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There was snow on the ground,
A could, cloudy January day,
When I received the sad news,
My friend John, had passed away,
A son, brother, father & friend,
A fun loving, honest family man,
Always in good spirits, his joking ways,
Willing to help anyone, with his hands,
A confident man, always A positive attitude,
With A caring heart, every day,
A friendly, outgoing personality,
No strangers, ever passed his way,
His personal thoughts, and ideas,
Seemed to glow so bright,
Always doing whatever he could,
To make everything right.
We are all creating memories,
As we journey, through each day,
Be thankful, he was in your life,
Cherished memories, that will never fade.

Tom Maxwell© 2/25/2011
John" mom had the entire pome, put on the stone, at his grave
Looking at the future,
Is it cloudy, or clear,
Thinking about the last day,
Is it far, or near.

Everyone’s, soul is searching,
Experiencing different ways,
That’s why were not to judge others,
During this life, stay.

A soul travel’s through many life’s,
Searching for perfection, every day,
Learning from all situations,
That it passes through, along the way.

                                                               Tom Maxwell © 02/01/2007 AD
The moment we are in is all we have,
The past is over, the unknown, tomorrow,
The few seconds, you have been reading this,
You can not replace, or go back and, borrow.

There is a soul inside of each of us, who we are,
On a journey through the universe,
Now a stop-over, planet earth this time,
Every soul living a different phase of life,
Why, we all think differently, within our minds.

As the soul travels to reach perfection,
Learn discover, as much as possible,
During your visit to earth this time,
Always be prepared, for your, next travel,
Another place, unknown to our human mind.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
5:50 AM
This life, is so short,
It’s measured in years,
If we are lucky,
We shed more smiles, than tears.
It’s full of excitement,
Rewards and fears,
We meet, a lot of people,
Only a few friends, we can trust so dear.
We will all have tough times,
Part of this life’s journey, today,
We never know, the length of our stay,
It’s our choice, how to live every day.
We all have beliefs, and want more,
During, and after, this life time,
We all need directions, and paths to find,
None of us know, when we will be given,
A Special Sign.

                                          Tom Maxwell © 1/23/2021 – written 7/3/2014
Sitting in my home, with a pencil in hand,
Thoughts to letters, then words is my plan,
Often interesting impressions, appear in my head,
Then I ramble on until the story fades to dead.
Inside I can feel myself floating, places, voices,
Sometimes, as if the words are handed to me,
A journey into my mind, a trippy place to see,
Everything, the highest mountains, to open valleys,
Always peaceful, like standing in the sand, staring at the sea.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 2/27/2022 AD
7:30 pm
Time keeps counting down,
Till that final day,
Your reservations are guaranteed,
And won’t be canceled there is no way

You can’t run or hide,
To extend your stay,
Or talk your way out,
With some words you say.

At the end,
On that final day,
You can’t bribe the judge,
With any amount of pay,
You won’t find A lawyer,
That can get you away,
Or appeal his decisions,
They are final in every way.

If you want to,
Clean up your record,
And get your files in line,
You better start now,
Before you run out of time.

At the end,
On that final day,
You can’t bribe the judge,
With any amount of pay,
You won’t find A lawyer,
That can get you away,
Or appeal his decisions,
They are final in every way.

Tom Maxwell copyright
To write Poetry ,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

Tom Maxwell
2020 copyright
To write Poetry ,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                         ­                                                        Tom Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
To write Poetry,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                      Tom­ Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
I had A dream,
I watched,
As it faded away,
My time moves on,
This moment tomorrow,
Will be known, as yesterday.
We should not expect, every thought,
Will become, real and true,
There is only, one thing we can count on,
Ourselves, what we do.
Most dreams, we picture other people too,
Sometimes, it takes longer to realize,
They are not on the same page, as you.
Should I just give up hope, turn away,
Or call it a learning experience,
Back to dreaming, today.

                                                    Tom Maxwell© 1/1/2021 A.D. 3:30 PM
This life we live, is made of dreams every day,
Some we will live and see, others slowly fade away,
Some will change our path, how we work and play,
Others we will look back, wishing we would have stayed.

