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zz Jul 2020
All I have
is the air
in my lungs
as I gasp

But if you need
You have it
just reach
your hand

without you
I will not
zz Jan 2019
You are my punishment
for wanting more
that I could get
I tried and failed

But at least
I proved
that I am not
zz Nov 2020
Every piece of you
slipped through
my fingers

In these days
I am just the waste of space
In the universe
zz Mar 2019
You carved your lips
Into my skin
Leaving the marks
I treasure
I worship
The most precious gift
I'll ever receive
zz Jul 2019
It´s hard to say sorry
to the rainbow eyes
that meant a whole world
to me once

and still does

sorry for my mistakes
for misunderstandings

it´s hard to say sorry
to these beautiful eyes
when I am supposed to say

good bye
I know you don´t care anymore
zz Nov 2019
You shut the door
And left me in the dark
Like little baby doll
With broken legs and arm

Kept in the secret box
Close to your heart
For other game
Or to repair?
zz Dec 2019
My love for you
make me a poet
for your eyes only

to stroll
through the lines
to reach out
and caress my heart
Thank for the kindness of the one and only person
zz Feb 2019
You entered my soul
and pierced my heart
making me beg for your love
for ages now
desperate I must seem
hopeless my friends say
but I know no ther way
than loving you
zz Apr 2020
Before I become
Somebody else' s

I' ll write
the new story
For myself
zz May 2019
You broke my heart gently
wiping my tears away

You broke my heart tenderly
caressing my soul for a second

I fell for the best person
in the worst time
feeling lonely missing you
zz Feb 2019
The night I left
I removed my heart
and put it in your chest

Now I wonder sometimes
if you can still feel my love
flooding in your veins
zz Feb 2020
There it was
the lonely wooden heart
the last one
in the souvenir shop

With huge wound
right in the middle
Nobody wanted to buy
the broken heart

I have it
put it on my sleeve
it suits me well
I think
zz Feb 2019
I have a secret life
very well hidden
from anyone´s eyes
in the glass coffin
I am lying
for you
to  never come
zz Feb 2019
I hit the bottom
sank even lower
when I met a person
who lives my dream life
the life I  wanted
to create for myself
and have no strenght left
to fight for anymore
zz Sep 2021
Why did I allow you
to crush me over
and over again

When will I
learn to stand
for myself
zz Sep 2019
You shut the door
reach the fingertips
taking all
as you always do

Here I stand
as I always do

and always will
zz Feb 2019
I took my love for you
my broken heart,  my fears
and buried them so deep
that now I wonder
if I ever get the wings
zz Jul 2019
I disappear in my life
never seen
never heard

trying so hard
to find  a map
to set the path

the only thing
I always find
is  you
zz May 2019
Whenever  the world hits me
pushes me to the ground

I escaped to my fantasy land
the promised land

where  I am worthy
of your love
zz Jun 2019
You are the man
of my dreams

very well hidden
behind my eyelids

You are the man
of my dreams

who sleeps
next to someone else
zz Jul 2020
Under the facemask
I hid my life
my sorrow,
my pain

my love
for you
I save
for another time

But for this
I let my tears
to fall
zz Jan 2020
Loving you
From the distance
Is my only
zz Sep 2019
I live in the prison of my fears
waiting for you to release
when  you arrive
there´ll be nothing of me
to give
zz Nov 2019
The little tear
Crossing my face
Unwelcomed Intruder
That faded Away

Was that something
You say
The look of you
Your smell?

Close enough
To reach, touch
Still far away

But you cannot
Caress the cigarette
Getting burned
zz Feb 2019
I bought you a present
and  hid it  in my palm
I clutched it till I  bled
waiting for   you to come
I brought you the gift
you will never receive
zz Feb 2020
I never regret
Choosing you
To make
My heart
zz Apr 2021
You paint
my soul
all the colours
of the rainbow
zz Jan 2020
I built a home
of our kiss

home where
you can rest

by my lips
zz Apr 2021
You were teaching me
for years
how worthless
I were

Now I walk around the world
my own lessons
of love
and forgiveness
zz Feb 2019
I offered my heart
Little by little
Piece by piece
You took it all
After you left
And now I must live heartless
zz Jul 2019
You reached for the stars
and put them in my eyes

I keep them locked
behind my eyelids


that you´ll change
your mind
zz Feb 2019
I´ ve lost the count
of sleepless nights
when dark window
mirrors my face
I no longer recognize
without you
I am nothing
zz Mar 2020
When the distance matters
The air might be the enemy
The neighbour a threat

My heart beats
between the four walls

I reached for
the verses of you
my only Company
zz Jul 2019
You told me
I am the butterfly

Then you ripped off
My wings

Will I ever
Fly again?
zz Sep 2019
Setting  you free
letting you go
sentenced me
to life
zz Jun 2019
On my way
to you
I lost
in my own life
zz Aug 2019
On the cliff
she´s standing


for the one
who never arrives



for love
that never
zz Jan 2019
Today you taught me a new word
tomorrow I will learn another one
zz Jun 2019
Each time  
I reach
for you

I find
an empty
zz Feb 2019
Loving you is the purest act
I' ve done in my life

Even if you don't care
I won't change a thing
zz Jul 2020
Where did you go,
my love?
Where have I lost you
on my way?

I no longer know
where your mind
is wandering,
Few inches, galaxies away

Where do you
rest your head?
When our world
fells apart

Will you come back?
Will you reach out?
Tommorow, now or
hardly ever
zz Aug 2019
Put  your hands
on my body
before dawn

I know it will hurt
make me scar

but my heart
only beats
under your
zz Mar 2019
You broke me
beyond repair
I am not a woman
just the collection
of shattered pieces
that no longer
fit together
zz Feb 2019
When the darkness swallows me
in my dreams you come
to cover  my body
to wrap  my heart
into your warmth
untill the dawn
when I wake up
zz Dec 2019
I want to paint you
with my lips

Mark your skin
with my colourful love

To make you
A masterpiece
zz Mar 2019
If they asked me
where is  my home
I said at your
your heart
zz Feb 2019
I didn´t know
that I could
love like this
before I met you

I didn´t know
that I could
hurt like this
after you left
zz Nov 2019
In the darkest hour
Just before the dawn
My mind goes wild
Flies far away
Above the sky

Where my fingertips tickle
The little hairs on your neck
Where your smiling eyes
Read me between the lines

In that special place
Over the clouds
You wait for me

I believe

The same way I wait here
For you
To arrive
zz Aug 2019
The night you left
my heart broke
into million pieces

spread underneath your soles
to make you stop
just for the moment

for the split second
so I could caress your face
for the very last time
zz Jul 2019
The night you left
I burned to ashes

I am on the run
from my broken heart

Healing my burns
Collecting my wounds

Until the day
You set me on fire again
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