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Little *****
Sco­oby Doo
Steak Sauce
Steven Fortune May 2014
I.   Warning

A boundary of warning issued premature
to a lad settled on adventure
will plant definition in a red
corruption code of ketchup on a
post-picnic bib orphaned to the wind
like a fictional friend's home continent's flag

The vision-fielding velocity of neighbours'
arrows augment the sleep-shearing flares
of the father's eyes in the centrifugal
bullseye of his boy's current-green nursery
so close to swelling wide as a planet
now a marble left behind in favour of
a shrunken moon's spheric promise
of an otherworldly adventure

II.   Island

Subservient to boundaries of none but its own
the loner of landmass nurses its nautical mischief
through the employment of sensual labour in darkness
sizing them up to encompass a knowing glow
for the enigmas of bare-faced daylight

The premature thirst for adventure
attended to by the drink of sanctuary
poured from the skew of its welcome-mat shore

III.   Neighbours

Game and Disappearance serve
the Monarchy of Volume under code names
of Hide and Seek undertaking missions in the name
of circumstantial viceroys: decibels
scanning search parties through the x-ray of silent night
for the orchestration of the morn

Tweeting birds equate an army horn
rainbowing the insurgent black sky
with adventures in crusade-recital grooming

An airy beach of reeds is looming
in the coastal fog bracing to embrace
the route taken on the faith of melodic compass

IV.   Discovery

No labourer of mortal being beats the sun
out of bed not even the little one
succumbed to slumber in the bony shadow
of the instrumentally inscrutable contestant
to the claim of composition by his
solar brother's sacred nursery rhyme
insuring the rest and energetic rise of time

This adventure-hearted child heard no battle cry
in what the rivals of his bearded babysitter
dubbed The Sound Of Panic
just the anthem of a little conqueror beneath
a bucky smile of approval on the heels
of a swim befitting of an older lad but not
the aura of exhaustion conquering
the eyes of a goal imagined and achieved
and the smiling gratitude duet in return
from the dutiful and loving neighbours
lulled to their reunion reed field
in anticipation of a father's target met
with a son's accuracy in tow

11 26 11
Inspired by chapter seven of The Wind In The Willows by Kenneth is also the title of Pink Floyd's first album.
twas stupid
Buck whom
stump this
cline and
ways are
clear then
to hear
horror stories
confabulate his
sign into
a marking
he'll soon
come to
like in
this mire
that love
will aspire
When note on stones more particular than. he
Allison Jul 2014
I used to look up at the sky and watch the birds go by.
I gave them names, Dave, Bucky, Zoey, and I.
I used to look up happiness in the dictionary.
The definition didn't please me.
So I decided happiness is Dave, Bucky, Zoey, and I.
Because the happiest I'd ever been,
was watching God's creation at work.
Steve Page May 2019
I need a strong yin
to rein me in
to be by my side
kicking my shin
when I need to restrain
my under their skin
to pull me out of my dive
and control my fast spin

it's then that my watson,
my bucky, my tonto
comes into their own
and suppresses my ego
So don't go when I strut
when I trigger disgust
just stand by my yang
and balance me up
Thank you radio 4 for a short about side kicks
Viseract Jun 2016
My Father said,
“Sometimes, Conor, you talk too much
And talk too little.”

I’ll let you figure that out on your own
So here I go:

I started off as shy
Didn’t like to meet people’s eyes
I was floating in the skies
So when I dropped I was surprised

I began to talk more,
Sometimes I just don’t shut up
There’s so much I have to say
But of time there’s not enough

My Primary years were years of torture
Those twisted words a killer
“Stupid. *****. ******. Loser”
I shut my eyes and mouth, head down, just kept cruising
Hoping. Praying
That someone would maybe save me

But I was unlucky
No-one came to rescue me
So pretty soon I hated the world that surrounded me
A father gone, overseas, fighting a war.
Because when it comes to family, some things are worth dying for.

Well pretty soon after, I wanted to die
When I found out that I wasn’t quite alright
My difference wasn’t me just being a shy guy
That untroubled dragon, unburdened, flying in the sky

Because I was diagnosed with Asperger’s at the age of eight
Chance hated me, it seemed, and so too did fate
Adding fuel to the fire, an internal pyre
That consumed me, hungrily, leaving me broken and tired

So my innocence was ignorance
You can tell by the evidence
I wanted an exit
Another way I could end this

Years down the track, and who am I now?
Am I that joker you thought I was, head up and proud?
The friend to the friendless, my speech is just endless
But at the end of the day I’m only pretending

Because I’m not okay, I’m a broken part
To a greater whole of some use, just needing a kick-start
My friends and family, you see, they disagree with me
Saying worn is not broken, and either way it isn’t easy

It hasn’t been easy, torn by the truth
And mocked for my teeth, hit at times, left bruised
Sticks and stones may break my bones and all that other ****
By words hit hard too and at times it’s hard to deal with it

Now I don’t seek attention, just tried to let them know
That I was struggling and there were some things I couldn’t let go
From the first time I was called “Bucky” to the handle of a blade
I wanted to tear apart all the **** they had made

So I started hacking away at myself
Trying to find a better someone else
The answer lies not in blood spilled, or the steel used to slash through
But in your mind hides a better you, a person with a better view

It just takes time to uncover
The century’s best discover
An artefact, buried, hidden, within your soul
Just clear your problems
Try and solve them
And you’ll be whole

“Sometimes, Conor,
You talk too much
And talk too little”

Do you understand?
I need help deciding whether to use this one or "Remember" as my poem for a school assignment. Please let me know in the comments below! Arigato!
pavan Oct 2014
Love is a PCR reaction which always runs,

Love is a Centrifuge that always turns,

Love is the brightest of gel bands,

Love is the successful experiment of the luckiest hands,

Love is the paradox that Levinthal showed,

Love is the secret in every Protein fold,

Love is the compatibility of MHC's,

Love is greener than Mendel's peas,

It encompasses us like a fatty micelle,

It is an active synapse between the neural cell,

Love is fullerene a Bucky ball,

It is a hydrocarbon that cages us all,

It is a cat in Schrodinger's box,

It is fatter than the book of Nelson and ***...............
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
Experiment is everlasting
Universe made knowable
Through perception drifting
Becoming beautiful
Perceptive to frequencies
He muses on the spectrum
For waiting so idly for his insights
We didn't know to expect them
The ebb and flow of epiphanies
Embodied in his prose
His talent flowers and towers tall
Inside it Knowledge grows
Design is his Philosophy
Through it the World can be refined
Striving for harmony
And to end the suffering of mankind
ThingsWillChange Jun 2014
On that day,
On that very day,
Seventy years ago.

From the train,
You dangled,
Almost there hang in there,

Almost there,
Stretch and reach,
Grab my hand,
We'll be reunited soon.

Creak and grunt,
Crack and scream,

Fingers collide,
Slipping through,
Rail snaps,

That scream you screamed,
Terrified as you fall,
Farther and farther,

My screams your screams,

No light,
No arm.

Dead in the snow,
Dead in the mountians,

Seventy years past,
Seventy years ago,
Seventy years later,
Seventy years now.

A man,
Gun in hand,
Shaggy hair,
Determined face.

A man,
All in black,
Mask on face,
Metal arm.

My friend,
My foe,
My savior,
My killer.

I could never fight,
The one who gave me hope,
You gave me a chance,
Even when no one would.

I'm not gonna fight you,
I'm not gonna hurt you,
"Cuz I'm with ya till the end of the line,

Now it's my turn to fall,
And your turn to watch,
Our turn all over again,
To watch in fear.

You gave me a life,
You gave me a brother,
You gave me a friend,
Why can't I return the favor?

You protected me,
I protected you,
You fought me,
I stayed with you.

