I was happy when I was told that I would have another bedroom
One more room, more toys, more chances to make noise
More everything, more fun
But all of a sudden I lost my joy
These parents of mine, decided it was time
Time for what? Time to call it a quite
Mom cant stop crying
Dad knows he crossed the line
He has been lying, she has been lying
They both have been lying about the love the they claim to have
In my young world, I blame myself like I was the one who caused the separation
I cry in desperation for this not to happen
I know that for the rest of my life I will feel unwanted, forgotten and worthless
Treated like property, shared on weekdays and weekends
Shipped like merchandise
I sleep in two beds
Now I realize that more is bad, more leaves me sad
More hurts my mom and dad
More destroyed our house
On holidays we argue, aren't those supposed to be happy days
Now Christmas is considered fight night
Since my parents have been divorced
I have felt like I have been cursed
When they separated they did it out of spite and hate
Now to court I go, so they can debate custody
One argues that the other is unfit to take care of me
Now I feel like I have made them enemies
As they treat me like property
I feel like I am not loved properly