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judy smith Mar 2016
It was hardly a JFK moment but if, like me, you remember what you were doing when you first heard a Spice Girls track, it may be hard to believe two decades have elapsed since the girl group released their debut single, Wannabe, in the dying days of John Major’spremiership. Together with Oasis, Blur and Blair they heralded a new dawn for Britain - selling millions of records while they were at it - before embarking on what turned out to be a lengthy hiatus just four years later. There was a brief reunion in 2007-8 but the question now is: how, if at all, will they mark their 20th anniversary this summer?

Sitting opposite me in a London hotel bar in Leicester Square, just across from where she co-hosts the Breakfast show on Heart FM withJamie Theakston, Emma Bunton - the one formerly known as “Baby Spice” - makes no secret of her hope that the “girls” (now all in their forties) will get their act together.

“We adore each other. There’s so much we’ve been through. I would love to do something,” she says. “I think we’d all quite like to do something, but it really is figuring it out. We all have such different lives. Mel B [Melanie Brown, formerly Scary Spice] lives in America. We’ve all got different managers.” Not to mention the fact they are all mothers now and their busy schedules include commitments such as school plays, which makes finding time for a reunion even harder.

It’s natural to wonder, too, if any jealousy simmers beneath the surface. Victoria Beckham’s star has risen exponentially since the group broke up, with her marriage to former footballer David, their children and her fashion line keeping the profile of the erstwhile Posh Spice higher than those of any of her former bandmates. Bunton insists she’s delighted for her though.

“When a friend does that well it’s incredible. She’s just hilarious and I know exactly what she’s thinking just by looking at her,” she says. “I see pictures and I go, ‘I know what she’s thinking about!’ I’m very lucky because I know the fun, sarcastic, brilliant other side to her as well.” The fact that Beckham invited Bunton to choose a dress for her 40th birthday in January would appear to support the picture she paints of their friendship.

When “Baby” joined the band in 1994 she was almost young enough to be in a school play herself. Now she has two babies of her own - Beau, aged eight, and four-year-old Tate - with her fiance, the singer Jade Jones, to whom she has been engaged since 2011. Although she could pass for 30, her woollen shawl, floral Kooples shirt and the glasses that frame her face give her the look of an elder stateswoman of pop.

“Wouldn’t that be amazing?” she agrees when I suggest a one-off gig at Wembley Stadium. “Fingers crossed. That’s something we’d really love to do.” While we talk, a phone rings in her bag. It’s Geri Halliwell, formerly known as Ginger Spice. Bunton ignores it. “I’ll speak to her after and tell her you suggested it,” she says of the concert idea.

Meanwhile there is her new early evening live TV show to focus on. In BBC Two’s Too Much TV, she pairs up with Rufus Hound, Sara *** or Aled Jones, reviewing and previewing what’s on the box. Her years of experience as a radio host have come in handy here, but the programme itself has reportedly suffered some disappointing audience figures.

Still, Bunton is pleased to be forming a female double act with ***. The phrase “Girl Power” - which she defines as “supporting one another in everything you do” - was famously central to the Spice Girls’ brand and is something she continues to draw on. “For me, it started with seeing my mum going back to college at 40, starting karate at 40. She just kept growing and I’ve really fed off that,” she says. “I want to grow as much as she did and still is. She was my first role model. Jade is brilliant, it’s just we [girls] have had to push a bit harder. As girls we’ve pushed things forward.”

Bunton was born and raised as a Catholic with her younger brother in Finchley, north London. Her parents worked hard to provide for their children but separated when she was about 11, which she struggled with. (“I don’t like change too much,” she says.) Until her father, a former milkman, recently moved to Ireland, she would visit him every Sunday. Privately educated at the Sylvia Young Theatre School in London, she was granted a scholarship when her parents could no longer afford the fees.

Though not one to dwell on failure, even she began to question herself when the rejections kept coming. “You’d think, ‘I’m just not good enough,” she says. It wasn’t until she auditioned to become the fifth member of the Spice Girls that her big break arrived. She was asked there and then to move in with the others in Maidenhead - and the rest is nineties pop history.

Part of the Spice Girls’ selling point was their girl-next-door image. While it could not be said that *** was removed from the equation - theUnion Flag dress Halliwell performed in at the 1997 Brit Awards left little to the imagination and many of Brown’s leopard print outfits were an exercise in cleavage-display - *** appeal was not the main draw. Yet even if looks weren’t the focus (wasn’t it all supposed to be about fun, girl power and attitude?) Bunton hasn’t always felt secure about her body image.

“Obviously [body shape] is such a big thing in this industry,” she says. “I’m 5ft 1in so I feel that sometimes being curvaceous is harder to carry off because I’m so short. But I’m comfortable. I’ve always been that kind of way. In the industry it is becoming a bit more difficult because everybody is so slight, it’s quite unbelievable. I don’t know how they do it.”

When she first joined the group she felt relaxed enough about her appearance, but went through “probably a very short stage when everything hit and there were pictures everywhere and you think, ‘Do I look OK?’” This faded, and having children has helped stop her worrying about this. “It’s something I just don’t take on board as much because I can’t,” she says. “But you’re being pictured every day or papped, so obviously there’s that pressure of hoping to look half decent in pics.”

Reflecting on how motherhood has transformed her, she goes on: “I used to be very self-absorbed, I’m sure, worrying about what I was going to wear to the next event or whether my roots were done,” she says. “I’ve changed as a person.”

So what about that long engagement? Will she ever get round to tying the knot? She and Jade will need their heads knocking together before they do, she says. “If we do, we’ll definitely elope,” she adds.

Career-wise, she remains ambitious. She has a small part in the forthcoming Absolutely Fabulous movie and would like to sing and act more, as well as branching out into comedy (she’s already been involved in Comedy Central’s Drunk History).

