraid
To show my love
To admit it to the world
But I was always afraid of love
Of getting hurt
Not being loved in return
Afraid I'd always be searching
But I've settled now
And while I'm still fearless
About showing my love
I'm also unafraid to love
For I've found the one
And now I know
That love, while it may be scary
Is worth all that life
May try to harm me with
For love always conquers.
Sharina Saad May 2013
Romeo fought in a battlefield..
Won himself titles and golds
A standing ovation, applause and praises to Romeo ,
People bowed with great respect...
Walking proudly with his head held high...
ROMEO... Known to the world as a fighting HERO.

With one strong hand holding a sword..
And another arm hugging his trophy..
ROMEO was proudly declared as the conquerer of the world..

Countless of wars he won...
Thousands pieces of lands he conquered
Houses were burnt down
Women were captured, ***** and murdered..
Hundreds of children were made orphans
Families were torn apart...
Despite the talked about bravery and persona
Indeed ROMEO was a murderer ..
a blood thirsty serial killer....
So Romeo must die....

Once upon a time in history..
A great fierce man called ROMEO
Of all the battles he fought, he won..

One last battle he did lose
A piece of heart he failed to win
The heart of a woman he desired..
Imagine a disgrace of The world toughest man
Succumbed to His greatest weakness ,
Melted his cruel evil heart..
Begging for The love of his life...
A woman he truly loved ...
ROMEO ... A man she truly despised...
.. a total rejection what a shame..
Depressed... ROMEO lost the thirst to try...
I have produced tons of intimate letters; none of them are real. They are true in just an uncertain sense; they don't lie in the hands of any liberty. The whole of them; the utter, entire thoroughness! Sad, I know. Most of them are of no interest to anyone but my heart. My only heart. That sings in horrid uncertainty and unloved freedom. My love, my darling, the second half of my being - is lost, and will forever lay out there, astray. The very own flower of my being. My sin, my soul. The dearest letter of my sacrifice, inner thoughts, depth, and pleasure. It is my mistake, I know; my fault as it has always been, to be unable to desist from my loving feelings. I can't resist the eagerness I feel whenever I am close to him; when I can hear his thoughts, when I listen to his distant heartbeat. How I am addicted to, and obsessed with the sensation - the ****** warmth, and vibration when I catch his agile sight in my vicinity, in the polished blandness of my greedy solitude. O, how I feverishly long for more, as always! I who can't hinder myself from moving about in peculiarity - just to cast a glance at him, as bizarre a loving curiosity as it might possibly be! I who but feel forlorn when he is not around, when his pulses are unseen, hideously invisible, encroached by silence and chaos of the day - vicious but all of these to my sight! How undear! How I am unbelievably hungry for which, so ravenous as I am, it becomes no longer a singular desire to me. I am afraid I shall be accustomed to this singularity; what a simultaneous treachery that shall be trampled upon, and grossly abashed - with acute meticulousness and strands of powerful lamentation. I am so greedy about my destiny - for I believe utterly that he is the sole bird, and butterfly of my life! My butterfly, o guileless butterfly, who is as frail as a stem of lavender, scented as it was by nature's comely quietness, sickly it may be, in facing the relapse of its wrong and evil doings. He is my swan, his beautiful wings never relent although deeply wounded; he flies away from tragedy and blends swiftly into harmony. Tragic but true! As I may never be worthy of his love, he is the manifestation of my princely dream; he lives in the dreamland, the