What if I was the girl,
the girl who walks through life with ease.
What if I was the girl whose perfectly blonded hair
flew behind her,
just as her worries.
What if I was the girl whose stomach didn't budge
no matter how badly she wanted it.
What if I was the girl
whose skin was kissed so gently by the sun
that she couldn't dare being a blade to it.
What if I was the girl,
who people told that they love her.
What if I was the girl
who wore scrunchies up her wrist
not to hide the marks of a blade
but simply to push her hair out of her face.
What if I was the girl
who could stand to see
myself , bare, in the mirror.
What if I was the girl that people
not only wanted to love
but couldn't help but love.
What if I was the girl whose happiness came from
living her life,
not ending it.
I am not that girl.
I will be this girl.
So I will be this girl,
the girl who knows that her light will dim her darkness,
like the sun painting a blackened sky.
So I will be the girl
who knows that those men can't hurt me anymore.
So I will be this girl,
the girl who chooses to smile even though she has every reason to not.
So I will be this girl,
the girl who chooses not to run from her past
but to walk away from it .
So I will be this girl,
the girl who knows that her demons are merely written on her skin,
not a force to which she will give in.
So I will be this girl.