Pop culture doesn’t cast out the over-40s these days, so there’s no reason to think she won’t stick around. Nobody, after all, puts Baby in a corner.Read more |
little millie mole she loved to watch tv
to be a tv star she just long to be
starring in a movie or a  tv show
to be a famous star that everyone would know.

oneday she decided she would have a go
auditioned for a part in a tv show
she rehearsed her lines what she had say
millie got the part in a tv play.

she became a star of movie and tv
and became a star like she longed to be
a favourite of the people they just love her so
when ever they saw millie it gave there heart a glow.

they all loved the mole they came from near and far
just to get an autograph from this little star.
Stevie Ray Mar 2015
"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"I did and your mother was very impressed."

"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"I auditioned but they said I was too big."

"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"You do realise that Kathryn Janeway reffered to me everytime she said 'Captain's Log' don't you?"

"C'mon Stevie you need to go out more and show the world what you can do."
I can't, I'm like Japanese ****. Entirely censored.

"Come inside"

"Can I come over?"

"You're On!"


"C'mon Stevie show em what you're made off!"
"Have you read this?"
Maple Mathers May 2016
I sat up in bed, wide awake.

Mere seconds separated my dreams from reality. Yet, consciousness had seized me more effectively than ice water.

I had been caged within sleep, until something ridiculous happened.  

Something ridiculous, and something real.

I sprang from the covers, pulled on a sweater, and burst out the door. All around me was silent. Life, it seemed, was not yet awake.

I took a deep breath, and began running. I ran so fast my surroundings blurred into a pallet of color; the sound, still muted.

My feet flew across the dewy grass.

I imagined myself into smaller, simpler spaces; tucked in with the ghosts. How fast could I run from my dreams? How fast could I run towards reality?

If the grass had soaked my socks, I barely knew. If the wind had serenaded my skin, I remained disembodied. The alexithymia of consciousness.

My thoughts snaked and swerved and collided in my head, but in that stretch of oblivion, a lone inference guided me.

Nothing mattered in the world but one thought.

Wake up, Maple. Wake up.

The House of Addictions was the epithet I chose.

It nestled several blocks from mine, and was the type of estate that demanded normalcy.

Upon reaching the front hedge, I examined the house; two blue paneled stories. I didn’t know what I’d expected, but this wasn’t it.

I coaxed the front door.


I circled around to the backyard. The room I sought was on the second level. I ascended the balcony onto the porch; the room’s window stood several feet from where I could stand. There was a vacant flowerbox sitting on a ledge outside the window.

Without question, I clambered onto the deck’s railing and extended my leg into the flower box. It was a long way to fall, but I wasn’t scared. I had no choice. I clung with all my might to the window’s ledge, shifted my weight to the flowerbox leg, and plopped over the other. A scream frozen in my throat. Breathing heavily, a death grip on my perch, I crouched; the box seemed sturdy enough.

I peered through the window.

At this ungodly hour, he was most likely still asleep.


The bed was vacated. Did this mean? I closed my eyes, took a breath.

Wake up.

Things like this did not happen – plain and simple.

A minute later, after clambering off the flowerbox and scampering back down the stairs, I rejoined the street, sprinting along with renewed vigor.

The sun glistened on the grass, the morning, ripening. Yet, I heard not the sound of birds chattering on secluded sycamores, nor my feet pattering along the sidewalk. I was immaterial. I was the wind – gliding fluidly towards that which waited.

My body was to be found at a stoplight, punching the button spastically.

But my mind had already arrived, several streets away.

The stoplight changed. I ran. Stores whizzed by, early morning traffic sheathed the street. I had to slow my thoughts, I had to separate from the stark possibilities that incased me.

I’d dreamed of his death; simple, like the twelve forget-me-nots he threw across my floor five years ago. The last expression I saw as he departed still had yet to leave his face.

Although he moved home a year ago, he never really returned.

Wake up.

I veered my course to the left, dodging through traffic, and found the street.

It was there that my mind had arrived.

This avenue was vacated and tranquil, an eclipse of the earlier. And there was that house; green and silent as ever.

Clutching a stitch in my stomach, I dove over the waist high fence and tripped on my own foot. I fell, scraping my elbows on concrete and swearing beneath my breath, but I couldn’t stop. I scrambled to my feet and staggered towards a ground levelled window.

Exhausted, I tripped again. Then several strangled events laced together. First, I tumbled to that window. I held my hands out, expecting to hit glass, but realized too late that it was open. Before that fully registered, I was toppling – headfirst – through the open window. My insides plummeted, muting my scream. I hit the bed with a sharp thump, before it tossed me to the floor.

There, I landed, **** first, mute and sprawling.

While my body congealed, my heart auditioned as drummer, and stars teased my peripheral.

The room materialized as I blinked through confusion. Softy, I sat myself upright.

His eyes were the first thing I saw.

Reality zapped me so hard I almost fell back again; he was alive, I’d woken up.

Then my senses caught up; my elbows cried, my head throbbed, and my breath rekindled in ragged crackles. As if a switch was flicked, I suddenly identified sound; the humming of cars outside, the crisp ticking of a clock, the gurgling of his fish tank. So loud – so distinct. Color sharpened and brightened.

My mind in overdrive.

He was here.

He sat on his bed, alive and well, speechless with alarm.

Oliver was shirtless, lidded only by flannel pants and black gloves. He considered me with bleeding elbows, disheveled hair, and desperate eyes. Then, the shock on his face gave way for a giant grin.

“Come here often?” He inquired. His voice, raspy with morning.

Still panting and shaking, I conjured a smile to match Oliver's.

“You’d think so. . .” I choked.