We never know, what the next moment, may bring,
When starting the next day, we hope to hear birds, sing,
Knowing were always balancing, on a thin line,
There are days we are thankful, that we did not end up in A bind.
                                                                                                                          Tom Maxwell© 2019
Such a beautiful scene as I look out my window,
everything is so peaceful not even A echo.
The dominate color is white from the years, first snow,
as the sun begins to rise it reflects a blinding glow.
The white ice crystals doing a balancing on the branches of the trees,
as the temperature rise’s they begin to melt and fall so free.
The bird taking turns landing on the feeder with care,
such small delicate bodies to withstand the cold winter air.
The bright red cardinals are the only bold color my eyes see,
as they sit on the deck rail waiting their turn while keeping one eye on me.
There is a gold- colored fox across the creek on the hill,
such a beautiful creature as he sits at the top so still.
I can hear a noise the drip of water as the snow begins to melt away,
enjoy the beautiful things you love in this life sooner or later they will fade.

                                                  Tom Maxwell copyright 01/08/2005
We all have to Believe,
During, our life this time,
Everyone, makes different choices,
We often change, in our mind.

What to Believe,
From what we see, or hear,
Always sorting ideas,
Some seem so far, others touch us near.

Somethings, are hard to Believe,
Hearing them often, in many way’s,
If actions, don’t follow the words,
Change directions, for better day’s.

In your future, always Believe,
Not for tomorrow, after this life’s stay,
Be prepared, you can’t wait A minute,
The call could come, anytime, on any day.
                                            Tom Maxwell ©
Books on shelves,
Knowledge from someone’s mind,
Ideas, purpose, or reason,
Words from A moment in time,

Many read,
Everywhere, every day,
Very few remembered,
Future generations far away.

Lie’s, fibs, and tale’s,
Leave’s on A windy day,
Truthful visions in words,
Guidance during this earthly stay.

                   Tom Maxwell 11/09/06
This life, part of many different situations,
To build our soul, to move on, after, this journey,
To our next role.
There are young, old, good, and bad influences,
Around us everywhere, our choice moving forward,
Giving life, ourselves A dare, or just hanging out,
Always wondering, what if, standing in A stare.
Some souls are very old, past prophets, old friends of, Jesus,
In this life to guide, lead, may be A total stranger, on A street,
That said A few words, you now follow,
Repeating them often, to everyone, you know and meet.
Everyone has energy, we can feel,
learn, teach with each other, pass the good on,
As knowledge, or A healing process, to someone, in need.
Everything, takes, time patience, in this world of greed.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 8/20/2021 AD 11:00am
I looked out my window in morning, two small deer playing like puppies, then I saw two eyes of the mother deer staring at me, I got idea sat down wrote entire poem. is there a relation, or just a tory to tell?
I was reading a 2005 edition,
Of an Oxford dictionary, and,
And a 1990 version of the,
Websters, New Thesaurus,
Yes, it was a slow evening,
That day. Two common words,
You may often hear, or say,
Why and but, could nowhere,
Be found, as I searched away.
The both are used in negative, or positive ways,
Depending on what you are expressing, and your attitude,
At the time. But you are so sweet, to but I am,
Doing it my way. Why, that was so kind, to,
Why, the hell did you do that.
If you read every word in both of those books,
You learn a lot, and you’ve read almost every word,
In every other book.

                             The Original: Tom maxwell © 07/02/2024 AD
There is one thing most of us would agree,
We do not like those who are selfish, and live a life of greed.
Through most of the media outlets. evil, filtered through mind manipulation,
Is recruiting more followers, every day, slowly removing, Jesus Christ,
From his own birthday, Christmas Day.
I was at a local watering hole, on Friday night, a longtime friend,
Walked in, a fluffy white beard, red pants, black boots, Santa Clause, right,
The holiday, is to honor the birth of Jesus Christ.
If you were showing respect, and dressed up like Jesus, today,
Many would laugh, others may start a fight.
When asked, most people believe in God, Jesus is his son, he sent, To save our soul, our soul, that is who we are, how often today,
Do you hear, save my soul, compared to, save my ***?
Many like to gamble, a bad bet, if you think we would be here today,
Without the first Christmas day.
It’s been many moon’s ago, over 2023 years ago, where was your soul?
The populated, parts of the world, were at, what many are chasing,
Wanting today, one central government, that controls you, everything, you have, do, or say,
One fact, they want to eliminate, teaching history,
In schools today, It was so bad before Jesus, most everything is lost,
Everyone wanted to forget the past, they even changed the, calendar, to B.C.
Today people like to name drop, talking about famous people,
No one, comes close to Jesus, he and his father, God, they have,
In the past, and in the future, always will be the first, and second spots.