haven in which his stately princess resides; he belongs to her, and only her that is deserving of his affection. Like a desiccated lake, from its long sleep now awake, I will be the thirsty snow when spring comes to life, and greets the bashful moon aloft! I am the weeping window to all this solitude, I care for no life beneath; I dwell on the tedious edges of my prince's marriage. Frames of beauty, paints of greenness, and all those gracious perks of womanliness; all belong to his wife, and carved under her name. Not my name; awfully not, and shan't ever be. The stars sneer at it; the skies none but spurn it for its undesired but designated misfortune. Hurtful as it is but I pray that Heaven watch my steps! As to this I am but cursed and shied away from his love, o, in this drear I am like a lifeless tree when the roots are old and severed. My branches are tired and longing to embrace death; call for it so that it can come to lull them soon, from amongst the hills! I am one of its deadly shadows that makes fate even more haunting to myself! My remains afterwards are not missed by the angry earth - they are sullied so it despises my leaves, thorns, and bushes; thus my fruits will wither without proper notice; I am praising myself, with these words, to no avail! Defying my fate is indeed of no advantage! I will yell but at nothingness, I am dull and unspoken, my unfortunate thoughts are boldly sounded in the murky state of no astonishment. I am a haunting melody to a giddy song! I am not for anyone's possession, pathetic as I am; my soul can't help falling in someone's grace, in this wondrous breaths of hesitation! O but I detest it! This desire, this flame, and all their demonic flutes - those soulless songs! I can't help passionately and tenderly loving him; and his ecstatic features that nature has been so proud of! I who love him with all the might of my joy, as awkward as it might be, I long but for the rainbow in his eyes - the rainbow that duly reminds me, of how warm the sun used to be! O I love thee, I dearly love thee, my sweet, the prince of my soul! I love thee so gently, I love thee bluntly, frankly, and unconditionally. My love for thee is vivid, mortal, and pretty; I love thee graciously, I love thee gratefully, and so childishly! I love thee selfishly, but it is just because of my faith in thee, my generous, loyal faith! As I have professed utterly - I love a man but only thee, thee who rules my soul, whom I so awfully adore, needst, and care about. My kingst is thee, this I admit with all the power of constitution; strengths and weaknesses; and sincerity of my comeliest gratitude. Thou art the sole lad, master, and conquerer of my soul! The solidity of my being, poems of my tongue, and joyful veins of my blood; thou feedst my life, mind, and sanity! I love thee as how a woman loves a man; I love thee not as my guidance, no more! Therefore I shall choose thee, only thee, and as irrevocable as this love is to be, no matter how strong I restrain; I'd only love thee once again.
Addison René Jul 2014
you and me -
we were like a train wreck waiting to happen
like watching animal planet by yourself late at night
about a lion stalking young gazelle in the sahara
and trying to turn your head
when he goes in for the ****
but you can't
you always told me,
"hey, love is pain"
but this kind of pain hurt so bad
it felt good
i liked it when you ripped my heart out
so swiftly and remorselessly
i was your conquest,
and you,
my conquerer
the lines you  told me
the last day we spoke
i now have so religiously memorized
and i play on repeat
and over,
and over again
and ever since
i haven't wanted to wait for another train wreck to happen again
Hector Lemainski Feb 2017
When randomly hit with wind gusts
I unsuccessfully try to see my path
And no shadow of lucidity ignites in my mind;