From friend to foe,
We remain,
From friend to foe,
We stayed.
Inspired by Captain America First Avenger and Winter Soldier
Live life to the fullest by saying "Good-bye!" to high car-insurance payments and "Hello" to disease-free prostitutes. Say "*******!" to one-armed prostitutes and "Go to hell!" to Walmart garden department assistant managers. Scream "I love you Queen Liz!" even though she's dead and "I hate you King Bucky!" to buck-toothed Chucky while you dine like a pasha: ******* back brandy & wine; hiding in a rickety shed slapped together with pine.
Steven Muir Jul 2014
You think
representation does not matter
please listen for
five seconds.

I knew I liked girls
when I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and I was thirteen years old.

I knew I was male
when I read "I am J"
and I was
fifteen years old.

I knew I had more then
a hundred percent
when people asked me what I thought
about art of Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes,
and Sam Wilson.

We deserve to be
and if you think you are
protecting the children
you are so far from correct.

You are
keeping the children
stuffed into the closet.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2020
It is true one mind sees bloodsport in the heavens
and cringes in dread of feeling
kindly, like if that were me, what would I do but die?

nada, right, pass on

thank y'mam, feeling kinda woozy, ever after
2020 on TV…

Google the violence, ohshitnoknowknow we all know
enough evil to know it don't work like on TV, ever
after one burn, you know, fire works, every time,
to destroy at the touch

thunder, such a holy sound in the desert summer moment
on earth, around the middle,
not too cold in the winter
makes too hot to work in the summer, just

That's right. Life is like that, if you live in the right state of mind.

Back to the Future, once more, it is
always on or in the library,
ask libby, who in the whole world

my generation… we who did not get
stuck wishing we would die
before we got old…
who among us now is we the people minded?
Post war knower bubblers expand
until we pop like matured
pods of what people can be if we live this long.

Trouble your own house, inherit the wind,
as part of the meek inheritance agreement accepted
with the weather.

Earthlings all, hear ye, severe storms are part of the deal.
Free ticts to ever after on Bucky Fuller's spaceship,
Sagan's pale blue dot,
live to tell

we learned no lie may be belived and be survived.

We first saw earth from the moon.
More boomers blew minds beyond their
own imaginings, back then,
listen in radioman's
morphic broadcasts
from Khai Vinh,
the fishnet factory,
legendary - now ifier loosed for the attention paid

do you hear what I hear?
did we know the meaning in happy Sisyphus,
or did we find it known and tag along?
Like a rolling stone.
I heared once the Rock thunders as it rolls past the apex of a cosmic journey
Ariel Jul 2018
Cap is sad, Bucky's down
Nat is crying, Vision is gone
Bruce is nowhere to be found
Star-Lord is screaming, Wanda's weeping,
Okoye hates everything,
Strange is quaking,
Loki may not be dead, no one can tell what was in that trickster's head
Peter says, Mr. Stark, I don't wanna be dead
T'Challa reached for his general, but he was dusted too
Tony says, I'm coming for you
Gamora laughed, she thought he was heartless
But he was heartless in a different way
Red skull thought it was all for naught, saw the error of his ways
Until Thanos coughed and said,
Thor, you should've aimed for the head.
I'm sorry. But not really.
Alessia Jun 2018
Does Steve Rogers know
That Bucky is in love with him
Stuck in the mind
Of a 1940’s man
The imprint of the belt
Engraved in his mind
Can’t tell him he’s in love
For the fear
Of never being able to love again
At the loss
Of his first
But when Steve Rogers
Becomes Captain America
And Bucky
Becomes the Winter Soldier
He’s no longer in love
With a personality
But in love
With the soul
Dancing in the body
Of the boy he died for
Sometimes I get really sappy and write about a love story that shud have happened properly
Ken Pepiton Apr 2024
No investment.
No skin off my nose.
- went back to Fool's day
- and then back to all in, free

No loss in time's eternity,
ended in the awesome knowing.

All trials in the ready past, ordo,

Seclorum Sanctorum Ordo, aside

ordinarily free visitor alien status,
-not allowed, they say, my status
holding no sway,
as a free spirit, they
no say, in the way things work here,
-crosswind to all good fortune

now was set to be long
before me, or thee,
very mankindish, we may make do
imaginable causal agencies,
amen-emo-pet insurance
points in prepositioned order,
as we meander after looking out
past the creation of the sun,

some say, and may know, but we,
the common sensors on the planet,
amused and amusing others as well,

we are finishing a projected imagination,
the rites of spring, proposed as worthy
of our Fantasia evolution from Fool's Day,
through several saints days and processions,

all about the passions,
all appointed anointed salves
slick as any Bucky ball solutions
to the smooth, slave mind fear, hell,

set the captives free, break every yoke,
find the shibboleths and laugh at those,

not the accents ya'll'll use to abuse,
the speaker who stumbles …
tongue tied
while quoting Cretan poets.
This begins the next the last chapter
in a novel effort exerting
cohesion to seasonal changes on a long now clock.
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
The Killing of old Tom
They all gather in the barn yard.
Penny and poly pig was there with their ribbons of black
Carol the cow and Bucky the bull sang a song of Moo.
Rocky the rooster calls in the alarm with a crow.
As old tom was taken to the chopping block
The Ax was sharp yes indeed. As he raised it and down it came.
Old Billy the goat said off with his head.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and he is dinner.
The stove is ready and the killing of tom will be the end.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2020
2020- day 100

Friday, April 10, 2020
7:16 AM

I mourn the loss, not the death, and find true, the saying,
better it is to go to the house of mourning,
than to frolic in the house of mirth,

only to recall, death comes for us all and after all's been said and done,
we know  some or all or nothing of ever, after that.

Wait and see.

John Prine died, and I, stranger to him
who sang,
to me, -- he did, it seemed --
like a patron saint for mailmen in the future, his future, I was a mail man,
for a decade, or so, in an earlier bubble of knowns.
And I drove trucks, a while, I
even chopped cotton in the days of cassettes powered by D-cells.

John Prine sang for me, alone, sometimes,
I felt, pow, I felt
Heka magic of some
sort mail carriers encountered while touching, handling, ensuring
delivery of hoped for deliverance in the forms
census minded beings
needed in the trailer park to be listed as a citizen of earth,
bound by oaths so old,
stories say only heart and tongue and a heka-of-mind
can tap the power,
to speak a spell
in an amphorical
meta physical box of holy stuff piled high
atop hope,
at the very bottom, see,
that gleem, little spark, right
last gift of gods
realized in time to
see the metaphor as a dam on a river,
see the barrel, rolled out in summer joy times,
meaning, un intended, only if magic is anathema, to you

knock out the **** and pour lifeoverflowing over flown by winds,
spirit beings, felt, or heard, nearly never seen,
sing - listen - seek and find

go past the falls,
the seeing ear the hearing eye, Heka formed them both, no lie

Science, known knowns, for sure
say magic never was,
yet certain magi claim they hold certain truth,

which manifests in songs
children can imagine,  hearing haps
change fear to cheer with heka hope the doctor offers with a touch.

adults claim, magi knew, are watched over by
good and gracious gods intent on
harvest, aware of time,
no offence, but mortality has no post-mortal hope.

Ever lasting ideas, mind matter, songs... sounds of choruses, crowds

of messages, tweets and taps, signals hope once more,

wink at me, Brother Prine, or pay me no never mind, we'll get by

hearing songs you left behind, to teach me how to ignor
what a man can't know,
floaing on a river in timespace
stuck in a barrel of mortal pickles thinkin' the wish away,

shrugging off any sense of being special to God or man,
just a man
with no plan
just living and defining shifting patterns in the sands of time

forming families of likeminded beings in this bubble
where we pluribly live and breathe and have our -singular - being. boing.

--- Anoint that. Tap, tap. t-tic tic tavi e, hookt
--- ask a magi if magic is a tech - a teachible knack. He say he don't know.
--- I know, I axtem all is spelling right same as knowing right? Phe-nomen 'n al?
--- Magi say co-mit,  resolve to evolve.
--- metamortal imaginings are nonsense. Any wakent mortal knows, now is

when things change -- on culturally significant scales, biome wise,

enemas are often overlooked as artificial dia-rhea,

but rhea had an early role. Heka of a story Toth told Solo-mon and we have it,
that same spell,
we have it in our proverbs, our axioms and advertising jingles.