We see and hear about broken families today, Jesus was conceived,
By a ******, his mom Mary, Joseph, her man, right by her side,
A hard working carpenter, The world has been so turned around since then,
Still going on today, How many men would consider living, staying, with,
A ******, today, love has changed from feelings of the person, their soul, to what I can get, run around and show,
We, our souls, have past, and future life’s, Christmas, is a time, to think, pray and believe,
Many want the most expensive gifts, just for tell and show,
Find discover, your own soul, the gift God gave each of us, you want to be, popular, you will never forget someone, who took time,
To touch you with their soul! Those expensive, gifts, large amounts Of money, are chump change,
Compared to eternity, have patience, believe, help others,
Show appreciation, we are here to build our soul, to perfection, Through our, actions words and thoughts, from our mind.
Jesus is still around us, incognito today, there are also prophets, Teaching, angels, who watch over us, and help in our moments,
Of serious need. The word has been out there, for a long long time,
Jesus, will be back,
On center stage, a second time, to save his father’s creations,
Will the calendar, change again, with memories of us forgot,
Believe, live by what you say, Merry Christmas, AKA,
Happy Birthday Jesus, celebrate, the most wonderful holy day,
                                        Merry Christmas

                                      The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/2023 A.D.
Some of the memorable thoughts, and comments,
From The Holiday Season – What are they talking about ?
That is the biggest one I have ever seen
How long do I beat it before it is ready
Stop playing with your meat
You will know when it is ready, when it pops up
It is ready, it is ready
Just spread the legs open, and stuff it in
Stop licking your fingers
How long will it take, after you stick it in
Can you handle all these people, at one time
I did not expect everyone to come at the same time
It is a little dry, do you still want to eat it
Tying the legs together, will keep it moist inside
You still have a little bit on your chin and lips
Just wait till it is your turn, you will get some
I am in the mood for a little dark meat
Talk about some huge breast
Get a taste then pass it on
That is one terrific spread
If I do not undo my pants, I will bust them open
Are you ready for seconds
It is cool whip time
The Original: Tom Maxwell©11/16/2022 AD
Not actually a poem, just wanted to share, a little Holiday Humor!
As Christmas day will soon be here, our journey,
This life, has taken us through, another year,
Enjoyment during the season, full of cheer,
Take time to think, why are we here?
So much talk, commercialism, starts earlier each year,
We all hold memories, of the holiday, in different ways,
Always remember the first Christmas day.
Much talk about gifts, colorful, decorations,
We need to look at our life, the roads we travel,
Our special, inner inspiration.
Many plan for weeks, to create, a special day,
We all need to arrange our life, remember,
Our final destination, be prepared, every day.
Our travels in this life, will soon enter the year 2022,
Share, help others, this world is for all to learn.
Look for, talk about the good in others,
As you would want them to do to you.
The Original Tom Maxwell ©12/06/2019 ( original 2002 )
Most people just follow, the thinking & directions,
From others, as they, try to find themselves,
As they pass through this life, of days.
Afraid of one of the hardest challenges, we have,
Stepping out, daring to be different, than those,
We hang with, their actions, and ways.
Someone, thought of, showed us the life style,
We act out, and follow during this stay,
Nothing is forever, always be open,
To different paths, the act, the part you play,
Like getting lost, hiking in a thick forest,
Life is a big maze within itself, much misdirection,
Confused minds around, wanting us to follow them,
To confirm, their actions, becoming our habits, every day,
It takes confidence, strength & knowledge,
To explore, our own direction, and ways.

                                                                                                                 Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                         5/30/2020 AD 2:15 PM
Have I been here before, it all seems like a dream,
I can remember the sounds, and describe the seen.

Is it a day dream I remember, or a memory from one at night,
Or someone's energy I received one time, as a quick flash of bright light.

Did I see the future, take a look ahead of my time, or am I just,
A little crazy, with an imaginary mind.

I know what your thinking, what your about to say,
the way you will explain it, how your emotions will play.

It's happened so often, over the years, in my time,
As if I had the script, stored in my mind.