What I might do besides shut them eyes
And budge? Therefore, there I am:
In a trice, all strayed.

'Twas only in the absence of light
That the Universe could conquer itself.
Whether the flame conducting thee perishes;
Don't abide there; 'Tis when to get farest.
Anderson Ritchie Jan 2012
A general and statesman,
reformer and conquerer,
summoned to the senate,
and hastily issued a petition
of which to bring back a senators
banished brother.

The Dictator Waves him off,
and Cimber grasps his shoulder,
“Ista quidem vis est!”1
Cascas dagger is drawn,
swiftly toward the neck it darts,
yet caesar nimbly catches such
“Casca you villain! What is this you do!?”
Casca fearing, cries “Adelphe, Boethei!”

Then like the wolves descending on
a lonely foe, they lunge and leap,
Brutus too…
Caesar at the sight of him,
averts his eyes and makes for the door,
unable to escape he falls upon the floor,
“Kai su, Teknon?”*3
The man who was harried,
crawled to the steps, and
saying nothing,
Caesar dies…

The Lower steps submerged in the
Emperors crimson blood,
the body cold, limp,
had at by the vultures,
armed with knives, and
stabbed times twenty-three.

The conspirators proud,
marched through the streets,
and announced to fear-struck
“People of Rome! We are once again free!”
Yet, no one came out…
for now.
until, Three hours passed,
and only then,
was the fallen mans lifeless,
corpse drenched in blood,
collected and cremated.
*1: Ista quidem… (latin) Meaning: Why, Violence this is!

*2 Adelphe Boethei…. (greek)  Meaning: Help, Brother!

*3 Kai su, Teknon….(greek) Meaning: You too, child?
It was raw
And I knew it
Had to be true
You said you loved me
And I believed
The pain
The agony
Our battle
The victory is always
Rewarded to Love.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
Because of you,
I can say what's
on my mind,
laugh at myself
and put a smile
on a sad face.
I do the
impossible things
with the
right mind set.
Because of you,
I became better.
Your inspiration
motivates and propels
me beyond the limits.
Because of you
I became a superman
doing all kinds of
amazing and supernatural
tremendously incredible
great things with
giant strides.  
Because of you
i can climb
all the hills
and mountains like
the Spiderman.
Because you are
by my side I
became more than
a conquerer.
Positivity became
my ally and
generates me to
a spiritual high.
Because of you,
I know everything
is working the
way they should.
And for that
my heart is so grateful.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
glass can Jan 2014
I forget that my brain does not do __ when it should do __ and I slip under the coat of choking mustard gas that ***** the moisture from my lungs and eyes. A mustard seed of effort, small and yellow, cracked with no seeming dreaming thing of an eye has fallen like Hansel's crumbs from my hand and is buried with all my ambitions and dead dogs in the cold ground.

I hope it grows a kingdom of heaven, but prayers are wasted when they come from the wonton--and wayward kin of sinners who lead false farces and bring gluttony to dinner. I waste and want and cannot speak the language of those around me while we all whine and dine and **** and cackle

oh god
trite *******
******* ******* ******* *******

I am not tired, I am bored, I am bored of lying and trying. Trying is the worst, and there is little reward for the cost of my dismemberment of ego.

Where is a pre-made empire for me when I need it? I should be handed down something, I cannot earn it on my own. I am a ruler, not a conquerer. I am a spectator, not an athlete. My narcissism cannot take the trying effort of building something of my own with feeble rewards and now I will die alone. Maybe. Maybe it's all hyperbolic.

I'm gonna say it. *******, I'll say it.
"**** it, how will I ever get out of this labyrinth?"
rusty shacks Apr 2013
Well if you need something
wet to dip your pen into, try this:

Well your tongue's sails may
swell and lose and fumble and
stumble numbly tonguing gums for
words still unfound as i flounder
in this bloating sea like the
drowned Phoenician sailor Phlebus
who said that:

is easily
the conquerer"
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2015
Walking away sometimes isn't moving on
Just like sometimes moving on isn't walking away
Breaking up isn't necessarily creating enmity
Though sometimes creating enmity involves breaking up
Desire isn't fire even if sometimes it does burn
Memories seldom totally fade away after it's done
We meet, but every Hello comes holding hands with her goodbye
The road which bound us'll separate us,no matter how hard we try
The package of our birth contains the towel of our death
And as we celebrate so shall we mourn
Every cradle cup has its grave etched on it
And it counts on like a clock, beat by beat
Till we are there, in the great beyond
A place where those who return never visit
Every dawn crawls along to meet her dusk
Like a bride to her groom as a wedding task
Today is here awaiting a conquerer's victory
For every moment shall someday be history
Traditionalists believe the sun matches around the Globe
Scientists say otherwise, they say what moves is the Globe
That's why as you hold my arms and softly kiss my lips
I kiss you hard till down your lips blood drips
So that when this sweet start someday marries its end
When this great fire dies out once we've stopped to fend
We will remember one thing,how passion glowed like Mars
Each time we meet,by just a glance at your scars
But till then, I'll keep hoping ours is as ageless as the sun
And as continuous as the boundless oceans and seas
As treasured as an Ancien king's first born son
Yet as strong as Diamonds, and fascinating like how the Eagle sees
I will keep hoping that even after forever you'll be mine
That ours is an endless poem, one that shall never witness a last line
Donall Dempsey Aug 2015
Her brother's

conquering all other


The moment held on a a string
before swinging to collision

like a cartoon

She cuts her chestnut
carefully in two.