“And I’d be right, Maple.” He finished. I managed a laugh.

Nothing had changed.
Note: I dreamt about death, and awoke feeling frantic. Although logic confirmed that everything was okay, my intuition said otherwise. To remedy my unease, I channeled that dream into a story. A story I wrote when I was fourteen years old. Seven years later, the same story continues to illustrate my psyche; a story that set the foundation for Pretense (my novel). Herein, you’ll find that story; the origin and epithet of Maple and Oliver Starkweather.
Here goes?

(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)

The thought of it horrifies me,
Even more so than what death entails,
It forces me to sporadically awaken.

I visualize myself taken away to a cold grotto,
Where I'm violated by strangers
And alienated, rather than uplifted,
For an unknown duration of time

I knew what might happen,
The consuming fervor,
My behavior will not be understood

Haven't I alienated myself all along?
Was it not I who voluntarily auditioned
For the infamous role of the outcast
As well as the acclaimed role of the golden child?
The critics may write their reviews of my performances

My petite hands peruse
Through the drawer's treasure,
The prescription pill bottle is
Considered as a future reference.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

Raj Arumugam Apr 2013
Every idiot is bound
to take life so seriously
and so Tsarevna Euna
saw the torment, the pretension
in all who surrounded her
and she could not smile

Many a fool in earnest faith came -
many a handsome man
who felt there was only one aim in life;
many a clown in grave intent and purpose
many an imbecile from all extremities;
many a thinker, many a philosopher
many a Prophet who said Heaven is Open

But all earnestness is Dumb and Weighty
like the **** of a hippo
and so Tsarevna Euna
saw the gravity
in all who surrounded her
and she could not smile

And she heard one day
in her lonely walk
in her gray, dry-withered garden
the mouse, the beetle and the catfish talk
of the man who gave away his every coin
of the only three coins he had in the world  

And at last, the Tsarevna knew,
there was one indeed
who knew to treat the world light
(as when a leaf falls, and no one is ******* )
and so she discarded her mournful looks
and she dismissed her father and the royal court
and she grew to be the Wisest Queen of All
and so it is sung to this day,  in all those domains:
*The Princess who never smiled
she had a sudden insight
and she grew to be the Wisest Queen of All
Poem based on the Russian fairy tale and on the painting “The Princess Who Never Smiled” by Viktor Vasnetsov/                        Tsarevna – daughter of the Tsar
galaxys archive Jun 2023
it hurts
when you can feel an ocean inside
waves crashing into the boundaries of your mind
begging for release
to reach the shore
denying them, holding them back like a well-built dam
not a single drop gets through this facade

I’m an actor
in a role I never auditioned for
one I never wanted
one thrown upon me by the cruel hands of society
is this life better than none?
three months
I whisper to the face in the mirror
one I have never recognized
one that is not my own

i hope one day to look
and find myself looking back
a true reflection
real and not imagined
but for now I do my best
with whispers
the tears I cannot release
sweaters in the biggest size
corners to curl into
alone when I can imagine
how I’ll look when I’m me
not you

be friendly
but always know your place
only speak when spoken to
perhaps if you behave you will find a nice husband
be a good wife

raising me in her image
it’s a facade
I’m fractured
a picture from long ago
broken and never properly repaired
the shards put back wrong

a smiling photo of a girl i don’t know
darling daughter
know your place
smile but not too long
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
"Escribe con los pies, poeta de la calle"
"Write with your feet, poet of the street"

days of no inspiration,
nights of emptiness irritation,
labor strife strives to divide,
the desire, the greedy needy,
to unburden, touch lips to tablet,
unsatisfied, muse departed
for foreign lads in foreign lands,
where dark eyed ladies sing
put the load right right on me

where once I saw poetry,
now I see lessons of less,
trees blowing whipped me frenzied,
saw cappuccino foaming,
revisited, now, see but tired dancers,
de-auditioned, sent home to wonder,
poets with paper cuts but no bleeding,
so eager so desirous of conceiving, thinking,
will I ever......................................again

once, every step a poem,
every sidewalk crack,
a smack down of nuance,
eye recorded,
mind disordered,
run home, to dance
each vision into words,
gloria, glorious just to walk
my city streets

once upon a time,
a traffic light rainbow,
stopped n' go, was a word design,
demarcated visions of spun sugar,
bodegas sold me
magic beans by the pound,
masterminded into cups of delight,
treasury's bounty overflowed,
now, dregs drain, sink stained,
as are my writing utensils,
my ink stained, us-less, fingers

come visit me, unknown stranger,
let us exchange fluidity, barbs,
a contest of kissing, eye lashing
wit ands shared vision stashing,
and together, once more,
write with our feet,
while holding hands,
becoming once more
poets of the street.

Only, come quickly,
Oct 13th, 2012
1:36 pm
Tinkered with July 2nd, 2013
Jeremy Betts Jul 2023
To Be A Man

~My Verse~

I can't hide myself
I don't expect you to understand
I just hope I can explain, what it's like to be a man
It's a lonely road
And they don't care about what you know
It's not about how you feel, but what you provide inside that home


This life's relentless and heartless, regardless, it happens every day
It's obvious, I'm not good at this, why was I cast in this role anyway?
A character I never planned to play, never auditioned, never signed my life away
I didn't ask for this, showed zero interest, explain to me why I gotta stay?