When I think these thoughts, I never know which ones,
Will come true, when they take place, it's all so clear,
everything is there, even what we are about to do.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/17/2003
Every thought idea or plan, for future days,
In reality, is a dream, no one knows their length,
Of time, in this life’s stay.
Experiences you will have in this life, some are,
Real dreams, that came true,  serious thoughts from your past,
When they are over, you may look back, and think,
Wow, I remember picturing this in my life,
It happened and was over as fast as a blink.
When a dream comes to reality, it’s usually perfect timing,
And place, the excitement of the moment, you put down,
Your guards, trust and enjoy the pace.
A few things about a real dream there is usually a hidden,
Message, for guidance and to make you think, you will,
Remember details, for years, also you have no notice of,
The time, place, or the other people’s faces.

                                   The Original: Tom Maxwell© 10/6/2022 AD
I have lived many dreams,
The first few, I didn’t realize, I was,
Until they were over, they lived their time,
Dreams do not stay, in our life forever,
We must join the ride, when they pass by,
Most only appear one time, in this life,
Follow your dreams, or always wonder why,

                                                                                                                                                     Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                                                                                  2:40 PM
We dream about many things, often we do not realize we  are living , a dream,
At the moment, we are enjoying, the excitement they bring...
It was January, twenty - four, in the year 2019,
I was hurting from an infected, tooth, it was 2:00,
In the morning, I saw myself in A dream.
My image was standing, in the corner,
Looking about, 30 years younger,
In clothes, I use to wear, I could not believe,
I had to get up, and walk over there,
I was not afraid or scared, more curious,
Excitement, flowing in the air.
I remember, saying you are me, I reached,
To shake hands, only A blank face,
A motionless, body to see, The sound, of a vacuum,
Distracted me, I thought, it was early, for the maid,  
What could this sound be, I saw an image of my maid,
With her glasses, hanging, down from her head,
Then I woke from my sleep, I was lying in bed.
Was the infection, that bad, I was about to fall,
Then my subconscious, said, not your time,
Then gave me a wake-up call
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/10/ 2021 AD 7:00 AM
When you look at an ocean,
Or the water in the sea’s,
Think of all the drops of rain,
To create the picture, you see.
Some of those drops of rain,
Have been around, longer than me, and you,
Others just arrived, from the morning dew,
We each need, a lot of water,
Just to stay alive.
The next time you see a drip,
Say thanks, for helping you survive.

Tom Maxwell©
                                                        ­                                                  8/06/2020 AD
                                                              ­                                                 12:50 PM
Experience, knowledge, common sense,
How we listen, patience, being realistic,
About our goals, our attitude, reactions,
To situations, understanding, life is not an easy stroll.
A few of the hills, we must climb, as we carry,
Strengthen, our inner soul.
We each have our feelings, emotions, beliefs, dreams,
And plans, as we slowly, try to succeed, in our journey,
Through this life, with our spirit, trying to guide us,
To the eternal land.
Some come easy, others lead to binds, life is like,
A math problem, divide, everything by the unknown,
The length of our life in time.

                                                                                      Tom Maxwell © 1/7/2020 A.D. 11:50 am
As you cruise on planet Earth, your mother ship,
                  You  float, no one knows where exactly, in the universe, the sky,
Spinning in circles, circling the sun, as other planets, and stars,
Pass you by.
A perfect resort for human beings, your sun the perfect distance away,
Plants that re- produce, and create oxygen, for all to breathe each day,
Along with many varieties, of food, for you to survive, during this life stay.
There is so much around you and inside your planet, yet to be discovered,
Someday, every survival need you need is free, appreciation, your goal, to visit,
Other planets, millions of miles away. You  are creatures from many years,
By mixing families, genes, and cultures, you are all the same.
The free needs of a human being, are taken for granted, in every way,
Knowing at any time, your earthly figure could fade away, why are,
So many thoughts and actions, negative, greedy, and cruel,
You should all care about, and be happy with each other,
This life, a short one-time vacation, as your soul will travel on,
Searching for perfection, before the final judgment day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/25/22 AD
4:19 am
Think about those worms, that wiggle through the land,
They loosen up the soil, so the roots of plants can expand.

Those plants give off oxygen, to support life, on this earth each day,
Some provide the food we eat, and give shelter, to animals, that prey.