The popped out conker
...her baby

in its greeny spiky

She talks to it.
Kisses it.

" a sleeep!"

Her brother's marble
a blue and cold world

propelled by a swift deft flick
of a bitten-to-the- quick thumb

the little blue world inches
relentlessly  towards

scattering all be-
-fore it:

when worlds

A solar system

He now
the conquerer of conquerers.

places her marble

gently in her other
spiky green pram

like she's rearing
an alien.

She's got two babies.
One a conker...the other a marble.

She takes good care
of both of them.

Worries about
their well being.

Loving them for what
...they are.

She watches the world
through the eye of the marble

a tiny blue universe
held in her palm.

Watching my little girl play with her conkers and marbles in a way different to her cousin( she always called him her `'brother" 'cos she always wanted one so she just made him one with words.

Conkers of course would be "buckeyes" in America. As kids we were bonkers about conkers even if all we did was collect them and have as stash of them. Put a fresh conker behind furniture or near windows to keep the spider population low!

Around Worcestershire it was known as ‘oblionker’ (****. obly-onker) and play was accompanied by such rhymes as ‘Obli, obli, onker, my first conker (conquer)’. The word oblionker apparently being a meaningless invention to rhyme with the word conquer, which has by degrees become applied to the nut itself.
Aqua Regia! Conquerer o' Kings,
A quick,flashing stab in the heart.
The dilapidated remains, crumbling,
Like fantasies of a tyrant destroyed.
Three parts will, and one part heart,
A magnificent creature shall be born.
A beast of gold,of silver arrayed,
In stacking blocks of haute couture.
It fears no strength,no power,
In all its nobility it advances.
Swatting aside mice and rulers alike,
It gushes forward with with stunning delight.
Aqua Regia! Champion o'the poor.
Creeps up like a woodland Robin,
With no need nor like for a hood.
The phantasm keeps it's friends close,
And enemies, closer yet.
Waiting for the clocks to align,
It splits into myriad ephemeral images.
One to destroy, one to save,
Another to watch over the kings and the knaves.
Aqua Regia! Thy magnificent beast,
With a bright light, it wanders yonder.
Skirting like a dandelion in the sky,
Across the vast expanse of ignorance.
Choosing not,the path of least resistance,
It grins at it's clever fabrications.
For it's place has been,and will be,
To remain a tyrannical,benevolent enigma.
Clifford Smith May 2017

Thank you for being a
Grandmot(her), and
Thank you for your
Hard labor,
Long suffering,
Understand­ing, and
No man understands what a
Mother goes through or the
Obstacles they take on in order to
Keep their sanity holding a
Fam(ily) together.
You are the true definition of a
Goddess and a true definition of a
You work hard day and night to
Make sure there's food on the
Table, a roof over our
Heads, and clothes on our
From the roots of your hair
To the soul of your feet, YOU ARE
Amazing, YOU ARE
Wonderful, YOU ARE
Everything that you were put on
Earth to be.
Your tears,
Your scars,
Your touch,
Your comfort,
Your love,
Your heart,
Your responsibility,
Your smile,
Your frown,
Symbolizes who YOU ARE.
Every breath,
Every step you take has been
For us.
That makes the world go round,
That stands in the midst of the storm,
That gives breath to all,
That stands strong when you're weak,
That never gives up,
My Mother,
Our Mother,
The Head and The Tail,
The Sun and The Moon,
The Caretaker,
The Conquerer,
The One,
The Only,

         HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

To all the loving mothers all over the world. Thank you!
HeWhoExplores Nov 2020
Oh queen! One of unjust passion
who leaves a gaping hole in my chest
With your two hands
One holding my beating heart
And the other a knife-
That rains down-
Down! From the heavens and impales with such sadness
With such ferocity, the damage is done
And with a single blow, the passion is over
Gone! As if never before seen again...
And in an instant, you destroy the living being that once loved you
Like Marc Anthony, a Roman conquerer
Whom to you was a lover, an overseas companion
Who captured your heart and womanly desires
Was just a mere mortal, in the end...
Undoubtedly imperfect for your ambitions
It pains one, oh dear Cleopatra
That our ways will more than likely
never cross again.
Christine Apr 2011
Acidic, buttery purple
Baby pink half-moons
Cleansecalm my aura

I shall be the conquerer and the conquered.
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
I came to a place to find you
I came to a place to love you
I came to a place to accept you

My pastor taught your Word
My pastor preached your message
My pastor spoke your revelation
When He spoke…I heard you

I then found you

I came before you in your presence
I came before you and worshipped your name

You healed me of my pain
You healed me of my distress
You healed me of my sicknesses

You’ve gotten me through the test

With you I conquered over Satan
With you I conquered over Evil
With you I conquered darkness in my mind
With you I conquered through it all
Now thanks to you I have a clear and sound mind

I became victorious
I became a conquerer
I became a winner

With a joyful and humble heart
I became a child of God
Written April 16, 2010
Tehreem Feb 2016
Darkness stirred in her soul
She moved between the realms
Her despair and longing
Grew louder and louder
The conquerer of her kingdom
The master of the conquests
On an another expidition
Occupied with his battles
Unaware of her despair
Invades a new dynasty
With rapidly fading hopes
Her ****** eyes awaits..
Matthew Hedden Apr 2019
Remind you; present soul
your embers hiding among ash.
Remind you; present feet
struggle to touch--
troubled with lonesome direction,
aimless in their grasp;
far from being graces' kiss.
Remind you; O sun
thy light a conquerer
reveal scars of existence.
Remind you; you
sleep not of tire, or escape,
rest as perfect reflection
and polish thy loves
to dull scars of existence.
Remind you; peace
like a dawn light folds
and ease thy fear.
Remind you; ancient wisdom
thy knowledge and fame
is as just its face
once your carrier is entombed.
Remind you; worlds
your's is just as doomed
as high love is fatal upon fall.
Remind you; words
as just comparison,
Renaming fear;
to truth.
And remind you; the road;
Thy road you are a spirit
of eternity.
L Seagull May 2016
Hey there boy, I have a message
Mommy sent the dove to deliver...
Said you were alone lately
Conquerer of the world, silly
Playing your games to forget
Do you?
Come let's bathe you in sacred waters
Permiate with sunlight
Your painful nature
Darkness always was and always will be
Like you shall always remain a human.
Come put your sorrows upon my lap
Let me stroke your fear
Hidden behind your ear
Your weary eyes your childlike smile...

The terror crutch is broken
Lend me your hand
I hope to see you walk.
Let's make the first step
I won't let go.

Demons under your pillow
Born yesterday they mustn't stay
Today is new to touch the fate
With faithfulness.

Sleep deeply darling,
Mommy won't leave
I will quietly stay by your side.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Thank you mom for teaching me to love!
JDK Jul 2014
He just broke the record!
History is smashed.
Progress is proven through his action.
The old conquerer is past.
Let's celebrate this brand new glory,
and love it while it lasts.
Add a new page to this story.
This one now is best.
We will anxiously await
for the next one to surpass him.
Every victory is great,
but no win is everlasting.
Tiffany Arnett Jun 2020
Life is full of incredible wonders.
Just when you prepare to lose hope,
Life gives you a reason to keep trying.
And a beautiful reason she is.

There is something exciting about a new friendship,
Especially one with many possibilities.
There is a thrill in the journey,
A reminder that lovers may meet at journey’s end.