But that's the depression, pushin' and pullin', convincin' me I'm nothin'
I wish it was bluffin', I gotta do somethin', I know I shouldn't keep runnin'
Win or loser the only options given, as the pressure builds, I must keep it from showin'
Turn failures to lessons, allow angers regression, rememberin' my son's always watchin'


I can't hide myself
I don't expect you to understand
I just hope I can explain, what it's like to be a man
It's a lonely road
And they don't care about what you know
It's not about how you feel, but what you provide inside that home

Dax- To Be A Man
Oscar Abraham Dec 2014
I auditioned for the solo
and in the end I was the solo

and nobody was there for me
on closing night

and wasn't invited to the cast party
"did you forget I was apart of this community?"
Janelle Tanguin Sep 2019
Store me in a foreign wooden house,
but please
let me out.
Daylight seething through skin
and bones I don't have.
Rain wiping hand-painted
stage pearl-white smiles.

Make me walk
and then run on my own
without strings holding up
my wrists and calves.
I hope by then a mile
knocks the wind out of my lungs
and while I pause for breath,
lay rest, look up
may it remind
me of the crown I wear,
the color of the sky.

Tear up scripts
made for me to recite,
and let me write
all the stories
I'd rather hear,
not just act out
with my time.

I'm not cut out for a role
I never auditioned for
or this life.
I have a lover
He's my best friend undercover

I've known him since junior high
He's my childhood sweetheart there's no deny

He's been my backbone
Through thick and thin never letting me stand alone

He's tall, handsome, long, he's exciting especially after a good night of *** igniting

When I eat a wonderful supper
Oh yeah he's there with a Dr Pepper

My lover knows my husband
Shhh don't worry he knew when he auditioned

My lover was with me when I got the news
I have to tell my lover that it's over before the cruise

We have been inseparable since we was eleven
It's really hard to let him go twenty-four seven

I'm gonna have to be strong and let my lover go
I bet he'll say no

I love you, don't leave me
Because we'll be off key

My lover has a name
I'm not ashamed

I've been playing Russian roulette
I call him cigarette
Written by: Denise Huddleston
lei Dec 2016
i find myself
daydreaming about what my world would look like
if you were here with me.

i would've braved that rollercoater
at last summer's fair
because i knew i had the handle bars
and you
to hold onto.

i would've auditioned for that role
in the school play
because i knew that you'd be there
to cheer me on
even if my voice cracks.

i would've done so many things
knowing i'd have you
to be there while i face life.
You see I was George Washington
The first president of the United States
And after my life of Albert Waldron
A famous Adelaide Melbourne footy star
I became Stanley Roberts
Who was born in 1930
Stanley knew he had a gift
As well as knowing the world puts you through situations so you can
One day know your past life story
Stanley was the son of John and beryl Roberts and the younger brother to Judy
Judy wanted to be a princess
And me, well because of my gift
I was having bad nightmares
And these nightmares meant nothing
Because I had a best friend named bobby
Who seemed to understand my gifted past
But still he wanted to be a normal kid
I couldn’t understand this
Especially when I wrote him a note
Explaining my issues
And 4 days later
I saw him burning something
Which at the time I thought was my
Letter and then in 1937 on my 7 th birthday
I made the baseball team for Manhattan pistols and bobby was trying out for it too
And he wasn’t so lucky
So I decided to concentrate on
Bring a great baseball player
And be the best version of Stanley Roberts
I could be and I was given my grandfathers
Old baseball bat
Now as I was in the psych ward
Both times I had dillusions which I couldn’t explain and then in 1943 when I made high school I was ready to play PRO baseball
And I was very popular and bobby was lonely and a ****** because he bashed his parents and killed them and was sent to juvenile detention till the age of 18 where he was killed on the electric chair and a test later in 1949 Stanley turned 19 and was too worried to persue his career as a baseball player and I auditioned for broadway where in the televised Macy’s thanksgiving day parade was apart of and I did that in 1950 too but in March 1951 a group of pit bulls attacked Stanley outside the Bronx swimming pool when I was meeting my broadway friends for a swim and this was a case which turned into homicide till they realised it was a pack of dogs that killed me
And in 1952 I became Graeme Thorne and I was living in Sydney Australia And my gifted visions didn’t happen this life and I realise now that the visions keep me safe from being kidnapped after my tragic last life and everything was going well as greame he was a choir singer and met the great Arthur summons and in 1960 Graeme Thorne was kidnapped and thrown to the sharks and this was a wake up call and in the 60s was a hard time being a lot of young babies which died after a few months of existence and in 1969 Brian Allan was born and his life started the same way as Greame’s but then Brian went crazy doing stupid things but as a kid he was normal and in the 90s he was normal too well apart from bashing his loving parents and that could have got me in gaol for a long time but after hearing about the troubled times of September 11 2001 I was trying to be nicer to my parents and it lasted untill 2004 when I was getting Stanley’s visions coming back to me in the form of silly dillusions which lead to me killing the family cat, which was a crazy thing for me to do and I was sent to the psych ward where I was thinking I was being kidnapped and the psych ward was to me like a old age home and I felt it was the entry to heaven which scared me so much and I was there for 3 months and I still had silly dillusions which lasted for a while untill I tried to ignore Stanley’s gift and went back to work and I went to batemans bay in 2004 2005 and 2006 as well as playing Santa at vinnies where I felt part of the establishment and then I was becoming very well I went back to Adelaide in 2009 where my previous life Albert Waldron lived and I felt very welcome and I saw the Adelaide christmas parade there and then I went to Merimbula where I partied on New Year’s Eve to the pigs music band and in 2012 I was really hyped up in the establishment I went to Adelaide again and I saw the Christmas parade again and albert’s spirit was on top of me and I was feeling Stanley’s gift and then I went home I got another job at ACTEW and in 2013 I was in the psych ward where I became an artist with delusions but despite the screws not giving a **** about me I was writing poems drawing pictures to my hearts content
And when Christmas came I left the psych ward and I wanted to do something good so I did the cartooning course and joined a theatre group where I expressed myself with the gift of Stanley which was starting to fall into space I told the whole world my problems like sending emails to different addresses around the world and I started reading poems in the poetry slam, my first poem was I get headaches from champagne
And after that I read many more and in 2015 I left but then I became the ornament to a personal trainer and he made me lose Stanley’s gift which when he went to gaol I started to understand that coronavirus was taking people’s fun away and everything was cancelled at the start and I was watching online concerts and Netflix and YouTube and suddenly tonight I was taken on a journey where I was Darren Stephens from bewitched and I saw my best friend bobby and he assured me that he didn’t burn my letter it was a few other things they were burning when I saw them  and I saw my girl friend of 1947 who brought my mind to think that Stanley wasn’t gifted
He was nice and when she died in 1997 bobby said Stanley had no gift but I was sure I had a gift and bobby said, the reason why Stanley died so young was because he thought he was special ya know
Better than everybody and each death was a wake up call saying for me to live in the real world and not think the gift means something, it is just silly dillusions that you can’t control and I felt I was back in the psych ward learning my life stories abs suddenly Jupiter moon blew up with methane and we couldn’t get out suddenly With my plans to work and join singing groups etc my dad gave me methane pills to help me become good next year and get over this coronavirus and the gift of Stanley became an urban legend and suddenly I thought I was born again
Nik Bland Nov 2019
You are absolutely the most gorgeous
Goddess on two feet
Those ambitious
Auditioned, failed
Had to sign a non-compete
You exemplify amplified
Realism till I’m knocked right off my feet
And meeting you leaves me
Tongue tied
Buy and refund vowels
Because I can barely speak