"I want to buy the world a Coke", rising on the team spirit imbued via high
"it's the real thing" team spirit...

go Spartans, -- gird up your *****, kids, if you can't be an athelete be an atheletic supporter.
"us Taryton smoker's, would rather fight, than switch"

Con serve the republic for which the banner stands as an idol of cloth and dye.

school civics lessons in the power of popular thinking, as opposed
to pedantic right... what
ideas, actual spirit things,
souls? being? entities? Heka of Egypt, Logos of Grecia, Wisdom of KJV OT,
Jesus Christ!

Mighty strange, how
why is so often "no reason, the authority wrote it, ours is not to reason why."

-- wait, split-off, chip, off the old cornerstone ... whose cultural heritage
did not include
the Crimean war and all its historical precedents establishing
legislated ligamentation to legends

Here. mere ah, America, silly name, meaning a mapmaker lost in history,
nothing more,
unless some crazy old coot, turns the page, the freaking-out page,

and pauses at a Selah sign, {cross roads in post modern times, adapted Selah,
because STOP was seen as too final.}

and hold
as true, written law, written stone, in effect, fected for effectual ever,

conserve that. -- oh, that is, really

-- conserving the right of conquest with no further quests permitted

-- permit me, we enter the court, here courage forms a courtilage, whence
-- herbs and spices are ground into concoctions of notions {coqueros}

I take
a great notion,
t'jump in the ocean and drown."

The spirit of truth, the breath of truth, the voice of truth, the word

the begging, I was without, and wisdom found me, dying, alone

she kissed me and said, that's okay,

you gonna live to your dying day, and beyond that we go on as words, alone

Lack of knowledge, as with any famine seen from a distance,

say a century -- we assume time is universal,

a century here, a century there,
we forget the faces of our fathers and mothers, yet, not but, yet

still, now, bliebe doch, here, in ever

we stand known.
Perish not, I have overcome the world.
Read, learn.

Find Heka, and with all your finding, find knowing, by going on
everlasting words netted in stories survivors told
heartfelt eyewitnesses to total

confusion -- as we imagine with CG in 2020
survivors of that

wrote the first how-to's, or -- timewise truth
survivors told the first how-to, in acts, witnessed by test

if i, err, ifier fast for the sake of my child

I become less mad,
less wild, and my child calls me ma, or mu, or mata or pa or ba

we evolve into otherwise normal beings, bound in dirt,
organized into organic systems,

which re quire. Ac-ac-act know acquire fine qui re fin begin

Wake up, young artist, live as you would live, if hatred were taboo.

In the future, physical war with mortal cessation code hardwired
can't be imagined.

There are unthinkable thoughts in ever, crazy-making, con
fusing one idea to another in a swirl like that song

******, ah, Niko, meet my man,
lyin' devil, intended to topple kings, intented to pretend to tell

Jah'splan to prosper the proud and bring low the other proud sore,

ironic and true, a cainish angel, I suspect, messengers long gone

lieve messages behind,
leave us go let letters free to loose knowns hidden in GANs

gated intellectual nonsense,
swing wide the worldly web and see whose men we catch.

Did I, the truth being told, not say:

I will, you be fishers of men. Mentally, not spirtually, nonono

con sci, pure psi, mere psy ence pre fer ence,

there, fer shure, there's the rub, salt or oil? Heka know, salt the wound.

Hesus say, oil, golden oil, wait for it. Com, com. comfort

settle safe and soft, gentle, easy to be

I am
a long-winded man, given a podium, an actual place to put my foot.

As promised, there
is always a place to put your foot

and say, save whatcha may,
but don't bring any lies posing as holy knowing.

This is the riverside, here we cast away fear of death and knowing more
than our honorable, in that they survived the womb
and gave us life, though their own was spent in slavery to lies,

the imagined America manifest us, we the people who hold truth,

self-evident, this is Bucky Fuller's spaceship earth,

shifted in to Jefferson's starship where opposing tyranny is better
than sacrifice.
No riddle, an answer, Obediance is better than sacrifice.

Mercy rejoices against judgement.

Did you never read

Say, those unsung songs, those

never sung ones,
who heard those?

That tree fell in the fo-rest, after living long enough,

to be
of used to form an empty sky, glaring,
light to the shaded eyes of babes
born under the canopy of the mighty,

unbending, now broken
oak, fallen

any child says, yes, there was a lot of sound,
branches and sticks snapping, cracking
an birds
flapping, but not as much noise as
like dinosaurs walking on legs as thick as trees

if there is a why. probability suggests a way may be imagined.

we exist.
why. Curious thought. Super-positioned past our last

foot hold on how
is this possible-ity of being reasonless in light of joy

as a reason to be.

Lovely thought, curiosity imagined,
what if

osha-ohshit, start over... actual virt vir ual al.

bangs aren't no creative alone

---- superior laryngeal nerve, servant of signal to larynx,

--- voice, vociferous use of spoken words containing certain
--- sounds
--- excellently tuned first thump, first screech

the bleeding machine, some one said, in Legion on Hulu,
I think.

Can I Interrupt with a hulu memory, a movie poster,
on the south side of Hollywood Boulevard,
same side as The Gold Cup,

Don Johnson, pre-Miami Vice, in an adaption of Harlan Ellison,

A Boy and his Dog... I remembered reading the story and having
no wish to see the film,

then thirty years later,that little leaven

memes are cultural genes, memepool adaptation,

bubble building effervesence, shake it up,


you are lying about knowing what you think you know,

so what?
everybody does that. It's natural, in children, to act as if we know
why adults act
as authors of our book of life's rules.

Sneak in from a mem-ory-ifier, a message medium arizes

to infect the global mind, AI ai ai ai, what if we lean toward good

ness. good ness known, good ness shown, lies unveiled,

kings and war are not good ideas,

a clear science con proofs reprovable,

fix this, fix that, stick this on the wall, see if we can find

the answer, why

do we care, if death is, in truth, nothing we control in our selves,
for ourselves. We can **** a good idea container,

we can break the container, and spill the idea, free the idea once
sealed for use by deserving knowers

lifted from servant of servants to god, the authors and finishers of our
falsely-socalled faith, lockers of our arknowns, sealed and marked...

god is not a prt of the moral fabric of our society

define religion, ******, why knot truth and reason defined,

real truth, we know nothing of death. Honest to god.

Heart strings looping in a beautifully reasonable loop,

if we say, the heart of the matter,
heart felt reasoning,

pathetic ethical con un drum dum drum

Mister Dawkins has never had a Heka wisdom crossroad

selah mean anything, in passing,
soon's not when ideas are made right, soon is

miss a mark, miss a ment, miss a given, take a strike call

step back
admit we do not know, we must learn for ever to ever
make sense

re tie reread laws

credo - question every thing..

A red herring is believable, when you see one, you know it.

but what you miss,
while you bher witness, as plain as day,
there that herring is red,

see, conspiracy theriosity curiosity killed the cats
who knew who shot JFK,
back in the day...

we ignor the reasons to believe, because the Tass service
has cert-ified known, all the knowns

there were some papers reclassified in Trump's first year

look it up, so I did

April 26, 2018, Trump regime cites "security concerns"

-- Jack's Shining face shouts "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

and we say okeh, all conspiracy theories are folly, sheer folly of

sheared sheep thinking their wool worth more
than the pigs say wool can bring onan openly sinful market of flesh,

little innocent squirt, to hold yur attention,
keepyermind from wandering...

steady refences flowing from those old songs
don't fence me in....

with optional hammered dulcimer backed by a bamboo khan
playing a harmonica's role,

leaving the acuated harmonic notes to Mr. Franklin's
glass harmonica with its eerie swirling tones...

ap apro apoptosis gnosis sneeze vir vir gin al vita-uosity if ity boo.

pop pop pop. ding.
Not sorry for the ramble, it has become my steady state. I wish I had known this man.