Her name means victory,
But I already knew that she won by the fluttering of my heart.
Her dark hair flows with a gentle curl.
Her fair face is sparkled with freckles and moles,
A beautiful constellation I would happily trace with gentle fingers.
Her pale eyes intrigue and captivated me,
For they often seem to reflect between green and light blue.
Her touch is gentle and caring,
It always sends my heart into flutters.
Her expressions keep me enthralled,
And I would do anything to make her laugh and smile.

I find my thoughts always return to her.
I wonder how her hand would feel in my own.
I wonder how her hair would feel as I gently play with it.
I wonder how it would feel to cuddle close with her.

I want to place kisses on her forehead.
I want to learn everything about her.
I want to tell her how much I like her.
I want to hear her curse.

Life placed her in front of me to remind me the boys there are in life.
I should keep going.
Even if friends meet at journey’s end,
Her happiness is worth it.
"So do you still write?"
A close friend asked.
"Not so much, I haven't had anything to write"

She secretly wrote in black and white.
Typed, and edited her work.
But it was so unbearable to share,
She held all her present miseries she wanted left unsaid.

Even till this day they still stay in her secret place.
For those feeling and moments are hers alone  to keep,
And so many of them for her to burn.

She has been so broken,
That little girl inside of me.
She couldn't leap for joy no more,
Her worst burden was faking a smile.

The pages to her books, socked with tears.
And her passwords, changed every week.
She has been hiding this part of her from the rest of the world.
Avoiding her reflection,
But she couldn't do it for long.

Accidentally looking at that splintered ******* the mirror she had been avoiding all along,
she begun to speak;
"Okay, this has been going on for too long,
You are not broken,
You are not weak, you can go beyond the odds.
You are deserving,
How do you expect to keep helping others if you can't help yourself?
Wipe away your tears,
And put a smile on your face,
For you are surely the best,
The most amazing,
And the world needs you,
Be strong for them, and for yourself too.
You don't need a man to make you happy,
Neither to complete you.
You don't need comfort from nobody,
God is your comforter,
God is your love,
You are beautiful and wonderfully made.
God did not make you for this dismay.
He called you the light of the world,
It is time to arise, before your light goes up,
Stir up that gift before it is too late,
You are more than a conquerer,
So why do you cry?..."

She went on and on.
Though it at first felt so awkward,
She begun to feeling change;

The burdens on her shoulders melting.
The walls over her heart breaking.
She begun to see those tears drying,
Her voice a little more clear.
She begun to see that spark in her eyes.
She was breathing again.

And finally,
She saw her beautiful smile again.
And She knew that, that little powerless girl in her,
Had finally transformed to a woman.
And today she is writing again
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Ha! *** God? hahaha
You're a ****** 'god'!
a leech, a tick at best and
sure you've got a bright side
but those interlacing threads
that you so easily hid behind
prevented me from thinking and
from feeling and I'm sorry,
I wanted to like it, I wanted to, but
I'm thrown into oblivion
by this power differential and
I'm a suspended particulate
in space space space and
whether it's perceived or
imposed is rather irrelevant
and fully functioning as he
held me close and he
spoonfed me snow and
he planted sick saplings
between my ripe ribs and
he carefully twisted them
as they sprouted out
of my skin my skin and
somehow he was my...
my savior but
he suffocated me
with his kisses and
my neck was never long enough
to pull back from those lifesuckers
and my throat was always numb
from what he put inside me and
it's what keeps him happy
what makes him happy and
my lips would dance dance dance
around sharp shards the sharp shapes
of words but I would only chew on
cotton ***** cotton ***** and
they'd never fall but
my castle sure did
my keep sure crumbled
and he's a crippled
I was just
another thing
to have to him.
I was something to win
irinia Apr 2016
days revolve in circles and
transparent dilemmas: death and seduction
hours like sirens and full hearts
the conquerer is no winer with his reflexes drawn into eagerness
I saved some slopes into unknown
as they set the table for the unheard screaming
whose is the fierce desire?
what does the poor mind know about
the honest being?
what can your body do with his/hers/theirs?
dangers in the four corners
true love is the hardest thing
those days wouldn't let go of the centre
the full-emptiness of this desire:
give myself to me already devoured
hurt, shame, helplessnes

true love leaves you free
incomplete facing the heart
of darkness
Brianne Mar 2014
The first time I ever heard the words,
"I love you"
Come out of your mouth,
It was December and everything was frozen,
But I couldn't have felt warmer.