As those critters grow, living their lives in so many different ways,
Some of them will be hunted by others, eaten as a meal someday.

Every living thing on earth, works with or for each other, in some,
Special way, all of the plants, and creatures, need one another,
To stay alive to see the next day.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/05/2003 A.D.
Creating a stronger, smarter, human is fading,
Look at evolution today!
Raising children, no respect, or manners,
Thinking cell phones, and video games,
Are the path, to a successful life today.
No common sense, making rules, as they play,
Some get too deep, then the gray bar motel, they stay.
A lot of crazy talks, not a clue what they mean,
A bunch of words, no job, they can’t afford a cone with ice cream.
Spending, their grandparents, and parents, retirement away,
Not showing, any love or compassion,
To those who care for them, every day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
12/04/2021 AD
7:00 AM
Outlaws from the past,
Old gray-haired men today,
Exploring, on Harley Davidson’s,
Mind entertaining, down highways.

Hair blowing in the wind,
Their nose on the white lines,
Riding their Harleys,
Feeling freedom, every time.

The old ladies,
May have holes, in their jeans,
The Harley Davidsons,
Always A clean Machine.

Tom Maxwell © 02/19/2019 AD 4:20 PM
Is it early in the morning,
Our late, at night,
It depends, where you are,
With the thoughts, in your sights.
To some, it’s normal, and right,
Others are sleeping, curled up tight.
You can live your whole life,
Following habits, what others do,
Or experiment, with every minute,
To discover, the best creative hours,
For You.

                                              Tom Maxwell © 02/03/2021 A.D. 1:37 AM
We often have to choose between things,
At different times, for the wrong reason,
We twist it around, convincing ourselves,
Confusing our emotions, that it’s right, in our mind.
A stranger waving, the right candy, in front of,
The right persons, face, can change A persons,
Direction, in life, for A very long time,
Follow your gut feelings, special signs,
The path may, not seem as fun, or exciting,
In this life, we are to learn, and share,
As we prepare our soul, for eternity,
And it’s final journey there.

                                                                                                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                   09/03/2021 AD 6:09am
We use to be close together, shared good times,
Helped each other through, bad weather.
There were few days, you would see us apart,
We had A friendship that connected,
Right from the start.
We could feel each other’s emotions,
As if we shared the same mind,
We would guide each other through, lonely times.
Our last time together, was just A normal day,
Then for reasons unknown, our friendship,
Just drifted away.
Over the years we cross paths, it’s just like the old days,
Then we part again, journey our separate ways.
We all have friends, we hold so close in our mind,
When we think of them,
A feeling of peace, happiness, comes every time.
During this life, most friendships, will drift apart,
We will only have A few, we keep as memories,
Close to our heart.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­   Tom Maxwell©
We never give much thought,
Thinking we are standing,
On solid ground every day,
There is always something moving,
Below our feet, over forty - one thousand,
Earthquakes, in the year twenty - twenty  
That’s just in the U.S.A.
Then if we think of all of the void spaces,
Empty mines, caverns & caves…
Many of us living above, under - ground holes,
While the oceans, along our country’s east & west sides,
Wash away, acres A year, with high tides, and waves.

                                                                                              Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                            4/12 2021 AD
                                                                                            3:45 AM
Almost every where we go,
Many crosses, we do see,
Reminding us of, the true friend we have,
Jesus Christ, who gave his life, for you and me,
We have not met him, so far,
In the future, we will see, if you believe,
He gave his life,
Before, we were born to see.
As I grow older I often think of you in my mind, everything you have done for me, over the years of my time.
I am so lucky to have you in my life today, for I have so many friends, who have lost their fathers, years ago along the way.
I have learned a lot, watching how, you survived, over three quarters of a century, so many changes, you are a hero,  to still be healthy and alive.
I could not imagine all of the changes, you’ve had to live with,  from the outside, separate reading room, to modern day plumbing, with a telephone in the bathroom.
You are one of the lucky ones, to make it to the summit in your life, your retired, healthy, do what you want everyday, might sound like a dream, you had, fifty or sixty years ago, on a long hard day.
Enjoy life, and make it easier on yourself in every way, you’ve earned the best, and most of all I love you, Happy Fathers Day.