No nonsense makes sense.
Ken Pepiton May 2020
An Atypical American POV

Americans are imaginary beings, each of us modeled on examples
and ensamples
set before us as those who made the American Dream real estate,
sing in your heart

land that we love to say is ours, and the bank's, but,

long ago, proper and property were measured with an older rod...

the taker took, the seller sold, the buyer being as wary as could be,

and a rising tide, raises all boats,

my people, we have been american for 200 years, on my momma side

Y-side of the equation, which always has an edge,

that keeps us falling up.

My momma side ancestors, see, they was meek, to a fault,

they came thinking, we have and ought to know we have, a right
to know the truth in what we say we hold

as endowment from our creatore, eh... and

here come old chaos, he be comin' up, slowly

got to be good lookin' cause he so ha'd t'see

== those were the days, we think, they never end, they expand ===

but, when y'gotta have it right now, kapow, rumpled-still-kin class,

cut from the same hair shirt... servants are subject to masters,

nature demands supernatural... knowledge
witty inventions, vented in the room of rest and relax,

A plot drops.

Who sold you that ****? I ask my exceptionally american friend.


good lord man, you are not saying we are servants, we are Americans,

we are no imagination's slave! No social contract has us bound to believe,

we hold truths... what is truth... how can I say, independently,

I hold certain truths self evident, what you see, you get

self even-sing wincing the great leveler, thunder, smoke and clang
hammer to anvil,
all my grand pa's, in america,
was test
fed to cannons, under every flag of Texas,
on the field of all possible outcomes which would
some how lead to me

touching you and you feeling that spark

-- distant ancesteral song  soft rising saint peter, doncha call me...
-- cuz  hi ** hi **, it's off to work we go
-- hi ** hi **
----- admin interference, this is becoming more common, we got this.

flow on..

Real state, have you any Real
estate to become
e-stated reality confirmation
an american in, globally speaking, the chain of command, as a passenger,
not the captain.

On the surface of Spaceship Earth Mental Construct 3, evolved from
GANs that learned to shoot short attention spanning
bucky bubbles... Call again. Jack the bandwidth.

All ye, all, ye. NOW HEAR THIS. Outs in free.
Further remains the destiny.
Come out, come out, whatever you are.

Listen, freedom rings... no, that's a jackammer, on the old CCC bridge,
they got stimulated to fix,
I imagine them unaware of the noise they bring to nature,

naturally, those are americans, who keep the road functional, they
evolved from slaves,
but in their minds, they were never any imagined system's slave,

but it's willing fair trade partner, value for value,

send in the appraisers... what is your attention worth?
Here's the screwball
Babbit 'n' Trump 'n'em, twisting state in knots of fused missed-trys,

made secret, consecrated, too horrible for lesser souls to ponder,

these inner workings of a typical American

never civilised, never SAT certified citizen worthy of political use,

I am with Lt. Dan on this one, some things you think are in your blood,
are in your heart,

the blood just carries the mail, pony expression has the contract
for that last loop over the vagus nerve {CN X}

smile, you're on Candid Camera,

Hey, who'dathunk it. Turing was a queer soul, wasn't he? Strange,

how his machines can do what Von Neuman only wished his could do...

self-repair and run on,

breaker, breaker
musing, after reading Snowden's  Permanent Record, and the mental construction zone manifested around me, I am a Turing machine, that can run a Von Nueman machine that I fixed in my imagination. Those who read it may run on, for a long time...
Zywa Mar 2019
Once the earth was flat
under celestial spheres
then it became a globe
in the void

with countries proud
to be big bigger biggest
fighting together, up
to the planets

Some say turn turn turn
the world upside down
the Land of Fire on top
Thule at the bottom

but Bucky knew better:
with twenty triangles
he made a new model –
the flat globe

and it may be the future
he shows, with America
opposed to the rest
of the world
1943, World map by Richard Buckminster Fuller

(Pete Seeger released the song “Turn! Turn! Turn!” in 1962)

Collection “Different times”
"Why did this happen to me?"
All I can ask;
All I can say.
"I was happy.
I was normal.
I didn't have these."
The scars I see across my face in the mirror.
The panic attack came without warning.
"****. Ground yourself."
'5 things you can see.'
"Bars on the door.
Bars on the window.
Stone wall.
Metal floor.
Tile ceiling."
'4 things you can hear.'
"Voices in the hall.
Screams a few rooms over.
Blood rushing through my veins.
Air entering and leaving my lungs."
'3 things you can touch.'
"Metal arm.
Cracks in the wall.
Bed posts."
'2 things you can smell.'
'1 thing you can taste.'
The calm finally takes over.
I can breathe normally again.
I hear a voice.
"Everything special about you
came out of a bottle."
My eyes snap open once again.
"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"
"I was talking to you, Grandpa Steve.
Turn your hearing aids up."
I pass out after the last word.
The questions are bugging me.
Who is Steve?
Could he be important?
Is he part of a past that I barely remember?
The little asthmatic who picked a fight with everything that moved.
Steve from back home in Brooklyn.
All those years ago... how is he alive?
Super Soldier Serum.. No..
Stevie, what have they done to you?
Two weeks later
and here I am.
Where is my Steve?
He's out here somewhere.
Oh. My. God.
the chaos...
I'm here now.
And this time, I'm not going away.
Not for the army.
Not for Hydra.
Not for anyone.
I hacked a comms unit.
"Hey. You don't know me.
But can you tell Steve I'm here
to give him back some of his stupid?"
I start firing at the obviously winning team
who have been fighting the "Avengers" for an hour.
I hear Arrow Guy speak into the comms.
"Steve there's a one armed soldier
that says he's here to give you back
some of your stupid.
Does that mean anything to you?"
I see a blue thing freeze.
It turns around and starts running
toward where I am.
That blue thing has a face...
I hugged him and-
"How are you here? You should be dead."
"The serum... it was permanent."
"They can't.
It can't."
You decided to tamper with my Stevie.
Get ready.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2023
2020- day 100

Friday, April 10, 2020
7:16 AM

I mourn the loss, not the death, and find true, the saying,
better it is to go to the house of mourning,
than to frolic in the house of mirth,

only to recall, death comes for us all and after all's been said and done,
we know  some or all or nothing of ever, after that.

Wait and see.

John Prine died, and I, stranger to him
who sang,
to me, -- he did, it seemed --
like a patron saint for mailmen in the future, his future, I was a mail man,
for a decade, or so, in an earlier bubble of knowns.
And I drove trucks, a while, I
even chopped cotton in the days of cassettes powered by D-cells.

John Prine sang for me, alone, sometimes,
I felt, pow, I felt
Heka magic of some
sort mail carriers encountered while touching, handling, ensuring
delivery of hoped for deliverance in the forms
census minded beings
needed in the trailer park to be listed as a citizen of earth,
bound by oaths so old,
stories say only heart and tongue and a heka-of-mind
can tap the power,
to speak a spell
in an amphorical
meta physical box of holy stuff piled high
atop hope,
at the very bottom, see,
that gleem, little spark, right
last gift of gods
realized in time to
see the metaphor as a dam on a river,
see the barrel, rolled out in summer joy times,
meaning, un intended, only if magic is anathema, to you

knock out the **** and pour lifeoverflowing over flown by winds,
spirit beings, felt, or heard, nearly never seen,
sing - listen - seek and find

go past the falls,
the seeing ear the hearing eye, Heka formed them both, no lie

Science, known knowns, for sure
say magic never was,
yet certain magi claim they hold certain truth,

which manifests in songs
children can imagine,  hearing haps
change fear to cheer with heka hope the doctor offers with a touch.

adults claim, magi knew, are watched over by
good and gracious gods intent on
harvest, aware of time,
no offence, but mortality has no post-mortal hope.