You are Artemis and Athena
Sometimes meaner
You’ve both the brain
And brawn to back it
Not many times do sights
So right
Prove worthy of me
Being flabbergasted
Mere mortal men’s minds cave in
And bow at your intricacies
And you blush, turning crimson
As humbleness rushes to your cheeks

You may not feel the heat
But I know the stakes
Grade A
You are prime to me
Prepared, unshared
With utmost care
And it’s the only time I’ll compare you to meat
I’ll avert my eyes as you rise
A gentleman for eternity
Because love was fantasy
Utter blasphemy
Till you made a believer of me
Someone Nov 2014
I remember,

When I was 4 or 5 and we went into the garden of giant sunflowers in our front yard, and me and my brother wore over sized t-shirts and let hundreds of lady bugs crawl all over us as we laughed and giggled with mom.

When me and my brother took pictures for our family photos in the hallway and we got all dressed up for the first time and we hugged and connected for the first time.

When we visited grandpas house and he watched us play the piano badly while we had a tea party with chocolate milk.

When in preschool I was put into an art class with the older children who picked on me, and eventually I hid under a table and cried for my mother to come get me, resulting in me getting kicked out of that preschool because I bit the teachers hand after she called me a ridiculous idiot and tried to grab me from under the table.

When I was in kindergarten and all the other kids played with construction work toys as I asked the teacher if I could color instead. She forced me to play with the other children as they threw fake plastic rocks in my face.

When I was put into another art class with older kids where none of them accepted me and I was screamed at and kicked out by the teacher after one class because I colored a face on a person orange, since I had no skin colored crayons or pencils.

When I sat on the playground alone and had children make rumors all around me about me as a teacher tried to force the other kids to play with me.

When a boy thought I liked him and decided to come up to me, in class, in front of everyone and make it apparent that he never did, and never would like me because he thought I was ugly and fat, and the class agreed.

When one of the teachers told me that I would never amount to anything in my life because I could not pass one of my math tests. She then proceeded to show me her "golden paper clip" and tell me that I was worth nothing and would never have the honor of earning that award.

When I tried to stand up for myself for once by telling one of the girls who bullied me that I didn't like what she said to me, and she found me one day waiting for my mom to come pick me up after school, as i sat on the swing set. She brought her older cousin who twisted me in the swing so that the chains wrapped around my neck and I could barely breathe. He told me if I ever said something like that to his little cousin again, he would **** me.

When I won a talent show for the first time in my life, and I felt so good about myself, until a girl came up to me with a small group of her friends and kicked me to the ground, saying I didn't deserve it.

When I was forced to run in a track meet or my school and I vomited after running as a lot of angry families told me how worthless I was because I came in last.

When I transferred schools and nothing changed. I still had no friends and everyone made fun of me behind my back, and a few times, to my face.

When I made actual friends for the first time and I felt accepted.

When on of those "friends" told me that I was a sinner because I don't believe in god, and she tried to force me to read a bible she brought to school for me everyday.

When I was called into the counselors office for getting in a fight in class with a girl and her friend after they called me a b----. The counselor made me out to be the bad guy for standing up for myself.

When a teacher pulled me aside and told me that I smelled like crap and she thought that's why children didn't like me, but when I asked my friends, they said she smells, not me, and that she has tried to pass it off onto other children before too, saying the same thing she said to me.

When I auditioned for choir in Junior High and all the other girls told me that I would never make it in, because I was a fat girl who couldn't sing, and no one wanted to hear or see that.

When I had my first day of Honor Choir in Junior High, and all the girls didn't think it was right that I made it in, so they pushed me off the top of the risers and onto the floor while telling me that I was an idiot who didn't know what they were doing, and laughing at me.

When I actually won a singing competition for our school and got praised by my choir teacher.

When my mom sat in the car with me crying and telling me that her and dad were getting a divorce and that she wanted me to live with my dad and make sure he was okay.

When my brother got in a big fight with me and hit me for the first time.

When I moved to the new house with my father and my mom called me, crying one night because she thought I liked my dad better than her.

When my dad told me that I was a worthless human being because I was having a panic attack at midnight in our living room.

When my dad slapped me across the face for having another panic attack in front of him and his girlfriend.