I meant it, laying down in the fried grass.
I meant it, trapped under a jungle gym during a rain storm.
I meant it, thumb wrestling in a sand box.
And I meant it every single time in between.

You were the fearless conquerer,
The knight in shining armour who fought for me,
Even when I didn't want to be fought for.
The boy who rescued me from myself when I needed it,
And showed me how to love myself when I didn't.

You were the boy who's hands travelled like a map,
Feeling out the curves and bumps in my body,
Carefully memorizing the empty caverns between my bones.

You were the boy who never left,
Even when I did.
The one who threatened to beat up my boyfriend because he was awful,
And who wasn't upset when I couldn't kiss him after the breakup.
You were my fierce protector,
The boy who would get lost with me but still be able to find our way home.

The last time I heard the words
"I love you"
Come out of your mouth,
It was three Decembers later,
And I had never felt colder.
forestfaith Jul 2018
Dear God,

People say you understand.
But I don't seem to understand.
How could a God like you, know me?
How could a God like you, knows how is it like to be human.
A human with sins.
How could you know, how I feel?
How could you know, how fear feels like?
How could you, still love me.
I wonder. I wander.
I just want to be brave.
I just want to feel a blazed.
I just want to feel like a warrior
Just want to feel the way you want me to be.
A conquerer, you said that I am a conquerer.
But I don't feel like I am.
But you know what, sometimes,
warriors could feel that way too.
Because we are humans too.
I hope you see this letter.
Which I have sent to you.
Even though it doesn't rhyme,
I hope you would love me still....

Love, my heart.
mike dm Nov 2017
yesterday i chose love
but then it swung.

the throat
of grided

i found

a view

it skipped
over waters which
merely glinted
at first,

but then i
out of
the corner
of my eye and

the water

in the harbor.
it carved

a kind of
geometry; i felt
short little
liquid daggers
stop these
hard eyes:

sea birds
glide and
dip along
air currents, making
and landing in the water
with this
grace that
was like
play; then they

would dive deep
to fish (?) i counted
46 seconds for one;
62 for another. i wondered
if they got anything,
or if they were just
trying to see how
far down
they could go..

the breeze
was cooled.
it felt so
right. and i
could feel - i mean -
actually ******* feel. and
the nuerons on
my mouth
spoke to
my head.

but then my
dropped and

retraced its
steps back
to the grids
of them,
the cut slab
of have.

ppl not
walking but
more like
falling on their
legs. feet rooting or
cutting deep into brick,
staring at thine
rectangle pocket entity,
efficient, dressed
in their conquerer’s best,
layered up,
shiny and
brand new. it was

as if
their father’s
sword had
undergone mitotic
division and
whetted the face to


i could
their fate.

it was
then that

i heard the
that will
eat me
call my
other name; the one
that i have long
shut-up in a box whose
label is unintelligible

i then
ate pizza
cheese and
for them
liza Jun 2018
they've got it all wrong,
I'm not really strong
I'm a survivor
but I don't get to be
the conquerer

they've got it all wrong,
when they only see me
holding on
My life is on the edge..

they think that falling
is what i fear most

I'd rather live, struggling
not to slip,
and hold on

than stop trying
and face the torture
of    not dying
if i
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Upon this Easter morning,
celebrate what it stands for;
Jesus rose up from the dead,
the Grave held Him no more.
The Devil watched the Tomb,
where Jesus' body was kept;
The first two nights he gloated,
sure of Jesus' death.
But when the third day came,
Satan knew Jesus arose;
He shook in utter terror,
from his head down to his toes.
Jesus was the Conquerer,
and Satan lost that day;
So please remember Easter,
and keep it in its' way.

— The End —