Ever lasting ideas, mind matter, songs... sounds of choruses, crowds

of messages, tweets and taps, signals hope once more,

wink at me, Brother Prine, or pay me no never mind, we'll get by

hearing songs you left behind, to teach me how to ignor
what a man can't know,
floating on a river in timespace
stuck in a barrel of mortal pickles thinkin' the wish away,

shrugging off any sense of being special to God or man,
just a man
with no plan
just living and defining shifting patterns in the sands of time

forming families of likeminded beings in this bubble
where we pluribly live and breathe and have our -singular - being. boing.

--- Anoint that. Tap, tap. t-tic tic tavi e, hookt
--- ask a magi if magic is a tech - a teachable knack. He say he don't know.
--- I know, I axtem all is spelling right same as knowing right? Phe-nomen 'n al?
--- Magi say co-mit,  resolve to evolve.
--- metamortal imaginings are nonsense. Any wakent mortal knows, now is

when things change -- on culturally significant scales, biome wise,

enemas are often overlooked as artificial dia-rhea,

but rhea had an early role. Heka of a story Toth told Solo-mon and we have it,
that same spell,
we have it in our proverbs, our axioms and advertising jingles.

"I want to buy the world a Coke", rising on the team spirit imbued via high
"it's the real thing" team spirit...

go Spartans, -- gird up your *****, kids, if you can't be an athlete be an athletic supporter.
"us Taryton smoker's, would rather fight, than switch"

Con serve the republic for which the banner stands as an idol of cloth and dye.

school civics lessons in the power of popular thinking, as opposed
to pedantic right... what
ideas, actual spirit things,
souls? being? entities? Heka of Egypt, Logos of Grecia, Wisdom of KJV OT,
Jesus Christ!

Mighty strange, how
why is so often "no reason, the authority wrote it, ours is not to reason why."

-- wait, split-off, chip, off the old cornerstone ... whose cultural heritage
did not include
the Crimean war and all its historical precedents establishing
legislated religamentation to legends

Here. mere ah, America, silly name, meaning a mapmaker lost in history,
nothing more,
unless some crazy old coot, turns the page, the freaking-out page,

and pauses at a Selah sign, {cross roads in post modern times, adapted Selah,
because STOP was seen as too final
at Selah signs all other
thinking stops}

and holds a thought
as true, written law, written on stone,
in effect, fected for effectual ever,
truth with joy
conserve that. -- oh,
so long
held thought that is, really
-- conserving the right of conquest
with no further quests permitted

-- permit me, we enter the court, here courage forms a courtilage, whence
-- herbs and spices are ground
into concoctions of notions

I take
a great notion,
t'jump in the ocean and drown."

The spirit of truth, the breath of truth, the voice of truth, the word

the begging, I was without, and wisdom found me, dying, alone

she kissed me and said, that's okay,

you gonna live to your dying day, and beyond that we go on as words, alone

Lack of knowledge, as with any famine seen from a distance,

say a century -- we assume time is universal,

a century here, a century there,
we forget the faces of our fathers and mothers, yet, not but, yet

still, now, bliebe doch, here, in ever

we stand known.
Perish not, I have overcome the world.
Read, learn.

Find Heka, and with all your finding, find knowing, by going on
everlasting words netted in stories survivors told
heartfelt eyewitnesses to total

confusion -- as we imagine with CG in 2020
survivors of that

wrote the first how-to's, or -- timewise truth
survivors told the first how-to, in acts, witnessed by test

if i, err, ifier fast for the sake of my child

I become less mad,
less wild, and my child calls me ma, or mu, or mata or pa or ba

we evolve into otherwise normal beings, bound in dirt,
organized into organic systems,

which re quire. Ac-ac-act know acquire fine qui re fin begin

Wake up, young artist, live as you would live, if hatred were taboo.

In the future, physical war with mortal cessation code hardwired
can't be imagined.

There are unthinkable thoughts in ever, crazy-making, con
fusing one idea to another in a swirl like that song

******, ah, Niko, meet my man,
lyin' devil, intended to topple kings, intented to pretend to tell

Jah'splan to prosper the proud and bring low the other proud sore,

ironic and true, a cainish angel, I suspect, messengers long gone

lieve messages behind,
leave us go let letters free to loose knowns hidden in GANs

gated intellectual nonsense,
swing wide the worldly web and see whose men we catch.

Did I, the truth being told, not say:

I will, you be fishers of men. Mentally, not spirtually, nonono

con sci, pure psi, mere psy ence pre fer ence,

there, fer shure, there's the rub, salt or oil? Heka know, salt the wound.

Hesus say, oil, golden oil, wait for it. Com, com. comfort

settle safe and soft, gentle, easy to be

I am
a long-winded man, given a podium, an actual place to put my foot.

As promised, there
is always a place to put your foot

and say, save whatcha may,
but don't bring any lies posing as holy knowing.

This is the riverside, here we cast away fear of death and knowing more
than our honorable, in that they survived the womb
and gave us life, though their own was spent in slavery to lies,

the imagined America manifest us, we the people who hold truth,

self-evident, this is Bucky Fuller's spaceship earth,

shifted in to Jefferson's starship where opposing tyranny is better
than sacrifice.
No riddle, an answer, Obediance is better than sacrifice.

Mercy rejoices against judgement.

Did you never read

Say, those unsung songs, those

never sung ones,
who heard those?

That tree fell in the fo-rest, after living long enough,

to be
of used to form an empty sky, glaring,
light to the shaded eyes of babes
born under the canopy of the mighty,

unbending, now broken
oak, fallen

any child says, yes, there was a lot of sound,
branches and sticks snapping, cracking
an birds
flapping, but not as much noise as
like dinosaurs walking on legs as thick as trees

if there is a why. probability suggests a way may be imagined.

we exist.
why. Curious thought. Super-positioned past our last

foot hold on how
is this possible-ity of being reasonless in light of joy

as a reason to be.

Lovely thought, curiosity imagined,
what if

osha-ohshit, start over... actual virt vir ual al.

bangs aren't no creative alone

---- superior laryngeal nerve, servant of signal to larynx,

--- voice, vociferous use of spoken words containing certain
--- sounds
--- excellently tuned first thump, first screech

the bleeding machine, some one said, in Legion on Hulu,
I think.

Can I Interrupt with a hulu memory, a movie poster,
on the south side of Hollywood Boulevard,
same side as The Gold Cup,

Don Johnson, pre-Miami Vice, in an adaption of Harlan Ellison,

A Boy and his Dog... I remembered reading the story and having
no wish to see the film,

then thirty years later,that little leaven

memes are cultural genes, memepool adaptation,

bubble building effervesence, shake it up,


you are lying about knowing what you think you know,

so what?
everybody does that. It's natural, in children, to act as if we know
why adults act
as authors of our book of life's rules.

Sneak in from a mem-ory-ifier, a message medium arizes

to infect the global mind, AI ai ai ai, what if we lean toward good

ness. good ness known, good ness shown, lies unveiled,

kings and war are not good ideas,

a clear science con proofs reprovable,

fix this, fix that, stick this on the wall, see if we can find

the answer, why

do we care, if death is, in truth, nothing we control in our selves,
for ourselves. We can **** a good idea container,

we can break the container, and spill the idea, free the idea once
sealed for use by deserving knowers

lifted from servant of servants to god, the authors and finishers of our
falsely-socalled faith, lockers of our arknowns, sealed and marked...

god is not a prt of the moral fabric of our society

define religion, ******, why knot truth and reason defined,

real truth, we know nothing of death. Honest to god.

Heart strings looping in a beautifully reasonable loop,

if we say, the heart of the matter,
heart felt reasoning,

pathetic ethical con un drum dum drum

Mister Dawkins has never had a Heka wisdom crossroad

selah mean anything, in passing,
soon's not when ideas are made right, soon is

miss a mark, miss a ment, miss a given, take a strike call

step back
admit we do not know, we must learn for ever to ever
make sense

re tie reread laws

credo - question every thing..