When my dad woke me up in the middle of the night and started screaming at me to get the hell up and pack my bags because he was taking me to my mothers house. I went in crying my eyes out and as I hugged by my mother and brother.

When my dads wife started fighting with me and my mother, threatening our lives as they tried to get custody of my brother and said she would never want me in their house ever again. She continues to bully me.

When I broke down on the side of the road in my car with my brother and started to have a panic attack. My brother screamed at me to shut the hell up and I considered running into the road and getting hit by a car to end it all.

When my mom almost killed herself by taking to many pills when she was sad and I had to watch her until she finally fell asleep in bed and I almost missed school the next day because I was so worried about her.

I remember. You might pretend to forget or act like it never happened, but I won't forget. Ever.
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
I told you it all straightforward,
every single possible thing about me.
I laid it all out on the table for
you from the very start.
All of my pain and struggles,
Even all about my freshly wounded,
and unhealed broken heart..
You made me believe and had me so convinced about how wrongly
you've also been treated..
About you having a broken heart too,
and how all of the hurt hit u so hard,
that you're scarred,
and had been left out in the dark.
Though actually,
cold and heartless is what you really turned out to be.
Plenty of fish in the sea,
and I fell for a blood thirsty shark.
Really you made all of that **** up with all of those manipulating lies,
I should've known that you were as fake
as the ugly glued on lashes that you always wear at a length so long,
it's sort of like a guard..
In which I could barley even look
into your eyes.
It's like with my life,
you auditioned for a role just to play a part.
Where in reality,
I was the only one with an
actual damaged heart,
that actually was ripped and torn apart.
I guess the time just felt right as I instinctively gave u my heart.
But as it turned out..
my love was about as
declined as your credit.
Although you never did fail to say
"I Love You" when I'd break down,
and lineup thick white lines with your dormant credit card.
It's like I was the bright red round bullseye, to your freshly feathered dart.
It seems that my heart was the location
of that bright red round bullseye..
and maybe it was that your thrown dart was thick and extra sharp,
or a strong muscle in your arm,
or maybe you just genuinely
enjoy causing people harm.
I guess I'll never really know why,
but one thing I do know is that indeed,
you hit it really hard.
Now here in the end,
I realize after all the pain and suffering that you put me through that the auditioned role that u successfully got,
and played the part,
was really just a twisted plot of you ******* with my mind even more.
With a closing ending scene of you tearing down to pieces my once "broken",
but now far beyond repair,
destroyed and shattered heart..
What I really I hate the most,
is that I feel like such a fool
of how easily that it was me,
you could outsmart..
How I turned out to be the one
actually left out in the dark,
because really you did leave your mark,
that I'll now wear forever on my heart..
like a bright red round scar.
Muggle Ginger May 2016
My life is a monologue--
No one auditioned for the play
Here I am fumbling,
Forgetting what to say
Nina Feb 2015
I can finally see why you did what you did.
I can finally see how maybe I tried too hard to make you The One Good Thing,
When you never auditioned for the part.
I can finally see all the memories for what they really were-
How even when we were wrapped in one another, we were never really a perfect fit.
And how I tried so hard to unbutton your heart,
I may have ripped some of the seams along the way.
I can finally see why you gave me that movie,
I can finally see why you always walked home,
I can finally see why you sent me your poem,
I can finally see why you told me you could never write a poem about me.
wordvango Jan 2017
once absent of key
chords wound around
had we thought of this before
may we have been more profound
planned the soliloguy
stood more proud and determined
took more practice in plans
more days before we auditioned
had more deft a ******* more
a lighter touch a romantic
questions are so lingering
and time ticking on
I find time
four three cadence and harmony
hard to determine
preservationman Apr 2017
It was a dream I always had
Being the Star and under the spotlight
I always had the rhythm
But it was a gift being talent
I would often practice hour after hour
In between, I would often tire
Regardless of sweat and aches, I refused to expire
Every dance step had to be toned to perfection
On Broadway, it would be the dance moves in reflection
The thought of Broadway being applause from the audience
Once I felt comfortable with my dance steps
It would be time to step out and audition about
A new Broadway Musical was coming out called “DANCE HOUR”
It would be music from JAZZ to R&B DISCO
So I auditioned
When I was called, I danced to many combinations in smooth dazzling ways
Props being my own
After I finished, the Director shouted, “WELCOME TO BROADWAY”
I danced being the star performer having appreciation in my heart being gratitude
Broadway that was meant for me
My talent for all to see
The Great White Way with entertainment that is sure to stay
But it was Maurice and Gregory Hines that led my way.
Cepheus Feb 2019
Allow me to stutter
B-Because this is something i really can't admit
ExEmption—that is what you are to me
GanGin' up on me like little squirrels
AsphAlt-dragging cuddly bear
InducIng pain and ecstasy
Lalala-Lullaby of nightmare and desire no one should see