Think its a hassle to hang around dad, you think different when you know , never again! RIP DAD  2011
Our attitude, and what we believe,
Is a big part of this life, every day,
How we react to certain situations,
Can lead us forward,
Or leave us where we are to stay,
It’s the same, for everyone,
No matter where you’re from, your work, or how you pray.
Our beliefs, will always change,
Examine both sides of each situation, every time,
Rules, laws, along with many other circumstances,
Were created, to keep negative thoughts and fear, within our mind,
We have to have trust and faith for ourselves,
Have confidence, and always watch for positive signs.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/10/2022AD
7:45 PM
Do you accept others, for who they are,
Along with things they do, you ever think,
How would you be, walking in their shoes.
Have you ever disrespected, anyone, owing,
Them an apology, in some way, any old friends,
You would like to contact, what’s stopping you, today.
Do you pressure, yourself, and others, why,
Are you happy with your relationship, with God,
Are you spiritually connected, or need to try.
Do you hold in anger, you should release from your heart,
If you could begin this life over, how would you start.
If you had an extra hour every day, how would you,
Spend the time, are your priorities in order, what are,
You neglecting, inside your mind.
Do you think, why did God, give you this life, are you,
Working, to get near, are you healthy, and active,
Do you love who you are, so dear.
Who do you look up to, as a hero, why,
Are you considered a hero, to others,
Do you help, or even try.
Do you waste a lot of your time, worrying,
About things, you cannot change, control,
Or understand, what, is the best part of you,
No one ever talks about, or seems to notice,
How do you share it, what, is your plan.

Give it a thought?
This is our only turn, in this life,
We cannot renew, our reservations’,
Live, Learn, Leave, good memories…


The Original: Tom Maxwell© 11/08/2021AD 1:00am
For the past few decades, life on this, planet,
Has slowly turned upside down,
How many more years will there be,
Knowledgeable humans, standing on the ground.
People use to be known for their good qualities,
Honesty, talents, and other personal ways,
Now almost everyone you meet, asks what you do,
How much money do you make, not much interest,
In the person that is you in any way. The internet,
Has almost eliminated, children’s outside  games,
While making their manners, and actions, rude to insane.
No one seems to have patience, they want it now or yesterday,
Most stories, in the media or you, hear on the streets, are,
Negative, it’s almost sad to say, if you are happy, Smile,
All of the time, others think you’re up to something,
In some suspicious way.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/6/2022 AD
5:01 am
You had a dream,
Then set your goals,
Invested your time,
Now living, the roll.

Years have passed,
Your ideas changed,
Also, physically too,
\How to rearrange.

Risk what you can,
Keep security inside,
Head either direction,
Our bodies, waiting to die.

This one journey, so short,
Of our future, and past,
Enjoy adventure now,
Any moment, your last.    
Tom Maxwell ©
life changes accepting
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                         ­                                                                 ­                                  
                              ­                                                         Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                               5/13/2021 AD
                                                              ­                             7:30am
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                              5/13/2021 AD
Sitting at my desk, staring out the window,
Looking through the woods of leafless trees,
As the seasons change, there is always,
A new picture to, admire and see.
The green summer colors, have changed,
To the fall & winters, dormant brown,
The fallen seeds, waiting to germinate,
When the warm spring air, wakes them up,
They rise and grow, never making a sound.
The birds fly south, so patient, in a V,
They each wait their turn, flying in front as the lead.
As the squirrel’s, bury their nuts, to supply their winter feed.
Today’s, temperature is hovering around forty degrees.
About time to lay down my pencil, go outside, blow some leaves.
Humans are a part of nature,
Not as hard as the wood, of an old oak tree,
Mother nature, is a best friend, for without, we would not be,
Everyday, take time, visit outside nature, Thank God,
For the beautiful planet, he created for our soul to visit, and see.
One of many stops along our way, leave your toys inside,
Get your hands *****, listen to the peace, of nature’s sound,
Healthier than you realize, those items you cherish,
You constantly carry around, have many more germs,
Than in the dirt, that makes up the ground.
                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2023 AD
I stare at the white ice crystals,
As they fall, so peacefully to the ground,
They travel so far, floating free,
When they land, never making a sound.

Like an artist painting a picture,
They are slowly turning everything, the color white,
They can shut down airports, and roadways,
With little effort or might.