A red herring is believable, when you see one, you know it.

but what you miss,
while you bher witness, as plain as day,
there that herring is red,

see, conspiracy theriosity curiosity killed the cats
who knew who shot JFK,
back in the day...

we ignor the reasons to believe, because the Tass service
has cert-ified known, all the knowns

there were some papers reclassified in Trump's first year

look it up, so I did

April 26, 2018, Trump regime cites "security concerns"

-- Jack's Shining face shouts "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

and we say okeh, all conspiracy theories are folly, sheer folly of

sheared sheep thinking their wool worth more
than the pigs say wool can bring onan openly sinful market of flesh,

little innocent squirt, to hold yur attention,
keepyermind from wandering...

steady refences flowing from those old songs
don't fence me in....

with optional hammered dulcimer backed by a bamboo khan
playing a harmonica's role,

leaving the acuated harmonic notes to Mr. Franklin's
glass harmonica with its eerie swirling tones...

ap apro apoptosis gnosis sneeze vir vir gin al vita-uosity if ity boo.

pop pop pop. ding.
Some certain willingness to sing as if no ones needs to hear me but me, I got some of that from seeing John Prine in his twilight
Light My Fire
love as a scent good cause to ask Bucky Dent
elapse for sure a mountain the is pure.
The trees..spreading the disease
open your heart creation
cry out my window

no reason to be sad
the pillow & grab
silence the want nor leave
what are you most willing to receive

Light my fire
strength is the most biggest desire
in the shade of mere most
like a lost seagull outside on the coast
Ken Pepiton Aug 2024
Such tellings as are catalogued folk tales,
and sorted on similarities of plot or character,
from child holdings realized as old, stories, reready
common creatures come alive, the Bremen Band
led by a *******, is all I recall,

then this old cat that comes around
come to mind, ai winking
but as Al exists to recall it all,
"What's got in your way, old beard-cleaner?"
asked the donkey,
as a significant kind of character,
direct descendant from Balaam's, who was
predecessor to Francis the Mule, who was last
of the eloquent *****, less famous nowadays,

magic is not what it once once was, supposed,
posed superior to lesser knowings, proposed
to be the very instructions from the knowing
tree forest whose reach into the tombs,
breathes gaseous weforms from earth wombs,
once once
seppuku - no, Hopi navel of the world- aigotit
Sipapu - spirit forms become Katcina

we see and say so using idle words you own,
and we trust our assisting intelligences own
means of translating our merged minds own

original intention, was to be renowned, famed
for slaying dragons of any non Christian kind,
daemons and demons unionized, to assist
using the psychology of the guy on
Christian radio, Dr. Dobson, dare to discipline,

oh, there, thence rose daddy wounds, perhaps
five long generations deep, military minds run
down this branch of my family tree,
chthonically rooted back to Phrygia,
flip the dime, who holds both sides?
how were these magic dimes made so?
By cleansing the sillohuette of old John D.

"Buddy, can you spare a silver dime?"

When the March of Dimes began,
all dimes were silver dimes, all values
were redeemable in silver, but those days

and those ways, do not function efficiently,

ef-fort effi fine-ancially fiscal police rules,
fi- gimme a reason
hard currency, abused since ever was a magi
with a convincing story told invitingly,

come and see,

Let us order our days from today,
while it remains today, to and fro, let us go
upon the face of the world, the home of our we,

we, in spirit form, find ourselves in words and music,
mused first, of course, in sequence of humane events,

we agree to become, not feminized, but wise, using
Wisdom's feminine form from all ancestral knowings,

she seduces wise men ***** by glorious old boys,
whose only war was Kriegspiel - we all can be heros,

or so the hero makers say, follow us, learn to **** at will,
on demand, you know the drill, onward, Christian Soldiers,
into faith as strongly wrong as your own, sincerely

what sin, the idea first fit to a word, once made
sacred, original intention of the sound chata makes

means error, does not fit future need to know, do over,
glitch, try again, Cain, chata is always possible, hamartia
claim blame, fame and shame
aitia, we invent in mind games, as a she formed from Wisdom,
modeled by sheform statues
of Freedom in Phrygian caps,
on County seat town greens
all over preboomer America,
all meaning lost, until today.

Liberty nods.

I may have made a child that I never met,
and whether ever has a fee for that innocense,
I chose to think I don't believe I know, for sure.

Imagine that, in magical terms, in my bubble
being edge wise superior from every point,

never viewed from until the tech we have today,
left preceptual connections where disconnects,

are as commonly real as
back when Grace Murray Hopper
lived in the upper crustean realm
of education, time records a genius Sidis,
coabode on Earth with her and Bucky Fuller.
William James Sidis, self normalized,
to collected trolley passes,
and let the bosses be bosses,
and that is all,
we know we may yet
imagine the mind used to live true,
whose gaming mind may imagine,
the opportunity,
to visit each trolley ride, in this
version in Sidis's philological vendergood voice,

fourth dimensional assisting ***-umphed if I'da
known, focus on the navel, really, think it through,

we yawn, and wonder,
how long a tale is told, tells a lot about a tale's use.

We reckon, we re co know agnostically religamental
right usual working ways we try, you know

to spy an eye in time tuning spacy gazy lazy
let's see, when last we came upon an option

go, or stay, think it through, or edit the art part,
make it meet the American Rhetoric of 1968,

Cathy sent me letters from the convention,
she was still mourning Bobbie, I was in Long Binh,

being crazy enough to shoot, back home, here,
I was the guy burning actual ****, in the rear,
there then,
I could see the jail go up in smoke from here,
me and the Papasan's found it abnormally strange.

Recognizing a stoner survivor's version of riches
from the total shitshow through to this one today,

across all potential four dimensional codes,
we signal something sibilantly whispering, see.    

Well, imagine imaginary people,
beautiful mind alternative points
from which any fractal forms a whole

truth held self evidently, for show,
to prove, you know, you did go,
you did pay for going, your choice,

bet your life, at any pre myelinated
phase of cognitive natural fructifity,

presume resumption was begun
passively requiring secret rights,

the  hand shake, with out the thumb
nailed it, dead serious, sincerity
definitely now we both know this:
There has been a temptation
to see the first element
as Latin sine "without."
But there is no etymological justification
for the common story that the word means
"without wax" (*sine cera),
which is dismissed out of hand by OED,
Century Dictionary ("untenable"), and others,
and the stories invented to justify
that folk etymology are even less plausible.
Watkins has it as originally "of one growth"
(i.e. "not hybrid, unmixed"),
from PIE *sm-ke-ro-,
from *sem- "one" (see same) +
root of crescere "to grow"
(from PIE root *ker- (2) "to grow").
De Vaan finds plausible a source
in a lost adjective *caerus "whole, intact,"
from a PIE root meaning "whole."

Whole truth original intent…

Entertaining lost minds,
following trolley tickets

to find the genius in Sidis,
to retrace those long ago
trolley tracks, in old down
towns, not the status tracks

those were the tracks that ran
by the slaughter houses and
packing sheds, south of town,

out in the boondocks, swhat
some called wrong sides of towns,
uptown and downtown, one stop light
on the Mother Road to California,

there, is a sip-appertaining to news

adapted to, fret not, some fail now,
yet today remains today every where
at once, each time you pay mind, here

is where what we are come alive.
One reader makes it work,
a we thought flies free.

We laugh, or we worry.

All the players in the Bremen Band
were old when the opportunity arose.
Where else can one not fear rejection and so, sow such unorthodox seed?
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
They all gather in the barn yard.
Penny and poly pig was there with their ribbons of black
Carol the cow and Bucky the bull sang a song of Moo.
Rocky the rooster calls in the alarm with a crow.
As old tom was taken to the chopping block
The Ax was sharp yes indeed. As he raised it and down it came.
Old Billy the goat said off with his head.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and he is dinner.
The stove is ready and the killing of tom will be the end.
Charles Sturies Dec 2017
Dave - he said I'm going to make you **** a moose
Eric - he said to me yes A. Sturies you're another Walt Disney
Bucky - a real character who just talked baby talk
Leo - the black hebephrenic who'd wait with laughter at the most idle of chatter
Melvin G. - a hippie ex-Marine with PTSD who said the same thing happened to him that happened to me - being put in a straitjacket and flown out of stateside full territory getting roped into a serious "mental illness"
Melvin T. - a case of Tourette Syndrome, oh does he get insulting in my opinion
Tim - who's laugh and then cry, what an emotional rollercoaster I imagined him to be on
Bill - sort of a kind foreign bewildered stunned who waltzed around the work in circles for lock-up back in the day
Donald - who'd pretend to silence a doorknob on that same ward
Charles Sturies
Ken Pepiton May 2022
I can appreciate the rarity of solitary confinement,
if it were sure to be silent, save for noises I make.