It really is something
N-Nah, you really are something
InItially something from my peripheral vision
E-elEvated like a server administrator
GoonG! a golden mic when you didn't auditioned
"OooooOoooh~" cried the wolf in a human form
Petrichor Jun 2020
Is not the absence of somebody
But the presence of the true self
I am sick of playing a role i never auditioned for
Being subjected to judgemental eyes
Sometimes there are remnants of hope
To encounter the right person
Who could become a friend,a lover,a kindred spirit
But that desire is ephemeral
No,I must remain alone
Embrace the void,the vacant space,the stillness
For only here can i exist
preservationman Jul 2017
How did a man get a name STAGE COPELAND
He got it when he was a tot
Stage would pretend to perform in front of his family and friends in performances he had seen
On any occasion, you would see stage acting out drama at home in his own way
Having a name like Stage is fitting for the stage
Well as he grew up into a teenager, the thought acting on stage became a deep down passion
With the name Stage, he was ready to perform
So Stage joined a small Acting Theater group in his town
Stage performed, “MY MISSION”
It was a story about a man who had nothing but ambitions in being a success
Yet it was more of a testimony turning into a confess
After while Stage had become a very good Actor, but was ready to advance
Luckily, there was a Broadway opportunity being chance
Imagine performing on the Great White way
Well that would be a highlight being ok
The Broadway Show was called “YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET”
However, Stage had talent and Broadway would be getting the commodity of get
So STAGE auditioned and caught the Director’s attention
I don’t need to mention
STAGE got the Lead Role
He played the Leading Role of Franklin Stewart, a man who wanted to be in show business
How fitting, Stage would be the perfect witness in playing an actual part that describes him
Well its show time
The orchestra music has begun
The curtain is rising up
Applause from the audience
Performance of a lifetime has transcended
Dramatic line, “Acting has always been in my blood, the inspiration is like water flowing like a flood”
STAGE got thunderous applause
He acted the dramatic acts playing the role that was similar to his own
STAGE and the Cast bow to the audience
Then the curtain comes down
The performance could be described as stardom bound.
ghost queen Jul 2021
i saw her
from across the room
wrote her script
from start to finish
which she never read
or auditioned

i never approached
walked away
of rejection

more comfortable
in isolation
and loneliness
but craving
her attention

rehearsing tragedy
sucker punched
by reality
wanting change
from living in pain

afraid to live
scared to die
all i want to do
is cry
XIII Nov 2019
Allow me to stutter
B-Because this is something i really can't admit
ExEmption—that is what you are to me
GanGin' up on me like little squirrels
AsphAlt-dragging cuddly bear
InducIng pain and ecstasy
Lalala-Lullaby of nightmare and desire no one should see

It really is something
N-Nah, you really are something
InItially something from my peripheral vision
E-elEvated like a server administrator
GoonG! a golden mic when you didn't auditioned
"OooooOoooh~" cried the wolf in a human form
© Cepheus February 26, 2019
This is a show off off-broadway
Filled with prose and cause
Complicated expositions
Stranger than fiction ever was

I've auditioned a cast of characters
And never made the lead
Odd for that on these footboards
Are where they were conceived

I know this part by heart
Hell, I wrote the lines
Seeking my Euridice, my Juliet
Cursed to never find

I have no faith in critics
They rarely get the point
And in all the marvelous performances
I am still not "right"

It's gone dark inside my theater now
The cast and audience have all gone
The curtains took their final bow
I'll seek you from the balconies

I've kept the ghostlight on
Ellen Dec 2017
Once there was a man,
he cried while watching the dawn of the day.
He would rather stay in the shadow ,
awaiting for dusk.

In the nick of time
he worked hard to be backstage
he would not let his face shine
and he danced with life on his own

One bitter tragedy lied this same man in depression.

He didn't want to be the stagehand anymore
he stood tall
and auditioned for the main part.

Chances are he wins,but even if he not,
he will be priviledged to dwell on the dream:
Gray Ndiaye Apr 2019
to all the boys i've lusted before
you were never what i needed
you were never what i deserved
you were never competent
of giving me the love
i was entitled to
the love i am entitled to
i sold myself short
giving myself a measurable discount
i kept quiet
when i wanted to yell
i played a part in this
as much as you do
i was a staple on your casting couch
i auditioned
i won the leading role
or the love interest perhaps
then i realized there
was no love there at all
no love to be interested in at least
i always had an understudy
sometimes i was aware of them
other times they came as a surprise
my heart was fractured
but not broken
to think i broke a leg
**** near every show
for you
and you
and you too
no more
i am the writer of my own production
the director
the producer
and everything in between
right down to craft services
our visions no longer align
i am finally
delilah Mar 2019
i was given the role of love interest #1
it wasn't the role i auditioned for
but it was the role i was given
i was left two choices
play the part
leave your show
and so i played my part
but the script wasn't so nice
and neither were the other characters
so i dropped the act
and you dropped me
because i guess i never really mattered
i never was your friend huh?
just love interest #1
i don't know just found this in my notes

Don’t throw bouquets at me

Don’t please my folks too much

Don’t laugh at my jokes too much

People will say we’re in love


At the corner leans
His guitar. Six strings covered
A pair of blue eyes.


Taste of Sour, she forced herself
to bleed the sweet instead.
A set of invisible wonders.


Was everything the same?
Was everything there?
The winds came, who is playing?


Melody is an unframed mirror
Together, those were
Our breathes.
Our duet together. A nonstop
orchestrated love song


He holds a torch in her direction,

attempted to pierce through the empty veil

to remembrance of shadows.


Unfiltered, unedited, surreal, raw
and authentic. She is not under human spirits, 

She is whole. She is more than fragmented.


His Guitar moves without fingers

to the thoughts in the dance you bring to it.


Below, flows, winds, unidentified bowl of
Greens, a glimpse of recognition;

The melody they used to keep.


Melody leads to a path that dances with shadows;

the footsteps that burn the heart deep.


Hot red, voice of D. No tune can be
Determined. He sings and plays over her body
Again and again, high and low, tranquil to whispers.


At the top of her body
He was searching,  light yellow
spirals of tunings.


Crystals, candles, prayer
Cat meditates a burst of screaming
Decomposing secret of notes.


Painting, poetry, science, the occult,
Philosophy, and psychology
melody our hearts sing


Heard only by our ears

none other knows the tune


He felt the need to discover himself  in the crystal mirror
it lights to guitar and that split mirror in two;
Melody auditioned by two

Created harmony for one


“People will say We’re In Love”
Her Guitar lightly tuned
Each silent kiss recreates a note

Every sigh completes the lilt
Each embrace plays a chord


Do we know where we came from or where we went?