The peaceful atmosphere they create,
Seems to catch and hypnotize, every eye around,
Bringing back memories to the older people,
As the children, run up the hill to slide back down.

The air temperature controls their destiny,
How long they will be in our town,
As the warmer rays of the sun, come our way,
They slowly melt, into the thawing ground.  

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/29/2022 AD
7:45 am
A big part of who we are,
A major ingredient of our life,
Without, ideas, we would always be the same,
Something needs to be adjusted, in our life
Only ideas, with plans, and the right resources,
Can create, positive change, we never know,
The value of our ideas, until we release them,
Take action, play with them, like a game,
As we examine a situation, with an
Attitude, to rearrange.

                                                               The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               10/21/2021 AD 4:20 am
I had an idea, wrote about it..
It’s two A.M. in the morning,
As I walk out the back screen door,
A beautiful light covering, of snow, on the ground,
As I stand on the sidewalk, in the chilled air,
Looking at the reflections, of lights,
The sun will rise in A few more hours,
The snow will slowly, melt away,
For me in this life, I lost another day.

                                                       Tom Maxwell ©   3/8/2019 2:00 A.M.
I received the word, just the other day, my neighbor,
A very good friend, for many, many years, passed away.
Instantly, I had a hollow feeling inside, as I reached,
For a tissue, to wipe a few tears from my eyes.
I’ve been in the same situation, many times, the sadness,
Will slowly, fade, to memories of a great man, in my mind.
Each of us have a limited, life this time, a mixture,
Of years, and days, it’s a part of the original plan,
As our soul must travel and experience, many situations,
Seeking perfection, before the final judgement day.
Elmer ( Ray ) Schooley, easy on the Elmer, as Ray would say,
A dedicated family man, A husband, father, and grandpa,
Family was first to him in every way, an honest, true country man.
Many hours raising chickens, and rabbits, always making sure,
His family had food, to cook, in the frying pan. I’ve seen him,
  Pick, flowers from their yard, just to see the smile, on Pam’s face,
When he placed them, in her hands.
Time will move on, the inner pain will slowly fade, then our,
Precious memories, of Ray, will be treasured, and bring a smile,
To our face, as the sun does, after a rainy day. One memory,
I will always remember, of Ray, his rooster would sneak out of,
It’s pen, he would chase it around their yard, with a fishing net,
Before, it ran away. Rest In Peace Ray!
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 04/20/2024 A.D. Ordained Minister ULM
My life this time, is still moving,
For now, everything is up to me,
The directions, I decide to travel,
No certain place, where I have to be.
In my sixth decade, all alone,
My siblings, parents, the lady, I married,
Now all resting in cemeteries,
Never fathering any children,
No one to plan, make memories with,
Or hold my hand, happy or sad,
It’s up to me.
Surviving ok, many of my past journeys,
Led me to A brighter light,
When your always alone, you always feel,
You have one foot, in the darkness, of night.

Tom Maxwell ©7/24/2021 AD 1:50pm
Is it a forever master plan,
Between every country, on planet earth,
As we circle around the sun every day,
The hate and evil patterns, wars, it seems,
No leaders want to work towards peace, in any way.
Are the majority, of the people, just pawns, in a game,
The Leaders play, they get their country in a war,
Pick and choose citizens, saying they are serving the country,
In reality, many will die, and others will never see life the same.
The media repeats the worst of the worst, children,
Learn how to hate, fight, and ****, from television, and video games.
Something is wrong, we hear of all the deaths, from covid 19,
Now Russia, attacking Ukraine, a physical war, no mention,
Praying to God could be a sign, that the end is not that far.

The Original: Tom Maxwell© 4/4/2022 AD
As I stare through the glass,
I can see raindrops hanging on
Then falling one by one, from the rail of the deck
On this damp day, outside,
Raising my head, looking over, the red-painted wood,
My mind starts to journey, over the creek in the valley,
Up to the row of trees, on the other side.
Brown is the dominant color, of the leafless trees,
A cold morning, a light breeze, moving branches of those trees,
As I stare are they sending a message to me?
The sky a grayish-white is there more to this, than raindrops,
Falling between the sun and planet earth, as we are taught to believe?
There is so much around us we never hear about in our time,
Many things we are taught, we will never understand, or see,
A list of questions, we each will carry till the end in our mind.

The original: Tom Maxwell ©1/10/2022 AD
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