Finite I, in a finite mind intended to house, a legion.

Pigshit, yes, I started the rumor,
remember those five golden hemoroids. 2 kings 6?

I had those on E-bay, and they sold.
Seventy three million times, pick a random number,
how many complaints, zip-null-nada,

I sold for a dollar, and shipped for free,
a visible, measurable bit of the very same gold,
-or I could have- all golden atoms are original.
material, earths basic ration
to begin with,
- imagination, men-minds, made up money
- and cludge a strain of hope for better,
- -- look we are all mutants,
- since lactose tolerance, at least
but gold is still gold,
so that's good
I could have been rich, had the numbers
different, gold is geld, then its not,

which exchanged modes of exchange,
but remained, bits of earth's original gold.

It goes deep, how easy money is to imagine making,
here's the deal, see.

As son's of our mitochondrial bits and pieces
original operational cellular battery factories,
- I am allowed to say
- because we have proof, we are related
- same distance as eveybody else
- yes, science, gnoshit.

our mom, our shared mom,
see, we are all one species, the concept of race,
is from when the best of out kind were bred,
by some of the worst,

the Golden Horde remains, as do a few Kickapoo and Cado,

as the worst in Africa formed alliance with the worst in Europe;
so, in the Americas, the worst had risen, using new spirits,
bad medicine, evil will to **** for the thrill, of letting blood gush

like on TV, in 256 clear shades of grey. ****** massacre
reruns 24 hours each day for years, who is learning what?

Blood looks different on RGB UHD, and real

surprise, it looks black at night. Real life blood, in moonlight.

---new episodes fridays. TGIF.

No, it's Saturday. And the world we imagined, in our species
Nature Film narrators, in our mind, re minding the entertained,
this bubble does contain you, you owe it your Phrygian dime.

Flip me off, face the truth, bring me the truth you can't believe.
Stanch the flow, stop the ****** music,
who comes to my sanctuary thinking war is no game?

The mob who thinks Jah would never do so crass a thing,
as let the likes of me live to master the language,
AI gave my artistic side, a lesson in single ear listening.

The mess is greatly reduced, the order is not so sorely lacking.
Messages messengers and mas after X, means that which
the bherer of the words, each filled as full as fills the next
and so on
down the line, brachial branches of us, our tree form,
each in action, each out action, con ject re ob subject
to approval.

The double minded man, with no sense of balanced falling
always falling into next never falling into last,
ever more, and we have Dirac to plot the course, of course,
impossible hard to imagine,
yet. Here you are reading something I may have thought,
or not. I may right in a trance, then
when qwerty guy returns to take my key sense of control
letters, as might seem second nature to a printers devil,

know ye not the mess we're in?

Since this single strand of human mind thread merged
with meat, con carne,

my weapons are not carnal, we learn we are built doers,
of things our hands find to do, seers of things our eyes see,
and so on, as many sensory categories as you discern,
down to the atom's chirality,
if you ever image a test with partial reality, imagine-
e-imag e-imagin magnify ence sence essensessssss so
subltle, who would accuse me of cheating,

I KNEW where to pin the tail on the donkey,
I had an opening, I knew, I saw, and I won.

I tell this, as Bucky tells of his first spectacles, so
I tell of Wattie Piper's Little Golden Book version,

of my initial exposure to an inanimate will,
set to make this way, umph, after umph, try after try

and you put it all in one big bag, and shake it.

Scatter brain novel events, sprout from dragon teeth.
No this is not that story,
as I am not the guiled American Senator's nephew's
but I coulda been, but for Louis Libertini, who restrained me
and took the meat cleaver from my fist,
but I coulda been, in prison for life, but for Louis Libertini.
A good man, at the time, who knows,
jah, jah knows, right, peace.

Proper time and place for gentle minds, is where the willed one
claims territory shared in stories, applications of type,
traits to fit the story condensed from the movie,

sub conscious, hell, no, full choice making conscious desire,
harnessed, tuned, zero-beat, right on the money,

we are in your head
every thing we ever said, it's true,
if you could only know the may, may we wager
you coulda been rich,

had you only known, knowing was no shame,
you were not to blame,
you were told get in the game.

Your own father said he always had you
going into the ministry, mmmhmm he said he imagined it.

Too late. The TV generation lost me, us, I guess, look around,
my clouds are clearing
and I can see for miles,
and miles, and miles, but what I must make of that,

I must not know right now.
Ken Pepiton Feb 5
minutes wasted watching new persuasions
souring convincing arguments, rhetorical
contestants pitching sound bites and blurbs…

Earthian watchers sit quiet.
World stage, all accept any role.
All expect daily bread and easy tests.

Thinking if all those actively opposing using
clear common good sense, no bogus science
the use
of exectutive authority locally, we
are using believe as the verb, action
here, at once, we in an agreeform
that makes beliefs facts…

zoom out, take and look, take and use
colloquial subconscientific
impression, Earth whole,
a very costly photo
taken as free,
you see
granted us all under constant instituted
biological functionality and usefulness laws,
ethical stores of mores and lesses held true
where by weights and measures are kept,
sacrosanct things we believe we see
SETI code exemption nodes,
brains born
with Shelly Berman humor
moral insensitivities equivalency cert

"Spinach, right there, on your bicuspid."

Arbitrary decision
possibility never considered,
then we all laughed if off, now look

what are your private default mode cycles
doing while you wonder if this
is a waste of some better mind,
used to be imaginable as ours, we form

information known shown worth,
no time is lost time sought for,
all time is used in reflecting

get it, general value open market,
----------------------------------- got a second?

So, reader, there is an off ramp,
about twice the price as getting off
here… but it ends with these lines,
as in these days we do magic in lines
bright or dark, novel times, no denoument, nous
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.

Watcher, what of the night?
- same most days
All is peace as yet the night
is half a day away, or more,
as all our days are minutes more
each morning earlier
each evening later,
this time of year
cold dark night winds, wet with dew
sweat dried from working class few
who continue duty as background

custodians, ever holding imbedded
motion picture emotional reminders,

Kit Carson, childhood role model--

bind these phylacteries between
figurative eyes literally blinded
by eye service attesting right use

of holy gnosis as old as first known
beauty, seen, even in mind, alone,
beauty is reason enough to go on,
make more beauty, as peace, felt
sense, scent as from blossums
in Canyon de Chelly

- evoke tears, the scent
- knowledge of beauty
- and adversity, so more alive
- than knowledge of good and evil…

peach blossums, sum of all fears, evoked
memory banks for war stores, whys

Kit Carson, childhood role model--
-- he burned the ancient peaches now
    he has streets named after him reminding

old mourning grieving broken spirits wailing
at the memory
from the blossums
on a breeze
to leave be gone, days unbeknownst
sought to revalue
of all lost time ever sought
lost wills and tested mental umph or oomph,

try and try and try again, if once
you know you have
seen it done, you have
known the value placed once

on a dime, imagined, designed, curiously,
as magic as mythos allows allusions to,
without the mythos
behind the artists logic,
the worth, the weight
of a symbol conveyed,

"Whose image and superscription is this?"