Is the life we live worth the way its been spent?


Over a giant D, vibrancy of transparency music sheet
a song forevermore.
“People will say We’re In Love”
Her guitar lightly tuned


Together, we are in living, dying
and reincarnation.
Last week Friday, the Queen is facing life without her ‘strength and stay’:
She will carry on
But it will be a lonelier path.
Hi dudes

This is Johnny here and I am about to
Start the first Wednesday night live
How about the AFL with Carlton who at the
Start of the year Carlton were testing the AFL ladder being on top with Sydney and seeing swans are still on top Carlton went to 8th spot and they must win to make it in the finals, they had injuries but still they could’ve tried a bit harder because now it looks like a port-Sydney grand final or an all Sydney grand final or could be port - giants or port - Geelong but I will be going for Geelong to drop out and let Brisbane in
Because the cats aren’t really that impressive but what about footscray they won in 2016 from outside the 4, is it possible for them to do that again but I am hoping Sydney can reverse that result, Collingwood need a 200 game to make finals and need Carlton and hawthorn to lose
Their games even though I personally think Carlton and hawthorn  will just make up the numbers, but it does look like 2016, I really hope not now my tips Melbourne over Collingwood
Cats over eagles only because of eagles position
Suns v tigers I would like to see sims win in a nothing match north v hawks, I say hawks To make up the numbers lions to beat the bombers at the Gabba and I say Sydney can beat Adelaide position and real, I say it will be close between giants and footscray, Osage giants in a close one Carlton and st kilda both teams are coming off a win and saints won against Geelong
But I will say Carlton in a close one and port to beat dockers because dockets have more to lose but the loss of that player who attacked the crows player I say port still in a close one and now the NRL with wests and sea eagles I say eagles and warriors and bulldogs well bulldogs will be to hungry so I say the dogs and a close one but hopefully parramatta to beat Brisbane
Panthers to beat raiders but raiders will be hungry but I can’t go past panthers and I want dolphins to beat storm but not going to happen so I go for storm souths and knights both sides are a problem, I say bunnies at home I hope titans to beat roosters but again never going to happen and I will go for sharks to beat dragons but it could be close, and now the voice, I liked a few singers tonight and wasn’t it amazing Matt Rogers brother auditioned but didn’t get in, all judges are determined to get the artist they want
And now here is a song to celebrate the swans being there, it will be hard for them to win but they will try, here is show en Sydney
We read about tigers the bulldogs and the blues we read about the bombers saints and kangaroos
But in this competition the top spot has the best
Melbourne you have seen nothing now Sydney has the best
Show en Sydney show em your the swans
Show em your the winners kicking *** today
Ok goodbye from  Wednesday night live
I auditioned for America's Next Top Model
They took one peek, and said, "Thanks, but goodbye, *****"
Nobody seems to care that they discriminate, based on looks.
Are the Supremes gonna sing his song?
The one it took him four long years to write.
The one he and his choir auditioned in half
The states in what’s left of a Country.

Is the Nonet going to sing his melody
Or will they split into several quartets
Or perhaps a trio and two duets
With someone else taking the solo.

Are the Supremes gonna dance to his tune?
The rest of his orchestra turned him away
And the score calls for complicated steps
But he paid for their lessons in dishonest cash.

He provided new choir robes, with no lace collars
Does one size fit all, or are some too tight.
They insisted on black and refused MAGA red
In an effort to counterfeit decorum.

And still the question hangs in the air
Will the Supremes nonet sing his song.
Is the end of the world an impossible thought
Not if the Supremes agree to sing his song.
So the Orange man finally managed to get his case  all the way up to the Supreme Court, which he feels will, by some arcane system of math, reorder the election results to give him the presidency.  Stop laughing and wonder what would happen then. What WOULD happen then?  Maybe they won't like the tune and he'll be forced to take his final bow and leave the stage. Pray for it.
Auditions are starting soon
script in one hand and hope in the other
I ran
I didn't even audition but some how
still overplayed my part
the role of the fool
and i glanced through the script knowing how this story was going to play out
but you can not erase heartfelt ink
and i didn't want our story to end so i made our play longer.
Our love
Our love; the sequel
movies on top of movies
and us was always my favorite show
I honestly lived within our characters
but you never can prepare enough for the finale.
So when i get to the end of our script
and flip behind the last page
I shouldn't be surprised when I see
the end.
We were completely on different pages
maybe you watched our story differently than i did
I still wait to see your name roll through the credits
you played different roles in other stories
but you didn't want the main lead role in mines
the victim is what you auditioned for
so i sit at the table with other actors and feel
as if i do not belong
i chew on the extra words i added onto our pages
and swallow the melancholy
full bite
tell the waiter another round of episode 23 season who knows
i played all my roles on my own
i never needed a stunt double
im an actor but my role was real
so let's get off script one last time
and i start my first line
saying you felt like home but never lived here
you were my world but never stepped on my grounds
the living room has your scent but you didn't sit on our sofa
and i realize that im just on set again
i turn around and see the audience
a laugh track plays once again the fool
none of this was real
just a show
my role overplayed
our story ends
you continue on
I retire
so i step out of the set and see the real world
and i finally realize our ending was always the same
if it was real or fake
our ending was never artificial
we wouldve ended the same way
and so i open my to go plate
and eat my left over feelings
i chug the glass of resentment
i sit in my filth
my disappointment
i lay in our lines we never rehearsed
i play your laugh tracks in my ear
and at the end of this i do what i've always done
be an actor
get up and display a smile on my face
and play the fool for you all once again
and im welcomed with an applause because behind my costume is the role I'll never have to audition for
the love sick hollywood actor.
Girl I don't know what this is I just be writing

— The End —