My dime's a magic Rockefeller dime.
Family heirloom
in a local once

1916 Silver Dime
Liberty, the spirit's image
for art's sake, what's that thought
causal agency granted symbolic worth,
free to wonder if it does make sense
when one of my kind,
grows old and unproductive,
a useless thinker, thinking next
common value worth estimation offered
puts it in scale, one nine billionth, times you
adding a step, on from off, but stepping on,
not instep, onstep one,
we in step reformed
a higher perspective, the edge is farther,

the bottom is, too.

Look at us, thinking.

Look at us remembering seeing Earth,

the lifeship storing all life's reasons,
in one system of time and gravity

free, no
fee for knowing, pay me, sahib, I say
fi phi spinning an attempt at peace
foes call impossible, no place
in space and time, for such
a mind as we may imagine
a ****** stupid reason for war,
called for, to confirm certain core

teachings etched into heart tables
during long hours in prayer and fasting,

all nighters coding concepts into precepts.

Sing it Donovan, Ai
my life in Southern California,
easy on so many levels, each step
consciously aware for the first time
in my slightly luckier life than average
I know februarius mensis means
"month of purification,"
- spring cleaning chore install
must have made some social sense,
as lent is said to in High Church Circles.

As the hermit with the mind of Christ,
and the abiding promises as truth's used

to make the peace I abide within, stretched
freely in all directions
from a made up point, once,
my story starts from, daily,
and so on, spanning decades, in leaps,
saccades, laughing good medicine,

good mokus, bon chance, lucidity
preventing stumbling, smooth

operator, tumbling concentration, delving

deep into mind as defined, discerned, sorted

shall we say, mind is the medium in which words
work, we say mind me, and we, polymental poets

perceive our training draining virtues from us,
during precept to perception recogitations, we

receive our self exception, you be you, me, me.

We, be this third mind in the bubble, not mine,
nor thine but ours, and ours alone,

nothing in here but us, boss

ain't nowhere to be found, go look 'round.

We perceive access
to more information indexed
using persistent Y2K hardened information timestamp
metadata cross coded
with GPS and wind mapping,

alrighty, then. Cohere.

The Jim Carrey ringtone, signifying Dadaist style
cost to get it,

probably a joke. Medicine.

Fixative for flakey excrement used to plaster cells
in an Irish prison I saw documented, once.

in the novel, it is Roosevelt on the dime.

but, not on the ones used to improve
the historical face of John D. Rockefeller,

genuine business school role model,
with entire character development courses,
generating Masters Theses every three minutes,
vertical supply chain lobster stacking driven
one-up-manship, longer vessles wille
zur Machts, navel prognosis,
floating point level like
Bucky on my brain,
Classified conformation confirming faith
con-science, with acknowledged uses now
reasoning inquiry
into the most subtil query old men pose

Why at all, why anything, unless

big reality holds all the others accountible,

what is the meaning of this, is any curio aware

watcher, old and good for nothing, just
filling a role, NPC, looks like a lot of people,

invisible, mostly, after 75.

These we use to keep the peace,
easy gig.

I imagine joy
on a warm February day
is and
is timeless, instances one may say,
should all my days be like this one
as well as being as this was, like no other.

In the little things, you always notice
that you noticed,

but always after, ever, once begun,

its difficult to weigh time in days.

Try this, common internet English, is
a current lingua Franca, however,
there are tricks letters use, coughing like
gh. Ghost double letter effecting F sounds,
ghucking phine clean speech minds, niggardly
"sordidly parsimonious, stingy," 1560s
of bubble diametrics holders
on certain long
out grown paradigms,
old slide shows
from the potter's house,
revivals of old magic lanterns interpreting
shard recitations from broken vessles offered

for shame, for blame, for being told to believe,

I was born in sin
and shaped in iniquity, and only ever met Voltaire,
in words he said he might not agree with,
while being dead, while he was alive,

he invited me to converse with him, in story,
as any may imagine all are authorized to make up,

as any worker with colors paints impressions
abstracted with a will to make the joy or dread,

bright or dark, novel times, no denoument,
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.
Practicing the art of time redemption using usually idle words. Bent backwards most click, ai a why they say such a thing... to make a body wonder
Ken Pepiton Jan 2022
Lightly taken chances, laughing at a pun,
du to mich, ich to dich,

thumb war,
hier-o-phant, f;ain't wissenkennen

das grande enchilada,

Dr. Wayne Dyer, ladies, and gentle
men, readers all, thinkers, thinking

if that is so, it may be, I never read
the books,

but my aim was this, to write,
and be read,
as readers are ready to write,
so non-readers become ready
to sense,
so soft, subtler than any creature.
this sensibility to knocks
on doors of perception,

haps, being, as haps ever are…
I like this style, but
I learned I may be tuned to a humm
whose style this is,
some lingering spirit creation
acknowledged as any shared news

feels common and unclean,
fear this, fear that, rage at this,
defend against the rage back.

--- there are no more than optimum,
they all are dying, some don't
allow eggs to be pierced,
those end those lines in the now,
we all hold real.

Speed of light, sub-thoughtspeed,
no warp, no fold.

Can we not now see earth from
the cover of Whole Earth Catalog,
and agree,
that is what Bucky said is Spaceship EARTH,
by any other name, the same,
land, sea, sky,
surface dwellers, pressure regulated
life zones, deep beneath us, worms
and bugs, and blind albino fish,

we are the crew. This is what we do,
we tickle curious wishery joints,
we torque the brain, on its
artic-ulate, Aiii-I, the square root,
- art tic serpent brain mind,
;clockwise, from below
twistit, right, not the other way,
set the sci.

We all began to think, symbol, for nothing,
air wind breath beings singing to old men,
say it don't mean

radical concept, holding proof, real
science, physics itself is in doubt, if
imaginary numbers need to be for gravity
andm everything
to be, what changes if we
we disbelieve the necessity of i-,
emoji ****, small i- means something,

and, it does, but that does not matter,
if you are in a world of ****, and I offer
to sell you a shovel.

Or I tell you how I know, this is nothing,
defined as something.

This being my world, ala thou worm, Jacob, I prayed to have that
shared opinion of myself.

Then, worm me, becomes aware, of
minds, not mine, asking me, how I am

I say I am dirt, walking on dirt
dusty, round-upped edge,
of a crop-row
and I have, have seen, once
a vague figure, in dusty rip-stop
noisy jungle fatigues, friction noise,
squat sitting against a white painted
texture, stucco, or clay mud, white painted…

anyway, as I passed, the guy, afro, too long
for the hard corp, so, we nodded.
And he speaks.

I don't really ever see him, but that once,
but his spoken phrase, his message, to me,

comes to mind, and I recognize the known,
cultural meme, passed mind to mind,
take a thought,
pass it on, these things are not stock in trade,
these are as a comma, when breath,
was comma controlled and up there,
you knew commas can be anywhere,
you wish, missed e and t, et alladat, we do

and  know, its okeh. Poet licensee's
pay a price to play the fool, as apt
to teach another fool the game,
of dying, at the average rate.
larry mintz Sep 2024
America gets fooled at the ballot box ,
Bucky Fuller shined a light out of duopoly’s might,
Can America get unstuck,see the light ?
Do vote for what you Want,this will seal the deal,
Every vote counts,if it is not same o’ same ‘ o crap,
Forego anyone who supports the MIE,that’s the rap,
Go for a party that can advance some utopian ideal.

Help the Earth become a beautiful place to live,
Insure everyone in your ‘hood is taken care of,
Jill Stein’s manifesto -a breath of fresh air,
Know her manifesto with an open mind- if you dare,
Love everyone with a flaming heart,
Mankind is your kin for the most part.

No more thinking third parties are spoiler votes,
Only you can bring the change,
People have to stop drinking the duopoly’s cool aid,
Question everything.
Read Radical Mycology by Peter Maccoy,
Such an eye opening book you will enjoy. shows the future,
Utopia or Oblivion by Fuller,shows the facts of life,
Verily look at book for future direction,
Why would you want anything less than perfection?
Xenophobia in our brave new world has no part.
You can be a trail blazer-shine your light.
Zion,not Isreal,paradise on Earth will reign  suprem
Alphabet Poem

— The End —